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July 07, 1934 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1934-07-07

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LE MICHIGAN DAILY various fields could be brought about,, but that
isout of the question.
.i P.ulienn nmp.ummer . mnn

Casual Essays

.l4 a I I'.UDUC~ALt YA VA'Fes- L mlv io ub u I


Let us ask this question: Why does a university
require its first year students to take courses in
history and English that are a part of the elemen-
tary training in all sections of the state? True, they
are not exactly alike, but close enough to be classed
as repetition. The average college freshman finds
that he has forgotten most of the European history
he learned in grade school or high school.
If he has forgotten it, can it not be that he
was given too much detail to learn? College edu-
pators have learned that location of an event with-
in a period of twenty-five or fifty years is all that is
important, that trends in history rather than
dates and names are significant. Why not apply
the same reasoning to elementary training, elim-
inate one of these history courses or compress it
by half.
It seems logical to believe that the period of ele-
mentary education could be reduced by two years
through the process of elimination and compres-
sion. A student would then be able to complete
a four-year college course at the age of twenty
and could be well under way in his chosen field
while still youthful. Of course to effect such a
change would undoubtedly necessitate revolution-
ary changes in our educational set-up.


UNDER A TREE The Regents, at their meeting Sep-
tember 25, 1931, established a stand-
The clock-bell in the Engine tower rings eight ing committee of office personnel con-
times. There is no one under the umbrella tree, sisting of two vice-presidents, Messrs."
close by the main Library. A squirrel hops up ner- Smith and Yoakum, and Mr. H. G.+
vously onto the green bench. A robin listens for Watkins, Assistant Secretary, as
a worm. "standing" members with the addi-
tion, in each individual case to be
A broad young man spies the empty bench. He considered, of the Dean or other di-
sits, opens his notebook, and writes, scratches out, visional head concerned. This com-
writes, looks into space, pulls his hair once. His mittee functions in all the customary
trauma is deep for now he stands and yanks the respects of a personnel office. Its ad-
paper from his notebook, crumples part of it, and vice will be had before the Regents
does not see the other part fall to the unsuspect- make any appointments, promotions,
ing ground. Only the title of his troubles has been or salary changes within any of the
left. "The Assets and Liabilities of a Single Life." various clerical, stenographic, secre-
tarial, and secretarial-administrative

Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of St'udent Publications.
mber of the Western Conference Editorial Association
and the Big Ten News Service.
floeiatd "Ugoligt Trs .
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
fto republication of all news dispatches credited to it
or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local
news published herein. AU rights of republication of
sp'cial dispatches are reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third Assistant Postmaster-General.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.25; by mail,
$1.5 . During regular school year by carrier, $3.75; by
mail, $425.
Ofces: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Amt: Arbor MiLiganm. .Phon: 2-1214. .,-"
Representatives: College Publications Representatives.
1nc, 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80
Boylston Street, Boston; 12 NorthMichigan Avenue,
Chieago. _____
Phone 4925
ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Charles A. Baird, Clinton B. Con
ger, Paul J. Elliott, Thomas E. Groohn, Thomas H.
glene, wlam R.:Reed, RobertS. uRuwitch.
REPORTS: Barbara Bates, C. H. Beukema, Frances
Englsh, Elsie Pierce, Virginia Scott, Edgar H. Eckert,
3 rnard X. Fried.
Office ) ours: 912, 1-5 Phoneo 2-1214
Use You1r
Health Service-...
-jEW STUDENTS of the Summer
.Session, or of the regular session for
that matter, realize or take advantage of the gen-
erous provisions made for the care of their health
by the University Health Service. Each semester
a\$15 fee is extracted from students in all schools,
and this fee is used to support directly one of the
miost ef icient college medical organizations in the
In view of the fact that all students contribute
an equal amount to the support of this institu-
tion, it is only fair that all students be made
aware of the facilities for medical protection at
their service.
Statistics have shown that the more familiar
students become with the advantages of the local.
Health Service, the more frequent use they make
of it. These statistics show that, in proportion to
their number, seniors use it the most, and fresh-
men the least.
This does not mean that freshmen are neces-
sailly healthier than their upperclassmen brethren.
It simply means they haven't learned their way
about yet. Summer School students suffer from
this same lack of information.
Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, director of the Health
Service, has pointed out that, in addition to the
ordinary out-patient service offered to those call-
ing, medical advice, any necessary prescriptions,
full examinations, and care of specialists is given'
free of charge. The services of specialists in the
x-ray and eye-ear-nose-and-throat departments
are available daily..
Dr. Forsythe also advises any students wishing
full physical examinations to ask for them early
in the summer, as they may not be available in
the closing weeks.
Each student is entitled to 30-days of bed care
if necessary, either in the infirmary, the hospital,
or the contagious hospital. In addition a doctor is
on call day and night at the Health Service.
Don't get the habit of using the Health Service
only in case of emergency. Make use-of the pro-
tection it offers you through its physical examina-
tions and specialists. A few minutes today, which
will cost you nothing, may save you years of dis-
ability and thousands of dollars. Don't hesitate.
You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain.
Of Edcation .. .
S OMETHING is obviously wrong
with our educational system when

