.7 THE MICHIGAN DAILY 37 Are Picked By Educational Honor Society Now He Will Try To Hold That Tiger Phi Delta Kappa To Hold Initiation Banquet At MichiganUnion Today The annual initiation of Phi Delta Kappa, honorary education frater- nity, will be held at the Union at 4 p.m., followed by a banquet at 6:30 p.m. According to James J. Mc- Laughlin, president of the organiza- tion, the 37 neophytes of the Sum- mer Session are one of the largest groups in years. The master of ceremonies will be Dr. Raleigh Schorling, professor of education in the University and di- rector of teacher training. Dr. Har- lan C. Koch, assistant director of the Bureau of Cooperation with Educa- tional Institutions, will welcome the new initiates to membership; and Lauren A. Packard, superintendent of schools in Port Huron, will reply for the initiates. This summer, the neophytes are mostly high school principals and superintendents, although there are a few teachers. Phi Delta Kappa is an honorary society for men in the educational profession. It is na- tional in organization, with chapters in the various state universities. The University of Michigan chapter is Omega. The standards for member- ship are listed as those of "research, leadership and service," and candi- dates must have high scholastic standings for their work in, the University, and must have attained prominence in their respective fields. The organization is unique in that the percentage of active members to the whole membership is very high, there being a total of over 600 ini- tiates, with more than 400 active. The society holds a dinner every Tuesday for the Summer Session members. The membership committee, which selects the candiates, is headed by Malcolm Williams. The others are Prof. E. A. Walter, Vaden Miles and E. L. Rager. The initiation commit- tee, in charge of today's proceedings, is composed of Ralph Frostic, chair- man, Clyde Vroman, Warren Good, Lawrence Kruegar and Charles Lawshe. The list of initiates, all of whom are Summer Session students, follows: Russell H. Amerman, Kenneth Bordine, Harry Burnham, Ralph R. Busick, A. O. Carlson, Carl R. Christy, Claud Ivan Cowles, Howard D. Crull, Arthur D. Diller, Irving Stanley Ed- wards, Clarence Fielstra, John A. Fisher, Cleo Fox, Frank H. Harlan, William H. Haken, Paul A. Hartley, Clarence E. Hinchey, Earl A. In- man, Orman A. Kirk. Robert E. LeAnderson, James A. Lewis, Lloyd F. McIntyre, Stephen Mead, J. Foster Moore, Stanley K. Norton, John W. Pritchard, Norbert E. Radket, Edward L. Rankin, L. A. Packard, Gerald L. Poor, Colon L. Schaibly, L. S. Summers, Ralph U. Swisher, James H. Vander Ven, Don- ald Howard Wing and Clarence Zer- bel. PROFESSOR HONORED Two of his classes in geography last night honored Prof. Samuel Vanval- kenburg at a dinner at the Haunted Tavern. More than 25 persons were present. Fr. Marquette Was Scientific, Crane Thinks Had Real Curiosity As Well As Fortitude And Zeal, Historian Says (Continued from Page 1) much discussion on the point. The passage to the East, a phantom chased by so many European explor- ers during the 16th and 17th cen- turies, was sought as a part of the development, of the autocratic and imperialistic policy of Louis and Col- bert, Professor Crane stated. Cham- plain, Nicolet, and other Frenchmen in North America had already spent many years in the search to the West, and in 1669 Joliet had made a voyage across Lake Erie in spite of the dan- gers of the region to the French owing to the enmity of the fierce Iroquois, with whose enemies, the Algonquins, Champlain had made an alliance. At any rate, the expedition, with Marquette probably in the capacity of chaplain, set out from the priest's famous stone mission at St. Ignace, accompanied by the warnings of friendly Indians of the immense dan- gers of their proposed trip down the Mississippi, where, it was said, lurked not only hostile savage but monsters and demons as well. After a month's voyage the little party reached the great river near its source, and began the trip downstream. At first the Indians behaved with civility, but as the group reached the territory of the present state of Ar- kansas the temper of the savages changed, finally causing the expedi- tion to turn about when it was found many of them were armed with guns supplied by the Spaniards. They were certain by this time that the Mississippi emptied into the Gulf of Mexico, and believed themselves only three days' journey from the mouth. The sequel to this trip was the death of Marquette in a voyage in 1675 in which he had hoped to ex- Michigan Outpost in Colorado Summer Home For Geologists 14 Students And Faculty, elderly horse treks the hills with those 'Ruhi I' With Ow lucky enough to find her home from AOUg ling '. Ithe range. Or, as