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August 01, 1937 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1937-08-01

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Linguistic Group
Will Hear Fries
Talk On Hebrew

The News Of The World As Illustrated In Associated Press Pictures




Hebrew as a modern language will
provide material for two of the four
lectures announced by Prof. CharlesI
C. Fries, the director, for the coming,
week's program of the Linguistic In-
Dr. Zellig Harris of the University
of Pennsylvania will discuss Wednes-
day evening "The Revival of Hebrew"
and will continue Friday evening with
Linguistic Changes and Tendencies
in the New Hebrew." He has spoken
previously on the institute series, hav-'
ing talked on "The Origin of the Al-
phabet" earlier in the summer.
For the Tuesday luncheon confer-
ence Dr. Fries has secured the serv-
ices of Prof. George Kennedy of Yale
University. Professor Kennedy, a
member of the summer faculty of the
Institute, will tell about "An Experi-
ment in Chinese Language Teaching."
Thursday noon the topic, "Inves-
tigating Vowel Length in French,"
will be presented by Dr. Pierre De-
lattre of Wayne University, Detroit.
New Exhibit Of

Feature Next
Faculty Concert
Prof. Wassily Besekirsky, violinist,
and Prof. Joseph Brinkman, pianist
will present a sonata recital at 8:30
p.m. Tuesday, in Hill Auditorium, as
the next concert in the Faculty Con-
cert series.
They will open their program with
the Brahms "Sonata in A Major,
Opus 100," one of the three sonatas
which Brahms wrote for violin and
piano. Its three movements are "Al-
legro amabile," "Andante tranquillo,"
and "Allegretto grazioso."
This will be followed by the "Se-
guida Espanola," by Joachim Nin, a
modern Spanish composer This suite
was originally written as a soprano
solo, and the arrangement which Pro-
fessors Besekirsky and Brinkman will
play, done by the composer, has just
recently been published. The per-
formance Tuesday night will be its
first in Ann Arbor. The suite is writ-
ten in the traditionally Spanish
rhythms. In the first movement,
"Vieja Castilla," the composer in-
troduces a sixteenth century folk
tune. The other movements are
"Murciana," "Catalana," and "An-
Professors Besekirsky and Brink-
man will play the Schubert "Fan-
taisie, Opus 159," to close the pro-
gram. This piece is considered one
of the greatest in ensemble literature.
Although it is not written strictly in
form, it consists of an introduction,,
followed by an allegro movement, with
a set of variations as a second section,
and a lively finale movement.

Eastern Art Is
Put OnDisplay
Chinese Rubbings, Chien
Tea Bowls And Textiles
Are Featured
(Continued from Page 1)
pects of Chinese culture," Professor
Plumer said. "First, for philosophical
and religious aspects; second, for
daily life and material culture, and
third, for a demonstration of the art
of the stone cutter, developed here to
a remarkable degree.
"The sites of the original monu-
ments from which the rubbings were
made are scattered all over China,
mostly in the north, but stretching
from the easterly tip of Korea to
Ch'eng-tu in the west. The prints
were made by hand, by means of
damp paper pressed on the monu-
ment, deriving a. very accurate ink
Four Rubbings Groups
There are four chronological
groups of the rubbings, Professor
Plumer pointed out; the Wu family
tombs of the Han dynasty, from 206
B.C. to 220 A.D.; the Buddhist sculp-
tures from single monuments or re-
liefs from cave temple walls and ste-
lae of the Six Dynasty period, 386 to
589 A.D., which includes rubbings
from the famous female donors of
Lungmen, in recent years completely
destroyed; the T'ang designs from the
Great Wild Goose Pagoda of Sian, 618
to 906 A.D.; and the Sixteen Iohan
disciples of Buddha, copies of paint-
ings long since lost, of about the 16th
The Chien, or Temmoku tea bowls,
together with' a number of kiln-site
fragments, will be on exhibit in the
North Gallery. They form the largest
exhibit of Temmoku work ever pre-
sented in America. "The Chinese are
the best potters in the world," Profes-
sor Plumer said, and the Temmoku
bowls are among their finest work."
. Proves Common, Source
The purposes of this exhibit, he
said, are to present as art the whole
range of Temmoku tea bowls, to prove
the common source for the giant
bowls, to differentiate between the
genuine Temmoku and contemporary
imitations, and to end an argument
which has long existed among schol-
ars as to the place the bowls came
from. Professor Plumer has collected
actual kiln site material to effectually
settle the dispute.
The bowls are all from the Sung
age, 960 to 1280 A.D. They are ex-
tremely popular in Japan, according
to Professor Plumer, where tea-drink-
ing amounts almost to a fetish, con-
tests being held in the sport, and
where the Temmoku bowls are re-
garded with reverence.
The textiles from the East Indies
which form the third major part of
the exhibit, include colorful blankets
from Burma, examples of tie-dyeing
from Cambodia and of the batik pro-
cess of Java. The latter is a method
by which desigs are blocked out in
Ceremonial skirts from Bali and
other islands and Buddhist priest
robes from Japan are also included,
as well as cloths of various kinds1
from Siam, and Sumatra, of which
two particular groups, the Abors and
Mishmis are represented.
Probably the most outstanding ar-
ticle in the entire exhibit is a great
Han rubbing of a giant embracing a
bear cub, Professor Plumer remarked.
It is very large, and remarkably clear
and accurate.
The hours of the exhibit have been
extended because of numerous re-
quests, and it will now be open to the
public until 6 pim. instead of only till
4:30 p.m. as previously, every day
except Sunday.

