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August 10, 1934 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1934-08-10

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lal Publication of the Summer Session

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The Theatre

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BACK STAGE the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
presents a busy spectacle these days. Practically
every student in Play Production has been drafted
to help out with "Marco Millions," the eighth pro-
duction of the Repertory Players, and even then
they are so short of stage hands that Marco Polo
himself, otherwise known as Goddard Light, helps
shift scenery in Acts II and III. In the Green Room
there is always a crowd, usually hushed and quite
excited as they await their cues. But Nancy Bow-
man, who plays Donata, doesn't get excited - the
other day at dress rehearsal she sat placidly at a
the card table, writing out reports for a course in
In radio diction.

-::. - :
ublisned every morning except Monday duringt
[versity year and Summer Session b~y the Board
ntrol of Student Publications.
lember of the Western Conference Editorial Associat
I the Big Ten News Service.
. go'~ted Gllkigite hwezz
L. 1933 NMATIONAL ovFA.E 1934 =

iness man. He inherits his Mother's circus ability,
but also a keen business brain from his father, a'
prominent European banker. When he deserts
the circus, he and Mueller set up a bicycle shop,
later an automobile factory, and in the end he
clears up a tidy sum on trucks and munitions for
the World war. That's his business life.
But Pierre is a romantic soul - bringing women
under the spell of his piercing eyes and gentle-I
manly manners until they break down and give
themselves to him. While in -the circus he meets
Joanna, a country lass, and soon finds himself
confronted by the necessity of marrying her. But
she marries another and he goes on meeting the
women that interest him, and leaving them grace-,
fully when he tires of them.
Finally, when his man-made empire crumbles
and he has nothing left, he returns to his mother
and begins once again the nomadic life of the
'greatest show on earth' -the sawdust ring.
With a comparatively weak plot, Director Pabst
has brought the show out of the doldrums by his
excellent cast. As the modern hero, Richard
Barthelmess does the usual two-fisted acting that
so characterized him in "Massacre," "Cabin in the
Cotton" and others. Jean Muir deserves much
praise as the poor little country girl. Miss Muir
is almost a "natural" as an actress, and it is under-
stood that Warner Bros. intend to make much of
her in the near future. Marjorie Rambeau and
Hobart Cavanaugh also did well in their respective
Suffice it to say that "Modern Hero" is not an-
other musical comedy, but the good old movie
with a moral. Short shots at the Majestic are
fair, with an excellenit Baby Burlesk starring Shir-
ley Temple in her before-fame days. -D.R.B.



The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to It
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Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.25; by mail,
$1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $3.75; by
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Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan.. Phone: 2-1214.
Representatives: College Publications Representatives,
Tnc., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New -York City; 80
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ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Charles .A. Baird, Clinton B. Con-
ger, Paul J. Elliott, Thomas E. Groehn. Thomas H.
Kieene. William R. Reed, Robert S. Ruwitch.
REPORTERS: Barbara Bates, C. H. Beukema, Donald R.
Bird, Ralph Danhoff. Frances English, Elsie Pierce, Vir-
ginia Scott, Bernard H. Fried.
Office tturs: 9-12, 1-5 Phone 2-1214

Churchmen Of

Wel, They're C

* * * *
RELEGATED to a dark corner, the old-fashioned
organ used last week in "Double Door" looks on
in stern disapproval at the exotic and colorful
Oriental sets, while fancy Mid-Victorian bric-a-
brac looks strangely incongruous beside the 13th
century Chinese ornaments.
* * * *
IT REQUIRED a lot of ingenuity to build the re-
quired eleven sets which range from a Venetian in-
terior to the royal junk of the Princess Kukachin.
Most of them were built and painted at the old
Laboratory Theatre, which is now being renovated.
Incidentally, the deck of Kukachin's ship is seven
feet higher than the stage, and the stage hands
had to do a lot of shoving around to find a place
where it wouldn't obstruct the view of the audience
in the front row.
* * * *



0 1


A Five-Point
Peace Program.

TAKE A GOOD LOOK at the Khan's throne
which is shown in two scenes. It looks very
Chinesy, but the truth of the matter is that it took
a lot of good old American shoe trees and coat
hangers to produce the desired Oriental effect.
Another clever trick was used in constructing the
impressive Papal throne, but we won't explain that
one. We'll let you figure it out.
* * * * .
IF YOU'VE EVER noticed ahy of the posters
used to advertise the plays you've probably won-
dered about that signature, "Droop," which is
signed beneath each one of the intriguing little
drawings. Droop is none other than Carl Ellsworth,
technician for the players.
* * * *
DRESS REHEARSAL Tuesday night became
such a long tedious session that finally the hat
was passed to collect money for coffee and sand-
wiches for the fatigued members of the cast and
technical staff. If they had ordered food for all
75 at once, it would have been quite an evening's
business for the grill room.
-E. P.
Screen Reflections
Four stars means extraordinary; three stars very
good two stars good; one star just another picture;
no stars keep away from it.

