John Jacob Astor III To Marry Society Girl Today
Newport, R. I., will be the scene of the outstanding society event of the New England season today
when John Jacob Astor III, wealthy 21-year-old scion of one of America's most prominent families, is,
married to Ellen Tuck French, daughter of Mrs. Livingston French, prominent in Newport and New York
society.. The two are shown above, with an interior of the historic Trinity church where the wedding will
take place.
Stan Smith To
Take Part In
Elmira Event
Champion Glider Ace Will
Fly For Bendix; C. Sweet
To Represent University
Michigan's chances of successfully
defending their National gliding,
title at the annual tournament
which has been in progress at Elmira
New York during the past week, re-
ceived a severe blow when Stan Smith,1
'34E, University glider ace, decided
to represent the Bendix Brake Co. of
South Bend, Indiana, in the tourna-'
This is Smith's third National meet.'
In 1932 he placed second in the tour-
nament, staying up in the air for
seven hours and 15 minutes in com-
parison to the winner's time in the air
of eight hours. Last year he won the
individual title, staying aloft for two
hours and 10 minutes. The poor time
in comparison to that made the year
previous was explained by University
glider experts on the grounds of ad-
verse weather conditions.
This spring Smith towed his glider
down to the Bendix airport in South
Bend and put it through its paces,
making three loops with it and per-
forming other daredevil feats. His
performance so pleased the Bendix
people that they decided to enter
Smith with his glider in the National
tournament as an advertising stunt.
Cedric Sweet, '36E, is the Univer-
sity's representative at the meet and
is flying the University-owned Frank-
lin utility glider. Last year Sweet
along with Smith won the $1,500
Evans group trophy.
Smith is also flying a Franklin util-
ity glider. Beside this type of glider
there is a class "for sail planes also.
The national meets are usually held
in Elmira, according to authorities,
because of the valleys there having
excellent upcurrents, which givessthe
pilots a chance to show their skill
in "catching" these currents. Another
factor promoting upcurrents is black
soil, a feature prevalent in the topog-
raphy at. Elmira.
Smith received his Bachelor of
Science degree in Aeronautical Engi-
neering this June. While a student
here he was a member of the Engi-
neering Council, Tau Beta Pi, na-
tional honorary engineering society,
Vulcans, senior engineering society,
Triangles, junior honorary engineer-
ing society, and Phi Eta Sigma, fresh-
man honorary scholastic society.
co-operative, educational, industrial
and religious centers in Michigan.
The general summer program fol-
On Sundays: At 9:30 a.m. - A sem-
inar on applied Christianity. At 3:30
p.m.- A series of world-minded pro-
grams sponsored by the International
Student Forum. At 6:30 p.m. - Talks
and forums on the function of religion
in an age of power.
On Week Days: Wednesdays at
4:30 p.m. -Outings and picnic sup-
pers. Saturdays - Tours to different
parts of the state.
Camp News
The annual Forestry Camp of the
College of Forestry and Conservation,
which is located in the Hiawatha Na-
tional Forest in Alger County near
Munising, Michigan, opened June 25
for the summer term.
Prof. Robert J. Craig, Jr., Director,
announced a one hundred per cent
increase over the 1933 enrollment,
with 32 students attending the camp.
The foresters come from all sections
of the country, and represent the
largtst enrollment in the history of
the camp. Every student was pres-
ent at 8 o'clock Monday morning.
Assisting Professor Craig on the
Forestry Camp faculty are Prof.
Leigh J. Young, of the College of
Forestry anduConservation, who will
be succeeded at the midterm by his
colleague, Prof. Donald M. Matthews;
Ralph Wilson, '33, who just received
his master's degree from the Uni-
versity of Washington; and Charles
Stoddard, '34, who graduated from
Michigan this year. Both Mr. Wilson
and Mr. Stoddard are acting as as-
sistants in a great amount of the
field work being done at the Camp
this session.
A change in the Summer Camp
curriculum has been announced by
Dean Samuel T. Dana of the College
of Forestry and Conservation. This
consists of the institution of a new
course in Forest Reconnaissance,
which will supplement and enlarge
the course formerly called Forest Im-
provements. Professor Matthews will
give the new course during the sec-
ond half of the Summer Session.
