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June 27, 1934 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1934-06-27

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Proving Rookies Do Not Win
IntercollegiateGolf Tourneys
By WILLIAM R. REED verine record. Hailing from Ann Ar-
Thumb-nail sketches of members bor,' Malloy is a former state inter-
of the Wolverine golf team that won scholastic champion, and has been
a first national title for Michigan at an outstanding competitor in state'
Cleveland yesterday, as four men of amateur play for several years. I
the team of seven who made the trip He is a brother of Johnny Malloy.
the individual champion. who held the state amateur and De-
Chuck Kocsis, the sophomore stylist troit District title for three years, and
from Detroit, is probably the out- who is now the professional at the
standing amateur golfer in the state, Ann Arbor Golf and Outing Club.
and is the present holder of the state Woody is former Ann Arbor city
amateur title. He was a former state chaipion, holding the crown for
interscholastic champion and startled two years until he was dethroned
the golfing world while still in high last year.
school with a victory over Francis
Ouimet in the 1929 National Amateur Cal Markham, captain-elect of the
at the Merion Cricket Club, Phila- 1935 squad, came to the fore last
delphia. summer as one of the state's better
Kocsis again attracted national at- amateur golfers. Although he had
tention in winning the Michigan Open been a member of Michigan's Con-
of 1931 with a victory over Tommy ference championship squad and had
Armour, the veteran professional. In played in the National Intercollegiate
the qualifying trials for the recent meet, little was known of him until
National Open, Kocsis qualified sec- he stepped out in the State Amateur
ond low from the Detroit district, tourney to enter the finals with Koc-
the second amateur in recent years sis, losing in a hard-fought match.
to turn the trick, but got off to a Also from Ann Arbor, Markham
bad start in the play at Philadelphia, replaced Malloy as city champion last
failing to qualify for the final 36 summer.
holes of play.
Michigan's outstanding record in Milt Schloss, one of the two seniors
the last dual-meet season and in who went to Cleveland, is the lone
winning the Western Conference title player from outside Michigan on the
by a big margin was due to a large squad, coming from Cincinnati.
extent to Kocsis's play. His sub-par Schloss' improved play during the
total of 283 for the 72 holes, which past season earned him a place on
included an opening blast of 66 in the the team after erratic play in his
first day's play, won him the indi- first two seasons of Varsity competi-
vidual title in the Big Ten meet, tion had kept him from a regular
11 strokes ahead of his teammate, berth.
Woody Malloy, in second place.
Kocsis is considered impregnable Carroll Sweet, Grand Rapids jun-
with his woods and long irons, and ior, was a member of the Wolverine
his play with the short irons and on team which placed second in the
the greens has earned him the so- National Intercollegiate meet last year
briquet, "the perfect stylist." at Buffalo, and has had considerable
tournament experience. He qualified
Woody Malloy, who has played at for the championship flight of the
number two since Captain Eddie Day- State Amateur tourney last year.
ton was confined to the Health Serv- Sweet is also a wrestler and en-
ice, is another sophomore whose play tere dthe Big Ten tourney last winter
has contributed greatly to the Wol- in the 145-pound division.
Although Dana Seeley, a junior
YE from Ann Arbor, did not play in a
Conference dual meet, his play fol-
lowing the conference meet, which
included sub-par and par rounds at
HAVANA - Withdrawal of four Barton Hills and on thW University
members of Cuba's official cabinet as Course, earned him a place on the
a result of the ABC political society's six-man squad selected to make the
divorce from the support of President trip.
Carlos Mendieta left the island coun- Seeley, whose home course is Bar-
try with a makeshift leadership. ton Hills, is considered one of the
better golfers in local circles, and is
ARCHBOLD, O. - Robert E. Chris- especially a threat in late-summer
tie, Jr., president of the Investment play. He also was a member of the
Bankers Association of America, died Varsity basketball squad in 1933.
aboard an airplane of a heart attack.
He was 41 years old. Chuck Menefee, the fourth Ann
Arbor player who entered the meet,
CHICAGO -Police held . 17 per- is -the second senior on the squad.
sons, including one woman,. and be- Menefee, also has played Varsity
lieved that they had uncovered the baseball and entered the meet on
members of a million dollar ring of his own.

