THE MICHIGAN DAILY Is rlmo W p THE MICHIG- -AL -- en rARE Tk 3REE 9 .r.n- t-. t . _ - - - 1 Mel Harder Credited Wi Victory; Hubbell Sta For Nationals (Continued from Page 1) a single to center that Wally Berg of the Braves, fumbled into two bas - fHubbell settled down after passi Heinie Manush, of the Senators, a] started on his mag- nificent parade. He gave another walk to Babe Ruth in the third, with two out, but he got Gehrig then on an easy outfield fly.' Hubbell marched ; out of the ball : _____ game, his three in- . ning chore com- plete, with another ! EH RN E R. clincher to his greatness to add to h breath-taking world series pitchir last fall. And with him went all sen blance of law and order. The National Leaguers, with the S Louis Cardinal delegation touchir off the fireworks, discomfited Gom right at the sta as Frankie Frisc who used to roa these grounds i the days of Joh MVIcGraw; planked home run high it the upper tier h the right fiel stands, first ma to hit in the Na F'^^ C -#tional League hal of the first. The after Frisch had singled and Pi Traynor,' Pirate manager, hit to cen ter in the third, Dicky Medwick Cards' left fielder, planked its com anion in the right field stands, th second and last homer of the day. Gomez Departs This gave the National Leaguers a four to nothing lead as Gomez fin- ished his three-inning stint, after al- lowing a total of only three hits, fan- ning as many, and being replaced by Red Ruffing, of the Yanks. Lon War- necke, Cubs' right hand ace, replaced Hubbell. Pandemonium, not listed in either lineup, took possession of the sunlit, happy premises and the ball game turned into a fantasy. Before it was over the National League had used up its entire quota of players,;20, and employed one, Billy Herman, Cubs' second baseman, twice. The American Leaguers used 15 play- ers, only three of them pitchers, piled up 14 hits to eight for the National League, and all hands had contrived to turn in some of the wierdest base- ball a major league field ever saw. Thomas Ward Is Indicted By Grand Jury Charge State Official With Attempted Br i be ry In Deal With Stack LANSING, July 10. - P) -The 17 member grand jury yesterday had re- turned its first indictment charging attempted corruption in state affairs, and in doing so struck at one who was instrumental in bringing about the inquiry. M. Thomas Ward, Democratic as- sitant attorney general, was under $2,000 bond, charged with attempted bribery. His indictment alleged that more than a year ago he proposed to John K. Stack, auditor general, "that there is $2,500 in it for each of us" if the $500,000 of calcium chlor- ide could be swung to a certain com- pany. Candidate For Governor Stack is a candidate for the Dem- ocratic nomination for governor. Ward has been a supporter for Gov. Comstock. Stack is a member of the purchasing committee of the state ad- ministration board. He formerly was chairman of the committee but was displaced by the governor. Arrested by Corporal Earl Secrist of the state police as he was about to leave the Capitol Monday afternoon, Ward was taken to the Lansing city jail and held more than two hours. When arraigned before Judge Leland W. Carr-the jurist presiding over the grand jury - he stood mute and a plea of not guilty was entered. His bond was posted by a bonding com- pany. Remarking that he was in conplete ignorance of the accusations, Ward remarked facetiously "the grand jury has taken a Frankenstein turn." Ward Prepared Petition When Gov. Comstock several weeks ago requested the attorney general's department to petition for a grand jury Ward helped prepare the peti- tion. He was assigned to preliminary work in connection with the inquiry, but shortly before the taking of tes- timony began was suddenly shifted to other duties. Ward also was involved on the prosecution side of the proceedings Education Club Softball League Continues Play Educational Research And Teachers' Teams Forfeit Yesterday's Games Forfeits by the Teachers' and Ed- ucational Research teams to the P r i n c i p a 1 s and Superintendents marked the beginning of the second week's play in the Education Club softball league yesterday. When full teams'of the Educational Research and Teachers' squads failed to make an appearance because of the Educational Conference, the Princi- pals and the Superintendents met in a scratch game, the Principals win- ning by an unreported score after the game reverted to a verbal contest be- tween Danny Rose, former Wolverine basketball star now coaching at