for Peacemakers" which appeared
in a recent issue of the Literary Digest meets with
bur whole-hearted approval -it being one of the
most sensible discussions of the vital question of
peace we've read in a long time.
In it Daniel A. Poling, an American editor, of-
fered a five-point program behind which he be-
lieves men of good-will may unite despite personal
convictions, and without effecting other programs.
In connection with the article some simple
figures were given on armaments to show clearly
that the world today has more men in uniform, and
expends more money, than did the world in 1913.
These figures show, for example, that organized
i6rdes throughout the world have, since 1913, in-
eased from 29,000,000 to 38,000,000, and that total
tiditures have increased from one billion an-
ly to over three billion - this in the face of
forced decreases in the armies of Germany, Aus-
tria, Hungary and Bulgaria. Organized forces in.
the United States have increased from 213,445
to 444,661. Similar increases are noted in all forces
of the Allied nations.
Quoting from the Digest article, we present Mr.
Poling's five-point peace program in brief:
"First of all, we may think peace. We may or-
ganize and distribute the literature of peace. We
niay acquaint ourselves with the causes of war. We
may familiarize ourselves with the aspirations of
those nations along whose boundaries the peace
is stalked by hates and fears. Here is the beginning
of knowledge, knowledge that will be power for
international good-will.
- "Second, we may unite to stop international
competition in building fleets and equipping
armies. A Secretary of War is quoted as saying at
an institution on international relations in 1931,
when he was a private citizen: 'We won some things
from the war that were not on the program. For
example, we had a complete demonstration of the
fallacy that preparedness prevents war. That
is worth something.
"Third, we may unite to press investigation of
the private manufacture of war munitions. It is
only reasonable that the efforts of the government
to reduce armaments should not be interfered with
by private agents who have a financial interest in
securing the opposite result.. .
"Fourth, we may unite to urge our government
to complete the so-called arms embargo approved
by the United States Senate under the terms of
which the President is given power to prevent the
shipment of arms to nations bent upon snaking
war. We may further unite to extend this principal
to the granting of loans, public and private, to
nations embarking upon a program of military
"And, finally, we may unite to support President
Roosevelt's proposal that the nations enter into
an international pact of non-aggression. Pacts are
not powerless, their critics to the contrary. The
peace movement is in its infancy. Every pact
signed strengthens the people's will to peace. Let
the process go on. Let it continue until the will to
peace is more powerful than the will to war .. . .
"In such a program all citizens of good-will,
whatever their present peace activities, and with
out interference from any other program, could
engage. Such a world movement would strengthen
every movement for peace and would undergrid all
those sacrificial endeavors which have as their
final objective the destruction of armed conflict.
"Here, then is a five-point program which, fol-
lowed through, would lead to the fufillment of the
vow we made to the dead and living dead in the
stupendous conflict of twenty years ago, that holy
covenant into which we entered, to end war for-

Campus Opinion



Mike McGann .......... Chester Morris
Pat Rockland ............... Mae Clarke
Mr. Rockland ........ . ....Frank Craven
Alex.... ... . ........John Warburton
Sandra....................Irene Ware
Gravel .......... ........Andy Devine
Bill ........................Russ Brown
As sailor stories go this one isn't half bad. Of,
course only the first few scenes have anything to
do with the sea, but that's another thing. Chester
Morris comes through with a lot of talent we
never suspected he had. The supporting cast is
good. All in all "Let's Talk It Over" provides the
sort of light entertainment easily and pleasantly
digested these warm summer days.
The story's been done time and again, but in this
case a new and interesting angle is injected.
You know the saying that goes -"you can take
the boy out of the country, but you can't take the
country out. of the boy." Well this picture tries to
prove that you can not only take the sailor out of
the sea, but having done so, you can also take the
sea out of the sailor.
During the show you see the gradual and hu-
morous change Mr. Morris makes from a blustering
gob to a smooth business man. Sort of a Horatio
Alger, Jr. story.
In the first scenes you're presented with the
most awful raw material to work with - a gum-
chewing, conceited sailor of the worst sort. You're
tipped off that something is going to be attempted
in the way of a reformation, but 'you wonder how
it's possible.;
Mae Clarke, a society heiress, makes a bet that
she can"make something out of him." She gets
him a job in her Uncle's office, and then the
change begins. Before you know it he has learned
how to talk, dress and hold his own with the best
of them.
Of course he is in love with Mae, but he dis-
approves of her worthless associates. In the grand
climax Mae comes to her senses, discovers that
she loves the ex-sailor boy, and everybody is sent
home happy.
The story is too far-fetched to make it actually
convincing. If you're a practical soul you wonder
how Mr. Morris can patronize the best tailors,
purchase a car, and live a.life of luxury on the
salary of a broker's errand boy. Of course one
is not supposed to think about trifling matters like
that so we'll desist.
Mae Clark plays the part of the excitement-
seeking debutante in the usual way. Frank Cra-
ven as her wealthy uncle is really excellent. And
the rest of the cast is above the ordinary. If you
have the change, the time, and the inclination,
you could do worse than see this offering.
-C. A. B.

