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June 25, 1934 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1934-06-25

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rally fair today; scattered
's tomorrow. Cooler in ex-
southeast portion today.




Another Summer Session
Opens; Your Daily Newspaper

Official Publication Of The Summer Session

-........... -






i' i T iJ l/L' 1\ 1 iJ



Of 25
ires To


League Will Be Summer Center
For Campus Social Activities


in Today

f. Preston Slosson To
eak On 'Dictatorships'
As Afternoon
>f. Hobbs WilJl
eeture Tomorrow
4tudy Of Skill In Golf'
Subject of Thursday's
ilk By Psychologist'

If you're socially inclined, and no
doubt the majority of you are, the
Michigan League will be the center
of your activities for the summer.
For an extensive program of danc-
ing and bridge lessons, teas and
suppers, stunt nights and social eve-
nings has been planned by Miss Ethel
McCormick, social director, assisted
by more than 25 members of the
social committee.
Of course if you yearn for the
great out-of-doors there are no end
of facilities for golf, tennis, swim-
ming and riding. Plans are under-
way by thewA.A. for tournaments,
mixed svgs, hikes, picnics and
moonlight rides galore.
Friday of, this week is the cate
set for the first official summer ses-
sion dance. Al Cowan and his band,
popular last summer, will furnish
the music for the weekly affairs
which will be held in the League ball-

room. Students are invited to attend
singly. A committee of hosts and
hostesses will be. on hand as in the
Of course the big event of the
summer session is the student-faculty
reception, scheduled for the second
Friday night.
The first dancing class for begin-
ners and intermediates will be held
June 28 with Roland Fulton and Miss
McCormick in charge. Lessons will be
given from 7 to 8 each Tuesday and
Thursday evening, and those inter-
ested are urged to sign up imme-
diately. A committee of girls will as-
Bridge lessons under the instruc-
tion of Mr. and Mrs. John Mathes
will be continued. They will begin
next Monday evening and continue
over eight weeks,
Stunt nights, popular during the
regular session, will be introduced
(Continued on Page 5)

Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the his-
ry department will open the an-
al Summer Session program of spe-
l lectures at 5 p.m..4oday in Natur-
Science Auditorium, speaking on
Professor Slosson's lecture will be
e first in a series of 25 talks by
>minent University faculty mem-
s throughout the Session, cover-
such representative fields as med-
ne, political science, history, jour-
lism, architecture, mathematics,
ysics, psychology, speech, and eco-
Professor Slosson, one of the most
>ular lecturej's on the campus, has
n associated with the University
ce 1921.Before that time he served
an assistant in history at Colum-
Has Varied Career
le began his active career in ip-
national affairs by serving the
ited States Department of State
1917. Soon afterwards he was
ned assistant librarian . for the
erican Commission to negotiate
ce during 1918 and 1919. He was
°r appointed literary editor of the
v York Independent.
[e was awarded the Carnegie Pro-
orship in History in 1932.and was
e- a leave of absence from the
versity to teach history in the Uni-
sities of Glasgow, Manchester, and
le has written a number of booksI
pamphlets dealing with history
I problems of diplomacy. Chief
ng these are "'Twentieth Century'
ope," "Decline of the Chartist
/ement," "The Great Crusade and
er," and 'Problem of Austrian-
man Union."
Hobbs To Retire
t 5 p. m. tomorrow in Natural
nce Auditorium, Professor-emer-
William H. Hobbs of the geology
artment will continue the series,
iring on the "Evolution of Meth-
in Polar Exploration." This will7
the first of numerous illustrated
ures on the program.
rofessor Hobbs, who will retire
'n active teaching after this Sum-
Session, was named Professor-
ritus by the Board of Regents at
eeting last spring.l
he third lecture this week will be
ered at 5 p.m. Thursday in Nat-
Science Auditorium by Prof.'
ry F. Adams of the psychology
artment on "A Study of Skill in1
." Slides ilustrating form in golf{
be shown.

