I he Weather thunderstorms today; mW clear and cooler. Y Sir igl -au iiati Editorials Professor Hobbs - A Tribute .t I Official Publication Of The Summer Session No. 2 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 1934 PRI [CE FIVE CENTS t Talk '33-'34 University Enrollment Shows Decline of 956 Students! f Series y Slosson e s Dictatorships Are tracteristic Form Of vernmernt Now In Any Clearly efined Category Be Recogrnized To Be Emergency Type, He Blares ROBERT S. RUWITCH dictatorships, comparatively )rms of rule in that they are hin the clearly defined cate-' of politics, have become the eristic post-war type of gov- t was discussed yesterday by 'eston W. Slosson of the his- partment speaking on "Dic- ps," who delivered the first of cial lectures of the Summer in Natural Science Audito- the period closely following ld War has been boiled down >rians, Professor Slosson de- it may easily bear the title eAge of Dictatorships." In of this statement, he cited the e of this rule at some time or [ce 1917 in Russia, Turkey,-I Austria, Albania, Bulgaria, avia, Hungary, Russia, Po- ithuania, Italy, Spain, Ger- Kocsis Tied For Se.ond; Shoots A 74 Second Lecturer Summer Session Enrollment Shows Total University enrollment for the' fiscal year just closed was only 12,301, a drop of 956 or 7.2 per cent from the figures of 1932-33, figures released by the Registrar's office show. The regular session, with 8,968 students enrolled, was only 2.2 per cent under last year's figures, but the 1933 Sum- mer Session enrollment and the reg- istration of the Extension Division cut the average, with respective decreases of 21.2 and 15.2 per cent from the to- tals of the previous year. As usual, Wayne county held its lead among counties of the State in representation on the campus, having 2,775 students enrolled. Although this was 182 less than 1932-33, Wayne nevertheless led Washtenaw county by nearly 1,200. Nine Michigan counties had more than 100 students either enrolled here or on a non-resident basis. Of these counties only two had a heavier rep-, resentation than in 1932-33; Kent, which includes the city of Grand Rapids, had an enrollment of 516, up 25, and Genesee, including the city of Flint, had an enrollment of 311, 65 more than last year. The 'figures on the epunties having 100 or more students registered are: Wayne, 2,775; Washtenaw, 1,596;, Kent, 516; Oakland, 377; Genesee, 311; Saginaw, 157; Jackson, 134; Cal- houn, 132; and Bay, 119. Only one Michigan county, Mont- morency, was not represented during the current year. In 1932-33, Mont- morency, Alcona, and Roscommon had no students here. Montmorency has been without a student here since 1930-31. The decline in student enrollment is almost entirely within the State, for the loss of enrollment outside of Michigan was only 37 students. (Continued on Page 3) Increase Texas Star Cards 72' Lead College Golfers Half-WayMark Of 288 To At First Of Ten Excursions To Start Thursday Tour Includes Inspection Of Campus Buildings; To Start At 2:30 P.M. The first of the=-series of ten special excursions to points of interest, spon- sored by the University, will take place Thursday afternoon when Prof. Carl J. Coe, director of the excur- sions, will conduct a tour of the cam- ,hips," he stated, "r as emergency for: 7 are not so much. ent as a substitute ernment. When a g Sown the natura] o some man or gr pus designed primarily for students Hust be ms. In who are new at Michigan. ' a form All students interested are asked to for a meet on the front steps of Angell ;overn- Hall at 2:30 p.m. Thursday, when outlet the tour starts, in order to accom- oup of pany the group on its round of the University Buildings, Professor Coe Slosson announced. The tour will end at to one4.:45 p.m. to allow students to at- e tend the University Lecture at 5:00. Professor S ,g of power . r.. ' ' esson. A more iormai uemi- he stated, is "that form of gov- ent in which an individual, or a small and closely associated p of individuals, exercises power e and beyond any restraint of itution or custom." hereas, it was in former years ble to easily define the political governmental divisions into such ly cuJ groups as,the consecutive, n the opposed side, the radical eral, he asserted, the rise of dic- ships shows a type which cannot und in one dimension as in the e modern dictatorship is neither al nor conservative, he declared. radical in the sense that the tor may spring from any class, t may disdain the existing order. dictatorship, he .said, ,is neither al nor conservative