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July 11, 1934 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1934-07-11

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Sublicatio of the Summer iAgast War. . .




Pulished every morning except Monday during the
nvesity year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member-of-the Western Conference Editorial Association
and the Big Ten News Service. -
sanciltoid 6 _iat__rtes_
- -193 wAtoI4A.r -VERAGL 1934
Thte Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republiation of al news dispatches credited to it
or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local
news published:herei.All:rights of republication of
special dispatches are reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third Assistant Postmaster-General.
Stbscriptid during' sutnmer by carrier, $1.25; by mail,
$.ij0 During regular sehool year by carrier, $3.75; by
Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
elepr'esentatives College Publications Representatives,
Inc., 40 -East Thirty.-Forth Street, New York City; 80
Boylstn -Street, Boston; 612 North Michiggn Avenue,
Phone 4925
ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Charles A. Baird, Clinton B. Con-
ger, Pauli J. Elliott, Thomas E. Groehn, Thomas H.
Kleene, William R. Reed, Robert S. RuwItch.
REPORTERS: Barbara Bates, C. H. Beukema, Donald R.
Bird, Ralph Danhoff, Frances English, Elsie Pierce, Vir-
ginia -Scott, Bernard H. Fried.
Office Hous: 9-12, 1-5 Phone 2-1214
University Stand On
May Day Excursion ...
EDITOR'S NOTE: The following editorial, which
appeared . in the recent qquarterly number of the
"Michigan Alumnus" outlinesythe view of te
University in connection with the May Day excursion
of students to Detroit.
ANY FRIENDS of the University
were doubtless disturbed and puz-
zled by that May Day excursion to Detroit made
by a number of students with radical sympathies.
In view of the publicity given to the incident, which
was all out of proportion to its real significance,
it is perhaps desirable to suggest what the real
position of the University is in this whole question
of radicalsm in the student body. Let it be said
at once that in view of most responsible University
officers it would be surprising if all shades of polit-
ical theory were not represented in a great body
of supposedly thinking young men and women,
auh as is the University's student constituency.
In fact, it would be a reflection upon the liberal
attitude and teaching of the University if this were
not the case. Students, of course, are apt to be ex-
tremists, and if those of ultra-liberal leanings re-
sort to thoughtless and unfortunate agitation oc-
casionally, it is only fair to regard it in the same
way we do other rather foolish student demon-
There is no fair-minded student of modern social
and political life, however, who would question the
responsibility of the University to present all sides
of present day political thought, including the
radical as well as the conservative points of
view. Such presentations, however, should be from
the poirt of view of the student, rather than the
advocate. That goes without saying. It must be
recognized that political thought is a progressive
body of doctrine which is changing and adapting
itself to new conditions today at a dizzy rate. It is,
therefore, far more dangerous to insist on the rigid
maintenance of the ideas of today, or any other
one period, than to open our minds to the blowing
winds of political thought. After all it is some of
these breezes that are probably going to set the
sails for the future pilots of our national destinies
now being trained in our universities.
The trouble with the truck load of students who
went to Detroit' was that most of them were
not at all clear themselves in this matter. There
were a few, and only a few, wo realized exactly
what the implications of their trip might be,
and they were willing, and perhaps hoped to give
an appearance of University support to what was
to be an illegal radical demonstration. They were
hoping that there would be trouble and that they
would be in the middle of it. But the remark
pf one innocent young lady, when questioned as to

whether she had any ideas as to what might
come of her "experiment in social studies," is per-
haps characteristic of many who participated:
"Why no, I had no idea it would be serious. I wore
my best dress.",
The summary of the University committee which
considered the action of these students is also il-
luminating: "That University students should show
such poor judgment as to engage in such a
demonstration and run the risk of inciting a mob
to violence is to be deplored, and indicates an im-
maturity of attitude which, fortunately, is not
shared by any substantial percentage of their
fellow students.
"So far as disciplinary action is concerned, the
committee feels that most of the group has already
been sufficiently punished by the ridicule of their
fellow students, who uniformly deplore sub-colle-
giate methods of obtaining cheap notoriety."

