The Weather Cloudy, showers today or to- night, tomorrow warmer and possibly showers. L Official Publication Of The;Summer Session VOL. XV No.13 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JULY 10, 1934 r -- __-_ --- -_ _ I .,.,.. _ . . _._ _ _ Diplomats Are Puzzled With Hitler's I deas Expose Nazi Propaganda Machine Operating In United States Seek Real Meaning Of Hess' Address Embassies Skeptical ,As Speech Is Seen To Be An Apology University History Sketched By Shaw For Education Club, Taking for his subject "Highlights in the History of the University," Wil- fred B. Shaw, director of alumni re- lations, last night gave the members of the Men's Education Club a sketch of the University's history since 1817. Mr. Shaw pointed out that the Uni- versity was originally made possible by the Ordinance of 1787 which, em- phasizing the necessity of education for good government, made land grants for educational purposes. The University was not started, however, until the Catholopistemiad or University of Michigania was founded in Detroit in 1817. Three men were particularly responsible for the founding of this small college; Judge Augustus Woodward; Father Gabriel Richard, a Roman Catholic priest; and John Monteith, a young Presbyterian preacher recently grad- uated from Princeton University. ; Then followed a grant of land by Michigan Indians and in 1837 the+ University was reorganized in Ann; Arbor.< Henry P. Tappan was the first Prof. Handman To Give Eighth Lecture Today BERLIN, July 9.- UP) -- An ap. parent softening of the Nazi attitude toward Germany's neighbors and the great powers brought a siege of call- ers today to foreign diplomatic mis- sions in Berlin, seeking to know the meaning behind the address of Cabi- net Minister Rudolf Hess. The official German version that this was the greatest peace speech of modern times did not seem to sat- isfy foreign observers, and signifi- cance was sought behind Hess' flat- tery of Louis Barthou, French foreign minister, and his lavish compliments to the French nation, especially to French war veterans. The fact that Hess, recently men- tioned as possible successor to Franz von Papen as vice chancellor instead of Hermann Wilhelm Goering, was chosen as spokesman for Nazi for- eign policies also was believed to have possible internal political significance. e e t z i i f 'Can Be Be And Should America Self Sufficient?' To Subject oF Speech Cancel Goebbels Speech A scheduled address by Paul Joseph Goebbels, minister of ' propaganda, which was to have been broadcast to the world at 3 p.m. today, was can- celled by German officials, according to advices reaching New York.. He will speak tomorrow night. The consensus among the chief foreign missions seemed to be that Hess was trying to apologize for the actions.,f the propaganda ministry, wicif ad suggested to the entire German press a splurge in large head- lines of the details of an alleged plot between some of the Germans who Were executed June 30, and France. Another interpretation was that Foreign Minister Konstantin von Neurath and Gen. Joaquin von Rib- bentrop, the foreign ministry's envoy on disarmament, have been warning lIitler of the isolation in which Ger- many finds herself and told him that tlje June 30 executions had fallen with somewhat unwelcome effect on for- eign ears. Hitler In Seclusion A third interpretation was that the ReichsWehr (regular army) has left no doubt that that the belligerent at- titude fostered by the Storm Troops must be considered a closed chapter. It was believed that the necessity. had been made plain of bending every effort toward reaching an under- standing between France and Ger- many, especially in view of the con- versations in London today between Barthou and British officials. Hitler still was in seclusion at his summer home near the Italian border. All official activities have been sharp- ly curtailed for a month during the announced vacation period to be de- voted ostensibly to basic social re- construction in Germany. NEW YORK, July 9. --(P) - Fritz Gissibl, member of Adolf Hitler's Na- tional Socialist Party, told a Congres- sional subcommittee here today that "bales of propaganda" had been sent into the United States from Germany. Gissibl told the special House group that is investigating unAmerican ac- tivities that some of the propaganda pamphlets attacked Jews and Masons. He declared that the materialwas distributed by the Friends of New Germany, an organization for which GissibI is the newly appointed Middle Western leader. The committee also made public testimony taken at a previous private hearing purporting to show that Dr. Hans Luther, German ambassador at Washington, had arranged free trans- portation to Germany for several' American writers because he hoped that they would present Germany in a favorable light in subsequent