THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, JULY 15, 1934 E MICHIGAN DAILY 1 Publication of the Summer Session I ! r' -.4 1l sned every morning except Monday during the sity year and Summer Session by the Board in 1 of Student Publications. ber of the Western Conference Editorial Association ec Big Teni News Service. ;.I9 33 NATIONAV ow,.oAG 1 934 I ME 9BER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited i this paper and the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special dspatches are reserved.- Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as econd elas matter. Specialerate of postage granted by r third Assistant ostmaster-General. Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.25; by mail, $1 :. During regular school year by carrier, $3.75; by mail, 4.25. Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, AnIraor PMihigan. Phone: 2-1214. Repenatives: College Publications Representatives, Inc., 4D Eabt Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80 Boylston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago.. EDITORIAL STAFF ~Phone 4925 .MANAGING EDITOR..............E. JEROME PETTIT AASITANT MANAGING EDITOR ....BRACKLEY SHAW WOMEN'S EDITOR .................ELEANOR JOHNSON ASSCIATE EDITORS: Charles A. Baird, Clinton 'B. Con- ger, Paul J. Elliott, Thomas E. Groehn, Thomas H. Kleene, William R. Reed, Robert S. Ruwitch. REPORTERS: Barbara Bates, C. H. Beukema, Donald R.. Bird, Ralph Danhoff, Frances English, Elsie Pierce, Vir- ginia scott, Bernard H. Fried. BUSINESS STAFF Office Hours: 9-12, 1-5 Phone 2-1214 BUJSINES MANAGER. ........BERNARD E. SCNACKE 458T BUSINESS MANAGER ......W BRAFTON SHARP QIRGULATION MANAGER.......CLINTON B. CONGER A Suggestion For The League. THE LEAGUE DANCES held every Friday are organized for the espe- cial purpose of bringing members of the University Summer Session together in closer social relation. It is our opinion that these dances, although suc- cessful, have failed to a great extent in achiev- ing their principal purpose. The super-efficient ticket system, whereby a male guest must first show his ticket at the head of the main stairway and then again when he passes through a second set of doors leading even- tually to a third set of doors and the ballroom, is extremely annoying and quite unnecessary. This, however, is not all. One may pass the first portal unaccompanied by a member of the female sex. But at the second doorway the strong arm of the law takes effect. It seems that before one can pass this door one must have a girl either on his arm or in the near vicinity. We appreciate the fact that the League wishes to avoid "stag" .lines. They have substituted hosts and bostesses. However, there are not a sufficient number of hosts and hostesses to "mix" the crowd sufficiently under the present system. "Stag" lines undoubtedly have certain objection- able features at such places as the ordinary "dime- a-dance" halls. Unpleasant incidents may ensue with the type of crowd which frequents these places. On the other hand, these objections are minimized or eliminated completely when one con- siders the type of crowd which frequents the League dances. It is, for the most part, a definitely superior class. Because of the fact that stags cannot get past the second door, which is at least 25 yards from the ballroom proper, it is extremely difficult for them to get dances, because most of the girls are inside of the sacred portals beyond the reach of the dance-hungry stag. The only opportunity that a stag has to contact a girl for a dance is during an intermission. This time is not as appropriate for most of the women are congregated in groups and it is embarrassing for the man who does not know the girl too well to break in on such a group to ask for a dance. Under the existing system it is practically useless for the, unaccompanied man to go to a League dance because if he is unfortunate enough not to make a contact for a dance he is unable even to hear the music due to the annoying "second door" system. For these reasons we advocate the installation of a stag line at League dances, although at the same time maintaining the hosts and hostesses. We also ifavor the elimination of the system whereby a-. sta not only has to show his ticket at the second door but also must be accompanied by a girl. In this manner the hosts and hostesses could definitely "mix" the crowd wishing to dance, and stags could cut in on the floor without the embar- rassment of having to approach a girl during inter- mission when she is conversing in a group. Also, those persons who fail to make contacts for a dance could at least