Auto Permits
Are Available
At Rea's Office
Rules In Regard To Cars
Outlined; Exception Is
Granted Three Groups
Students who wish permits to drive
automobiles during the Summer Ses-
sion must r~gister at the office of the
dean of students immediately, Wal-
ter B. Rea, assistant to the dean,
stated yesterday. "Many students are
not aware that the filling out of the
registration card in the section de-
voted to automobile operation does
not constitute a permit," Mr. Rea ex-
plained. "Regular permits must be
obtained at Room 2, University Hall,
by those not exempt from the ruling."
More lenient during the summer
than during the regular sessions of
the University, the regulations, which
go into effect at 8 a.m. today, allow
exemption from the ban to the fol-
lowing groups of studehts:
Exemptions Are Listed,
1. Those who in the academic year
were engaged in professional pur-
suits as, for example, teachers, law-
yers, physicians, dentists, and nurses.
2. Those who are 2$ years old or
3. Those who have a Summer Ses-
sion faculty ranking of teaching as-
sistant or its equivalent, or higher.
Permits will also be issued for the
following purposes to students not in
the aforementioned exempted groups:
1. For those with whom circum-
stances necessitate the use of an au-
2. For participation in outdoor
sports, as swimming, golf, tennis, etc.,
and for recreational purposes.
Explanation Is Made
"Recreational purposes," Mr. Rea1
explained, "is intended to includet
transportation to the nearby lakes
and golf courses, and student pas-1
sengers may be carried on these oc-t
casions. This is not meant to in-
clude driving to and from the cam-1
pus, making social calls, or pleasure
driving. Mixed couples driving an
automobile after 9 p.m. under the
provisions of a recreational permit
will be considered as violating thet
Some students have failed to list thet
license number of their car when fill-.r
ing out the automobile regulationst
blanks this summer, Mr. Rea stated1
yesterday, and it is necessary fork
those students to report to the officer
of the dean of students at once. 4

Theatre Group
To Give Series
Of Nine Plays
Repertory Players Again
Under Direction Of Play
Production head
The Michigan Repertory Players,
operating as a regular function of
the University Summer Session cours-
es, will present a series of nine plays
this year.
The Players, whose first produc-
tion had its premiere last Friday night
with James Hagan's serio-comic dra-
ma "One Sunday Afternoon," will
continue the series today and to-
morrow at the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre with- the presentation of "'A
Hundred Years Old," a farce by Sera-
fin and Joaquin Quinteros. Wednes-
day and Thursday the Players will
again present "One Sunday After-
noon," and on Friday and Saturday
will replay "A undred Years 0ld."
Valentine B. Windt, director of
Play Production, will again be in
'(Continued on Page 2)
Coe To .Direct
Series Of Trips
This Summer,

New Deal Is
Supported By
Two-To-One Margin Give
Presidential Policies I
Literary Digest Poll
Michigan Sixth In
Affirmative Voting
University Voting Ratio Is
Slightly Above General
State Returns
The majority of students and fac-
ulty members of the University favor
the policies of President Roosevelt
and the New Deal, according to the
first returns from the campus poll
conducted by the Literary Digest with
the co-operation of The Daily.
Of the total 625 ballots which have
been sent in from the Michigan cam-
pus to date, 420 voters indicated their
approval of Roosevelt's tactics, while
only 205 disapproved - a two-to-one
margin for the President's followers.
The campus balloting, which fol-
lowed the Digest's nation-wide poll on
the question, "Do you favor on the
whole the acts and policies of Roose-
velt's first year?," was conducted at
17 colleges and universities in dif-
ferent sections of the United States in
co-operation with the student news-
papers in those institutions. The re-
sults of those polls were kept sepa-
rate from those indicating the an-
swers of 15 million American citi-
zens on the same question.
Result Is Surprising
The Digest's poll among college stu-
dents and faculty members resulted
in a surprising display of Roosevelt
support, particularly in those schools
where earlier polls indicated a differ-
ence of opinion. Analysis of the bal-
lots from the 14 colleges already heard
from on a basis of the way-the stu-
dents voted in the 1932 Presidential
election shows that Hoover "carried"
ten of the colleges listed. Yet in the
recent poll, all 14 h e vted i fayor
of Rqosevelt's policies.
Returns to date in the Newspaper
Poll of American Undergraduates re-
cord an approving ratio of 64.46 per
cent of the 13,654 ballots returned
from the 14 institutions. Wisconsin
is at the top of the list with a "Yes"
ratio of 72.03 per cent. The Univer-
sity of Illinois has returned the small-
est proportion of "Yes" ballots - 57.46
per cent - but is still about 4 per
cent higher than the State of Illinois
on the national balloting.
Bankers Disagree
The 14 schools which have been
heard from in the undergraduate bal-
loting, in the order of their "Yes"
ratio votes, are as follows: University
of Wisconsin, Dartmouth, Columbia
College, New York University, Vassar,
University of Michigan, Harvard, Uni-
versity of Virginia, Wellesley, Univer-
ity. of Minnesota, Cornell, Brown,
Yale, and University of Illinois.
The ratio of "Yes" ballots from the
University of Michigan was slightly
above that of the State of Michigan in
the nation-wide poll and considerably
iigher than the ratio of "Yes" votes
from clergymen, business men, and
,physicians in the State.
Further returns in the undergradu-
te poll, which are tabulated each
week by the Digest, will be reported
yy The Daily as soon as they are

