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July 08, 1934 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1934-07-08

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The Weather
Fair and somewhat warmer
today; tomorrow unsettled, pos-
sibly local showers.

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Ii~r gait


A Tribute To A University
President ...* Education And
Reform ...

Official Publication Of The Summer Session



Convention Of
Educators Will
Be Held Here
Tennessee Valley S o c i a l
And Personnel Director
To Give Lecture'
Five Meetings Are
Planned This Week
Two Social Programs Will
Be Presented By Local
With approximately 200 Michigan
educators from outside Ann Arbor
expected to augment the number of
local school men in attendance, the
School of Education has announced
final plans for its fifth annual Sum-
mer Educational Conference, to be
held here Tuesday and Wednesday of
this week..

Tag Day Tuesday Will Benefit
Poor Kids At Fresh Air Camp
By DONALD R. BIRD and friendships - things they could
One hundred and twenty young- never do in their crowded home tene-
sters, having the time of their young ment districts.
lives. That, briefly, is the picture of Most of the mornings at camp are
the University's Fresh Air Camp on j devoted to interest periods -when

Patterson Lake, mairitained by Tag
Day contributions for the undernour-
ished and underprivileged youth of
Detroit, Hamtramck, and Ann Arbor.
It's a sight to warm the hearts of
all who have helped or will contribute
to the cause by buying a tag in the
mid-summer drive to be held here
next Tuesday, July 10.
Little boys and big boys, white and
black, tough and soft - all given
equal chances to swim, play, eat and
sleep under the best conditions and
the most careful direction found in
Michigan. George Alder, principal of
Jones school during the winter, di-
rects the camp, with a staff of 29
councilmen and assistants -mostly
from the University - to keep the
boys interested and happy all the
And they really enjoy every minute
of every day too. From their dip in
the lake at 6:30 in the morning to
taps at 9:15 in the .evening, they are
building up their bodies, their minds,

each boy is allowed to make or learn
the things young boys always like to
make and learn, under expert super-
vision. It would surprise the casual
visitor as it did me to see these kids
-mostly delinquent in some way -
making foot-stools, good bows and
arrows, models of everything in clay,
and carpet patterns on a small loom.
In spite of the fact that they have
been limited in their educations, these
boys have shown to several sociology
research students at the camp that
they have the same interests and abil-
ities as the average child in a -good
family. They learn to paint, play
simple musicalinstruments, and
study animals with the same fervor
a young robin displays the first day
out of the nest.
Then comes the swimming time,
when appetites are beginning to
sharpen for lunch. Louis Lemak, for-
mer Michigan varsity swimmer, is in
charge, showing the good and fair
swimmers and the "sinkers" how to
(Continued on Page 4)

