The Weather Fair, not so cool in northwest portion today; tomorrow unset- tled and warmer. C, - r .4A~Igtan jE~aitj Editorials Newspapers And Sincerity ... Feeding The Jails . . Official Publication Of The Summer Session VOL. XLVI. No. 29 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JULY 31, 1937 PRICE FIVE CENTS Japs Continue Bombardment Of Tientsin As Chinese Yield Science Library, Schools And Business Districts Are Targets For Planes Chinese Defeated -On 100-Mile Front TIENTSIN, July 30. -(A)-The Japanese army today subjected Tientsin to a second day of heavy shelling and air bombardment as it clamped its domination more grimly on the whole region between the sea and the Yungting River west of Pei- ping. Thousands of homeless Chinese streamed out of the native sections of Tientsin tonight, seeking escape from the terror of the past two days. Again Japanese shells and air bombs fired buildings in the Chinese sections of the city.hChinese said corpses still lay in the streets, but there was no estimate of casualties. Yesterday, in the first day of bom- bardment, Chinese officers said thou- sands of non-combatant Chinese were killed or wounded. From many points along the twist- ing 100-mile front between the coast and Peiping's western environs came Japanese claims of success for their arms. Other accounts tended to show that Chinese resistance had been smashed over a wide ,area. The Japanese declared today's Tientsin bombardment was necessary to wipe out centers of Chinese mili- tary preparation and to turn back a Chinese counter-attack. There had been rifle firing along the fringes of the Japanese concession, when sud- denly Japanese air bombers and heavy artillery swung into action. Among the targets was the science library of Nankai University, gift of the Rockefeller Foundation to that institution, most important center of learning in the north. At the same time the preparatory schools of Nan- kai in the native city were bombed. Nankai University has been a cen- ter of patriotic student agitation against Japan's attempts to domin- ae Norrh China. Domei, the Japanese news agency, reported a Japanese column under Major-General M. Kawabe captured Changsintien, important station on the Peiping-Hankow railway, 15 miles southwest of Peiping and on the west bank of the Yungting River. Court Vacancy May Be Filled By Promotion Circuit Judges Hutcheson And Brandon Mentioned As PossibleAppointees WASHINGTON, July 30.-(P)-Two high administration officials predict- ed tonight that a lower court judge will be appointed to fill the existing vacancy in the Supreme Court. Refusing to be quoted by name, they hinted that the new justice will be selected from one of the cir- cuits not now represented in the high tribunal. The officials said four or five cir- cuits have no such representation. Judges in two of these, the tenth and fifth, already have been mentioned as possible appointees. They are Judge Sam Joseph C. Hutcheson, Jr., of Texas, former mayor of Houston. In effect, the administration execu- tives threw cold water on current speculation that Governor Frank Murphy of Michigan, exponent of Roosevelt labor policies, might re- ceive the appointment. Word spread in the capital tonight that Attorney General Cummings has advised the President he may delay the appointment until after Congress adjourns. The Attorney General pre- sented an informal opinion on the question to the President, but it was not made public. Republicans Back Mayor La Guardia NEW YORK, July 30.-(AP)-The New York County Renublican execu- Thrill Show Will Be Held At Caity Airport Rebels Arrest 20 Frenc~hme~n Senators Walk Out On Session Under the sponsorship of the I. -1LJA« IJ «.1 Washtenaw Drum and Bugle Corps" of the American Legion, a "thirll In Poison Plot show" will be held at 3 p.m. Sunday at the Ann Arbor Municipal Airport on South State Street, in conjunction Claim Existence Of Great with an air circus. International Conspiracy Airplane stunting and parachute To' Spread poi jumps, together with trick and stunt a mvpread Typwolki automobile driving will make up thej program, along with such featues as French Officials head-on crash of two automobiles atR u le 40 miles an hour, an auto crash Ridiule C arges through a flaming board wall at 60 miles an hour with a man on the1 HENDAYE, Franco-Spanish Fron- i After Civil Service Bill Passes; Adjournment Dooms Labor Act hood of the car, and a 10,000-foot de- scent by Jimmie Goodwin, the "Bayou Bat Man," on wings similar to those which were being used by Clem Sohn when he plummeted to his death in France earlier this summer. Also on the program will be races and stunts by 25 motorcycle riders, members of the Devil Dogs Motorcycle Club, a local organization. Admission charges will be 10 and 25 cents. Southern Bloc Attacks Senate Wage, Hour Bill Senator Harrison Splits With Administration To Lead Fight WASHINGTON, July 30.