thousands of persons are spending nearly half the
active period of their lives preparing to enter
business, commerce, industry and the professions.
College-trained men and women whom we should
expect to fill key positions, are not free to
enter their chosen fields until they are twenty-
three or twenty-four years of age. That a period
of inactivity, pending actual location in his chosen
field, must be expected for the average graduate
is becoming more true every year.
Added to this is the period, length depending on
the individual and the field, during which the
graduate acquaints himself with the practical side
of his work and fits himself to the scheme of
things. When he has gotten into the swing of
his work and may be expected to begin con-
tributing something to society, he is well into the
period during which he is most useful.
It would seem that something might well be
eliminated or compressed to reduce the number
of years of educational preparation and increase
the period of social usefulness. Certainly little
ofat nn4 n.-eman ' nuimnnfin" n hP Pffeerd.n

Publication in the Tulletin is eonstrlitsve notice to .ll members of the
luni'ersilx op received at the Summer Ses ion oflice until 3:30; 11:30
S turciay.

I The Farmer
And Laborer ..

New Deal, the NRA and various
concessions to the farmer and to labor, it is be-
coming increasingly evident that the only lasting
solution to the problems of the factory laborer
and the worker in the fields must come through
direct representatives of these groups in the gov-
ernment. Platforms of the two major parties,
through one campaign after another, have carried
promises of aid, but the traditions, organizations
and financial structure' of the parties make it in-
conceivable that their interests could be closely
allied with those of the farmer and laborer.
If the labor group includes not only the workers
in the industrialized sections but clerks, salesmen
and small business employes as well, it would be
strong enough to secure direct repreentation in
Congress. As it is the factory laborers constitute
one group, while the teachers, semi-professional
workers and others, whose average salary never
rises above that of the skilled industrial worker,
throw their support to the capitalist standard.
The industrial worker, then, whose interests are
vastly different from those of the small business
employee, but on whose welfare depends to a great
extent the welfare of the latter group, must throw
in his lot with either of the major parties, taking
in return what it is politically expedient for them
to give.
The farmer has been in much the same pre-
dicament. States in which agriculture has been
tI~e chief occupation are usually sparsely settled,
and their representation in the lower house of
Congress can be out-voted by members from the
more densely populated industrial sections. Neither
of the two major parties has catered particularly
to the farmer. In that at least the farmers and
factory laborers have something incommon.
United they could gain direct and substantial
representation in Congress. Divided as they are,
their future is a hit-and-miss affair, controlled
by the fortunes and whims of party organizations
not closely allied with their own interests.
Screen Reflections
Four stars means extraordinary; three stars very
good; two stars good; one star just another picture;
no stars keep away from it.
George Burns and Gracie Allen fans have a treat
in store for them at the Majestic today. For these
two comic radio stars are appearing, with Guy
Lombardo and his Royal Canadians, in the Para-
mount picture, "Many Happy Returns." In the
supporting cast are Joan Marsh, George Barbier,
and Franklin Pangborn.
Gracie is the daughter of a department store
owner, who, in his absence takes charge of the store
and does all sorts of awful things to it. George
Burns is the announcer at the store's radio station,
who wants to resign because Gracie writes poetry
and makes him read it.
In the 'meantime Gracie continues with her
great store project. She begins tearing it down to
make room for a bird sanctuary; thousands of
birds, from pelicans to penguins, clutter up the of-
fices; gigantic sales are being held - overcoats
being given away with mittens, automobiles with
When her father returns he offers George 10
dollars a mile if he will marry Gracie and take her