get close enough to hear the music. Let Them Be Gay . . THE HOUSE OF COMMONS in the: Canadian Parliament recently voted down a resolution that the Prime Minister refrain from making further recommendations for British titles for residents of Canada. The question aroused wide-spread interest because the battle lines were drawn between the Liberal and radical party that if some had rendered great service, there could be no harm in recognizing those services. What is of importance in this to Americans is that English politics, of which Canadian politics is largely a counterpart, is free of political patronage, except for the practice of conferring upon large contributors to political coffers for election and campaign expenses, titles from the Crown "for distinguished services to the pountry." England is better off politically, in the opinion of Prof. James K. Pollock, the University of Michigan authority on political parties and election both here and abroad, than is this country, because of her better constitutional structure, her higher ethical standards in politics, and because she has been through political corruption induced by unethical use of money in politics, and, having learned that corruption does not pay as much as conducting politics "on the up and up," she is far in advance of America in matters of political ethics and practice. England, followed by Canada, has learned how to conduct her politics in General Johnson's gold- fish bowl and, says Professor Pollock, is better off for it. Rather than conferring tariff, income tax, inside information, or job favors upon the larger contributions to the war chests of the parties, the political leaders recommend for admis- sion to the peerage the millionaire whiskey and ale manufacturers, the shipping barons, the newspaper tycoons, and the molasses kings. The protest against this practice by Canadian Liberal and radical politicians would seem to be an attempt to drum up popular prejudice against p, party evidently more favored by campaign con- tributions. With finances the life-blood of a polit- ical party, contributions must be garnered from party supporters, interested for one reason or another in backing the party. Political scientists advance the theory that more interest in politics could be stimulated if con- tributions were collected in small amounts from the masses of a party's supporters. Instead of quib- bling over where the opposition gets its money, let the Liberal and radical groups of Canada rely upon the greater moral support gained by depending upon contributions from the common people of the party; and let them rejoice that their country need not suffer from the scourge of political pat- ronage as perfected by the Doheneys, the Falls the Mellons and the Jimmy Walkers of American political experience. Musical Events FACULTY CONCERT Three members of the faculty of the School of Music will appear in the role of soloists on their respective instruments in the third of the series of summer faculty concerts to be given in Hill Audi- torium, Tuesday evening, July 17, at 8:30 o'clock 'Cello, piano, and the organ will be the -instru- ments on which the music chosen for the eve- ning's program will be presented. Saint-Saen's melodic and vitally rhythmic con- certo for the 'cello provides an opportunity for Pro- fessor Pick to exhibit the rich tone qualities of the instrument and his complete command of the tech- nical resources demanded for the proper perform- ance of the music. Professor Brinkman has chosen his group o piano solos from the works of Chopin. The variety of moods range from dance forms, brilliant tech- nical studies to a dreamy nocturne, and a gay sparkling scherzo. Two of the greatest of the nineteenth century French composers for the organ will be heard in the group which Mr. Doty has chosen to conclude the program. The mystic Franck is represented by a Cantabile, and the democratic, cosmopolitan Guilmant is to be heard in one of his gayest moods, the Allegro Appassionata from the Fifth Sonata for Organ. There is no admission charge, and the genera public with the exception of small children is cordially invited. The complete program is appended: Concerto in A minor, Op. 33 .... Saint-Saens Allegro non troppo Sunday Afternoon," "Grumpy," and "Both Your Houses." Although the acting in "A Hundred Years DAILY OFFI Old" was all that could be desired, the vehicle wasn't exactly ideal for hot weather production. Publication in the Blltii c * #* Univerity. Copy. receied at the * * * *saturday. WE'RE GLAD to see Charles Harrell getting a break in the casting of plays this summer. So far "Satisfactions '0 be Gained" is