-(Al)- Southern oratory of the old-fash- ioned, full-voiced type reinvigorated today a movement to bury the Ad- ministration wage and hour bill in a Senate committee. Led by Senator Harrison of Mis- sissippi, a candidate only last week for the post of majority leader, and Sen- ator Smith (Dem., S.C.), the south- erners almost to a man banded to- gether in an outright revolt against the measure.I Harrison shouted that the bill would set up a labor standards board which could destroy "business, large and small, by its administrative fiats." Smith declared the measure is in- tended to "check the inevitable rise of the South from the lowly condition in which the war between the states left it." "If South Carolina living conditions are so kindly," he said, "that it takes only fifty cents a day to live reason- ably and comfortably, and in New England it takes a dollar and a half, then must we raise the wages in the South to a dollar and a half? Administration leaders, hurriedly 2hecked the Senate roll-call. They reported that there were still enough votes to pass the bill, though they were obviously worried. Green Endorses Bill WASHINGTON, July 30.-()- Leaders of the American Federation of Labor differed publicly today on the question of whether the adiinis- tration's wage and hour bill should be shelved. William Green, the Federation president, objected to some phases of the legislation but advocated Sen- ate approval "with the hope that it can be reversed and amended in the House." Soon afterward John P. Frey, pres- ident of the A.F. of L. metal trades department, and J. W. Wililams, president of the building trades de- partment, issued a joint statement saying the bill should be sent back to committee. They said there is grave danger it would "interfere with and modify" the Walsh-Healey Government Con- tract Act. tier, rJuly 30.--(A-3-Two Frenchmen were condemned to death today for what Insurgent Spanish officials charged was a macabre plot to infest their territory with typhoid and sleeping sickness epidemics. They said the whole world would be called to witness the truth of their allegations- tpat Louis Chabrat and Jean Boujennec were tools of an in- ternational ring that involved Eng- glishmen, Frenchmen and s o m e Spaniards in high government office. French officials declared t h e charges were "ridiculous" propagan- da. A member of the French Cham- ber of Deputies, whose name was sim- ilar to one announced by the Insur- gents as a conspirator, declared he had never heard of the condemned men and that the Insurgents were a "pack of liars." cared the scheme was hatched in An Insurgent military court de- London and that Chabrat and Bou- jennec possessed vials of typhoid and sleeping sickness germs when they were arrested in Fuentarabia. Labor Groups Unite MADRID, July 30.-(U)-A pre- liminary agreement to solidify Gov- enrment Spain's dissident labor ranks was disclosed here tonight. The Socallst General Workers' Union. in which former Premier Francisco Largo Caballero is a lead- ing figure, and the Anarcho-Syndi- calist National Federation of Labor readied tentative accord.- The fronts around Madrid were quiet. There was no indication eith- er that the Government would renew its offensive or that the Insurgents would counter-attack again to re- gain the territiry they lost around Quijorna and Villanueva De La Can- ada. Britain Maintains Stand LONDON, July 30.--( ) -Great Britain will hold out for her scheme for nonintervention in Spain despite the opposition of other powers, For-. eign Secretary Anthony Eden told Parliament today just before ad- journment of a long, historic session. Attacked in the House of Com- mons by Labor leader Clement R. Attlee and war-time Prime Minister David Lloyd George, Eden did not waver. "As far as the present plan is con- cerned," he said, "we do not propose to agree to any major modification." Demands for changes came from Germany, Italy and Russia and Ger- man Ambassador Joachim von Rib- l bentrop declared the British plan had been wrecked because of the So- viet attitude. Eden admitted the prospect would be dark if there was no agreement on the British scheme. 