WEDNESDAY, AUG. 4, 1937 - T H E MICH.I GAN D AI.LY wommom NEWS Of The DAY (By The Associated Press) Believe 13 Are Dead In Ocean Plane Crash WASHINGTON, Aug. 3.- (R) - Navy fliers found a shattered Pan- American-Grace Airways flying boat submerged in the sea off Panama today, its 13 passengers and crew members apparently dead. Among the passengers were a mo- ther and her two children, two Com-, merce Department officials from Washington, a representative of the National City Bank of New York and two employes of the Ford Motor Co. Emilie Dionne's Illness Is Light, Dr. Dafoe Says CALLANDER, Ont., Aug. 3.-(Can- adian Press) -Emilie Dionne was get- ting along nicely, Dr. Allan Roy Da-I foe reported tonight after visiting the ailing quintuplet. Emilie is suffer- ing from a respiratory infection but her illness is light, Dr. Dafoe said. Insurgents Try History of Chinese To Gain Control Culture Is Related Beyond Teruel Turks in the Crusad es cia, 1tr was . New Tan-iany Leader i k greatly superior to the celebrated HENDAYE, Franco-Spanish Fron- English long bow of Crecy and Agin- tier, Aug. 3.-( )-Insurgent troops,} court. The English bow, he pointed' driving southward through govern- out, possessed a range of about 220 ment lines on the Teruel fron1 ,'eo *r centrated today on cleaning up cap-' tured territory south of Albarracin, 35 miles west of Teruel and 118 miles east of Madrid.- While the Insurgents fought for complete control of an enormous sa- lient formed by their present offen- sive, the government claimed victor-, ies in a push toward Portalrubio, some 70 miles to the north of Teruel., Government forces announced the capture of Pancrudo and Corralnuevo, just south of Portalrubio. Pancrudo is, on the important Teruel-Portalrubio road.- Two Insurgent brigades reported; driving Government troops from their, principal mountain fortification on; the front near Bezas, 11 miles west ofI; Teruel, and cutting their main line of communications along a secondary, road in that area. Generalissimo Francisco Franco's troops were trying to severe connec- tions between inland Madrid and the Government's temporary capital, Va- lencia, on the east coast. yards, while the Chinese and Turkish bows were effective at distances three times as great. There is no proof that the Chinese used swords prior to the eleventh or twelfth century B.C., the lecturer stated. The dagger-axe was origin- ally the most popular weapon for close fighting, and was only gradual- ly replaced by the sword, the ortho- dox European infantry arm. The spear also was widely used in China. The most important beast of the time was the horse, Mr. Bishop said. The famous Mongolian wild horse is the only truly wild horse still extant, and shows characteristics' entirely different from its tame co-part. Mr. Bishop concluded his talk with a brief comment on the literature of the epoch he had discussed. The I earliest recorded Chinese literature,I he said, consists of the records found in the Oracle bones of Honan, a province of North China. The lecture, which was illustrated by slides, was sponsored by the In- stitute of Far Eastern Studies. Class To Learn Chinese Tongue During Session Kennedy's Group Spends 70 Hours A Week In Study OfLanguage (Continued from Page 1) establishes more strongly the mem- ory associations of character, sound and English meaning. Further, by eliminating temporarily the least used characters, the ,student can concen- trate on the frequently used few, and thus make more rapid progress. Again, it enables the students to get started very early in actually read- ing current Chinese literature. Al- ready the class has read 120 pages this summer. From a theoretical viewpoint the method presents additional advan- tages, Dr. Kennedy outlined. For one thing, the student is prevented from falsely equating Chinese and American "cores of meaning," which. generally are not really identical. Al- so the method, more than any other, emphasizes what most Occidentals are not aware of, that is, the polysyl- labic nature of the Chineselanguage. Most foreigners think each Chinese character a word. But the two ele- ments "bright" and "sky" combined in Chinese are actually the word "to- morrow"; and Dr. Kennedy asserted that the Chinese no more think of the word as combined of the elements than English speaking persons con- sider "tomorrow" to be composed of three independent and separate ele- ments "to" and "mor" and "row." The final argument for the method, concluded Professor Kennedy, is that it is superior in teaching a feeling for word order and sentence rhythm, and without such a feeling no un- derstanding of Chinese, a noninflect- ed language, is possible. Broach Plant Here Hit By Ann Arbor's 1st Sit-Down Strike (Continued from Page 1) who was being paid more than some of the men who had been therefor several years. Although company claims differed with the estimate, a worker informed The Daily that last year the pay scale ran between 35 and 65 cents an hour and that this year it ran from 45 to 80 cents per hour, the company claiming that the pay varies from 50 cents to $1. Strikers said that help had been promised from Flint,. Pontiac and Jackson UAW locals. Describing how the main switch, controlling the power for the entire building, was pulled, a worker said: "We choose out a man and he was to do it at 10 a.m. The superintendent was hanging around then, though, so he got cold feet. The superinten- dent