t you've seen him as Trino in "A Hundred Years subject of Dr. Frederick B. Fishe Old," and Ernest in "Grumpy." He also has a sermon at 10:45 at the First Meth leading role in "The School For Scandal." dist Episcopal church, State a C. A. B. Washington streets. This serm continues a series on "The Challer of Modern Living." Screen Re ections Congregational Church: Service Worship at 10:45 with sermon by t minister, Rev. Allison Ray Hea Subject, "Recovering the Radiance AT THE MAJESTIC Religion." Second in a series "SPRINGTIME FOR HENRY" "Religion and Life." Henry Dewlip ..............Otto Kruger Episcopal S'ndnt Group: This e Julia Jelliwell ............Nancy Carroll ning at 7 o'clock the group will m Johnny Jelliwell ....... ....Nigel Bruce in the downstairs lobby of the Leag Miss Smith .......... . ... Heather Angel Arrangements have been made fo Trivers ................ Herbert Mundin swimming party to be followed b Those who saw "Springtime for Henry" in the discussion on, "The Philosophy Dramatic Festival a year ago, liked it, and thought Pleasure. All students are cordia s jthat they would like to see the moving picture of invited. the play have a disappointment in store for them. Saint Andrews Episcopal Chur The picture is not as good as the play. Services of worship today are: 8 There are at least two reasons for this. In the a.m. Holy Communion, 11:00 a first place, the cast for the screen production does Kindergarten; 11:00 a.m. Morn not begin to equal that for the Ann Arbor season. Prayer and Sermon, "What may Tom Powers, Robert Loraine, Violet Heming, and do to make worship more vital" Rose Hobart were beautifully cast by Mr. Hen- the Reverend Henry Lewis. Music derson, but the same cannot be said for the St. Andrew's choir. - picture. Otto Kruger as Henry, the character about Stalker Hall: (Program Announ whom the action revolves, leaves much to be de- ments) At 9:30 a.m.: Seminar on r sired. He is stiff and unconvincing as the dilettante plied Christianity. Subject - playboy and even finds it necessary to adopt pince- Church and the Present Crisis. nez and a long black ribbon to prove that he At 3:30 p.m.: The Internatio has reformed and is now intent on the more serious Student Forum will hold an aftern things of life. Nancy Carroll in the role of Mrs. outing at which Dr. John Krause speak on his recenit observations Jelliwell, Henry's petite amie, has altogether too NaZi Germany. All welcome. t much of a baby-face to look like a woman with a -a And oca. At 6:00: Supper and Social P 1 secret. iod. It is too bad that Heather Angel, a really com- At 6:30: Dr. Louis Wirth of f petent actress, should be put in this picture. She University of Chicago will speak y looks convincingly demure as. the secretary "keen the Function of Religion in An Son the decent thing" who has shot her husband of Power as Seen by a Sociolo "in the Touraine." Nigel Bruce also is good as the All welcome. oafish Johnny Jelliwell who rarely knows what is First Baptist Church at 9:45 going on about him. The Student class in west alcov The second point of comparison with the play church. Mr. Chapman. is in the plot. In the play, whether one liked it 10:45 Mr. Sayles will preach or not, there was a plot. The movie has been suffi- "The Sense of Tragedy in Life." ciently cleaned up so that it is only a series of 7:30 in Church Parlors.4" x moderately funny incidents, and the real excuse for Church's Program of Action."I the conclusion has disappeared. The play was cussion led by Mr. Chapman. y funny both in situations and in lines but for the f 'Unitarian Church: 10:45 a.m. F picture much of the humor of the situations has Walton E. Cole, of Toledo, Ohio, f been removed and only the humor of the lines re- speak on, "An Economic Eden." tained. will discuss the part played by The story of the movie, briefly, is that of Henry ligion in the economic planning who is having an affair with Julia when he hires the future, indicating how values a new secretary who reforms him. On discovering idealized and obtained. This ser that the puritanical secretary has been married has been prepared to co-operatev and shot her husband, Henry goes back to Julia the Religious Education Confer 'with the understanding that she will get 'a divorce being held on Saturday and Sun - wfrom Johnny. o n the general theme, "Worship the Conservation of Values." 