The Weather
Generally fair today; tomor-
row local showers, not much
change in temperature.
C, 4r
Five Weeks
Have Passed .
Official Publication Of The Summer Session
Dr. Price Tells
Siberian Camp
In World War
Condition Of Russia At
Time Of Revolution Is
Described In Talk
Need Of Replacing
Asian Peoples Told
The great "floating population" of
desperadoes and criminales which to
a large extent peoples eastern Siberia
will have to be reinforced by a fresh
influx of colonists of a more reliable
character if Russia is to continue to
hold that part of her dominions
against the aggressive encroachments
of Japan, in the opinion of Prof.
Hereward T. Price, expressed in yes-.
terday's Summer Session lecture.
Speaking on the topic, "Escape
From Siberia," Professor Price de-
scribed his adventures in that land
during the Russian Revolution, dis-
cussing in particular the aspects of
his experiences which have a bear-
ing on present day affairs.
Born In Madagascar
Born in Madagascar, a French pos-
session, of English parents, Professor
Price becme a member of the faculty
of a German University and a Ger-
man citizen before the outbreak of
the World War. At the beginning of
the conflict he petitioned to be al-
lowed to serve on the eastern front, in
order not to be obliged to fight
against the English or the French. He
was subsequently captured in action
by the Russians, who transported him
to a prison camp in distant Siberia.
"Good food was provided for us"
Professor Price said, "but the guards
stole it and fed us black bread." Only
the Cossack guards were honest, he
said. Briberyuwas rife throughout
the camp, as well as the most flag-
rant corruption.
Bribe Amounts To Little
On one occasion five prisoners
bribed a guard to allow them to
escape for a payment of 50 cents
each. The last of the five, however,
declined to pay the price and the
guard sounded the alarm. The fugi-
tives then bribed their way back into
the camp and were never discovered.
Professor Price told of bribing of-
ficials to permit him to join the
medical staff of the camp, thereby
obtaining much better living condi-
tions, but shortly afterwards a ty-
phoid epidemic broke out. "Typhus
was endemic throughout Siberia," he
declared, and was repeatedly breaking
out because of the unsanitary con-
ditions of prison camp life.
Often a fire would completely de-
molish one of the buildings of a Si-
berian prison camp, Professor Price
remarked, and would usually be fol-
(continued on Page 3)
Program Sent
To Legislature
Near Collapse
Senate Republicans Hope
To Block All Actions By
Refusal To Cooperate
LANSING, July 29.-()-The en-
tire program submitted to the recon-
vened Legislature by Governor Mur-
phy was in a state of near collapse
Senate Republicans-holding the
balance of power in the Legislature-
agreed unanimously that they would
oppose changing the Labor Relations
Bill, would not support administra-
tion amendments to the unemploy-
ment compensation act and would re-
fuse civil service provisions which
would give present state employes
too great an advantage over those
who worked under previous adminis-
trations or who might apply for posi-
A tug of war existed that appeared
likely to drive any civil service meas-
ure into another deadlock. House
Democrats favored a bill which would
"blanked in" employes on the pay-
roll under the present administration.
Governor Murphy advocated qualify-
ing examinations for employes, which
would allow giving them some credit
for experience and would not require
them to compete in open examina-
tions of that type are approved and
they be extended to include former
Linguist, Psychologist Do Not
Conflict In Meaning 'Discussion
Woodburne, Price Lead
Conference At Luncheon
Held ByInstitute
Although there was a linguistic
flank attack upon the philosophers'
objections to dictionary definitions,
no conflict developed between lin-
guist and psychologist when they met
yesterday to discuss "Problems of
Meaning" at the regular Thursday
luncheon conference of the Linguistic
The psychologist, Dr. Lloyd S.
Woodburne, assistant to the dean of
the college of literature, science, and
the arts, -declared that basically
meaning, whether of an object or
an idea, is determined by the numL
ber of facets of the individual's ex-
perience. If this experience is limit-
ed, then so will be the meaning, as a
four-year-old child will call a cow a
dog because in his experience all four-
footed animals are dogs.