Campus Shows
Activity After



Large Numbers Are
1 Attracted To City
Ruthven, Hopkins Is s u e
Welcoming Statements
To Incoming Students
Showing signs of renewed activity
since it was virtually deserted a week
ago, following the annual commence-
ment activities, the Michigan cam-
pus Saturday and Sunday became the
center of interest for hundreds of
summer school students, many of
them paying a return visit to Ann
Arbor, and others registering at the
University for the first time.
Officially convening today, the
Summer Session has attracted a large
number of students and educators
from all parts of the country, to bring
a definite increase in its enrollment
over the session of a year ago. Al-
though a large number had arrived
before the week-end in order to com-
plete housing arrangements before
the session opened, many more are
expected to arrive today by automo-
bile, bus, and plane, with many tak-
ing advantage of the lowered railroad
rates to come from more distant
Shops Are Opened
Some of the campus shops which
had either closed or shortened hours
during the interim following the close
of the regular session, were expected
to be back on regular schedule today,
to answer the demands of the city's
summer visitors.
Alexander Grant Ruthven, presi-
dent of the University, and Louis A.
Hopkins, new director of the Sum-
mer Session, both have issued wel-
coming statements to the incoming
students. Their statements follow:
President Alexander G. Ruthven
"When the first summer courses
were given in 1894, only the most in-
formal arrangements were made. In
fact, these courses were offered by a
few of our professors acting as indi-
viduals and it was not until 1900 that
the University, perceiving the call for
such work, organized it regularly un-
der its own auspices. Now, on the
fortieth anniversary of these pioneer
efforts, the Summer Session is regu-
larly a part of the year's program,
equal in all respects to the academic
session. The summer students are
members of the University of Michi-
gan in the same sense as those who
register in September or at any other
time in the year. We welcome you
who come here for the Summer Ses-
sion of 1934, with full prospect for
the purpose and ambition that lead
you to devote to educational pursuits
the time that might less gainfully be
spent otherwise. We invite you, par-
ticularly those who have come to Ann
Arbor for the first time, to avail
yourselves of all of the unusual fa-
cilities and opportunities to be found
here and to understand that you are
fully adopted into Michigan's f am-.
ily." .
Director Louis A. Hopkins
"On behalf of the Administration I
wish to welcome \all of you who have
enrolled in the Summer Session and
to express the hope that every one of
you shall utilize to the fullest extent
the resources which the University
has provided. The courses offered
cover a wide range of human knowl-
edge and afford you a large opportu-
nity for enriching your educational
experiences. The popular afternoon
lectures, excursions to interesting
places outside of Ann Arbor, plays,
concerts, and social functions are all
planned for your pleasure and profit,
My hope is that you will participate
in these activities and that your so-
journ in Ann Arbor will add measur-
ably to your happiness."

Student Fees 50 Cents
For University Links

e w Director




Figures Show Increased
Enrollment As Forty-First

* * *


6 Concerts To
Be Offered By
Will Present Programs On
Tuesday Nights During
Stummer Session
Six concerts, which will be open
to the general public as well as the
student body, are to be offered during
the summer months by the faculty of
the School of Music, it was announced
Saturday by President Charles A.
Sink of-the School of Music..
The concerts, which will be given
on Tuesday nights in Hill Auditorium,
will take.place July 3, 10, 17, 24, and
31, and Aug. 7, as part of the general
Summer Session program of the
School of Music faculty.
Members of the summer faculty in
the school are: Charles A. Sink, Pres-
ident; Earl V. Moore, Musical Di-
rector; Wassily Besekirsky, Violin;
Palmer Christian and E. William
Doty, Organ; Arthur Hackett, James
Hamilton and Thelma Lewis, Voice;
David Mattern, MVlamie Kunsman, and
Fon.. Rloiim Piln,,a n nn1 mir.

