.. ... . ...... ....".... ..Y.
The Weather
Partly cloudy, slightly warm-
er in south today; tomorrow
probably thundershowers
L ,t
Siffr igan
Unionism ...
Official Publication Of The Summer Session
Missions Fear
Japanese Will
Destroy Work
Says Generations Of Labor
And Millions Of Dollars
Will Be Lost
U.S. Consul Moves
To Guard Citizens
NANKING, Aug. 6.- (Friday)
-An official Japanese intimation
that the undeclared Japanese-
Chinese war might be extended
as far as the Yellow River was
received here today by foreign
They also read the latest public
declaration of General Chiang
Kai-shek, military and political
head of the Chinese government,
that China will yield no more ter-
ritory to Japan "even though
that means fighting inadequate-
ly prepared and to the death."
SHANGHAI, Aug. 5.-(P-Amer-
ican missionaries tonight expressed
fears that generations of effort and
minions of dollars spent to spread the
Christian gospel might be nullified by
Japanese domination of North China.
As Japanese columns forged south-
ward through the Hopeh-Chahar
zone of undeclared war, a spreading
emergency was reflected among
American rresidents.
Mission leaders in North China said
they could see the doom of their life's
work if the Japanese gain control
because the Japanese regard mission-
aries as inimical to their own pur-
poses in continental Asia.
Safety Measures Drafted
In Shanghai, United States Consul-
General Clarence E. Gauss drafted
safety measures for the 4,000 Amer-
icans here and others scattered
throughout the surrounding prov-
A broadly-representative American
Residents Emergency Committee was
formed to ensure protection for
American nationals, arrange for their
concentration if conditions became
much worse or even evacuation.
Experts in transport, foodstuffs,
medicine and housing were named to
the committee, fulfilling a long pre-
scribed formula for Americans caught
in a Chinese crisis. Committee mem-
bers said they were developing plans
but that did not indicate that an
emergency was considered imminent.
Similar Precautions Taken
American consular officials in other
Chinese cities were taking similar
precautions. The Consulate General
here assumed charge of coordinating
the plans, establishing communica-
tions and issuing orders should a
concentration near the coast be
deemed necessary.
A survey of mission and educa-
tional enterprises in Northern Hopeh
-where the Japanese already are in
complete control-discloscld almost
universal gloom among their Amer-
ican administrators.
Missions involved include the
Methodist, Presbyterian, Seventh
Day Adventist, American Board Mis-
sion and Catholic.
Among the schools are the Peiping
Union Medical College, a Rockefeller
Foundation undertaking, Yenching
Come Dressed As
A Farmer For The
Union Barn Dance
A check for merchandise at two
clothing stores in Ann. Arbor will be
given to the couple wearing the most
original costumes at tonight's barn
dance, according to Jeanne Geyer,
chairman of Friday dances. The
dance will be held from 9 p.m. to
midnight in the Union ballroom.
Judges for the costume contest will
be Miss Ethel McCormick, social di-
rector of the League, Hope Hartwig,
Phyllis Miner, Miss Geyer, Jack
Croft, and John Smillie. Dancers
will walk past the judges in couples
immediately beforeethe intermission
and winners will be announced at
the end of intermission.
Charlie' Zwick's band will be
dressed for the occasion in blue denim
overalls, work shirts and straw hats.
They will play Virginia reels and
square dance music, featuring "The
Martins and the Coys," in a vocal ar-
rangement, "Turkey in the Straw,"
"She'll Be Comin' Round the Moun-
tain," and "I Love Mountain Music."
Barbara Nelson and Art BoettingerI
will attend the Barn Dance dressed as
backwoodsmen, Hope Hartwig and
John Smillie will be a farmer and
farmerette combination, Phyllis Mi-
ner and Jack Croft will be hillbillies
and Miggs Campbell and Charles
Curdy will wear typical campus cos-
The dance assistants chosen for
this next to the last Friday dance
are: Betty Hassel, Mary Schmidt,
Peggy Norris, Dorothy Jacobs, Mary
Jane Frank, Marian Marshall, Amelia.
Cozma, Violet Bellany, Eleanor Reed,
Mary Eliza Shannon, Cynthia Adams
and Janet Collings. All the members
of the League Council will be present.
Linguists Hear
Delattre Speak
On Late Study
Vowel Length In French Is
Dependent Upon Force
Used, Authority States
That vowel length in French is de-1
pendent chiefly upon the force used
in articulating a succeeding conson-
ant or consonant group, was the
principle enunciated yesterday noon
by Dr. Pierre Delattre of Wayne Uni-
versity in speaking at the regular
luncheon conference of the Linguistic
In detail Dr. Delattre explained the
research project upon which he has
been working for two years and which
is likely to occupy him many more.
