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August 15, 1934 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1934-08-15

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cation of the Summer Session

decided here, as in England, on the basis of issues.
But we can achieve a greater measure of respon-
sibility to the electorate in our elective officials by
constant reiteration of the platforms upon which
they were elected, making them look ridiculous
when they act without reason contrariwise.
We understand applications for about 20,000
World Series tickets have already been received
by the Detroit Tigers' management. There are ap-
parently a lot of people who enjoy counting embryo
chickens. But dfter that double header yesterday
we're sending in our application too.


Off The 'Record
NE DELICATE job confronting the parks com-
mission is the moving of the Dana oak in the
botanic gardens, which lie at the foot of capitol
The tree grew from an acorn which fell on the
grave of Confucius in China. The man who picked
it up carried it to New York and gave it to Charles
A. Dana, the famous editor. Dana in turn planted
it in the botanic gardens.
The acorn grew into a majestic tree, to which
Washingtonians have attached much sentimental
im portance.

Leads Rescue Party To Admiral Byrd's Hut

Publisned every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association
and the Big Ten News Service.
933N TAEM1934 ==-

The Theatre
By Bradkley Shlaw


The oAsociated Pr'ess 1s excfusively enttl~ed to the use
f.r republication cf all news dispatches credited touit
or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local
news published herein. All rights of republication of
special dispatches are reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third Assistant Postmaster-General.'
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.25; by mail,
$1,50. During regular school year by carrier, $3.75; by
mail, $4.25.
Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
Rtepresentatives: College Publications . epresentatives,
c., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80
Boylston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue,
Phone 4925
ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Charles A. Baird, Clinton B. Con-
ger, Paul J. Elliott, Thomas E. Groehn, Thomas RI.
Kleene. Wi1liaE1 R Red, Robert S. Ruwitch.
RPORTERS: Barbara Bates, C. H. Beukema, Donald R.
Brd, Ralph Danhoff, Frances English, Elsie Pierce, Vir-
ginia Sc t, Bernard H. Fried.
Office Hours: 9-12, 1-5 Phone 2-1214
The Supreme Court
Turns Liberal.
nesota Mortgage Moratorium Law
and the New York price fixing law some time
o, the supreme court of the United States en-
tered upon an era of liberalism. "The economic
interest of the state may justify its continuing and
dominant protective power, notwithstanding in-
terference with contracts," declared Chief Justice
Hughes in the majority decision on the Minnesota
act in answering the question of whether the
act impaired the obligation of contracts as provided
gainst in the Cdnstitution.
In recognizing the existing emergency, Mr.
Hughes declared that the exercise of the police
power is not that of one party of a contract against
other, but of using reasonable means to safe-
guard the economic structure upon which the pub-
lic welfare depends. The contract clause, he main-
tained, is but a "broad outline," and is not to be
read with "literal exactness."
It must be held in mind, however, that the
supreme Court's liberal decision elevating human
values above property rights was conditioned by
the emergency and by the provision for payment
of rent to the mortgage holder during the period
of extension of foreclosure sale. The principle
involved was clearly stated by Mr. Justice Holmes
in 1921. "A limit in time," he said, "to tide over
a passing trouble, may well justify a law that could
not be upheld as a permanent change."
In upholding the New York law fixing the price
of milk the Court took no cognizanceof an emer-
gency, but plainly asserted that the state can fix
prices in the interest of the public welfare without
violation of the contract, due process, or equal
protection clauses of the Federal Constitution. The
decision also made it clear that these same right
were possessed by the Federal government. The
court held, however, that other than the regulation
being for public good, it must not be arbitrary or
discriminatory, and that it must have a reasonable
relation to legislative purpose.