'Pride And Prejudice' Will Close Tonight The closing performance of the Repertory- Players' Production "Pride and Prejudice," Helen Jerome's adap- tation of the Jane Austen novel, will be given at 8:30 p.m. today in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The play, a costume comedy of 1815 England, was a notable success in New York last season. Republicans Charge Merit Bill Will 'Freeze' Dems In State Position Amendments Favor Present Employes LANSING, July 30.-(P)-A civil service law was enacted by the Legis- lature today after hours of furious maneuvering. Civil service-given up as lost by administration leaders-was brought sharply to life when a Republican Senator joined Democratic members to give it a bare majority. Senator Myles M. Callaghan, Republican, Reed City, provided the required bal- lot. The Republican minority had the measure effectively bottled up had it been able to command its, full strength. Its leaders protested it was a "political" civil service bill, be- cause it requires that department1 heads must be consulted relative toi the qualifying eaminations to be1 given present state employes and be-I cause it provided for a three, insteadq of a four member, bi-partisan civil service commission. The vote was 17 to 13, with all-Dem- ocrats voting for the bill and all Re- publicans, except Callaghan,. voting against. Republican members of the Senate who voted against civil service issued a joint statement branding the meas- ure which passed a "complete polit- ical setup." The statement said: "The bill passed will continue the spoils system, using the name ciil service as a cloak of respectability." "For practical purposes its proides for blanketing in all state employes as of January 1, 1938, thus giving the administration every opportunity to replace all Republican employes. Not only that, it permits the Democratic administration to 'freeze' such em- ployes into anchored positions." "It was not because they were op- posed to civil service but because this bill was unfair and a mere hoax that Republican Senators, except Senator Miles M. Callaghan, voted against the bill." No Holds Barred As Dancers Battle For League Title Ten couples at the regular League dance tonight will win tickets to a subsequent dance when they are se- lected as the winners of the dance contest to be held there tonight. Rules governing the judging in the contest, as announced by Phyllis Miner, chairman of the affair are: all dancing must be dignified and con- servative. Tempo and rhythm, prop- er execution and originality will be emphasized in the judging. Judges for the contest are Margaret Lichtenwalter, Hope Hartwig, Marie Sawyer, Jack Crofts, Henry Homes and Douglas Gregory. At the dance tonight, Charlie Zwick and his orchestra will play several novelty numbers. The League garden will be open, and hostesses have been selected. Cutting will be allowed after the intermission. League Plans Cabaret Show Monday Night The University of Michigan Cab- aret Dinner will be held from 6:30 until 9:30 p.m., Monday in the League Ballroom, according to Mary Eliza Shannon, general chairman of the dinner. A fashion parade showing old and new styles, special dance numbers and a musical program will be featured. The dancing will include numbers done by Marie Sawyer and Douglass Gregory and Miss Sawyer will also present a number with Hope Hartwig. Shirtl Crosman, well known campus singer, will appear with Charlie Zwick and his orchestra, who will Linguists Researches Correct Misconception Of Indian Speech n _ Algonquian Dialects Are guage was no more created to fit a Subject Of Institute TalkItheorical orAristotlethan was thatfofdt By Professor Bloomfield Menominee Indian." Queer and mistaken ideas about our native American Indian languages have been held since the days of the early missionaries, but that such mis- conceptions are being dispelled by modern linguistic research, according1 to Prof. Leonard Bloomfield of the University of Chicago, who last night+ gave the final Linguistic Institute lecture of the week. Professor Bloomfield spoke partic- ularly of "The Structure of the Al- gonquin Languages," those spoken by the Indians in the North Central states. "The more we study the various Al-+ gonquin languages, the more we see that numerous as the differences are, they still have much in common with the Indo-European languages," Pro- fessor Bloomfield said. "All languages go back to the beginning of man and+ reflect the fundamental ways in which thinks of things. Our own lan- Teachers Need Doctors Help, Meeting Tolds Reading Troubles Require Diagnosis By Physicians, 1 Dr. Davis Declares+ Clinical diagnosis of reading dis- abilities is quite inadequate, and co- operation