It follows, said Dr. Woodburne,
that richness of meaning is present
in direct proportion to the extent of
a person's experience, that is, to his
Purdom Denies
Forgetting Men
For Positions
Appointment Head
rfhat Two Names
Never Registered
Denial that any persons enrolled
in the Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information were "for-
gotten" was made yesterday by Dr.
T.. Luther Purdom, director.
A recent letter in The Daily For-
um, signed by two persons claiming
they were of the class of 1931 and
1932, had registered with the bureau,
and had not been placed, was dis-
credited by Dr. Purdom, who said
that the two names given were never.
registered with his office. Univer-
sity directories of the years in ques-
tion failed to reveal the two names
attached to the complaint.
An applicant is retained on theI
"active" list of the bureau until
placed, according to the director, who
explained that there were two rea-
sons why enrolled persons were placed
in the "inactive" feels. Each fall
questionnaires are sent all persons
not placed, asking whether they have
found positions, and whether they
wish to be recommended for jobs.
If they fail to answer the query, a
second letter is sent them. If no reply
is received, the names are transferred
to the inactive list, but not destroyed.{
When persons indicate they have
found positions, and do not wish to
try for other openings, they are like-
wise termed inactive.
Many students who register with
the bureau fail to complete the neces-
sary data in the office or do not in-,
clude photographs, Dr. Purdom said.
No favoritism is shown in the se-
lection of applicants for jobs, he
said. If an English teacher is re-
quired, the automatic filing system
quickly offers all applications bear-
ing the demanded qualifications--
Protestant or Catholic; married or
single; male or female; race, etc.
Those applications listing the re-
required qualifications are sent to the
employer, without comment. The
complete dossier on each person
makes up the application-subjects
taken, personal history, and a photo-
graph. From these dossiers, the em-
ployer selects those to fill the re-
(Continued on Page 3)
Informal Dance
To Be Held At
League Tonioht
The informal dances tonight will
be held from 9 to 1 p.m. at the
The danceswhich alternate weekly
between toe Union and the League
are part of the Summer Session
League Council's plan to acquaint
students with both buildings. Foun-
tain service will be available in the
The following women have been
chosen to serve as dance assistants:
Eleanor Reed, Mary-Eliza Shannon,
Janet Collings, Cynthia Adams, Joan
Takken, Dorthy Wikel, Violet Villany,
.riann Marshall. Marv<Shmidt:
reading and information. This is
true, he explained, because the many
relationships contributed by the ex-
perience become themselves part of
the meaning.
At this point Dr. Woodburne point-
ed out that modern psychology, with
its knowledge of the peculiar mem-
I onic value of an organization of ex-
periences, submits to a revision the
old law of the association of ideas,
which was based upon simple con-
tiguity. Things only accidentally as-
sociated in space or time are not so
likely to contribute to the meaning,
he said, as those which have a closer
relationship, one fitting into a certain
configuration or organization in the
In concluding he raised, but did not
answer, the question whether an or-
ganization of experience is verbal or
conceptual. Such a question, he com-
mented, is significant to the linguist,
for it demands ascertaining whether
thinking is in terms of words or of
The linguistic approach to mean-
ing was limited to the lexicographical,
both because of choice and lack of
time, said Prof. Hereward T. Price,
himself a lexicographer. Speaking
out of a wealth of editorial exper-
ienceon both the Oxford Dictionary
and the Early Modern English Dic-
tionary, Dr. Price discussed meaning
as it is involved in the creation of
word definitions.
"A good definition," defined Dr.
Price, "is the noblest work of man."'