As their closing presentation of the summer the
Summer Repertory Players last night gave the first
of two showings of G. Martinez-Sierra's "Cradle
The production was well done, but it remains
something of a mystery why this play was chosen.
It evidently comes from the same school of Spanish
playwrights that produced "A Hundred Years
Old," the second play of the season, but there
is less excuse for this play than there was for
It deals with the life inside of a convent into
which a foundling is introduced. The maternal
love of the younger nuns is transferred to the baby,
and they give it a careful upbringing. In the
second act - there are only tw6 - the baby has i
grown up and leaves the convent.
Throughout it is a portrayal of the affection of
the nuns for this foundling and their sorrow when
she inevitably matures and leaves.
Particularly bad is the interlude in the beginning
of the second act where the author introduces
his ideas on the situation through the character of
the poet who comes onto the stage to tell the audi-
ence what the play is about. Charles Harrell as
the poet is bad, but in justice to Mr. Harrell it
must be said that it is impossible to conceive
of anyone's reading this doggerel any better.
The second act, which is entirely taken up by
preparations for, and the final leave-taking,
stretches on practically unendingly. Every possible
element of pathos is extracted from the situation
and the result is to leave the audience wishing
that she would go and have it over with.
It would seem that as the concluding play of the
season those in charge could have picked a play
more suited to the temperature and the pre-exam-
ination mental state. The production itself, how-
ever, is very good. The reproduction of the life
in the convent carried conviction and the atmos-
phere of the play was in keeping with the
The acting during the whole play was con-
vincing and particular mention must be given to
Laurine Hager in the character of Sister Juana
of the Cross. As the nun who practically adopted
the baby for her own she had a tremendously
difficulty part, to portray and carry conviction.
Claribel Baird, in the part of the vicaress irritated
by the flightiness of the novices and perennially
standing for a proper observance of the ceremonies,
is also particularly capable. Her lines at the con-
clusion of the second act in which she lectures
the other nuns on the proper reading of prayers
to cover her emotion at the loss of Teresa, the
girl, are beautifully done.
Phyllis Brumm as Teresa in the second act is
charming in her role of the carefree young girl,
delighted and a little frightened at leaving the
convent, but still saddened by the fact that she
must leave what has been her home.

S ENATOR GORE of Oklahoma isn't so sure
about the new plan to plant a strip of trees
through the middlewestern states.
"If they really can make those trees grow where
Nature never succeeded," says the Senator, "they
might try another trick. There's a petrified forest
in Arizona. They could grow some saplings onto it."
5ENATOR TOM CONNALLY may prove a better
politician than prophet.
He has been nominated by Texas Democrats for
another term in the Senate.
But when he voted last session to sustain the
President's economy bill, which included the vet-
erans' cut, Connally was gloomy.
lie cast his vote, and then left the Senate floor.
When he reached the lobby he said, "Well, boys,
that finishes me."

CCampus Opinion
Letters published in this column should not be con-
strued as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous communications will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be re-
garded as confidential upon request. Contributors
are asked to be brief, confining themselves to less
than 500 words ii possible.
To the Editor:
Four years of hitch-hiking to and from Ann'
Arbor all over the Mid-West has impressed mej
that Ann Arbor is a symbol of eternal youth.
Thousands of miles of "thumbing" rides put me;
into cars driven by people from all over the country,
people of all ages, from all human .activities, in-
terested in most everything in this life. To every
one of them, directly or indirectly, Ann Arbor was
youth - youth at its gayest, its latest, its costliest,
its worst or its best.
"How many students have you got in the Uni-
versity this year?" is the commonest question
asked, which is followed by a variation of: "Is that
all enrollment dropped? I wonder where people get
the money to keep sending their kids there?" Or:
"Do many students work their way through? They
do? Well, I guess it's good for them; keeps them
from helling around too much and getting married
or into trouble some other way." Which is followed
by reminiscences of the speaker's hardships in get-
ting through college, or, if he had worse luck, hisE
not getting a chance when he was "that age."
Which reminds him to ask, "How old are you, young
man? Is that all? You don't look it. God, I must be
getting old!" And he shakes his head.
"What are sororities like, anyway?" was the
question of a Chicago salesman, who, after pick-
ing me up south of Toledo, confessed he had a
daughter he wanted to send to college the next
year and that he had to decide between Wiscon-
sin and Michigan. "I never got a chance at college,"
he said. "My brother went instead, got a job the
first year and quit. I don't know a thing about what
this so-called college life is like, except the little
you get to read in the papers about co-eds doing
fool things.
"This kid of mine is crazy to go. I'll spend every
dime I can make getting her through and making
a - well, a lady of her. But I don't want her to get
jammed up with some hare-brained kid in a coon-
skin. I want her to have all the fun she can.
And that means after she gets out, too. I'll spend
every nickel I've got on her. She's got to have a
good time, that's all - but keep straight. I didn't
do either, danilmit. No, money isn't worrying me."
Youth, carefree, irresponsible, expensive -is
Ann Arbor to all too many persons. Sometime, if
my courage does not flee me, I shall cram some
kindly motorist with what the University means to
the state, to society, to me and to himself. And I
shall talk so fast that he will not be able to ask
me if there is much drinking on the campus, or
if Kipke really is going to an Eastern school to
coach for three times his present salary.
-A Hitch-Hiker.