Other work offered at the camp
consists of courses in Fire Prevention
Dr. Fisher To
Deliver Series
Of 4 Sermons
A preaching program of interest
has been arranged by the First Meth-
odist Episcopal Church for its Sunday
morning services throughout the
Summer Session of the University. Dr.
Frederick B. Fisher, well known for
his pulpit ministry, will preach four
sermons on the general theme "The
Challenge of Modern Life."
His introductory message tomorrow
morning on "Mysteries to be Ex-
plored" will be followed by discussions
of "Dangers to be Overcome," on July
8, "Satisfactions to be Gained," on
July 15, and "Our Hunger for Real-
ty," on August 12.
Three outstanding preachers will
be guests of the local pulpit during
,he summer. Dr. Frederick Spence, of
Jackson, will preach July 22; Dr.
[-arry N. Holmes of New York on
July 29; and Bishop J. Ralph Magee
f Saint Paul on August 5.
No evening services will be held
during the summer months, the
morning worship concluding the day's
services excepting the first Sunday
of the month when a Vesper Service
s held. Next Sunday Dr. Fisher will
>reach a vesper sermon on "Finding
:iod," at 4:30 in the vestry of the
Contributing to the worship pro-
;ram is the music furnished by a
large, vested choir, directed by Achil-
les Taliaferro, organist.
and Control, Forest Mensuration, and
Dendrology, given respectively by
Professor Young, Professor Craig, and
-assistafnts Wilson and Stoddard.
Lee E. Yeager, Grad.
The Rev. Stanley C. Hughes,
but he will be in Ann Arbor today
Reeves, head of the political science
rector of the church, was to have officiated at the Astor-French nuptials,
where he will marry Ellen Howell Reeves, daughter of Prof. Jesse S.
department, and Alexander Kimball Gage, Jr., of Detroit.
Where To Go
8:00-Excursion No. 2, A Day in
Detroit; Meet on Angell Hall Steps.'
2:00 - Michigan Theatre, "Thirty-
Day Princess" with Sylvia Sidney.
2:00-Majestic Theatre, "The
Merry Frinks" with Guy Kibbee.
2:00 - Wuerth Theatre, two fea-
tures; "The Mystery of Mr. X" with
Robert Armstrong and "The Golden
Harvest" with Richard Arlen.
4:00 - Same features at the three
7:00 -Same features at the three
7:45 - Arthur E. Wood will lead
the discussion of the Liberal Students
League on the topic, "The Stage Is
Set for Religious Change.'
8:15 - "A Hundred Years Old,"
Quinteros, by the Michigan Repertory
Players, Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Canoeing on the Huron every af-
ternoon and evening.
Dancing at the Blue Lantern Ball-
room, Island Lake,
Dancing at the Whitmore Lake Pa-
vilion, Reade Pierce and His Or-
sented in nearly every large city in
the United States and Canada.
Reservations may be made now at
the box office of the Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre.
Stalker Hall
Gives Plans
For Summer
Stalker Hall, Methodist student
religious center, adjoining the church
on N. State St., announced yesterday
its complete program for the summer.
In formulating it, an attempt was
made to keep in mind the needs and
interests of students in a functional
religion, good fellowship, recreation,
discussions and internationalism, ac-
cording to Gordon B. Halstead, stu-
dent councillor.
In general the schedule for the
summer includes seminars, talks and
forums each Sunday, and picnics,
tours and outings during the week.
The first speaker on the Sunday
program is Dr. Stuart Courtis of the
faculty of the School of Education,
who will speak on "The Function of
Religion in an Age of Power" at 6:30
p.m. tomorrow.
Other speakers throughout the
summer will represent the industrial
worker, the industrial leader, the or-
ganized church, the labor union, engi-
neering, and sociology.
The first outing is planned for
Wednesday, July 4. Each Saturday a
tour will leave the Hall for various
' 7k
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By Contract, per tine-2 lines daily, one
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2 lines daily, college year . ..7Vc
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