THEMICHIGANDAILY HIGAN DAILY an of the Summer Session Musical Evnts FIRST STUDENT RECITAL 4 :l I, Publisned every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association and the Big Ten News Service. zssocia# d Ffoei M' ors;5 =193 3 eruao-I A I 1934- MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches are reseryed- Entered at the Post Office at'Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage grated by Third Assistant Postmaster-General. Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.25; by mail, $1.50. During regular school year 'by crrier, $3.75; by mail, $4.25. Offices: Student Publcations Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214. Representatives: College Publications Representatives. Inc., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New Yor City; 80 Boyston Street; Boston;612t Nrth Michigan Avenue, Chicago. EDITORIAL STAFF Phone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR ...............E. JEROME PETTIT ASSISTANT MANAGING EDITOR ... .BRACKLEY SHAW WOMEN'S EDITOR..............ELEANOR JOHNSON ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Charles A. Baird, Clinton B. Con- g r, Paul J. Elliott, Thomas E. Groehn,.Thomas H. Kleene. William R. Reed, Robert S. tuitch. REPORTERS: Barbara Bates, C. H, Beukema, Donald R., Bird, Ralph Danhoff, Frances English, Elsie Pierce, Vir- ginia Scott, Bernard H. Fried. BUSINESS STAFF Office Hours: 9-12, .15 Phone 2-121H BUSINESS MANAGER ...BERNARD E. SCHNACE 4SST. BUSINESS MANAGER...W. GRAFTON SHIARP CIRCULWATION MANAGER .......CLINTON B. CONGER In Reviw .. . Mary Fishburne presented last night in the School of Musica Auditorium a recital which is part fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Music. The importance of such a recital cannot be overemphasized. The whole work on the degree may be set aside if the public per- formance is unsuccessful. Miss Fishburne need worry not at all about that. There is want of an adjective which would ade- quately describe what Miss Fishburne did last night. One thing is certain; there is no effeminancy about her playing. Anyone who can present Brahms' "Variations and Fugue on a Theme of Handel" with such a display of power and strength can hardly be called effeminate. There are six- teen variations to the first part of the number and they are followed by a Fugue. Perhaps the greatest work in piano literature, and considered practically unplayable, Miss Fishburne demon- strated last night that the Brahms was by no means beyond her capabilities. Capabilities does not mean that Miss Fishburne managed to play the Brahms, but that she played it so well that one is tempted to stand up and shout her praises. It was by far the most outstanding number on the prograi, due in the first place, to difficulty of the work'itself, and secondly because of the excellent way it was played. Miss Fishburne opened the recital with the Toc- cata and Fugue in E minor by Johann Sebastian Bach. There was a firmness about her touch which made the Bach sound like that was the way it should be played. Four short pieces made up the middle section of her program and the whole was concluded with a Prelude, Chorale and Fugue by Franck. Miss Fishburne a pupil of Joseph Brinkman, is slender, slight, but for all her slimness,'plays with; an enviable masculinity. -E LJ. who has many friends to whom he introduces the girl so that she manages to be in demand for a time, she will not have an enjoyable evening. She will either be returned after each dance some hostess gets for her to her regular window sill where she can look in - or be stuck with some man who feels he's stuck -because the girl isn't getting a rush. That, editor, is something I can't understand. Why is the masculine mind so herdish - when a boy sees a girl some other boys like he likesa her too, while all of them might enjoy dancing with: another who has no one to push her, just as much as if they'd try. But anyway, you and Dorothy Dix will both say they are just backward so I'll push on. The reason the League dances are organized this way is to give the girls a break. It doesn't, but that's because the hostesses are so good looking that they give the visiting superintendent and principals and coaches and engineers and doctors and lawyers ideas which aren't always fair to the girls who came to be mixed. Now, besides being on the job more, I think the hostesses would be more effective if older - just a bit older - they're all sweet girls (some of my best friends, please don't divulge my identity) but after all the League mixers are