He weather Partly cloudy to cloudy, pos- sibly local showers today; toi morrow unsettled, showers. I C, -4 r £ k. 4 ~Iaitj Editorials Regimented Agriculture .. . I Official Publication Of The Summer Session VOL. XLVI. No. 31 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1937 PRICE FIVE CENTS mommommom Loyalists Are Pushed Back In Northeast Government Declares Its Troops Are Winning On Southern Front Dozen Insurgent Planes Destroyed Steve Mason, Popular '38 Track Captain, Is Dead Of Pneumonia s 1 HENDAYE, Franco-Spanish Fron- tier, Aug. 2.-(P)-Insurgents pressed their offensive closer to the Valencia Province border in the Northeast to- day and inflicted heavy losses on at- tacking Government troops in the South. Insurgent communiques from the Teruel front reported that Generalis- simo Francisco Franco's forces had occupied the village of Bezas, broad- ening the front of their salient aimed at severing the main Madrid-Valencia highway. Loyalists Towns Taken They were said also to have taken the towns of Sierra Carbouera, Ver- tice, Mina and Tornaque as govern- ment troops fled before a push that Eras carried the Insurgent forces 56 1niles southward through the Uni- versales and Carbonera mountains. A dispatch from insurgent head- quarters in Seville said a Government offensive in the Alcujarra and Sierra De Nevada sectors of the southern front was repulsed with heavy losses. It said the Government drive was a vain attempt to knife the Granada- Matril road and cut Insurgent-held Granada's direct communications line to the sea. Government Aviation Active Government aviation was reported particularly active in bom)barding Insurgent airports. An aviation Min- istry dispatch said 12 Insurgent planes were destroyed at Valencia De Don Juan in Leon Province. Other Insurgent air bases were bombed at Salamanca and Burgos. Insurgents asserted that Govern- ment troops lost 1,000 men when an attack on the Northwestern front failed to break Insurgent lines east of Oviedo inAsturia Province. Says Churches Regain Value By New Outlook A revival of interest in social pro- gress by the church of this genera- tion may save it from oblivion. That is the opinion of the Rev. Harold Marley, of the Unitarian Church here -whose keen 'attentiveness to vital current questions makes him an ex- ample of the new clergyman. He is a fellow who plays golf as intensively as he throws all his ener- gies into the labor movement. He might well be taken for an alert busi- ness man. He epitomizes a new spirit of- a liberal church that probably will add years to the usefulness of organ- ized religion. OneOf Island Group He was at Flint when the automo- bile sit-down strike was making labor history He visited the men barri- caded within the closed plants, he wrote articles for the union's news- papers; and he brought back sermons. He was at the Detroit strike scene of the 'Midland Steel Products Co sit-down-a then novel experiment. Like thousands of other ministers, he is interested in the masses of the people-like Homer Martin, president of the United Automobile Workers -once a Baptist minister in Kansas City, who became absorved in the struggle of the working man and who resigned from his duties to project himself soul and body into a special branch of the same firht Christianity has waged for 20 centuries against oppression. Father CharleshCoughln fiery Catholic priest of the Shrine of the Little Flower is another example of the cleric who shed the rle of a mere adviser in matters of faith to assume the robe of consultant in social and economic affairs to the nation. What- ever- reception the views of this new (Continued on Page 3 Lecture Today On Chinese Culture 'China's Place in Cultural History" will be the subject of the Summer Session lecture by Carl Whiting Bish- op, of the Freer Gallery in the Smith- sonian Institute at Washington, at 5 University Loses Great Track Star Illness Which Began Soon After Team's California Trip Proves Fatal Stevens T. Mason, captain of' Michigan's 1938 track team, diedl early yesterday at his Grosse Pointe home after a two weeks illness, which started as a sore throat and developed into pneumonia. The death of "Steve" is a blow to the many that knew him on the cam- pus, and the thousands that did not know him, but had heard of him because of his numerous track and campus activities. Holder of the Big Ten conference outdoor title in the ,220-yard low