THE MICHIGAN DAILY MO RE MICHIGAN DAILY cial Publication of the Summer Session serve the interests of the greatest possible num- ber of students and faculty members. Unlike conditions during the regular academic year, when students must individually purchase subscriptions to The Daily, the summer months find The Daily on the doorstep of every student and faculty member of the Session. The subscrip- tion price, greatly reduced, has been included in 4 111 Pisished every morning except Monday during the University year and summer session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association and the Big Ten News Service. sociated0f oltt iaty y4 g 1= g933 .n ayA 0RAoZ 1934 MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published, herein. Alldrights of republication of special dispatches are reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Postmaster-General. Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, $150. During regular' school year by carrier, $3.75; by mail, $4.2. Ofces: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, Anni Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214. Representatives: College Publications Representatives, Inc., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80 Boylston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, EDITORIAL STAFF Phone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR... ... ..E. JEROME PETTIT ASSISTANT MANAGING EDITOR ....BRACKLEY SHAW WOMEN'S EDITOR . ..............ELEANOR JOHNSON ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Charles A. Baird, Clinton B. Con- ger, Paul J. Elliott, Thomas E. Groehn Thomas H. REPORTERS: Barbara Bates, C. H. Beukema, Frances -English, Harriet Hunt, Katherine Miller, Elsie Pierce, Virginia Scott. BUSINESS STAFF office Hours: 9-12, 1-5 Phone 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER.........BERNARD E. SCHNACKE ASUT. ,JSINESS MANAGER .....W. GRAFTONSHARP GJECJLATION MANAGER ........ CLINTON B. CONGER Another Summer Session Opens.. .. rT HE Forty-First Summer Session of the University of Michigan is un- der way. Students from all sections of the Country and from foreign nations have gathered at this center of learning to receive instruction from faculties numbering more than four hundred, some of whom are from other educational institutions in this country and abroad. We welcome you to the University and to Ann Arbor. Many of you have attended other Summer Sessions here; others have been here during the regular academic year. To you who are acquainted with the University and the many advantages it affords during the eight weeks of the Summer Session little can be said. To you who are here for the first time we extend the hope and the predic- tion that your stay will be so pleasant and suc- cessful as to warrant your early return. The Summer Session is in many ways a unique institution. Laking as it does those organiza- tions which, through their very nature, auto- matically provide a basis for good fellowship, so- cial contact, and outside interest during a normals college year, the Summer Session has accepted the obligation of providing its own substitutes. As a result, Summer Session students and visit- ing faculty members are provided with many fa- cilities not offered to those attending regular ses- sions of the University. In addition to the normal activities presented during the winter season, ad- ditional features such as conducted tours, a com- plete lecture series, student plays, and noted edu- cators from other institutions are provided. Those who are in Ann Arbor for the first time will soon discover the advantages of these features and will, we are sure, consider the summer of 1934 one of the most profitable and enjoyable of their entire educational career. The academic work, it might be pointed out, is equivalent in method, character, and credit value to similar work offered during the regular ses- sion. The faculty, on the other hand, is enriched with the presence of well-known educators from other institutions. The summer plays, produced for the entertain- meit of those attending the Summer Session, are offered by the Michigan Repertory Players, now in their sixth summer season Looking forward to their most successful year, they will offer nine plays during the coming eight weeks. Eleven excursions, including the nationally- known trip to Niagara Falls under the direction of Prof. William H. Hobbs, are offered to those interested in the educational value and sheer en- joyment of such ventures. A series of lectures, by both resident and visit- ing faculty members, are to be given during the Session. Social evenings are being planned under the direction of a Social Director whose sole duty is to provide recreation for the University's sum- mer guests. Concerts, under the direction of the School of Music, will take place at various times during the summer. Additional recreational fa- cilities are provided in the new University golf course - said to be the finest collegiate , course in the country, the gymnasiums, the tennis courts,' intramural athletic programs, and special ath- letic programs for women. Summed up, a Summer Session at the University is one of the finest investments which can be made - as is evidenced in the number of stu- dents returning this year who have enjoyed its advantages in the past. The very best which can be obtained has been made available for you. Make the most of your opportunities during these two months and you will count the summer an un- qualified success. the tuition fee of each student. This widespread circulation makes it possible