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August 06, 1937 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1937-08-06

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Of The DAY
(By The Associated Press)
Cofnclude Festival Held
At Grand Haven
GRAND HAVEN, Mich., Aug. 5.-
(P)-Coast guardsmen of the tenth
and eleventh districts concluded their
three-day festival tonight with a
colorful Venetian parade on Lake
Michigan. Exhibition drills and com-
petitions 'occupied the day's pro-
A Lake Michigan crew represent-
ing the tenth district won a beach
drill, "rescuing" a sailor with
breeches buoy three minutes and 43
seconds after the order to "out cart"
was given. A Lake Huron crew was
An eleventh district crew from
Wisconsin won the capsize race, tak-
ing two of three heats. Michigan
crews captured other events.
Deadlock Again
Imminent Over
Labor, easure
(Continued from Page 1)
a special message asking for the en-
actment of a new state budget and
finance department.Senate leaders
protested that he had promised he
would ask only consideration of labor
.relations, maximum hours for wom-
en and minors and teachers' tenure.
They claimed that when the special
session was called last week they had
expected to have submitted only two
or three proposals, but got 10.
Advised of the Senate reaction the
Governor afnounced he will not press
for the finance department. He said
he would withdraw the message from
the Senate and submit it only to the
House to complete the record. An
identical message was sent to the
Senate last Fridy, but was refused
by Speaker George A. Schroeder of
the, House on the grounds the mem-
bers would not accept additional sub-
knell Of Spoils
Sounded As Bill
Becomes Reality
Civil Service Is Approved
By Governor As Pollock
Watches Proceedings
(Continued from Page 1)
Murphy also declared that special
gratitude was due Professor Pollock
for his signal efforts in behalf of
the merit system.
Speaking on the broadcast with
Governor Murphy were Professor
Pollock, who said that the bill had
been impaired in no vital particular
by legislative amendments, and Ed-
ward Litchfield, executive director of
the Michigan Merit System Associa-
tion, who in behalf of the associa-
tion thanked those responsible for
the bill.
After the ceremonies, Kenneth C
Pennebaker, representative of the
Civil Service Assembly of the United
States and Canada, said, "Having
carefully watched the development of
recent state civil service legislation
throughout the United States, I can
state that the work of the Civil Serv-
ice Study Commission under Dr. Pol-

locfl unquestionably was undertaken
in the most scientific and thorough-
going manner which has to date evi-
denced itself in this country in con-
nection with this type of law."
Questioned in regard to the bill,
Dr. Pollock said, "The ceremonies
today mark both an end and a be-
ginning. They mark the end of the
legal existence of the spoils system.
But they mark only the beginning
of the ardous task which still lies
ahead of those who desire to bring
an actively functioning merit system
to the State of Michigan."
Other persons present at the cere-
monies today included Mrs. Paul W.
Jones, Mrs. Harry S. Applegate, Mrs.
L. DeCamp Averill, and Mr. Arno
S. Schorer, of the Michigan Merit
System Association; Harold Smith,
state budget director; Raymond W.
Starr, attorney-general; George Sch-
roeder, speake rof the House of Rep-
resentatives; Leo J. Nowicki, lieu-
tenant-governor; James Mitchell,
representing Public Administratibn
Service, of Chicago, and the Mich-
igan Municipal League; and many
state senators and representatives.
Where To Go
Theatre: Michigan: "Sing And Be
Happy," with Anthony Martin and
Leah Ray and the Jones Family in
"Big Business"; Majestic, "Wee Willie
Winkle," with Shirley Temple and
Victor McLaglen: Wuerth: "The Case

Father Awarded Custody Of Daughter \

Yankees Trim
White Sox 13-8
By 8-Run Rally
Win Boosts Leaders' Lead
To 9.5 Games As They
Sweep Chi-Sox Series