mixers not dime-a-dance clubs and it's not the hostesses' fault if this poor lonesome stag begs to dance with her when she so beautifully ,asks him if he'd like to dance. Men have the same reaction when the lovely young nurse brings them their morning toast - it's gratitude as well as other things. No --- I think the hostesses should be older - decidedly - they'd feel more responsible and not be so apt to be missing when the little nursery school teacher and her roommate wanted to ask her so badly if they might meet those dear boys at the corner -- or even the other boys -in fact any boys so they wouldn't have to sit there any longer. I should think some women faculty members or some Ann Arbor organization could supply some sympathetic ladies and if not I think every girl ought to be a hostess, and have the same chance to "contact" a dancer. And as for stag lines- not under the present system. With every girl a hostess, yes - and per- haps "doe" lines too, did you ever think of that. Mr. Editor? Carrie Chapman Catt, 2nd. Screen eflections DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the Summer Session office until 3:30; 11:30 Saturday. School of Education Students: All H. H. Goldsmith students now in residence having H. W. Duerloo courses recorded as incomplete (I), A. E. Edgecombe or absent from examilation (X) Dr. Paul Winde - must complete their work in these Charles Smith courses by July 21. If, because of ex- A. M. Urfatt tenuating - circumstances, a student S. E. Munson is unable to complete his work by this H. B. Spencis time, a request for an extension of G. H. Russel time, with the written approval of Sara Bruce the instructor, must be presented at A. A. Gould the Recorder's Office of the School Esther Snell of Education. Robert Kelly In cases where neither a supple- Herman Hill mentary grade nor a petition for an H. H. Shin extension of time is required, the C Meyerf courses will be recorded with grades Picnic Swim: There will be a pic- of E.PincSi:Teewlbeap- C. 0. Davis, Secretary { nic-swim for women students at Port- age Lake today. The group will School of Education -Four Week leave Barbour Gymnasium at 5:00 Courses - Second Period: The second p.m. A fee of 25 cents will be charged group of four-week courses offered in for food and transportation, and an the School of Education will start additional fee of 25 cents for swim- next Monday, July 23. All students mng privileges. Women wishing to who expect to elect one or more of goare asked to sign up in Room 15. these courses should register for them Barbour Gymnasium by Friday noon. this week if they have not already done so. The Women's Education Club will C. 0. Davis, Secy. meet on Monday evening, July 23, at 7:15 p.m. in the Alumnae Room of University High School Demonstra- the Michigan League. The program tion Assembly: The second demon- promises to be a very interesting one stration assembly of the University with slides showing actual pupil ac- High School summer session will be tivity in the classroom. presented this morning at 10 o'clock in the University High School Audi- Physiological Chemistry 120: The torium. The program will be given first lecture in physiological chemis- by classes in the science and fine arts try 120 will be given tonight at 7:00r departments. A series of dialogues, a.m. in the West Amphitheatre of thef written by the pupils, which grew West Medical Building. out of the work in the unit on as- tronomy, will be presented by pupils Students enrolled in the GraduateE in the science class. Costume design School will not be permitted to drop will be the theme of the fine arts por- courses after Saturday, July 21. A tion of the assembly. All summer ses- course is not officially dropped until sion students who are interested are it is reported in the office of the Grad- cordially invited to attend the as- uate School, 1014 Angell Hall. sembly. Students who have changed their1 elections since submitting election Dr. Robert Brown, graduate in cards should call this week at thet Medicine from the University of office of the Graduate School, 1014l Michigan in 1918, medical missionary Angell Hall. This involves the drop- to China and at present director of ping and adding of courses, the sub-1 Wuhu Hospital, Wuhu, China, will stitution of one course for another,1 speak at 6:30 at the First Methodist as well as the change of instructors. Church, State and Washington G. Carl Huber, Dean { streets, on conditions in China to- day, cafeteria supper preceding his Stalker Hall: Saturday, all day trip address. to Ashland