Official Publication of the Summper Session
about the measure. As industry regains its feet, it
rises to throw off what it considers "a straight-
jacket on the normal operations of business and
Dictatorship of the American Federatibn of
Labor, decrease in profits, acquiescence to govern-
ment supervision and control - to industry these
things justify its demand for the repeal of the
so-called "emergency measures." Leaders of in-
dustry believe that the success of their enterprise
means the prosperity of the nation, labor included.
Agcording to this philosophy, the security of labor
is a by-product of thriving industry. The fact is
that industry even in its prosperous years afforded
labor no security. The average wage has never
equalled the wage essential for a decent living.
The Federal government maintains that no bus-
iness has a right to exist which cannot pay a
living wage. Experience shows that uncontrolled{
industry cannot be expected to meet this requisite.
To the entrepreneur profits necessarily take prece-
dence over all other considerations. The cheaper
the labor cost, the better showing the executive
can make before the stockholders. To give labor
an opportunity to attain that which is the pur-
pose of civilization, a greater measure of security,
the government has recognized the principle of
collective bargaining.
To be sure, these people had gained much. Much
that a certain Junior had not gained. (This story
is not fabricated.) It was Christmas time and she
together with a friend was riding to Chicago. "The
tree by the Library," said a student gabbler, "is very
pretty, isn't it? The lighted tree?" he added seeing
no glimmer of recognition in the listener's eyes.
"The Library. Oh! Where is that building?"
"Why the one in the middle of the campus,
with all the big windows, you know."
"Oh. I think I've passed it. I must go in some-
time." -
And the junior smiled up at the newsboy who
was asking her if she would like a College Humor.
She looked at her companion. "No thank you.
I have mine here."
At least this lack of information will not hap-
pen to several hundred persons who looked over
the Library June 28.
Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the Summer session office until 3:30: 11:30
or."amm'. i
11 1 ANt"a"I" , I I 1 11
Published every morning except Monday during the
University yearrand Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association
and the Big Ten News Service.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to- it
or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local
news published herein. All rights of republication of
special dispatches are reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan,as
second class matter. Special rate of postage. granted by
Third Assistant Postmaster-General.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.25; by mail,
$1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $3.75; by
mail, $4.25.
Offices: Student Publications Building,. Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
Representatives: College Publications Representatives,
Tne., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80-
Boylston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue,.
Phone 4925
ASSOCIATE&EITOR: Charle A. B ird. Clinton B. Con-
ger, Paul.. Eltt, Thomas . Groehn, Thomas H.
eene, William R. Reed,-Robert S. Ruwitch
R PORTERS: Barbara _ ates, C. H. Bukema, Fraces
EnghElsiPierce, virgnia Scott, Edgar H. Eckert,
Bernad H. Fried.
Office Hours 9-12, 1-5 Phone2-1214
An Explanation...
HURSDAY a group of summer stu-
dents making a tour of the campus
visited the Clements Library to look at the exhibits
and the rare books housed there. When they asked
one of the librarians what the procedure for getting
the books out of the library was, they were told
that the books were- not available to the general
public, nor even to regular undergraduate or grad-
uate students of the University.
Such a policy is not snobbery, nor a "dog in the
manger" attitude on the part of those in charge
of the library; it is a praiseworthy attempt at
preservation of the most valuable archives of the
nation. For in that collection are volumes that
could never be replaced if they were ever dam-
aged, lost, or destroyed.
Regent William L. Clements at one time named
two classifications for the bo.oks in the library:
"rare" books, and books that were only "scarce."
All of them are constantly kept under lock and
key, while the "rare" books are kept in a spe-
cially constructed burglar and fireproof vault in.
the building. And there they remain for the pres-
eat only to be loked at, but on occasions to be
used by the historians in the writing of textbooks
for the schools and the general public. Their ulti-
mate purpose is to serve as a complete record of the
early history of our nation for future generations.
In the mind of a book lover, the greatest possible
crime is to destroy a good book, for in such a
destruction may perish a race, its history, and its
literature; in fact, all of its contributions to civil-
ization. If a primary source of information dis-
appears, accuracy atnd intimate knowledge of the
subject becomes impossible. There remain only a
few copies of the geography written by Wald-
seemuller from which the two American continents
got their names. Can such a book be left on an
open shelf for handling by whoever passes by?
Time alone does enough for the destruction of the
biok, without any unnecessary outside help.
