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July 01, 1934 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1934-07-01

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North Dakota
Governor In
Ouster Fioht
FARGO, N. D., June 30.-P) -A
new move to oust Governor William
Langer from office, based on his con-
viction of a felony and subsequent
sentence to serve 18 months in a fed-
eral penitentiary, was under way to-
day by counsel for Lieut. Governor Ole
Olson. Olson claims he now is the
legal chief executvie of North Dakota.
Counsel for Olson, who took the
oath as^ governor shortly after Lan-
ger was convicted June 17 with four
other co-defendanbs for soliciting
funds from federal relief workers,
prepared today to offer a petition to
the state supreme court asking per-
mission to begin removal proceed-
A previous request by Olson sup-
porters for the supreme court to take
original jurisdiction in proceedings
seeking Langer's ouster was refused
by the high court "at this time." The
case ordinarily would have to be
started in district court,
Supporters of Olson claim Lan-
ger's conviction of a felony disquali-
fied him to act further as governor.
I Langer contends he has the right to
retain the office - an opinion second-
ed by the state's attorney-general, a
Langer supporter - until final dis-
position of the case. An immediate
appeal to the United States circuit
court of appeals, and if necessary, to
the United States supreme court, is
contemplated by the chief executive.
Langer's sentence yesterday by Fed-
eral Judge Andrew Miller came two
days after the state primary election,
in which the chief, executive was re-
nominated overwhelmingly over two
Republican opponents. Besides the
prison term, Langer was ordered to
pay a $10,000 fine.
In passing sentence, Judge Miller
said "no honest jury would return a
different verdict. * * * The verdict
leaves this court with nothing to do
but impose a sentence as an ad-
judgement of the court to deter others
from committing a like crime against
the United States."
Four Education
Nines To Begin
Play Tomorrow
Superintendents To MeetI
Teachers As Principals
Oppose Research
The first round of the Education
Club Baseball League schedule will1
begin Monday at 4 p.m. on Ferry
Field, with the Educational Research
team meeting the Principals and the'
Superintendents playing the Teach-
The Monday games will be the
only games played next week, be-
cause of the interference of the holi-
day, but the regular schedule of
games on Tuesdays and Thursdays
will be resumed the following week.
Four teams have been selected, and
a round-robin tournament is planned.
Each team will meet each other team
three times during the progress of
the schedule,-and the schedule will be
divided into three rounds, each teama
meeting each other team once during
the round.
The team captains are, Superin-
tendents, L. Vredevgood; Principals,
V. W. Hicks; Teachers, Conrad Tem-
pleton; and Educational Research,
Rome Rankin.
The season schedule was announced
yesterday by Randolph Webster, in
charge of Intramural sports. All
games will be played on Ferry Field,

and both games will be played simul-
taneously, beginning at 4 p.m.
The schedule:,
Monday, July 2; Tuesday, July 17;1
and Thursday, July 26: Educational

(Continued from Page 2)
University Bureau of Appointments
& Occupational Information: Regis-
tration for summer school students
for both teaching and general posi-
tions will be held at the office, 201
Mason Hall, as follows:
Monday to Friday, July 2 to 6 (with
the exception of Wednesday, when
the offices are closed).
Hours 10:00 to 12:00, and 2:00 to
Summer Social
Plans Center
Around League
The League is rapidly becoming the
social center for Summer Session
students. Events fill nearly every
afternoon and evening, appealing in
some fashion to nearly every stu-
dent. Six hundred fifty-two tickets
were sold in the first official dance of
the summer given last Friday night
in the League, which, according to
Miss Ethel McCormick, Social direc-
tor of the Summer Session, was a
good total for the first week.
Reservations for the supper to be
given at 5:45 p.m. today on the lawn
of the League, for members of the
faculty and students in the Division
of Hygiene and Public Health, have
reached nearly 70. Tickets for this
affair are 35 cents and may be pur-
chased at the League only until this
noon. Like suppers are planned for
the remainder of the summer for the
students and faculties of other de-
partments of the University.
Bridge players, experienced or
otherwise, are asked, if interested, to
come to the first bridge lesson of the
summer at 8:00, Monday night, in
the Ethel Fountain Hussey room of
the League. The fee for six lessons
is 1.50. The classes are under the di-
rection of Mrs. John Mathes.
Bonthron Defeats
Cunningham Again
MILWAUKEE, June 30-- () -In
a thunderbolt finish that stirred the
emotions of 17,000 sweltering specta-
tors, Princeton's Bill Bonthron,
smooth, tireless, and game, conquered
his arch rival, Glenn Cunningham of
the plains of Kansas in the 1,500-
meter run today to smash all existing
records for the distance.
In a race jammed with a nerve-
tingling climax, Bonthron came from
behind to defeat Cunningham, holder
of the world's record for the one-mile
run, and provided a dramatic thrill
for the 47th national A.A.U. track
and field championships in which
three world's records were broken.
He conquered Cuningham by two
feet in the sensational time of 3:48.
The race was a classic. It seemed
inconceivable that Bonthron, trailing
the struggling Cunningham by 15
yards, could ever close the gap be-
tween them.
When he was 100 yards from the
finish, Bonthron opened up with a
sprint that left the crowd gasping.
Inch by inch the game Bonthron be-
gan to creep up on Cunningham.
When they were 20 yards from the
finish he caught the champion and
for a few feet they ran shoulder to
shoulder like a team of horses.
Research vs. Principals; Superinten-
dents vs. Teachers.
Tuesday, July 10; Thursday, July
19; and Tuesday, July 31: Educational
Research vs. Superintendents; Prin-

cipals vs. Teachers.
Wednesday, July 11; Tuesday, July
24; Thursday, August 2: Educational
Research vs. Teachers; Principals vs.






-the hut offers a variety
of good things to eat
his sunday .. .


featured today
Chicken Okra Soup

Fruit Cocktail

Tomato Juice




75c Choice
Chicken Fricassee with Tea Biscuit
Fried Native Frog Legs - Tartar Sauce
Roasted Long Island Duckling Stuffed
Grilled Beef Tenderloin Steak - Mushrooms
Fried One-Half Spring Chicken, Country Style
Grilled Club Sirloin Steak
85c Choice
Broiled Whole Baby Lobster - Drawn Butter
Broiled Top Sirloin Steak - Bacon
Broiled Filet Mignon a la hut
Grilled Large T-Bone Steak
Mashed Potatoes French Fried Potatoes
Fresh Spinach Fresh Green Beans



Crown Salad
Dessert Ice Tea, Coffees Milk







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