Letters published in this column should not be con-t
strued as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily'. Anonymous communications will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be re-
garded as confidential upon request. Contributors
are asked to be brief, confining themselves to less
than 500 words if possible.t
To the Editor:
The articles and letters concerning the County
Courthouse grounds which have appeared in a locals
paper were encouraging.
After spending twenty years in Europe I could
not help contrasting the deplorable condition of
this and many other public "parks" which dis-i
grace American cities with public gardens in Paris,i
Zurich, and Vienna. In Europe even small commu-
nities keep such small parks in excellent condition:
fountains, statues, flowerbeds, etc., serve to make
them one of the greatest attractions of the town.
Thus when passing the County Courthouse I'
felt especially keenly the inanity of unemployed
men loafing on the very spot where so much worth-
while work could be done for the benefit of the
community and last Fall suggested to those in
charge of relief projects that these grounds be
In the articles published to date I have missed
the recognition of the fact that an architectural
framework would be necessary to make this park
a source of community pride.
This framework could consist of:
(1.) A low concrete fence. Very many European
parks have a fence which serves to protect the
lawn and flowers, especially in congested city
squares. Lying on lawns in city parks is an Amer-
ican invention - I cannot recall seeing such van-
dalism in a single European country. Probably
this thoughtless act of some of our citizens goes
back to a tradition which started when our
country was thinly settled and attention was too
concentrated on the possibility of being scalped by
Indians to permit much thought for civic pride.
A fence would be the best preventive of loafing on
lawns -it would be a constant reminder that
what it protects has a value; not that this fence
should be high enough to prevent people stepping
over; it should consist of a very low concrete rim
hollowed out on top, the channel to receive flow-
ering plants. A real iron fence such as has been
used in some of New York's parks make the tiny
grass plots they enclose look ridiculous. This con-
crete flowerbox border would terminate the green
areas in a striking way and would have the sym-
bolic value of a fence without preventing the full
enjoyment of the park for people passing by, as
high fences do.
(2) Concrete benches - partly combined with
the low border-wall. It is surprising that in the
present "reform wave" the few benches were re-
moved. Actually the number of benches should be
increased if people are to be trained not to lay pn
the ground. Why try to create a beautiful park if
one does not give the public a chance to rest there
and enjoy it?
(3.) The corners of the park on Main Street
should be rounded off and treated with concrete
fountains and circular benches. The Civil War
monument which has been severely criticized for
lack of artistic merit could be altered.
-F. S. Onderdonk.

Women Students: The last picnic-
wim of the summer will be held at
he Intramural Pool rather than at
ludson's Corners, as was originally
lanned, today at 6:00 p.m. Supper'
ill be served on the terrace at the,
Women's Athletic Building after the
wim. Bring suits and towels. 1
University High School Demonstra-
ion Assembly: The sixth and last
emonstration assembly of the Uni-
ersity High School summer session
will be presented this morning at 11
)'clock in the high school auditorium.
The program will be under the direc-
ion of Professor David Mattern.
There will be a demonstrtaion of the
teaching of playing of wind and
stringed instruments to beginning
pupils in the grades as well as several
selections by more advanced high
school students. All summer session
students who are interested are wel-
come to attend the ssembly.
University Vomen: The lists of ap-
proved residences for 1934-35 are
now available at the Office of the
Dean of Women.
A special announcement relating to
late Friday afternoon and Saturday
morning classes to be offered by the
School of Education next year is now
ready for distribution. Copies may
be secured in the office of the School
of Education or in the libraries of the
University High School and Elemen-
tary School.
Master's Candidates in History:
The language examination for Mas-
ter's candidates in history will be
given today at 4 p.m., in Room B
Haven Hall.
Attention of All Concerned: Name-
ly faculty, administrative and clerica
staff members and students, is re-
spectfully called to the following ac-
tion by the Regents.
Students shall pay in acceptabl
funds (which shall not include note
unless the same are bankable) al
amounts due the University befor
they can be admitted to the final ex
aminations at the end of either se
mester or of the Summer Session. N
office in the University is authorize
to make any exception to this rule
Any specific questions that can
foreseen arising in this connectio
should be taken up with the prope
authorities at the earliest possible mo
ment. ,
Shirley W. Smith
This group of hostesses will wor
tonight. Please report promptly a
8:45 on the second floor of the Michi
gan League.
Phyllis Brumm
Kay Russell
Frances Thornton
Margaret Sievers
Wilma Clisbe
Mary Ellen Hall
Barbara Nelson
Marian Demaree
Elva Pascoe
Margaret Burke
Sue Calcutt
Marie Heid
Lucille Benz
Charlotte Johnson
Marian Wiggin
Delta Glass
Adele Shukwit

