THE MICHIGAN DAILY E MLCHIGAN DAILY al Publication of the Sumrmer Session I r- may be, are scarcely trained for their work. As a rule, they are elected in direct vote of the people. Whoever decides to become a candidate for sheriff, whatever his occupation, enters the race, and if his party backing is suffcient, in the course of time, he becomes the chief police officer of a county several hundred miles in area. Contrast this method of selection with that em- ployed in the selection and training of the state police. Here, the men are chosen on merit. They are given a year's intensive training in all forms. of crime detection, the handling of firearms, the treatment of criminals, and a brief. course in law. After this, they are put on probation under the supervision of an experienced 'officer. They live in barracks; practically their only companions are I, Campus Opinion Letters published in this column should not be con- stried as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous communications will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be re- garded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief. confining themselves to less than 500 words if possible. A HINDU SPEAKS To the Editor: Publisned every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association and the Big Ten News Service. _socat d o ite r¢s s_-n33, f..w-w 34 s ;' MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for rlpublication cf all news dispatches credited to it nr not otherwise credited inrthis papereand the local n"w published 'herein. All rightes. of republication of special dispatches are reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Postmaster-General. Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.25; by mail, $i., 1iuring rgular school year by carrier, 5.75; by Offrces:Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214. Representatives: College Publications Representatives, &nc., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80 Belston Street, Boston; 6012 North Mihigan Avenue, Chicago. EDITORIAL STAFF ~ ~Phone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR ...............E. JEROME PETTIT ASSISTANT MANAGING EDITOR ....BRACKLEY SHAW WtMEN'S EDITOR .................ELEANOR JOHNSON A SOCIATE EDITORS: Charles A. Baird, Clinton B. Con- ger, Paul J. Elliott, Thomas E. Groehn, Thomas H. Hienne. Wlliam M, Reed, Robert S. Ruwitch. BIPRCES: Barbara Bates, C. H. Beuea, Donald R ; Ralph Danhoft Ian ces Enlish, Else Pierce, Vir- g~ii Scott, Bernard H. Fried. BUSINESS STAFF Office Hours: 9-12, 1-5 Phone 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER.......BERNARD E. SCUNACKE 4lT. BUSINESS MANAGER..W. GRAFTON SHARP c7IECLATION MANAGER.........CLINTON B. CONGER T HE WIDELY-PUBLICIZED rumpus some tim ago over the admittance into this country of James Joyce's "Ulysses" re- minded us forcibly that Puritanism - the right to make your neighbor do what you think he ought to do - is still a power in the land. Cleverly ap- pealed to, this power now latent among the mis- guided masses, may again yoke the more civilized about us with irrational prohibitions. As you recall, U.S. Attorney Martin Conboy filed an appeal against the decision of Judge John M. oolsey that ade circulation of the book legal in this country. The sanctimonious Mr. Conboy based his protest on the grounds of obscenity. Although "Ulysses," no doubt, may be dirty in places, it is also a masterpiece, a great work of art - perhaps one of the most significant pieces of literature in our era. Every intelligent person will realize that no one may say to an artist: "Go this far and no farther. Beyond this all is ver- bolen." The artist must feel free in his creation. 4nd the reader should be free to enjoy the artist's work as created, not as trimmed to the pattern of this or that censor's conception of morality. We have Judge Woolsey's word for it that no- where did he find "dirt for dirt's sake," nowhere did he detect "the leer of the sensualist." Holding that "reading 'Ulysses' in its entirety . . . did not tend to excite sexual impulses or lustful thoughts" in a normal person, Judge Woolsey declares the book is not obscene. He remarks that "whilst in many places the effect on the reader undoubtedly i; somewhat emetic, nowhere does it tend to be an aphrodisiac." To anyone who has read the novel, or parts of it, it is apparent that it is too difficult to fathom for those who would read it for smut's sake alone. As a book it is beyond ordinary minds, though a page here and. there might shock the average person -- much as two customs inspectors were so shocked by the "obscene" copies of the Vatican ceil- ing paintings last summer that they held up their entry into a United States port while the nation laughed in ridicule. Were it smut suppression and not notoriety Attorney Conboy is interested in, he might well turn his attention to the purely pornographic pe- riodicals such as "Wild Cherries," "Cupid's Capers," "Hollywood Squawks," "La Paree," "Gay Pari- slenne," "Spicy Stories," and "Pep," to cite a few examples from a list of 59 magazines proscribed by New York city police recently. There is also a job for an enterprising attorney in cleaning up the business in bawdy booklets and "feelthy peectures" that are standard stock in, trade of many a poolroom in the country. Suchf reform in the line of duty is, of course, less likely. to make the front pages as often as an attack on "Ulysses." . The American audience may not rightly be pen- alized because of the potential, though highly im- probable, effect a work of art might have on a, few morons. Neither should American artists be hobbled longer, or weighted down with the yoke of the standards of the ignorant annd subnormal, which Puritanism would again decree. . The State Police Sstem .. R ABID DEMOCRATS who fear that Rtthe usurpation of sovereign rights of the people by the states will result in a complete centralization of power, have included the corps of. the state police among their worries. It seems that these good people would rather spend their lives, poorly protected and poorly .policed, in order to satisfy a somewhat illogical ideal. It is obvious that a well-regulated state police 4.