Heading the list of speakers is Dr.
Floyd Reeves, director of personnel
and social development under the
Tennessee Valley Authority. Dr.
Reeves will speak at the opening ses-
sion of the conference, 9:30 a.m. Tues-
day, on the topic, 'fThe Social De-
velopment Program of the Tennessee
Valley' Authority."
Five Meetings Planned
Five formal meetings are scheduled,
three on Tuesday and the other two
Wednesday. Organization plans call
for a maximum amount of informal
discussion, and, the conference pro-
gram states, "the sessions have been
arranged in such a way as to stimu-
late an exchange of views." Officials
hope that those in attendance will
"welcome the opportunity to partici-
pate in the 'give and take' of these
In addition to the regular' meetings
planned, members of the School of
Education will offer two social pro-
grams with attendance open to all.
At noon Tuesday Phi Delta Kappa,
men's education fraternity, will hold
a conferenge luncheon, while the an-
nual picnic of the Men's Education
club, to be held Wednesday after-
noon at Portage Lake, will climax the
two-day conference.
Although most of the topics will be
presented by members of the faculty
of the School of Education, there will
be addresses by other men from out-
side Ann Arbor in addition to Dr.
Voelker To Speak
Dr. Paul F. Voelker, state superin-
tendent of public instruction, will
speak Wednesday morning on the
problems facing the Michigan edu-
cational system. Following this talk
there will be a discussion on the is-
sues raised by Dr. Voelker to be led
by Chester Miller of Saginaw, presi-
dent of the State Association of Su-
perintendents and School Board
One other member of the State
department of public instruction, Dr.
Eugene B. Elliott, director of research
and personnel, will appear at the ses-
sion. He will speak Tuesday night on
the topic, "Some Steps in a Program
for Educational Recovery for Michi-
gan Schools." Harold Steele of Jack-
son, president of the Michigan Edu-
cation Association, will lead the dis-
cussion -following Dr. Elliott's ad-
All sessions of the conference will
convene in the Union. Morning meet-
ings will open at 9:30, afternoon
meetings at 2, with the one evening
session, on Tuesday, listed to open at
Of City Tennis
Matches Today
Preliminary and first-round play in
the 14th annual city tennis tourna-
ment will begin today, and will be
completed Thursday, George J. Moe,
tournament manager, announced yes-
More than 80 have entered in the
men's singles event which will feature
the tournament. Others are the men's
doubles, mixed doubles, women's dou-
bles- and singles, and the junior
All matches in the preliminary and
first rounds must be played and the
results reported to the tournament
Pairings for the preliminary
and first rounds are given on page
4 of this issue of The Daily.
manager by 5:30 p.m. Thursday or be
passed as defaults, Mr. Moe said, be-


Program For
All Churches
Is Announced,

Hugo Grotius
Is Subject Of
Prof. Reeves
Will Speak In Second Of
Series Of International
Law Lectures

Evening Sings,
For Sunday


Burns Park will be the scene of
the initial Sunday Evening Sing, to
be held at 7 p.m. under the auspices
of the Recreation Commission, Dean
A. J. Edmonson, chairman. Dr. Wray
Congdon will be in charge of the dis-
cussion and the Rev. R. Edward
Sayles, pastor of the First Baptist
Church, will deliver the address.
"Being True to One's Self" is an-
nounced by the Rev. Allison Ray
Heaps as first in a Summner School
series upon Religion and Life, in the
pulpit of the First Congregational
Church at 10:45 a.m.
At the Methodist Episcopal Church
this morning the Rev. Frederick B.
Fisher, D.D., will speak upon "Dan-
gers to be Overcome," second in a
series upon "The Challenge of Mod-
ern Life." At 6:30 p.m. at Stalker
Hall he will lead a discussion upon
"Religion in An Age of Power - As*
a Church Man Sees It."
Cowin To Preach
The Rev. Frederick Cowin, D.D.,
returns to preach in his pulpit this
morning at the Christian Church. He
invites summer students to com-
Mass will be celebrated at the St.
Thomas Church at 6, 7:30, 9, and
10:30 a.m. St. Mary's Chapel is closed
during the absence of Father Allan J.
Babcock in Rome. The Rev. Henry
H. Lewis at the St. Andrews Episcopal
Church conducts worship at 11 a.m.
At the First Baptist Church this
morning, Dr. Sayles, minister, will
preach upon "Realism in Religion,"
Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, Counselor
in Religious Education at the Uni-
versity, will lead a discussion upon
'Religion at a University Campus."
Angell Will Speak
Prof. Robert C. Angell will speak
upon "Family Development" at the
Unitarian Church, the Rev. Walter
Cole presiding over the discussion to
At the First Presbyterian Church
this morning, Prof. Norman B. Rich-
ardson of the Presbyterian Seminary
in Chicago will preach.
At the Trinity Lutheran, the Rev..
O. H. Yoder, minister, and at the
Bethlehem Evangelical Church, Rev.
Theodore Schwalf will conduct morn-
ing services.
The Wesley Foundation will inau-
gurate a series of five seminars in
Applied Christianity at 9:30 a.m. to-
day. Gordon B. Halstead, who is in
'charge of student work at Stalker
Hall, will lead the discussions deal-
ing with the church and its relation to
the present crisis; the church and
economic, industrial, race, and inter-
national relations; and the church'
in the new social order.
Announce Engagement Of
Helen Mason, Tom Ellerby
The engagement of two recent
graduates of the University, Helen
Mason and Thomas Ellerby, was an-
nounced yesterday by Miss Mason's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stevens T. Ma-

