PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAYS SULT 31, 1.931 _. E WOSATR1YJUL 3, 93 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Official Publication of the Summer Session Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and the Sunmer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credted in this newspaper. Allrights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Enteredsat the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mall matter. Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, $150. During regular school year, by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1936-37 REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING DY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representatve 420 MADISON AVe. NEW YORK. N.Y. CHICAGO . BOSTON - SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES - PORTLAND - SEATTLE EDITORIAL STAFF MANAGING EDITOR ..........RICHARD G: HERSHEY CITY EDITOR ......................JOSEPH s. MATTES Associate Editors: Clinton B. Conger, Horace W. Gil- more, Charlotte D. Rueger. Asiatant Editors: James A. Boozer, Robert Fitzhenry, Joseph Gies, Clayton Hepler. BUSINESS STAFF BUSINESS MANAGER................JOHN R. PARK ASSISTANT BUS. MGR......NORMAN B. STEINBERG PUBLICATIONS MANAGER...........ROBERT LODGE a[RCULATION MANAGER..........J. CAMERON HALL OWFICE MANAGER ...................RUTH MENEFEE Women's Business Managers .. Alice Bassett, Jean Drake NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT I. FITZHENRY Newspapers And Sincerity . AMERICA has lost faith in its press. The newspaper is no longer the force in government it once was. The reason seems largely that it has prostituted itself be-. fore Mammon: Year by year the public has watched its morning and evening papers ad- vance their own interests rather than those of its readers, in high-sounding phrases that ill concealed true motives. Newspapers that began as militant liberal sheets grew conservative as the owners tasted profits. News was biased by the advertising columns. And pressure from the advertising staff has not been the only reason, for hedging, as Upton Sinclair's "Brass Check" shows. As the publisher finds security in'his venture, even though it began as an outspoken journal against unfairness, he gradually loses interest in liberal- ism, or is afraid to show enthusiasm for new re- forms. Money is not the only reason, often not the outstanding reason, for conservatism. The publisher, desiring a secure social position for his family, veers from controversies that may impugn his standing in his own little community in the better part of town. The last presidential campaign, when practi- cally every metropolitan newspaper was pro-Lan- don, distinctly indicated the loss of power of our press when Roosevelt was re-elected with the largest majority in history-and most of his sup- port coming from the cities. Radio, of course, has been a factor in de- stroying the force once enjoyed by the press. No matter what the editorial writers say, if the candidates can come directly to the people themselves and present their platforms, the voters can make up their own minds. And this is a healthy situation. But still, there is a need for newspapers in political, social, and economic questions. That need is not being filled because people can't believe the press any more. Thinly-clothed ar- guments against the child labor amendment fool few persons who think. It was evident that the "little merchant" sys- tem-corner newsboys-without which large dailies would be hampered-was the moving spirit behind the attacks on the bill. News- papers have been against unionism sometimes because it meant they would have to pay their reporters and desk men a decent wage. Edi- torial comment on the open-shop privilege didn't succeed in camouflaging the real purposes. Tax- ation measures were condemned because they woulld strike the publisher, who sits in his spare time ,on directorate boards of other businesses. At the present time, Irving Brant, editorial di- rector cf the St. Louis Star-Times, laments the ineffectiveness of the press at a time when pres- tige is sorely needed. The New Deal, he says, is an unwritten compact between President Roosevelt and 27,000,000 voters who re-elected him last fall, yet its progressiveness is opposed by the press. Not the people who work on the papers-of which he claims, the largest number is pro-Roosevelt-but the publisher, favors re- trenchment, when the country is asking for social progress. "Never in American history was there so great need to move from unified political organization and action. Against this necessary step, the American press, responsive to the narrowest in- terpretation of the economic interest of its own- ers, stands as the chief obstacle. I hope that it may not be written down in history as the stumbling block over which American democracy Feeding The Jails. THE DELINQUENTS of tomorrow -and in many cases the criminals of the day after tomorrow-can be found in four groups of children, according to Lowell Juilliard Carr, director of the Michigan Juvenile Delin- quency Information Service. These four groups comprise former inmates of juvenile correc- tional institutions; probationers under local Juvenile Court; problem children who have not been brought before the Juvenile Courts; and children living in various types of high-risk situations. These