People's College at Grant, Michigan.This college is patterned af- The following persons please re- ter the famous Danish folkschools. port to the Office of the Summer Ses- Students interested in making the sion, 1213 Angell Hall, immediately: trip call 6881. Approximate cost is Martin Swen $2.00. J. D. Ferdman E. J. Walters This group of hostesses will work S. E. Marder tonight. Please report promptly at Louise A. Haekler 8:45 on the second floor of the Mich- S. A. Wahid igan League: H. M. Pollard Delta Glass E. S. Breaver, Jr. Alice Brigham L. H. Rosenberg Virginia Randolph s J B. Sanford William Rarita_________________ Phyllis Brum Kay Russell Margaret Seivers Marian Wiggm Dorothy Moore Frances Thornton Mary Ellen Hall Elva Pascoe Barbara Nelson Marion Demaree Sue Calcutt Marie Heid Margaret Robb Lucille1Beniz Char otte Johnson Jean Keppel Marian Hymes Ethel McCormick Men who are acting as officials at he dance tonight please report promptly at 8:45 o'clock on the second 'loor of the Michigan League: Dick Edmundsen Bob Calver John Streif Joe Roper Bill Langden George Burke Paul Kissinger Bob Hewitt Bob Fox Garry Bunting Bob Babcock Chuck Niessen John Pyster John. French Ethel McCormick Michgn Air T'ours To Be Started Soon LANSING, July 19.- () - The revived Michigan. Air Tour will start from the Capitol City Airport Sun- day. Sheldon B. Steers, president of the tour association, said that he expected 25 airplanes to make the six-day trip, which will include points in both the Upper and Lower Penin- sulas. Steers, flight commander, will car- ry several State officials in his ship. Ed Forner, of Jackson, chairman of the Aviation Committee of the Mich- igan Department American Legion, which is co-sponsor of the tour, will be the starter, Talbert Abrams, of Lansing, will precede the.flight group as pathfinder, the first plane will take off at 10 a.m. Although dust from granite and some other rocks can cause lung trouble among workmen breathing large quantities of it, the public health service has found the dust in marble finishing plants causes no serious harm. Eddie Bob LAUGHTON & WOODRUFF Admission 40o at Mihigan's most Beaatitui summer awroom Campus Opinion Letters -published in this column should not be con- strued as expressing the editorial opInion of The Daly. Anonymous communications will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be re- garded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, confining themselves to less than 500 words if possible. TheStudent And'War.. A NTI-WAR SENTIMENT of Mich- igan youth was expressed last May when the Michigan League Against War and Militarism, hield an anti-war conference on the campus. Attended by several hundred representa- tives from high schools and colleges throughout (the state, the conference crystallized student opin- ion on such topics of world-wide concern as war, militarism, Fascism, armaments and war-preven- tion education. With the world's two best theatres of war, Eu- rope and the Far East, clearing their stages, set- ting up properties and preparing for a large ox-office in what well-informed observers predict will be a grand opening in the near future in which the United States has a 10 to 1 chance of getting embroiled, the expression of student opinions on the impending crisis and how this country might call off all bets by refusing to become involved makes worthy of comment the position of students with regard to war and its prevention. Life and culture enable us to see uniformity and less confusion in all that occurs. Education in youth is a period of intensive living, bringing the experience of ages of students so that they may order their lives to a pattern in mind and habit. The American public, supporting free edu- cation here, expects the lives of young men and women students to be taken up Mi the future as responsible citizens, contributing an element of Intelligence to the consideration of public affairs. This contribution is possible only if the future cit- izens accustom themselves to read and think before they discuss, and to discuss before they take a po- sition or act. Because fear is so heavy-handed in its destruc- tion of reasoned courses to be pursued by interests, either personal or national, it must be handicapped in the race by thought, reasoning and a deter- mination to defeat fear. Because we fear only what we do not understand, war, which the best thinking in history and in the world today does not fully understand, must be learned about in all its phases. Fear, creating the suspicion that wealth, life blood