7:30 p.m. Prof. Max Handmar AT THE MICHIGAN TODAY the department of Economics of "LITTLE MAN, WHAT NOW?" University of Michigan will spea Ballyhooed to the skies since the first announce- the student conference on the t f ment of its intended filming, "Little Man, What "Religion in Economic Planni Y Now?" featuring Margaret Sullavan and Douglass This will be a practical and c Montgomery, opens at the Michigan Theatre to- fully thought out discussion by Y day. United States, a truly great sta In the first place the picture is taken from the man as well as an economist. At y book-of-the-month novel by Hans Fallada. It was close of his speech a period of( written and published originally in German under cussion will follow in which all p the title of "Kleiner Mann, Was Nun?" and trans- ent may take part. I lated into English in June, 1933. It has already passed the 75,000 circulation mark in the United Presbyterian Student Appointmn 10:45 Morning Worship. "The t States. discovery of Worship." Dr. Nor In the second place, the screen adaption is E. Richardson. Margaret Sullavan's first starring vehicle. She will 5:30 Social Hour and Supper. l be remembered for her work in "Only Yesterday." "Little Man, What Now?" takes place entirely in Germany. It deals with present day conditions as Terrace Garde we are emerging from the Depression; it is aJ Dancing Studi picture of the coming of the New Deal for the Instructions'in a countless "little men" and "little women" all over forms. Classical. soc the world whose dauntless spirits and optimism f Wuerth Theatre Bl have weathered the storm and made them ready for better times. Miss Sullavan has the role of "Lammchen," wife of the little clerk (Montgomery), who struggles to M IC H IGA hold his precarious job in order to keep together the little home he and his wife have made for their baby. A truly great novel Others in the cast include Hedda Hopper, Alan brought to Hale, Catherine Coucet, DeWitt Jennings, Muriel throbbing life!! Kirkland, Donald Haines, May Marsh and Fred Kohler. HANS FALLADA'S Universal has produced the picture under the direction of Frank Borzage, remembered for "Sev- enth Heaven" and others. Campus Opinion Letters published in this column should not be con- _ s strued as expressing the editorial opinion of The I - Daily. Anonymous communications will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be re- garded as confidential upon request. Contributors; are asked to be brief, confining themselves to less than 500 words if possible, TRUTH, COWARDICE, ETC. To the Editor: Truth. It is a piercing word. Whenever it lays its blade upon superficiality, it penetrates the su-I gar-coating with exactness, and the phenomena of it is that the pseudo-individual feels it. He is forced to acknowledge it, for the honest-to-good- ness truth stings him - makes him conscience stricken. As a consequence of this recognition which gnaws him with stinging bitterness, he shuns you; I he is bold enough to tell you that you are assuming the wrong attitude; he cannot tolerate your pres-wh ence. And if there is anything within human M A R G A R E T 01 CIALU LN ternoon, July 17, at 4:30. The ad- C IA E~I l BU LE I ministrative officers of the School of Education will be present. 1nstuctie notie to all menibers of the Summer Session office ntitl 3:30; 11:30 - Mcia ae:Apci o S Michigan Dames: A picnic for Michigan Dames and their husbands he ception by members of the Church and families will be held on Mon- r's for Summer Session Students. Church day, July 16, at the Island. The o- House, 1432 Washtenaw. committee in charge requests that nd 6:30 Community Vesper Service. each Dame bring sandwiches and on "Strengthening Personality for a beverage for her own group and one Ige Critical Time." Dr. Norman E. Rich- dish to contribute to the general pot- ardson. luck. There is drinking water on the Island for those not caring to prepare of University Bureau of Appointments any picnic drink. The general get- he and Occupational Information: The, together will be about 5:30 p.m. at the ups. Bureau has the following call for Island. Those not knowing how to of which applicants are desired: go there will find a guide at the North on Man to handle commercial de- U entrance to the League from 5:00 partment and general shop in smallto 5:30. If youchave no means of phimgthndgeerahoopinsmlltransportation, call Mrs. Clay at C-high school 2-1924. All married students and eet Two women and one man for camp married internes and their families ue. counsellors. Positions paying only are cordially invited. Come and make r a maintenance and transportation, this first summer picnic a success. y a For further details call at the of- For further information call Mrs. of flee, 201 Mason Hall. Office hours Clay at 2-1924. Illy 9-12 and 2-4. Students in Speech and General Psychology 53: Any students or Linguistics: The third student fac- eh others wishing to act