Another book in the Clements Library is a copy
of .a letter written by Columbus telling of his first
voyage of exploration. Of the first edition of this
letter there remains but one copy. The copy in the
Library is one of about twenty which remain of the
second edition. Only a few copies, of each of the
other editions are known to book collectors. What
dcumrnent can tell more in the history of explora-
tion than the firsthand account of the first au-
thentic discovery of America?
At present the special exhibit on display in the
Main Room of the Library is in connection with
the Lafayette bicentennial commemoration, and
includes several letters written by Lafayette him-
self, as well as contemporary newspaper articles.
Such documents are invaluable for a study of the
Rievolutionary War, or Lafayette, or of the history
if America as a whole. The general public
more right to handle such documents than a lay-
man would have to use for pleasure a serum needed
by a doctor to save a life.
It is for these reasons that the Clements Library
is entirely justified in trying to preserve valuable
archives at the expense of denying their use to the
reading public. The policy of those in charge
amounts to conservation of previous resources
without any loss of knowledge to the world.
Labor's Place
InThe Sun...
LABOR'S STATUS in the United
States has been conditioned by two
fundamental philosophies. The first philosophy
is the reactionary one given articulation in Judge
Gary's decision which declared that labor is a
Industry, unable or unwilling to adjust itself to
meet labor on equal ground, rushed development of
the company union, a means whereby labor pre-
sents its grievances to the employer who sits on
both sides of the table. Many employers have re-
fused- to recognize "outside unions," and this re-
fusal is the cause of about seventy-five per cent
of the four hundred labor disputes that come be-
fore the National Labor Board each month.
In the meantime labor is becoming conscious of
its power to get what it wants by collective action.
Never again can it become a commodity, at least as
long as the government lends its support. A swing
to the right on the labor question is feared by all,
because in that direction lies Fascism, Fascism
being understood as forced capitalism with the.
complete subjugation of labor by state-supported
industrial overlords.
Capitalism, by its inherent nature, can never
solve the problem of making security possible to
all workers, but it can ease the situation by in-
creasing wages and .decreasing profits and divi-
Campus Opinion
Letters published in this column should not be con-
strued as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous communications will be disregarded..
The names of communicants will, however, be re-
garded as confidential upon request. Contributors
are asked to be brief, confining. themselves- to, lesi -
than 500 words if possible,
The Theatre
Investigation into the archives of the Main Li-
brary disclosed this bit of information concerning
the Repertory Players' next production:
"'Grumpy' is a well-made, thoroughly enter-
taining little domestic comedy, of Mid-Victorian
flavor, in which Mr. Cyril Maude, the English light
comedian, has an excellent chance to show his ver-
satility in the part of the crochety old lawyer (the
crochetiness is of the regulation, stagy-old-gentle-
man kind, adored by generations of theatre-goers),
who varies his complaints about cold coffee, smok-
ing chimneys, and so on, by dazzling bits of oc-
togenarian detective work."-Arthur Ruhl in Col-
liers, January 10, 1914.
School of Education - Changes of
Elections: No course may be elected
for credit after Saturday, July 7;tno
course may be dropped without pen-
alty after Saturday, July 21. Any
change of elections of students en-
rolled in this School must be reported
at the Registrar's Office, Room 2, Uni-
versity Hall. This includes any
change of sections or instructors.
Membership in a class does not
cease nor begin until all changes have
been thus officially registered. Ar-
rangements made with instructors
only are not official changes.
C. O. Davis, Secretary
Men's Education Club Golf Match:
The first match will be held Tuesday,
July 3, 4:00 p.m., University Golf
Course, because of the holiday on
July 4. Beginning the following week
matches will be held every Wednes-
day afternoon.
Men's Education Club: Monday
evening at 7:30 p.m. Dr. Preston W.
Slosson will speak on "Hitler's Situa-
tion in Germany" at the Michigan
Michigan Dames: There will be a
Garden Tea to welcome new-comers
on Monday afternoon from 3:00 to
5:00 p.m. in the League Garden.
Please come and do your share in
creating a friendly atmosphere.
University Bureau of Appointments
& Occupational Information: Regis-
tration for summer school students
for both teaching and general posi-
tions will be held at the office, 201
Mason Hall, as follows:
Monday to Friday, July 2 to 6 (with
the exception of Wednesday, when
the offices are closed).
