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July 20, 1934 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1934-07-20

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To Succeed Langer

nt-Associated Press Photo
In the most chaotic condition that ever confronted North Dakota, the state's supreme court supple-
mented its decision ousting William Langer (left) from the governorship by an order that Langer deliver to
Ole H. Olson (right) the office of governor. Langer had defied the court by invoking martial law throughout
the state. National guardsmen guarded the skyscraper statehouse (above) at Bismark, and stood in readi-

Michigan Grid
Stars Still In Race

Results as announced yesterday in
the balloting for the all-star amateur
football team, which will meet the
Chicago Bears in a regulation game
August 31, at Soldiers' Field, Chicago,
Skladany, Pittsburgh .........16,452
Smith, Washington ..........15,346
Petoskey, Michigan ..........12,361
Canrinus, St. Mary's . ........11,432
Manske, Northwestern .........9,143
Devore, Notre Dame .........8,619
Krause, Notre Dame........21,867
Schwammel, Oregon State .. . .14,136
Wistert, Michigan .... ......10,748
Torrance, Louisiana State ......7,809
Rosequist, Ohio State.. .....6,992
Mehringer, Kansas ............6,718
Rosenberg, U.S.C. ...........16,638
Schammel, Iowa ............15,120
'Corbus, Stanford............11,843
Jones, Indiana ...............10,384
Gailus, Ohio State ...... . ..... 9,186
Hupke, Alabama ..............8,296
Bernard, Michigan ...........14,737
Gorman, Notre Dame ..........12,716
Coats, U.C.L.A. . ...............5,506
Laws, Iowa................13,418
Pardonner, Purdue ...........11,386
Griffith, U.S.C . ..............8,412
Lukats, Notre Dame ..........15,887
Everhardus, Michigan.. ....15,156
Feathers, Tennessee ..........14,662
Sebastian, Pittsburgh .........7,712
McNeish, U.S.C..............7,657
Wilson, St. Mary's........... 7,419

French Cabinet
Threatened As
Parties Clash
Movement Is Started By
Ra dical Socialists To
Oust Tardieu
PARIS, July 19. - (/P) -The "truce
cabinet" of Premier Gaston Dou-
mergue was split wide open today by
a fight between adherents of the right
and left, and the precipitation of an
eventual cabinet crisis was threat-
A move to oust Andre Tardieu,
former premier, was started among
the Radical Socialists, who are ad-
herents of Edouard Herriot, another
former premier and cabinet member.
Tardieu's friends said that he in-
tended to stay in the cabinet just as
.long as Herriot remains.
Earlier in the day, Doumergue was
believed to have averted a cabinet
wreck by spreading the words that the
"boys must be good."
He made a lightning decision at a
railroad station last night and sent
his friends to tell former Premiers
Tardieu and Herriot and Camille
Chautemps and party leaders that
Tardieu's charges that Chautemps
and Radical Socialists knew the late
Serge Stavisky was swindling the
country must be limited to a contro-
versy between Tardieu and Chau-
temps, without involving parties.
Resignation of Herriot and other
Radical Socialists from the cabinet
was threatened because of Tardieu's
charges, which they said broke the
political truce under which the Dou-
mergue cabinet was created in the
grave days of last February.
Gene Bernetti, on a parole from
Jackson Prison where he was sent
for breaking and entering, was sen-
tenced recently to from two to five
years in the same prison for stripping
a car.

Chief Executive
To See Hawaii
For First Time
Roosevelt To Try Luck At
Game-Fishing; To Also
Visit Kona Section
HONOLULU, July 19.--President
Roosevelt is the first president to
visit the Territory of Hawaii, although
these islands have been an integral
part of the United States ever since
1898 when Hawaii, at her own request,
was annexed by the United States.
On his Hawaiian trip, the President
will first visit the off-the-beaten-
path Kona section - the "heart of
old Hawaii" -along ,the western
coast of the largest Hawaiian island,
which is named "Hawaii." Roosevelt
will try his luck at the excellent
game-fishing along this picturesque
coast, angling for the ahi, a'u, aku,
ahi-pa-laha, mahimahi, kaku and
ulua - Hawaiian names for the tuna,
swordfish, bonito, albacore, dolphin,
baracuda, and pompano. The record
black marlin swordfish catch here on
standard tackle is 568 pounds and 12
feet, 3 inches.
Roosevelt will be rhet at Kona by
Governor Joseph B. Poindexter, who
will escort him during his entire
Hawaiian tour. Poindexter, a resident
of Hawii for 17 years, was appointed
by the President justrecently-this
appointment of the governor being
one of the few differences between
the political status of Hawaii, as a
full-fledged Territory, and that of
one of the states.
After this first day in Kona, the
USS Cruiser Houston will steam to
the other side of the island where
the presidential party will land at
Hilo, main port of Hawaii island. They
will motor to the volcano area of
Hawaii (U.S.) National Park, and
drive to the brink of the central
Halemaumau firepit down inside the
famous Kilauea crater.
This will make the President elig-
ible for membership in Hui-O-Pele,
a fire fraternity with its rolls limited
to those who have paid homage to
Madame Pele, benign Hawaiian fire
goddess. He will receive a Pele certifi-
cate, sealed by volcanic fire.
On his third day in Hawaii, the
President will land at Honolulu, the
cruiser being escorted to the harbor
by hundreds of army and navy planes
flying in an aerial Aloha, and by a
fleet of native outrigger canoes. From
Honolulu he will be taken on the
90 mile drive through the pineapple
and sugar cane country that circles
a major portion of Oahu island.
Shakespeare Topic
Of Reynold's Talk
(Continued from Page 1)
sion for realism a great deal more
than our own."
Various evidences of stage proper-
ties are offered to us, Professor Rey-
nolds said. He cited evidence that
trees were on the stage in Macbeth,
as well as other properties. In ad-
dition he read from a list of proper-
ties belonging in 1598 to the Admir-
al's Company of which Shakespeare
was a member. Included in the list
were such objects as a rock, an altar,
a tomb, a steeple, and a throne.
The Elizabethan theatre, he de-
clared, had at least one power which
we seem to have lost, "the power of
listening to spoken poetry and re-
sponding to it."