Students Are

Urged To Use
Health Service
Summer school students are urged
to take advantage of the generous
provisions made for the care of their
health by the Health Service, Dr.
Warren E. Forsythe said Saturday in
outlining the facilities offered to
regularly enrolled students here for
the Summer Session.
In addition to ordinary out-pa-
tient service offered to those calling
at the Health Service, Dr. Forsythe
pointed out that medical advice, any
necessary prescriptions, full exam-
inations, and care of specialists is
given free of charge. The services of
specialists in the x-ray and eye-ear-
nose-and-throat departments are
available daily.
Dr. Forsythe advised that students


Eleven Excursions To Be
Offered ; Put-In-Bay And
Niagara Falls Included
Excursions for Summer Session stu-
dents, opening with a tour of the
University campus and points of in-
terest about Ann Arbor, and in-
cluding a week-end excursion to Ni-
agara Falls, this summer will be under
the direction of Prof. Carl J. Coe, of
the mathematics department, it has
been announced by Director Louis A.
In all, 11 excursions will be of-
fered, two of them to Greenfield Vil-
lage and the Ford airport, in order
that more students will be able to
take advantage of the opportunity to
make the trip. Of especial impor-
tance thi summer are the trips to
Put-in-Bay and to Niagara Falls,
both of which will be under the di-
rection of Prof. William H. Hobbs,
who is retiring this fall as head of
the department of geology. It will
be necessary for students to register
early in the Summer Session office for
the Niagara Falls trip, Professor Coe
has stated, in order for reservations
to be made.
The first excursion, for which no
charge will be made, -will take place
Thursday afternoon. It will include
a general tour of the campus, in-
spection of the General Library, Cle-
ments Library of Early American His-
tory, Cook Legal Research Library,
and other buildings of the Law Quad-
rangle, Michigan Union, Aeronautical
Laboratory, Naval Tank, Student
Publications Building, and other
points of interest. Explanatory talks
will be given by those in charge of the
Other excursions to be offered this
summer are:
Saturday, June 30, a day in De-
troit, including a trip to the Detroit
News Building, Belle Isle,, the Fisher
Building, and Radio Station WJR.
Saturday, July 7, the Cranbrook
Schools, including an inspection of

Hopkins Deserted
Coo SHummer Home
For Stuffy Office
An exile from his happy hunting
ground is Dr. Louis A. Hopkins, about
to start his first term as director of
the Summer Session, who succeeded
Dean Edward H. Kraus in that po-
sition early last fall.
Until this year, Director Hopkins
has spent blissful. summers in the
company of his wife and two sons at
their cottage on Crystal Lake, near
Frankfort, two miles from President
Ruthven's summer- home, and also
near the cottages of Dr, James D.
Bruce and other men of Michigan.
So when this group found that it
was losing touch with the University
during the summer, they delegated
Dr. Hopkins as a representative of
their colony to come down here and
see that the Summer Session did not
lose touch with the cool North woods.
Now Dr. Hopkins faces at least eight
summer weeks before he. can once
more retire to Frankfort.
Dr. Hopkins was graduated from
Butler University in 1905, and took
his master's degree at the University
of Chicago in 1906, coming here in
the same year as" an instructor in
mathematics. In 1915 he was made
Secretary of the Colleges of Engi-
neering and Architecture, and in 1917
was advanced to an assistant pro-
fessorship. Meanwhile he had taken a
leave of absence in 1913 and 1914
to return to the University of Chica-
go, where he received his doctor's de-
gree in 1915.
In May, 1930, he was elected Secre-
tary of the University Senate, and
following the organization 'of the Uni-
versity Council in 1931 was also made
':ecretary of that group. He still holds
the latter two secretariats, although
he resigned from his position in the
Colleges of Engineering and Archi-
tecture last fall, and he is now an
associate professor.
His specialty is the study of celes-
tial mechanics, and he has written
two books and numerous articles on
the subject.
Visiting Men ,
To Teach Here