for The Daily to provide constructive official no- tices of all worth-while events occurring on the Michigan campus. It also means, however, that during the summer months The Daily is more than ever an institution belonging to the campus as a whole. Each student, each faculty mem- ber, should take an active interest in The Daily and in its attempt to serve the summer group. This summer, for the first time, The Daily edi- torial staff has been greatly enlarged. A larger staff means a wider coverage of local events of interest and results, in the end, in a better news- paper. It means that your morning newspaper will contain more items of personal interest to you and your associates and less of the material com- rhonly known to editors and readers alike as "filler. Appreciating the interest among university stu- dents in important happenings of the day, The Daily will also furnish, through its leased As- sociated Press wire, reports of state, national; and international importance. It will not attempt to, sacrifice space needed for accounts of local sig- nificance, however, knowing that its sphere is in no wise comparable to that of the metropolitan press. It intends to remain, above all else, a University of Michigan newspaper. The Daily desires your support, interest, and, criticism. If there is some feature about The Daily that you don't like, then its editors want to know about it. If, in striving to serve your in- terests, it should succeed, The Daily would like- wise appreciate your comment to that effect. As the "official publication of the Summer Session" The Daily is your own newspaper and its editors wish you to regard it as such. Campus Opinion Letters published in this column should not be con- strued as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous communications will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be re- garded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked oto be brief, confining themselves to less than 500 words if possible. WORDS AND PHRASES ON THE PERNICIOUS "WEED" Gentle Reader:' The distinguished Alumna who denounced a false representation of University women, and who signed her article in the Michigan Daily, M. M. A., pointed with pride to her friend, Katharine Hol- land Brown, as one who had brought unprecedent- ed honor to her Alma Mater. This woman was my friend, too, and it is for that reason that I dedicate to you, M. M., A., and to all gentle readers, these few words in order to present, however briefly, cer- tain matters which are apt to be overlooked. I do not regret that you may be uninitiated in the knowledge of what I here express in brokenE The Theatre "ONE SUNDAY AFTERNOON" -A Review If the Michigan Repertory Players continue to present as high a type of entertainment as James Hagan's "One Sunday Afternoon" afforded the audience at the opening Friday night, the success of the season is already assured. This play, the naive story of love in a mid-western town back in the days of the horseless carriage, was an ideal vehicle for the initial production of the summer. Valentine B. Windt, director, has an especial knack for producing "period" plays - a knack that was well illustrated in his handling of "One Sunday Afternoon." Although this was Mr. Hagan's first excursion into the field of drama, the result was worthy of a master playwright. Introduced on Broadway in the winter of 1933, it at first received a cool recep- tion. Later, however, blase New York hailed it a success. So warmly was it received that it played eight months on the street of bright lights, came within one vote of winning the Pulitzer Prize for 1933, and was later produced in the movies with a similar success. Gary Cooper and Fay Wray played the leads in the M.G.M. production. One of the most remarkable features of the play was its clever construction. The whole action of the show centered around the prologue and epi- logue which occur in modern time. The scenes in between are in the form of a "flashback" to a period "many years ago." It combined a happy mixture of pathos, which Iverged on melodrama, and comedy - and ended with a happy touch. Mr. Hagan has a remarkable talent for creating interesting characters. The actual production of the play was faulty in parts. We realize, of course, the difficulties, under which the show was presented. But we felt that the play could be improved greatly with. a little more rehearsal. Here and there lack of it was evi- dent. For example, several players were uncertain of their lines. This was most evident in the first scene between James Doll and Jay Pozz.. The fight scene between Charles Harrell and Mr. Pozz was unconvincing, as most fight scenes on the stage are. One could hardly see how the knock- out punch delivered by Mr. Pozz would cause much damage to the proverbial fly. Although the cast was small, it consisted of players with several years' experience, and there were few of the weaknesses so common in a play with a larger cast. Mr. Pozz was very good in the role of Bill Grimes, fiery-tempered town bully with big ideas. He was quite up to the part and presented it convincingly. His business, however, was faulty at times and his carriage on the stage seemed stilted. James Doll came through with his usual excel- lent performance in the character role of Snappy Downer - and was the only member of the entire cast who looked his age in the prologie and epi- logue. The "many years" in which the action of the play took place didn't seem to "age" the othe's very much. Virginia Frink deserves much credit for her handling of the part of Virginia