hurdles, he placed second in the 440- son, Jr., "Steve" was born Aug. 22, 1915, adirect descendant of Stevens T. Mason, Michigan's first governor, and a cousin of Katherine Hepburn, the actress. He would have been a senior next year, and was a member of Phi Kappa Psi and Michigamua. He was graduated from the Grosse Pointe high school where he was a sprint star. Shocked upon hearing of the death of the man he developed into a Big Ten track star, Coach Charles Hoyt of the track team said: "I never knew a more popular boy than Stave Mason. He was a real leader, extremely well liked by all the boys on the track team, and a hard worker. "Mason didn't have much natural Governor Murphy Knocks Sit-Downs PITTSBURGH,; Aug. 2.-(P)-Gov Frank Murphy of Michigan said to- day that he thought the sit-down strike washunnecessary. Michigan's Democratic chief exec- utive spoke to news reporters at County Airport where he stopped for 10 minutes on his way home from Washington. He was a week-end cruise guest of the President. Murphy declared he thought the sit-down strike "is not right in a democratic form of government and it is not necessary." Asked whether the New Deal suf- fered a set-back in the recent fight over the court reorganization plan, he said: "You can hve no set-back in a government when you have a Presi- dent who is upright." Ranger Hands Endeavour 2nd Straight Defeat American Rival Wins By 18-Minute Margin Over Sopwith'sSloop NEW PORT, R.I., Aug. 2.-/P)- Ranger, Harold S. Vanderbilt's "Gal- loping Ghost" of the sailing seas, handed T.O.M. Sopwith's Endeavour II a record-smashing drubbing today of such proportions that the British challenger for the America's Cup promptly took "time out" before re- suming what now looks like a hope- less pursuit of the fastest "J" sloop this country ever sent to the yachting wars Trailed American Rival After trailing his American rival across the finish line of a thirty-mile triangular course by 18 minutes 32 seconds, approximately three miles, thereby sustaining his second straight defeat by a margin ever more crush- ing than was witnessed Saturday, Sopwith immediately requested and received permission from the New York Yacht Club's race committee for a day's postponement. The third race thus will be set back to Wednesday while the Briton seeks some means of getting better results from a boat that tonight appeared to be as soundly licked, in every re- spect, as any challenger in America's cup history. To Revamp Endeavour It was planned, among other things tonight, to haul Endeavour II out of the water at the Herreshoff yards, in nearby Bristol, and give her a thor- ough going-over. Ranger, now needing only two more victories to settle all that re- mains of the sixteenth seagoing argu- ment for possession of the most high- ly prized trophy in international yacht racing, achieved her second straight triumph this afternoon the hard way. Leprosy Cure Is Discussed By Dr. Soule General Care Of Patient Is Considered Best Method Of Combatting Disease Fewer Women Are Victims Than Men Recent experimentation with the disease of leprosy points to general good care of the patient with proper diet as the best means of effecting a cure, Dr. Malcolm H. Soule, profes- sor of bacteriology in the medical school and director of the Hygienic Laboratory, told the Summer Session lecture audience yesterday. "The Crusaders probably brought the disease back with them from Asia Minor," Dr. Soule said. "It plagued Europe during the middle ages, but toward the end of the 15th century began to disappear. In the 19th cen- tury its sudden reappearance in Nor- way brought a renewed interest in the disease by medical men." Leprosy was at first believed to be contagious,waccording to Dr. Soule, but Norwegian scientists who were unsuccessful in efforts to transfer the disease from victims to others de- cided it was hereditary. It is now believed that thedisease is conta- gious, but can only be transferred with difficulty, by maintaining con- stant contact over a long period of time with a victim of the disease. Twice as many men have leprosy as women, Dr. Soule declared, al- though statistics have often been re- leased claiming a much larger pro- portion of men had the disease. The reason for these figures lies in the fact that in Oriental clinics, where they were obtained, a greater number of men are admitted than women, Dr. Soule said. Many forms of