THE MICHIGAN'DAILY THEMI MHIGAN DAILY, Official Publication of tht Summer Session r- I fitted for this work, for he had served as a member of the state board of education of Massachusetts, pnd while serving as a state senator in Massachu- setts he had framed a law establishing Massachu- setts Agricultural college, which law also strength- ened greatly the Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology. He was the author of the plan whereby the Michigan legislature should appropriate an- nual amounts for the support of the University of Michigan. His plan became a law in 1867. The University of Michigan was a pioneer along this line and scores of universities have profited by this act. After six years as president of the university he became president of Northwestern university, at Evanston, Ill. C u i luding a "comedy with music," "Duke For a Day," which is one of the worst atrocities offered to ocal cinema-goers recently. -W.R.R. AT THE MICHIGAN TODAY "OPERATOR 13" Gary Cooper and Marion Davies are co-starred n the picture, "Operator 13," the screen adapta- tion of Robert W. Chambers' novel of the Civil War, which opens at the Michigan Theatre today. In the supporting cast, along with the four Mills Brothers, who are a supporting cast all in them- selves, are Jean Parker, Katharine Alexander and Ted Healy. Gary Cooper plays the role of the handsome Southern spy-catcher who is ordered to kill secret service operator 13 -portrayed by Marion Davies. His mission is complicated no end when it de- velops that she is a girl whom he knows and loves. But he has been ordered to kill her. Here you have the age-old conflict between love and duty. The show is a Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer produc- tion, directed by Richard Boleslavsky. i- Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association "And the Big Ten News Service.. nociat d e Iat ra 9 nOF T [ 9u- 133 ~nAONAL . coYuRG_1934== MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all neWs dispatches credited to It or not otherWise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches are reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second cTks matter. Spcial rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Postmaster-General. :ubscription during summer by carrier, $1,25; by mail, $1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $3.75; by mail, $4.25. Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, :Ant Arbor,+Michigan. Phone: 2 1214. -- Repesntatives: Coldlge Publiations Representatives, "c., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80 ' oylhton Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago. EDITORIAL STAFF Phone 4925 MANAGING EITOR ............... E. JEROME PETTIT ASSISTANT MANAGING EDITOR ... BRACKLEY SHAW WOMEN'S EDITOR .................ELEANOR JOHNSON ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Charles A. Baird, Clinton B. Con- ge, Paul J. Elliott, Thomas E. Groehn, Thomas H. -leene William R. Reed, Robert S. Ruwitch. REPORTERS: Barbara Bates, C. H. Beukema, Frances English, Elsie Pierce, Virginia Scott, Edgar H. Eckert, Bernard H. Fried. BUSINESS STAFF Office Hours: 9-12, 1-5 Phone 2-1214 EBUSINSS MANAGER .........3ERNARD E. SCHNACKE T U INESS MANAGER ......W. GRAFTON SHARP CeICULATION MANAGER.......CLINTON B. CONGER A Tril ue Th A University President ... N INDICATION of the widespread interest and knowledge concerning the .University of Michigan is contained in an article which recently cane to the attention of the editors of The Daily. The article, written by a journalist who is not a graduate of the University nor even a former student of the institution, dem- onstrates a sincere appreciation of the qualities of conscientious leadership shown in the lives of those men who helped lay the foundation for this great educational establishment. Fred Lockley, writer of a daily column entitled "ninpressions and Observations of the Journal Man" for the Portland (Oregon) Journal, gives in this article a biographical sketch and a brief char- acterization of Dr. Erastus O. Haven, second presi- dent of the University. Mr. Lockley's article follows:, "The Lee Mission cemetery" at Salem is one of Oregon's historic shrines. In this cemetery there rests the hallowed dust of Jason Lee, his wife Anna Maria Pittman Lee, Cyrus Shepherd and other members of the devoted band of workers who came to the Oregon Country a century ago. "Recently I visited the Lee Mission cemetery slnd copied the inscriptions from the headstones on the graves of many of these pathfinders ... "On one of the stones is the following inscrip- tion: "'Erastus O. Haven, 35th bishop of the Meth- odist Episcopal church, born in