Grand Rapids South, and Paul Washke, former assistant director of intramural athletics here. The two teams will meet in a sched- uled game Thursday on Ferry Field, while the Teachers will play the Ed- ucational Research team. The Super- intendents-Principals game will place one of the teams in undisputed pos- session of first place, both being tied now with two wins and no defeats. W L Pct. Superintendents.........2 0 1.000 Principals..............2 0 1.000 Ed. Research....... ...0 2 .000 Teachers......... ....0 2 .000 Games Yesterday Superintendents 1, Ed. Research 0 (forfeit). Principals 1, Teachers 0 (fotfeit). Games Tomorrow Superintendents vs. Principals. Teachers vs. Ed. Research. Communication Companies Will Be Investigatede Asked To Resign -Associated Press Photo Fresh from their Michigan birthday party, Republican leaders gathered in Chicago to shape their strategy for the fall campaign. Shown conferring here are, left to right: Henry P. Fletcher, chairman of the national committee; Chester C. Bolton of Cleveland, chairman of the party's congressional committee; George F. Getz of Chicago, party treas- urer. Re fl ous Conference Will Be Held At Learue This Week-End -Associated Press Photo The Protestant, Catholic, and Jew- ish churchmen have taken steps to remove Will Hays, "Czar" of Holly- wood's film censors, from the posi- tion he holds as chairman of the Na- tional Board of Review for his failure to "clean up" the movies following an earlier warning from allied clergy- men. men. A conference on Worship and the f Conservation of Values is to be held n Saturday and Sunday at the Michigan e League, open to the faculty and stu- - dents of the Summer Session, and , ministers and laymen of churches, - according to an announcement by e Edward W. Blakeman, counselor in religious education. The conference will open at 10 a.m. Hobbs Alters Date Of Lake Erie Journey Excursionists Will Vi s i t Put-In-Bay July 18; Falls ' Plans Made (Continued from Page 1) boat ride on Lake Erie, the island it- self offers many interesting attrac-. tions. Chief among these are the great Perry Victory monument, a 350-foot' shaft commemorating Commodore Perry's victory near the island in the War of 1812, the beautiful Crystal Cave, and the other caves of the' island, and the curious rock forma- tions resulting from the storm waves that beat the shore of the island. At the same time tentative plans1 for 'the trip to Niagara Falls were announced. This will take place as scheduled, July 27, 28, and 29, and will be similarly open to all who are interested in making the trip, whether, or not they are students. The chief, expense will be the transportation for the round trip, which is being pro- vided by special cars on the Mich- igan Central Railway system at the; low rate of $7. per person.1 Previous to the excursion, on Fri-; day, July 20 at 5 p.m., Professor1 Hobbs will give a special lecture on the. history of the Falls, to give a short preview of what those making the ex-t cursion will see at the Falls the fol- lowing week.t Arrangements are now being made< for an airplane flight over the Falls] and the Gorge, provided that at leastc 16 wish to make the flight. If thati many of the party wish to make the flight, the cost will not be over $2 per person. Reservations both for the Ni-l agara Falls excursion and the spe- k cial flight should be made immediate-t ly at the bffice of the Summer Ses-c sion, Room 1213 Angell Hall.1 Saturday morning with an address on "The Aims and the Direction of Wor- ship" by the Rev. Norman B. Rich- ardson, Ph.D., director of the depart- ment of religious education of the Presbyterian Theological Seminary of Chicago. During the summer Rev. Richardson is the guest preacher at the local First Presbyterian Church. His paper and the remarks by Dr. Blakeman upon the significance of this conference will be discussed by Prof. S. A. Courtis of the School of Education later in the morning. Prof. Courtis will conduct a group study to ascertain the attitude of those pres- ent on the subject of worship. At the luncheon Dean J. B. Edmon- son will preside, and the address of the occasion will be delivered by Dr. Frederick B. Fisher upon "Christian Unity Through Faith and Worship." Reservations for this luncheon should be phoned to the League on Friday. At the afternoon session which opens at two o'clock, Professor Albert Hyma of the department of history will be chairman, and the discussion will be led by the Reverend Henry L. Lewis, rector of St. Andrews Episcopal Church. The