treatment, includ- ing some fantasticly primitive ones, have been employed to combat lep- rosy since ancient times. In India the (Continued on Page 4) 61 Year Old Man Is Huron River Victim Harry Long, 61 years old, an Ann Arbor cement finisher, drowned Sun- day noon while swimming with friends at the sand bar by the Michi- gan Central Railroad bridge over the Huron just north of Ann Arbor. Long, whose home was at 116 2 W. Liberty St., was swimming in deep water near the middle of the stream. He had just called to friends that the current was quite strong when he sank from sght before they could start to his aid. Deputies who recovered his body with grappling hooks after dragging for an hour said he had apparently I been caught in an undertow. Tammany Group Elects Sullivan As Its Leader NEW YORK, Aug. 2.-()- rammany Hall achieved outward harmony today by the unanimous selection of Rep. Christopher D. Sullivan, (Dem., N.Y.), of the 13th New York district, as its leader. Whether the East-Side represn- tative, chosen for the post vacated by the death of James J. Dooling, would be able to bring together factions split over questions of New Deal support and selection of a mayoralty candidate in the Dem- ocratic primary remained a sub- ject of political speculation. Sullivan's selection by the ex- ecutive committee of the organ- ization which long has dominated Democratic politics in Manhattan ame as a result of a coup by County Clerk Albert Marinelli, his co-leader of the second assembly district, who obtained the votes necessary to force today's meet- ing over the opposition of acting leader William P. Kenneally. Senate Action Wasn't Legal, Starr Asserts Majorities In Both Houses Must Return In Order To End Session LANSING, Aug. 2.-UP)-The Leg- islature found itself today holding by the tail an unwanted special session. Starr ruled that the only way the session which started last Friday can be ended legally is for a majority of the membership of both houses to reconvene. He held adjournment of the Senate single-handed was il- legal. Some of the handful of doughty House members who have met and adjourned every day since have had enough of this monotonous procedure, but they can't officially stop what they started until the Senate con- curs. Senate Walke Out The trouble started when the Sen- ate walked out on the special session last Friday night by adopting a sine die resolution. The Constitution re- quiresathat bothnHouses concur in such a resolution. The House re- fused to follow the lead of the Sen- ate. A few members stayed in Lan- sing to hold daily sessions and to "shame" the Senate. Some Must Return It appears it is up to someone to induce at least 17 Senators and 51 -representatives to come back to the Capitol. Starr held that a majority of each house must be present and that a concurrent resolution for ad- journment must be adopted by a ma- jority of those present and voting be- fore a constitutional adjournment can be ordered. If enough legislators will consent to such a plan every- thing, according to the Attorney Gen- eral, can be made legally shipshape: Tokyo Adopts New Financial Measures For Long Struggle Americans Are Imprisoned In Peiping As Japanese Close City's Gates Russian Protest On Raid Draws Denial TOKYO, Aug. 2. - (P) --Japan adopted drastic measures today to marshal her economic resources and to finance prolonged hostilities in China if necessary. The Government acted to enrich its war treasury by a half billion or more yen (about $150,000,000) through new levies and anti-profiteering legisla- tion. A new law lifted the ban on Ameri- can and other foreign ships engaging in trade between Japanese ports. Au- thoritative resources said one pur- pose of this was to release all pos- sible Japanese tonnage from coastal traffic for war shipments to China and for the importation of vital com- modities. MOSCOW, Aug. 2.-(P)-Ja- pan tonight disclaimed any re- sponsibility for raid of the Soviet consulate at Tientsin by White Russians, in answer to Moscow's "determined" protest. Japan's ambassador, Mamoru Shigemitsu, told the foreign of- fice that his nation could not be expected to comply with the Rus- sian demands for punishment of the raiders, return of property seized by them and compensation for damages. Soviet authorities said the White Guard attackers were or- ganized by Japanese intelligence service men. The White Russians are opposed to the Soviet regime, and many of them are residents of Tientsin. PEIPING, Aug. 2.