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July 21, 1934 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1934-07-21

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Constitution For
Philippines Will
Be Drafted Soon

National Guardsmen Protect North Dakota Capitol

Islands Plan Convention
Starting July 30; Want
Speedy Independence
Object To Interim'
Many Steps Necessary To
Bring Independence For
Island Peoples
WASHINGTON, July 20.--(A)-
The Philippine Islands will take their
first major step toward complete in-
dependence when a constitutional
convention meets in Manila on July
30. .
At that time the Filipinos will
shift into high gear the machinery
designed to make their nation an in-
dependent republic by about July 4,
With extraordinary speed the ma-
chinery can bring into existence by
next January 1 the commonwealth or
interim government which, meeting
all requirements of the McDuffie-
Tydings independence act, will make
way for the Philippine republic on
July 4, 10 years hence.
This 10-year interim, strenuously
objected to by Filipino leaders as too
long, was devised to give the islands
experience in running their own gov-
ernment, for readjustment of trade
relations and all the complicated
steps necessary for the American gov-
ernment to withdraw after nearly a
half century of Philippine occupa-

-Associated Press Photo
National guardsmen were posted at strategic spots in Bismarck, N. D., and at the capitol building during
the chaos created by the "battle of governors" between William Langer and Ole H. Olson. Guards are show
here at the door of the $1,500,000 capitol.


Many Farmers
Decline FERA
Plan To Assist
Ties Bind The Agricultural
Sections To The Drouth
Scorched Lands
WASHINGTON, July 20. -(A') -
The ties that bind farmers to drouth
scorched land of the western plains
are proving too strong for the Fed-
eral Emergency Relief Administra-
tion to break.
Though suffering terrific hardship,
all except a comparative few are
declining FERA's offer of assistance
in moving to land that is better-
Thisbecame known today when
Lawrence Westbrook, assistant ad-
ministrator in charge of drouth re-
lief, let it be known that the pop-
ulation of the drouth areas is plan-
ning to stick it out.
Years of insufficient moisture
capped by this year's disaster have
seared crops and pastures and in some
places turned topsoil into great dry
dunes that have buried buildings,
ruining the work of generations.
Unlike the tenant farmer of the
south, thousands of whom are being
assisted to independence in the rural
rehabilitation program, these people
own their.own homes. They are de-
scendants of the pioneers who braved!
the rigors of the west to settle it.
They cling to the ancestral land.
Much land has been declared by
agricultural experts to be fit only for
grazing. In the f ce of the refusal
to move, Westbrook said, the problem
now has resolved itself largely into
one of helping the people where they
are instead of transplanting them.
Either way, he said, the cost would be
about the same.
Workers Get Demands,
And Then Are Stumped
MANORVILLE, Pa., July 20. - (R)
- The 50 striking workers of the
National Mirror Specialty Co. are in
a quandary.
A committee marched into the of-
fice of Leon H. Samuels, owner, and
demanded better wages and hours.
The boss shook his head, thought
a while and said:
"Tell you what I'll do. I'll turn the
plant over to you. You do the man-
aging, fix the hours of work, take
your wages out of the profits and
pay me a salary."
The men said they didn't have suf-
ficient managerial experience.
The committee thought some more
and then decided:
"We'll come back later."
They hied to Pittsburg to consult
Ernest C. Dunbar, mediator of the
Regional Labor Board, and now he's
trying to settle it.

There is one room among those to
be found in the cluster of University
buildings over the door of which
might be inscribed in letters of gold,
"Silence Is Golden." It is the sound-
proof room on the fourth floor of
the Natural Science Buil ing. De-
signed by Prof. John F. Spard, of
'Sport,' A Derelict Dog,
Saves Life Of Master
CHAMPAIGN, Ill., July 20. -(P) -
"Sport," a mongrel dog Hugh Cain,
now 12, picked out of a garbage can
several years ago, has paid up his bill
in full.
"Sport" brought help to his master,
his brother, Ray, 15, and Conway
'Dixon, 12, Thursday when they
dropped unconscious of carbon mo-
noxide fumes from a gas heater.
The boys were revived by their
father, Hugh Cain, aided by an in-
halator squad.
They had been washing walls and
had lighted a gas heater to warm
water for a shower-bath. The room
was not properly ventilated, however,
and the gas light quickly used up so
much oxygen that all three col-
The dog, apparently unaffected by
the gas, dashed to another part of
the building yelping frenziedly and
quickly brought help.
Scientists have found that people
differ widely in their ability to taste
various substances.