Brush. She has shown great improvement in the past year, and no doubt turned in the best performance of her career QUAILITY WORK0 means ECONOMY in LAUNDRY SERVICE IN LAUNDERING, there can be no economy if real quality is missing. Cheap work is always costly -careless wash- ing means more frequent washing, more strain on fabrics. Experts in every step of laundry work, the Varsity brings you washing that completely deserves the title, "Quality." DialaLiet 23 -12 3 at Fifth ND C' , I 'U._ 1 < accents. Friday night. You will be surprised, but the obliviousness of a Mary Pray's part of the I-Know-I-Shouldn't- But-I-Will girl was ideally adapted to her talents, sort of women, here, to just the expected courtesy, and she gave it a sympathetic touch which de- women who wear that come-to-mama look perpe- ser ve We wesymgad toeh bac der trated by the common fag which goes a journeying serves mention. We were glad to see her back after from hand to face, is what I have reference to jaunt into the field of the dance. my unknown friend. Of six deadly poisons in tobacco, and there are many others in minute amounts, one is a paint and varnish remover, (furfurol) another is an in- secticide (nicotine), and acrolein, found by Edison and proved to destroy the brain cells of the growing body, (as for the human body, it -grows to the age of 25and 26 years), these poisons, my astonished reader, are freely scattered on floors, chairs, tables, and into "free" air of the campus restrooms. In the library, despite strict law against it, and signs cased in glass and hung high, some ladies creep in and smoke and (angels and ministers of grace defend us) grind such refuse under their dainty feet. (The patient reader will supply quote' marks where necessary.) And then the air, but O! but O! The incense is forgot! I warn you ahead of time that you must learn to play the game of hide-and-go-seek for air, else nausea will dog your tracks, and you will have to make your book comments, and other com- ments, where such smoke and filth do not cor- rupt! Such is a brief sketch. But we should write a book that might initiate some harmless custom? Would it not be a good thing, M.M.A.? For K.H.B. is dead ! The first chapter, how is this for a topic: Re- spect due, or due respect to Labor. Chapter two, The Unspeakable Pigstys in the Pile of University Masonry.' Chapter three, Good taste and common courtesy toward equals. Chapter four, The Deadly Nightshade and the Who, When, Where, Why, What, How of the Hu- man Plant! (Friend, this is diffuse. Physiology in brief.) Chapter five, Judge you not of yourselves what is right?. Still, it's just that simple, we might begin with a Chapter on the Earthworm to arouse enthusiasm for a "Natural" Wonder! You know, I have observed, after a shower, they crawl out sort of scant in body, and under-sized, on account of the crude discoloration, and the chemical constitution of the surface liquid that seeps down into their native habitat and drives them to the most awful drink! That glorious, wriggling, soft, patient, and all- important laborious little burrowing, land nour- ishing creature. If K.H.B. were here she would desire to travel away, too, and be in spirit just like the earthworm. At a loss for other language, I Although Frank Funk put a lot into his part as the home town boy who made good, we hardly felt that he was fitted for it. He is to be congratulated however, for the way he handled it. The minor roles were well taken by Frances Manchester, who giggled well, Charles Harrell, who looked tough, Hattie Bell Ross, ideally cast, Fred Crandall, Carl Nelson, William Halstead and Harlan Bloomer. Technically, with the exception of one or two long waits between scenes, the show was perfect. The lighting was excellent, the scenes well done, the props convincing and the costuming a credit to Miss Cohen. We strongly recommend that you see this show. Those who missed it will have a second opportunity on Wednesday and Thursday nights of this week. -C.A.B. Screen Reflections Four stars means extraordinary; three stars very good; two stars good; one star just another picture; no stars keep away from it. AT THE MICHIGAN "LITTLE MISS MARKER" Hollywood has a new star. And whether you be- lieve it or not she makes Greta Garbo look like last year's hat in comparison. Take Joan Craw- ford, Marlene Dietrich, Constance Bennett - take them all combined and they don't show a candle to her. Honest, folks, she's the real goods. We're a bit dizzy yet after seeing her for the first time in "Little Miss Marker." We don't ever expect to be the same. Her name, folks -her name is Shirley Temple (mark that), and she's just five years old. One look at her and we promise you'll tumble like a car load of bricks. She'll make you forget your 1 wives and sweethearts - this siren of the screen. You should have seen what this Little Miss Marker did to one Sorrowful Jones, big time gambler and tough guy. He just melts under her spell as did such characters as Big Steve, Bangel, Bugs, Sore Toe, Regret and others with like mon- ickers. When she turned it on them they didn't have a chance. They just folded up and went soft. Adolphe Menjou as Sorrowful Jones, Charles Bickford as Big Steve, and Dorothy Dell as the nightclub singer are all good mind you. They help make the movie the success that it is. But kiave You a Room to Rent*? Do you. have typing to bedone, ofr do yOu.want typing to do? I Or, have you. lost anything, In any case, your best medium is The. Michigan Daily Classified- Column CASH, RATES I c PER LINE (Short term charge advertisements accepted) I II i 1 II