a geologist's holi- Health Service day, individuals may take beautiful (Continued from Page 1) and interesting hikes in the evenings -_----_or on week-ends. The scheduled the middle, running the length of the { "days-off" are Saturday afternoon room, is a long study table. The and all day Sunday. three women students live in cabins Mail and telegrams reach the camp facing the river. Each cabin is by way of the post office and railway equipped with running water, study station at Bond, a 14-family hamlet table dresser chairs and single beds. three miles northwest of State Bridge. All campers have access to shower This town possesses in its post office baths. and general store the facilities for a The University faculty members at gratis spree, for the floor tilts at a the camp are Dr. G. M. Ehlers, di- four degree angle, and walking is rector and Drs. Armand Eardley and difficult and unsteady. The reason: Ralph Belknap. The daily field trips the building is still transient, its taken from State Bridge are under final resting place having not yet their supervision. A physician, Dr. been established. Bond's other point Wilma Sacks, of the University of interest is its interurban-school Health Service, is a resident at the house, a structure resembling in ap- camp during the Summer Session, pearance the eastern dining-car and is responsible for the health of hash-house. The school teacher lives the campers. behind the structure in an auto-trail- q tc t stffric t ter. THURSDAY, JULY 29, 1937 Health Officer Outlines Four Gym Functions Says Program Will Include Hygiene, Instruction And Sanitation Physical education is education not of the physical, but through the phys- ical, Walter A. Cox, director of the Bureau of Health Education of the city school system of Albany, N.Y., told a group yesterday in the audi- torium of the University high school. "There are four functions that physical education has in the present school curriculum," he said. "It should develop the organic systems of the body, it should develop the neuro- muscular system of the body, it should develop favorable attitudes towards play and it should develop a certain standard of social life." Speaking on physical education for the public school, Mr. Cox stated that it is thought of in four divisions. "There is the health program, the health service, the physical activity program and the health instruction," he declared. Chief among the school health pro- gram, according to Mr. Cox, are sani- tary arrangements, hygiene instruc- tion and health examinations. "Health examinations should find what is wrong with the pupil, and give information concerning his physical defects to his parents," he said. TAFT SEEKS ELECTION CINCINNATI, July 28.- -Robert A. Taft, bitter foe of the New Deal, declared informally today his inten- tion of seeking the Republican nom- ination for the United States Senate. The term of Sen. Robert Bulkley (Dem.) of Cleveland expires next year. TYPEWRITERS FOUNTAIN PENS Student Supplies 0* D. Morrill 314 SOUTH STATE STREET William P. Kenneally (right), shown in New York talking with a reporter, became temporary head of Tammany Hall, famed New York City political organization, after the death of James J. Dooling. Ken- neally is chairman of Tammany's executive committee. Observatory Holds First Open House Of New Series Today Summer School Students Invited; Professor Curtis To Be InCharge The first of two "Open Houses" at the Observatory, corner of Ann and Observatory streets, will be held this afternoon from 2 till 5. Any stu- dent enrolled in the Summer Session who is interested is cordially invited. No tickets are necessary. Professor Heber D. Curtis, chairman of the As- tronomy department here, and Di- rector of Observatories, will be in charge. This and the next open house, to be held Aug. 5, are a part of the new visitors' program being tried this summer, according to Prof. Curtis. The schedule includes also seven eve- nings at the telescopes in Angell Hall for observing purposes. Three of these have already been held and the next visiting night will be tomorrow, followed by the nights of Aug. 6, 13, and 14. The turnout for those held has been very gratifying, Prof. Curtis said, although the condition of the weather has been an important fac- tor in the size of the crowd of any one night. About 200 were present at the last one, July 23. More than three hundred could be easily han- dled, he said. The first two nights at Angell Hall were devoted to observations of the moon, as will be the last two, Aug. 13 and 14. The other three nights will be turned over to interesting ce- lestial bodies such as Mars, Jupiter, star clusters, and double stars. Prof. Curtis said. In case of cloudy wea- ther, lantern slides and