the Department of Psychology on
the basis of experiments conducted
by him, the room was completed along
with the Natural Science Building in
This haven of silence for those
with distraught nerves is completely
surrounded and insulated from the
rest of the building by an eight inch
layer of fine sand and sawdust di-
vided into three smaller layers by
roofing felt. There are, in addition,
two separate air spaces lined with felt
between the sand layer and the walls
of the room itself.
The floor, according to Professor
Shepard, presented special difficulties
in sound deadening which were met
by adding, in addition to the sand-
sawdust combination, a layer of cork
and two of soft wood all separated
one from another by air spaces.
To support all this weight it was
necessary to strengthen the founda-
tions to the point where they would
support about 450 lbs. to the square
' There are three doors leading into
the room all heavily lined with hair
felt as is the entire interior of the
room. The floor is, in addition, covered
with a thick carpet. A heavy lead
pipe which goes through and is sound
insulated from the walls is used to
lead in wires and tubing necessary
for conducting experiments.
So completely sound-proof is the
room that a person inside cannot
hear a gun shot outside and only
with difficulty can detect the sound
of someone beating on the walls.

Psychology Department Proves
To All That "Silence Is Golden"

Students From
China Married
By Dr. Fisher

Follows U. S. Plan
Creation of the Philippine repub-
ic, under regulations devised by con-
;ress to make it a virtual carbon copy
of the United States government, rep-
esents a step of utmost importance
for the islands, which have sought
reedom for 400 years, and will mark
he United States' first surrender
f sovereignty to one of its te'rri-
Steps necessary to bring indepen-
lence to the islands include:
The constitutional convention
neets July 30 to prepare a consti-
ution for the commonwealth govern-
nent. The character and content of
his constitution are carefully out-
ined by the independence law. This
Prof. J. R. Hayden Is
Islands Vice-Governor


Prof. Joseph R. Hayden, former-
ly a member of the political sci-
ence department here, was ap-
pointed vice-governor of the Phil-
ippine Islands November 3, 1933,
by President Franklin D. Roose-
As vice-governor, Professor Hay-
den also heads the department of
public instruction and is ex-of-
ficio president of the Board of Re-
gents of the University of Manila.
The public health service is within
the department of public instruc-
tion and is also administered by
Professor Hayden.
At the time of his appointment
local commentators familiar with
the Philippine government viewed
the move as an indication of the
non-partisan character of the of-
fice, coming as it did from a Dem-
ocratic Administration with Frank
Murphy, a Democrat as Governer-
General of the archipelago.
document must be approved by Pres-
ident Roosevelt and then be submit-
ted to the Philippine people at a
If the document is accepted, an
election will be held to select officers
of the Philippine commonwealth. Fol-
lowing a presidential proclamation,
this government would come into be-
ing, and the American governor-gen-
eral would retire to make way for a
high commissioner, who would be this
government's observer for the next 10
During this interim, free trade with
the mother country is prescribed
within fixed limits, and. starting with
the sixth and continuing to the tenth
year, the commonwealth government
would levy graduated export taxes on
its exports to the United States, which
money would be used to liquidate
bonded indebtedness of the islands.
Filipinos who have objected to the
law claim this last provision will de-
stroy chances of eventual indepen-
dence, because they believe it will
destroy the republic's economic
To Visit Manila
A congressional commission, there-
fore, has been appointed and will visit
Manila to inquire into this objection,
It also will study the possibility of
shortening the transition period and
withdrawing American naval bases,
which the - United States otherwise
would retain under the law.
Anxious to obtain a constitution
which will meet presidential approval
without delay, the Philippine govern-
ment has enlisted the advice of Rep-

Pastor's Study Is'Scene Of
Wedding Ceremony Of
Pearl Liu,_R. B. Chen
Two Chinese graduate students
found the romance on the University
campus this year which culminated
in their marriage in the pastor's study
of First Methodist Church at 10:00
o'clock yesterday morning. The stu-
dents were Miss Pearl Liu of Sienyu,
Fukien, China, and Ren-Bing Chen
of Waukang. in central China.
The vows were exchanged before
Dr. Frederick B. Fisher. The bride is
the daughter of Mrs. F. T. Liu of
Sienyu and the late Mr. Liu, who was
a missionary of the Methodist church,
and Mr. Chen is the son of Rev, and
Mrs. Chen of Changsha.
Mrs. Bradley Moore Davis, a guest
at the wedding, arranged a colorful
setting of garden flowers about the
study, making a lovely background.-
Miss Liu, whose first name is trans-
lated in English as Pearl, was charm-
ing in a severely simple informal gown
of white Chinese silk made in the tra-
ditional style with straight lines, short
sleeves and high collar, buttoned
closely at the throat. The collar and
sleeves were edged with green silk,
which with tiny green buttons and
loops to fasten the collar formed
the only trimming. -With this en-
semble she wore white slippers. The
bride wore no hat or gloves and in
keeping with the quiet informality of
the occasion she carried no flowers.
For the reception she wore a robe
fashioned on similar lines, of. rose
silk with silver brocade design.
Something unusual in the weddings
of Chinese students on the campus
was the presence of one of the rela-
tives. An uncle of the bridegroom,
Dr. Matthew Chen, former resident
physician of Peiping hospital, is mak-
ing a tour of the world and stopped
here to visit Mr. Chen, remaining
here for the wedding.-
Other guests at the wedding were
Mrs. Fisher, Mrs. Davis, Miss Doris
Hsu of Foochow, Miss Pin-dji Chen
of Foochow, and Miss Doris Chen
with four fraternity brothers of Mr.
Chen, K. C. Lee, Chih-Chien Hsaio,
of Shanghai, Ta Li of Tientsin and
Yuen C. Shen of Shanghai. After the
ceremony a reception was held at the;
Michigan League.
Expansion of steel production ina
Australia and South . Africa is ex-
pected eventually to curtail reports]
of steel. from the United Kingdom1
to those markets.o

