The Weather Cloudy and showers today; not much change in tempera- ture. C, , r *fr igan Iati Editorials Ivy Lee - Propagandist... Official Publication Of The Summer Session VOL. XV No. 16 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JULY 13, 1934 P PRICE FIVE CENTS California Commerce Paralyzed San Francisco Is Center Of Crucial General Strike Of Maritime Labor Ignore President's BoardDelay Plea Police And National Guard Tr o o p s Prepared For 'Any Emergencies' Has New Power Characteristics Of Japanese Cities Discussed By Prof. Hall 65 T o Go On Milford Trip] 5th Of Series Dies Suddenly The migration of Japanese popula- tion from the country to the cities, the similaritybetween the ancient and modern cities of Japan, and the three types of cities there, were dis- cussed yesterday by Prof. Robert B. Hall of the geography department, who spoke on "Some Japanese Cities." "A most remarkable growth in city population has occurred during the last decade," Professor Hall stated. "In 1920, 40 per cent of the total pop- ulation of Japan lived in the cities and the census of 1930 shows that this number has increased to 60 per cent. Since 1930 there has been an even greater tendency toward urbaniza- tion." According to Professor Hall, the majority of Japanese cities are built on alluvial plains and the size of the plain usually determines the size of the city. Thus Tokio, the largest city in Japan, is built on Quanto, the largest alluvial plain. "This plain is also the most pro- ductive center in Japan, almost every highway and railroad meeting there." The ground is extremely fertile and two crops a year may be averaged from each acre." In contrast to this area, Professor Hall pointed out that the land on the PacificeOcean side of the country is characterized by harsh winters. The ground is of a rocky and hilly nature and is therefore not suited for ag- rarian purposes, and a general con- dition of isolation exists. Comparing the features of Japanese and American cities, Professor Hall said that the modern structure of the former is not unlike our own, although most of the ancient forms are still recognizable. Unlike our modern cities, however, he continued, Japanese centers show an entire lack of concentric zoning. There are no organized business and residential districts. Another out- standing feature of Japanese building is that their structures are built en- tirely of one type of material. In other words there are no stone sky- scrapers and wooden colonial houses. "Where the strongest similarity be- tween the ancient and modern Jap- anese exists is in the small country towns, where the streets are very narrow and the houses are seemingly thrown together with no6 definite plan." (Continued on Page 3) r a S z G General Motors Ground Is To Point Of Tour Proving Be Focal Professor Coe To Direct Excursion Students To Be Luncheon Guests Of Automobile Corporation SAN FRANCISCO, July 12. - (P) - Strike paralysis crept farther along the channels of Pacific coast com- merce today and San Francisco began to take on the aspect of a beleaguered city in face of a threatened general walkout. The crucial situation stretched far beyond the reach of President Roose- velt's Labor Disputes Board as one union after another made known its intentions to strike or to follow recommendations soon to be made by a strategy committee on a question of a general walkout. The Federal Board worked in a tense atmosphere, hoping to persuade the striking maritime unions to sub- mit to arbitration the issues involved in the tangled situation. Ignore Delay Plea Ignoring the plea of the President's Board for delay, the Teamsters' Union of San Francisco and Alameda county walked out 3,700 strong, stopping the movement of freight motor vehicles, wholesale butcher workers dropped their knives, saws, and cleavers, cut- ting off fresh meat supplies for the 1,000,000 residents of the Bay Cities. National Guard troops, ending their first week' of occupation of the San Francisco waterfront prepared for "any emergencies" and police were on the alert to prevent violence in the industrial area outside the dis- trct patrolled by heavily armed mili- tia men. Strikers Stop Trucks Several trucks found operating after the teamsters walk-out this morning, were stopped or overturned. Housewives, expecting a siege, began to lay in supplies. Some residents were reported hoarding staples and gaso- line in the face of fire department warnings against the later. The Teamsters' strike, seemingly stopped the movement of all heavy trucks in