PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, AUGUST 7, 1931 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Official Publication of the Summer Session pupw HE DEN I I |T f m f5 I9 |A E EPnePnwwd Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and the Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not oherwse credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, $1.50, During regular school year, by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1936-37' REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. ""College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AE. NEW YORK. N.Y. CHICAGO - BOSTON- SAN FRANCISCO Los ANGELES - PORTLAND - SEATTLE EDITORIAL STAFF MANAGNG EDITOR..........RICHARD G. HERSHEY CITY EDITOR..................JOSEPH S. MATTES Assoiate Editors: Clinton B. Conger, Horace W. Gl- more, Charlotte D. Rueger. Assistant Editors: James A. Boozer, Robert Fithenry, Joseph Gies, Clayton Hepler. BUSINESS STAFF BUSINESS MANAGER ..................JOHN R. PARK ASSISTANT BUS. MOR. ......NORMAN B. STEINBERG PUBLICATIONS MANAGER ...........ROBERT LODGE CIRCULATION MANAGER .........J. CAMERON HALL OFFICE MANAGER ...................RUTH MENEFEE Women's Business Managers ..Alice Bassett, Jean Drake NIGHT EDITOR: HORACE W. GILMORE Franco's Latest A RECENT NEWSPAPER interview by Gen. Franco indicates a re- turn of the Spanish Bourbon monarchy in the event of a rebel victory, in the person of the youthful Prince Juan, third son of Alfonso XIII. Previously Gen. Franco's announced intention was to establish a dictatorship in the form of ,a military rule over a corporate state modelled after Fascist Italy, but with no place provided for a King Victor Emmanuel. The new project, then, appears to be a further emulation of the Italian example, particularly in view of the significant passing over of the legitimate ruler, Alfonso, in favor of a younger and probably less assertive one. On the surface, the chief purpose of the move seems to be the amelioration of a faction of the rebel support which has turned increasingly cool in recent months. According to the Infanta E- lalie, Alfonso and his household advanced the rebel cause $10,000,000 at the beginning of the revolt, which was expected to last from two weeks to a month. Naturally, as the autumn, winter and spring went by with the Insurgent army still immobilized in the mountains west of Madrid's gates, the House of Bourbon, chafing in its Austrian exile, more and more lost interest in an unsuccessful cause, especially in view of the continued silence of the rebel military com- mand on the question of restoration. And as the royal family grew sick of the war, desertions and mutinies among the battle-weary monarchist troops became rife. To staunch the disaffection in his army, which has stemmed from a variety of causes besides the monarchist discontent, has assumed paramount proportions in Franco's struggle, and the candidature of Prince Juan appears to be a step toward partial solution of the problem. Possibly the rebel leader also hopes for fresh subsidies from the royal family, al- though the reported state of the royal exchequer tends soon to invalidate such an anticipation. But a close examination of the language of the interview in which the restoration plans were made public discloses another motive, one of tremendous significance. The monarchist return, Franco states, would have to be under conditions that would ensure the coming of the king "as a peacemaker, and not in the ranks of the con- querors." In other words, the heir of the Span- ish Bourbons, with whom oppression and tyranny are more familiarly associated than with any other line of Europe's decadent royalty, is to perform the task of binding up the nation's wounds and reconciling the peasants and miners defending the Republic with their Fascist broth- ers who are attacking it. His office will doubt- less be simplified by the reiterated orders of the day and press releases of the rebel army in- sisting upon absolute victory as the sine qua non of peace. Franco must think that the Spanish people will submit to a return of the Bourbons as a front for a Fascist dictatorship. Perhaps he ex- pects to create an effect abroad-it is a fairly well substantiated fac that England would not be sorry to see some sort of compromise' peace which would offer herself opportunity for exer- cising influence in mediation, and which would prevent Spain's becoming aligned too solidly with either the Fascist or democratic fronts inEurope. However it seems doubtful that foreign observers will be any more easily fooled than will the enemy at home. The announcement, whether it signifies desperation of victory or heralds a new influx of foreign allies, is probably doomed to futility, as far as gaining sentiment for the rebel cause goes. As Others See It Not Enough, Mr. Sopwith (From St. Louis Post-Dispatch) WHEN a skipper lifts his boat bodily out of the sea, rakes her fore and aft, strips off three, anyhow, more than two, tons of leaden weight, then, with a pat on the back, tosses her into the water, he has done, we should say, about as much as a seafaring mortal can do. That is what Admiral Sopwith did on his day of meditation, but it wasn't quite enough. Per- haps if "Mike" Vanderbilt, as they are now call- ing him, had been satisfied to let well enough alone, a different song would be ringing the rafters of Newport. But not by indolence and trusting to luck have the Irish licked