"Hugo Grotius, His Life and Times"
will be the subject of the second in
the series of special lectures of the
Summer Session on Teaching Inter-
national Law when Prof. Jesse S.j
Reeves, dean of the annual session
and a member of the University po-
litical science department, speaks at
8 p.m. tomorrow in Room 1025, Angell
Professor Reeves will describe the
varied career of Hugo Grotius, a pio-
neer in the field of international law
and noted Dutch jurist, beginning in
Holland in 1583, continuing in Paris,
and finally concluding in jail in the
country of his birth.
The speaker is recognized as a dis-
tinguished political scientist, particu-
larly in the field of international law.
He is a member of no less than five
honorary societies, including the
American Society of International
Law, the American History Associa-
tion, the American Political Science
Association, the American Institute
of International Law, and the Inter-
national Law Association.
Professor Reeves has taught history
and political science at the Woman's
College of Baltimore, Johns Hopkins
University, Dartmouth College, the
University of Chicago, and the Uni-
versity of Michigan.
However, in addition to this teach-
ing, he is a member of the bar, hav-
ing been admitted in 1897. He prac-
ticed actively for ten years preceding
Since 1925, Professor Reeves has
been a member of the Permanent
Court of Central American Justice.
He was also a lecturer in the Academy
of International Law at The Hague
in 1924, and has been since 1925, the
American member of the Pan-Ameri-
can Commission of Jurists, for the
codification of international law.
Professor Reeves has published es-
says and reviews in numerous pub-
lications and has written several au-
thoritative works, notably 'American
Diplomacy Under Tyler and Polk" and
"La Communaute Internationale."

Program For
Fall Lectures
Is Announced
Oratorical Association To
Offer Eight Speakers In
Place Of Usual Six
Ruth Bryan Owen
Will Open Series
Thomas, Stowe, Howland,
Hindus, Sullivan, Chase,
Holmes On Program
The schedule of eight lectures to be
offered by the University Oratorical
Association during the regular se-
mesters of 1934-35, released yestr-
day, includes some of the most fam-
ous personalities in the country.
Ruth Bryan Owen, present ambas-
sador to Denmark, will open the ser-
ies on October 25, speaking on "The
United States in World Affairs."
The second lecture will be presented
November 7 by Stuart Chase, eminent
economist and author of "Your Mon-
ey's Worth." He will speak on "The
Economy of Plenty."
Lyman Beecher Stowe, grandson
of Harriet Beecher Stowe, will be the
third lecturer of the series. He will
discuss the material in his latest book,
"Saints, Sinners, and Beechers," on
November 22.
"Whaling in the Seven Seas," will
be the subject of Charles Scott How-
land, authority on the history of ship-
ping, who will speak December 6.
From Whaling Family
Mr. Howland is a member of a long
established whaling family and re-
cently, with several friends, he rigged
out a ship and caught whales in the
old-fashioned manner. A Paramount
News cameraman accompanied the
party and a major portion of Mr.
Howland's lecture will be illustrated
with these motion pictures.
Lowell Thomas will speak Decemnber
13 on "Adventures on the Air and
Around the World." Mr. Thomas is
one of the most popular radio com-
mentators and lecturers in the coun-
try and has always addressed packed
audiences while lecturing in Ann Ar-
January 20, Maurice Hindus, prom-
inent writer and an authority on in-
ternational affairs, will lecture on
"Stalin, Hitler, and Roosevelt; Who
Will Win?"1
Hindus has been characterized by
Mr. Thomas as the most eloquent and
brilliant lecturer on the American
platform today.
Holmes To Speak
Burton Holmes will speak February
18 on "Around the World with Bur-
ton Holmes." Mr. Holmes is the
popular commentator of the trav-
elogue series shown in motion pic-
ture theatres and his lecture will be
supplemented throughout with origi-
nal pictures.
The lecture series will be concluded
by Mark Sullivan, newspaper syndi-
cate writer, on February 28. His
subject will be "Behind the Scenes
in Washington."
Mr. Sullivan was the principal
speaker at the Rotary International
convention which was held in De-
troit last week.
A new policy has been formulated
by the officers of the Association. In-
stead of the usual six lectures, eight
will be presented. However, officers
said yesterday that there would be no
increase in the price of the season