Dr. Thomas C. Poulter (left) cf Mount Pleasant, Iowa, senior sci-
entist on the Byrd Antarctic Expedition, found Admiral Richard E.
Byrd (right), thin and weak after leading a tractor party across 123
miles of difficult ice to Bolling where the Admiral had been isolated for
nearly five months making weather observations. Two previous attempts
to reach him had been frustrated by snow blizzards before Poulter's
party pushed through to his snow-bound hut.

(Continued from Page 1)
winner of the Chicago Alumni Tro-
phy, at end; Harry Wright at tackle;
and Cloyce Hanshue and Harold
Sears, guards.
Captain Austin will be counted on
to fill the right tackle position where
he has been a bulwark for two years,
but Whitey-Wistert's successor at the
other tackle position is problemati-
Willard Hildebrand, who alternated
at guard and tackle last season, will
be an outstanding candidate, but
John Viergiver, who won his letter at
tackle last year in his first Varsity
season, will dispute his claim. Tage
Jacobson, who has alternated at both
tackle posts, will also be outstanding.
At the ends Willis Ward will hold
down the right flank, but the other
position will be disputed by Matt
Patanelli and Mike Malashevich, with
Ernie Johnson, a reserve end last
year, another candidate.
Big and strong, Ward last year was
one of the fastest men playing foot-
ball in the country, and observers
claim that he will have acquired suf-
ficient polish this year to make him
one of the country's great flankers.
Both Malashevich and Patanelli
were winners of the Chicago Alumni
Trophy awarded annually to the
outstanding freshman prospect, but
Malashevich last year failed to show
the form which he demonstrated in
winning the award. Patanelli is'
the class of the sophomore' ends, and


Other good characterizations are given by Nor,
man Rose as the Doctor, and Bertha Stover as the
This is a good production of "Cradle Song" and
well worth seeing if you like the play.

These recent decisions practically preclude any
question concerning the constitutionality of Fed-
eral legislation, such as the National Industrial
Recovery Act and the Agricultural Adjustment
Act, as far as the questions of due process, inter-
fering with the liberty of contract, or deprivation
of private property are concerned.
Thus, it seems that New Deal legislation is open
to attack only on the grounds of unconstitutional
delegation of legislative power, and want of power
in the Federal Government to regulate and control
local business transactions.
In making the states' rights clear in regard to
price fixing to prevent unfair practices, the Su-
preme Court opened the way for the solution of
many state economic problems by the local legis-
latures. It is encouraging to discover that, at this
particular time, there are five men on the Supreme
Court bench with the vision and sufficiently liberal
philosophies to go beyond narrow legalism and take
cognizance of a changing economic order.
Promises. ..
manlike, even indecent, about
throwing in the face of the successful candidate,
after the votes are counted, his rhetorically grand
campaign promises, so superficial a show and so
low a game have American elections and politics
notoriously become.
But no more sure-fire disillusionment of those
souls still innocently trusting is possible than that
which comes to one reading and comparing - beg
pardon, contrasting - post-campaign edicts with