Boston, November 1, 1820; died in Salem, Oregon, August 2, 1881. His life was beautiful; his death, triumphant; his work, abiding.' "Every graduate of the University of Michigan who lives in Oregon or elsewhere will be interested 4in the grave of Bishop* Haven, for he was one of the pioneer members of the faculty of the Uni- versity of Michigan and became its second presi- dent. "Henry Philip Tappan, who was born in New York state on April 23, 1805, and graduated from Union college in 1825 and from Auburn Theological seminary in 1827, was the first chancellor of the University of Michigan, elected in 1852. Twenty years before, he had served as professor of moral philosophy in the University of the City of New York. Chancellor Tappan retired from the Uni- versity of Michigan in 1863 and was succeeded by the Rev. Erastus Otis Haven. Both Chancellor Tappan and bishop Haven were prolific writers and were the authors of numerous books. "Erastus O. Haven was the son of Jonathan Ha- ven, a local Methodist preacher, and of Betsy Spear Haven. He was a descendant of Richard Haven, who settled at Lynn, Mass., in 1644. He graduated with honors from Wesleyan university in 1843, at 22 years of age, and immediately became prin- cipal of Amenia seminary, in New York,.where he served two years, after which he joined the New York conference and devoted his attention to preaching. In 1853 he was given the chair of Latin at the University of Michigan, and the following year became professor of English literature and history. He was not only -a learned scholar but a maxn of indomitable courage - one who had the courage of his convictions. With voice and pen he urged that the university be opened to women. He and his cousin, Bishop Gilbert Haven, worked to- gether for the abolition of slavery. Bishop Gilbert ,Haven enlisted April 8, 1861, and was appointed chaplain of the 8th Massachusetts regiment. "So strongly did Professor Erastus O. Haven feel on the slavery question that in 1856 he ac- cepted a position as editor of Zion's Herald, in Boston. Duriig the seven years of his editorial work he served two terms in the Massachusetts DAILY OFFICI Publication in the Bulletin is constru University. Copy received at the Sumi Saturday. AL BJLI ctive notice to all men mer Session office unti "In 1872 he became secretary of the board ofc education of the Methodist Episcopal church.- While serving in this capacity he also served as chancellor of Syracuse university, from 1874 tov 1880. In the spring of 1880 he was ordained aI bishop of the Methodist church. He went at oncel to San Francisco and shortly after came to Salem, Ore., to attend the Methodist conference. He ar-t rived at Salem in time to attend the commence- ment exercises of Willamette university. The grad-" uating class that year consisted of Mattie Jory of Salem, Isabelle Prescott and Samuel A. Randall. "Bishop Haven, who was fatigued by his travels,, complained the day after the commencement of not feeling well. He was a guest at the home of tie Rev. J. N. Denison. The doctor was,/called andT diagnosed his case as intermittent fever, but as he did not respond to treatment, Dr. W. H. Wat-1 kins of Portland was summoned. He diagnosed uremic poisoning. Believing that he would not recover, Bishop Haven made his will, on Saturday, July 30, 1881, and asked to be buried in the Lee1 Mission cemetery. "His wife, whose maiden name was Mary Frances Coles and who was the daughter of the Rev. George Coles, and one of his sons were with him when he' died, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of August 2. The funeral took place on August 4, 1881, and in accordance with his request he was buried in the Lee Mission cemetery. He was survived by his wife, three sons and two daughters. "Among Bishop Haven's best known books are 'The Universities of America,' 'American Progress,' 'Pillars of Truth,' published in 1855, and 'A Young Man Advised,' a collection of addresses to the stu- dents of the University of Michigan while he was president of the university." Education And Reform.. .. ERTAIN HISTORICAL commenta- tors would have us believe that re- form always follows on the heels of education; .hat with the knowledge of defects in the existing system there comes to the average man in a posi- tion to do something about it a desire to institute proceedings toward correction of the faults. Certainly such a philosophy errs. Here in Amer- ica, where the average man's education is probably the most advanced in the world, abuses have exist- ed over long periods, despite the fact they were recognized as such. How much of the blame should be ascribed to the laissez-faire theory, accepted for so long in the United