But ,he explained, a good definitionI
is not easy to produce, even for a dic-
tionary like the Early Modern Eng-
lish, which is based upon actual quo-
tations collected from usage of
speakers and writers. Word mean-
ing in a historical dictionary, it was
(Continued on Page 4)
Fashion Show
Is Planned For
Cabaret Dinner
Tickets Are On Sale For
75 Cents; League Bandf
Will Play1
A fashion parade displaying styles
of the, old and new has been added
to the program for the University of<
Michigan Cabaret Dinner to be held<
from 6:30 p.m. until 9:30 p.m. Monday
in the Ballroom of the Michigan
League, Jean Bonisteel, program
chairman, announced late last night.
This dinner, which is being spon-
sored by the Women's Education Club,
is open to all Summer Session stu-
dents. Tickets are on sale for 75
cents, and may be obtained from any
committee member or at the main
desk in the League or Union.
Miss Bonisteel will announce for
the fashion show. Models will be:
Janet Allington, William Sullivan,
Hope Hartwig, Bernard Shields, Ade-
laide Mason, Jack Crofts, Barbara
Nelson, Betsy Anderson, Jeanne
Geyer, Art Boettjer, Barbara Brad-
field, Henry Homes, Ona Thornton.
Bob Van Nordstrand, Mary Fran
Brown, John Smillie, Phyllis Miner,
Marie Sawyer and Douglas Gregory
will also serve.
Committees for the dinner include:
Elvira Hamerick, Louise Paine, and
Helen Trickey on the ticket commit-
tee; Karin Ostman and Mary Miller,
publicity; and Miss Hartwig and Miss
Bonisteel, program.
Open House Held
By Observatory
The Angell Hall Observatory will
be open for Summer Session students
tonight from 8 until 10 p.m.
Two telescopes, a10-inch refractor
and a 15-inch reflector will be avail-
able and the visitors will be able to
see the various planets and star clus-
This is the fifth in a series of
eight public evenings at the observ-
atory, which is on the fifth floor of
Angell Hall. The three remaining
nights are Aug. 6, 13, and 14. No tick-
ets are necessary to attend.
In case of cloudy weather inter-
esting lantern slides of the stars and
planets will be shown and discussed
by Prof. Heber D. Curtis who is in
charge of the observatory.
Alcatraz Prisoner
ChopsOff Fingers
SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., July 29.
-UP)-Rufe Fersful, 29. the Alcatraz
Several Deaths After
Vessel Catches Fire
BALTIMORE, July 29.-(n)--A fire
an eye-witness described as a "ball
of flame" enveloped the bay steamer
City of Baltimore tonight, burning at
least two men to death and injuring
an unestimated number of passen-
The vessel, owned by the Chesa-
peake Steamship Company, was about
an hour out of Baltimore, headed for
Norfolk, Va., when the blaze shot up
suddenly from her decks. More than
100 passengers and crew were said
to have been aboard.
As the ship moved out by Seven
Foot Knoll, about fourteen miles be-
low Baltimore, witnesses said, flames
shot high in the air and soon spread
over the entire vessel, which was re-
ported burned to the water's edge.
Coast Guard, Navy and private
craft rushed to the scene to take off
survivors. An unestimated number
were brought ashore. One witness
said several jumped from the boat
and swam ashore.
Two unidentified men died en route
to a hospital here. Nine persons, suf-
fering minor burns and exposure were
taken ashore at Bayside, near the
scene of the fire.
Detroit Strike
Ended In Time
F or Rush Hour
DETROIT, July 29.-(P)-Striking
bus drivers returned to duty this af-
ternoon in time to accommodate the
home-going rush from Detroit's bus-
iness district.)
Their return ended a one-day strike
marked by violence at bus garages
and confusion among commuting
A temporary agreement to end what
union officials termed a "wildcat"
strike was reached shortly after noon
in a conference between representa-
tives of the union and of the Detroit
Street Railway System.
It was agreed that a charter amend-
ment governing seniority, which was
to have gone into effect today and
against which the strikers were .pro-
testing, should be held in abeyance
during arbitration.