on a 3,000-mile honeymoon to California. He ab-
cepts. It develops that the two have to take the
place of two highly publicized actors in a movie in
the cinema city, Gracie being the Masked Mystery
Girl and George the Masked Tenor.
They are taken into the studio to start produc-
tion. From then on everybody connected with the
production goes "nuts." Finally, to save himself
from the insane asylum, the director rewrites the
story so that Gracie is killed off early and never
seen again.
The rest of the story concerns the kidnaping of
Gracie's sister, Joan Marsh, and the subsequent
happenings. The show ends with George being of-
fered thirty dollars a mile on the condition that he
continue his honeymoon to the Orient - and keep
This is George and Gracie's third film of the
year. The other two were "Six of a Kind," and
"We're Not Dressing" with Bing Crosby.
The show marks the initial appearance on the

screen of Guy Lombardo and His Royal Cana-
dians. They introduce three new tunes, "The Boo-
gie Man," "Fare Thee Well," and "The Sweetest
Musni This Side of Heaven"

The bell tower rings again. Professor Slosson's
resonant voice somehow filters through the muggy
air. Two men find benches, pull them together, sit
on opposite sides, feet propped, books open, heads
howed, pipes smoking, and study. They achieve
keeping their heads bent for forty-five minutes.
"It is not exactly that way," explains Professor
Slosson, but the students do not hear.'
Ten o'clock. A young man comes for his stroll.
He looks for something. He sees it, a squirrel, and
quickly his hand goes into his pocket for a peanut.
The squirrel is coaxed; he nibbles at the out-held
nut and scampers away with it. The young man
saunters on.
Two women have stopped to admire the exploit.
"Know him?" asks one.
"An Economics prof."
"And giving squirrels peanuts to eat?"
"You don't understand, do you? Well, I do. I
have been studying the effects of the unconscious
mind on the conscious actions. That must be his
way of expressing how indigestible Economic
theory is today."
"But squirrels do digest nuts."
"Maybe squirrels do, but he doesn't. He feeds the
squirrel, you notice, not himself."
A German professor's voice reminds the ladies
that they are late to his class.
But the squirrel is bolder. The food has had its
effects. So up he runs to the bench under the
umbrella tree where sits a puffy maiden. She is
eating an orange. The squirrel is there before she
knows it. "Go way," she yells. "Go way!" Her
hand movement is eloquent, but the squirrel has
been eating nuts. He takes a step and waves his
beautiful tail. The maiden flees .
Twelve noon by the clock. The robin is luckier
than the squirrel. He finds a worm.
Musical Events
Thelma Lewis, soprano; Wassily Besekirsky,
violinist; Hanns Pick, violoncellist; Joseph Brink-
man and Dalies Frantz, pianists, will unite their
artistic resources in providing a particularly inter-
esting program of musical numbers for the second
Summer School concert by the University School
of Music, Tuesday evening, July 10, at '8:30 o'clock
in Hill Auditorium. The general public with the
exception of small children is invited but is re-
spectfully requested to be seated on time.
The program will be as follows:
Intermezzo in F flat minor ..........Brahms
Gigue in G major
Chorale in G minor (arr. Buson)
Organ Fugue in D major (arr. D'Alberg) .Bach
Das Wandern (Wandering) ...Schubert-Liszt
Ritual Fire Dance .................. DeFalla
Dalies Frantz
El Vito
Canto Andaluz
Villanciico Catalan
Pano Murciano
Polo'........................'Joaquin Nin
Thelma Lewis
Trio Op. 70 No. 1 .............. Beethoven
Allegro vivace
Largo assa
Wassily Besekirsky, Hanns Pick and
Joseph Brinkman
Campus Opinion
Letters published in this column should not be con-
strued as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous communications will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be reT
garded as confidential upon request. Contributors
are asked to be brief, confining themselves to less
than 500 words if:possible.
To the Editor:
One of the most classic examples of unadulter-
ated gall occurred recently when Washtenaw
county FERA workers went on a strike for (1) a
10-cents an hour raise, (2) a larger budget, and
(3) the discharge of Abram Fisher, construction
superintendent on the county jail construction
And the funny part of it is the strike was suc-

