The Weather Partly cloudy, warmer today; tomorrow probably local thun- derstorms. C, 4r A6F t an AW 4 g i ~E~aitF Editorials Franco's Latest Move... Official Publication Of The Summer Session VOL. XLVI. No. 35 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 7, 1937 'PRICE FIVE CENTS Fear Of War Spreading To Central China Japan, China And America Start Move Of Nationals From District Hankow Center Of Hurried Evacuation TOKYO, Aug. 6.-()-Jap- anese officials endeavored to- night to allay fear that situations might arise in the north China conflict in which the United States could be involved. Foreign Minister Kki Hirota told Parliament that the United States government was "careful- ly guarding" against reported at- tempts by Chinese officers to en- list American aviators. WASHINGTON, Aug. 6.-(P)- Secretary Hull issued an indirect warning today to any Americans who may be planning to take part in the Sino-Japanese hostilities. He said the government will endeavor to enforce an old law, against persons enlisting in this country for service with a foreign power. NANKING, Aug. 6.-(AP)-The fear and fever of war spread today to cen- tral China. Over wide areas, hundreds of miles removed from the zone of actual hos- tilities in the north, Japanese, Chin- ese and American officials acted to move their nationals from regions which may be involved in the spread- ing conflict. Hankow Center Of Evacuation Hankow, the great trade and in- dustrial center of the middle Yangtze Valley, was the scene of feverish Jap- anese civilian evacuation and prep- aration for serious trouble. The Japanese Naval Commander there declared a state of emergency existed because of the concentrations around Hankow of some 30,000 Chin- ese troops, supposedly on their way to the northern war front. Marines were landed from Japanese gunboats in the Yangtze river, sand- bag barricades hastily thrown up around the Japanese concession, and all Japanese civilians except 100 ex- service men ordered aboard river vessels or concentrated at the water- front for early withdrawal to Shang- hai.i Advise Americans To Withdraw The United States Consul-General at Hankow, according to reports reaching Nanking, advised all Amer- icans in that part of his consular dis- trict which extends above the Yellow river to withdraw southward to places of safety. This followed closely the Japanese official intimation, delivered to the senior foreign consul at Tientsin, that hostilities might spread southward to the Yellow river and advising for- eigners living in the districts involved be warned. If conflict should flare up in Han- kow, many Americans would be in- volved. About 100 were reported in Hankow and its Eister Wuhan cities of Wuchang and Hanyang, scores more in mission stations nearby and about 300, mostly of missionary fam- ilies, summering in the famous re- sort of Kikungshan, 100 miles north of Hankow in Honan Province. Last Regular Dance Held In Union Tonight The regular Saturday dance to be held from 9 p.m. to midnight tonight in the Union ballroom will be in the nature of a farewell party, according to Phyllis Miner, chairman of Sat- urday dances, for it will be the last in- formal dance of the Summer Session. Charlie Zwick's orchestra, in keep- irig with the farewell theme, will fea- ture vocal arrangements of several well-known Michigan songs, includ-& ing "When Night Falls Dear," "Friar's Song" and "'tis of Michigan I Sing." All requests will also be played. A special invitation to this dance is issued to Summer Session students who come from other schools throughout the United States. "The only dance next week is to be a formal," Miss Miner said, "and this will be your last chance to come to an informal dance in the Union. We wmn+ ntrartrivA -t nnnrm1 Former Barbour Scholarship Holders Affected By China's War Prof. Rufus Tells Of Many Former U. Of M. People In War Area The increasingly serious undeclared war between China and Japan in North China has materially affected the lives of many Chinese who, be- cause of special abilities, held Bar- bour Scholarships at Michigan in past years, it was disclosed yesterday. Dr. M. I. Ting, one of the most fa- mous of the former scholarship hold- ers, was superintendent of the Pei- yang Women's Hospital when last heard from. Friends here have as yet received no word from the woman who gained fame when she founded two schools with the money which Chinese custom demanded she use for the funeral of her father. Dr. Ting has been one of the greatest leaders in the women's health move- ment in North China and has held the position of Municipal Orphanage head at Tientsin. Others In City Other former 'Barbour Scholarship holders in the conquered city, accord-, ing to Prof. W. Carl Rufus, adminis- trator of the Barbour Scholarships, are Miss Antoinette