traditionally, the terms as such really mean any more. e disadvantages of such a sys- according to Professor Slosson, (Continued on Page 4) ree Work Is Waived At U. OfChicago Students-At-Large To Be Permitted To Enroll In Regular Classes CHICAGO, Ill., June 25. -(P) - Doors at the University of Chicago today were opened to "all who might profit by study," regardless of whether they have had previous academic training, President Robert Maynaid Hutchins announced. The university's new policy permits enrollment of students-at-large. They may participate in university studies without the necessity of working to- ward a degree and without academic requirements. Intellectual capacity is their only qualification. Two classes of students will profit by the movement, Professor Hutchins said; the high school student of un- usual ability who can plan his studies untrammeled by degree restrictions, and an older group who wish to con- tinue their education regardless of formal requirements. The policy is in accord with Hutchins' criticism of nver-emnhasis f onll1e dreesann It was pointed out, by Professor Coe that many students who have been on the campus for several years are still unfamiliar with many points of interest on it,. and that with. this in view, even old students might find it worthwhile to accompany the group. The Legal Research Library in the Law Quadrangle willbethe first main halt made by the group. While in that locality Hutchins Hall and other buildings of the Law Group will also be examined. At 3:15 p.m. the group will start a tour of the Union, visiting all the departments. that will be open for student use this summer. The next high point on the excursion will be a thorough examination of the Main Library, including a trip through the stacks and the various units of the service department there. At 4:15 p.m. the group is due at the William L. Clements Library of American History for an examina- tion of the large collection of docu- ments and records found there. After the halt there the tour will be broken up into smaller units, and those who wish to attend to the University Lec- ture will leave the group. The rest will have a choice to make between three further trips. At 4:45 p.m. the smaller units will visit the Naval Tank in the West Engineering building, the Aeronau- tical Laboratories, or the Student. Publications building. Ganzlhorn Refutes Colleague's Charge The resignation of Mrs. Ruth H. Graves, county welfare agent and representative of the state welfare dlepartment in Washtenaw County, may be asked a~s the consequence of charges made Monday by her against Dr. E. C. Ganzhorn, coroner and county physician. Mrs. Graves told the Board of Supervisors that an av- erage of every third case coming to the attention of Dr. Ganzhorn was either neglected or mismanaged. Blame for the situation was not placed on Dr. Ganzhorn as an indi- vidual by Mrs. Graves, but rather on the system which gives him more work than he can satisfactorily per- form. Despite this statement, how- ever, Dr. Ganzhorn took exception to the remarks, answered g e n e r a 1 charges, and with the records of the TUniversity Hospital to back him. ' Membership Of Law .Parley Is Representative 35 Students Come From Universities Scattered ThroughoutCountry The 35 teachers who will assemble here tomorrow as students at the annual Summer Session on Teaching International Law, sponsored by the Carnegie Endowment for Internation- al Peace, will represent the faculties of almost as many universities and colleges scattered throughout the country. Included in the membership of the conference are four women students. Only two universities are repre- sented by more than one member of their faculties, Ge*rgetown Univer- sity in Washington, D. C., and the University of Washington in Seattle. Fourof the students ie from Geore- wn;"vile te ' terschol h' two. Thee majority of the members of the conference are either professors of political science or history, who are assembling here to receive expert in- struction on intenational lawrfrom the teaching faculty of five authori- ties. Many of the students are coining all the way from the West Coast or the Rocky Mountain sector of the nation. In addition to the University of Washington in that section, the University of Colorado, University of Idaho, Colorado Women's College, Brigham Young University in Pdrovo, Utah, Whitman College in Walla Wal-. la, Washington, University of Ari- zona, University of San Francisco, and University of California at Los Angeles are all represented