cessful. FERA workers in this country now receive
a minimum wage of 50 cents an hour - much more
than many of we poor working guys get whose
pay doesn't come out of the National treasury.
I don't understand it at all. A 40-cents-an-hour
minimum strikes me as being extremely generous.
It's good pay in good times. If there are many
more exhibitions like this, I wouldn't be a bit sur-
prised to see the FERA go by the boards. When
things come to such straits as they did here re-
cently, I wouldn't blame the government for say-
ing: "What's the use? If our workers feel like that,
let them go out and get jobs in other organiza-
If conditions like this continue, I fully expect
to see. in the near future. eople on charity refusing

positions through the entire univer-
sity, in any capacity. The Chairman
of the Personnel Committee is Dr.
C. S. Yoakum, and the secretary is
Miss Alice Twamley, whose office is
Room 202, University Hall, Phone
Campus Exchange 81.
School of Education: Changes of
elections: No course may be elected
for credit after today, and no course
may be dropped without penalty af-
ter Saturday, July 21. Any change
of elections of students enrolled in
this school must be reported at the
Registrar's Office, Room 4 University
Hall, This includes any change of
sections or instructors. Membership
in a class does not cease nor begin
until all changes have been thus of-
ficially registered. Arrangements
made with instructors only are not
official changes.
C. 0. Davis, Sec'y,
All signing-out slips from under-
graduate approved houses for women
students are due in the Undergrad-
uate offices of the Michigan League
every Monday by 5 o'clock.
Maxine Maynard, Pres.,
the Michigan League.
College of L.S.&A., Changes of Elec-
tions: No course may be elected for
credit after today, no course may be
dropped without penalty after July
21. Any change of elections of stu-
dents in this college must be reported
to Room 4, U.H. Membership in a
class does not cease nor begin until
the change has thus been officially
registered. Arrangements made with
instructors only are not official
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information: The
Bureau has received announcements
of the following Civil Service exam-
Junior Agricultural Statistician, 2,-
000 to $2,600.
Associate Veterinarian (Diseases
affecting Wild Animal Life) $3,200.
For further information, kindly call
at the Bureau, 201 Mason Hall.