Soo-hoo, head of the English Department of Nankai University which press reports say has been entirely destroyed; Miss Jina Pian Wang, whose husband, Philip Y. Wang, is the son of the former Bishop Wang of the Methodist Church of .China; and Mrs. Lucy Sun Tan, who has a family of five chil- dren. In 1936, Professor Rufus said, there were 41 former Michigan students who belonged to an Alumni associa- tion in Tientsin which drew its mem- bership from the city and surround- ing territory. Half of the city's six Insurgent Drive In Northeastern SpainStopped Collapses Because Poor Roads Prevented Rapid Troop Transportation commissioners had attended school in Ann Arbor-F. C. Liu, Education; Y. C. Li, Public Works; and H. C. Chang, Finance. At that time eight women who had held Barbour Scho- larships heresupported a Barboui Scholarship at Nankai University, large co-educational Christian insti- tution. Junior Holds Scholarship Last year this scholarship was held by a junior girl especially interested in chemistry, but since then condi- tions have been so unsettled that four of the eight have left the dis- trict. This group of former Barbour scholars annually presents a volume to the U. of M. library. The first sent was "Yang Kuei-fei, the Most Famous Beauty of China," by Mrs. Wu Lien-teh, a noted authoress. This year they gave "The Far West in World Politics" by G. F. Hudson. In Peiping, the major Chinese city which last fell before the advancing troops of Japan, ten former Bar- bour scholars are located. Three (Dr. T. Woo, Dr. C. Y. Yang and Dr. W. Feng) were doctors at the Peiping Union Medical College, a Rockefeller Foundation institution whose officials the Associated Press yesterday de- scribed as "almost universally (Continued on Paze 3) Agreement On Trade Made By U.S. And Russia Soviet Is Granted Most- Favored-Nation Degree For First Tune, WASHINGTON, Aug. 6.-OA')-A new trade agreement between the United States and Soviet Russia be- came effective today, pledging Rus- sia to increase its yearly purchases of American goods by at least 25 per cent. The United States in return grant- ed Russia unconditional most-fa--f vored-nation commercial treatment for the first time. The agreement went into force up- on proclamation by President Roose- velt and simultaneous approval by1 the Soviet Government. To Purchase More Goods Russia agreed to purchase at least $40,000,000 worth of American pro- ducts in the next 12 months-$10,- 000,000 more than it was obligated to buy under an agreement which ex- pired July 12. State Department officials said the pact was entered into through an ex- change of diplomatic notes on Ag. 4, with a view to "continuing favor- able commercial relations, and in- creasing trade, between the two coun- tries." Most-favored-nation treatment will give Russia advantage of all tariff concessions and all commercial priv- ileges and benefits the United States grants other countries. Not Reciprocal Trade Agreement The compact is not actually a re- ciprocal trade agreement such as those between the United States and 16 other countries, but officials said it will have virtually the same effect. They described the accord as "evi- dence of the intention of the Soviet government with respect to trade with the United States to continue to pur- sue policies and take actions in har- mony with the purpose of the (Ameri- can) Trade Agreements Act." That act authorizes the President to reduce tariffs as much as 50 per cent on certain products of foreign countries which do not discriminate against commerce of this country. Neglect Of Duty To Be Charged Against Police DETROIT, Aug. 6-(P)-The Dear- born Safety Commission voted today to cite six members of the Police De- partment with neglect of duty dur- Wagner's Bill For Housing Passes Senate Calls For Outlay Of More Than $7,000,000 For Home Building Cost Restrictions Lessen Enthusiasm WASHINGTON, Aug. 6.-(W)--The Wagner Housing Bill, calling for an outlay of more than $700,000,000 to clear slums and build low-cost homes, passed the Senate today, but in such circumstances that the enthusiasm of its backers was dampened. Senator Wagner (Dem., N.Y.) and other administration men struggled in vain to delete an amendment re- stricting the cost of the housing to' $4,000 a family unit or $1,000 a room. Amendment Reconsideration Tabled The amendment, proposed by Sen- ator Byrd (Dem., Va., was passed by a 40-39 vote several days ago, and today the Senate tabled a motion to reconsider, 44 to 39. Wagner and others argued the amendment would paralyze or kill the program. Byrd de- clared it is necessary to prevent "x- travagance" which, he said, had marked the Resettlement Adminis- tration's housing activities. Though the five-day debate on the bill had been strenuous, the vote on final passage was 64 to 16. The