So far he has been able to do ex-
haustive work only with two French
vowels, open and close "e." It is his
intention to study also the remain-
ing vowels in the same way, that is,
in a situation from which emotional
and psychological factors have been
well nigh eliminated; and then to
study them again in an emotional
setting in order to determine what
differences may exist.
Used Sentence Contexts
His experimental work thus far has
involved a determination of the
length of vowels in sentence contexts,
but not in actual colloquial speech.
Dr. Delattre defended the study of
sounds in contert by the argument
that artificial nonsense syllables are
too far removed from any real sit-
uation to provide significant data.
Already, said Dr. Delattre, it seems
clear that if the vowel, particularly
the French open or close "e," is fol-
lowed by a consonant requiring con-
siderable force, then the vowel is de-
terminably shorter. A fairly accu-
rate mathematical proportion ob-
tains, it appears, in the ratio between
force and duration.
Deny Differences In Languages
Thus the strong voiceless stop con-
sonants, "p," "t," and "k," reduce the
duration of the preceding vowel to
about fifteen hundredths of a sec-
ond. Gradually the duration in-
creases before a following "f," "1,"
"n," "m," s," sh,"d," g," b,"
"ny" (palatalized "n"), and "j," in
that order. Finally comes the group
"v," "zh," "z," and "r," before which
the vowel has a duration of about
four-tenths of a second, if not longer.
The vowel of "faire," he said, is, for
instance, six times longer than that
of the French "sector."
Though Dr. Delattre suggested that
there may be a difference between
French, which is spoken with con-
siderable tenseness, and English,
which is spoken with more generally
lx musculature, this suggestion was
denied in the group discussion which
followed his speech. Dr. Bernard
Propose Eight
Ways To Stop
Tax Evasions
Committee States Need Of
Overhauling To Insure
Fair Burden Of Levies
Give No Estimates
Of Added Revenue
WASHINGTON, Aug. 5.- () --
Congressional tax experts proposed
eight board methods today for tight-
ening the revenue laws and prevent-
ing "tax avoidance."
In a report to the Senate and
House, the joint committee on tax
evasion and avoidance said the over-
hauling is necessary "to protect the
revenue, and in order that all may;
bear their fair share of the tax bur-
Committeemen made no estimates'
of the additional revenue the changes
would produce.
Suggest Complete Dissolution '
They suggested that prompt disso-
lution of foreign personal holding'
companies be encouraged and that
an entirely new system of corporate'
taxation be devised for those remain-
ing in operation.
The second broad change they
urged included far-reaching altera-
tions in allowable deductions and
even more drastic increases in sur-
taxes for domestic personal holding
And they recommended that Con-
gress take definite action against in-
corporated yachts and hobbies, in-'1
corporated personal talents, "arti-
ficial" deductions for losses, similar
deductions for interest and businesst
expense, multiple trusts, and non-1
resident aliens who are paying low
taxes on American income.1
Limit Subject Of Studyt
Promising to give attention later
to such subjects as community prop-l
erty, percentage depletion and pen-
sion trusts, the committee said lackt
of time"compelled it to"confine its.
proposals to those items which "may
be directly classified under the head
of evasion or avoidance."
Existing law, it added, apparently.
is adequate to take care of tax-sav-
ing devices based on single premium
life insurance policies issued by
"fake" foreign insurance companies.
The intricate remedial proposals
still must be worked into the lan-
guage of legislation. The House Ways
and Means Committee will begin
hearings on them Monday.3
Ruf us Lectures
On Civilization
Begin Prosecution
Of League Heads
BOSTON, Aug. 5.-(P)-Striking
what police said they hoped would be
What America Keeps
a death blow to the Massachusetts
In d K r0 eaBirth ControlLeague, authorities pre-
pared tonight for prosecution of its
president and an associate.
First Known Practice Of Mrs. Leslie D. Hawridge, Boston
society woman and president of the
Astronomy Was Carried league, and Miss Caroline Davis, ar-
On There, He States rested on warrants charging them
with "illegally advertising contracep-
tives," pleaded innocent in district
Ceed court today. They were released in
In P nn ul-od their own recognizance for a hearing
Aug. 26.
They demanded of the court, and
Strikers Stay
For Picketing,
Word Awaited
From Lansing
UAW-American Broach
Talk Terms With Gov.