the English at sea ever since Caesar's triremes crossed the Channel. Commodore Mike was every bit as busy as Admiral Tbm. The Ranger was scraped, scoured, polished and powdered, and away it went, like a lithe gazelle, the swiftest flash of silver that ever cut the blue. But let us not under-estimate the English. They may never be better than good seconds out in the foam-capped green and gray mists of the surly Atlantic, but they're still bearcats at cricket. Modern Frankness For Mussolini (From St. Louis Post-Dispatch) FACTS are coming to light about Italy's war with Ethiopia which show it to have been not the last resort of a nation whose patience had been sorely tried, as Rome steadfastly set forth to the world, but a war of conquest that had been deliberately plotted far in advance. The disclosures admit of no dispute, since they are made by the man actively in charge of prepa- rations, Marshal De Bono, who has written a book on the war. An introduction to the volume by Mussolini himself gives the highest possible warrant of authenticity. Harper's Magazine, in its current issue, performs a service to public en- lightenment by reprinting the parts of De Bono's book containing the pertinent facts. As far back as 1932, the Marshal says, Mus- solini foresaw the possibility of war on Ethiopia. De Bono was sent to East Africa to survey the situation. By the fall of 1933, the issue had been decided. "The Duce spoke to no one of the com- ing operations in East Africa" De Bono writes; "only he and I knew what was going to happen." By Dec. 20, 1934, a plan of military actionhad been drawn up. On Feb. 26, 1935, Mussolini wrote: "In case the Negus shall have no intention of attacking us, we ourselves must take the in- itiative." Referring to diplomatic negotiations, Il Duce wrote on May 18, 1935: "I have made it under- stood that we shall not turn back at any price ... It is absolutely indispensable not to alter the date -October-which we have fixed for the begin- ning of operations." On Oct. 3, 1935, the Italian invasion of Ethiopia began. While this plot was being hatched, Italy was constantly protesting it was the victim of aggres- sion, and avowing its intention to avert war if at all possible. Every military step was ex- plained as "self-defense." Italy's statement of its case .to the League Council was presented as "the demonstration of Italy's good will in the face of Ethiopia, to whom Italy offered in peace every possibility of evolution and co-opera- tion." Rome protested to the League at last that "the warlike and aggressive spirit of Ethi- opia had succeeded in imposing war." These diplomatic papers are an illuminating exhibi- tion of hypocrisy when read today alongside De Bono's statements. That Italy siould no longer, seek to conceal how it plotted to destroy an independent nation, whose sovereignty it had pledged to uphold, in- dicates the brazenness with which the aggres- sor nations now conduct their pillage. No docu- ments are necessary to inform the historian about what Japan is doing today in North China, but perhaps some day we shall-see an equally frank admission of how Italy and Ger- many planned to Collaborate with Gen Franco in the conquest of Spain. SRCORDS Most of you will remember Hal Kemp's ver- sion of the number, "Ten Little Bottles." Well, we have in our midst a genius, in a small way, who has made a variation on this same theme, but which we think emulates or even improves upon the one done by Mr. Kemp. The author's name is Charles Wesley Gustaffson, and he's been featured in many of the University's broad- casts this session. He has entitled his master- piece, very approximately, "The Home Life of a Fish," and this is the way it goes: "I had twelve bottles of whiskey in my cellar, and my wife told me to empty the contents of each and every one down the sink . . . 'or else.' So I said I would and pro- ceeded with the unpleasant task. I withdrew the cork from the first bottle, and poured the contents down the sink, with the exception of one glass which I drank. I extracted the cork from the second bottle, and did likewise, with the exception of one glass which I drank. I then withdrew the cork from the third bottle, and emptied the good old booze down the sink, except a glass which I drank. I pulled the cork from the fourth bottle, and poured the bottle down the glass which I drank. I pulled the bottle from the cork of the next, and drank one sink of it, and poured On The Level By CREIGHTON COLEMAN THE ABSENT-MINDED professor joke which was circulating the University of Toronto campus a short while ago goes like this. It seems that the aforementioned individual ar- rived home one evening walking. His wife real- izing that he had driven to the campus that morning asked him where he had left the car. "The car?" he said. "Did I take the car this morning? Well that explains it." "Explains what?" his wife inquired. "Explains why the man who was riding with me this morning looked so pleased when I thanked him for the ride," he answered. * * * * So as to be sure to cover the ground, we find one bright young lawyer objecting in court on the grounds- irrelevant, immaterial, incom- petent, and on all the grounds ever heard of." 2 5 Kan. 376. * * * * Blood transfusions are not as bad as they are cracked up to be. For those not familiar with the U. of M. Hospital technique, the fol- lowing is offered. A permit is first obtained from the health service simply to find if there is any reason in the