+ - , nni adnof u An + i ni mnr.t i nnrt. na in a other members of the state police; they are a part of a well-organized system with a uniform' method of training and procedure. They live, eat,' and almost literally sleep with their mindson their work. It would seem that the mere understanding of the functions of the state police would preclude the possibility of a belief in it as an instrument of pos- sible dictatorship. If there is any question about economy involved, it is only necessary to refer to a, certain sheriff in St. Joseph's county, Indiana, who after two years in office, retired with a suffi- ciently large nest egg to carry' him comfortably through to the end of his life. If there is any question of efficiency, let there be a fair comparison between the average sham- bling country constable or the average happy-go- lucky county sheriff in his rattletrap automobile and the trim, well-trained, properly equipped state' police. Then the alarmist may tuck his ideals comfortably back in his pocket, lean back in his chair, and proceed to let the state police protect his property and his life. Th'.e Th-eatre THE FINAL CURTAIN TERESA finally departs. The Nuns go to their prayers. Sister Juana of the Cross, left alone on the stage, softly sobs. The final curtain slowly descends on "Cradle Song," and the 1934 Summer Repertory Season comes to a close. Patrons are almost unanimous in hailing it as one of the most successful seasons in the six years' history of the group. If anything is to be criticized, it is the choice of plays, two or three of which were not exactly suited for summer presentation. BUT TAKEN AS A WHOLE the season's offer- ings were above the average. The acting, directing, and technical work were excellent. And we learn from the box office that the summer was also a financial success. So it would seem that everyone has reason to be happy. It's all over now, but we're looking forward to next year with anticipation. May we express the hope at this time that more of next year's plays be chosen from current Broad- way successes. This year's fare was deficient in this respect. THE EXODUS of players for all parts north, east, south and west hasalready begun, and after tomorrow they'll be scarcer than water in the drought section. Director Fancis Compton, his wife, and baby, have already departed for their summer home in Maine.. Director Frederic Crandall will leave soon for New York where he's going to have a fling at Broadway. Fred, an instructor in Ann Arbor high school in the past, is really serious about it. He hasn't renewed his teaching contract And Director Valentine B. Windt will soon leave for a motoring trip through the east, stopping off for a visit at his home in New York before return- ing for school in the fall. * * * * MR. AND MRS. ALEXANDER WYCKOFF (Ev- elyn Cohen), art director and costume designer re- spectively, will go to Philadelphia where he has accepted a position with the Art Museum. Mr. Wyckoff will teach in the school of Applied Arts. They will first go to Wisconsin, however, to pick up their youngster, Peter, who has been at a boys' camp all summer. * * * * TALKING about youngsters, there are many who will be waiting to see their dramatically-inclined fathers and mothers. Hattie Belle Ross, for ex- ample, can now devote more time to her family. She has two children, five and six years old, who have just been returned to her. Josh Phillips Roach will return to the wife and new-born baby at Hazel Park. And Claribel Baird will head for Oklahoma and her three-year-old boy, Jerry, whose dramatic career was outlined in this column July 18th. * * * * CLARIBEL and Laurine Hager, who gave such an excellent portrayal of Sister Juana of the Cross last night, will stop off at the World's Fair in Chicago on their way back. Sally Pierce and her sister, Elsie, also plan to take in the Fair later this month, as do many other players. But enough for now. There will be more on this subject tomorrow. -C.A.B. As Others See It Last week a Campus Opinion letter asked that the courthouse grounds be cleaned up. Here's the answer. Provisions have been made to erect bleacher seats on the grounds to accommodate lis- teners of a play-by-play account of the Tiger- Yankee series. Some of Hitler's policies contradict themselves. For instance, he decrees that German women use less cosmetics and dress more plainly - at the same time advocating more marriages. What are the women going to use as weapons? It's typical of the Ann Arbor weather man to save all the rain for the last week of school. If he were really going to keep in character, though, we'd have 110 degree temperature during exams. State Street merchants might just as well close un shnn until the middle of Sentemher Our nmi- "The American woman has it much harder than we do," a Hindu student told me recently. "because she is forced to