ar- ticles. Gissibl asserted that the "bales of propaganda" came from the Foreign Propaganda Office in Germany. Gissibl, who succeeded Heinz Spanknoebel as a liaison agent be- tween the Nazi movement andG er- Prof. Max S. Handman will deliver the eighth special Summer Session lecture at 5 p.m. today in Natural Science Auditorium, speaking .on "Can and Should America be Self- Sufficient.". Professor Handman will present the case for economic internationalism, that is, free trade, as against eco- nomic nationalism and high tariff barriers, which have been erected by many countries in the last half- century. The lecture will take the form of a presentation of arguments on both sides of the question and explain the difficulties. inherent in working out a pure form of either policy. Professor Handman is an eminent authority on economic problems and commissions, chief among which is the Wickersham Commission. He served as special investigator for the Library of Congress in 1918. was a member of the Commission on Public Information, and he was also on the staff of the United States Inquiry Commission on Terms of Peace in 1918. Numbered among the many socie- ties to which he belongs is the Amer- ican Economic Association, the Amer- ican Sociology Society, the Economic History Society, and the Royal Eco- nomic Society. Today Set For Camp Tag Day In Ann Arbor' 120 Boys Have Benefitted Already; More Fu n d s Needed For Next Group Today is official Tag Day in Ann Arbor, all subscriptions to go to the University Fresh Air Camp for under- privileged children. Some twenty of these boys have been stationed around the campus to distribute the tags that will mean the continuation of the camp's work for the summer. According to George Alder, director of the camp, the group of 120 boys has been at the camp nearly three weeks now, and plans have been made to bring another similar group there next week for the period of play and instruction. But it is imperative, says Mr. Alder, that some contribution be had from a number equal to the en-' tire registration of the Summer Ses- sion - approximately 3,000. So far this year, the public has fallen slightly below its support of the project in former years, hence the urgent request by the committee in charge. The several welfare institu- tions of Detroit, Hamtramck, and Ann Arbor have already selected well over a hundred of the neediest cases in their districts, and the boys are look-, ing forward to the glorious three weeks ahead. A treatment planning committee, president of the University at Ann Arbor in which there were at that time six students. One of the high- lights of his administration was the trouble with the fraternities in 1849 and 1850 when nearly half of the stu- dents in the institution were expelled for belonging to Greek letter organi- zations. President Tappan was removed and succeeded by Erastus O. Haven under whose regime the mill tax policy for the financial support of the Univer- sity was instituted. Henry S. Frieze was the next presi- dent and during his incumbency it was decided to admit women to the University, and the system of admit- ting graduates from accredited high schools on the diploma was started. Finally, Mr. Shaw pointed out that Michigan has been a pioneer among state universities. It was the first to use the mill tax for the support of the college, the first state university to admit women, the first to admit high school graduates on diploma, and the first in many other ways. Excursion To See Ford Plant At River Rouge Fourth Summer Trip Will Be Made Tomorrow; To Leave At 12:45 P.M. ' Students making the fourth of the University's Summer Session excur- sions will leave tomorrow noon for1 the trip to the Ford Plant at River Rouge.I There they will see almost every operation that goes into making the finished Ford that rolls from the door of the factory ready for sale. In the River Rouge plant, the greatert for most of the operations of theI Ford Motor Company, are facilitiesc for every operation carried on byE the many industrial. enterprises1 undeirtaken by it. From the ore un- loading docks and the furnaces thatI melt up used car bodies to the finalc delivery line, the River Rouge plant is a complete unit in itself.t Among the points to be seen on thex 1,000 acres the plant covers will beI the blast furnaces, open hearth fur-E paces, foundry, steel mill, rolling mill,( motor assembly plant, and the final assembly line, where in 45 minutes theA entire automobile is assembled andI drives away under its own power.t Over 100,000 employees are em-I ployed at the River Rouge plant whent it is running on a capacity schedule. The plant is a perfect example of the Ford industrial technique: ex- reme specialization of labor, the con-1 inuous conveyor-belt system, effi- ,iency in the standardized processingY >f materials, and large scale