Daily Offers Students
Journalism Training
Students enrolled in the Sum-
mer Session who want training
and experience in newspaper work
may apply at the editorial offices
of The Daily on Maynard Street.
The editorial staff of The Daily is
made up of pr'ofessional and stu-
dent writers, and those interested
in this type of work may obtain
instruction in reporting, copy-
reading, editing, proof-reading,
and other phases of journalism as
it pertains to a daily newspaper.
Facilities Of Waterman
Gymnasium Open To Men
Gymnasium and shower facilities of
Waterman gymnasium on the campus
are open for the use of men students
during the Summer Session, Dr.
George B. May, director of physical
education, announced Saturday. There
will be no organized classes or defi-
nite periods, but the equipment of
the gymnasium for any indoor ac-

381 More Students Now
Entered Than At Same
Time Last Year
Reports Show List
To Saturday Noon
1932 Number Of 3,757
May Be Equalled By End
4 Of Registration
The Forty-First Summer Session of
Tuhe University of Michigan opens to-
day with a definite increase in en-
rollment over last year and which may
closely approximate that of 1932,
when 3,757 students were in atten-
The latest reports available to The
Daily, which showed the enrollment
figures up to Saturday noon, when
she cashier's office closed for the
week-end, indicated an increase of
381 students over the same period
last year, when -1,351 students had
nrolled. The total enrollment for
last year, at the close of registration,
was 2,962. Final enrollment figures
for this summer will be available later
in the week.
More Graduate Students
A large increase in the number of
students signing up for courses in the
Graduate School is largely responsi-
ole for the advance over last year.
At noon Saturday, 811 had enrolled in
hat unit, which was an increase of
274 over the same period in 1933. The
School of Education also showed an
increase of 23 students over the cor-
responding period of last year.
In the literary college, 289 students
had registered by noon Saturday, an
ncrease of 38 over the same time last
ear.. The -orly unit tsl shoW !1~
crease in enrollment were the Col-
lege of Architecture and the Medical
School,-in which the figures showed a
drop of only one and three students,
respectively. All the other depart-
ments showed an increase.
Camp Enrollment Up
The Forestry and Conservation
Camp, located at Munising, doubled
its enrollment this year, with 32 stu-
dents enrolled as compared with only
16 for 1933. Figures from the other
!hree University summer camps are
not yet available, although reports in-
dicate that registration at all of the
-amps will be equal to, or above, that
of 1933.
The largest enrollment for a Sum-
mer Session was in 1931, when 4,323
students were registered in the vari-
ous departments. A decrease from
that figure came in 1932 and last
year, largely because of the drop in
attendance among teachers and pro-
fessional men and women who, be-
ciause of general economic conditions,
were unable to further their educa-
tion during the summer months.
Law Session
Opening Is Set
For Wednesday
Dr. Scott And Professor
Reeves To Give Opening
Addresses Here
The formal opening of the annual
Summer Session on Teaching Inter-
national Law, sponsored by the Car-
negie .Endowment for International
Peace, will be held here Wednesday.
Dr. James Brown Scott, director of the
division of international law of the
Carnegie Endowment for Internation-
al Peace, and Prof. Jesse S.Reeves of
the University political science de-
partment will address the students.
The purpose of this conference,
which will continue until July 31, is to

allow a number of men who are stu-
dents in the field to come in contact
with other students and to receive ex-
pert instruction from authorities on
the subject.
Announcement of the program for
the session was made yesterday by of-
ficials. It will consist of a series of
courses, group conferences, and pub-
lic lectures.
The personnel of the teaching fac-
ulty includes Dr. Scott as chairman.

iFrancis Compton To
New Guest Director
Summer Players


Supplementing the teaching staff
of the University for the 1934 Sum-
ner Session, 22 outside educators
will become members of the faculty
for the summer months.
Of the visiting group, eight will give
courses at the Biological Station at
Lake Douglas, three will assist the
regular staff at the Law School, and
three will be added to the Library
The major change to be made in
the Summer Repertory Players will
have Franci& mann nrn-amfl

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