vote of twenty-two thousand stu-
dents from representative colleges in every section
of the country was conducted in an attempt to
learn their attitude towards war.
It was found that ovei' eight thousand of them
were absolute pacifists, seven thousand more would
refuse to become a part of another American Ex-
peditionary Force, leaving only six thousand of the
twenty-two thousand who would be eligible for cit-
izenship in this country, were they not born to that
Imagine the consternation and genuine dismay
of those who had grown up to identify patriotism
with the war spirit.
One year ago it undoubtedly did come as a
shock to many persons to find thousands of col-
lege students figuratively muddying the American
flag by stating frankly and without reservation
that theirs would be no part in any next war.
Within the last 12 months there has been afloat
such a welter of revealing information as to the
true nature of war that all international strife has
begun to be shown up for the gigantic and bloody
fake and swindle that it is.
It has been especially during the past year
that the average American citizen has begun to
admit that all manner of war is to him neither
fascinating, glorifying, nor honorable, but ugly,
sordid, and brutally unfair. Undetermined num-
bers of citizens are beginning to join hands pri-
vately with students and accept that attitude of
non-participation heretofore held not only ideal-
istic but cowardly and dishonorable.
Every intelligent person is now beginning to
admit that there is nothing either cowardly or
dishonorable in refusing to step into certain and
useless death. He is coming to see the utter futility
of war, and to recognize the fact that there never
was a good or or an excusable war. He, like
the student, is coming to be a conscientious ob-
But conscientious objection, ideal though it is
and necessary as it is, is by itself insufficient.
Though the present number of conscientious ob-
jectors were to be doubled and trebled, their group
could no more influence world peace than can the
puppy dog shake the mastiff. The purpose may be
ideal, but the method remains ineffective.
What must be done, and that immediately, is
to take every cent of private profit out of the
arms and amunitions industries. Since murder for
profit can never be made either morally or eco-
nomically acceptable, that is the one recourse.
Munition manufacture must come to be under full
governmental control and ownership; there must
be no more international trade in arms and muni-
tions; there must be no more alliances which lead
to partisanship in time of war; the splendid adver-
tising campaign against war that is now being
.conducted must be continued and increased; final-
ly, there must be obtained the support of those
thousands of capitalistic newspapers which by
their very silence have prostituted their columns
for the interests which profit from war.
America dare have no sympathy for either wran-
gling nations or emasculated munition manufac-
turers. Our country must be the first to recognize
the need for effective action against war, the
need that other countries with their increasing
intrigues may feel too late. We, as citizens, must
strike while we may, and thereby save ourselves
from that strife inevitable in the future if we
depend only upon the conscientious objector to
save the country. Not only conscientious objection
but also militant pacifism must be used in the
defeat of jingoism.
Screen Reflections
Four stars meas extraordinary; three star very
good; two stars good; one star just another picture;
no stars keep away from it.
'urk ............. ...Victor McLaglen
Toy*......................Dorothy Dell
Como ...................Preston Foster
Mother Bright ........ Alison Skipworth
Moore ................... David Landau
The current showing at the Majestic is good en-
tertainment. It's the sort of rough, tough and rarin'
entertainment you'd expect from any story of the
sea, with the Barbary Coast, 'Frisco's waterfront

underworld, as a background.
We don't know whether it's an accurate sociol-
ogical study of this famous district back in the
days when . . . but it's a mighty interesting one.
And the plot, which verges on melodrama, holds
your attention from beginning to end.
Victor McLaglen is cast in the sort of role he
seems born to -that of the blustering sailor lad
who almost approaches Pop-Eye the Sailor in
flights of temper and feats of strength. It's his
story and your heart goes out to him.
Turk (McLaglen) and his best friend, Como
(Pretton Foster) are in love with the same girl,
Toy (Dorothy Dell) - and neither realize it. Toy
has been pursuing the Primrose Path but her love
for Como makes her go straight.
Turk and Como return from a trip to China,
both determined to leave the sea and marry Toy.
When Turk discovers that Toy loves Como, he goes
berserk and turns Como, who is wanted for a
murder he never committed, over to the police.
Then in a fit of remorse he kills himself and
leaves a $1,000 reward to be used for a lad yer,
who eventually frees Como and permits his mar-
riage to Toy.
Preston Foster is good in the romantic role oppo-
site Miss Dell and their love scenes, although few,
are convincing. His love is the (strong) silent
Miss Dell, judging from her initial screen ap-
pearance, is due to go far. Her one attempt at
singing, however, was a flop. She's good as the
reformed Bad Girl and will probably continue in