think constantly and her whole life is a mass of choices to be made and decisions to be arrived at, without the rich back- ground of experience of the East or the hide-bound conventions of Europe to guide her." In India, this student maintains, the woman's path is beaten smooth for her. Out of the past cen- turies of experiment, she is able to use the surviving and, therefore, the most practicable method of meeting any emergency or any situation which may arise in life. "For example," she said, "family life as I know it in India would seem to you to be a prison of iron bars, perhaps, but you would have to admit that the Hindu woman has no need of either a brilliant mind or a psychologist's help." Of course, this girl points out, the views of Hindu women in the famous "Mother India" of recent popularity are gross exaggerations. "If I were to judge America by the gangster and so-called 'moll' of Chicago, I should present as true a picture of normal American life as Miss Mayo has seen fit to present of India. She has thrown our every fault into bold relief, and omitted the real part of our culture entirely." "Do you have many co-educational universities in India?" I asked the girl. "We have a very great many of these," she replied. "My reasons for coming to America were largely to learn such points about American psy- chology, as for example, the type of life lead by the American woman. "I can say this much for her- that while she leads a much more difficult and un-sheltered exist- ence than any of my Hindu friends enjoy - she certainly learns to think. Whether or not this is an advantage to her depends upon the point of view from which you look at this question. "Many of my American women friends have fine minds, but their existence is torn between the home and their careers, until in the end they are not so happy or so well off as a low-caste Hin- du woman. From the other point of view, however, it can be argued that progress is really being made by you Americans. Certainly, Europe has nothing to approach the American woman's sense of freedom. I rather enjoy it, myself. So I do not pretend to say which is the better - L will leave that question out of my view of your country. I am merely here to study you as you are." And with this somewhat startling disclosure of a 4Hindu woman's view in mind, it may be well to add that, whether progress is being made by American women or not, they certainly are embarking upon something rather unusual in the other nations of the earth - namely, economic freedom. Whether they enjoy real freedom or not, is something to wonder about. -H.S.H. Screen Reflectios AT THE MICHIGAN TODAY "SHE LEARNED ABOUT SAILORS" Judging from recent film fares, the Michigan and Majestic theatres are just taking turns fea- turing navy pictures. The Michigan started it all with "Let's Talk It Over," then the Majestic showed "Here Comes the Navy." Now, just to keep the ball rolling, the Michigan takes up the torch with "She Learned About Sailors," featuring Alice Faye and Lew Ayres. Ship ahoy, and anchors aweigh! This town's gone nautical. In the picture Lew is the champion heart-breaker of the U. S. Navy with the proverbial girl or two (or three) in every port. All goes well until he meets Alice, a night club entertainer in an Asiatic port. The light burns bright. They fall in love. But the fleet leaves port and things look bad until two of Lew's pals, Frank Mitchell and Jack Durant, step in and stage an accidental meetini of the lovers in Los Angeles, and when something goes wrong they force both lovers into a trumped up marriage. Then there follows a series of events that bring the film to a conclusion. Alice Faye made her film debut in George White's "Scandals," (remember her singing "Nasty Man?") and was seen in "Now I'll Tell" by Mrs. Arnold Rothstein. George Marshall directed the picture from the screen play of William Conselman and Henry Johnson. It's a Fox film. AT THE MAJESTIC TODAY "AS THE EARTH TURNS" Widely ballyhooed as "the first bunkless picture and "the movie without hokum" Warner Bros. self-styled masterpiece of realism, "As The Earth Turns," opens at the Majestic today. Here's how the producers explain it: "From the first click of scenarist's typewriter to cutting room the production order for 'As The Earth Turns' was 'keep it real'. We bought a story of life as is and we produced a story of life as is . . . no extra drama, no extra laughs, no extra pathos - NO BUNK! The movie is adapted from the first novel by Gladys Hasty Carroll, a saga of New England rural life. Ernest Pascal dramatized it. The characterizations have been drawn from the lives of the rugged New England pioneer types and each member of the cast was said to have been selected because of his or her peculiar fitness for the part. Jean Muir, who appeared last week in "A Modern Hero," was the feminine lead of Jen, a farmer's daughter who loves the soil. Donald Woods makes his picture debut as Miss Muir's lover, the city boy who reverts to the farm. The story deals with the intimate family life of the Shaws with David Landau as Mark, whose one son a nait nrtulaved hb yRue llH,'rdi ta-n. Greater Movie A o1.itGreater Movie Season . . . . C i7 . . . . Season She thought she knew all kinds of men - and then 'She Lea rned About Sailors' LEW AYRES ALICE FAYE Selected Short Subjects Matinee & Evening kA ~I~ATTEND i Balcony 25c . . . . MA ESTIC . . . .COOL MATINEES Drama Fashioned from the Very Pattern of Life! JEAN MUIR (the glorious new star) As The Earth Turns" Matrne1 WI "IFRT H-_ -Nht 25