States, is a matter of conjec- ture, but there can be little doubt that Americans have become selfishly individualistic. Relentless competition for jobs and higher places in the economic and social strata has acted to isolate Americans, even among their own kind. It has blinded them to the plight of others and pre- vented them from developing social consciousness, without which they cannot hope to live successful lives in our, present highly industrialized civiliza- tion. It is probable that if knowledge of abuses and means of correcting them were made accessible to all of the people at one time, pressure from those getting the short end of things would bring about some measure of reform immediately. As it is, however, the ranks of the educated are built up slowly, class lines continue to exist, and, as long as the latest to acquire knowledge can see in their new status a chance for material gain at the ex- pense of the uninformed, they are content to let affairs drift along as they are. Da Casua1l.Essays Ri El By THE SUMMER OBSERVER Ca MICHIGAN'S NOBLE EXPERIMENT Vi Pa Such is the experimental school, in prose the Po University High School to many a summer-school student, and winter-school teacher. They roam the halls of the large building. They feel the stuff Tr of the wall; they "take in" the stuff on the floor; they study the lighting. One stands notebook in hand before the exhibit case in" the far northwest corner of the first W floor. She jotsdown memorandum about the masks which adorn the case. The masks do not protest albeit they have their mouths open. By the Winged Victory two teachers loiter and m study. The larger one in a pink dress inclines her Ti head. "I don't like it," she says. in "Why not?" asks her thinner listener. be "You see Victory here without a head. It isn't by moral for the children. Victory without a head!" de "We have Venus de Milo in our school, and she si has no arms." "That is all right, though. Love without arms e ev is, well, what shall we say? It is not so sug- w gestive." The thinner nods to the fatter, and di then when her companion can not see her, she je shakes her head. of Down the cool green tiled hallway they go. Once they stop to peek in on the class sitting in big chairs at little tables studying Children's Litera- cl ture in the Children's Library. Then, smiling, both M go into the Library across the hall, and' sit. They do not notice that in this place the clock is four R hours off schedule, behind time. Sci w Washington-U Off The Record rw - - -- 1 . - -='e . C EDITOR'S NOTE: The author of this column is a paper work in Ohio, Oklahoma, New York, and Wash- University of Michigan graduate who has done news- ington, D. C. She gathers material for her column ist in the daily round of the Capitol reporter. It will t appear weekly. By SIGRID ARNE " B ERNARD BARUCH, the financier, had spent b most of his time at a party watching, with a twinkle in his' eye, the exaggerated dignity of a young couple. They were so obviously interested tc in each other and so obviously trying to guard the M fact. B As they prepared to leave together Baruch, with b an innocent look, stepped up to the man and said, se "Jack, I'm leaving. Where can I drop you?" e The couple looked nonplussed, but "Jack" re- e torted, "Where can WE drop YOU and how soon?"s ir FOR SEVERAL DAYS Senator Alben Barkley of C Kentucky basked in the belief that one of his fr constituents thought him a very fine senator, in- i deed. There arrived at the senator's office a box from one of Paducah's finest tailors. It held a luxurious si lounging jacket with green satin facing the lapels p and lining the entire jacket. Barkley hung it carefully away, but stole to his p room every so often to admire the coat. Then onep A night he tried it on and found embroidered across the inside vest pocket the initials "F.D.R." He meekly re-wrapped the jacket and took it im over to the White House. a p REPRESENTATIVE ISABELLA GREENWAY of e Arizona, tells with much enjoyment of her d "most embarrassing moment." L It happened when she attended a solemn dinner as a girl. She sat next to a friend, and they whispered busily. S Meanwhile a distinguished bishop was asked to d say grace. The girls failed to observe it until the a bishop ended his prayer with:- "Oh, Lord, for these gifts we are about to receive make us thankful, and also, Oh, Lord, make Isa- bella and Cornelia truly thankful for the soup they have already eaten." WELL KNOWN capitol socialite decided sud- denly to go to Europe. There followed two hectic days of packing the silver, sending the furs to storage, getting visas. But the lady made the boat. She was a full day out to sea when she cabled