four categories actually simmer down to two, the last. The first two groups which Professor Carr lists are simply those children from the last two groups who have been caught. The first two classes of children are re- ceiving a certain amount of attention. Although overcrowded, penal institutions and Juvenile Courts, correctional schools and law-enforce- ment agencies, spread in a network over the state and nation. The third class of children, those with behavior problems, have long been neglected. But they, too, are at last to receive some attention. The Orr Plan for state-wide treatment of behavior maladjustments in children has finally been put into law by the Flynn-Palmer bill. Let it be understood that none of these groups of chil- dren have received adequate care and treatment. They have not. Penny-pinching legislators still do not realize the importance of stopping crime at the source. But there is a fourth group of children. The basic group. The group behind the othe' groups. The children in high-risk situations. What is a high-risk situation? Professor Carr says that at least five situations must be includ- ed: poverty and relief homes; homes broken by death, desertion, divorce, imprisonment, or in- ternal conflict; cultural conflict situations such as are found among migrant Negroes from the South, disorganized immigrant groups; deterior- ated neighborhoods, unorganized fringe areas; and areas in which delinquency has become tra- ditional, a definite culture trait. Get hold of a copy of Loeb's "Chart of Plenty," or of the Brookings Institution's "America's Ca- pacity to Produce." Read it. Study it. Then look at the high-risk situations. What is their basic element? What plays a part in every situation? Poverty. That is the foundation stone of juvenile delinquency. It is the ground-work of crime. It is the thing that drives men to crime. It is the cold fact that denies children the train- ing which would keep them away from crime. It is the thing which puts them on the street for their amusement-and for their character training. It is the reason mothers go to work and leave their children with inadequate care. "It has been estimated that more than 7,500,- 000 children in the United States are living under conditions of insecurity, poverty and strain," says Professor Carr, "taking no account of the 15,- 000,000 other children suffering from disease or physical handicaps." With that kind of a back- ground can you wonder at America's estimated annual crime bill of from $750,000,000 to $18,- 000,000,000? Did Loeb or the Brookings Institution give you a background for poverty? An excuse for its existence? We doubt it. America is the rich- est nation on earth so poverty drives its chil- dren into crime. Out of a great unused pro- ductive capacity we get scarcity. It's a mad world. The American people ought to take a look at America. They ought to examine poverty amidst riches; then they should decide what's wrong and do a little acting. And after poverty is out of the way crime can be reconsidered. Then, and only then, can we hope to do more than touch the surface of the problem. As Others See It After Ten Years THE RETURN of the Davis Cup after a ten- year absence rests on a brilliant achievement by one man, one of the most brilliant in the history of 'tennis. In fact, the pre-eminent skill of Budge was such that, once the redoubtable Von Cramm had fallen before him and the Ger- man team had been eliminated, hardly a doubt remained as to the final outcome. The British, having lost Perry tp professional tennis, were not in the top flight. But the element of luck that has helped to keep the cup abroad for so many years was not lacking even in yesterday's sweeping victory. Had Perry remained an amateur, for example, what a contest there would have been! Success in the Davis Cup contests hangs not at all upon the general class of a country's tennis or even upon its second-string players. Only that amaz- ingly slender list of true geniuses at the game counts in this extraordinary test of the world's best. The United States retains the lead in the series, having won the cup eleven times, as against nine for Great Britain, six for Australasia and six for France. Each string of victories, for whichever nationality, has represented the rise to supremacy of one or two great players. It is a striking fact that rarely has a nation won for a single year at a time. Britain has just closed a four-year triumph that rested largely upon the alert shoulders of Perry. Before that, France ruled the tennis world for six years, thanks to Lacoste and Cochet. From 1920 to 1926 Tilden and Johnston were equally successful on behalf of this country. That rare and invaluable con- tributor, a great doubles player, has played a scintillating part in certain years-a Borotra or an Allison-but in the main the great singles On The Level By CREIGHTON COLEMAN The season is one of fish stories so here is ours for the day. General Forbes and Doctor Heiser were trolling one afternoon when Governor Forbes had a good strike. Heiser upon looking over the edge of the boat pronounced it to be a sea bass, while Forbes on glancing at the catch while a short distance from the boat claimed it to be a red snapper. Meanwhile Forbes con- tinued to slowly reel in his tackle, 'and when the fish finally came to the surface one hook had on it a red snapper, the other hook a sea bass. Wouldn't it be nice though if all fish stories could have as logical an ending? * * * * The drug was not the cause of the tragedy, but the tragedy was the cause of the drug.