Prof. W. Karl Rufus, in yesterday's
Summer Session lecture on Korean
Astronomy and Civilization, stated
that the first known practice of
astronomy was that as carried on in
ancient Korea.
Very little is known of what went
on in Korea, a small peninsula which
is surrounded by Manchuokuo, Asia
and China, Professor Rufus said.
The oldest of astrological symbols
and a part of the oldest astrological
set were found in Korea and astrol-
ogy on the peninsula was used, he
explained, to give advice to the em-
peror, and to aid in solving the
simple problems of the people of the
At Silla, the first eclipse ever rec-;
orded was seen in the year 54 B.C.,
and the observatory at this place, the
oldest known to man, was built in
607 A.D., Professor Rufus continued.
Korea holds the record in unbroken
meteorological recordings with its
400 years of uninterrupted survey-
ings, according to the statement of
Prof. Rufus.
In this 4000 year-old state were
found the oldest pictures of the East.'
They were discovered on the walls of
tombs and caves situated about the
peninsula, Professor Rufus added.
Some of the favorite designs were
those depicting the four quadrants of
the astrological system i which were
represented by figures of animals.
Korea, according to Prof. Rufus,
had a very highly developed civiliza-
tion long before China and other an-
cient empires. In 414 A.D. the em-
peror of Japan requested that physi-
cians be sent from Korea, and later
two pharmacists were sent to Japan,
long before the first book on this
subject had been written in China.
Budge Returns
Wilth Davis Cup;
Given Ovation
NEW YORK, Aug. 5.-OP)-A 10-
year old nightmare turned into a
ct~rn+ rrr~a + nm +iln nrlQ11 n "n
were successful in having stricken
from the complaint, one portion
which charged they furnished infor-
mation about abortions.
Knell Of Spoils
Sounded As Bill
Becomes Reality 1
Civil Service Is Approved
By Governor As Pollock
Watches Proceedings
LANSING, Aug. 5.-(Special to
The Daily)-A body blow was dealt
the corrupt and creaking spoils sys-
tem here today when Governor Mur-
phy, ancient quill pen in hand, signed
Senate Enrolled Act No. 141-the ad-
ministration Civil Service bill, which,
after dividing the legislature into two
white-hot camps, was finally passed
by a narrow vote last Saturday morn-
At Governor Murphy's elbow when
he signed .the bill was Prof. James
K. Pollock, of the University of
Michigan. Prof. Pollock was chair-
man of the Civil Service Study Com-
mission, which, after extended inves-
tigation and public hearings through-
out the state, last fall prepared the
original draft of the bill.
As soon as Governor Murphy had
affixed his signature to the bill,
transforming it into law, he pre-
sented the quill pen to Professor Pol-
lock, expressing the belief that the
enactment of the law sounded the
death knell of outmoded "quill-pen
;overnment" in the State of Mich-
The ceremonies attending the sign-
ing of the act, which took place be-I
tween 11:30 and 11;45 this morning,
were broadcast throughout the state
by Station WWJ, of Detroit.
Governor Murphy, in a short radio
address, declared that the enact-
ment of the bill marked a major ad-I
vance in Michigan government. He
said the state owed gratitude not only
to the present administration but
also to ex-Governor Fitzgerald, who
set in motion the machinery which
produced the original bill Governor
(Continued on Pae 3
Retail Prices
Increased O n
All G.MX Cars
DETROIT, Aug. 5.-()-Plans for
stepping up the retail prices of all
General Motors Automobiles were an-
nounced today.
Following closely upon the price
increase announced by the Ford
Motor Company and the statement
of General Motors' chairman, Alfred
P. Sloan, Jr., that price boosts were
inevitable, Cadillac, La Salle, Olds-
mobile, Pontiac, Chevrolet and Buick
divisions of the corporation disclosed
that the retail listings are to be in-
Effective August 9, Oldsmobile
prices are tobe increased $45. After
August 14, Cadillac units will be
raised $100 and La Salle $60. Buick
will raise retail prices about three or
four per cent (from $30 to approxi-
mately $60) on August 9. Pontiac
and Chevrolet have not yet deter-
mined the dates for their advances.
Plymouth Plant
Leaves 21,000
Idle After Riot
DETROIT, Aug..5.-(AP)-The shut-
down at the Plymouth Motor Corp.'s
Lynch Road plant, precipitated Wed-
nesday by rioting in the plant among
sweet dream u come true today as Dilon
Budge and his mates returned from
Truck Strike Ends; England with the will o' the wisp Da-
1.vis Cup, a 12-quart bowl that denotes
HaulingRied international team tennis supremacy.