as subjects on ulty luncheon of the department of :00 the Minnesota Space Relations test Speech and General Linguistics will .m. may see Miss Dorothy E. Wiley in be held at the Michigan Union Tues- ing Room 3127 N.S. between 1:00 and day, July 17, at 12:15 p.m. Tickets we 5:00 p.m. on Monday, July 16. may be purchased at the Union desk. by Economics 171s: Mimeographed by Eonmics f7s Mographed Faculty Concert Series: The third problem assigned for Monday e- faculty concert will take place Tues- roneously shows a credit balance in day evening, July 17, at 8:30 o'clock, ce- the Notes Receivable account. It in Hill Auditorium. Three members Ap- should show a debit balance of $1,000. of the faculty, Professor Hanns Pick, The 'cellist, Professor Joseph Brinkman, Raleigh Schorling, Professor of Ed- pianist, and E. William Doty, organ- nal ucation, will speak at the Education ist, will participate in the following oon Conference Monday, July 16, at 4:10 program. The general public with will p.m. His subject wil be "Procedures the exception of small children is of That Are Effective in Teaching Dull cordially invited to attend without Pupils." This will be held, as usual, admission charge. Saint-Saens, Con- er- in Room 1022, University High certo in A minor, Op. 33 (allegro non School. troppo, minuetto, allegro molto) Pro- the fessor Pick: Chopin, Ballade, Op. 38, on Men and Women's Education Club: F major; Mazurka, Op. 33, No. 4; Age There will be a joint mixer for all Etude, Op. 25, No. 11; Nocturne, Op. gist. men and women interested in Edu- 72, No. 1; Scherzo, Op. 39, C-sharp cation on Monday evening, July 16, minor, Professor Brinkman: Franck, at 7:30 in the Women's Athletic Cantabile; Guilmant, Allegro Appas- a.m. Building. All students and members sionata from Fifth Sonata for Organ, e 'of of the faculty with their wives or hus- Mr. E. William Doty. bands are invited. on Michigan Repertory P1 a y e r s: Southern Club: There will be a tea "School for Scandal" by Richard The for the members of the Southern Club Brinsley Sheridan is being presented Dis- and their families in the Library of at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre the Elementary School Tuesday af- (Continued on Page 3) Eddie Bob Rev. LAUGHTON & WOODRUFF will an herMs . . He--Amisin40Q. at Mihaf'S SW I !w a re- NEWPORT BEACH for TRUNKS PERMISSIBLE are Portage Lake 14 miles from town mlon with ence day, and COLATTEND k "EJIAIATTEND COOL-MATINEES. . . . M ICHIGAN . . . .COOL MATINEES n of Daily Matinee 25c Nights & Sundays, Balcony 25c, Main Floor 35c the k to Henry VIII was a piker compared to this Henry nge " " SPRINGTIME FOR are- one H N tes- the OTTO KRUGER NANCY CARROLL dis- NIGEL BRUCE HEATHER ANGEL HERBERT MUNDIN res- Selected Short Subjects eats Matinees 15c . . . . ..WUERTH. . . . .. Nights 25c Re- nan GEORGE ARLISS Re- tHE HOUSE OF "RMANR OT H SC HiL D " a i"ROMAN VANDALS" "RED HOT MAMA" "FII E FEATHERS" al, Comedy Cartoon Sportlight dg. MICHIGAN REPERTORY PLAYERS present RICHARD BRINSLEY SHERIDAN'S Famous Comedy 'The School for Scandal" ' Swith FRANCIS COMPTON as Sir Peter Teazle " These Famous Comedy Characters - ( Will Live Again: SIR PETER TEAZLE LADY TEAZLE SIR OLIVER SURFACE SIR BENJAMIN BACKBITE JOSEPH SURFACE - LADY SNEERWELL II Ticke~ts Now Minuetto -Allegro molto Hanns Pick Ballade, Op. 38, F major..... Mazurka, Op. 33, No. 4r........ Etude, Op. 25, No. 11 .......... Nocturne, Op. 72, No. 1.......... Scherzo, Op. 39, C-sharp minor . Joseph Brinkman .... Chopin . Chopin ..... Chopin ..... Chopin .Chopin Cantabile.............. ..........Franck Allegro Appassionata from Fifth organ sonata ................ Guilmant E. William Doty The Theatre THE FIFTH presentation of the Season, Richard Sheridan's "The School For Scandal," is well un- der production with Francis Compton again at the helm. Mr. Compton is well-informed on its tradi- tional business - his father being an outstanding authority on the early English comedy. * * * * EVELYN COHEN, Costume Designer, is faced with the most difficult task of the season in con- nection with "The School For Scandal." Period plays are always difficult for the costumiere, for mistakes in authenticity are then most easily made. Pictures and books are the most reliable sources of information. She is being assisted by her class in Costuming. TO DIRECTOR Valentine B. Windt goes the credit for directing two of the best shows Ann Arbor has seen in a long time - and they were both by the same author. "Elizabeth the Queen," with Sally Pierce and Jay Pozz in the leads, was the most successful play of the winter season, and "Both Your Houses" is on a nar with it. Dire- I