Senate made another impor- tant change in the measure when it voted to place the administration of the program under Secretary Ickes' Interior department, instead of an independent agency. Five Per Cent From Communities The chamber also approved an amendment by Senator Tydings ,Dem., Md.) requiring that local com- munities put up five per cent of construction costs and contribute five per cent of an annual subsidy. The original bill would have au- thorized federal loans of 100 per cent of the funds needed for housing proj- ects. An annual subsidy sufficient to maintain low rentals would have been made entirely by the Federal government. Two forms of federal aid, loans and outright subsidies, are provided in the bill, which authorizes a $700,- 000,000 bond issue in the next three years and an initial appropriation of $26,000,000. Supervision of the program by the Interior Department was approved by a 40-37 vote, on an amendment by Senator Logan (Dem., Ky.). Pro- ponents of hisamendment said there are already too many independenti bureaus in the government. Theeffort to obtain reconsidera- tion of the Byrd Amendment was hot- ly contested. Tammany Puts Out 1st Banner In Its Campaign Senator Copeland Arrives From Washington To Plan Primary Drive NEW YORK, Aug. 6.-(P)-Tam- many Hall broke out the first banner of the mayoralty campaign today as its anti-New Deal candidate Sen. Royal Copeland arrived from Wash- ington to plan his primary drive. The sign, 50 feet wide and two stories high, appeared in front of the Wigwam shortly after the Senator emerged from a conference with Hall Leader Christopher Sullivan com- menting: "Christy assured me of a united front in Tammany-we will start the campaign in earnest the middle of next week." Just what United Front Sullivan was referring to was not clear. A group of Tammany leaders was at the moment rallying with the anti-Tam- many Democratic leaders of the four other New York boroughs around the New Deal standard of Candidate Jeremiah Mahoney. Sullivan's threat that "any Tam- many district leader not behind Cope- land is out" was answered by Ma- honey, himself leader of the 15th district, with the remark that "Dis- trict leaders are not puppets." The potential rivalry between Ma- honey and Fusion Candidate Mayor Fiorello Laguardia for the labor vote Negotiations Are Planned As Murphy Intervention Stops Broach C4 Led By Sound Truck, Strikers Parade Bearing Victory Signs) 1, MADRID, Aug. 6.-(MP)-The In- surgents' Teruel drive in northeast-, ern Spain has been stopped, govern- ment commanders declared tonight, and the initiative has passed to the Government in that battle area. They said the Insurgents' recent thrust into Cuenca province, advanc- ing the southern limits of the long, narrow salient pointed at Valencia, had collapsed because poor roads pre- vented the Insurgents from bringing up reinforcements as rapidly as the Government. Begins East Of Madrid The Teruel battlefield begins roughly 100 miles east of Madrid,. and Insurgent drives there have aimed at sperating Madrid from Va- lencia and both from Barcelona, cap- ital of allied but autonomous Cata- lonia. The forces of Catalonia, long inac- tive, have entered the campaign as effective government allies. In the north, near the base of the Teruel salient, strong forces of Catalan mili- tiamen, supported by shock troops from Valencia, closed a siege line around three sides of Insurgent-held Huesca. Pressure Is Loosed Terrific pressure has been loosed on the Teruel front with two objectives -to smash a wedge through Insur- gent Generalissimo Francisco Fran- co's lines by capturing the capital of Huesca province and to force the In- surgents to shift their strength from Madrid to northeast Spain. Now, the high command here said, a new insurgent drive can be ex- pected on another front. They said Franco faces imperative need of quick, smashing action to restore In- surgent morale and prestige, official quarters here said mutiny in Insur- gent ranks, particularly in Malaga, and Granada, had become a critical problem. 40 Laborers, Followed Byi 36 Automobiles, Drawt Crowd, Stop Traffic By STAN SWINTON d Led by a sound truck with "United s Automobile Workers of America" em-a blazoned on both sides, 40 ex-strikers e of the American Broach and Machine s Company, paraded through Ann Ar- bor streets last night, bearing hand- a lettered signs that screamed such h messages as Complete Victory Is R Ours" and "Scabs Are Skunks-Keep i Our City Clean.'' Followed by 36 automobiles loaded with sympathizers, strikers' families s and those sit-downers who didn't feel t like walking, the men slowed traffic to a standstill and drew crowds tog the sidewalks.c Forming in front of the Broachp New Hebrew d Constricting 1 Development c Basic Form Of Original s Language Is