turned his back and our man jumped up and pulled the switch." Union members estimated their numbers at between 85 and 90 per cent of the total workers. One said: "We were royally rooked for 10 weeks. They would not even ex- change letters." However, some of the workers did not want to strike, but were dissuaded by their fellow strikers. A few of the older men stated they wished to con- tinue work but when they saw they were in the minority guessed "it was up to the rest of the boys." Police have not been called in. Fi Prof. J. K. Pollock Releases Detailed Analysis Of State Civil Service Plan (Continued from Page 1) economical service hitherto unknown. Much Interest Expressed "Since so much interest has been expressed concerning the changes made in the original Civil Service Study Commission bill, a detailed consideration of these changes is per- tinent. "In its passage through the Senate, 31 amendments were added to the bill. Of these, only one will interfere with the proper administration of the act, namely, the provision exempting veterans from age and physical re- quirements under certain circum- stances. This is one of the worst ad- ditions to the bill and may have to be eliminated in the near future. "In the House, 77 amendments were added to the bill, 75 of which either weakened the bill or at least did not improve it. In conference commit- tee the House receded from the two worst amendments, namely, the amendment blanketing-in present employes, and the amendment which would have seriously interferred with the examination program. Had these two amendments not been stricken out on final passage, one could not have much enthusiasm for the act. "Of the House amendments which were retained in the act as final passed, 36 are of no practical im- portance and in most cases consist of verbal changes. The other 39 amendments may be summarized as follows: Personnel Agency Changed "(a) Amendments which changed the structure of the personnel agency. These amendments eliminated three very important checks against pos- sible political interference: (1) by changing the size of the commission from four to three and consequently changing its term of office from eight to six years; (2) by giving the Gov- ernor the power to appoint the first personnel director; and perhaps most important of all, (3) by eliminating the provision which required all can- didates for personnel director to be certified by an examining committee of experts. "These changes might permit pol- itics to enter into the civil service system if the Governor should ap- point commissioners and a director who were not in sympathy with civil service. However, it is important to note that in doing this any Governor would be violating other provisions of the act which require civil service commissioners to be appointed who are "Known to be in sympathy with the application of modern personnel practices in the public service" and which require the personnel director to be "a person thoroughly familiar with the principles and experienced in the methods and techniques of personnel administration on the mer- it basis. "Furthermore, the new act provides that all appointmtnts subsequent to HAMPSTEAD PLAYERS present MASTER PETER PATHELIN at the OUTDOOR AMPHITHEATRE Hampstead Lane August 5 & 6 the original appointment to the office of personnel director shall be made by the civil service commission. The Governor, by appointing to office a high class civil service commission and the most competent personnel director available, would avoid any possible danger of political contamin- ation of the new civil service system. If the Legislature or the people are afraid of possible abuse under future Governors, the law can be changed to embody all of the original pro- tective features. Difference In Methods "(b) An amendment which pro- vided for qualifying examinations for present employes in *place of open competitive examinations as recom- mended by the Civil Service Study Commission. The difference between given to present employes provided only that a competent director and commission are appointed. The Gov-! ernor has given assurance that the new system will be administered in the true spirit of civil service, a guar- antee which will preclude any "funny, business" from entering into the ex- amination process. "It should be added that Michigan will be the first state to have started its civil service system with qualifying examinations instead of blanketing- in, a fact which has been overlooked by those persons who have criticized the bill. The state will be able to start off with good employes, instead of waiting for all the incompetent ones to die off. "(c) Several amendments weak- ened the power of the personnel di- Christopher D. Sullivan (above), second assembly district leader, was named new chief of Tammany Hall, New York political organization, at a meeting of the executive commit- tee. He succeeds the late James J. Dooling. political suspicion. "OV. the other hand, employes are adequately protected against arbi- trary political removal by the pro- visions of section 17. In this connec- tion section 23 is interesting when it states: "In his official capacity, the state employe shall pursue the common good and not only be impar- tial but so act as not to endanger his impartiality nor to give occasion for distrust of his impartiality." " (f) House amendments which finally prevailed extended the list of exemptions