first address of the afternoon will be by William Doty, instructor in organ music, his subject being the "Function of Music in Worship." The second address will be by Mrs. Frederick B. Fisher upon "The Place of Worship in the Curriculum of Religious Education." The Sunday program announces the services of worship in the churches of Ann Arbor and the ministers con- cerned - Dr. Richardson, speaking at the Presbyterian Church upon the "Re-discovery of Worship." On Sunday- evening the program announces that at six o'clock a social hour will be held and refreshments served at the Presbyterian Church House, ' 1432 Washtenaw Avenue. Members of the congregation will join with the students on this occasion, under the direction of the Reverend and Mrs. Alfred Lee Klaer. At 7:30 the Community Vesper Services in the open air will be conducted by Dr. Richardson at which time he will conclude the conference by speaking upon the subject "Strengthening Per- sonality for a Critical Time." Members of the committee on Re- ligious Education at the First Pres- byterian Church, who are in charge of the conference, are H. 0. Whittemore, chairman, J. R. Sharman, and W. H. Sodt. Federal Commission Make Report On To Congress Is To Rates WASHINGTON, July 10. - (/P) - Telephone and telegraph companiesl will be asked to submit rate'data to the new federal communication com- mission within the next few weeks. The commission organizes tomor- row with Eugene O. Sykes as chair- man and no time will be lost in start- ing on the path set for it by the last Congress. Few governmental agencies, old deal or new, have had such a big summer time assignment. Congress directed a thorough study of the com- munications field and ordered a re- port by next February with recom- mendations for new legislation. To accomplish this the commur4ca- tion committee will have to work at top speed all through the Capitol's hot summer months and few be- lieve there will be time to spare be- fore the February deadline. v a r. X 0 0 a New Course Is Discus se-d In Aviation Units Changes In Civilian And Military Units Planned By Commission WASHINGTON, July 10. -(VP) - Two boards concentrated today on plotting a new course for American aviation - civilian and military. One, the aviation commission created by President Roosevelt and headed by Clark Howell, Atlanta pub- lisher, gathered to start its job. It will recommend what future guidance and financial assistance the govern- ment should give the airlines and plane-making industry. The other, under the leadership of Newton D. Baker, studied the first draft of a report to Secretary Dern on a three-month investigation of the army air corps. In the record was testimony from 115 witnesses. The task of the Roosevelt aviation commission is much broader, involv- ing as it does an industry which has zoomed from nothing to the propor- tions of a mighty business within a few years The Howell board faces such prob- lems as what change, if any, should be made in the air-mail system, and whether the government should en- courage particular types of air trans- portation. The future of lighter-than- air craft is a question much debated. Resignation Of Hays Wanted By 3 Churches Catholic, Protestant, And Jewish Churchmen Take First Step In War NEW YORK, July 10.-- ({)- Pre- liminary steps to organize representa- tives of the leading divisions of the Christian religion to clean up Amer- ican motion pictures by a direct de- mand on the interests controlling the manufacture of pictures have been laid by representatives of 1,200,000 Catholics, 1,800,O00 Jews and 2,000,- 000 Protestants. It is the present plan to disregard Will H. Hays, the czar of the film in- dustry, in this demand, although Hays is the man Who was selected as the front for the industry. The Rev. Fr. James A. McCaffrey, pastor of Holy Cross Church, spokesman for a meet- ing, Monday, in the rectory of Holy Cross, said it is his opinion "that Hays should resign. Under his leader- ship, motion picture production has fallen to such a low level that it is time for him to quit." Will Not See Hays "There will be no conference with Hays. The committee; when selected, will go directly to headquarters. We will call on the picture producers to impress on them our intention of arousing the religious groups against screen indecency." Inother words, the fight now has been carried right to the front doors of the industry. As everyone knows, motion pictures are made in Holly- wood. But the offices of the big pro- ducers are on Broadway. Broadway