The amendment, approved by vot-
ers in a referendum last spring, would
have put in operation a single senior-
ity system governing both street car
motormen and bus drivers. Hereto-
fore the two groups had had their
own seniority systems. With the
amendment effective today, many
street car motormen planned to
switch to buses, where their greater
seniority would give them preferred
Prof. Gambrill
Talks To Group
At Roundtable
Remedial reading is not only a
reading problem, but a problem of the
makeup of the whole child, Dr. Bessie
Lee Gambrill, professor of elementary
education at Yale University, yester-
day told the morning meeting of the
Round Table Conference on Reading
Problems of Teachers.
Reviewing the development of the
Yale Experimental Field Clinic in
Remedial Reading, she stated that,
because of this fact, the University
went into the children's homes and
studied the child and his environ-
"There is never just one factor in
the reading disability of the child but
usually many," Dr. Gambrill de-
The Yale educator pointed out how
an advisory service for nearby towns
to help their school systems evaluate
pupils' reading was set up.
"The work of the advisory service
has been expanded so much recently
that it has had to be extended to
work with the pupils' parents," Dr.
Gambrill said in closing.
At 9 a.m. today, the last day of the
conference, Dr. Louis Farwell Davis
of the National College of Education
will speak on "Research Findings in
the Diagnosing of Reading Disabil-
At the afternoon meeting at 2 p.m.
Miss Edith Baker, assistant superin-
tendent of the Ann Arbor schools,
will summarize the high points of the
conference, and Dr. Davis will talk on
"Future Needs in Diagnosis and
Treatment of Reading Disabilities."
50 Liquor Despensers Are
Called Before Commission
AFL Lobbyists
Expect Defeat
Of Labor Bill
Roosevelt Faced With Next
Major Failure On Black,
Connery Wage Act
Labor Support Of
Measure Weakens
WASHINGTON, July 29.--(/)-
The Roosevelt Administration faced
the threat of a second major defeat
tonight when word spread in Congress
that American Federation of Labor
lobbyists were quietly trying to have
the wage and hour bill shelved.
Labor's influence had been counted
upon heavily to put the bill across,
and many legislators expressed belief
the measure is now in jeopardy. For
Administration forces, who have list-
ed the measure high on their "desir-
able" list, a defeat would be second
only in gravity to their reversal on the
court revamping bill.
John P. Frey, president of the
A.F. of L.'s metal trades department,
disclosed he had asked a number of
senators to delay consideration of the
wage-hour bill until next year.
While he favors the wage and hour
provisions, he said, he is opposed to
the powers the bill would give a pro-
posed administrative board. He also
said the measure would "kill" certain
benefits of the Walsh-Healey Act,
which is designed to raise labor stand-
ards in plants doing work for the
The pending bill, called the Black-
Connery measure, would empower a
board to fix wage minimum at 40
cents an hour, or lower. It likewise
could shorten the work week to 40
In the past, manyhfederation lead-
ers have opposed the establishment
of minimum wages on the ground
that minimums tend to becomemax-
imums. They also have argued that
government fixing of minimum wages
might eventually lead to fixing of
maximums' also.
The Chinese Situation
TIENTSIN - Fierce Japanese
aerial bombardment devastates
wide area of Tientsin; Chinese say
"thousands" killed or wounded;
Americans in danger but none in-
PEIPING-Five thousand Chin-
ese gendarmes suddenly attack
Japanese garrison at Tungchow
in revenge for massacre at Nan-
yuan; North China generals make
separate peace with Japan.
TOKYO - Japanese Foreign
Minister warns any foreign "in-
terference" in North China will be
summarily rejected: large rein-
forcements dispatched.
NANKING-Generalissimo Chi-
ang Kai-Shek declares fighting
"only the beginning," pledges "no
surrender" defense of Chinese sov-
ereignty; ePiping peace called a
LONDON-Great Britain lets
Japan know she will disapprove
severance of any further Chinese
General reports no American cas-
ualties at Tientsin; informs state
department joint foreign media-
tion efforts failed.
