T H E MICHIGAN DAILY P Eekles Talks On" Occupations In Broadcast Field Says Original Ideas And Experience Are Most Important Assets Cites Rapid Turnover New Flight Into Stratosphere Is Planned Job In Best Later Small Station Is Preparation For Work,_He Says Experience and original ideas for advertising are the two most impor- tant assets for anyone interested in getting into broadcasting work, ac- cording to John Eckles, program di- rector and chief of the announcing staff of Radio Station WJR, who lec- tured yesterday noon at the Union for the student-faculty luncheon of the Department of Speech and Gen- eral Linguistics on the subject of 'How to Get Into Radio Work." - Try a small station first, was the first advice Mr. Eckles gave to would- be broadcasters. In these there is a rapid turnover which makes it easier to secure jobs, and here one can get the experience which is required by the larger stations. From the begin- ning prepare your own speeches whenever possible, he advised. Too many announcers read their adver- tisements with a clock-like monoto- ny, and there is a real field for those Who can build up saleable advertising programs and read them with inter- est, he said. Importance Of Advertising j Mr. Eckles emphasized the depen- dence of the radio on advertising. A e program is judged, not on the com- pliments it receives, but on the actual sales results for the product which sponsors it. In this connection he discussed the comparatively recent development of radio departments in the large advertising firms of the country. This is a new field, and a very important one, he stated, which requires a thorough knowledge of ad- vertising as well as of radio technique. In discussing the best broadcasting voice, Mr. Eckles emphasized natural- ness as the first requisite. A low juiet voice brings the best results generally, he said, but most important of all is tle absence of all affectation. Ideal Program The ideal radio program, Mr. Eckles thinks, has not yet been written. It will emancipate itself from the tra- ditions of the drama, where scenery and action hold such an important part, and will be designed to appeal entirely through the medium of sound. It will be repeated as plays and concerts are repeated, and will get away from the idea that the radio should be used only for announce- ments and skits of no permanent value. Mr. Eckles concluded his talk with a discussion of some of his own experi- ences in radio work, especially in con- nection with his work as "The In- quiring Reporter." Labor Leader Will Address Peace League Joseph Roberts To Speak On 'War, Fascism, And Austrian Crisis' Today "War, Fascism, and the Austrian Crisis," Will be the topic of Joseph C. Roberts, prominent labor leader and active member in the American League Against War and Fascism, who will discuss the topic from the point of view of the working class at 8 p.m. tonight in the Union, sponsored by the Vanguard Club. Mr. Roberts, according to Vanguard Club leaders,t will' analyze the eco- nomic and political factors both in- side and, outside of Austria which contributed to the present develop- ments in that country. He will also at- tempt a forecast of future develop- ments and the effects upon neighbor- ing countries and their future social order. He has been active in the labor movement in Chicago, Buffalo, and Detroit, and is the organizer of many worker's organizations, including the' Steel and Metal Workers' Industrial Union. "Mr. Roberts' speech," Vanguard Club leaders stated yesterday, "will provide a thorough analysis of the war situation, as he has already lec- tured on the same subject to large audiences in New York, Pittsburg, and Chicago. He will be especially con- cerned with the significance of youth and what youth can do to avert war." Mahatma Gandhi Begins Seven-Day Hunger StriJie WARDAH, Central Provinces, In-I 'Incumbents In KentuckyGiven Renomination Democratic Congressmen Assured Their Places In Light Vote LOUISVILLE, Ky., Aug. 7. - (IP)- All Democratic incumbents in con- gress except two were renominated in Saturday's primary, on the face of practically complete returns today. In the Sixth district John Young Brown, an insurgent in state politics, conceded his defeat by Virgil Chap- man, who also served in the last con- gress. And in the Ninth Finley Ham- ilton did not seek renomination. Chapman, backed by Gov. Ruby Laffoon's administration, defeated Brown 32,169 to 24,653 on the face of complete unofficial returns. Voting throughout the state was light, de- spite good weather, and it was the quietest in years. The warmest Republican contest was in the Ninth, a Republicani stronghold, where former U. S. Sen- ator John M. Robison, defeated for-I mer Gov. Morrow, a member of the United States railway mediation board. Dr. L. L. Terrell was over- whelmingly nominated by the Demo- crats to oppose Robison in the Ninth. In the Republican contest in the Seventh Mrs. Katherine Langley, who succeeded her husband in congress and then was defeated four years ago by A. J. (Jack) May, Democrat, lost