THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESD Yd THE MICItIGAN DAILY Official Publication of the Summer Session rJL "Idustrial Recovery Act became law show that the unions are not mere "paper" affairs. And the improvedlegal status of laborers and laborers' or- ganizations indicate the consolidation of incidental gains in a permanent advance. The shock that roused American workmen from silently suffering exploitation while striving, each on his own, to climb above the herd was the realiza- tion that the days of Horatio-Alger-climbing are I III iubished every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board In Control of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association and the Big Ten News Service. i=1933 ATIONAL 4 soI c 1934 MEMBER OY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for repubidication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. All rights of republicat'on of special 'dispatches ae reserved. EnteredatthesPost Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Postmaster-General.1 Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.25; by mail, 50. During regular school year by carrier, $3.75; by Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, Ann.Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214. " RpE enatiTves: ColegCPublications Representatives, Th,, .40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New, York City; S0 Bpylston Strcet, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago. EDITORIAL STAFF Phone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR ...............E. JEROME PETTIT "'J9'IBTANT MANAGING EDITOR . . . BRACKLEY SHAW IOMEN'S EDITOR ...............ELEANOR JOHNSON ASSOCIATE EDTORS: Charles A. Baird, Clinton B. Con- ger, Paul J Elliott, Thomas E. Groeh, Thomas H. Cfeene , Wiliam R. Reed, Robert S.. Buwitch. EJ1PORTERS: Barbara B11tes, C. H. Beukema. Donald R. Bird, Ralph Danhoff, Frances English, Elsie Pierce, Vir- ginia Scott, Bernard H. Fried. BUSINESS STAFF Office Hours: 9-12, 1-5 Phone 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER........BERNARD E. SCHNACKE %er.' 'BUSINESS MANAGER ....W. GRAFTON SHARP (1ZtbULATiON MANAGER.......CLINTON B. CONGER I - r Today Is Tag Day .. . T HE SUNDAY MORNING issue of The Daily presented, to summer readers the story of 125 yongsters who were en- jdying the privileges of the University's Fresh Air Camp which is located at Patterson Lake. The Daily sent a correspondent to the camp last week to obtain first-hand information regarding the actual benefits of such a camp for the under-priv- ileged children of Ann Arbor, Detroit, and Ham- tramek. This correspondent spent a day and a night at the camp, eating and sleeping with the boys, observing their daily round of activities, measuring the degree of mental and physical sat- isfaction to be derived from such an undertaking. This correspondent's story of what actually takes place at the University's camp was presented to The Daily's readers in an attempt to carry to them the same conviction of the worth-whlileness of the camp as was portrayed to the correspondent dur- ing his brief stay there. It was done in order to convince Summer Session students of the value a'nd importance of the enterprise. The Fresh Air Camp, located approximately 20 miles from Ann Arbor, consists of 180 acres of fields and woods, possesses a fine beach, and has suit- 'able equipment which has been donated by indi- viduals and institutions believing in the camp and the worthwhile purposes for which it exists. Its financial support comes largely from contributions made each year by students of the University. FOr the past few years, due to existing economic conditions, University students have not been able to afford such generous contributions as was for- merly possible. The fund has annually decreased in size with the result that many youngsters who' were in need of the camp's benefits have been forced to remain at home --home in such in- stances usually being the two-by-four confines of a crowded tenement. The value of a two-week stay in the open for such under-privileged boys cannot be over-esti- mated. Yet the directors of the camp have been powerless to prevent the decrease in enrollment at the camp which has been brought about through the unavoidable decrease in operating funds. Now the opportunity has arrived for Summer Session students of the University to do their share toward supporting the camp. By supplementing the