prospective donor's past history which should prevent him from the giv- ing of blood. Second, one reports at the Hos- pital information desk, telling them of his ob- jective, at which time he is sent to a laboratory where about five cc.'s of blood are taken. From the specimen the laboratory then determines to which of the four main types of blood, based en- tirely on mixing properties of the blood, not the "goodness or badness" as many are lead to be- lieve, the donor's blood belongs. A part of this specimen is also used to determine any diseases of the blood, employing the famous Kahn test devised by Dr. Kahn of our hospital and used throughout the world. At the same time there is a general physical examination to determine any clinical evidence of blood. disease. If the reports on these tests are favorable you are then placed on the call list, i.e., you are to tell the information desk where you can be reached at all times so that when you are needed you may be obtained with ease. Third, upon receiving a call you then report to the doctor to whom you are sent and he again takes a little of your blood. This time you may be asked to wait right there while the cells of your blood are mixed with the serum of the patient's blood, and the cells of the patient's blood are mixed with the serum of your blood. These major and minor crosses are then watched for a while under a microscope to see if any agglutination takes place. The orig- inal separation of the cells and the serum is accomplished by the means of centrifuge. If the agglutination should take place, your blood cannot be used as it would impede circulation and cause death. The type of blood of the pa- tient and the donor should be the same as a general rule. Fourth, if no agglutination takes place then the donor is taken to a room and told to stretch out on a high cot, there being an arm board on the edge on which he places his arm, palm upward. A pneumatic tourniquet is then placed on the upper part of the arm and pumped up to a given pressure, this to aid the donor in pumping out the blood, the donor do- ing this himself by the opening and closing of his hand at slow and regular intervals. The blood is given out through a needle which has been placed in the vein. (As veins are usually on the outside of the arm, i.e., lay close to the skin). From this needle a tube leads to a meas- uring jar which also contains a little citrate to keep the blood from coagulating. On top of the jar is usually a connection to a suction pump which also aids the donor in the releasing of his blood. The actual giving of the blood takes rarely over five or six minutes, is not painful and has little more than psychological effect on the donor. It may lower the blood pressure slightly for a while but this may be compensated for by the drinking of water to quite an extent both be- fore and after the transfusion. All of us who are in normal health have red corpuscles to spare. It is a great service that is rendered by these donors and one which is a necessary activity of a great hospital or a small one. The donors are fairly well paid for their efforts and real friends may bemade over a period of years while acting as a donor at the hospital. It is also an activity which affords the layman some idea of the efficiency of the work being done by our hospitals of today. Also to enter into the activ- ities of a great institution such as ours is an eperience of no mean value. Probably the most comfortable class in the University this summer is Surveying Four. It seems that the stolid members of said class from time to time have a case of beer sent out to a cache in "their" field back of Mosher-Jordan. This being a welcome diversion at the end of the "line." But to prevent any stampeding in that direction there is no more, and there *on't be any more. (?) The query is though, do they serve pretzels with the beer and how do they keep it cool? * * * * Speaking of names here is one which ought to be good enough for anyone. Registered at the Union. Florence E. Goodenough. which were twenty-nine. To be sure I counted them again as they came by, and I had seventy-four; and as the house came by, I counted them again, and finally I had all the houses, and bottles and corks and glasses counted except one bottle Student Recital: The following students will participate in a pro- gram of' compositions by Richard Bennett, in a recital to be given Sat- urday afternoon, Aug. 7, at 4:15 p.m. in tne School of Music Auditorium: Marguerite Creighton, mezzo - so- prano; Martin Thompson, tenor; Hardin Van Deursen, baritone; Fred- eric Shaffmaster, baritone; Ralph Bell, narrator; and Richard Ben- nett, accompanist. The Comprehensive Examination in Education covering the courses prescribed for the teacher's certifi- cate will be given Saturday, Aug. 7, at 9 a.m. The Christian Students Prayer Group will meet in the Michigan! League for its weekly meeting, held at 7:30 p.m. Saturday. For room in- quire at desk. Reading Examinations in French: Candidates for the degree of Ph.D. in the departments listed below who wish to satisfy the requirements of a reading knowledge during the Sum- mer Session, are informed that an examination will be offered in Room 103, Romance Language Building, from 9 to 12, on Saturday morning, Aug. 14 (instead of Aug. 7 as pre- viously announced). It will be neces- sary to register at the office of the Department of Romance Languages (112 R.L.) at least one week in ad-- vance. Lists of