HOLLYWOOD - Since the movies take liberties
with the Bible, cop stuff from Shakespeare and
revamp Beethoven, it was to be expected that
Robert Louis Stevenson would be rewritten. His
"Treasure Island" has been altered, but ever so
The picture is a quite faithful reproduction. But
as with the translation of any classic from type
to celluloid, much of the original is dropped. Only
the highlights remain. The main change from the
story occurs at the conclusion; Hawkins (Jack
Cooper), and not the octroon, releases Long John
Silver (Wallace Beery) from the brig, allowing him
to escape.
But before Silver leaves, he sniffles and promises
to forsake his evil ways. The doublelcrossing (but,
oh, so lovable) pirate counsels young Hawkins to
be a good boy, regrets the breaking up of their
friendship and asks Jim always to think kindly
of him.
Scenes of the Hispanola approaching the Treas-
ure Island (handy, adjacent Catalina) were ap-
plauded at the preview.
The cast also includes Lionel Barrymore, Otto
Kruger, Lewis Stone and "Chic" Sale, the latter
as Ben Gunn.
Campus Opinion
ks6 ----lt
Letters published in this column should not be con-
strued as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous communications will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be re-
garded as confidential upon request. Contributors
are asked to be brief, confining themselves to less
than 500 words if possible.
To The Editor:
I hope it is the heat, but I fear it is not. It is
your narrow, prejudiced one-eyed summer observer
who puts me into such a dither. I don't know who
he, she, or it is, but I do know that someone ought
to say that all the funny? suppressed titters are
not made by us pedagogues.
r guess I am about ready to froth at the mouth,
but there is a real difference between the come-ins
and the stay-ins of the Summer Session. Your
supercilious on-looker has perhaps not realized
that the come-ins do not furnish all the ridiculous
merriment on the campus.
To a come-in, some of these "young things" . .
Well, how about the girl who paints her nails to
match her dress? I saw one with navy blue polish
on the other day. And that was not all. The sweet
young thing had the toes of her stocking cut out,
and therefrom showed the blue painted nails of her
sweet feet!
And these flapping sandals! However, they show
off the better the women who wear honey-bee pat-
terns on their cute little socks. But that is not
my real grief. I saw a woman, or someone in the
guise of one, who wore, actually wore, the red,
white, and blue on her socks. Now for a pedagogue
trying to be patriotic and teach American history
I ask you! . . . .
This is not all. I have heard "your wise young
men" speak learnedly. Yea. One said: "Have you
heard about the hypothesis of the brain?" The an-
swer was to be expected in an all-knowing raised
eyebrow. "Well," went on the sagacious one, "they
are now taking the hypothesis out of the brain
and testing it for a cancer cure." The listener
nodded intelligently.
Sorry to state, I don't feel any better for having
vent my spleen. But one thing more. I'm getting
class-conscious and professionally patriotic, for us
pedagogues have been out in this so-called de-
pression. We've lived in it, not read about it or
had a prof. tell us. Oh, I know, you too feel some-
thing. But let your summary sass-ayist know this:
Perhaps "our clothes are of a different pattern"
and our words not so clever, but at least our waist
lines have broadened with our ideals, not thinned
with our hair.
--A Pedagogue.
Musical Events