'The Big Train' Pro ves Ie Is YOung Yet

This happy reunion took .place in a Chicago courtroom after Superior
Court Judge Walter Stanton awarded John M. Hayes, wealty sports-
man of Mahwah, N. J., custody of his daughter, Patricia Ann, 28 months
old. Hayes is at liberty on $1,000 bond pending hearing on a child
stealing charge preferred by the girl's grandmother, Mrs. Charlotte
Pendergast, f San Francisco.
Farmer Scorns Scarecrow; Now
Opens Arms To Feat hered Birds

NEW YORK, Aug. 5.-(M)-Fea-
turing the continued clouting of
Iron Horse Lou Gehrig, who banged
out two homers, the Yankees wal-
loped the Chicago White Sox, 13 to 8.
today by staging an eight-run rally
in the eighth inning, thereby sweep-
ing the four-game series.
The win, which boosted the Yanks'
American Lead to nine full games
and dropped the White Sox back into
third place, was a costly one, since
Jake Powell, Yankee outfielder and
batting hero of last year's World
Series, was put in the hospital by a
pitched ball in the fourth inning.
One of Monte Stratton's fast ones
clipped him high over the left ear
and felled him. He was carried to
the clubhouse on a stretcher, and
then taken to a hospital, after a pre-
liminary examination determined he
had suffered an injury to the ear.
Stratton's arm suddenly went sore
in the fifth and he was replaced by
Clint Brown. That's when the trouble
started for the Sox.
Up to that point, they were lead-
ing 3-1. Gehrig greeted Brown with
his first homer of the game and his
24th of the year with a mate aboard
to feature a four-run rally in the
fifth. The Sox pulled up afterward
to lead '7-5 in the first half of the
eighth, but that was the end of their
The Yanks batted around in the
big eighth, scored their eight runs
on six hits, one of which was Gehrig's
25th homer with two on, and broke
up the game.
Phillies Whip Cubs
4-2 Behind Walters
CHICAGO, Aug. 5.-(A)-Backing
up Bucky Walters' four-hit pitching
with a three-run first inning flurry
off Clyde Shoun, the lowly Phila-
delphia Phillies rose up to knock off
the league-leading Cubs again today,
4 to 2. The victory, their second
straight here, gave them the series,
two games to one.
Frank Demaree's 13th homerun, his
third in as many days over Wrigley
Field's new temporary left field par-
tition, scoring Jim Collins, who had
singled ahead of him in the fourth
inning, accounted for the Cubs' only
runs off Walters. He allowed only
two other Cubs to pass first base
and only one other reached third.
Gabby Hartnett's 24-game hitting

Walter Johnson, "The ,'Big Train," entered big-league baseball at
Washington, D.C., 30 years ago this month as the fast ball sensation
of his day. Now he's a Maryland dairy farmer, and he proves to his
mirror there's no gray in his, crown.
Japan Makes Tremendous Plans
For Olympic' Games At Tokyo


Shows InseCts become one of the west's leading

Rather Than Crops Are'
Destroyed By Birds
YOUNTVILLE, Calif., Aug. 5.-(A')
-The farmer used to put up i scare-
crow to keep the birds out of his fields..
Today. he welcomes many of his;
,feathered visitors. In California he
may go so far as to make his land aj
legal game refuge, where the birds are
The changing attitude is recorded
at the state game farm here. Each
year when August Bade, superinten-
dent, is ready to release tens of thou-
sands of young game birds he hear
from farmers-not in protest but in,
approval. They want the fowl on
their own land.
"The stomachs of birds have been
analyzed time and again by college
experts and found to contain mostly
insects," Bade says. "Does that in-
dicate they're eating up the farmers'
crops? What they're doing is eating
the eaters.
"I can show you vineyards where
hundreds of dollars worth of grapes
are being saved every year just be-
cause quail make their home there.
"Some farmers object to pheasants
but I have analyzed pheasants' stom-
achs and found pheasants' food to be
98 per cent insects."
Tougher Than Chicks
The game farm here and its com-
panion plant at Pomona have hun-
dreds of pens where birds are bred
and their eggs incubated on a whole-
sale scale. The pheasant incubator
alone holds 16,000 eggs.
Game birds hatch in 23 to 28 days
and the recovery of 65 per cent in live
chicks is declared better than tht
average for domestic poultry.
The young birds-and in some cases
the eggs themselves-are distributed
to sportsmen's organizations and
maintain more than a thousand pens,
incubators or brooders throughout the
state. These bodies raise the birds,
then liberate them to stock their own.
hunting areas.
Pride of the farm at present is the
chukar partridge, imported from In-
dia in 1929 and now bidding fair to