from the classified serv- ice. Assistant attorneys-general and division heads may be politically ap- pointed under the new act. These' changes should not have been made. "In the light of this analysis, it can be seen that there are no real grounds for casting reflections on the new act. While it is true that proper ad- ministration will be necessary to make it successful, the same would be true with any act which might be passed. Consequently, no amount of criticism whether from friends or foes of civil service should detract from the act's genuine value. "An adequate system has been au-' thorized; adequate appropriations have been provided; only an adequate personnel to administer it is lacking and only the Governor can provide this. .It should be the earnest hope of every real friend of the merit system that the new act will have its incep- tion in an atmosphere of sympathetic cooperation rather than partisan hos- tility. SellingOu There is a saying that "Opportunity knocks but once." Ours has been a long drawn-out knock, at least as long as we could make it, but the time is rapidly nearing when we shall say goodbye to Ann Arbor forever. The greatest, grandest, biggest opportunity to save is knocking its last few knocks. Two-way stretch GIRDLES in pantie and straight styles. Some pantie girdles have a removable crotch. Were $1.00 and $1.59 ... One lot of broadcloth, seersucker and balbriggan PAJAMAS that sold to $2.95..ow 9 C Some seersucker lounging pajamas included in this group - i B'LUE' BOOKS MILLER DRUG STORE 727 NORTH UNIVERSITY PHONE 9797 the two methods for examining pres- rector over promotions and transfers. ent employes simply consists in this, These are not fatal but are restric- that with qualifying examinations' present employes must pass examin- ations to prove their fitness, from which examinations persons who are not employes are excluded. This is the only difference between qualify- ing and open competitive examina- tions. "A qualifying examination is a real test of merit and not a whitewash as has been publicly asserted. The new provision states that these examina- tions shall be prepared in collabora- tion with the department heads. This does not mean that department heads shall either make the exams or have the final approval over them. The examining function belongs to the civil service commission and will be delegated by it to' technically- trained examiners who as a matter of good and regular practice whether specified by the act or not will work with the department heads in de- termining the content of examina- tions. Case Given "To take a concrete case, if an examination for senior bacteriologist is to be prepared, the personnel di- rector or one of his examiners would always confer with and discuss with the Health Commissioner the scope of duties, the training necessary, and the ability required for a senior bac- teriologist. When furnished with this information, the examiner would then prepare the test and might then again talk over parts of the proposed exam with the Health Commissioner to ascertain whether the questions were practical and of such a nature as to truly test the applicant's ability. "Under no stretch of political im- agination will department heads be permitted to write or dictate the qual- ifying examinations which are to be tive. In case they prove disadvan- I tageous in practice, amendments to the law will become necessary. "(d) Amendments were made to the section on temporary and emer- gency appointments and to the sec- tion on leaves of absence neither of which is good. These matters, how-1 ever, can be worked out with proper administration. Relates To Political Activity "(e) The Senate amendment as amended by the House and passed, relating to political activity of em- ployes is not as tight as the* original proposal. But in competent hands it will provide a sufficient guarantee against politicizing the state service. Under the wide powers of dismissal granted to appointing authorities, employes will be well advised to keep out of all activities likely to bring Former Laura Belle Stock Now Located at Chubb'S 209 South State Street Un mism II- FOUNTAIN SPECIALS Fresh Orangeade ... lOc I F V Fresh Lemonade 10c Grape Fruit Drink 5c Fresh Peach TYPEWRITERS FOUNTAIN PENS Student Supplies 0. D. Morril 314 SOUTH STATE STREET SPECIA L This Week 100 ASPIRIN TABLETS 13c a bottle MILLER DRUG STORE 727 North University Phone 9797 Sundae .... Heavy Malted M ilk ...... 15c 12c 12c 12c Ilk :: h f f > f V a I Delicious Milk Shakes . . Chocolate Sodas I NEW THINGS Toasted Sandwich and Malted Milk 22c Iii !!O ii SPECIA This Wees SWI FT'S DRUG STORE L Phone 3534 Delivery Service ii 25c ZINC OXIDE OINTMENT 19C a tube MILLER DRUG STORE 727 North University Phone 9797 II Pens - Typewriters - Supplies "Writers Trade With Rider's" RIDER'S 302 S. State St. o I They're Easy- To Get When You Buy Them MICHIGAN DAILY WAY There's always something new coming out that strikes your fancy .. . some- thing to wear, something for your home, any one of hundreds of different things! Wise women aren't deprived of the things they want . . . they shop The Daily ads, where they know it's a simple matter to make their budgets meet their demands. _ ___ il i I ..___ sa , Daily 2:00 - 4:00 - 7:00 - 9:00 P.M. Matinees 25c - Evenings 35c rcrmjcHjGawJ LAST TIMES TODAY 11 1 '.I F, 11 Nowt 0 re, P, P, PW, ,, m, x ,, III 11!- , ,/ , 1 s-I-I- -ow- -"F -N t. 1I I