and ot of the city but the strikers indicated they would not in- terfere with retail delivery vehicles and the bread, milk, and laundry carriers would be permitted to oper- ate. The crux of the strike situation remained in the question of arbitra- tion between employers on one hand and striking longshoremen and ma- rine union on the other. Minimum Price On Cigarettes Is SetBy NRA WASHINGTON, July 12. - (R) - NRA today fixed the prices of popu- lar brand cigarettes at a minimum of 13 cents a package of 20 or two pack- ages for a quarter. Cartons will cost not less than $1.20. The 20 for 10 cent variety of cigarette will continue to sell for 10 cents. The price .limitation begins July 16 and was set for a 90-day period in two orders by Hugh S. John- son, declaring "an emergency has arisen tending to defeat the pur- poses" of the Recovery law. In some instances, popular brands were said to have been selling for as low as two packages for 23 cents, and from $1.08 to $1.15 per carton. Dur- ing the 90-day period of the order, NRA's research division will study operation of the price requirement. Wistert, Petoskey Try Battery Posts Reports from the Cincinnati Reds indicate that an all-Michigan battery may represent the Reds in the near future. Ted Petoskey, who played in the outfield for Michigan, is being converted into a catcher, and with Whitey Wistert, Michigan's mound ace of last spring, forms a regular nra +4n p + , '., -I -Associated Press Photo Kurt Schmitt, German minister of economics, was granted almost au- tocratic commercial powers in a move interpreted as a victory for the con- servative and Nazi element. In ef- fect, he now has an almost free hand in directing Germany's economic program. Hitler Studies Police Reports For Address Prepares For Speech To Reichstag In Explanation Of\,CrushingOf Revolt BERLIN, July 12. -(P) -Chancel- lor Adolf Hitler was busy today with reports of the Secret Police on the events leading up to the June 30 sup- pression of rebellion, as he prepared to write the speech he will deliver to the Reichstag. A high government official said that Hitler will not begin writing his speech until tomorrow morning, de- voting the day to getting it ready for delivery at 8 p.m. The preparation involves an ex- haustive study of the secret investi- gation which convinced Hitler that it was necessary to execute Ernst Roehm, storm troop leader, and others as "traitors" to the Nazi reign. Will Analyze Revolt The official who told of the plans concurred the belief that the Chan- cellor will devote much of his speech to a further analysis of the "Roehm Revolt," climaxing the government's explanation of the action takien. While the Chancellor labored on his speech, the German public was reminded in front page newspaper announcements and over the radio to have their receiving sets turned on at the time of the address. "Der Fuehrer (the leader) will speak," said all these announcements. Will Have Big Audience Indications were that Hitler will have as near to a hundred per cent audience as ever was granted to a nation-wide radio broadcast. The storm troopers, on vacation, and deprived of many of their old leaders by firing squads, will be alert to hear what the future holds for them. Many non-Nazis, who have ac- cepted the Hitler reign as the best Germany could get, will want to learn whether the doubts which recently arose in their minds are justified. Tiges Win All ight But Smoke Eaters Lose Otut In Ninth Ann Arbor's smoke eaters, better known as firemen, would be no end pleased if car owners who allow smudges to start in their vehicles would pick an opportune time for such occurrances. They would be pleased at least if fires could be scheduled for some other time than that at which the Tigers and Yan- kees are playing the ninth inning of a hair-raising ball game. Most of the boys on duty were gathered around the radio Thursday afternoon. The Tigers were leading 4 to 2. Earl Combs had just hoisted one to Billy Rogell. Heffner was at bat. Just then the telephone la- belled in the directory as "Fire Only" 1 Brave Black Kitten, Portends Evils Of Friday Thirteenth The evil portends of Friday the Thirteenth - today, so the calendar makers inform us - were clearly and convincingly demonstrated last night to those hard at work in the offices of The Daily on the machines which ground out this newspaper. An unusual racket on the street outside drew reporters, copy readers, and night editor to the windows. The scene which confronted them was typical of a Friday the Thirteenth eve