by fac- ulty members attending the confer- ence. Representing the southern and mid-western states students are com- ing from the University of South Dakota, Central Missouri State Teachers College, Kalamazoo Col- lege in Kalamazoo, University of Ne- braska, Grand Rapids Junior College, North Dakota State College, Wash- burii College in Topeka, Kansas, Na- zareth College in Nazareth, Mich., Birmingham-Southern College, Mich-, igan State College, University of Ar- kansas, Hamlin University in St. Paul, Minn., and Sweet Briar College in Sweet Briar, Va. Michigana111 Enters National, Gliding Contest Stan Smith, '34E, Makes 12-Mile Practice Flight;, Is Favored To Win ELMIRA, N. Y., June 25. - (A - With a brisk and favorable northwest wind sweeping across the take-off site, veteran pilots entered in the fifth national soaring contests today started sending aloft their craft while a large field of novices made ready to qualify for their licenses. f Lack of wind kept most of the large entry list landbound yesterday and Saturday. Stanley Smith, member of the University of Michigan Glider club, made a 12-mile flight and Floyd lqurppt of+his o tra -Pv1 f w iht Malloy Gets A 77 And Ties For Fifth Majority Of Scores Are Around 80;. Leader Is Only One ToEqual Par CLEVELAND, O., June 25. -(P) - The hot and steaming battle for the national intercollegiate golf cham- pionship began today with the field paced by Ed White, University of Texas junior and holder of the South- west championship. White negotiated Country Club's 6,701 yards in 72, par figures, and held a two-stroke lead over the field of 118 entries in the first 18-hole round of the 36-hole two-day qualify- ing struggle. Bracketed two strokes back of White came the quintet of formid- able golfers, comprised of Johnny Banks of Notre Dame; A. F. Kammer, Jr., of Princeton; Roy W. Ryden of the University of California at Los Angeles, and Chuck Kocsis of the University of Michigan, favored to win the crown this year, and William Ward of Syracuse. All by himself with a 75 came Oliver Transue, captain of the Yale Univer- sity team and secretary of the Inter- collegiate Association. Bunched together, each with 76, came another trio, composed of Char- ley Yates, of Georgia Tech, Morris Hankinson of Oklahoma, and Derrien Moore, another Georgia Tech shot- maker. Walter Emery, the defending cham- pion from the University of Okla- homa, was next in line, tied with six other players at the 77 mark. Along with Emery were Vic Stewart of Col- gae, Law'We th awax 4f-'Yale,'Wi - field Day of Notre Dame, Woodrow Malloy of Michigan, Walter Ramsey of Texas, and Frederick Newton of Rollins. Dana P. Seeley, of Ann Arbor, shot 39-39 for a 78 round. With the exception of White's par round, the first qualifying round to- day was devoid of any sensational shooting, the majority of the scores ranging in the high 70's and middle 80's. U[.. S. Treasury Deficit Reaches $i4, 000,000,000 WASHINGTON, June 25. - (P) -- The end of the fiscal year, a week away, will find the government's ex- penses exceeding its income by nearly four billion dollars. Treasury officials made this esti- mate today on the basis of latest rev- enue and disbursement figures, which they expect will not be altered ma- terially by the developments of the week. Today's regular statement of the government's accounts showed a defi- cit of $3,838,071,319 and the public debt standing at $26,987,966,177, or $4,449,294,717 more than when the fiscal year began. The new figures were at wide vari- ance with the estimates made by Pres- ident Roosevelt in transmitting the annual budget message to Congress in January. At that time, wishing to cover all possible contingencies, he forecast a deficit of $7,309,068,211 and a total public debt of $29,847,000,000 for the close of the fiscal year. Emergency outlays have proved much less than he then estimated. The second of the series of Uni- versity lectures will be delivered at 5 p.m. today by Professor-emeritus Wil- liam H. Hobbs of the geology depart- ment, who will speak on the topic: "The Evolution of Method in Polar Exploration." The lecture will be ac- companied by illustrations. Professor Hobbs, who has been connected with the University since he came here from the University in 1906 to head the geology depart- ment, will no longer occupy that post after July 2, when he plans to retire on the occasion of his seventieth birthday, but he will continue never- theless to take an active part in the functions of the University. This sum- mer he is teaching a