books recommended by the various departments are ob- tainable at this office. It is desirable that candidates for the doctorate prepare to satisfy this requirement at the earliest possible date. A brief statement of the na- ture of the requirement, which will be found helpful, may be obtained at the office of the Department. This announcement applies only to candidates in the following depart- ments: Ancient and Modern Lan- guages and Literatures, History, Ec- onomics, Sociology, Political Science, Philosophy, Education, Speech Jour- nalism Fine Arts. Secretary in Department of Romance Languages. Pinafore Orchestra Rehearsal: Re- port for dress rehearsal at 8 p.m. Sunday. The Graduate Outing Club will meet at Lane Hall Sunday, Aug. 8, at 9:30 a.m. to go to Lake Erie. There will be swimming and baseball. Din- ner and supper are to be served. Those with cars are urged to bring them. All graduate students are cor- dially invited to attend. Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church: Services of worship for Sunday are 8 a.m., Holy Communion: 11 a.m., morning prayer and sermon by The Rev. Frederick W. Leech. Episcopal Student Fellowship meet-1 ing. There will be a meeting of1 Episcopal Summer School Students and their friends at Loch Alpine on, Sunday. Cars leave the Church at 5 p.m. Swimming and baseball. Stalker hall: 9:30 a.m. Student class led by Prof. J. S. Worley. 5-6 p.m. Social hour and tea. 6-7 pm. Wesleyan Guild meeting.{ Prof. W. D. Revelli, leader of the Michigan Band, will speak on "Mu- sic as a Service to the Community." At 7:30 p.m. the group will attend the interchurch meeting at Congrega- tional Church which will be led by Dr. Blakeman and a panel on "Ed- ucation-A Race with Catastrophe." First Methodist Church: 10:30 a.m. morning worship. Dr. C. W. Bra- shares will pretch on "To the Un- fortunate." Disciples Church, Sunday, Aug. 8, at 10:45 a.m., Dr. E. W. Blakeman will preach upon "The Need of Chris- tian Solidarity." The Religious Issues Series, Sun- day, Aug. 8, 7:30 p.m. at the First Ccngregational Church. The theme: "Education or Catastrophe," Dr. E. W. Blakeman, chairman. Speakers: DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session, Room 1213 A. H. until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. Social Education: Prof. Lowell J. Carr. International Education: Mr. Kermit Eby. Religious Education: The Rev. W. P. Lemon. First Presbyterian Church: 10:45 a.m., Summer Union Service of the Presbyterian a n d Congregational Churches to be held at the Congre- gational Church, corner of State and William Streets. Dr. W. P. Lemon, minister of the Presbyterian Church, will preach. His subject will be "Temptations to Rightdoing." 10:45 a.m., Nursery and Church School in the Church basement. 5:45 p.m., informal round table conference for students. In order that next Sunday evening may be kept free for other plans, the topic will be that which was intended for Aug. 15. Dr. Lemon will lead the discussion on "What's Coming in Re- ligion?" 7:30 p. m., Interdenominational Service at the Congregational Church. There will be a symposium on "Edu- cation-a race with Catastrophe." Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, Counsellor of Religion of the University of Mich- igan, will preside assisted by Prof. Lowell J. Carr, Mr. Kermit Eby and Dr. W. P. Lemon.. First Church of Christ, Scientist: 409 South Division St. Morning service, 11 a.m. Subject, "Spirit." Golden Text: I John 4:12, 13. Responsive Reading: Luke 4:14-22. Sunday School at 9:30 before morning service. ..Dr. Y. Z. Chang will meet his classes in Chinese Literature (Or. Lang. g187s) and Chinese Civiliza- (Continued on Page 3) L Classified r11 Place advertisements with Classified Advertising Department. Phone 2-3241. The classified columns close at five o'clock previous to day of insertion. Box numbers may be secured at no extra charge. Cash in advance only 11c per reading line for one or two insertions. 10c per reading line for three or more insertions. (on basis of five average words to line). Minimum three lines per insertion. WANTED UNIVERSITY graduate and wife (no children) are willing to take care of private or student rooming house in return for living accommoda- tions and small remuneration. Ref- erences. 648 NOTICE TYPING: Neatly and accurately done. Mrs. Howard. 613 Hill St. Phone 5244. Reasonable rates. 632. EXPERT TYPING done carefully and neatly. Miss DeWitt, 114 N. Ingalls, phone 3130. Rates reason- able. 649 LAUNDRY LAUNDRY. 2-1044. Sox darned, Careful work at lbw price. 1x LAUNDRY WANTED Priced Reasonably All Work Guaranteed STUDENT LIST Shirts.......................12c Shorts.......................4c Tops .......................... . 4c Handkerchiefs................2c Socks ......................... 3c Pajamas .......................1c CO-ED LIST Slips.........................10c. Dresses ........................25c Panties ........................ 7c Handkerchiefs ................2c Pajamas. ...............10c to 15c Hose (pr.)....................3c Silks, wools our specialty. All bundles done separately-no markings. Call for and deliver. Phone 5594. Silver Laundry. 607 E. Hoover. 3x Does a Summer Session student on the Campus become a Michigan Alumnus . " " Yes! THE ANSWER IS He is entitled to avail himself of the privileges of membership in The Alumni Association if he so desires. The initiative should compefrom him. An interested Alumnus reads THE MICHIGAN ALUMNUS $4.00 per year