produc- ion. The party leaves from in front of Angell Hall at 12:45 p.m. Wednesday .ed by Prof. Carl J. Coe, director of xcursions, and will return at 5:30 p.m, The only expense of the trip will be the $1 round trip bus fare.r Reservations must be made at the >ffice of the Summer Session, Roomf 213 Angell Hall, before 5:00 p.m. oday.r The excursion will be repeatedf Wednesday, July 18, for all those whof ire unable to go tomorrow. LITERATULE TOOt CHICAGO, July 9. -(P)-The drivet f the Catholic church against inde-e ent films was widened today to in-I dlude offensive literature.r §ees Permanent Court International Justice Tribute To Jurist HugoGrotius Is Subject Of Law Lecture Prof. J. S. Reeves Traces Varied Life Of 'Father Of International Law' Was Prominent As Lawyer And Writer Of As By THOMAS H. KLEENE Often called the father of interna- tional law, he was a very many-sided person and a peculiar product of his age, who sought to establish the set- tlement of controversies in terms of law. Thus did Prof. Jesse S. Reeves, dean of the Summer Session on Teaching International Law and head of the University political science depart- ment, describe Hugo Grotius, noted Dutch jurist, in the second lecture in the conference series on "Hugo Grotius, His Life and Times." He traced the colorful career of Grotius from the time hetwas born in 1583 in Delft, Holland, to his sud- den death from pneumonia, following a shipwreck, in 1645. At the age of 15, according to Prof. Reeves, "Grotius had contacted those eminent in the State and many great Dutch statesmen." He also was in- vited to serve as secretary on an im- portant diplomatig mission. Grotius was graduated from law school at an early age. ' "Freedom of the Sea" The lecturer stated that in his early twenties the famous jurist was ap- proached by the Dutch East India Co., and asked to defend their legal rights on the seas against the Portuguese. For his brief in this case, entitled "Freedonr of the Sea," he, became known as "the defender of lhe idea of freedom of the seas." ,Professor Reeves added that, at the same time, he was engaged in practicing law at Rotterdam and The Hague and also carrying on his lit- erary work. Later he was made advo- cate-general of Holland at The Hague. Because of his connections with the states-rights, liberal religions, pro- French. party in Holland, he was thrown into jail facing a life sen- tence with the ascension to thA throne in 1619 of William of Orange, a nationalist. His Wife Freed Him Madame Grotius, whom Professor Reeves described as "a compelling personality," was imprisoned with him, and she, with the aid of the maid servant, freed him by packing him in a box and shipping him out of his imprisonment, whence he crossed the border and made his way to the Span- ish Netherlands. "He continued on to Paris, where he had many friends and, after writ- ing the work by which he thought posterity would judge him, 'De Ivre Bellic Ac Pacis', Queen Christina ap- pointed him ambassador to France from Sweden," Professor Reeves said. In paying tribute to Grotius, ,Pro- fessor Reeves concluded, "I cannot help but feel that somewhere in the room of The- Permanent Court -of In- ternational Justice at The Hague is the spirit of Hugo Grotius - driven out of his country and exiled from The Hague - helping to secure inter- national justice.". Indian Origin Is Subject Of Guthe's Talk Archeologists Seeking To Establish Time, Place Of Coming To America Progress Divided Into Four Periods A s s e r t s Advancement Is Natural As' Striving To Improve Environment The two problems in the work of the archeologist in North America, ac- cording to Dr. Carl E. Guthe, director of the museum of anthropology, who delivered another in the series of spe- cial Summer Session lectures yester- day afternoon, are whence and when the Indian came to North America and his history up until the time he was found by the early settlers in the fifteenth century. Authorities have come to the con- clusion, Dr. Guthe said, that the In- dian race is a branch of the Mon- goloid race and that they first came across the Bering Straits into the new world some 10,000 to 30,000 years ago. In speaking of the history of the In- dian race in North America, he de- scribed the advancement of the In- dian as natural in that they "were all human beings only striving to make the world a better place to live in in accordance with their own ideals." Are Four Periods Dr. Guthe divided the advancement of the race into four periods, namely the hunting era, agricultural era, the era of new inventions - such as pottery and tools - and the era of empire-builders or "city-states." . "These improvements spread from neighbor to neighbor untilthey were accepted as far as both the north- ern and southern boundaries of North American civilization," he said. Dr. Guthe explained that advancement