holds the purse strings. Thus, the word that comes from Broadway is the law of the lots of Hollywood. The representatives of religion took further action. They extended the war against filth from the screen to the stage - or, rather, made the begin- ning. It is the intent to battle just as hard against indecency behind the footlights as from projection booths. And Broadway is the theatrical ca5- ital of America. Resolution Adopted Concerning motion pictures, a res- olution was adopted unanimously to support the League of Decency to the fullest extent and to co-operate in every way in bringing about legisla- tion that will force clean pictures. As for the theatres, the first line of attack will be the burlesque houses. About six months ago, the burlesquet houses promised License Commis- sioner Paul Moss to clean up. Reports received by the committee are to the effect that conditions are just about as they were. So the committee; will meet with the mayor and the li- cense commission, to see what can be? done.. Camp News FORESTRY CAMP Numerous camping and sight-see- ing trips, in which a majority of the students at Camp Filiber t Roth par- ticipated, marked the close of the second week of school in the Uni- versity Forestry Camp. Grand Is- land, Munising, Au Train, Pictured Rocks, and several nearby waterfalls were popular centers for these stu- dent outings, and some of the scenes proved so attractive that they were visited twice in consecutive week- ends. The Fourth of July was a holiday in camp, and was marked by several unusually large catches of Great Northern Pike from nearby lakes on and adjacent to the Hiawatha Na- tional Forest, in which the camp is situated. The largest fish ,f te day was a 12-pound pike caught by Roscoe Day # of California, Dick Wolfer of Wyom- ing, and Roy Sem'eyn of Ann Arbor. A second fish caught by this party weighed seven pounds. Willard Hildebrand, star linesman on the football varsity, captured the second largest fish of the day, a 9- pound pike. A beautiful string of eleven Great Northern Pike was brought in by Frank Van Alsburg, of Holland, Ken Faber of Chicago, and Elton Twork of Dearborn. The fish were cooked and served in true logging-camp style by Axel Holm- quist, the Swedish cook who is now feeding the Forestry Campers for the fourth straight year. Dean Rowland of Albion is leading the league in trout fishing by bringing several small catches into camp so far. A prominent visitor in camp at present is H. W. Lawson, saw expert and field representative of the Atkins Saw Company, 'who is teaching the student foresters the finer points of sawing and saw-fitting. Prof. Rob- ert J. Craig, director of the Forestry Camp, has announced that Mr. Law- son will spend about two weeks with the students here, during which time every man will be taught the correct use of tools used in felling and buck- ing timber, an accomplishment of a practical nature Which is.extremely useful to every foester and woods- man. Field work for the last week has centered around the erection of a regulation fire tower near the camp. This tower will be equipped with a telephone and a fire-finder, and will be used for the detection and con- trol of forest fires as field work for one of the courses, fire prevention and control. Lee E. Yeager, Grad. Taxi dance halls also came in for discussion. It was decided that repre- sentatives of the committee should call on Gen. John F. O'Ryan, police qommissioner, to have the police clean up the situation. hi:, The new law gives the commission authority to determine and fix fair rates for wire and telephone charges. However, rate-making is a long com- plicated procedure and months will pass before any charges are set. hi . HERE'S A HOSIERY SENSATION! es ii c s Tof CK NGS $$ A A $1.35 Value for Only 8pair Id you-know what Belle-Sharmeer i l i i i h I ;''C ° - , , , , i, ' / t C , /} , ' f i ' cal . r i , '' z . featuring our famous Frock- July Clearance SUMMER FROCKS In Two Groups: (Values to $7.95) 0 Better Cottons Printed Handkerchief Linens * Washable Silks (Values to $19.75) ! Whites S Pastels 9 Sheers ;'' r All KNIT FROCKS ® Boucles * Peau d'Ange * Chenilles 1-4 Off Dark Hats Values to $6.50 50c Light Hats 1-2 Price LOVALON gives a natural lustre, lovely gleam. ing highlights, and a brilliant natural tint to allshades of hair. LovAtoN is a pure, harm. less vegetable rinse-it does not dye or - bleach-cannot stain the scalp. Select, one of the twelve LovALON shades to suit your needs. Use LOVALON once-and see how un.