Germany Must l
Take Nazi Oath
BERLIN, Aug. 9.-(-)-Germany's
Protestant pastors and church offi-
cials will be required to take an oath
of fealty to Chancellor Hitler just as
Nazi storm troops and members of
the regular army did last week.
This important step to secure Hitler
uniform support following his as-
sumption of the powers of president,
was announced by Dr. August Jae-
ger, Nazi commissioner for Protestant
Jaeger at the same time explained
new rules to be imposed by the na-
tional synod today which will deliver
the Protestant church bag and bag-
gage into the hands of Reichsbishop
Ludwig Mueller, Hitler follower, and
the German Christians (Nazi church-
They appear designed to stamp out
independent thought and action by
the clergy, a considerable number of
whom have strongly opposed Mueller's
dictatorial steps toward achieving the
Nazi program of a unified Protestant
The new measures, as Dr. Jaeger
put it, "will end all foolish talk about
violation of law and justice."
Mueller Gains Power
They will be voted into effect by
Mueller's rubber stamp synod, called
into session without the knowledge
of the general. public. At the same:
time the synod is scheduled to dis-
enfranchise itself.c
Marcia Hymes
Ethel McCormick<
Men who are acting as officials at
the Friday night dance, please report
promptly at 8:45 on the second floor
of the Michigan League.
Bob Calver
l John Streif
Bill Langden
Paul Kissinger
Bob Fox
Garry Bunting
Bob Babcock
Chuck Niessen
l Richard Edmondson
e Hugh Johnson
- Tom Linden
Ethel McCormick
d To All Students Having Library
. 1. Students having in their posses-
n sion books drawn from the University
- Library are notified that such books
are due Monday, August 13, before
the impending examinations..
2. Students who have special need
k for certain books after August 13 may
tt retain such books if renewed at the
Charging Desk.
3. The names of all students who
have not cleared their records at the
Library by Wednesday, August 15,
will be sent to the Recorder's Office,
where their summer's credits will be
held up until such time as said rec-
ords are cleared, in compliance with
the regulations of the Regents.
S. W. McAllister,
Associate Librarian
Portage Lake 14 miles from town

-Associated Press Photo
The Women's Metropolitan Golf
association in New York issued an
edict against shorts as tournament
attire for women, but Jean Arm-
strong, playing in the Illinios wom-
en's tourney, favors the abbreviated
Press Issues Six
Books In Summer
(Contiuued from Page 1)
number- four of the occasional con-
tributions of the museum of anthro-
pology. Very copiously illustrated, the
book is based upon studies made by
Professor Bartlett upon two different
occasions when he was in the Far
Two other publications are listed
among those printed during the Sum-
mer Session. Arthur Svihla is the
author of a pamphlet entitled "A
Comparative Life History Study of the
Mice of the Genus Peromyscus,", and
Dr. Adolph Murie, of the museums
staff, is the writer of "The Moose of
Isle Royale," a publication growing
out of the survey of Isle Royale which
was ordered by the state legislature.
The Scintillating Music of
~ .. .d" i"sion4o at Klchian'
" -'. most Beautiul summer Ballroom

-Every Friday-


Special Rates and Attention
To Group Parties


Results of

have been'
Cash Rates


As Others See It
Another "code" issues from Washington that
should improve conditions for a very large group
of Americans during the vacation period. It is a
"health code" for motor vacationists issued as
friendly advice by Dr. Hugh S. Cumming, Surgeon-
General of the United States Public Health Serv-
In a long list of recommendations and "Don'ts,"
appears this important psychological warning:
"Don't grip the wheel tightly and hold the body
tense. Tenseness produces nervousness and may
cause the operator to lose his head when quick
action is necessary. Learn to be attentive and yet
be relaxed at the wheel."
Applicants for motor operators' licenses should
be examined when they are driving at just what
speed they cease to be tense and become relaxed
at the wheel. Then licenses might be issued permit-
ting to drive no faster than that speed.

lic a Line

The Michigan Daily

Greater Mvovie MC IA Greater Movie
Season ....MCHGA . . . . Season
Brevity Novelty WENT TO MARKET" NEWS
Matinee alconying MAJESTIC ATTEND
_______TOMORROW - ____
IILIE E a i^kA C TLI A V14

Maynard Street

Read The



. Pierre............Richard Barthelmess
Joanna ..................... Jean Muir
f-110 iT um tpm.pp oanc 9a

C'hp Ddily maintains a


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