Screen Reflections
By Hubbard Keavy
HOLLYWOOD - One of the newest show places
in this section is the French provincial-type man-
sion of which Florence Eldridge supervised the
construction and for which her husband, Frederic
March, paid.
With its furnishings and its many gadgets (of
which, more anon) the hilltop home represents
an investment of well over one hundred thousand
dollars. _
The Marches hesitated long about making the
decision to own a home. Despite Fred's almost im-
mediate success in pictures, five years ago, he felt
until recently that his appearances in them might
be only temporary. What with new contracts pay-
ing more money - and renewed confidence - he
and Florence gave up the idea of remaining
"I'll have to work for a good many years yet to
reach complete security for myselfmand my family,"
March candidly admitted. "I fully realized what
keeping up this place, now and in succeeding years,
would cost before we made up our minds to build



As Others See It
~~~-- - *

"If I'm as fortunate as I hope and trust I will be,
our family will be well taken care of as long as is
March implied that if something should happen
to hi-m tomorrow to end his screen career, he would
lose his beautiful house.
Both he and Mrs. March seem to want most
of all security for their two adopted children, a
girl two and a half and a boy of six months. They
expect, within the coming year, to adopt another
boy and another girl.
A favorite wing of their home is that built for
the children. Each baby has its own room, sep-
arated by a nurse's room, a bathroom and a kit-
chen. The windows in the babies' wing are covered
with steel bars and each window is securely pad-
Antiques have been used to furnish most of the
house. The "play-room," which can be turned into
a movie projection room, is a replica of a Dutch
Li--xs._ nm7e,: ------ _ -ne -c

The sigh of relief, heaved on those occasions
when a polar explorer is rescued, is now in order,
word having been received that a party has pierced
the Antarptic wilderness, after many vicissitudes
and several failures, and come to the rescue of Ad-
miral Byrd. It is expected that the scientific data
which the Admiral has collected during his lonely
vigil will compensate him and his worried well-
wishers for the ordeal he has survived.
Since the time, years ago, when Stanley won en-
during fame for himself by penetrating the African
jungle and discovering the long-lost Dr. Living-
stone, who was not aware until then that he was
lost, a vaguely equivocal odor has hung about the
salvage operations incident to the business of pro-
fessional adventure. Now and then an explorer
is indubitably lost and demonstrates the sincerity
of his purpose by being found quite dead at a later
date, but about those who take up adventure for
its own sake there is often skepticism on the part
of the public as to the necessity for these recur-
ring emergencies which call for dramatic rescues.
Tt is fine to know that the gallant Admiral is

CORK, Irish Free State, Aug. 14 to prove his contention.
- OP) - A woman's heroism was cred- (Backfield prospects will be dis-
ited today with saving many livesin cussed in tomorrow's Daily).
savage fighting yesterday between
5,000 farmers, enraged by a tax sale,
and 300 civil guards.a.. ..
Mrs. Eamonn O'Neill, wife of a
member of the Dail, rushed between 40c Social Plan Only 40c
the combatants, risking her life in LADIES' NIGHT Every Wednesday
heavy gunfire, and pleaded with them Ladies admitted FREE
to stop. Both farmers and officers The Scintillating Music of
ceased shooting, fearing they would EiLAUGHTON & WOODbUF
hit her. Yan nerniuh i e n.
The woman then helped Jeremiah -Most Beautiful summer ita!iroom
Lynch, critically wounded farmer,
outside a yard where the battle took
place. Lynch later died. More than /
100 others were injured.
Travel Home by Bus or Boat-
MICHIGAN UNION Hours 12-1 4-6 P.M.
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Matinee & Evening MAJESTIC ATTEND
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