Tennis Coach
Wins City Net
Title Yesterday
Accurate Drives Of
Beat Choppy, Trick
Of 'Hap' Sorenson
Labor At A Glance
DETROIT - Leaders of Motor
Coach drivers agree to ask strikers
to return to work pending court
settlement of seniority dispute;
Ford Motor Company ends defense
against labor charges, and again
loses in plea for dismissal.
strike, affecting 2,500 employes,
settled after nearly three months;
30 men battle in truck drivers'
strike in effort to organize chain
'grocery concern's employes.
NEW YORK-CIO Affiliated
Transport Workers Union wins
closed shop agreement covering
10,000 taxi drivers. Y
WASHINGTON - Wage - hour
bill attacked by both Republicans
and Democrats, thwarting Admin-
istration plan for immediate Sen-
ate vote; Senate votes to exempt
various types of canners and pro-
cessors whose work is of seasonal
PITTSBURGH - Hundreds of
miners return to West Virginia
coal pits of Bethlehem Steel Corp.
after walkout in support of steel
union is ended.
French Report
Sinking Of Ship
For Refugees
Blazing Vessel Hit By Sub
Before Fishermen Row
Out To Derelict
NIMES, France, July 29.-(IP)-
Fishermen who rowed out to a blaz-
ing Spanish refugee ship after it was
shelled by a submarine off Port Grau-
Du-Roi today Said bodies were heaped
on the deck.
The submarine, unidentified as to
nationality, rose to the surface and
attacked the refugee-laden freighter
and two tank steamers, sinking one
of the tankers, witnesses on the shore
said. The refugees were from Valen-
The tankers, Spanish Government
ships, were proceeding from Mar-
seille, France, to Valencia.
Fishermen said the crew of the ref-
ugee ship jumped overboard after
shells set it afire and took refugees
off in boats. The fire was reported
still blazing late tonight and rescuers
were inahl to aid those still aboard.
Leroy Weir, new addition to the 1
University's tennis coaching staff,
yesterday swept through the chop-
shot opposition of "Hap" Sorenson
and dropped only three games to win
the All-City tennis singles title in
straight sets, 6=1, 6-2, 6-0.
Sorenson's trick shots were not
match for the hard, accurate drives
with which Weir replied, and thex
Michigan coach ran his opponent
ragged with placements.t
In the men's novice singles Creigh-
ton Coleman, '38L, won the right to1
represent Ann Arbor in the state
tournament Aug. 5, when he came
from behind in a grueling match with1
Bob Miller which lasted two hoursE
and 15 minutes. The scores were1
7-9, 7-5, 6-4, 9-7, a total of 54 games,i
and long rallies were frequent. The1
match began at 4 p.m. and was still
going at the conclusion of the men's
singles; which began an hour later.,
In the finals of mixed doubles play
Prof. Robert C. Angell and Helen,
Alexander defeated Chris Mack and
Beatrice Massman 6-2, 6-3. Cham-;
pions previously determined in the
tournament were Dorothy Maul in
women's singles and Catherine San-,
ders in the women's novice division.
Endeavour I Beats
New Cup Defender
NEWPORT, R.I., July 29.-(A)-
Ranger, the sloop with which Harold
S. Vanderbilt will essay this third
consecutive efense of the America's
cup starting this Satudray, today suf-
fered her first defeat after 13 straight
She finished third to T.O.M. Sop-
with's first British challenger En-
deavor I. which Vanderbilt, sailing
Rainbow, vanquished in 1934.
Gerard B. Lambert's Yankee,
thrice runner-up in the pursuit of de-
fense honors, came in second, a min-
ute and forty-seconds astern of the
old challenger. Ranger trailed
Yankee by a minute and 37 seconds.
Rainbow, now owned and skippered
by Chandler Hovey, finished the 37-
mile run from Vineyard Haven, Mass.,
nearly 11 minutes behind the boat she
sent back to England empty-handed
in 1934.