and national security are jeopardized, under- lies the expressions of nationalism, imperialism,' population spread and the other "causes" of war. It, and its consequence, war, can be removed with understanding brought about by education, plus a determination not to swerve from a course of their elimination. America, it is said, will be involved in the next war because the other nations of the world could not put up a healthy fight without her feeding, equiping and arming them. Observers, seemingly as well-informed, assert that this coun- try can keep out of war if a policy of neutrality, strictly formulated far enough in advance to be effective and one adhered to strictly enough to counteract powerful domestic interests, greedy for war profits, is adopted. If, then, neutrality is tantamount to non-participation, America needs only to begin to lay the groundwork for such a policy to maintain world peace. It is well, then, t/hat students should become part of this groundwork, and by lusty expressions of their sentiments on the waste and uselessness of war, lay an anti-war stone here and there among their fellows and elders. Here are some suggested courses for the well- rounded curriculum: Investigations in Ichthyology 261. Investigations in the Genetics of Invertebrates 281. Investigations in Mammalogy 295. They're all in the Zoology department. Marriage is a necessary institution for the Four stars means extraordinary; three stars very good; two stars good; one star just another picture; no stars keep away from it. MORE LEAGUE DANCE SUGGESTIONS To the Editor: In answer to the editorial regarding the League dances "organized for the especial purpose of bringing members of the University Summer Ses- sion together in closer social relation," which ap- peared in the July 14 issue of The Michigan Daily. I should like to agree that they aren't very suc- cessful from the mixing point of view. In the first place let me say that in the several summers that I have attended the League dances, I have enjoyed them very much - but then I knew hostesses and people and men before I went. I have gone with a crowd; I have gone escorted and have had grand times, but often have I known students who have gone once and been so bored and annoyed that they never returned - they were strangers to the campus, the very people for whom the dances are intended. Therefore, as social events the League dances may be quite brilliant affairs, but as mixers I would decidedly say they are not. But the editorial, so virile in its masculine tone, suggesting the stag line naturally has overlooked entirely the girls who have come to the dance to meet and mix too, and for a short time forget the more serious reasons for coming to summer school. I'm sure most of the stags who stand so pitifully watching the lucky men who were wealthy enough to be able to afford to bring a girl or fortunate ,enough to run off with a hostess and so have a good time for. only a single admission must have seen the girls. I'm sure the Summer Observer must have seen them if he had gone'so far in his search for atmos- phere as to attend the University High School and the Nursery School. I do not see how he could have omitted the League dance in his ramblings but in any event I await his reactions with an appetite whetted by keen appreciation of his menus in the past. (Editor's Note: The Summer Observer wrote an essay on the League dance. He, incidentally, is a she.) But, I digress - obviously I am not a journalism student - I return to the girls whom the stags. poor backward creatures, have left standing or sitting in the luxurious League foyer. To my eye they are not altogether without their points and as a whole they are rather attractive. True, some are a little older than the average undergraduate male who hungrily gaze after the little blonde hostess as she swings by on the arm of another, but then they should consider the maturity of perspective which even a dance with an older woman might bring. Likewise, though some may appear extremely so- phisticated, ten to one it's a pose, and as long as the unattached male soliciting a dance is taller than the subject (this is a very important point) she would probably smile her acceptance very sweetly and be very grateful to any knight who freed her from the foyer - the "girls" it seems like to listen to the music once in a while too. Then this matter of the women congregating in groups during intermission, and so being unap- proachable to the timorous stag who feels adequate enough for one woman in any situation but is