-Ches- terton. It seems that a small town school board in the Western part of Michigan was having trouble in picking a superintendent. They had limited the field to two men however, one of whom demanded $2,400 and the other $2,600. Well, the school board looked at the $200 as quite an item as school boards are apt to do, and was " about to hire the $2,400 man when one of the members of the board had an inspiration, point- ing out the fact that the $2,600 man had three children of school age who would naturally be going to school and each one of which would bring in $65 from the State School Aid Fund. Thereby making the difference between the two men only one of $5. But thereupon another board member pointed out the further fact that each child would also bring in $10 from the primary school fund. Naturally on learning of this, the board hired the $2,600 man thereby making $25 by doing so. * * * * Beware of the man you forget, he is the one man that has you entirely at his disadvantage. -Chesterton. * * * *f Another one gleaned from "An American Doc- tor's Oddessy" is on that always present expense account. This account upon being checked rather closely was found to contain two dinners on the same evening, the offerer -of said account ex- plained the double entry by saying the first dinner was on shipboard which he lost, the sec- ond one was partaken on shore, which we pre- sume was not lost. Death has always seemed an ever-present thing, but yet has not bothered us extremely much in any of the forms that it has taken. As Munthe puts it in his "Story of San Mich- ele." "The kingdom of death has no borders, the grave has no nationality. You are all one and the same people now, you will soon even look exactly the same. The same fate awaits you all wherever you are laid to rest to be forgotten and to moulder into dust, for such is the law of life." Most of us see only the serene and beautiful side of death, hot the other side which is forbidding and ter- rible. Most of us know only of the bitterness of life not that of death. However, Munthe, a doctor, looks at it in a manner which few of us ever will. He has seen thousands killed at one time when the earth erupted. He has seen the plague kill thousands a day for weeks. He has seen hundreds of thousands killed on the battlefield. It is only when you actually see death working in this fashion that you really begin to know it as it really is. It is not the mere wrestling match that one sees in the hospital wards. But even so "life is the same as it always was, un- ruffled by the events, indifferent to the joys and sorrows of fan, mute and incompre- hensible as the sphinx. (Yet) the stage on which the everlasting tragedy is enacted changes constantly to avoid monotony. The world we lived in yesterday is not the same world as we live in today; inexorably it moves on through the infinite towards its doom, and so do we. 'No man bathes twice in the same river' says Heroclitus. Some of us crawl on our knees, some ride horseback or in motor cars, others fly past the carrier pigeons in airplanes. (But) there is no need for hurry- ing; we are all sure to reach the journey's end."-Munthe. Without the bacteria to maintain the con- tinuities of the cycles of carbon and nitrogen between plants and animals, all life would eventually cease. "The cleansing light of universal knowledge" may be turned on any subject that mankind wishes. It is an all powerful light, one which has done more for many than any other phe- nomena, more than perhaps light (electric) itself. It is a stark, real, and yet, just light. It enables man to formulate laws and to carry them out. It protects man in all of his activities. It is particularly at this point of protection that we wish to dwell for the moment. There is present among us in every class, in every group, and in every village, a nearly unseen danger. Unseen however only to the class, group, or village; as it is a seen danger to doctors, medical men, and a few others. It is a danger that threatens the life blood of every nation, it is a danger which is steeped in tradition, and is therefore harder to treat than mere dangerous disease. It is a danger which makes the strong- est man wince. It is not leprosy it is not cancer, it is not consumption; none of these can be treat- ed as successfully as can our danger. "The cleansing light of universal knowledge," to again use the phrase of Dr. Herman Bundesen, should be; can be, and is being turned on this dreaded Will the four Chinese students who had their pictures taken at the Gen- eral Motors Proving Ground last Sat- urday, and also the young ladies who had their pictures taken, come to the office of the Summer Session today. Christian Students Prayer Group cordially invites all students, interest- ed, to participate in the weekly meet- ing held at the Michigan League on, Saturdays, 7:30 p.m. For room in- quire at desk. r t l I a.m. with sermon by the pastor, Henry 0. Yoder, on "The Right of our Gifts." Church worship services will be held in Zion Lutheran Church at 10:30 with sermon by the pastor, Rev. E. C. Stelhhorn. Lutheran Students will meet at Zion Lutheran Parish Hall at 5 p.m. for a steak roast to be held at the Bock home on Jackson Road. Trans- portation to the place of meeting will be provided for all desiring to go. Cars will leave the Hall promptly at 5 p.m. Student Fellcwship Meeting: The Summer School Student Fellowship will have as its guests Sunday, Aug. 1,. at the regular meeting, the Young People's Fellowship of St. Joseph's Church of Detroit under the direction of the Rev. Sheldon Harbach. Cars will leave St. Andrew's Episcopal Church 306 N. Division St. at 5 p.m. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session, Room 1213 A. H. until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. for the Saline Valley Farms and In- dustries, Inc. An inexpensive picnic supper will be served. Baseball and swimming. Saint Andrew's Episco'a1 Church: The services of worship Sunday, Aug. 1 are: 8 a.m. Holy Communion, 11 a.m. Holy Communion and sermon by The Rev. Frederick W. Leech. First Presbyterian Church: 10:45 a.m., Summer Union Service of the pre s b y t e r i a n and Congregational Churches to be held at the Congrega- tional Church, corner of State and William Streets. Dr. W. P. Lemon, minister of the Presbyterian Church, will preach. His subject will be 'God's Holiday." 10:45 a.m., Nursery and Church tSchool in the Church basement. 5:45 p.m., Round Table Conference for students. The subject for discus- sion will be "Religion Without God." This is the sixth of a series on "Vital Religious Issues" and will be presided )over by Dr. W. P. Lemon. The supper charge is 15 cents. 7:30 p.m., Interdenominational (Continued on Page 4) I The Graduate Outing Club will meet at Lane Hall Sunday, Aug. 1, atl 2 p.m. to go to Saline Valley FarmsA for swimming, games and picnic sup- per. In case of rain arrangements will be made to stay in town. All graduate students are cordially in- vited. First Baptist Church Sunday, 10:45, a.m., Dr. E. W. Blakeman, counsellor in Religious Education will speak. His subject is "My Judgment as a Christian." First Methodist Church: Morning worship service at 10:30 a.m. Dr. C. W. Brashares will preach on "To the Spiritual." Stalker Hall: Student class at 9:30 a.m. Prof. J. S. Worley will lead the discussion on some phase of Modern Religious Thinking. Social Hour and Tea, 5-6 p.m.: Wesleyan Guild meeting at 6 p.m. Dean James Edmonson of the School, of Education will speak on "The Church and Youth Today." All Meth- odist students and their friends are cordially invited to all of these meet- ings. First Church of Christ, Scientist, 409 South Division St. Morning serv- ice at 11 a.m. Subject, "Love." Golden Text: II Corinthians 13:11. Responsive Reading: Ezekiel 34:11- 16, 25, 26. Sunday School at 9:30 a.m. Church Worship service will be held in Trinity Lutheran Church at 9:15 Classified Director Place advertisements with Classified Advertising Department. Phone 2-3241. The classified columns close at five o'clock previous to day of insertion. Box numbers may be secured at no extra charge. Cash in advance only 11c per reading line for one or two insertions. 10c per reading line for three or more insertions. (on basis of five average words to line). Minimum three lines per insertion. NOTICE TYPING: Neatly and accurately done. Mrs. Howard. 613 Hill St. Phone 5244. Reasonable rates. 632 LOST AND FOUND LOST : A Kappa Delta sorority pin. N.S.A. Lost on campus. Reward. Phone 2-2591. 641 LOST: White enamel cigarette case.' Somewhere on campus. Finder please return to the Publications Building. 640 LAUNDRY LAUNDRY. 2-1044. Sox darned, Careful work at low price. Ix LAUNDRY WANTED Priced Reasonably All Work Guaranteed STUDENT LIST Shirts ................... ....12c Shorts ........................ 4c Tops.........................4c Handkerchiefs . ..... . ...........2c Socks........................3c Pajamas .......................10c CO-ED LIST ° Slips ..........................10c Dresses ........................25c Panties ........................ 7c Handkerchiefs .................2c Pajamas ................10c to 15c Hose (pr.)....................3c Silks, wools our specialty. All bundles done separately-no markings. Call for and deliver. Phone 5594. Silver Laundry. 607 E. Hoover. 3x FOR RENT DANDY LOCATION. In woods, five- room, cozy cottage, fresh decora- otins. Two adults, now ready. 1245 Ferdon. 644 X ky are you 0-0, S a t 1 red !ight .......:::::::: after merely pushing a pen all day Do you sometimes wind up a day wondering why you're tired, when you have lifted nothing heavier than a fountain pen all day? Your eyes are probably doing all the "heavy work." Seeing affects the entire body. Prolonged visual work in poor light uses up a tremendous amount of energy. Good lighting can serve to prevent eyestrain and its accom- panying fatigue. Lighting that makes seeing easier does much to help conserve your energy. Mind and body remain fresher for a longer period of time, without that let-down that so often follows much study or writing. It helps to avoid many of the mistakes that creep into your work as a result of physical and mental fatigue. Your eyes too often take the abuse of poor lighting without complaint. They cannot safely appraise seeing conditions. The Sight Meter, on the other hand, indicates accurately how much light you are getting. You can have your lighting measured with the Sight Meter at no charge or obligation to you. Be sure that your lighting is sufficient for every purpose. Call the Detroit III