Police, Detectives
.Hunt For Thieves
SEAL HARBOR, Me., July 29.-(P)
-State police and private detectives
joined forces tonight in a search for
thieves who stole jewels valued at
$47,900 from the palatial summer
home of Captain and Mrs. J. J.
O'Brien of Grosse Point, Michigan.
The gems, which included a $37,-
500 pearl and diamond necklace, dis-
appeared from Mrs. O'Brien's dress-
ing room over the week-end. The loss
was discovered Monday, but was kept
secret by police until today.
Fingerprints of a man giving a
T-irlnlha nlr a. whn mns nx-
Nippons Bomb
Tientsin From
Air To Cause
Chinese Claim Thousands
Of Non-Combatants Are
Killed In Devastation
Consul Reports No
Americans Injured
TIENTSIN, July 29.-(P)-The
heaviest planes in Japan's North
China Army today systematically and
unhurriedly devastated a large area
of this city, China's second largest
trade and commercial metropolis.
Chinese officers declared "thou-
sands of non-combatant men, women
and children were killed or wounded."
Resisted only by hopeless rifle and
machine gun fire, the planes carried
out the announced determination of
Japanese leaders to wipe out all.
Tientsin areas harboring Chinese
troops hostile to them.
When darkness ended the most de-
structive and longest aerial bombard-
ment ever undrtaken by a Japanese
air corps, the unscathed foreign con-
cessions ringed by smoke clouds ris-
ing from the city's Chinese quarters.
Many Buildings In Ruins
Nankai University, China's fore-
most seat of learning, not supported
by foreigners, Tientsin's municipal,
headquarters, the tax bureau, the Pei-
ping-Mukden and Tientsin-Pukow
Railway Administration buildings
customs offices, freight yards and
warehouses were smouldering ruins.
Shortly before midnight fighting
still was in progress for the east
station, nerve center of the North
China railway system and keypoint in
the military situation here.
Japanese and Chinese infantry bat-
tler fiercely in the flickering light of
a .huge blaze in the freight yards, set
by a Japanese air bomb.
The Japanese were holding the sta-
tion proper, surrounded by Chinese.
Other areas around Tientsin were re-
ported quieter.
Foreigners In Danger
During the bombing the lives of
hundreds of Americans and other for-
eigners were in constant danger.
Many of them remained huddled in
foreign concession cellars during the
hail of steel and explosives.
The United States 15th infantry,
with half of its strength in summer
camp at Chinwangtao, on the coast
northeast of here, took up its duty
of protecting American lives and
property outside the foreign conces-
Because most American residents
live in the British and French con-
cession the troops combined with
British concession and United States
authorities urged all their nationals
to seek shelter in those areas.
Irish University
Confers Degree
On Dr._Bishop
Remedial Reading Is Topic
Of Speech; Development
Of Yale Clinic Reviewed
Dr. William W. Bishop, head li-
brarian, has been conferred the de-
gree of doctor of literature by the
University of Ireland, the parch-
ment having been signed by Eamon
de Velera, president of the Irish Free
State, and chancellor of the univer-
sity, it was made known yesterday.
Thehonorary degree, presented in
absentia in a special convocation of
the university, is added to a long list
of degrees held by the wold-famous
librarian. The degre of Litt.D. has
also been conferred on him by the
University of Miama, 1926; New York
University, 1927; Columbia Univer-
sity, 1930, while he has been honored
with the doctor of laws degree from
Oberlin College 1928; University of
Western Ontario 1932; and from
Ohio Wesleyan University last year.
Dr. Bishop stopped in Dublin in
1935 after having represented the li-
brarians of the United States at the
International Association of Librar-
ians conference in Madrid. He was
at the time president of the world-
wide organization. He addressed the
Irish Association of Librarians bring-
ing the greetings of the American as-
sociation. He spoke to groups at
several colleges and made a radio ad-
LANSING, July 29.-( )-The state