As whistles tooted, bands played,
PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 5.--IP)- flags waved and thousands cheered,
Trucking in the city tonight con- the players and cup were hoisted onto
tinued at above normal volume as a big car for a parade through the
hauling firms moved large stocks city's streets.
of merchandise and produce tied up Bryan "Bitsy" Grant, Frank Parker,
since Monday by a widespread strike Gene Mako, and Wayne Sabin com-
of drivers and helpers. pleted the ranks of the returning
Only the strike against haulers heroes but Budge, a bit bashful and
under contract to the Great Atlantic I flustered by it all, was the hero of
America's Vanderbilt and Eng-h
land's Sopwith raced again for thet
America's Cup, yachting's prizedp
trophy which dates back to 1851.
By its fourth victory yesterday, the
Ranger ensured that the cup would
still remain in America's posses-y
* *
Ranger Defeats I
Endeavour II;-
'Old Mug' Safe P
Vanderbilt Makes Sweepp
Of Four Races To Match
Feat Against Lipton a
NEWPORT, R.I., Aug. 5. -(AP)--
Gaining her lead on a record 10-milea
leg and holding it safe over the rest
of the 30-mile triangular course,n
Harold S. Vanderbilt's sleek snub-o
nosed Ranger today led T.O.M. Sop-r
with's Endeavour, II, the BritichE
challenger, across the finish line bys
approximately half a mile to score herr
fourth and deciding victory in de-
fense of the America's cup.9
In turning back Sopwith's secondJ
bid for the "old mug" and clinchingt
his third successful defense of the
cup in succession, the 54-year-olds
American skipper made his sweep of x
four straight races something to re-
member him by.
Vanderbilt not only duplicated his
feat of taking four in a row from SirJ
Thomas Lipton's last Shamrock in
1930, when Enterprise was the de-
fending sloop, but concluded the cur-
rent series with a record of eight
successive victories over a Sopwith
challenger. Rainbow, the 1934 de-
fender, took the last four from En-
deavour I after losing the first two
Vanderbilt now has captured 12 out
of 14 cup races. Only one other man
in cup history, Charley Barr, defend-
ed successfully three times in a row.
Barr, a professional, turned the tricki
with Columbia in 1899 and 1901 andr
Reliance in 1903. As an' amateur,
skipper, Vanderbilt is in a class by
himself and undisputed master of the;
sailing seas.
Crisis Is Faced
By Santander
In Spanish War
Evacuation Of Civilians Is
Considered As Wounded,
RefugeesCrowd City
HENDAYE, Franco-Spanish Fron-
tier, Aug. 5.-(P)--Reports came to-
day from both sides in the Spanish
civil war that Santander. last im-
portant Government-held city on the
Bay of Biscay coast, faced a crisis.
Government sources said officials
of Santander were considering evac-
uation of civilians. The "City of Per-
petual Spring" was reported greatly
crowded with wounded and refugees
from the conquered Basque country.
Insurgent leaders said deserters
told them Santander suffered under
the squeezing of land and sea block-
ades. There was a movement to sur-
render, the deserters told Insurgents,
and the shortage of food approached
fa mina m tndtionv
Union Truck Driver
Fails To Pass Line
Picketing continued at the Amer-
ican Broach and Machine Company
plant this morning as strikers await-
ed word of the result of the confer-
ence to be held in Lansing at 11 a.m.
today between Governor Murphy,
Victor Reuther, UAW organizer, a
UAW legal representative, company
officials and two UAW local 503 mem-
Pickets made no attempt to stop
fourteen non-strikers who reported
for york yesterday at 1 p.m. No ma-
terial was shipped from the plant,
however, after an out-of-town Union
truck driver refused to go through
picket lines. A closed meeting was
held by strikers at 7 p.m. yesterday
at Union Hall.
Reuther wired Governor Murphy
yesterday when he found officials
were going to open the plant that
any attempt to operate the plant
would jeopardize the conference and
"delay if not destroy plans for a
peaceful settlement." Plans for the
conference were not changed by the
reopening, however.
Pickets appeared in front of the
plant at 6 a.m. and stayed all day.
They disregarded Judge George W.
Sample's injunction forbidding pick-
eting or "loitering at plant ap-
proaches." Sheriff Jacob Andres
was reported to have asked strikers
"not to cause trouble" during the
Governor Murphy praised Mayor
Sadler yesterday for bringing about
a temporary settlement, saying:
"Mayor Sadler did an excellent job in
negotiating the peaceful evacuation
of the sit-down strikers and in ar-
ranging conferences of both sides.
Employes are entirely satisfied and
settlement could not have been
reached in any other way."