-(MP)-Japanese, now completely in control of China's ancient dragon capital, closed the gates of Peiping today, virtually im- prisoning Americans and other for- eigners within the walls as squadrons of Japanese war planes blasted a path for a thrust deep into China. Japanese authorities said their planes had been bombing Chinese army concentrations at Paotingfu, capital of Hopeh province 85 miles to the southwest, for the last 24 hours. Japanese scouting planes were rang- ing as far south as Tsinan in Shan- tung province, some 175 miles below 'rientsin. Authoritative reports to Nanking from northern Shantung province corroborated a belief that the Chinese central government was massirng men on the southern edge of the hostilities zone. They said troops were moving north by railroad, evidently toward the Hopeh border. Tientsin Quiet But Tense Tientsin, Japanese army headquar- ters 60 miles southeast of Peiping, was quiet but tense. The Japanese tightened their grip on the city as a result of reports that Chinese air- planes in great numbers had been scouting the Tientsin area. Japanese authorities claimed that the Chinese mint had been converted into an ar- senal and filled with rifles and ex- plosives. Detroit Gives Its Archbishop Great Ovation yard dash at the Big Ten Indoor ability when he first reported for track meet last winter and was also track practice, but he practiced dili- a member of Michigan's mile relay team which set a new conference record at the Big Ten indoor meet early in the spring. He last competed in track last June of the National Collegiate track meet in California, and shortly after his return complained of a sore throat, which developed into pneumonia and caused his death. He had been in an oxygen tent for four days. Christened Stevens Thomson Ma- 10th Excursion Will Be Made To Put -In -Bayl Bullard To Conduct Monument And To Be Visited Tour; Caves Put-In-Bay in Lake Erie will be visited by the 10th Summer Session excursion tomororw. Reservations must be made by 5 p.m. today. Chartered buses will leave Angell Hall at 7:15 a.m. for the Detroit River dock,awhence the steamer will leave at 9 a.m. 3 Hours At Put-In-Bay Put-In-Bay is one of a group of islands located at the western end of Lake Erie, about 60 miles southeast of Detroit. Its rugged limestone shore line, its surface evidences of glacia- tion, and its caves, make the island of interest geologically. Prof. Fred M. Bullard, visiting professor in the geology department, from the Univer- sity of Texas, will conduct the ex- cursion party. Three hours will be spent at Put- In-Bay, opportunity being given the excursionists to visit the points of chief interest, including Perry's Monument and Perry's Cave, largestl of the island caves. Crystal Cave, anique in abundance, size and per- fection of its crystals of celestite, orj strontium sulphate, will be toured. The 11th and last tour in the series will be to the Ann Arbor News build- ing next Wednesday, where the party will observe a modern newspaper plant in operation. Faculty Members ' V! 7 1ATP tlYtYi =.Y' (Continued on Page 4) 800,000 R.R. SWorkers Vote To Call Strike WASHINGTON, Aug. 2.-(P)-A new strike threat arose tonight when union leaders announced that 88 per cent of 800,000 railroad employes had voted to quit work unless there is a "satisfactory" response to their wage demands. The workers involved are non-op- erating personnel, such as clerks and shopmen. Fourteen unions of such employes have demanded an increase of 20 cents an hour, and negotiations have collapsed. The result of the strike vote, taken recently, was announced tonight by George M. Harrison, spokesman for the 14 unions. Attempts to work out a settlement are being made by Otto S. Beyer, a member of the National Mediation Board. If Beyer fails, the board is bound by law to propose arbitration.. If either side rejects this, a presi- dential board must investigate the issues and report to President Roose- volt before the men can walk out. Sit-Down Staged In Murphy Office LANSING, Aug. 2.-(P)-A delega- tion of WPA workers staged a brief sit-down in Governor Murphy's of- fice today. About 100 persons, representing The Wayne County Alliance of WPA, Unions, The Workers Alliance of Jackson, The WPA Union of De- troit and the WPA Union of Flint and The American Federation of t Governmental Employes of Detroit, came here to see the Governor. He was in Detroit. Over the telephone Murphy offered to see the delegation at any time when he is in Lansing. Coast Guard's 147th. Birthday Tomorrow WASHINGTON, Aug. 2.