was then accomplished just as it is at present because all native North Americans felt that they must "keep uip with the Joneses." He traced the earliest beginnings of archeology, which he described as be- ing as "highly technical a any other profession in North America today," to the gathering together of old things in ancient Mesopotamia and the ap- parent origin of man's interest in the past of his own species. Arouses Historians A change from that concept of the science was precipitated, however, when students began to realize that the objects were not only specimens of art, but also tangible keys to the past, he said. This discovery aroused the interest of historians inasmuch as it made possible the clarification of several indefinite periods in the his- tory of the human race. "Archeology is now the handmate of history because of the mutual in- terest of the archeologist and the his- torian in constructing the past from specimens and other evidences," Dr. Guthe said. He said that archeology has existed only 100 years in the United States (Continued on Page 3) Summer Band Will Give First Concert The first concert by the University of Michigan Summer Band will be given at 7:15 p.m. Wednesday on the steps of the General Library, it was announced yesterday by Nicholas Fal- cone, director of the band. Vacancies are open in every section of the band, Mr. Falcone said yes- terday. Any student in the University, either man or woman, who plays any instrument is asked to report at 4 p.m. today at Morris Hall on the corner of State St. and Jefferson. For those students who have no instruments, in Ann Arbor, school instruments will be furnished. A rehearsal will be held this after- noon for those reporting. No tryouts will be held as all those reporting will be admitted to the band. Second Concert To Be PlayedTonight The University School of Music will present the second faculty concert of the Summer Session tonight at 8:30 in Hill Auditorium. The program presented will be one of special interest. Thelma Lewis, so- prano, will sing several numbers of Joaquin Nin. Dalies Frantz will pre- -Associate Press Photo Rudolph Hess (above), minister without portfolio in the German cab- inet, whose speech has aroused inter- national comment. Recreation Is Country's Need, States Sharman Problem Important, But Is Not As Yet Thoroughly Understood, He Adds The American people are badly in need of increased recreation facilities and planning, Prof. JacksonSharman of the School of Education declared yesterday in a speech on "The Ef- fects of Present Social Trends on the Recreation Problem," given in the Education School afternoon series of lectures. In a thorough analysis of the in- ter-relation of social trends and rec- reation, Professor Sharman pointed to the recent increase in the nation's leisure time as a decided incentive to recreation. "Contemporary changes in Ameri- can society are not always apparent, he said, in citing the recreation prob- lem, which he characterized as im- portant but as yet hardly understood. Professor Sharman listed nine characteristics of current civilization which he stated affect recreation: the dominant social ideals, means of com- munication and transportation, pop- ulation trends, the declining birth rate, changes in industry and busi- ness, increased amount of leisure time changes in the types of American family life, health conditions, and the increase of mental disease. All of these, he said, were different aspects of one of the most important problems facing the nation. Professor Sharman was compara- tively optimistic regarding probable developments in recreation. He fore- cast a department of recreation under professional leadership in each gov- ernmental unit, as well as an exten- sion of adult education, and the de-+ velopment of camps. Another de- velopment which he regarded as prob- able and desirable was the building of public projects such as dams and highways by young men who would; live in types of combined work - ed-+ ucation camps. Beaupre Leads In State Open GolfTourney Chuck Kocsis 4 Strokes' Behind; Shoots 70 And 73 For 143 SAGINAW, July 9.