DETROIT, July 31.-(,P)-Walter
Kwiatkowski, 28, of Wyandotte,
drowned today in the Detroit River,

American forces are standing by with full war packs in Peiping, ready to defend the American concession
if the Sino-Japanese fighting carried into that city. At the request of the American consulate, American
business men started drilling as a volunteer company. Here are U.S. Marines under the shadow of Peiping's
ancient walls in a dress parade at the barracks.

Where To Go


Harold E. Dahl (top), of Cham-
paign, Ill., one of the American
"four flying aces" with Spanish
Loyalists, was captured by Insur-
gents. His wife, Edith Rogers, (be-
low), at Cannes, France, was said
to be getting his weekly $1,500 sal-
ary. She once sa'ng with Rudy Val-
lee's orchestra.
Detroit Gets First

Theatre: Michigan: "Parnell," with
Clark Gable and Myrna Loy; Majes-
tic: "Wee Willie Winkle," with Shir-
ley Temple and Victor McLaglen;
Wuerth: "A Star Is Born," with Janet
Gaynor and Frodric March; Or-
pheum: "Top of the Town," with
Hugh Herbert and Doris Nolan and
"Roaring Timber," with Jack Holt.
Concert: Carillon Concert at 8:30
Dancing: Bartlett's aft Pleasant
Lake and The Blue Lantern at Island



DETROIT, July 31.-UP)-Two hun-
dred and thirty-six years after An-
toine De La Mothe Cadillac planted
the Catholic cross on the north bank
of the Detroit River, Detroit will be
proclaimed Tuesday as the seat of a
new ecclesiastical province, uniting
MIichigan's Catholics under a single
Impressive services in the Church
of the Blessed Sacrament will mark
the elevation of Detroit as the sev-
enteenth Archdiocese in the United
States, and the installation of Arch-
bishop Edward Mooney as its first


Deserted by its passengers and crew, the smouldering hulk of the li ity of Baltimore is shown off
Bodkin Point, Md., with police and fire boats attempting to put out the flames. The ship was gutted by
fire during an overnight trip from Baltimore to Norfolk, Va.

New Type Of Wheat Withstands
Ravages Of Black Stem Rust,
ST. PAUL, July 28.-(P)-Farmers of the agriculture department, and
of the northwest are hailing a new Dr. E. C. Stakman, university plant
wheat that has proved itself able to pathologist.
withstand the dreaded black stem With hypodermic needles, they in-
rust. It is Thatcher spring wheat. jected spores of 150 known strains
Fighting the disastrous parasite of rust into wheat stalks. Some 2,-
side by side with stalks of Ceres and 364 varieties of wheat were used. I
Marquis, Thatcher has come through , Not only has Thatcher withstood
almost unscathed while the two old the rust much better than other
standbys shriveled and whitened. grains, but it also has passed other
Thatcher is a product of 25 years equally important tests, tests for
of experimentation by the Minnesota yield, protein content, bread-making
Agricultural experiment station and qualities and stalk properties.
the United States Department of Ag- Studying representative plantings
riculture at University Farm here. on the same farms, experimenters
It was made available to farmers in found Thatcher gave an average yield
1934 in widely scattered sections in- of 24-1 bushels an acre where Ceres
cluding the rich Red River valley, yielded only 9.1.nBecause Ceres was
bread basket of the world, and has hit 70 per cent by rust and Thatcher
proved its rust-resisting properties but six per cent, the grains weighed
all around. 46.0 and 53.5 pounds a bushel re-
Subjected to Epidemics spectively.
Thatcher had to be able to take . An All-Around Plant
it plenty before it won its spurs. With Thatcher outdid Marquis wheat,
hundreds of varieties of susceptible a variety of Red River valley planters
wheats, it was put through artificial were reluctant to abandon. Where
epidemics of rust. the average Marquis yield in 1935 was
Principals in the study were Dr. H. 6.5 bushels an acre, Thatcher's was
K. Hayes, of the university's division 27.3. But five per cent of Thatcher
of agronomy and plant genetics; Dr. was affected by stem rust, while 86
E. R. Ausemus, associate agronomist per cent of the Marquis, under the

same conditions,. fell before the dis-
Some other new wheats are better
rust-resisters than Thatcher, but they
have been found deficient in other
HONOLULU, July 31. - (P) -
Jeanette MacDonald and Gene Ray-
mond of the films sailed today for
San Francisco aboard the liner Lur-
line after a honeymoon here.

White Clothes Cleaned
H ighest Quality Always
It Pays To Buy the Best
That's the Reason Nearly
Everybody Says To...
cisANERS 3

The very fashions every one
is asking for, for campus, for va-
cation, for sports, for afternoon,
for dancing.
Misses sizes from 12.
Women's sizes, 182 to 262
Tub Frocks
Cottons - Linens
$2.95 $3.95
Values to $10.95
$10.95 $12.95
$1950 $2.50
One group of

. . .


CI "

Shoe Sale Starts Monday
Because we are so badly overstocked on Men's and
Women's fine shoes, including Brown's and Black's
for Fall wear, our ENTIRE STOCK goes on sale
Monday at 1 p.m. at most unusual low prices.
Hundreds of pairs must be turned into cash at once.
Come and see what can be bought at-

speak a
Youth fl Language
Young, gay, exciting, Sensations
are made for you who are trim
in figure and daring in spirit.
Although well-nigh weightless,
they gently mould and coax
youthful curves into rhythmic
lines of beauty - yet leave you
free as the wind.
"PEEKS" - Senation step-in
girdle of open-work, two-way
stretch material that firmly
holds. High waistline and dou-
ble-knit back insures a trim sil-
houette. Simple to launder -
no annoying hooks or bones.


- $3.88

- $4*88





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