Becomingd Pattern, Harris Says p Despite an initial tendency to be influenced freely by other languages, c the new Hebrew, spoken by the thou- sands of Jewish immigrants to Pales- tine, is slowly constricting its develop- ment within the basic patterns of the ancient language. This summary was pronounced last night by Dr. Zellig Harris of the University of Pennsyl- vania in the second of two Linguistic Institute lectures dealing with the re- vival of Hebrew as a spoken tongue. This is not to deny, admitted Dr. Harris, that many changes have al- ready occurred and will continue to occur. Those of one kind, however, have been completed. Such changes are the ones artificial in nature and due partly to the fact that only thei meagerest of traditions existed as to the pronunciation of the language.s The Spoken language inevitably had1 to be based upon the Hebrew of the Bible and of such modern literature as had been produced.1 The circumstances of the revival of Hebrew, the coming together in Pales-I tine of Jews from a number of dif-( ferent countries, occasioned also theI dependence upon foreign languages. The immigrants naturally carried over into Hebrew certain sounds ini their native language so that, for in- stance, many of them came to pro- nounce the Hebrew glottal stop as the1 consonant "k," simply because they had no glottal stop in their ownI (Continued on Page 4) Carr, Lemon, Eby To Speak On Education "Education or Catastrophe?" will be the theme discussed at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow at the First Congregational Church, with leaders of the discus- sions Prof. Lowell J. Carr, of the so- ciology department, the Rev. W. P. Lemon, of the Presbyterian Church, and Kermit Eby, history instructor of Ann Arbor high school. The Rev. Mr. Lemon will act as chairman of the meeting, being held under inter-denominational auspices. Dr. E. W. Blakeman, counselor in re- ligion, will act as chairman of the panel discussion. Social education needed will be the subject of Professor Carr; interna- tional education will be treated by Mr. Eby; and religious education will be outlined by Rev. Lemon. Planned for the aid of Summer Session students, the meeting is open to the public. plant at 8 p.m., it took the men three-quarters of an hour to get tarted because the sound truck from Detroit West Side Local 134 was driv- ng around town to announce the A demonstration. Happy throngs of g trikers and sympathizers milled y around in front of the factory and t agerly approached newspapermen to C ee "when the papers come out." Men r had brought their children and wives, w and when an interviewer asked them p how they felt about the settlement wrought through Governor Murphy's If ntervention, all wanted to talk. M "It's OK," Herbert Kipfmiller stat- s d and his grade school aged son, c tanding beside him, chimed in "I a hink it's OK too." w "I'm tickled to death that we have t gone as far as we have," Mrs. R. C. f Sneider said, and her husband, a v prominent .:member of the Broach m UAW workers group smiled at her and added, "Murphy gave us a square eal." v Two sisters who are members of t another local union were among those b n hand for the "victory" celebration. M 'It's swell," Violet Yanitsky said and t ister Pauline put in "We're 100 per t ent for it." c A sentiment prevalent through the rowd was echoed by Miles Alber, a d Atriker: "We want to thank Governor h Murphy-we appreciate what he's c done. He's the man for working T people." But the typical opinion came from b Dick Denny-"It's a good thing, of ourse." And then the parade started. d t House, Senate S Meet,Adjourn d In Same Day"~ p Keep Up Pretense Of Being a In Session Until Final" Legal Adjournment LANSING, Aug. 6.-WP)-The Leg- p islature met, and adjourned, today, A keeping up the pretense of being in session until next Wednesday when d legal final adjournment will occur a automatically.S There was not a quorum in either R house. The business of the special t session was ended Thursday night. a Next week only Lansing members are expected to attend the daily sessions, t to perform the routine motions neces- t sary to day to day adjournment. t Governor Murphy reiterated hisg intention of calling another extrau session in the fall or in January to n deal with labor relations, rural elec- trification, maximum hours for wom-e en and minors and the bulging bud-1 get. He was more emphatic in statingt that the Legislature must do some-t thing about finance than at any timeo since appropriation bills calling for $15,000,000 more than estimated rev-1 enues were deposited on his desk. f Murphy declared he has exhaust-i ed his veto power. He may disap-a prove outright, but in many casesc this is impractical because it would1 wipe out all funds for essential divi- sions of government. He may nott partially veto appropriations. The executive has the power to re- duce grants on a more or less blanketg basis, but he claimed even the use of s this weapon will not enable him to bring authorized expenditures with-r in $5,000,000 of revenues. "The Legislature must either pro- vide additional revenues or rearrange the budget so it will not exceed in- come," he asserted. The only measure passed by the Legislature in its "return" adjourn- ment session was a Teachers' Ten- ure Act, and it may be vetoed. Exhibit Letter Asking For Refund From Democrats WASHINGTON, Aug. 6.