Saginaw Forest, on West Liberty
Road, will be open to the public every
Sunday during the summer unless
existing conditions should make it in-
N. L. Munster,
Forest Manager.
Summer School students desiring to
join conducted groups to special ex-
hibits in Museum please register at
Summer Session office today.
Crystal Thompson, Curator
Department of Visual Education
Reading Requirements in German
for Ph.D. Candidates: Candidates in
all fields except those of the natural
sciences and mathematics must ob-
tain the official certification of an
adequate reading knowledge of Ger-
man by submitting to a written ex-
amination given by a Committee of
the Department of German.
For the summer session this ex-
amination will be given on Wednes-
day, Aug. 8, at 2 p.m. in Room 203
U.H. Students who intend to take
the examination are requested to reg-
ister their names at least one week be-
fore the date of the examination at
the office of the German Department,
204 University Hall, where detailed
information with regard to examina-
tion requirements will be given.
Women Students Riding: Women
students interested in riding are to
meet at 3:45 or 7:15 at 'the North.
University entrance of the Michigan
League today. Transportation will be
furnished to the stables.
Intramural Sports for Men: Entries
in all sports close July 8. Play begims
July 9. Those who desire to play and
have not yet signed up should do sc
Intramural Sports Department.
Men's Educational Club, Monday
evening at 7:30, Michigan Union. Talk
will be given by Mr. Wilfred B. Shaw
director of alumni relations. His sub-
j'ect will be high lights in the history
of the University.
Stalker Hall: Today at 2:30. p.m
Tour to Saline Valley Farm, a project
in economic security being directed
by Harold Gray. Bring cars. All wel-
First Baptist Church: 9:45 Student
class led by Rev. Howard Chapman
Minister of Students.
40c and their music 40c
Dancing Nightly Except Monday.
On Grand River, East of Brighton

10:45 Worship. Sermon by Rev.
R. Edward Sayles, Minister of Church,
on "Realism in Religion."
7:30 Student gathering in church
parlors. Dr. E. W. Blakeman, Coun-
cilor in Religion for the University,
will speak on "Religion on the State
University Campus."
A social hour will follow. Refresh-
ments will be served. The opportunity
is given to promote acquaintance.
Cordial welcome for all.
Congregational Church: The min-
ister, Allison Ray Heaps, will speak
Sunday morning at 10:45, delivering
the first of a series of sermons on
"Religion and Life." The subject will
be, "Being True to One's Self."
First Methodist Episcopal Church:
Sunday, at 10:45 a.m., at the First
Methodist Episcopal church. State
and Washington streets, Dr. Frederick
B. Fisher will preach on "Dangers to
be Overcome." This sermon is the
second of a series of four on the gen-
eral theme "The Challenge of Mod-
ern Life."
Sunday at 6:30: Dr. F. B. Fisher
speaks on "The Function of Religion
in An Age of Power As Seen by a
Churchman." Forum follows. Re-
freshments and fellowship before the
Sunday at 9:30: Seminar on Ap-
plied Christianity. Mature discus-
sions on applications of Christian
principles to specific life issues.
At3:30 p.m.: The International
Student Forum offers an informal
program of international fellowship.
All welcome.
The word Cherokee has no mean-
ing in the language of the Cherokee
s Indians, who prefer to call them-
1 selves Tsalagis.
A cat owned by a Barnhart, Tex.,
man "kidnaped" a kitten from an-
other cat a half mile away after her
own kittens had been taken from her.
First Methodist
Episcopal Church
State and Washington
d Ministers
Frederick B. Fisher
Peter F. Stair
10:45-- Morning worship.
t "Dangers To Be
i, Overcome"
Sermon by DR. FISHER
For University Students
3:30-International Student Forum
and Fellowship.
6:30 - Dr. Fisher speaking on "The
Function of Religion in' an Age
of Power" from the viewpoint of
a churchman. Forum following.
Refreshments and fellowship pre-
cede the meeting.





Dashing, Debonair WARNER BAXTER
in a role that is different from any he has ever played,
... a .. MA JEST IC .....','..... .
Matinees 25c - Nights: Balcony 25c, Main Floor 35
BURNS & ALLEN in Paramount's hilarious hit with music


Things Are
Looking Up

with Guy Lombardo and His Canadians


Matinees 15c . . . . . W U E RT H ....... Nights 25c
-A Double Feature Program-
"No More Women" "MASSACRE"







with Francis Compton as "Grumpy"

! \

AN%,L 0- 0%- m ~f lft M- kI

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