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July 18, 1934 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1934-07-18

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Quartet Of Mermaids Who Will Splash For Honors

Kidnaped Baby
Is Found Near
Home In Woods
Robert Connor Returned
To Parents By Police
After 5-DaySearch
HARTSDALE, N. Y., July 17. - (A)
- Robert Connor was found alive and
smiling this afternoon in the woods
behind his house by state troopers.
Mrs. Charles H. Connor fainted
when a trooper came in the door
of her Hartsdale Manor home with
21 month-old Robert in his arms.
The child's face was badly scratch-
ed by brambles after nearly five days
in the woods.
The child was well and apparently
Physicians were summoned to ex-
amine Robert and attend his mother.
Fifty state troopers had been
searching methodically through the
tangled brush all day in a last effort
to find the missing child.
The child's disappearance from his
home five days ago was responsible
for one of the most wide-spread
searches in the east since the kidnap-
ing of the Lindbergh baby.
Bobby, his dolls left behind as mute
reminder of his play, vanished while
playing in a sandpile Thursday after-
The baby was found at 2:45 p.m.
by Sgt. Jerome Hogan of the Green-
burgh police who has been almost
continuously on the search since the
child was reported lost Thursday at
5:30 p.m. Howan said he fourid the
little child about three quarters of a
mile from the house and some dis-
tance from the spot where Robert was
left by a playmate.
In San Francisco today you can't
get asshave or a haircut, go to the
movies, buy gasoline, ride on the trol-
iey cars, get your shirt washed, or
your pants pressed.

Rehearsal For Repertory
Show Reveals Fine Cast
(Continued from Page 1)
George Totten as Sir Oliver Surface,
the wealthy uncle of Charles and
Joseph, upon whom they are count-!
ing for their future estate; Paul
Sultzbach as Moses the money-lender,
Charles T. Harrell as Charles Sur-
face, who "has been imprudent but
may reform," Jay Pozz as Careless,
Charles Michalsky as a gentleman
companion of the gay Mr. Surface;
and Jane Fletcher, John Philip Roach
and Carl Nelson as servants.
"The School for Scandal" is a thor-
oughly entertaining play, and Ann
Arbor is fortunate in having the op-
portunity to see a. splendid perform-
ance of this famous comedy, which,
though often read, is too infre-
quently produced on the stage.

National Cherry Festival
For 1934 Opens Today
Planes flying high in the air will
"bomb" Traverse City at break of day.
ushering in the 1934 National Cherry
The three-day program will include
addresses this afternoon by U. S. Sen-
ator Arthur H. Vandenberg and Gov.
William A. Comstock at the colorful
ceremony of the crowning of the fes-
tival queen.
Bishop John N. McCormick of the
Grand Rapids diocese of the Episco-
pal church will officiate at the re-
ligious ceremony in the morning that
sets the festival on its way.
In the evening, Anne Mae York,
queen of Cherryland, will be pre-
sented with her court of comely maid-
ens in a beauty pageant.




-Associated Press Photo
Here is the Washington athletic club women's relay team of Seattle, to be a strong contender for honors
at the women's national A.A.U. championship .swimming meet at Detroit late in July. The quartet is
coached by Ray Daughters, the mentor who taught Helene Madison. Left to right: Olive McKean, Hazel
Brooks, Mary Lou Petty, Doris Buckley.



The Lansing Country Club course
will present real difficulties to the
large field entered. With long, tap-
ering fairways which end in a "bot-
tle-neck" layout, the course demands
accurate shooting from the tees. The
greens are also fast and further hand-1
icaps exist in the natural arrange-
ment of trees at the end of the "bot-
tle-neck" fairways.
Although Malloy will not compete
in the state meet, he will enter the
city tournament which will begin next
week on the University Course. Mal-
loy, who was twice winner of the
tournament, was defeated last year
by Markham, who went on to win the
With Malloy in the city meet, three
members of the Wolverine team will
be entered in that tournament also,
including Malloy, Markham, and

1er Pictures Back;
She Sees A Lawyer
PARIS, July 17. -UP)-Legal ac-
tion to compel the Biennial Art Ex-
portion at Venice to return the col-
lection of the Whitney Art Muse-
um of New York will be taken unless
the pictures are immediately sent to
America, the law firm of Coudert
Bros. announced today.
The firm has been retained by Mrs.
Juliana Force, director of the Whit-
ney Museum, whose demand that a
portrait of Marion Davies, screen star,
be withdrawn was refused by officials
of the Venice Exposition.
Mrs. Force's resultant order that all
pictures in the American section be
taken down has not yet been obeyed.
The lawyers quoted a letter they
said Mrs. Force had written Count
Volpidi Mesurata, president of the
exhibition, July 6, in which she said
the hanging of the Davies portrait
was a "breach of our agreement"
and a "particularly flagrant discour-
The attorneys said they were writ-
ing Count Volpidi inquiring into le-
gal grounds for the alleged refusal to
return the American exhibit.
Unless the pictures are released,
the attorneys said, lawyers at Milan
have been instructed to open pro-
ceedings as "a matter of principle,"
although it was doubtful if a court
decision could be secured before the
exhibition closes in October.
The portrait of Miss Davies is by
a Polish artist and was not among
the works scheduled for the Ameri-
can section by Whitney museum of-

Phone 2-1214. Place advertisements with
Classified Advertising Department.
The classified columns close at five
o'clock previous to day of insertion.
Box Numbers may be secured at no
extra charge.
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LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. Ix
suits. Will, pay 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 dol-
lars.'Phone Ann Arbor 4306. Chi-
cago Buyers. Temporary office, 200
North Main. 2x
large double room, shower bath.
Continuous hot water. Dial 8544.
422 E. Washington. 37
LOST: Thursday, black fountain pen,
with ring in cap. Call 2-1214, Box
18C. 41
LOST: A Kappa Phi pin in League
Friday afternoon. Reward. Phone
Read The Classifieds_


The Principals extended their lead
in the Education Club Softball League
yesterday, defeating the Educational
Research team, 9 to 8. By their win
yesterday the Principals, undefeated
in four games, went to a lead of two
full games, as the Teachers swamped
the Superintendents, 22 to 14 in a
free-hitting contest.
The Superintendents will meet the
Educational Research team Thursday,
and the Principals will play the



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Judgment Plea By
Scott Is Set Aside
LANSING, Mich., July 17. -(P) -
A motion to enter judgment against
Richard H. Scott, of Lansing, former
president and general manager of the
Reo Motor Car Co., in the $90,000
damage suit by Maurice Shapiro, of
New York, for alleged breach of con-
tract, has been set aside by the King's
County Court, of New York.
The plaintiff had contended that
the defendant had defaulted, having
failed to make his appearance within
the legal date. However, the court
ruled that the defendant had legally
made appearance. The case is an
outgrowth of the proxy fight staged
at the last annual meeting of the Reo
Motor Car Co. stockholders.
Shapiro says Scott. promised him
a job with Reo at $20,000 a year for
three years. Scott maintains no
such agreement was made.



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under constant supervision of Uni-
versity Health Service is open dur-
ing Summer School daily from 1:00
to 7:00 P.M. for Members. When
r nn 1 n o"n- *tnn nr tan f nirm




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