Hours 10:00 to 12:00, and 2:00 to
There is no registration fee at this
time. After Friday, July 6, a late
registration fee of $1.00 will be
Division of Hygiene and Public
health will have supper on the Mich-
igan League Lawn July 1 at 5:45 p.m.
Tickets are 35 cents and may be ob-
tained in Dr. Sundwall's office and
at the Michigan League.
Chinese Students Club: There will
be a social meeting of the Chinese
Students Club at Lane Hall on Sat-
urday, June 30, at 8:00 p.m. This
meeting is for the purpose of wel-
coming new students who are here
for the Summer Session as well as
those who are here for the coming
year. Friends who are visiting in the
campus are cordially invited.
Swimming-Women Students: The
intermediate swimming class sched-
uled to meet on Monday, Wednesday,
and Friday at 10 o'clock at the Un-
ion Pool, will meet on Tuesday and
Thursday evenings at 7:30. The class
begins on Thursday, June 28.
Jewish Students: A reception will
be held at the Hillel Foundation, cor-
ner of E. University and Oakland,
Sunday night at 8 p.m. Entertain-
ment, refreshments, and dancing will
be provided. All students are invited
to come and get acquainted.
Ferry Field, because of the holiday
on July 4, and no other games will be
played during the remainder of the
week. Beginning the following week,
games will be held every Tuesday and
Liberal Students League: At 7:45
p.m. Prof. Arthur E. Woods will lead
the discussion of the Liberal Stu-
dents League, on the topic, "The
Stage is set for Religious Change."
There will be a cordial welcome and
a fine opportunity to get oriented.
Married Students: The wives of all
married students are cordially in-
vited to attend a Garden Tea to be
held in the Michigan League Garden
on Monday afternoon from 3 until 5
o'clock. The Tea is being given by
the Michigan Dames to welcome to
their summer activities the wives of
all students in any department of the
University and the wives of internes
(Continued on Page 3)
First Methodist
Episcopal Church
State and Washington
Frederick B. Fisher
Peter F. Stair
10:45 - Morning Worship.
"Mysteries To Be
Sermon by D1. FISHER
4:30 -- Vesper Service.
"Finding God"
-Sermon by Dr. Fisher and Sac-
rament of Holy Communion
For University Students
6:30-Fellowship Hour and For-
um led by Prof. S. A. Courtis,
speaking on "The Function
of Religion in an Age of
* * *
GRUMPY, we've gathered from advance notices,
is quite a heller. He probably differs from Papa
Juan, the "A Hundred Years Old" character who
is 20 years his senior, in many ways, but quite
similarly endears himself to the audience, The role
will undoubtedly prove an acid test of Francis
Compton's acting ability, and a fitting vehicle for
his initial appearance with the Players.
THE PLAY will be almost an All-English pro-
duction. It's co-authors, Horace Hodges and T.
Wigney Percival, are from the English stage, Cyril
Maude, who immortalized the show with his mag-
nificent acting, comes from the Isles, and Mr.
Compton hails from a family prominent in Eng-
ish dramatic and literary circles.
start of any similar group of college players in
the country. Their season started June 22, while
most summer seasons don't commence until early
* * * *
JAMES V. DOLL, who has appeared in both
shows to date, is also cast in "Grumpy." Mr. Doll,
along with his acting, is chairman of the properties
committee, no easy task.
* * * *
802 Packard St.
Open 11 A.M. til 11:30 P.M.
11:30to 1:45 - 25c, 30c, 35c
5:15 to 7:45 - 35c, 40c, 45c
Lessons in Contract Bridge for men
and women will begin Monday, July
2, at 8 p.m. Six lessons for $1.50.
Men's Education Club Baseliall Ser-
ies 'The first game of the series will
be played Monday, July 2, 4:00 p.m.,
ComesSunday A Delightful
. . . . . . . . . . . MAJE
"The Mer
Matinees 15c . . . . .'.W.UE
Rob't Montgomery
MR. X"
Picture For Everyone!
ESTIC . . . . . . .
r Frinks"
E RT H ......... Nights 25c
To the Editor:
To one who, as a resident of Ann Arbor, has fol-
lowed Michigan as well as Ann Arbor golf for sev-
eral years, the showing of Dana Seeley in prac-
tically winning the National Intercollegiate team
title for Michigan was not entirely a surprise, al-
though it seems to have been one to many others,
including the coaches. I say that advisedly, in view
of the fact that/his abilities had been so under-
estimated during the dual-meet season that he was
not given even a chance to win his letter.