course in the geology department, plans several lec- tures, and will lead two of the sum- mer excursions, the Put-in-Bay trip, and the Niagta1.a Falls -tour- provided there is sufficient interest. The text of a resolution honoring Professor Hobbs, passed by the fac-' ulty of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts at its May meeting, is printed on the editorial page in the editorial, "Professor Hobbs -a Tribute." The Put-in-Bay trip, which is the seventh of the excursions, will take place July 21. It includes a 125-mile boat ride on Lake Erie, and a tour of scenic points in the island, in addition to the field trip conducted there by Professor Hobbs with special attention to geological data. If enough students apply at the Summer Ses- sion office, the trip to Niagara Falls will be made July 27 and 28 This trip is usually preceded by a lecture by Professor Hobbs here in Ann Arbor on the geological aspects of the Falls, and another lecture will be made when the excursionists reach the Falls, and can obtain the information on the spot. Professor Hobbs has an interna- tional reputation as a geologist, and is especially known for his world-wide research in the interests of geolog- ical data. One of his first great ven- tures was the Greenland Expedition of the University of Michigan, which led to the establishment of the per- manent observing station in Green- land in 1921. Many of the latest im- provements in the science of weather prediction have been begun at the University's Northern outpost. His next travels took him to the Pacific Ocean and the Orient, and In 1926, 1927, and 1928, he returned to Greenland to track down the "North Pole of the Winds." In 1928 he returned to Ann Arbor, and con- tinued his services to the University on a less widespread but equally ac- tive plane, to which his official re- tirement will evidently not put an end. Professor-Emeritus Is Remain Active After Official Retirement New York . . Chicago .... St. Louis ... Pittsburgh . . Boston ..... Brooklyn ... Philadelphia Cincinnati.. w ..........41 ..........38 ..........36 ..........32 ..........32 .. 26 .~22 .~19 L 22 26 25 27 29 37 39 41 Pet. .651 .594 .590 .542 .525 .413 .361 .3171 Polar Trip Is To Be Subject Of Hobbs' Talk New York .......... Detroit ............ Boston ............. Washington...... Cleveland.......... St. Louis ........... Philadelphias.... . Chicago............ Yesterday's Results New York 10, St. Louis 7. Pittsburgh 7, Philadelphia 1. Only games scheduled. Today's Gaines New York at St. Louis. Philadelphia at Pittsburgh. Brooklyn at Chicago. Boston at Cincinnati. Auto Drivers Must Report For Permits Permission From Office Is Necessary; Ruling Went Into Effect Yesterday Many unsuspecting summer school students will shortly be in an embar- rassing position in regard to the Uni- versity automobile regulations unless they report to the office of the dean of students, according to Walter B. Rea, assistant to the dean. Sections of registration blanks re- lating to automobiles which have been received at Mr. Rea's office have been improperly or incompletely filled out and unless the correct informa- tion is turned in at that office im- mediately many students will be driving cars in violation of the ban, Mr. Rea has pointed out. "In many instances," he says, "stu- dents have stated their intention of driving a car even though they are not in one of the exempted lists, but they have failed to come into the of- fice to apply for permits. The filling out of that part of the registration card is not enough in the case of that large majority of students not ex- empted by the ruling; they must ac- quire actual driving permits before they can legitimately operate motor driven vehicles." In addition, Mr. Rea explains that many of those who would normally be exempted from the ruling and who have signified their intention to drive cars, have failed to give complete in- formation on the registration blank. In some cases they have failed to list the license number of their car, in others they have given no informa- tion whatsoever beyond a "yes" state- ment indicating that they intend to drive. The ruling in regard to student- driven automobiles went into effect at 8 a.m. yesterday. Although the records in the office of the dean of students have not yet been thorough- ly made up, they are being rapidly completed, w ..37 ..38 .34 .35 ..31 ..28 ..25 ..21 L 24 25 29 31 28 33 37 43 MAJOR LEAGUE STANDINGS TIGERS DROP TO SECOND PLACE The Detroit Tigers dropped to sec- ond place in the American