Test Glacier
Thickness By
Use Of Echoes
I Belknap Will Employ His
Instrument In A1a s k a
And Canadian Yukon
Exploding small charges of dyna-
mite on the surface of glaciers and
listening with an emplifled telephone
receiver for the echo from the bed
rock below will be the method used
this summer to measure the thick-
ness of these ice rivers by Prof. Ralph
L. Belknap of the University of Mich-
igan. Alaska and the Canadian Yu-
kon region will be the ocene of the
Prof. Belknap's instrument, origi-
nally used for sounding ocean depths,
consists of a tape on which a moving
pointer marks half-second intervals,
actuated by a clock work and make-
and-break magnetic circuit. Also
wired to the circuit is the ear of the
outfit, a modified telephone receiver,
provided with radio tube amplifica-
A small explosive charge set off
near the receiver will be heard almost
instantly, interrupting the half-sec-
ond marks on the tape. Meanwhile,
the sound of the explosion will travel
down through the ice and be partially
reflected back on striking the earth or
bed rock. This echo will also be
picked up by the receiver, breaking
the regular tape markings again.
Knowing the elapsed time between
the two interruptions and the speed
with which sound travels through ice
will permit a quick calculation of the .
thickness of the glacier.
The new apparatus is expected to
operate with only a pound or less of,
explosive and will permit many tests
to be made in a day. The only pre-
vious attempts to measure glacier
thickness by similar means were those
of Wegener, German scientist who
lost his life in Greenland four yearsl
ago. Using seismographs similar to
those used to record earthquakes and
a 160-pound dynamite charge, he es-
timated some Greenland glaciers to be.
from 6,000 to 9,000 feet thick.
Kocsis Wins Medal
In Interolleogiate
(continued from Page 1)
the course wholly unprepared. Only
about a third of the field had left
No. 1 tee when the wind and rain
struck the course. Several players
doffed their shirts as they teed off.
The rain started in torrents as Koc-
sis reached the thirteenth green,
where he slipped one over par. He
also went one over par on the fif-
teenth. On the seventeenth his second
shot was on two feet from the cup in
a small lake. Using a mashie niblick,
he chipped the ball in for a birdie
On the home hole his second caught
a trap and came to rest in soggy sand.
He chipped to within four feet but
was compelled to go through water.
He missed his chip for a par round.
Kocsis' card:

Says Good Thinker In One Line
May Also Be Efficient In Others

The chemist who reasons out a
complicated experiment and the bus-
iness man who solves a difficult mer-
chandising problem might success-
fully have held each other's jobs in
life, since psychological evidence that
a good problem solver in one field is
likely to be equally able in other and
different fields, is reported from the
The study, made by Dr. Marion Le-
roy Billings with the aid of 146 stu-
dent subjects at the University ofI
Michigan, showed also that studentsl
with many scholastic honor points
are usually better memorizers of de-
tails than they are problem solvers
and that fact collectors in general are
often poor in making use of their
brain stock in reasoning.
Another feature of Dr. Billing's
findings was the fact that the men
were 48.7 per cent better than the
women in reasoning out problems
given, regardless of the subject, and
in spite of the fact that the intelli-
gence rating of the two sexes was
approximately equal. This supports
independent studies made by Dr. N.
R. F. Maier, of the University, who
also found men better at reasoning,
but women superior in taking sug-
The tests given to the students in-
cluded problems in geometry, arith-
metic, physics, mechanics, economics,
sociology, geography, and history. Be-
fore the problems were posed the stu-
dents were taught certain facts nec-
Americans Win
In Wimbledon
Court Tourney
(Continued from Page 1)
land, and won, 6-2, 5-7, 7-5, while
Stoefen blasted the well-known Eng-
lish player, John S. Olliff, off the
courts, 6-1, 6-2.
Jones provided a real upset by com-
ing from behind to defeat the English
Davis Cup player, George Patrick
Hughes, 2-6, 6-4, 7-5, 1-6, 6-4, while
Lott put on a great show for the cus-
tomers on the No. 1 court as he de-
feated Giorgio de Stefani, Italian
star, 3-6, 6-3, 6-4, 6-4.
Carrying a towel thrust through
his belt and ranging down behind
like a tail to a kite, Lott tried for
everything in sight, doing several
tumbles and bounding to a popular
victory over the Italian No. 1 star.
When the crowd wasn't laughing at
Lott's antics, it was cheering him on.
The Jones-Hughes match devel-
oped into a comedy of errors, with
each player apparently bent on out-
doing his adversary. Hughes was
the wilder and lost.
Miss Jacobs and Miss Palfrey, the
current darling of the galleries be-
cause of her courageous stand in the
Wightman Cup matches, each had
an easy time winning her first round
encounter. Miss Jacobs put out the
unseeded but capable Englishwoman,j