--GP)- Senator Vandenberg (Rep., Mich.) 1. Strike Firm Capitulates To UAW; Victory Starts Complete Local Unionization Strikers To Return To WorkMonday By CLINTON B. CONGER The International Union of United Automobile Workers of America ained its first foothold in Ann Arbor 'esterday when the management of he American Broach and Machine Company capitulated to workers' de- mands for negotiations on hours, wages, and working conditions at the lant. The agreement caling for a truce, ollowing suggestions of Gov. Frank Uurphy, was made in the form of imilar letters signed by Union and ompany officials, in which both greed that the striking employes would return to work Monday and hat negotiations would begin within ive days to "discuss hours, wages, working conditions and any other matters of mutual interest." Stipulates Any Agreement The Governor's pact made no pro- 'ision for a signed agreement be- ween the UAW and the company, ut instead stipulated that any agree- nent reached through the negotia- ions should take the form of a letter o local city officils signed by the ompany's officials. Yesterday's truce ended a four- lay strike which began with a $6- our sit-down Tuesdaymorning, and hanged to pic7Ceting of the plant 'hursday morning after an agree- nent to meet in the Governor's office rought the strikers out of the plant. The settlement, it was learned, was [rawn up by Governor Murphy at a norning conference in Lansing, with he approval of the strikers' relpre- entatives. At the close of the capital egotiations, spokesmen said the two arties were "not very far apart," and iscussion was resumed here at 4:30 .m. Shortly after the participants ad met, a stenographer was sent for, nd at 5 p.m. Francis LaPointe, com- any official, and Joe Bandrofchak, head of the local strike committee, nnounced to the picket lines that the strike is over." Drive Through Town The news came just as the strikers were waiting for workers inside the plant to leave through the gates. After brief but hearty cheering, the pickets piled into automobiles and drove honking through town to the annex of the Unitarian Church on State Street near Huron, where Victor Reuther, Detroit organizer, submitted he terms of the settlement to them and had them approved. For the UAW, according to Reu- her, the victory yesterday marked he beginning of an intensive drive o unionize all Ann Arbor workers en- gaged in making parts or machinery used in the manufacture of auto- mnobiles. The King-Seeley Corporation, larg- est factory in Ann Arbor, which has nearly 1,200 employes at normal levels, was named as the net objec- tive. King-Seeley makes guages and dash-board instruments, supplying the Ford Motor Company among other automotive firms. "Workers at King-Seeley are now laying the ground-work to win the fight in their shop as you have won in yours," Reuther told the workers at the meeting following the lifting of the picket lines. "They're still a little timid, and just starting out. Give a little push to these other boys." To Work All Night He then announced that "We're going to work all night getting out a victory pamphlet telling what we've accomplished, and tomorrow after- noon we'll distribute them from house (Continued from Page 4) Dorais Takes Lead In Coaching Poll CHICAGO, Aug. 6.-P)--Charles (Gus) Dorais, University of Detroit grid mentor, swept into a command- ing lead tonight in the poll to select coaches for the Collegiate-Green Bay Packers football battle Sept. 1 at Sol- dier Field. Dorais had 2,215,702 points to 1,- 911,730 for the second-place Lynn r r f t T ing disturbances attending a Union rhir iedattempt to distribute handbills at the gates of the Ford Mtoor Co. plant rT~'1 May 26. To Be Held TonightMa" The commission deferred hearings, however, until Sept. 13. James E. The third in the series of mixed Greene, Dearborn's corporation coun- recreational swims sponsored by the sel, said a test of the legality of a one- faculties of the department of physi- man grand jury investigation by com- cal education during the Summer mon pleas Judge Ralph W. Liddy, who Session, will be held from 7:45 to 8:45 recommended the officers be cited, n m tonigrht in the swimming nool at I would be completed by that time.