"Galaxy Of' Stars"
System Kills Selff
NiRA. Report Finds
WASHINGTON, July 20. - (/P) --
Hollywood's galaxy of glamorous stars
was pictured today as something like
Frankenstein's monster.
Attacking the "star system" as at
present "exploited," an NRA report
indicated that it has turned against
the men who created it - the produc-
It tends to force salaries up to
"fantastic figures"- hitting the pro-
ducers a woeful blow in the pocket-
"The inflated values which pro-
ducers have placed upon a limited
number of executives and artists have
created a vicious circle of bidding for
their services," said a report to Hugh
S. Johnson by Sol A. Rosenblatt, NRA
division administrator.
"The creatures of the system have
turned to plague their masters."
Although he disclosed that the'
talkies paid 110 people larger salaries
in 1933 than that enjoyed by Presi-
dent Roosevelt, Rosenblatt ardently
championed the "artist."
"As a matter of principle," he said,
"no salary is excessive if the picture
produced by the individual receiving
the salary meets with unusual public
favor, as a result of unique direction
or artisti'y."
What he suggested was a commit-
tee to study whether it would not be
better to pay stars-according to what
they earn; that is, a percentage of
receipts superimposed on a minimum
salary base.
Although the movie industry lost
$19,589,393 last year, Rosenblatt re-
vealed that one actor received $315,-
000 and another artist $296,250. The
names were kept secret.
Seems As If Fairbanks
Can't Take A Mild Hint
LONDON, July 20. - (1P) - Attor-
neys for young Lord Ashley said
charges of continued misconduct since
his divorce action was brought Feb.
5 would be filed late today against
Douglas Fairbanks, Sr., and Lady
"The supplementary petition re-
quires an answer within 14 days if
the correspondent (Fairbanks) and
the respondent wish to resist it," said
an attorney for Lord Ashley.
Notice is to be served on lawyers
for both Fairbanks and the former
London cabaret performer.
Fairbanks and the brown, bobbed-
haired Lady Ashley flew to Paris to-
gether July 7 and are now at Monte
Carlo with her sister.

4.+4 ,, ,.. ..Jl

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LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
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Edna Cole. 46
suits. Will pay 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 dol-
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cago Buyers. Temporary office, 200
North Main. 2x
large double room, shower bath.
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422 E. Washington. 37
LOST: Phi Beta Pi pin. Name, Millard
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LOST: Alpha Omicron P1 pin near
Women's Athletic Building.1Reward.
Finder please call 5371.

Will Support Olson


-Associated Press Photo
Adjutant General Earle Sarles
the North Dakota national guz
said he would stand behind Lie
Gov. Ole H. Olson as acting govert
of the state.
Court Gives t'eddy A
New Lease On Liv inj


GRAND RAPIDS, July 20.- () -
Teddy, a big German police dog will
not have to be executed for the killing
of a pedigreed Pomeranian named
Teddy won an acquittal here Thurs-
day in the court of Justice John C.
Loucks, who reviewed the evidence in
Teddy's murder trial, and returned a
verdict of "justifiable dogicide."
Observing most of the formalities
of a trial, the state and defense pre-
sented evidence to Justice Loucks
Thursday, even down to character
witnesses from Teddy's neighborhood,
who testified he was kind and de-
voted to children, and never tried to
harm anyone, man or beast.
The defendant dog is the property
of Albert Barrett, who testified that
Teddy killed Snooks in self defense
while the two were tangled in mortal
combat on July 7.
Snooks' owner and Barrett's neigh-
bor, Ira Duckett, testified that Teddy
had repeatedly attacked Snooks and
had also bothered men and children.
Assistant Prosecutor Adrian Ver-
spoor presented the state's case, in-
terrupted occasionally by the defen-
dant, who persisted in snuggling up
to/the.prosecutor and testing his af-


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