In Review
Dalies Frantz opened the faculty concert last
night at Hill Auditorium. He appeared only in the
first part of the program but in his brief per-
formance then it was made clear that he was the
"star" of the evening. Not that the performances
of Miss Thelma Lewis and the School of Music
Trio are to be looked upon disparagingly, but the
honors for the evening were handed in a big bou-
quet to the white-waistcoated Mr. Frantz.
Frantz, blond, austere, started Concert tours last
year. He demonstrated to Ann Arbor audiences last
night just why he is going to be a great pianist.
His technique has been developed to near per-
fection and the whole of his part of the program
was delivered in a very commendable fashion.
Opening with a Brahm's Intermezzo, three Bach
,selections followed. His interpretation of the
"Fugue in D major" received special acclaim, and it
deserved it all, for in that number Frantz was at
his best.
DeFalla's "Ritual Fire Dance" concluded his
scheduled numbers. A modern, primarily rhythmic
number, the dance formed a splendid opportunity
for the pianist to show his technical ability. Frantz
has not yet reached the time when experience
will make him a deeper interpreter of the works
he performs, but he is recognized now as a po-
tentially brilliant pianist. For an encore, Frantz
played Brahm's "Waltz."
Thelma Lewis, for the second part of the pro-
gram, sang five Spanish songs, the work of Joaquin
gin. They are modern, especially in the relation
of the voice to the piano, and their success depends
nearly entirely on interpretation. Miss Lewis inter-
preted them well. Joseph Brinkman accompanied

Publication in the Buletin i eointruetivc notice to all mminnbers of the
Univcr5ity. Copy received at the Summer Seiion ooffic until 3:30; 11:30

The date of the Excursion to Put-
in-Bay, Lake Eric, has been changed
from Saturday, July 21, to Wednes-
day, July 18. See story on page one
of today's Daily.
At 9:30 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. today
there will be conferences on Apprais-
al and Re-adjustment in Education.
These will be held at the Michigan
A- 6:00 p.m. the Pi Lambda Thetas
will hold a supper meeting at the
home of Dr. Katharine B. Greene,
1666 Broadway.
Teacher's Certificate Candidates:
All students in the School of Educa-
tion, Literary College, College of En-
gin eering, and Graduate School who
expect to receivea Teacher's Certifi-
cate at the end of the summer ses-
sion and who have not filled out an
application blank for this purpose
must do so immediately. The appli-
cation blanks are available in the of-
fice of the Recorder of the School of
Education, 1437 University Elemen-
tary School. The attention of stu-
dents in the Literary College is called'
to the fact that this application is in
addition to the application made to
the Committee on the Teacher's Cer-
tificate of that College.
U. S. Civil Service Commission an-
nounces the following examination:
Junior Legal Assistant (Labor Law),
Bureau of Labor Statistics, $2,000.
Announcement is on file at the of-
fice, 201 Mason Hall.
Students in the College of Engi-
neering: Saturday, July 14, will be
the final day for dropping a course in
the Summer Session without record.
Coursesimay be dropped only with the
permission of the classifier after con-
ference with the instructor in the
Michigan Repertory Players: "Both
Your Houses," Maxwell Anderson's
Pulitzer prize satire on Congress, will
be presented this week at the Lydia
Mendelssohn theatre. The play will
open Wednesday night and will con-
tinue nightly through Saturday.
Season Ticket Patrons -- Michigan
Repertory Players: Pleage make your
reservations for "Both Your Houses"
as early as possible. The advance
sale for this show is very heavy and
your co-operation will assist the Play-
ers in supplying good seats.
Social Directors, Sorority Chaper-
ons, League Househeads, Undergradu-
ate Women: Any undergraduate
woman expecting to be out of her
residence over-night during the week
(Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or
Thursday - unless she has no classes
on Friday) must register her plan in
the office of the Dean of Women be-
fore 4:00 p.m., of that day.
Byrln Fox Bacher,
Acting Dean of Women