and was at the same time the answer to a pseudo-journalist's prayer for the perfect story. There was no man biting a dog to be seen but there was an out-of- the-ordinary picture presented. The principals were a huge mongrel dog and a tiny black cat. The cat came from the neighborhood of The Daily offices -reporters have dodged the creature for months. The dog came, probably, from that vicinity of the campus whence most stray dogs come. And the two were in hot chase down Maynard Street. Not news? Onlookers in The Daily office decided otherwise, since the wee-ebonized kitten was in pursuit of the canine and the poor mongrel was apparently running for his life. And when a 24-ounce kitten chases a 75-pound dog, that, so Daily writers decided, is news! MAJOR LEAGUE STANDINGS The Tigers moved into first posi- -tion in the American league pennant race by virtue of a 4 to 2 win yes- terday over Colonel Ruppert's Yan- kees. Schoolboy Rowe let the Yanks down with six hits and fanned 11 members of the opposition, while the Tigers were garnering eight hits off recruit Johnny Broaca. Winning their single game with the Boston Braves, 7 to 4, the Chicago Cubs climbed a half-game nearer the league-leading Giants as the New Yorkers split a double bill with the lowly Pittsburgh Pirates. The standings follow: American League Terrorists In Vienna Throw Bombs;5 Hurt Seven Nazis Arrested On Suspicion; O u t b r e a k Follows Inactive Period VIENNA, July 12. -(P) - Oppo- nents of Chancellor Engelbert Doll- fuss answered his threats of death to terrorists today by setting off two bombs, one of which injured five persons. Thebombs followed a period of comparative inaction on the part of terrorists, and it was recalled that on several previous occasions there had been new outbreaks when Dollfuss showed an inclination to take severe measures. Seven Nazis were arrested on sus- picion in connection with the bomb at Salzburg which injured five per- sons. Their case was being watched to determine whether Dollfuss, now that he has concentrated the principal cabinet portfolios in his own hand, will carry out his threat to impose the death penalty. The Salzburg bomb was thrown into the automobile of a member of the Government Party, "Fatherland Front," which was parked in fiont of a small tavern near the famous "Klosterbrau" beer hall. Four of those injured were Aus- trian terrorists, and the fifth was a 12-year-old girl who had been sent to the tavern for beer. Principals Lead In Baseball League The Principals took undisputed possession of first place in the Edu- cation Club Softball League yester- day, swamping the Superintendents, 23 to 8. Marvin Becker hurled for the Principals, with Lutze catching. The Superintendents battery was com- posed of Hughes and Mason. In another league game played yes- terday, the Educational Research team overwhelmed the Teachers, 21 to 7. The General Motors Proving Grounds at Milford will be the desti- nation of 65 students when they leave at 8 a.m. tomorrow on the fifth reg- ular Summer Excursion with Prof. Carl J. Coe, director of the Summer Session Excursions. The party will meet in front of An- gell Hall at 8 a.m. and will leave in buses provided through the courtesy of the General Motors Corporation. Arriving in Milford at about 9 a.m., the party will be placed in the hands of guides and will examine all of the testing facilities of the grounds. Special tests will be staged in which members of the party will be allowed to participate, such as roadability and a blind-fold test for selecting the smoothest riding automobile. To Be Luncheon Guests At noon the group will be the luncheon guests of the General Mo- tors Corporation. Because of this cour- tesy the tour will entail no expense whatsoever for the attending stu- dents. After lunch another hour will be spent at the proving grounds watch- ing further tests, after which the party will leave for Ann Arbor, ar- riving here about 3 p.m. Professor Coe said last night that reservations for the trip have been completely filled. However, students who have not been able to make res- ervations and who are especially de- sirous of making the trip, may be at Angell Hall at 8 a.m. and if persons who have already made reservations fail to show up vacancies will be filled. Hobbs Directs Fifth Tour Prof. William H. Hobbs, who will personally direct the sixth tour of the season, Wednesday, July 18, to Put- In-Bay, announced yesterday that students and faculty members intend- ing to take that trip should register immediately at the Summer