League behind the New York Yankees who swamped Chicago, 13 to 2, while Phil- adelphia halted the Tiger streak, 13 to 11. AMERICAN LEAGUE PROF. WILLIAM H. HOBBS * *I * Pet. .607 .603 .540 .530 .525 .459 .403' .333! To His Yesterday's Results Philadelphia 13, Detroit 11. New York 13, Chicago 2. Washington 6, St. Louis 4. Boston 6, Cleveland 3. Today's Games Detroit at Philadelphia. Cleveland at Boston. Chicago at New York. St. Louis at Washington. NATIONAL LEAGUE Registration In Graduate School Surpasses L a s t Year's Mark By 249 Final Reports To Be Checked This Week Decrease Shown Only In College Of Architecture And Medical School Total registration for the Summer Session had increased to 2,735 by 5 p.m. yesterday, when the University offices closed after a full day of en- rolling students in the 11 departments now open. The total, with deductions made for those students enrolling in more than one unit, shows an in- crease of 288 over the same period of 1933. Complete enrollment for last year totaled 2,962, and the increase which has been effected this year is ex- pected to bring the final figures for 1934 above those of last year. As was true in the figures available Saturday. noon, the only departments showing a drop this year are the Medical School and the College of Architecture, which are now 28 and 8 students behind, re- spectively. The greatest increase has been in the Graduate School, which now has 1,332 enrolled, 249 more than the 1,- 083 registered in that unit at this time last year. The next greatest in- crease is in the School of Education, which has a total now of 161, or 26 more than the 135 figure for the same period in 1933. There are 15 more students now listed in the literary college than there were at the same date last year, bring- ing the total in that department 4o80 There- ar' "231enrolled In- the College of ngineerIng and 152 ln h Law School. Both figures are exactly the same in the two units as they were at this time last year. The College of Pharmacy now has 23 students listed, which increases that total over last year by one, and the School of Business Administration has increased its total from 19 to 23, a gain of 4 students over 1933. The School of Music enrollment has ad- vanced from 58 to 73, a gain of 15. To date, there are 1,782 men stu- dents and 953 women students en- rolled, a gain over 1933 of 112 and 176, respectively. Final figures for the 1934 Summer Session will be available later in the week and will include the en- rollment at the various University summer camps. Cotton Leads British Open With 66 Round Sarazen And Kirkwood 9 Strokes Behind With A Pair Of 75's SANDWICH, Eng., June 25.,-( ) -The four invaders from the United States today yielded the shotmaking honors in the first 18 holes to the thirty-six-hole qualifying round for the British Open Golf Championship to tall Henry Cotton, a native pro, who burned up the Royal St. George's course with a record-breaking 66 to run up a four-stroke lead on the huge field of 300. The seventy-two-hole championship proper begins Wednes- day over St. George's. Nine shots behind, Gene Sarazen, winner in 1932 and the bookmakers favorite, Joe Kirkwood, the trick shot artist, and MacDonald Smith, the transplanted Scot now living in Nash- ville, Tenn., turned in 75's which ob- servers calculated would put them safely under the wire for the cham- pionship rounds. Denny Shute, of Philadelphia who won the title last year after a playoff with Craig Wood, and Robert Sweeney, a New Yorker attending Ox- ford, posted 76's, which also figured to get them by the first obstacle. 108 Shoot 77 or Better The first day's scores carded over the Royal Cinque Ports course in nearby Deal and at St. George's in- dicated that a pair of 77's would suf- 'A Hundred Years Old' Keeps Director Crandall On The Run By CHARLES A. BAIRD "Of course the main difficulty is Maybe you think these aren't busy that of getting a perspective of what days for Frederic O. Crandall, di- the play is like when you're in it your- rector of the current Repertory Play- self. You must learn to detach your- ers' show, "A Hundred Years Old." self from the part - to visualize the1 Aside from his directorial duties he's scene from the point-of-view of the appearing in the role of Papa Juan, audience, and at the same time be the most difficult characterization in conscious of your relationship to the the play. other characters in the scene." Papa Juan, you found out if you Of course there were other difli- were in attdan epn n 1a.- night i the__ . . . ..