demonstra- tions of the various apparatus avail- able will be substituted. Observing is not done for visitors at the Observatory because the teles- copes there, although larger than those in Angell Hall, are fitted for photographic work now. Last year three nights in a row were devoted to visitors with the re- sult that over-crowding hindered the proceedings. Between 700 and 900 summer session students attended last year. Interest is shown in every- thing on the astronomical program, but most people want to look at the moon, according to Professor Curtis. FORMER GRAD DROWNS. Ann Arbor police said last night they had been notified of the drown- ing of Ralph A. Martin, about 35 years old, of Chicago. Martin grad- uuen s ana s ,a. rise o a .rumpeLt at 6 a.m., with breakfast following at 6 :30. Weathertpermitting, the group begins its trips about 7:30, leaving by field car for the area to be studied. Each member of the party carries a light lunch, canteen, and geblogical field equipment. Much of the latter is lent the students by the University although some is privately owned. Trips generally last until about 4 p.m. and dinner is served at 6 p.m. Miss Mary E. Cooley, '26, of the geology faculty of Mt. Holyoke Col- lege, is an independent investigator living at the Michigan camp. She is' mapping a region 10 miles from State Bridge, and is being assisted by Miss Eleanor Crosby, of Worcester, Mass. By way of recreation, the geolo- gists may, in spare time, swim in a nearby pond, or play deck tennis or horseshoes. Pseudo Westerners don appropriate costumes and twirl ropes after the manner of Hoot Gibson. There is reputedly trout fishing, where the faculty men forever let the big ones get away, and the hitherto unheard-of rainy spells of the semi- arid region have proved a handicap to would-be Isaac Waltons. A single School Of Music Student To Give Organ Program Miss Lou White of Petersburg, Va., will give an organ recital in partial fulfillment of the requirements of a Bachelor of Music degree, at 8:30 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium. Miss White is a pupil of Palmer Christian of the School of Music. Her program follows: "Prelude and Fugue in G Major" by Bach; "Chor- ale Preludes, Jesu Meine Freunde, Das Alte Jahr Vergangen Ist, in DirIst Freude," "Fantasy in A" by Franck; "Concert Variations" by Bonnet, "Matin Provencal"; "Benedictus" by Reger and "Carillon Sortie" by Mulet. BUFFALO EATS AGAIN BUFFALO, N.Y., July 2&.-,P)- Striking truck drivers tonight unani- mously ratified a compromise con- tract reached with wholesale grocery merchants and ended the most serious phase of Buffalo's eight-day food embargo. uated from the University here in plore the Missouri River, which, 1925. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. was convinced, would prove Robert A. Martin; live at 215 N. Divi- means of discovering at last thee sion St. sive passage to the East. he the elu- "Report Me and My Cause SELLING OUT Last Three Days There are only three days left of this spectacular price-slashing sale. Only three days left for bargains that you'll probably never see again. Don't delay coming down. You'll only cheat yourself, for this is the chance of a lifetime to really save without fear of accepting inferior merchandise. COME EARLY FOR GOOD SELECTION!! All-White and Pastel PURSES, regardless of former price are now reduced to ...................... 49c We're still running that special on Trillium and Wonder- maid SLIPS that sold at $3.00 .........N ow $1.79 Another group of pure silk SLIPS at ........$1.29 Our entire stock of Maidenform BANDEAUS have been drastically reduced for clearance:. Were $1.00 and $1.50. Now 59c If you wear a 9, 10, or 10f2 size hose, you'd better be mak- ing tracks for our store for we have only those sizes left in the $1.00, $1.15, and $1.25 hose......... Now 59c Black and White HOSE, now.........2 for $1.00 There's a beautiful assortment of sweaters just waiting for lucky purchasers.Values to $5.00 Now $1.69 and 98c People with small feet will rejoice when they hear that our ANKLETS in sizes 8'2 and 9 that sold to 59c are Now 19c We still have a fine assortment of two-way stretch GIRDLES in Fortuna and Hickory brands that sold to . . . so spoke the dying Hamlet to Laertes. These words sum up the ardent desire of every man to be fully aM4 accurately represented before his fellow men. To report -every cause aright is the task of The Associated Press. Its trained staff of 80,000 patrols the corridors of the world to get the news -to get it accurately and report it impartially, with all possible speed. It performs this task daily with marked success through the coopera- tion of its 1360 member newspapers. ThD A dagn TIy ggPr e Rv?,irw*Q *hp 1NJ Tc ref ha Wnr