Luncheon Is Held Moore Is
By Dean Bacher
Be Condu
Mrs. Byrl Fox Bacher, dean of wom-
en during the Summer Session, en-
tertained 11 guests with a luncheon

Thursday noon on the Garden porch
of the League.
Several of the women here for the
summer are from the administrative
departments of colleges and univer-
sities in other states. It was Mrs.
Bacher's wish to acquaint her guests
with some of these women in the
University here.
The following women were her
guests : Miss Frances Johnson, Miss
Elizabeth Pfohl, Miss Ruth Pfohl,
Mrs. Leona B. Diekema, Mrs. Martha
Ray, Dr. Margaret Bell, Miss Elliot
Bell, Miss Hannah Logasa, Mrs. Louis
Hopkins, Miss Ellen Stevenson, and
Miss Ethel McCormick, who is in
charge of Summer Session social ac-
Mt. Holyoke Alumnae
Meet At Dinner Here
The Mount Holyoke Alumnae who
are on campus this summer enjoyed
a dinner, last night in the grill-room
at the Michigan League. Fifteen were
present, including two faculty mem-
bers from Mount Holyoke.
The alumnae range all the way
from graduates of two years up to
graduates of 25 years. Miss Esther
Colton was in charge of the dinner
which was served at 6:30 p.m.

Prof. Earl V. Moore, director of the
School of" Music, is to be guest con-
ductor of the High School Orchestra
at the National Music Camp, at In-
terlochen State Park, Sunday and
Monday, July 22 and 23.
Dr. Joseph E. Maddy, professor of
public school music in the School of
Music, is president of the camp which
was founded a number of years ago
and attracts each summer' the best
talent of high schools all over the
Dr. Moore each year conducts the
choral performances of the camp, but
this year will be the orchestral con-
ductor and will present Schumann's
First Symphony in B flat major at the
Sunday afternoon concert and again
at the time of the coast-to-coast
broadcast at 9 p.m. eastern standard
time, Monday, over the WJZ network
of the National Broadcasting com-
Other guest conductors to appear
at Interlochen and to be heard over
the broadcast this summer are: How-
ard Hanson, director of the Eastman
School of Music, Ossip Gabrilowitsch,
director of the Detroit Symphony Or-
chestra, Carl Busch, former director
of the Kansas City Orchestra, and
Dr., Maddy.




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Read The Classifieds

LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. 1X
NOTICE: Shampoo and fingerwave
Monday and Tuesday 35c. Balance
of week 50c. College Beauty Shop,
State St. Phone 2-2813. 44
suits. Will pay 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 dol-
lars. Phone Ann Arbor 4306. Chi-
cago Buyers. Temporary office, 200
North Main. 2x
large double room, shower bath.
Continuous hot water. Dial 8544.
422 E. Washington. 37
LOST: Phi Beta Pi pin. Nam Millard
Roberts. Reward. 45
LOST: Alpha Omicron Pi pin near
Women's Athletic Building. Reward.
Finder please call 5371.

The Grea test News In This
Morning's Daily - - -

... 22,522

trolled by Langer supporters by more The department of physical edu-
than a two-thirds majority, while in cation will hold the second picnic
the Senate the margin was a few swim this Friday afternoon leaving
votes short of two thirds. Barbour Gymnasium at 5 o'clock.
Reports were heard of possible mob The group will go to Portage Lake
violence, but on the surface all was where they will swim before the sup-
calm. Rumors were current that Lan- per.
ger partisans were concentrating in The charge for the food and trans-
various sections of the state ready to portation will be 25 cents. There will
march on Bismarck to rally around be an additional fee of 25 cents for the
Langer. bath house and bathing privileges.




in three price groups
Summer Frocks, many of which arrived this month.
Ellen Kaye Frocks included.



We're taking Inventory next week, and the
FIVE DAYS before, we are devoting to a store-
wide clearance of summer and seasonable mer-
chandise -also all odd lots of staple goods.

Dresses for sport and day-
time wear- cottons and
wash silks.


H'oneycomb sheers- Silk
piques - Lentheric prints.
White and pastel crepes
and sheers- navy travel
sheers and some formals
sheers and some formals in
organdy, crepe and satin.


There's plenty of opportunity here to finish
summer with a style thrill -- and for supply-
ing the home with needed staples - all at


Summer Blacks, PASTELS
HATS~Browns and Grays39: $ea
Blouses,Sweatersto s .$2.95$ ea.
SKIRTS Values to $3.50 $1.95j



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