ticket admissions.

Date Set For
Bear, All-Star
Football Tilt
Gridiron Fans To Select
1 College Aggregation By
Newspaper Ballot
Coach Also To Be
SelectedBy Vote
Teams Will Meet August
31 At Soldiers Field;
'M' Men May Play
What may well be the greatest
football game ever played is planned
for Augustn31 at Soldiers' Field, Chi-
cago, when the Chicago Bears will
meet a picked team of 1933 college
The all-star team is to be chosen by
ballot of football fans, through the
Chicago Tribune and associated news-
papers, and will be composed of those
college stars who ended their college
gridiron careers last fall.
Each fan is invited to name the
eleven best players from last year's
college graduates, and the 27 receiv-
ing the highest number of votes will
comprise the squad which will report
for training August 15. Sponsors of
the game have limited the choices to
those who ended their college play in
1933 because it is felt that those men
will be in relatively fine physical
Subsequent to the choice of the all-
star squad, which will be made July
25, a nation-wide contest to pick a
college coach to handle the squad will
be held.
Members of the Chicago Bears
team, national professional cham-
pions in 1933, have expressed them-
selves enthusiastically as in favor of
the game. "We are supposed to be
world's champions," they are re-
ported as saying, "here's a chance to
prove it against a team which will be
a real All-American team."
Althtugh teams of "All-Americans"
have often been assembled, and all-
star teams play annual games, spon-
sors claim that the proposed game
would be the first real exhibition by
a group of college All-Americans.
Four Michigan men are mentioned,
as outstanding possibilities for the
squad, Whitey Wistert, Chuck Ber-
nard, Ted Petoskey, and Herman Ev-
Wolverine Relay Team
Is Third In A.A.U. Meet
CHICAGO, July 7. - (P) -Jack
Medica, most brilliant of Uncle Sam's
distance swimmers, failed for the first
time in many attempts to set a world
record, but he outclassed his field in
the 440-yard grind to win his second
national A.A.U. championship in the
World's Fair Lagoon today.
The Los Angeles team won the 880-
yard relay, with the Detroit A.C. sec-
ond and the University of Michigan
third. The' Wolverines led for one
leg, giving way to the Detroit team.
which hung on until Callaghan, Los
Angeles' anchor man, caught Bob
Goldstein and went on to win by about
10 feet in 9:41.2.
The Michigan relay team is com-
posed of Jim Cristy, Taylor Drysdale,
Tex Robertson, and Bob Lawrence.