funds contributed by students during the year they can do much to further the advantages of the camp for the remainder of the summer. Each student, by foregoing for one day the daily ice cream soda, movie, or perhaps a package of cig- 'arettes, can - without great personal discomfiture do his or her share to make some boy's summer a happy one. A score of the kiddies now living at the camp will be in Ann Arbor today to ask for contributions. Theywill contact students and townspeople on the campus and on the streets of the city. It is to be hoped that their efforts will be loyally rewarded, not because the wearing of a tag will mark the wearer as a philanthropist, but because the extra nickel, dime, quarter or dollar added to the camp fund will - when added to other nickels, dimes, quarters and dollars - enable other under-nour- ished, under-fed, and under-privileged children to get out into the open for a two-week stay at the University Fresh Air Camp. over. With the rush and bustle of prosperity dis- appeared from many workmen's homes the cars, radios, movie-going, magazines, fine clothes, fine food - the things that caused the illusion of com- fort, security and advancement for the individual workman, working independently, to thrive. The laborers saw that they had little chance of ever being anything but laborers, and that even their children after them faced a tremendous struggle if they were to break from their class. Convinced, finally, that they must better them- selves as laborers if they were to better themselves at all, they have acknowledged that they are la- borers, and not embryo capitalists, and have ex- pressed their desire to act as such. Accordingly the ranks of the unions have swelled, and the rank and file of laborers are no longer ashamed that they are not and never will be in a higher class. The guiding philosophy of this great group, roused so recently to class consciousness, is still somewhat amorphous. Two tenets, however, are dominant in all the various examples. The first is the conviction that labor is not getting its "fair" share of the returns from industry, and the second is the determination to use any means available to get that "fair" share. Essentially their attitude is, with respect to the present, an aggrieved one; with respect to the fu- ture, optimistic. When this movement, like Eng- land's labor movement, has attained a greater age and dignity more and subtler reasons may adorn its philosophy, embellishing these baldfundamen- tals of "get" and "get it any way you can." But if organized capital has not, in its long reign, felt it necessary to profess a concern for social welfare or for any but selfish ends, then organized labor, to meet this powerfully entrenched a'ntagonist, may also unashamedly concentrate its strength in its own interests for the first pitched battles. Bold with the small successes already made, confident in the campanionship of their fellows, and settled to their task now that they have resigned themselves to being laborers and resolved to work as laborers, the American workmen have a bright outlook indeed. Immediately ahead there looms a general intensification of labor feeling, with the prospect of developing a force more effi- cient both politically and socially than labor now possesses. stretched for it, until 10:30; and it had gone the way of all good punch. Music! Yes, if you could drag yourself into the south end of the League. There was Al Cowan and his band, minus their coats, his singers minus some of their make-up. Co-operation of the sexes was at low ebb. They over-run hostesses and officials dived for safety.- Flocks of unescorted and prospecting daters wan-i dere here and there. They were all out hunting, for as one said: "No. I don't have a date. I'm goingl to see if there are any "lilies in the field, yet unplucked."' If there were lilies, the female of the species stayed in flocks, as did the males - unsocially separate. "Oh," said one of them turning her back and wiggling her shoulders. "There he is. Hide me. That is the third one I've seen. Is he coming over? I simply won't dance with him!" And she didn't. He, or someone very much like him, stared absently at the passing skirts. "Rather a stupid crowd, don't you think?" Twelve o'clock, and those not mating for the evening, passed out- the doors. One o'clock and those who had found partners found out whichI way the girl-friend lived. Enow. Screen Reflections Four stars means extraordinary; three stars very good; two stars good; one star just another picture; no stars keep away from it. AT THE MICHIGAN "OPERATO'R 13" Gail Loveless ............ Marion Davies Jack Gaillard .............. Gary Cooper Dr. Montgomery ............ Ted Healey Pauline Cushman ...Katherine Alexander Movie-goers will find nothing novel in the plot of "Operator 13." It is the story by the late Robert W. Chambers of two spies, on opposite warring sides, who meet, fall in love, and then find them- selves faced with the predicament of having the one hunt down the other. What cinema-addicts will find enjoyable about "Operator 13" is that for once the scene is not a World War one, rather, it is an excellent picture of the Civil War, admirably acted by Marion Davies and Gary Cooper. What the plot lacks in orig- inality, the casting and direction easily make up fo;. Director Richard Bolslavsky gives us our best movie portrait of the Civil Wa, with strik- ingly real scenes of the battle field, booming cannons, and cavalry charges. Nor does "Operator 13" fail to give us a glimpse into the "flower of the South" with accurate scenes of rambling Confederate mansions, uider which roofs handsome young men and charming belles dance to the music of negro violinists and con- verse lightly with white-bearded gentlemen. Negro life is introduced through the medium of the four Mills brothers whose music not only delights the duskies of the film but the audience as well. While the Civil War raged in grandiose fashion at Bull Run and Gettysburg, spies of the Union and Confederate forces were staging their own private, silent duel. "Operator 13" concerns itself primarily with the latter phase. Marion Davies, who has been an actress in Washington, joins the secret service of the North while Gary Cooper, as Capt. Jack Gaillard, plays an important role in the intelligence service of the Confederacy. They first meet in Martnsburg, where, as Oper- ator 13, Miss Davies appears as an octaroon. Later she becomes the daughter of a Southern landowner and meets the handsome captain again. The love scene is one of mutual affection, but soon after, Gaillard is informed that she is a Northern spy. After using the customary epithets on her, Cooper finds that he is still in love and finally they are reunited. Highly, even overly, melodramatic "Operator 13" is carried to a successful presentation by profi- cient acting of its principals coupled with better than ordinary direction and photography. It is Made up of emotional characters, presumably for an emotional "audience, yet it remains an excellent picture. -R.S.R. Students in the College of Engi- neering: Saturday, July 14, will be the final day for dropping a course in the Summer Session without record. Courses may be dropped only with the permission of the classifier after con- ference with the instructor in the course. Michigan Vanguard Club meeting in the Michigan Union, Wednesday. July 11, at 8:00 sharp, to initiate a summer program. All students inter- ested in discussion and activities based upon progressive and radical ideas concerning current social-eco- nomic problems are cordially invited to attend. The 10:00 section of B192, Methods in Educational Research, will not meet today. This will permit students to attend the Education Conference at the Michigan Union. Willard C. Olson Men's Education Club: Picnic for men in education and conference guests. Portage Lake, this afternoon. Transportation for all who report at University High School entrance at 4:00 o'clock. Tickets 50 cents. J. M. Trytten Summer School Chorus: Rehearsal tonight at 7 o'clock in Morris Hall. Faculty Concert: Thelma Lewis, Soprano; Wassily Besekirsky, Violin- ist; Hanns Pick, Violoncellist; Joseph Brinkman and Dalies Frantz, Pian- ists, will unite their artistic resources in providing a particularly interest- ing program of musical numbers for the second Summer School concert by the Unversity School of Music, this evening at 8:30 o'clock in Hill Auditorium. The general public with the exception of small children is in- vited but is respectfully requested to be seated on time. The program will be as follows: Intermezzo in F flat minor . .Brahms Gigue in G major Chorale in G minor (arr. Busoni) Organ Fugue in D major (arr. D'Alberg) ...Bach Das Wandern (Wander- ing) .............. Schubert-Liszt Ritual Fire Dance.........DeFalla Dalies Frantz El Vito Canto Andaluz Villancico Catalan Pane Murciano Polo ........Joaquin