of medical men, especially ophthamologists and the educational authorities is needed in the future, Dr. Louise E. Farwell Davis of thej National College of Education said yesterday at the morning session of the Round Table Conference on reading Problems. She told of a research study that has been carried on the last seven years at the National College of Ed- ucation at Evanston, Ill., dealing with children of superior mentality and above average home background. "At the present time 70 children have been diagnosed for reading and, spelling , disability," she continued. "The children representing the most' serious problems have been found to read fluently when material is placed before a mirror, have often preferred the right hand, have shown signs of astigmatism and fatigue, have poor eye rotations, cannot follow a moving object skillfully and read better with, either eye alone that when both eyes are reading simultaneously." Dr. Davis pointed out that the tests which have been designed up to date are apparently not discriminating enough to ascertain the real reason for disability. "It has been determined that the learning to read comes more easily than the learning to spell," she stated. Speaking at the afternoon session of the conference, Dr. Davis stressed the fact that special study should be made of children presenting be- havior problems since the problem is often due to lack of school success. Gender in these Indian languages, he said, was not a matter of sex; one gender existed for animate things, and another for inanimated. As for nouns, Professor Bloomfield said, there wastno case system, al- though different forms existed for different purposes. Beside those for the two genders, there was one for the plural, one for the vocative and two for what Dr. Bloomfield called the obviative, which was used to show a difference with respect to whether the person named was the first or second one mentioned. There were also prefixes to show whether the thing named was possessed by the speaker, by the one addressed, or by a third person. This phenomenon,1 because it was always true of words naming parts of the body and of nouns of personal relationship, was the source of a "misconception," Dr. Bloomfield said, that the Indians had, no abstract terms; but the abstract idea could have been indicated by a prefix which, with "father," for ex- ample, meant "one who stands in the; relation of father to someone." The complex relationships of the verbal paradigms were discussed at length by the speaker, who turned them to the peculiar nature of sec- - ondary derivation in Algonquin. The speaker explained a score of methods7 by which words were compounded or shifted in function. One suffix, added to a noun such as "papeko," meaning "flea," made it a verb with the idea of abundant possession, so that "papekowiw" meant "He has a lot of fleas." Little has been done so far with primary derivation, or ultimate ety- mology of the language, concluded Professor Bloomfield, although some basic roots have been found, as the first element in the words "nama's" (fish), "namaw" (sturgeon), and "nama-kuh" (brook-trout). County Crash Adds Another To Traffic Toll Another death was added to -the swelling list of county auto fatalities yesterday when Herbert Hudson, 56 years old of R.F.D. No. 1, Gregory, was instantly killed in a two-car crash early in the morning at the in- tersections of Trinkle and Lima Cen- ter Roads, about 15 miles west of Ann Arbor near Lima Center. Hudson was riding south on the Lima Center Road with Harvey G. Fischer, 32 years old, of R.F.D. No. 1, Dexter, when their automobile col- lided with an eastbound car on Trinkle Road driven by Julius L. Ei- sele, 41 years old, of Chelsea. There are no stop signs at the in- tersection, and neither car stopped to yield the right of way to the other vehicle. The cars met in an angle collision, swung around side by side, and then parted again, continuing on into the ditch at a corner of the in- tersection. Hudson's neck was ap- parently broken by the impact, dep- uties said. Legislators Fail To Agree On 'Little Wagner Act' Row EndsMeeting Murphy May Call Legislature In Call LANSING, July 30.