-- () - Ormandr Beaupre, Detroit, led the field of 131+ starters in the Michigan Open golf tournament at the 36-hole half-way mark with 70-69-139, three under; par. He was one stroke in advance of] another Detroiter, Bob Grant, who put together a pair of 70's for 140.; Emerick Kocsis, Detroit pro, and; Joe Belfore, Detroit, who led the1 morning round with 68, both finishedi in 141, Kocsis taking an afternoon 71 and Belfore dropping back to 73. Chuck Kocsis, amateur brother of Emerick, put together 70 and 73 for 143, at which figure he tied with Tom Lowery, who finished with a great 32 on the last nine, the best score of the day on the second half of thei course, which took great toll among the favorites. Tied at 144 were Frank Kennett' of Kalamazoo and Tommy Shannon of Detroit. Shannon had a morning I + Prof. Davis Will Act As Chairman Of Opening Meeting Playing host to many of the State's leading educators and school admin- istrators, the School of Education will open its fifth annual Summer Edu- cational Conference today with three sessions scheduled, all to be held in the Union. Built around the general topic, "Ap- praisal and Re-adjustment in Edu- cation," the conference will comprise addresses and open discussions on the major social and economic problems which face present day school sys- tems. University men from the School of Education who are in charge of the conference state that it is their hope that informal discussion will be stim- ulated by the varied views that will be presented. Plans have been made for open forum meetings to follow all speeches,nwith the intention of al- lowing all in attendance to express their views. Davis Is Chairman Prof. Calvin O. Davis of the School of Education will act as chairman of the first meeting today, which con- venes at 9:30 a.m. Two speeches are to be given, one by Prof. S. A. Courtis of the School of Education and the other by Dr. Floyd Reeves, director of personnel and social development for the Tennessee Valley Authority. Pro- fessor Courtis will discuss "A Review of the Goals of' Public Education, while Dr. Reeves will speak on "The Social Development Program of the Tennessee Valley Authority." Dr. Reeves, heralded as one of the outstanding speakers who will appear at the conference, is widely known as a social technologist, and is reputed to have accomplished n o t a b 1 e achievements in what is probably the most important social experiment the country has ever made, that of the rennessee Valley. Reeves To Speak Again In the afternoon session which will meet at Reeves at 2 p.m., Dr. Reeves will again speak, this time on "Per- sonnel Selection and Management." With Prof. Louis W. Keeler acting as chairman of the meeting, Prof. Ral- eigh Schorling will lead a discussion on the issues raised by Dr. Reeves. Both of these men are on the faculty of the School of Education. "Some Steps in a Program for Edu- cational Recovery for Michigan Schools" will be the topic of Dr. Eu- gene B. Elliott, who will open the eve- ning meeting, which will convene at 7:30. Dr. Elliott is director of re- search and personnel in the State de- partment of public instruction. The president of the Michigan Education Association, Harold Steele of Jackson, will lead the discussion which will follow Dr. Elliott's speech. Prof. Ed- gar G. Johnston of the School of Education will act as chairman of the meeting. Phi Delta Kappa Luncheon Although no formal program is scheduled for conference members, they will be welcome at the luncheon meeting of Phi Delta Kappa, men's education fraternity, to be held at 12:10 p.m. at the Union. Tomorrow's program, with only two meetings scheduled, will wind *tp the conference agenda. Dr. Paul F. Voel- ker, state superintendent of public instruction, will emphasize in his speech the problems facing Michi- gan's educational system. Dr. Voel- ker is to appear at the morning meet- ing. In the afternoon session another outstate man will speak; Dr. Paul T. Rankin, director of research for the Detroit public schools, will discuss "The Scope and Significance of the Resolutions Adopted by the Washing- ton Meeting of the National Educa- tion Asociation." The climax of the two-day confer- ence will be the annual picnic of the Men's Education Club, which will be open to all members of the confer- ence. It will be held at 5 p.m. at Angell Says Average Marriage Age Has Decreased Since 1900 The average marriage age has de- creased considerably in all groups,I with the exception of the professional, since 1900, due to the fact that young men no longer need go through a long apprenticeship before they re- ceive wages which enable them to marry, Prof. Robert C. Angell of the sociology department, said Sunday in speaking on "The Family Develops" at the Unitarian Church. The rise in the divorce rate, ac- cording to Prof. Angell, has been off- set by a similar rise in the number of marriages, so that the proportion of stable marriages in the United States is about the same today as in 1890. available tests of compatibility which would enable persons to choose mates with whom they would have a better chance of living in peace and har- mony. In discussing the modern family, Professor Angell first pointed out the decline of the family as a cultural unit, illustrated by an increase in de- linquency and crime. He said there were many hopeful trends which will eventually raise the family to a higher cultural status. First, he mentioned the fact that great projects in slum clearance were under way, which would provide a place to play at home for both parents and children.