=- UP) - Greetings from Secretary Morgen- ,thu and A taov AdmirRi _ P Tml- rJc L 1 J 1 r . ,.. ... ....,.,.a...,, _ _. .,. _ .. Plan No Classrooms For New Structure By JAMES A. BOOZER Although no completion date has been set for the Rackham School for Graduate Studies, according to Dean Clarence S. Yoakum, of the garduate school, the interior work should be finished in the early part of the next semester. The $1,500,000 project was begun more than a year ago as a memorial to Mary A. and Horace H. Rackham, whose estate made the donation for the building. No classes will be held in the build- ing, according to Dean Yoakum, the three-storied structure having been conceived rather as a center for students stirred by curiosity to know. The building will provide suitable meeting places for 30 or more re- search organizations on the campus, while its facilities will be available to according to Dean Yoakum. Dean Yoakum has placed emphasis on the fact that the general signifi- cance of the building lies in the fact the building is being constructed to be one of the most permanent here. It will be unique in town because of its facing of a particular kind of In-I diana limestone, previously used only state and national scientific and learned societies. without disturbance to those already The administration is now consid- Ice Cream Co. Safe Is Rif led, $2,00Taken A safe containing about $2,000 in currency and checks was stolen from the offices of the McDonald Ice Cream Co. on N. Main Street next to ering furnishings for the memorial building, although no orders have yet been placed. By the second semester ethe new school should be occupied, as a trimming here. It will probably be the last building of its size in the world faced with this limestone from the Dark Hollow quarry in Indiana, the source being exhausted. A large auditorium on the north side of the building will be the build- ing's outstanding room. About the size of one of the local theatres, it takes up the entire side of the struc- ture from the first floor, through the second, to the mezzanine. 1,100 per- sons will behable to find seatsshere- about one-half the number such a space would ordinarily accommodate, as three feet, nine inches- will be left between the rows of seats, per- mitting free passage between them seated. Graduate School Nearing Completion the Stadiu removed to line, and rifled of it A truck; tackle wer 000-pound the burgla m early yesterday morning, Below the auditorium a semi-cir- I DETROIT, Aug. 2.-(M-Michigan a country road near Sa- cular interior runway for automo- extended an enthusiastic welcome to- there broken open and biles and 'taxis has been arranged, soeI s contents. that persons may step directly from night to The Most Rev. Archbishop and probably a block and vehicles into the building, the audi- Edward Mooney, who will be installed e used in removing the 1,- torium being one flight up, tomorrow as the first archbishop of safe, which, police said, A large study hall on the secondIthe Catholic Archdiocese of Detroit. rs first attempted to blow floor will be the second most prom- A vast throng of Catholics and he office. Five policemen inent room. The second floor will AN asotrg-fCatholics andflldRosvl red to lift it into a truck also contain reading rooms and as- Non-Catholics that filled Roosevelt ng when it was found at 7 sembly rooms. Park, adjacent to the Michigan Cen- 1e Waters Road two miles The first floor will include adminis- tral Station, greeted the archbishop line. trative offices of both the graduate as he arrived in a special railroad car bery took place between school and the Rackham Foundation. from Rochester, N. Y. when the building was Disbursement of income from the More than half the North American A. L. McDonald, presidentI trust fund is vested in a board of ic y, including 10 that graduate work is not merely open in t courses and laboratories, but a new were requi form of human relation with knowl- this morni edge. In the Rackham School for a.m. on tb Graduate Studies it is hoped that west of Sa boundaries between subject will be The rob less evident in its discussion rooms, midnight, 1t., jrr ana , lm f rnnmc +-.. nlocked by. i,