While it is difficult to criticize a coach, recogniz-
ing the difficulties under which he must choose
those who are to compete on his teams, it seems
to me that Seeley's own record during the past few
seasons of local play might have been accepted as
proof of his capabilities and that he be given a
chance. Instead, in those meets in which the
ranking players were left out and which were con-
sidered in the awarding of letters, players of defi-
nitely inferior calibre were used.
Then, in those "unimportont" matches following
the Conference meet, Seeley was allowed to play
and once again demonstrated that he was of
Varsity calibre. However, when the Varsity awards
were announced, Seeley was not included because
he "had not competed in an important dual-
meet," and to crown that, was not even given a
Reserve award, through an oversight, I hope, al-
though we would not have blamed him had he
refused to accept it had it been given him.
Not to be kept down, however, Seeley came back
in the play which preceded the selection of the.
team to make the trip to the National meet and
forced his selection over two who had been awarded
letters. His play in the National meet has vindi-
cated that choice, and I feel that it is the least
that can be done to give him a Varsity award,
as I understand has been done.
-Ann Arborite.
Casual -sss
.0 0
$$91 $$ Y
Richard Arlen
ALEXANDER WYCKOFF, art director, is a
professional scene designer in New York and else-
where during the winter sesson. He is ably assisted
here by Oren Parker, a student who has made
quite a name for himself locally as a scenic artist.
qe n-C.A.B.
Screen Reflections
Four stars means extraordinary; three stars very
good; two stars good; one star just another picture;
no stars keep away from it.
We've been bewildered by the pre-views and ad-
vance notices of the Majestic show, "The Merry
Frinks," which starts today. We don't know just
what to expect. Let us quote some of the advance
promises, which of course, don't mean a thing.
Then you'll see why we're bewildered.
"They float through the air with the greatest of
ease, the hilarious Frinks, on the flying trapeze!
"They're all nuts - out on a limb of their family
tree! Meet America's first family of filberts . . .
"A little number entitled - Sweeping the Cob-
webs off Your Sense of Humor -it goes like
this ...
"They're a breath of spring to their mother . . .
but they're just plain nuts to you . . .
"You'll call it a mad-house - but the Frinks
call it home! Meet the world's daffiest family -
the roaringest, rampagingest, round-up of un-
adulterated oafs, loons, zanies and capering crack-
pots ever assembled under one roof!
"They're mad, but not at you . . .
"A cavalcade of crack-pots in a hurricane of
hokum . . ."
Have you had enough? Now YOU tell US what
it's all about. If nothing else, the publicity writers
(public relations counselors to you) had a grand
time thinking up things to say about it. They prob-
ably never saw the show themselves, but in these
days of high-pressure advertising, knowledge of the
product is a handicap.
So all we can tell you about this movie is who's
in it. The cast doesn't sound bad. Tomorrow we'll
tell you if they are or Dot.
Aline MacMahon is Mom Frink, Guy Kibbee is
Uncle Newt, Hugh Herbert is Joe, Allen Jenkins is
Emmett, Helen Lowell is Grandma, Joan Wheeler
is Lucile, Frankie Darro is Norman. That completes
the Frink family.
Those not lucky enough to be one of the chosen
many are Ivan Lebedeff, Harold Huber, Louise
Beavers, Maidel Turner, Harry Beresford, Harry
Bradley, James Bush, Charles Coleman, and Joan
It's a Warner Bros. production with Alfred E.
Green directing.
So began a series of conducted tours of the main
Library Thursday afternoon to hundreds (yes) of
eager, ear-stretching visitors. Heat did not deter
them. Knowledge was to be gained.
In they trouped, in groups of about thirty. Some
there were pushing close to the student librarians,
anxiously imbibing words. "These are the Carrells
in which the graduate students study."
"How sweet to mix singing and study."
"No madam." The lady so addressed smiled too
angelically. The tall conductor passed on. "He
thinks," she whispered to a friend, "that I'm a
madam. Isn't that dear!"
The dear and his tribe passed into the large
reference room eventually. Here he stopped, sur-
veyed them a moment, and began his tale of
knowledge and where it might be found. "This
room might be called the key room." And on he
went, but one of his listeners had a problem.
It showed in his face. Finally he could hold it no