-(P)-The State Senate adourned abruptly tonight after passing civil service and re- passing its original Labor Relations Act over Governor Murphy's veto, and left the Governor's Labor Relations bill and most of his legislative pro- gram for the special session stranded. The two houses were so far apart on the labor measurethat there ap- peared no chance of agreement. The Senate passed the bill previously ve- toed by Gov. Murphy limiting picket- ing to employes of strike-bound plants. The House substituted a meas- ure favored by- the Governor permit- ting any resident member of the union involved to picket. The Senate refused to have any- thing to do with the House substitute, buried it in committee and adourned. The result was the state is left with- out an industrial relations law. The only administration measure which passed was civil service. Ad- journment of the Senate left rural electrification, a teachers' tenure bill, a measure providing maximum hours and minimum wages, a proposed ad- ministration finance department and unemployment compensation uncon- sidered. The special session ended in a row. Democratic senators supported Sena- tor George P. McCallum's (Ann"Ar- bor, Rep.) motion to adjourn. They were Senators William Palmer, Flint, administration floor leader, and J. Neil Lamoreaux, Comstock Park. 'Sn. James Burns, Dem., Detroit, who op- posed adjournment and insisted a labor relations act must be adopted, walked over to Palmer's desk and struck him sharply in the face. Burns then turned and left the chamber without comment. Other members interfered and Burns ran from the Senate chamber. There was talk among his colleagues of a motion to unseat Burns if the Legislature meets again. The failure of the Industrial Rela- tions measure visibly perturbed Gov- ernor Murphy. He said it would be resubmitted to the Legislature in an- other special session as soon as prac- ticable but probably not till next fall. The Governor declared the Senate adjournment was entirely illegal and unconstitutional, because the House had not concurred in the adjourn- ment resolution. Speaker George A. Schroeder announced that the House will remain in session for three or four days. House Orders State Gambling Inquiry Begun LANSING, July 30.- (/P) - The House of Representatives passed a resolution today calling for a state- wide investigation of gambling. The ersolution, which was intro- duced by Rep. Elton R. Eaton, Re- publican, Plymouth, passed by a vote of 74 to 10. The resolution inferred that State Department heads would 'be ques- tioned about the alleged gambling. "The State Liquor Control Com- activity of slot machine operators in mission has been forced through the Michigan to issue a ruling to the ef- fect that the liquor license of any licensee will be revoked if a slot ma- chine or any game of chance is found in the establishment," the resolution read in part. Mixed Swimming Tonight At I-M The next in a series of mixed rec- reational swims, being held under the sponsorship of the physical educa- tion' department, will be held from 7:45 to 8:45 p.m. tonight at the swim- ming pool in the Intramural Build- Annual Summer Session On International Law Concludes Ordinance Of '87, Education's Maona Carta, Is 150 Years Oldl After five weeks of intensive ac- ademic activity the sixth annual Sum- mer Session on International Law has drawn to a close. Its last classes were held yesterday. A galaxy of international law au- thorities probably unequalled on any other university campus in the coun- try was offered by the Institute this summer. In fact, with the exception' of Harvard, Yale and Chicago there! was no curriculum in the country! which included more than one profes-' fraternity house where room and board were offered at nominal rates; regular class sessions were conducted every morning from 8 a.m. till 12 and twice a week informal round table discussions were held. The round table discussions seemed particularly stimulating, according to Prof. Joseph E. Kallenbach of the political science department, who thought they offered an excellent op- portunity for a general airing of opin- ions on the modern position, signifi-' By JAMES A. BOOZER One hundred and fifty years ago a sentence in the Ordinance of 1787 was written which was to become the Magna Charta of American edu- cation-the same sentence that is cut above the Doric columns of Angell Hall. "Religion, morality and knowledge, being necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education nh ,, fn nvn. _ , . rn iir. r _, ,, "It became the real charter from which our charateristically American system of State education subse- quently developed. It is a simple dec- laration, but a landmark in educa- tional history." The inscription that has become famous was first placed above the stage in old University Hall, built in 1873. Thousands of students to whom the old auditorium was a focus of student life and a visible symbol of the University, sitting in the seats f-_ ... v r 1n n +a" n h 7