Sixty-Seven Go On
Trip To Cranb rook,
Kings wood Schools
Sixty-seven students, making the
trip in two buses and four private
cars, accompanied Prof. Carl J. Coe
on the third of the Summer Ses-
sion excursions to the Cranbrook
Schools in Bloomfield Hills. They left
shortly after 8 yesterday morning, and
returned to Ann Arbor in two groups,
one at about 3:15 and the other at
After reaching the boys' school
at Cranbrook at about 9:30, the group
spent half an hour wandering about
the school while waiting for an ap-
pointment at the Academy of Arts,
which was set for 10:00.
There they viewed George G.
Booth's art collection, which he has
deeded to the Cranbrook Foundation.
Among the exhibits was a model of
a proposed memorial to Alexander
Hamilton, designed by Eliel Saarinen,
architect of the Cranbrook Schools.
At this time Mr. Vernon B. Kellett,
acting assistant to the headmaster at
Cranbrook this summer, who con-
ducted the party while it was at
Cranbrook, explained to the group the
organization of the six units which
form the Cranbrook Foundation. The
only co-ordinating force, Mr. Kellett
explained, is the Foundation itself,
which administers the endowment set
up for the group, and handles its
The first of the units to be estab-
lished was the Brookside School,
which Mr. Booth originally meant to
be a choir-school for the proposed
Christ Church. These two units were,
built first, and from them grew the
entire system of schools and other,
Cranbrook, the boys' school, wasa
the next to be built, and it was com-
pleted and started operation in the<
fall of 1926. At this time the Academy#
of Arts and the Institute of Sciences
were also formed, but Kingswood, the
(Continued on Page 3)
Is Attacked.At
G.OP. eeting
Vandenberg And Fletcher
Among Prominent Party'
Speakers ,
(Daily Staff Correspondent)j
JACKSON, July 7. --Further ut-
terances of apprehension against
Democratic bureaucracy and "exces-
sive" governmental spending were)
made today by nationally prominent
speakers at the 80th birthday cele-t
bration of the Republican party here.-
Great crowds of party adherents
heard Sen. Arthur H. Vandenberg
of Grand Rapids, Chairman Henry
P. Fletcher of the Republican Na-
tional Committee, Sen. Arthur Capper
of Kansas, and several state digni-
taries lash out against the problems
and policies of the party now in
Budgetary iniquities of the Admin-
istration were severely scored by Sen-
ator Vandenberg, who characterized
the governmental spending as "the{
prodigal mistake of trying to buyg
prosperity and the worse mistake of
buying it without paying for it." t
Warns Against Inflation
He warned against what he termed
"our deadly drifts toward the mael-(
stroms of uncontrolled inflation,"(
which he said was capable of sweepingI
"all industry, commerce, and agricul-
ture under the dominion of the statel
and substitute it for the citizen as ouri
economic reliance." i

Like the speakers yesterday who
preceded him on the platform, Ser-
ator Vandenberg was firm in the be-E
lief of a rigid Constitution and flayed
the Democrats for their abuse of it.
Inevitable complications will spring
up, he stated, in a system, "wholly;
new to America, under which the1
spirit of the Constitution is mocked
and mangled; under which even the
President's own Congressional ma-
jority is significantly reduced to the
impotence of a convenient rubber
Flays Bureaucracy
Shortly before Senator Vandenberg1
spoke, members of the party heard'
Chairman Fletcher rail against bu-
reaucracy in the Administration, as-
serting that Congress had no right
whatsoever to completely turn over to
the President its powers of law mak-
ing, as evidenced in the past two
In addition, Chairman Fletcher at-;
tacked monetary policies of the Ad-
ministration, NRA regulatory activi-