friends here to retrieve her auto, which she had forgotten in a one-hour parking zone. CORRECTION An editorial in yesterday's Daily erroneously stated that each semester a $15 fee is taken from aculty Concert: Thelma Lewis, Expect of Us" by the )ano; Wassily Besekirsky, Violin- Lewis. Music by St Hanns Pick, Violoncellist; Joseph nkman and Dalies Frantz, Pian- Presbyterian Stud >, will unite their artistic resources 10:45 Morning Wo providing a particularly interest- tral Drive in the Per program of musical numbers for Dr. Norman E. Richa second Summer School concert the Unversity School of Music, 6:00 Social Hou esday evening, July 10, at 8:30 Church House Grou lock in Hill Auditorium. The gen- 7:00 Vesper Serv a1 public with the exception of small of Past Experience ildren is invited but is respectfully Maier, Professor in luested to be seated on time. the program will be as follows: Unitarian Churc ermezzo in F fiat minor . .Brahms Rev. Walton E. Cole gue in G major "Merchants of De orale in G minor (arr. Busoni) sermon dealing wit gan Fugue in D major (arr. tween personal aggr D'Alberg) At 7:30 p.m. Prof .Bachthe Department of s Wandern (Wander- dress a students me ng).............Schubert-Liszt ic, "The Family De tual Fire Dance .........DeFalla ligious aspects of t Dalies Frantz tions of family life Vito From 4:00 to 6:00 nto Andaluz a reception to the s llancico Catalan summer students a ne Murciano and Mrs. Edward lo Broadway. Persons ....................Joaquin N tation may call 667 Thelma Lewis io Op. 70 No. 1 ......,..Beethoven Professor Reeve's Allegro vivace day, July 9, will b Largo assai Science Auditorium Presto 1025 Angell Hall. assily Besekirsky, Hanns Pick, and Joseph Brinkman Charles A. Sink, President Professor Jackso speak at the Edu Michigan Dames: There will be a on Monday, July 9. eeting of the Michigan Dames onohe eetion iesday evening, July 10, at 8 o'clock the Michigan League. There will a short business meeting followed entertainment. Wives of all stu- SWV nts and of internes in the Univer- NEWPOR ty Hospital are cordially invited. TRUNKS PE Men's Education Club, Monday Potage ake ening at 7:30, Michigan Union. Talk ill be given by Mr. Wilfred B. Shaw, rector of alumni relations. His sub ot will be high lights in the history ATTEND the U niversity. COOL MATINEE W. Som First Baptist Church: 9:45 Student ass led by Rev. Howard Chapman, inister of Students. 10:45 Worship. Sermon by Rev, with Mario Edward Sayles, Minister of Church, A n "Realism in Religion." 7:30 Student gathering in church arlors. Dr. E. W. Blakeman, Coun- lor in Religion for the University, ill speak on "Religion on the State S niversity Campus." Matinees A social hour will follow. Refresh- cents will be served. The opportunity Now: BURNS . given to promote acquaintance. ( ordial welcome for all. Mj Congregational Church: The min- w ter, Allison Ray Heaps, will speak his morning at 10:45, delivering ie first of a series of sermons on Matinees 15c Religion and Life." The subject will e, "Being True to One's Self." " First Methodist Episcopal Church: day, at 10:45 a.m., at the First ethodist Episcopal church, State 0 nd Washington streets, Dr. Frederick Fisher will preach on "Dangers to e Overcome." This sermon is the cond of a series of four on the gen- ral theme "The Challenge of Mod- rn Life." Today at 6:30: Dr. F. B. Fisher peaks on "The Function of Religion n An Age of Power As Seen byea 'hurchman." Forum follows. Re- eshments and fellowship before the ieeting. Today at 9:30: Seminar on Ap- lied Christianity. Mature discus- ons on applications of Christian rinciples to specific life issues. At 3:30 p.m.: The International tudent Forum offers an informal rogram of international fellowship. dl welcome. Episcopal Student Group: All sum- ner school students and their friends re invited to join a group of young eople who are meeting on Sunday venings for the discussion of reli- ious topics. The group meets at the ownstair lobby of the Michigan eague at 7 o'clock, this evening. Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church: ervices of worship today: 8:00 a.m., [oly Communion, 11:00 a.m. Kin- Siti ergarten, 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer Lnd Sermon, "What Does the Church Eddie Bob^ LAUGHTON & WOODRUFF ..