Session office. The date for the trip was recently changed from July 21 to July 18 be- cause of alteration in steamship, schedules and it is for that reason that those in charge of the tours are anxious to complete registration as soon as possible. Four more excursions remain ex- clusive of the Put-In-Bay trip. On, Wednesday, July 25, there will be a tour of Greenfield Village in Dear- born. The trip to Niagara Falls, under the direction of Professor Hobbs, will come on Friday, July 27. Another ex- cursion to Greenfield Village will be made Wednesday, August 1, and the last excursion of the series will be held Saturday, August 4, when the Michigan State Prison at Jackson will be visited. COMMUNISTS CONTINUE NEW YORK, July 12. -A') - Af- ter hearing charges that the Third Internationale in Moscow still di- rects Communist activity in the Unit- ed States despite Russia's official pledge to prohibit this, the Congres- sional subcommittee investigating un-American activities adjourned its public hearings today until further notice. . SEYMOUR BEACH CONGER Third Party Of Summer Social Season Tonight Dance To Begin At 9 P.M. In League; Al Cowan To Play Until 1 A.M. With dancing to the music of Al Cowan and his band, the third party of the Summer Session will begin at 9 p.m. today in the ballroom of the League. Entertainment will consist of num- bers by the League trio, composed of Maxine Maynard, '35, Jean Seeley, '36, and Mary Morrison, '35. Men and women from the campus are encouraged to come singly if they wish. The price of admission will be 25 cents per ticket. The list of hostesses who will as- sist this week with introductions is as follows: Miss Seeley, Miss Maynard Margaret Kimball, Jane Fletcher, Charlotte Whitman, Betty Aigler, Miss Morrison, Phyllis Brumm, Kay Russell, Dot Moore, Frances Thorn- ton, Margaret Siewers, Wilma Clisbe, Mary Ellen Hall, Barbara Nelson, El- va Pascoe, Margaret Burke, Sue Cal- cutt, Marie Hed, Margaret Robb, LucilleBenz, Charlotte Johnson, Jean Keppel, Greta Wessborg, Marian Wig- gin, and Marian Hymes. The men who will act as officials are Richard Edmundson, Bob Calver Chuck Baird, John Streiff, Peko Bursley, Joe Roper, Bill Langdon. George Burke, Paul Kissinger, Bob Hewitt, Bob Fox, Bob.Babcock, Chuck Niessen, John Pyster, and John French. Those attending the Repertory Players' production of "Both Your Houses," at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre will be able to enjoy several hours of dancing following the play, since the dance will not be over until 1 a.m. Last week's reception and dance was termed "highly successful" by League officials and indications are that this evening's dance will be equally as enjoyable. Missing Girl's Sister Starts Suit In Court NEW YORK, July 12.-() -Sel- ma Tufverson, sister of the missing Agnes Tufverson, filed a perjury com- plaint today with Assistant District Attorney Harold W. Hastings against Ivan Poderjay. The complaint was based on a charge that, in his application for a license to wed Agnes Tufverson, Po- derjay swore that he never had been married. Selma Tufverson declared that she had proof that Poderjay was mar- ried to Margarite Susanne Ferrand in England on March 22, 1933. Hastings announced that he would attempt to have Vienna authorities hold Poderjay pending an investiga- tion into the charge. Four Lectures To Be Delivered Next Week Four lectures will feature next week's Summer Session activities. At 5 p.m. Monday, Prof. Leon- ard L. Watkins of the economics department will speak on "The Monetary Situation." "Modern Housing," an illus- trated lecture, will be delivered by Prof. Wells I. Bennett of the Col- lege of Architecture at 5 p.m. Tuesday. Prominent Ann Arbor Man Dead.. Heart Attack Is Fatal To Seymour Beach Conger Well-Known Newsman Was Writer For Associated Press Leaves Widow And Three Sons; Two Youngest Are University Students Seymour Beach Conger, prominent newspaperman who has resided in Ann Arbor for the past few years, passed away at his home, 2025 Hill Street, late last night, following an illness of several years. During the last two months Mr. Conger had been ailing seriously and for the past two weeks was confined to his bed. His immediate death came at about 10 p.m., the result of a heart ailment. Mr. Conger is survived by his wife Mrs. Lucille B. Conger, and three sons, Seymour Beach, Jr., Kyril B., and Clinton B. A graduate of the University in the class of 1900 and a recipient of a Master of Arts degree in 1903, Mr. Conger entered professional journal- ism while