the Republican nomination to Harry H. Ramey, an attorney. May got the Democratic nomination over three other candidates including Dr. A. A. Hill, floor leader of the house in the 1934 general assembly, who died Sun- day. Fall Campaign Ahead United States And Spain Talk Over New Pact D epartment Of Commerce Figures Show Improved Trade Condition WASHINGTON, Aug. 7. - (P) - The United States and Spain have started talking things over to clear the way for a give-and-take trade treaty. Department of commerce figures disclosed today that trade between the two countries is improving. It nearly doubled in the first half of 1934 as compared with the first half of the preceding year. It is hoped preliminary talks, now going on be- tween the President's tariff bargain- ing committee and Ambassador Juan Francisco de Cardenas, will lead to still greater increases. The disclosure was of special in- terest to American producers of cot- ton, tobacco, lumber, rubber manu- factures, mineral oils, wheat, machin- ery, automobiles and tires, chemicals and iron and steel manufactures. The chief goods that the United States buys from Spain are olive oil, onions and other vegetables, oranges and other fruits, almonds, wines, hides and skins, Cork, lead and iron pyrites. The United States imported $10,- 166,578in Spanish goods in the first six months of 1934 as against $4,669,- 131 the first half of 1933. For Amer- ican sales to Spain the figures were $19,438,203 as against $12,397,840. Similar talks are going on with Brazil, Sweden, and a number of La- tin American coffee producing coun- tries. It is understood Brazil and several other coffee countries will be ready to start actual treaty negotia- tions soon. Where To Go Afternon 2:00 - Michigan Theatre, "Stam- boul Quest" with Myrna Loy and IGeorge Brent. 2:00 - Majestic Theatre, "Harold Teen" with Hal LeRoy. 2:00 - Wuerth Theatre, two fea- tures, "All Of Me" with Frederic March and "You Can't Buy Every- thing" with May Robson. 4:00 -Same features at the three theatres. 4:10 - Conference, "Educational Responsibilities In Regard To Delin- quency and Crime," O. W. Stephen- son, Associate Professor of the Teach- ing of History. (Room 1022, Univer- sity High School). Evening 7:00 - Same features at the three theatres. 8:30 -.Eugene O'Neill's "Marco Millions" by the Michigan Repertory Players, Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. 9:00 -- Same features at the three theatres.. Canoeing on the Huron every after- noon and evening. Dancing at the Blue Lantern Ball- romo, Island Lake, Dancing at the Whitmore Lake Pa- vilion, Whitmore Lake, Large Government Crop Loan Planned WASHINGTON, Aug. 7. - (R') - A gigantic crop loan plan which would leave control of 1935 supplies in the hands of farmers who grow them is hatching in the farm administra- tion. Modeled after this year's corn and cotton loans, the plan will call for government loans on a wide range of their crops. There will be a stipula- tion that supplies must be sold when prices rise to a certain point. -Associated Press Photo Prof. Auguste Piccard and Mrs. Piccard are shown inspecting an ionization chamber to be used as part of the equipment in their pro- posed flight to the stratosphere from Detroit. They are assembling their instruments at the research laboratory of the Franklin Institute's Bartol foundation at Swarthmore, Pa. -Associated Press Photo ' Mrs. Wlliam Langer, former New York society girl who became the Re- publican nominee for the governor- ship of North Dakota after her hus- band was ousted from the job, is pre-I paring to campaign for the fall elec- tion. Court Of Appeals Upholds Right To Import 'Ulysses' NEW YORK, Aug. 7. - WP)- The United States Circuit Court of Ap- peals, by a two-to-one decision today, upheld the right of Random House to import "James Joyce's "Ulysses." The court in its ruling joined Fed- eral Judge John M. Woolsey in hold- ing that the book is not lewd, im-. moral, or obscene. LEHMAN WILL RUN ALBANY, Aug. 7.-(P)-Gov. Her- bert H. Lehman tonight formally an- nncdhis candidacy for re-election. 1 Government Increases Its Liquor Tax Forces WASHINGTON, Aug. 7. - () - Secretary Morgenthau plans to in- crease his alcohol tax force to 5,000 men as he "fights to the finish" to eliminate the bootlegger. In what officials called the greatest drive ever conducted against tax- dodging liquor, the treasury head equipped 15 newly organized alcohol tax districts with supervisory person- nel and disclosed that 1,301 enforce- ment investigators already are in the field. "If the bootleggers lick me at this job," Morgenthau said, "I'll admit it and go home." nounced his candidacy for re-election. tions soon. prices rise to a certain point. I 0r roull pure I 9 Y/ WTI TACC that's Why Luckies draw- I so easiyP You've noticed it and you've appreciated the smooth, Cven- burning quality that is somuch a part of Luckies' character ... Round and pure-fully packed with the world's choic- est Turkish and Domestic to baccos-and no loose ends. That's why Luckies drag .... .: ".'.ti I Luckies draw