Men's Education Club Baseball Scr-
ies: The regular scheduled games will
be held Thursday, July 12, 4:00 p.m.,
instead of today.
Men's Education Club Golf Match:
The next golf match between the
teams of the Club will be held Friday,
July 13, 1:30 p.m., because of the
Club's picnic today, which was the
original date set for golf.
Michigan Vanguard Club meeting
tonight at 8:00 p.m. sharp in the
Michigan Union. Professor N. Nel-
son will lead a discussion on Labor
and the Present Strike Situation. All
teachers and students in the summer
session are cordially invited to at-
Dance Club will meet for the first
time next Friday at 2 o'clock for work.
Time for later meetings will be dis-
Stalker hall: 4:30 p.m., Outing to
Portage Lake. Picnic supper. Bring
swimming suits. Also bring cars if
Men's Education Club: Picnic for
men in education and conference
guests. Portage Lake, this afternoon.
Transportation for all who report at
University High School entrance at
4:00. Tickets 50 cents.
J. M. Trytten
Concert: The University of Michi-
gan Summer Band, Nicholas D. Fal-
cone, Director. The first band con-
cert of the Summer Season will be
given at 7:30 tonight on the steps in
front of the University Library. The
program follows:
"M",Men March...........Falcone
Overture "Merry Wives of Wind-
so"'............... ...O. Nicolai
Prelude and Berceuse ...........
................Armas Jaernefelt
March from "Tannhauser" . .Wagner
Three Dances from
"Henry VIII" .....Edward German
Morris Dance
Shepherds' dance
Torch Dance
Serenade Espagnole .. .Georges Bizet
Overture to Zampa .......... Herold
The Yellow and Blue ..........Balfe
JEFFERSON, Wis., July 10. -(P) -
The discovery of the badly beaten and
bullet punctured body of Earl Gen-
try, once tried with D. C. Stephenson,
former grand dragon of the Indiana
Ku Klux Klan for the death of Madge
Oberholtzer, gave Wisconsin officials
a baffling slaying mystery today.
and Their Music
i wa . Most neatifuf Summer satiroor

Chancellor To
Explain 'Purge'
To Reichstag
Goebbels Scores Foreign
Press For Treatment Of
Second Revolution
BERLIN, July 10.- (P) - The 100
per cent Nazi Reichstag, inactive sur-
vivor of the Republican days, was or-
dered today to assemble Friday eve-
ning for what is expected to provide
a dramatic carry-over from the ten-
sion and confusion of the "second
From the lips of Adolf Hitler him-
self the Reichstag, the German peo-
ple, and the world are likely to hear
an explanation . of the summary ex-
ecutions and other bloody events of
June 30 and the days immediately
As if in preparation for this "au-
thentic" explanation from the high-
est source in Germany, Propaganda
Minister Joseph Goebbels in a nation-
wide broadcast this afternoon lam-
basted the foreign press for its reports
of Hitler's "purge."
While Goebbels lashed out vigor-
ously against numer'ous European
newspapers, he made no charge of
faking against any American paper
or agency.
Accuses Foreign Press
A large part of the foreign press,
he said, "embarked upon a campaign
of lies which in its maliciousness can
be compared only with the campaign
of atrocity tales against Germany
during the War."
The French, British and Russian
newspapers especially received a bit-
ter tongue-lashing from the oratorical
spokesman for Naziism, who declared
that the German press sets an ex-
ample of fair reporting, not only of
events at home but of those abroad.
Goebbels expressed thanks that "we
(in Germany) were given the oppor-
tunity to weed out this sort of lying
journalistic scoundrels," referring to
the foreign journalists responsible for
the reports he criticized.
(NOTE - All freedom of expression
has been stifled in Germany under the
Nazi regime.'Newspapers which make
any attempt to print the news im-
partially are forced out of existence
and their editors are hustled into con-
centration camps. Even journals noted
for their extreme conservatism have
been extinguished because the reac-
tionary character of the Hitler regime
has branded them as "left wing" de-
spite their old-time rightism. No Ger-
man newspaper has been allowed to
print anything but a garbled story of
the Blood Purge. Berlin papers were
allowed to print but three lines on
the execution of Roehn).
Portage Lake 14 miles from town



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