essary for the solutions and the ques-
tions were also worded so that pre-
vious knowledge in the subjects would
be of little help.
Giving a preliminary true-false test
showed that the information taught
was well learned, or memorized, says
Dr. Billings. But on the problems
which required that the solutions be
reasoned out from this stock of in-
formation it became clear that those
who had memorized the facts best
were not necessarily most able to pick
out the details needed for a solution.
On the other hand, the high scoring
problem solvers, who included both
high and low persons on the knowl-
edge test, were able to pick out the
important facts and reach a solu-
tion equally well in any of the vari-
ous subjects.
"These tests reinforce the idea that
'intelligence' in humans is essentially
the ability to solve problems and that
many intelligence tests need to be
revised to test this capacity more and
emphasize less the tests of percep-
tion, memory, association, imagina-
tion, and muscular co-ordination,"
states Dr. Billings.
Abrams To Lecture
On Soviet Russia
A. Abrams, lecturer on Soviet Rus-'
sia, will again present to an Ann Ar-
bor audience motion pictures taken
on his recent trip to the U.S.S.R.
when he speaks tomorrow at 8 p.m.
in Natural Science Auditorium.
The films deal with several phases
of Russian life, particularly in ref-
erence to the developments under the
recently completed Five Year Plan.
Mr. Abrams, who has exhibited
similar pictures elsewhere through-
out the country, will accompany the
film with an explanatory lecture
based upon his personal experiences.
The movie and lecture are being
sponsored by the Michigan Vanguard
Club as a part of its summer pro-
gram. The club has announced the
intention of arranging a series of
programs dealing with modern social
problems to be offered during the
course of the Summer Session. There
will be no charge for Mr. Abrams',
350 Attend Education
School's First Assembly
Approximately 350 students and
faculty members of the School of
Education turned out for the school's
initial assembly, held yesterday in
University High School auditorium.
Prof. Calvin 0. Davis, secretary of
the School of Education, gave the
opening address of welcome. This was
followed with the presentation of va-
rious faculty members by Prof. J. B.
Edmonson, education school dean.
Announcements were made by sev-
eral organization leaders concerning
the school's extra-curricular activ-
ities for the Summer Session.

Polar Region
Discussed By
Prof. HoI
Reaching North Pole Wi
Submarine More Feasil
Than It Sounds


(Continued from Page 1)
adequate for heavier and rougher
travel so a heavier sledge, covered
completely by wood was introduced
and found to be more successful. For
crossing the great openings in the
ice a combination sledge-canoe was
invented. This was an ordinary
framework of wood which could be
used on the flat ice surfaces and
when openings were encountered the
framework was covered with canvas.
The latest mode of transportation
to be used in the Antarctic region and
which, according to Professor Hobbs,
has proved highly successful, is the
motor driven "pusher type" sled.
Slides showing how the tremendous
ice pressure trapped the explorer's
ships were shown. One explorer over-
came this difficulty by building a spe-
cial wedge-shaped bottom on his ship
and when the ice began to press on
the boat it would rise out of the water
instead of being crushed.
The various types of abodes and
clothing used by the explorers were
described. Most of the clothing is
made of caribou or bear skins. The
English, according to Professor Hobbs,
prefer heavy woolens.
The failure of the dirigibles in the
polar region is due to the fact that
the framework of the ships are too
fragile and light for the rigorous cold.
Professor Hobbs believes that the
only dirigible that could be success-
ful in Antarctic exploration is the
all-metal type.
The auto-giro, in Professor Hobbs'
opinion, will be the method of trans-
portation in the polar region in the
future, because it can land or take-off
in a comparatively small area,
Besides the various honors he al-
ready holds and the titles he has re-
ceived to date, Professor Hobbs was
the recipient of another honor yes-
terday. He received a citation from
Soviet Russia ins the form of a cer-
tificate of honorary membership in
the State Russian Geographical So-
ciety and was signed by J. Schokalski,
honorary president and noted ocean-
ographer, and the president, N. Da-
The citation was dated May 29, but
arrived at the offices of the Univer-
sity only yesterday. It was presented
to Profesor Hobbs by Dr. Frank M.
Robbins, assistant to President Alex-
ander G. Ruthven.
The two summer dormitories, Bet-
sy Barbour House and Jordan Hall,
will hold their first house meetings of
the Sum'mer Session tonight. The
residents at Jordan Hall were enter-
tained at a "get-together" last eve-
ning to give the new sttidents an op-
portunity to get acquainted.

Students Eligible For
City Tennis Tourney
Summer session students will be
eligible to compete in the annual
city tennis tournament, it was an-
nounced yesterday by George Moe,
manager of the event.
Entries for the tournament
which attracted 246 players last
year, will be taken at the Moe
Sport Shop stores. A minimum
entry fee to insure high calibre
play through the use of good balls
and equipment, is to be charged.
The events planned include
men's singles and doubles, women's
singles and doubles, mixed doubles
and juniors.
Play in the tournament, which
it is planned will be run off in
10 days, will begin July 5.


Par out .....4 5 4 4
Kocsis, out ...4 4 5 4
Par, in .. .4 3 5 43 4
Kocsis, in 4 2 6 5 3 5

3 4 4 5 3-36
3 4443-35
5 4 4-36-72
5 3 5-38-73




Individual scores of the Michi-
gan entrants in the National In-
tercollegiate golf meet:
Charles Kocsis, 74-73 -147.
Woody Malloy, 77-77 -154.
Dana Seeley, 78-76 - 154.
Cal Markham - 80-79 - 159.
Milt Schloss, 82-79-161.
Chuck Menefee, 85-87 -172.
Carroll Sweet, 83 - Withdrew.


We are prepared with a generous supply of

YOUR CAR Take Me to
Liberty and Division Streets

for all departments- Loads and loads of
which we have priced to your advantage


... . . . ........







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