Government Is
For Renewed
Of Insurgents


(Copyright, 1934, by the Associated Press)
BERLIN, July 7. - (A) - Adolf Hit-
ler called for peace and quiet and or-
dered a political truce today after a
a most turbulent week of the Nazi
The Chancellor set an example of
outward calmness for the German
people by leaving Berlin and going to
his retreat in the Bavarian Alps, at
least for the week-end and possibly
for a longer vacation.
Sub-leaders, who helped Hitler
break up the revolt with firing squads
a week ago today, also were reported
Vice-chancellor Franz von Papen,
whose position has not yet been made
secure, was smiling when visited in
his home today.
"My plans are not yet complete,"
said the aristocratic friend of Presi-
dent Paul von Hindenburg. "Every-
thing is still unsettled."
The political truce leaves him vice-
chancellor, free to come and go as he
pleases, although his home still is
guarded, presumably to protect him
from hot-blooded Nazis.
The government still is on the alert,
the propaganda ministry indicated,
for any sign of renewed effort of dis-
satisfIed elements. jo yerthrow the,
Hitler reign.
Activities of secret police will con-
tinue through the "truce," which if
carried out as planned, mean that no
major change can be made during
The cabinet, which rules Germany
as a legislative as well as an execu-
tive body, will have no meetings dur-
ing the month, it was stated at the
Chancellor's office.
To the Storm Troopers, among
whose leaders the revolt developed,
Nazi party leaders issued a carefully
worded statement assuring them that
the troop and the party belong to each
other and cannot be separated.
Handman And
Guthe To Give
Week's :Lectures
Professor Carl E. Guthe, director,
Museum of Anthropology, will lecture
on "North American Archeology" a
5 p.m. tomorrow in Natural Science
Auditorium on the eighth lecture of
the Summer Session series.
Professor Guthe will discuss what
we know about the history of Indian
civilization in North America. He will
describe some of the various tribes,
most interesting among which are
the Pueblos, who live chiefly in New
Mexico and Arizona. He will also take
up briefly the history of the mound
Professor Guthe received his dog-
tor's degree at Harvard. At the pres-
ent time he is chairman of the Com-
mittee on State Archelogical Sur-
veys of the National Research Couri-
cil. He was also at one time assistant
director of the Andover Pecos expedi-
tion, and has made excavations in
New Mexico, Guatemala, and the
Philippine Islands.
At 5 p.m. Tuesday Prof. Max S.
Handman of the economics depart-
ment will lecture on "Can and Should
America be Self-Sufficient?"
Professor Handman is a well-
known authority on economic prob-
lems. He has served on many gov-
ernment commissions, chief of which
was the Wickersham Commission.'
He served as a special investigator
for the Library of Congress in 1918,
was a member of the Commission on
Public Information, and he was also
on the staff of the United States
Inquiry Commission on Terms of
Peace in 1918.
Numbered among the societies to

Chancellor Sets Example
Of Calmness With Visit
To Bavarian Alps
Von Papen's Plans
Unsettled, He Says



'Both Your Houses' Is Lauded
As Effective Propaganda Play

New York ............45 27
Detroit ..............46 29
Boston ..............40 35
Cleveland...........37 35
Washington .........39 37
St. Louis ...........31 38
Philadelphia .........30 43
Chicago .............25 49
Yesterday's Results
Detroit 4, St. Louis 0.
New York 7, Washington 4.
Boston 11, Philadelphia 10.


"The most effective propaganda
play which has come along in several
seasons. . . It has an entirely timely
aspect. . . I wish it were playing in
Washington right now," wrote Hey-
wood Broun, in the New York World-
Telegram after seeing a Theatre Guild
performance of Maxwell Anderson's
"Both Your Houses," to be presented
this week by the Michigan Repertory
Maxwell Anderson was born at At-
lantic, Pennsylvania, in 1888. His boy-
hood was spent in the middle west.
After attending the Universities of
North Dakota and Leland Stanford,
he taught school in North Dakota and
California, and then for a time went

of the 1924-25 season. This was
quickly followed by two other plays,
"First Flight,' 'and "The Buccaneer,"
also in collaboration with Mr. Stall-
ings; then "Outside Looking In,"
based on a novel by Jim Tully, "Sat-
urday's Children," "Gods of the
Lightning," (with Mr. Dickerson),
"Gypsy," "Elizabeth the Queen," one
of the most successful productions
presented by the campus dramatic
group this past winter, and "Night
Over Taos," produced in New York by
the Group Theatre. Mr. Anderson is
also author of another play, "Sea-
Wife," as yet unproduced, and a vol-
ume of poetry, "You Who Have

Chicago, Cleveland, wet grounds
Games Today
St. Louis at Detroit.
Washington at New York.
Chicago at Cleveland.
Philadelphia at Boston.

New York ...........47
Chicago .............45
St. Louis ............42
Pittsburgh ...........37
Boston ..............39
Brooklyn ............31




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