A committee of eight strikers will
go to the conference with only two,
Joe Bandrofchak and Harold Kett,
taking part.
Francis J. Lapointe, Broach plant
superintendent, announced t h a t
pending the conference there would
be no "hiring or replacing" workers.
Deadlock Again
Imminent Over
Labor Measure
Senate Refuses To Pass
Administration Bill And
It Goes Into Committee
LANSING, Aug. 5.-()-The leg-
islature moved into another deadlock
over labor relations today.
The senate, by the overwhelming
vote of 18 to 9, refused to accept the
administration bill previously ap-
proved by the House. Democrats and
Republicans alike in the senior
house objected to Governor Murphy's
provision permitting picketing by any
local member of a union involved in
a labor dispute.
They insisted that picketing be
limited to employes of the affected
plant, or that the legalization of
picketing be deleted entirely.
The administration m e a s u r e,
through the Senate's action, shot in-
to conference committee. Because of
the attitude of the Senate, adminis-
tration forces were willing to accept
almost any sort of compromise. In-
dications were that if a labor mea-
sure is adopted it will be a skeleton,
merely setting up an industrial rela-
tions board.
Majorities were present in both
Houses when the legislature recon-
vened to end the special session that
has been going on without transact-
ing business since last Friday.
Last week the Senate completed its
business, adopted an adjournment
resolution, and the members went
home. The House refused to concur,
and the Attorney General ruled that
a ore-sided final adjournment of that
type was illegal.
The House today immediately
passed a resolution fixing final ad-
journment for Aug. 11, and the Sen-
University and
the Catholic Univer-I
Haber Removed
When Murphy
Signs Meas-ure
Governor Terms Ousting
Of Professor Regrettable
But ApprovesNew Bill
LANSING, Aug. 5.-(P)--Governor
Murphy signed a bill amending the
Unemployment Compensation Law.
It exempts from the provisions of
the act all employers having less
than eight employes.
The Governor objected to this sec-
tion but approved the bill because
it advances the date for the payment
of benefits from January 1, 1949, to
July 1, 1938. He declared the latter
provision is so desirable the objec-
tionable features of the bill must be
Murphysaid he viewed approval
of the Unemployment Compensation
Law as automatically removing Dr.
William Haber from the four-mem-
ber administrative board. The Act
carried a provision that no person
holding other state employment may
be a board member. Haber is a mem-
and Pacific Tea Company continued.I
It was this strike called by the Amer-
ican Federation of Labor's Teamsters'1
Union and the union's complaint that
the hauling firms were employing;
"thugs" to escort their trucks that
brought a widespread strike which
tied up a third of the city's trucks.
The strike was ended yesterday
afternoon after Mayor S. Davis Wil-
son declared a state of emergency
and forced the dismissal of the
guards. It was not until early today
that disorders were quieted.
Move For Special
Session Is Begun
movement began in Congress today
for a special session this fall to
enact general farm legislation.
Forty senators signed a petition
urging that Congress reconvene by
October 15 if the legislation is not
passed at this session.
Senator Barkley of Kentucky, the
Democratic leader, suggested Presi-
dent Roosevelt might call such a spe-
cial session if assured that the Con-
gressional agriculture committees
have a farm bill ready.
Some congressmen are seeking to
have the President renew crop loans
to check farm price declines.
PORTOLA, Calif., Aug. 5.-(P)--
j James Christoff nearly fainted when
heroes. Not only because it was he
who did more than anyone to bring
the cup home but because he reaf-
firmed his resolution to remain an
amateur for at least another year.
Ti ers
Victory Over A's
PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 5.-(Special
to The Daily)-Behind the pitching
of. Elden Auker, the Tigers took a
5-3 victory over Connie Mack's Ath-
letics here today before a Ladies Day
crowd of 10,000 in the final games of
the set.
Edgar Smith, southpaw pitching
his first year for the A's, allowed the
Tigers eight hits, while Auker let the
Mackmen take nine.
At .the end of the seventh inning,
the Tigers were at the short end of a
3-2 score, but in the eighth Hank
Greenberg stepped up and hit the
25th homer of the season. This start-
ed the Tigers and they finished the
inning after collecting three runs.
Pete Fox, Charlie Gehringer and
Rudy York made most of the Tiger's'
hits, each one collecting two.
Speaker Taken Ill
With Sore Throat
UAW and Independent Association
LANSING, Aug. 5.-(IP)-The con- of Chrysler Employe members, yes-
dition of George A. Schroeder, terday threw 10,000 workers in feed-
zPr oth rioY _.-' I er plants out of work.