-Admn r 40a at Miohigan's * See Most BeautifulSummer Ba lrocm THE PRESSt "The mos ever had thr since 'What BOfHall t government SPO T the liveliest 802 Packard Street "Seems t( Today 12 Noon to 8 P.M. along in sev it were play FRIED and ROAST 04 1_Et404W r 1 will be held in Room 1022, University LETIN High School. mbers of the The Women's Education Club will i 3:30; 11:30 hold its meeting Monday night at 7:15 p.m. in the Alumnae Room of the Reverend Henry Michigan League. Andrew's choir. The Men's Education Club will hold its meeting at 7:30 Monday night in ent Appointments the Michigan Union. rship. "The Cen-g sonality of Paul." Physical Education Women Stu- ardson. dents: Starting July 9 a series of bi- ur and Supper, weekly courses in Tennis, Golf, and nds. Intermediate Tap Dancing will be vice. "The Peril given at the Women's Athletic Build- ." Dr. Norman ing at 7:30 p.m. Register in Room Psychology. 15, Barbour Gymnasium. h: At 10:45 a.m. Michigan Repertory Players: "'Both will speak on the Your Houses," Maxwell Anderson's ath." This is a Pulitzer prize satire on Congress, will h the relation be- be presented this week at the Lydia ession and war. Mendelssohn theatre. The play will R. C. Angell, of open Wednesday night and will con- ..oC.y Awill ad- tinue nightly through Saturday. Sociology, wl d etigon.,,the Top- Season Ticket Patrons - Michigan the aps"T res- Repertory Players: Please make your ti beonred. a- reservations for "Both Your Houses" will early as possible. The advance p.m. there will be . ummer pastor and sale for this show is very heavy and tthe home of Dr.your co-operation will assist the Play- B. Greene, 1666 ers in supplying good seats. desiring transpor- Speech Students: The second Stu- r5. dent-Faculty lunicheon of the Depart- ment of Speech and General Linguis- lecture on Mon- tics will be held at the Michigan Un- be in the Natural ion, Room. 316, T1uesdlay, July 10, at n rather than in 12:15 p.m. Tickets may be purchased at the Union desk any time prior to the luncheon. n R. Sharman will cation Conference Termites often work so rapidly that Hse topic will be the foundation of new houses have to sent robienTr Tns be replaced after two years. SCHOOL F SatDANCNG SBEACHa Class and individual SB instruction in all types RMISSIBLE 00f ciancing;. Teachers Course. Terrace Garden 14 m les Dancing Studio Wuerth 4 m Theatre Bldg. Ph. 9695 i MICHIGANATTEND as. . . . MIC H IGAN . . COOL MATINEES erst Maugham's great story of the Old South 'OPERATOR13"1 n Davies -- Gary Cooper -- Four Mills Brothers grand drama of two spies who fell in love MAJESTIC ......... SENSATIONAL NEW LOW PRICES 25c - Nights: Balcony 25c, Main Floor 35 S & ALLEN in Paramount's hilarious hit with music ny Happy Returns ith Guy Lombardo.and His Canadians .... HIWU E RT H .. . ..**Nghts 25c AL JOLSON in WONDER BAR" r Screen Reflections Four stars means extraordinary; three stars very good; two stars good:onetstar just another picture; no stars keep away from it. AT THE MAJESTIC "MANY HAPPY RETURNS" Gracie Allen, referred to by .her ever-loving husband, George Burns, as the "female vacuum" heads the current attraction, "Many Happy Re- turns," at the Majestic. In fact, although she is supported by Guy Lombardo and his Royal Cana- dians, Gracie is the attraction at the Majestic. Gracie is cast as the slightly-off daughter of a wealthy department store owner, and she is intro- duced when her father returns from Europe to find his department store being torn down, .by Gracie to make a bird sanctuary. Determined to be rid of her, the father, who we are always afraid will end with apoplexy, pays George Burns, Gracie's "fixation" by the way, $10 per mile to marry Gracie and take her far away. The temptation (of the money) is too much for George and he takes the offer, heading for Holly- wood. Complications arise when Gracie and George are substituted for Gracie's sister and her music- counter Romeo as the leads in a motion picture production. Such is the plot, and only Grace's natural dumbness saves the show. The producers have imported, besides the Lom- bardo organization, several other attractions, shots of which are interspersed with Gracie's mono-fogs. These include Veloz and Yolanda, World's Fair dance team. As for Guy and the Canadians, no one expects MUST SEE- The Supeirb SAtire O Congress.. Maxwell Anderson's Pulitzer Prize Play in With the Committee'on Appropriations Let's Spend $200,000,000! Let's Build a Dam, a Prison - or Something! Let's Send Out the Navy! the Congressman Who Has His Own Election 'estiga ted! SAYS st stinging indictmentthe United States lawmakers have trust down their throats . .. Maxwell Anderson's best play Price Glory?'" -Walter Winchell in The Daily Mirror. he theatrical attacks upon the depravity of representative .. Both Your Houses is the most stirring and direct ... play of The Theatre Guild Season -Brooks Atkinson in the New York Times. o me the most effective propaganda play which has come eral seasons . .. It has an entirely timely aspect... I wish ing in Wshington right now." --Heywood Broun in the New York Telegram.