stil lin attendance here, as a staff member of the Grand Rapids Evening Press in 1899. Served In War In 1903 he became a correspondent for the Associated Press, continuing in that capacity until 1919. He served at St. Petersburg, Russia during the Russo-Japanese war and was director- of the Berlin bureau of the Associated Press from 1910runtil 1917. As war correspondent, he was at- tached to the German and Austro- Hungarian forces on all fields of the European war until the entrance of the United States in 1917. Mr. Conger- attended Von Hindenburg as corre- spondent both on eastern and western fronts throughout the course of the war. He covered the Paris Peace Confer- ence in 1919 for the Associated Press and was present at the signing of the Treaty of Versailles. Acted On War Board During 1918, he acted as foreign ad- visor to the War Trade Board, and from 1920 to 1925, was chief corre- spondent in Central and Eastern Eu- rope for the Philadelphia Public Ledger. After his return from Europe in 1925, Mr. Conger accepted the post of foreign editor for the Booth group of newspapers in Michigan, a position he retained until 1930 when ill health forced him to resign. After his resig- nation, he was associated for a short time with the firm, Keen, Conger, and Knouth, public relations counsellors, of New York. Ill health forced his retirement from that group in 1932 and since that time he had been incapacitated. Phi Beta Kappa Mr. Conger served as a private in the 32nd Michigan Infantry during the Spanish-American war and was later a second-lieutenant in the 2nd Regiment of the Michigan National Guard. He was a member of Phi Beta Kappa, national honorary scholastic fraternity, and of the "M" Club, hav- ing been a member of the track team while in the University. The eldest son, S. Beach, Jr.,'is now in the interior of India doing special writing for the World Letters Cor- poration. He graduated from the Uni- versity in 1932. Kyril Conger is now a sophomore in the Medical School and Clinton B. Conger has just com- pleted his freshman year in the, lit erary college. He is working on the staff of The Summer Daily as Asso- ciate Editor and as Circulation Man- agter. In addition to his immediate fam- ily, he is survived by his mother, Mrs. Cornelia B. Conger; a sister, Miss Amy Conger, both of Grand Rapids; and two brothers, Ralph Conger, of Grand Rapids, and Louis Conger, of Mus- kegon. Democratic Senator To Retire From All Politics SPOKANE, Wash., July 12. - (P) - Detroit ........... New York ......... Boston ............ Cleveland ......... Washington ....... St. Louis .......... Philadelphia ....... Chicago .......:... Yesterday's W ....49 ....47 ....42 ....39 ....39 .....31 .. .30 ....26 Results L 29 28 35 36 39 39 46 51 Pct. .628 .627 .545 .520 .500 .443 .395 .338 W L Principals ..............3 0 Superintendents ........2 1 Ed. Research ...........1 2 Teachers ...............0 3 Pct. 1.000 .666 .333 .000 Yesterday's Results Principals 23, Superintendents Ed. Research 21, Teachers 7. 8.1 Detroit 4, New York 2. Chicago 3, Philadelphia 2. Washington at Cleveland, rain. Only games scheduled. Today's Games NewYork at Detroit., Boston at St. Louis. Washington at Cleveland. Philadelphia at Chicago. National League College-Men Emotionally Stable In Business, Psycholooists Say New York .......... Chicago ............ St. Louis .........,. . Pittsburgh .......... Boston .............. Brooklyn ............ Philadelphia ....... . W ..50 . .49 ...44 ...39 . .39 ...33 ...32 L, 29 30 33 35 40 46 48 Pct. .633 .620 .571 .527 .494 .418 .400 NEW YORK, July 12. - A sympo- sium of opinion collected from 500 American psychiatrists and psychol- ogists shows a general belief that col- lege-trained men in business are emo- tionally stable, save when they are obliged to work at uncongenial tasks, then they are likely to become neu- rotic, according to George Bijur, di- rector of the first Choosing-a-Career Conference. Many of the scientists agreed that in normal circumstances the college man is more likely to meet business liant students are the least able to work efficiently in uncongenial jobs, that American colleges today are crowded with students who are consti-' tutionally unable to profit from the training, and that vocational malad- justment is an important source of crime and anti-social tendencies. Dr. A. A. Brill suggested that many colleges should make the services of a consulting psychiatrist available to their students. "The consulting psychiatrists would be a vast help in vocational guidance, I