dis- mayed by a harem (an indication of our mono- gamous race tendencies) - this is a problem, but it, too, has its solution, in fact, two solutions, to wit: the timid soul may take his courage in both hands, and push himself to the lady's side (thus to enjoy the sweet thrill which comes when one has conquered fear), or he may await the beginning of the dance in hope that all the other girls in the group or at least the majority will have it and thus disappear so that "the" girl may be un- MICHIGAN REVIEW "BABY TAKE A BOW" ** Shirley ................. Shirley Temple Eddie Ellison .............. James Dunn Kay Ellison ............... Claire Trevor Welch .................Alan Dinehart Larry Scott ................ Ray Walker Jane ................... Dorothy Libaire Every kid in town was at the Michigan Theatre yesterday afternoon for the opening of Shirley Temple's latest show "Baby, Take a Bow." Big ones, little ones, tall ones, short ones - they were all there, and they all seemed to get a tremendous kick out of it. And they saw the same Shirley Temple - the same unspoiled, talented child protege with an in- fectious smile and sparkling sense of humor. But if the show wasn't everything that could be desired in the way of screen entertainment it wasn't Shirley's fault. The story, more thai anything else, was to blame. It just didn't compare with the inimitible plot around which "Little Miss Marker" was laid. W( realize that it's most difficult to provide a fitting vehicle for this type of actress. They don't just grow on trees. The picture is a comedy-drama centering arounc Shirley and her young parents, Jimmy Dunn am Claire Trevor. Its theme is Dun~n's struggle for happiness in spite of the handicap of a priso. record. His employer is robbed of a $50,000 pearl neck- lace. Jimmy is suspected. Things look very glun for him until Shirley comes to the rescue, unwit- tingly proves his innocence, and wins a $5,00( reward. The director of this show, while good at bringin out Shirley's talents, showed lack of restrain on several occasions. The tear-jerking scenes wer very unconvincing. Jimmy Dunn was good as the fond father, bu Claire Trevor had her weak moments, and Ala] Dinehart couldn't convince us that he was half th rogue that he was supposed to be. Shirley Temple fans will enjoy the show anyway -C.A.B. AT THE MAJESTIC WA 1 , w am ua A w e t t d d e swim a NEWPORT 9 TRUNKS PERMISE Portage Lake 14 mil it EACH SIBLE es from town ARBOR SPRINGS WATER brings back memories of that old spring in the woods ... clear - sparkling - pure. Delivered to your home in cases of six 2-qt. bottles, or in large 5-gallon bottles PHONE 8270 FOR QUICK SERVICE ARBOR SPRINGS WATER CO. 416 West Huron Phone 8270 The * "THE GREAT FLIRTATION" Zita Marishka.............:Elissa Landi Stephan Karpath ...... Adolphe Menjou Larry Kenyon .......... David Manners This picture furnishes cinemagoers with an- other version of the much-abused triangle with an unusual twist to the ending, the only apparent excuse for the picture having been produced. It is a rehash on the woman (Elissa Landi) whose husband (Adolphe Menjou) is so domineer- ing that not even she can stand him; they separate; and Zita falls in love with the young American playwright (David Manners). Stephan and Zita have previously been married in Buda- pest, whence they move to New York, where they appear together in Kenyon's play. However, they keep their marriage secret and Larry and Zita fall in love, hence, the separation. Subsequently, when Kenyon learns that Stephan and Zita are man and wife, he tries to do the decent thing; then, the clever ending. We are sick of seeing Miss Landi draw second- rate parts in third-rate pictures. Paramount has wasted what looks like a really great acting team in Mr. Menjou and Miss Landi. This pair deserve better fare than this picture furnishes. Advantageous Results of Classified Advertising have been proven Cash Rates 11c a Line The Michigan Daily Maynard Street Read The DAILY CLASSIFIED ADS The Daily maintains a Lydia MENDE LSSOH N Theatre TONIGHT at 8:30 ' The School for with FRANCIS COMPTON Final Performance Saturday Single Admissions 75c, 50c & 35c Phone 6300 ATTEND ATTEND COOL MATINEES. . . . MCIA . . . . COOL MATINEES America's Newest "Crush" SHIRLEY TEMPLE in "BABY, TAKE A O" JAMES DUNN CLAIRE TREVOR Comedy - Cartoon - Novelties - News . ... ... .. M AJEST IC . .. .. .. . .. . Matinees: All Seats 25c -- Evenings: Balcony 25c, Main Floor 35c ENDS TONIGHT ADOLPHE MENJOU ELISSA LANDI "The Great Flirtation TOMORROW WILLIAM POWELL in "THE KEY"