game birds. It is a persistent breed-
er-one hen laid 136 eggs at the farmj
in a single season-and Bade con-
siders it possibly the best of table
Feathered Speedster
Another star is the Reeves pheas-
ant, which flies 80 miles an hour for
a game-bird speed record.
"The law allows farmers to band
together, and have their land de-
clared a legal game refuge," Bade
explained. "Because of the chang-
ing attitude toward birds we have
about 150 such refuges now."
But from the farmers comes a
warning that the peace treaty doesn't
apply to all the winged tribe.
"Quail and partridges don't damage
anything," concedes J. J. Deuel of the
California Farm Bureau federation,
"but pheasants are hard on some
crops, especially tomatoes and can-
"Ducks are the worst problem. The
government establishes duck refuges
and then doesn't provide any feed. ;

Millions Of Yens Being.
Spent; All Japan Is Sport
TOKYO, Aug. 5.-UP)-Eager to
match the 1932 Olympics at Los An-
geles and the 1936 Olympics at Ber-
lin, Japan is preparing to spend many
millions of yen to make the interna-
tional sports competitions in Tokyo
in 1940 the greatest success yet rec-
Having been, awarded both the
summer and winter Olympics, the
island empire, which never before was
so sport-minded, has mobilized vir-
tually all its resources to make both
meets stand out as epic events in the
annals of world athletics.
All Japan Anxious
In anticipation of the Games, all
Japan is becoming sports-conscious.
Tens of thousands of Japanese, in-
cluding adults of all classes, boys and
girls, workmen, policemen, conduc-
tors, girl factory hands, geisha girls,
cabaret dancers entertainers and even
the feminine inmates of Japan's
great gay quarters in Tokyo Kobe,
Osaka and other large cities, ate busy
studying English to enable them to
provide for the comfort and enter-
tainment of Americans.
Although the Games are three years
off, hotels, restaurants, tourist of-
fices, railroads, steamship lines, mo-
torbus services, Japanese inns, road-
houses and retail stores, are prepar-
ing to put up signs in English for

the benefit of foreign delegates. They
are also training young Japanese men
and women in the "art of politeness,"
so that visitors may be so thoroughly
served that they will leave Japan with
the best impressions of the Land of
the Rising Sun.
Committee Organized
The organizing committee has en-
gaged Kerner Kingenberger, techni-
cal adviser of the 1936 Games at Ber-
lin, to act in a similar capacity dur-
ing the 12th Olympiad.
Baseball and canoeing will be rec-
ognized as regular Olympic events for
the first time at the Tokyo meet, pro-
vided that a minimum of five nations
enlist in each event, under a ruling of
the 34th annual session of the Inter-
national Olympic Committee held in
Warsaw recently.
DETROIT, Aug. 5.-(P)-John C.
Cahalan, Jr., head of the Detroit of-
fice of the state board of tax admin-
istration, said today that Gov. Frank
Murphy had been asked to authorize
a state-wide investigation to deter-
mine whether graft exists in the col-
lection of the sales tax.

'streak was stopped by Walters.



. lot



Today and Saturday
favorite fomily
dreams of sudden
weolth ... and then
inds it in each other
..,just like the rest
:' 2 of us folks! n

There's always something new coming
out that strikes your fancy ... some-
thing to wear, something for your
home, any one of hundreds of different
things! Wise women aren't deprived




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