Nin Thelma Lewis Wassily Besekirsky, Hanns Pick, and Joseph Brinkman Charles A. Sink, President Michigan Dames: There will be a meeting of the Michigan Dames this evening at 8 o'clock in the Michigan League. There will be a short busi- ness meeting followed by entertain- ment. Wives of all students and of internes in the University Hospital are cordially invited. Michigan Repertory Players: "Both Your Houses," Maxwell Anderson's Pulitzer prize satire on. Congress, will be presented this week at the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre. The play will open Wednesday night and will con- tinue nightly through Saturday. Season Ticket Patrons -- Michigan Repertory Players: Please make your reservations for "Both Your Houses" as early as possible. The advance sale for this show is very heavy and your co-operation will assist the Play- ers in supplying good seats. Speech Students: The second Stu- dent-Faculty luncheon of the Depart-l nent of Speech and General Linguis- tics will be held at the Michigan Un- ion, Room 316, today at 12:15 p.m. Tickets may be purchased at the Un- ion desk any time 'prior to the lunch- eon. Some mountaineers in Tennessee regard the hooting of anawlin the daytime as a certain harbinger of rain. School of Social Dancing Taught daily, 10 to 10. Terrace Garden Studio Wuerth Theater Bldg. Phone 9695 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is eonstruchxe notice to all members of the Vniversity. Copy received at the Summer Session office until 3:30; 11:30 Saturday. Roosevelt Is Now Cruising In Caibbean ABOARD U.S.S. GILMER ACCOM- PANYING PRESIDENT ROOSE- VELT, July 9.-(-OP-President Roose- velt had an opportunity for real va- cation relaxation once more today after busy visits to Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. The cruiser Houston steamed across the Caribbean sea at a Vapid clip to- ward Columbia, due to arrive at Car- tagena Tuesday. Mr. Roosevelt took advantage of his leisure to review his inspection of the islands and the government's positions in them. He received a first- hand picture of social conditions, par- ticularly in slums and rural life. Apparently satisfied, the President expressed the view rehabilitation work is progressing along the right lines. The Houston left St. Croix, Virgin Islands at noon Sunday, after Mr. Roosevelt made a hurried inspection of Federal projects there. While a tropical sun poured down he joined a religious service conducted by the ship's captain on deck late in the afternoon. Afte' meeting President Enrique Olaya Herrera at Cartagena Tuesday, the President will proceed to Panama and the Canal Zone, beginning the Pacific crossing to Hawaii Thursday. A cavern 20 feet deep, washed out by a broken sewer, was found be- neath a busy Kansas City street inter- section when a section of pavement gave way. LAUGHTON & WOODRUFF ...Adroission 40c at Michigan's N~st Most Beautiful summer eailreom S rr I Lq 0 qONopqo"Ik Il ATTEND COOL MATINEES.. . MICHIGAN ATTEND S *COOL MATINEES f s CamusOpinion- Letters published in this column should not be con- strued as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymouscommunications will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however," be re- garded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, confining themselves 'to less than 500 words if possible. WE BEG TO DIFFER To The Editor: I am by nature an optimist. It therefore pains me deeply to find in The Daily a letter on the Washtenaw County FERA strike above the discour- aging signature: "Disgusted." Especially is this true when one reflects that the reasoning upon which this disgust is based, is both shoddy and peurile. In the first place, is it apparent that Mr. Dis- gusted took no pains to make a thorough inves- tigation of the facts concerned. Perhaps he was not disgusted enough. Of course, he is correct when he states that "FERA workers now receive a minimum of 50 cents an hour." But this statement loses its entire significance when one considers the further fact that those on FERA are permitted an average of 15 to 25 hours work per week, according to the num- ber of dependents for each worker. Thus a family of six with which I am personally acquainted re- ceives only $15 a week. This is supposed to pay for food, light, rent, and clothes. Similarly, another family of three persons receives $9 a week. Is this what Mr. Disgusted calls "good pay"? A larger question also arises as regards "people on charity." Mr. Disgusted seems to hold the opin- ion that charity is nothing more than a govern- ment favor. I feel differently about the matter. Those laborers and skilled workers who are now working on useful FERA projects, have, in the past, served society to the best of their' ability. Through no fault of their own they have suddenly lost their jobs. Undoubtedly it is the nature of our present so- cial system which is responsible for the enforced idleness of these workers. It is consequently the duty (not the favor) of this social system to take adequate care of those whose usefulness, it itself, has crippled. Once society fails to fulfill such an appointed task, then, I feel that it has passed its stage of usefulness. The time has then come for the workers of society to construct a new social order; one which will provide for their happiness and well- be n--Joseph Feldman. ByCTHEasUaELl Essays By THE SUMMER OBSERVER Robert W. Chambers' Famous Spy Story F "OPE RA TOR 13" Marion Davies, Gary Cooper, 4 Mills Brothers, Ted Healey MAJESTIC ........ SENSATIONAL NEW LOW PRICES Matinees: All Seats 25c -- Evenings: Balcony 25c, Main Floor 35c VICTOR McLAGLEN - DOROTHY DELL HARF ANGEL" A Story of the Old Barbary Coast Matinees 15c . .. .. . WU ERTH. .. . Nights 25c ENDS TONIGHT "W ONDER BAR" TOMORROW Spencer Tracy Dorothy Revier b "THE SHOW-OFF" "Unknown Blonde" d2' Trio Op. 70 No. 1. Allegro vivace Largo assai Presto .... Beethoven SWIM. at NEWPORT BEACH TRUNKS PERMISSIBLE Portage Lake 14 miles from town rI' Ii III 16 SO- YOU MUST SEE- *The Superb Satire On Congress... The Theatre "BOTH YOUR HOUSES" Directed by Valentine B. Windt CAST Marjorie Gray .......................Mary Pray Bus .............................. Claribel Baird Eddie ............ ..................Frank Funk Solomon Fitzmaurice .........Frederic O. Crandall Mark ............................. Calvin Pettit Simeon Gray .................. William Halstead evermng .....................Morris Greenstein Merton ...............................Jay Pozz Dell ............................... Charles Orr Sneden ........................Clarence Moore Miss McMurtry ...................... Eva Nelson Wingblatt........................James Doll Farnum ..........................Wayne Smith Peebles .......................... Emory Horger Alan McClean ...................Goddard Light Ebner .......................... Harlan Bloomer Act I Scene 1: The office of the Chairman of the Ap- propriations Committee. A morning in early spring. Scene 2: The Committee Room. The action begins three minutes before the close of Scene 1. Act II Scene 1: The office of the Chairman of the Ap- propriations Committee. Late afternoon, three days later. Scene 2: The committee Room. One hour later. Act III Scene 1: The Committee Room. Evening three d Maxwell Anderson's Pulitzer Prize Play SUMMER DIRECTORY Delivered within one mile and a half of the cam- pus for 45c. TONIG HT 7 and 9' Place orders be- fore 5 o'clock by calling 2-1214 Also CampusSale Today Sit in With the Committee on Appropriations Let's Spend $200,000,000! Let's Build a Dam, a Prison - or Something! Let's Send Out the Navy! See the Congressman Who Has His Own Election InYestigated! Labor Awakens... S HAKEN RUDELY, by the privations of depression, from his rosy dream of becoming sometime a small capitalist and man of leisure in his own right, the average American laborer has since 1929 rubbed most of the sleep out ONLY THE BRAVE DESERVE THE FAIR And only the staunch could endure the withering heat at the League's Open House. Or was it the Free Music and perhaps free punch? At any rate, yours unfaithfully just solidified 48 hours after that melting experience. There is a hazy memory of a never-ending line THE PRESS SAYS: "The most stinging indictment the United States lawmakers have ever had thrust down their throats . . . Maxwell Anderson's best play since 'What Price Glory?' " -Walter Winchell in The Daily Mirror. "Of all the theatrical attacks upon the depravity of representative government . . . Both Your Houses is the most stirring and direct . the liveliest play of The Theatre Guild Season . . . -Brooks Atkinson in the New York Times. "Seems to mie the most effective propaganda play which has come along in several seasons . . . It has an entirely timely aspect. . . I wish it were playing in Washington right now." -Heywood Broun in the New York Telegram. - _. - - - -- /_ to _'- -- U - lill I III I I