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August 08, 1934 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1934-08-08

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The Weather
Cloudy and warmer today,
possibly showers; tomorrow
clearing and cooler.




Race Prejudice -
The Negro..


Official Publication Of The Summer Session



Last Summer


Commutes Sentence.



By Muyskens
'Cave Canem, Or Meaning
Of Meaning,' Is Subject
Of PhoneticsExpert
Practical Examples
Of Problem Cited
Question Of Biology Must
Be Answered Before We
Know Meaning, He Says

Emphasizing the conflicting amoun
of data in regards to the question
what is meaning, and stating that al-
though there has been a great deal of
work done in regards to the question
very little has been accomplished,
Prof. John H. Muyskens of the de-
partment of speech and general lin-
guistics, lectured yesterday on "Cave
Canem, or the Meaning of Meaning."
This talk concluded the special
Summer Session series of 26 lectures
which have been presented four times
weekly at 5 p.m. in Natural Science
* Auditorium.
Reviewing the views of the various
groups in regards to the question of
the meaning-of meaning, Professor
Muyskens discussed the beliefsrof the
Semites, the Greeks, the Alexandri-
ans, the descriptivists of which Ba-
con, Descartes, and Locke were mem-
bers, the psychologists, and the com-
mqn-sense philosophers.
Tells Of Alexandrians
The Alexandrians, stated Professor
Muyskens, couldn't figure out whether
general ideas or particular application
of the general ideas came first.
"Bacon said that you would get
meaning in true form if you could
free your mind from the influence of
four evil idols"
Descartes was of the opinion, ac-
cording to the speaker, that we are
born with a category of ideas and all
AtMat is necessary is to have some in-
spiration bring them out.
With the development of language
study there has been a new emphasis
placed on meaning, according to Pro-
fessor Muyskens. With the beginning
of dictionaries a sort of common-
sense idea took hold.
Scholars agree, he stated, that when
a definition is given in the dictionaries
it is not to state the general meaning
or words but also the particular
meaning with the entymology of the
word, its variant uses, and all its
Psychologists Of Two Views
"As for the psychologists," stated
"inofessor Muyskens, "they are of two
opinions. First, the physiological psy-
chologists who believe that meaning
of words are fusions of sensations,
feelings, and emotions. Second, the
associational psychologists who be-
lieve that meaning is everything that
takes place when the associations A
and B are present. A being the por-
tion which would arouse sensations
of B meaning."
Prof. Walter B. Pillsbury of the
psychology department here, con-
tributed some valuable thoughts to
the study of meaning, according to
Professor Muyskens, when he found
that a noun stimulus is slow. Verbs
and adjectives were found to have a
much more rapid stimulus response.
Some of our best knowledge in re-
gards to meaning has come from Ber-
trand Russel, according to the speak-
Presents Problems
Deviating from the formal study
of the problem, the speaker next pre-1
sented some practical examples,
showing the difficulty of deciding the
question of the meaning of mean-
Professor Muyskens followed the,
word nice through its entymology and
also showed how ludicrous one mean-
ing of nice, as for example a nice
house, is in compariso to the mean-
ing of nice when speaking of a girl.
"Show a woodsman, a farmer, a
cabinet maker, and a forester the
same tree and they may all say that
it is a nice tree but it is obvious that
their idea of the tree as nice is totally
"The problem of meaning is not
easily-solvable," said Professor Muy-
skens in conclusion. "Too little at-
tention is paid to the action of mus-
cles, nerves, and tissues in deriving
meaning and not until question of
human biology is answered will ques-
tion of the meaning of meaning be

--Associated Press Photo
* * *
Austrians Kill
Own Soldier In
Ernst Feike Hanged For
Participation In Putsch
Against Dollfuss
VIENNA, July 7. -(AP) - The re-
lentless campaign of the Austrian
government against the Nazis today
claimed another life on the gallows -
this time that of a soldier in the
regular army.
Ernst Feike was hanged in 'the
courtyard here for partcipating in the
putsch in which Chancellor Dollfuss
was slain.
He was the first member of the gov-
ernment armed forces to be tried and
executed on charges of high treason
in connection with the' Nazi out-
Another death sentence was im-
posed today in Klagenfurt, but the
prisoner, Karl Kosterling, also a Nazi
received a commutation to 15 years
from President Miklas. U.
Feike in his court-martial brought
in the name of Emil Fey, former vice-
chancellor and still a cabinet mem-
ber, who was imprisoned in the Fed-
eral chancellory when Dollfuss was
Feike testified that the Nazis who
seized the government building de-
sired to establish "ministry of na-
tional concentration" with Anton
Rintelen, then minister to Rome at
the head, and with Fey as a member.
The defense sought a hearing by
the new chancellor, Kurt Schusch-
nigg, as to whether safe conduct to
Germany had been promised to the
putschists. This the court rejected.
As the death sentence was imposed
the soldier raised his arm in a Nazi
salute and shouted "Hail Hitler!"
He was pulled back to his bench by
a guard.
BELFAST, Northern Ireland, Aug.
7. - (A) - Fire destroyed Hillborough
castle, seat of the governor of north-
ern Ireland, the Duke of Abercorn,
today. It was one of Ulster's most his-
toric spots.
After a two-hour battle at the
castle, near Belfast, fire-fighting
forces rushed from all available points
brought the blaze under control. But'
by then the castle was only a shell.

War Rife In
Report Says Death Toll I
Considerably . G r e a t e
Than First Estimated
French Militia In
Complete Control
Of 27 Dead 23 Are Jews
Troops Arriving As 300
Are Arrested
CONSTANTINE, Algeria, Aug. 7. -
(W) - Fighting between Jews and
Arabs has spread to towns surround-
ing Constantine, reports reaching
here today revealed, giving rise tc
fears that the death toll may be
considerably higher than officials
have stated.
The French military authorities
were in complete control of the sit-
uation here today, but strengthened
their forces to prevent an outbreak
tomorrow when funerals will be held
for 27 persons killed in the rioting
here between Friday and yesterday.
Three persons were killed and five
men were injured, all of them Jews,
in fighting at Ain Beida, 60 miles from
here. The mayor of the town also
was injured when he tried to stop the
Casualties Placed at 300
While 27 was the number officially
lisfd as known to be dead, it was
estimated that altogether 100 were
slain and 200 wounded in the fight-
ing which broke out last Friday night
and continued until the French mil-
itary got control yesterday.
The city was reported calm today,
but officials said no chance would
be taken on further massacres tomor-
Senegalese troops surrounded the
Jewish quarter, cutting off its narrow
winding streets from the remainder of
the city..
Of the 27 listed dead, 23 are Jews.
Funerals of all were postponed pend-
ing the arrival of the French governor
general, Jules Carde, who rushed back
from a vacation when violence broke
300 Are Arrested
More troops were constantly arriv-
ing in the city, and 300 persons were
arrested today.
Shops with signs indicating that
they were owned by Christians were
not molested.
French officials insisted that the
rioting had no political significance,
but was an outbreak of the anti-Sem-
itism which smoulders among the
Arab populace.
About half the residents of this city
of 100,000 are Jews.
Austria To Issue
New Silver Coins
VIENNA, Aug. 7.-- (P) - Part of
Austria's new deal is a new silver coin-
age, designed to emphasize the Chris-
tian character of the new regime sup-
planting the abolished democratic re-
public, and embodying also a touch
of monarchistic tradition.
Each of the new coins carries on
one side the new Austrian coat-of-
arms, the double-eagle closely re-
sembling the imperial double eagle of
Hapsburg days.
On the other side of the five-
schilling piece (roughly equivalent to
the American dollar in quoted value)
is the Virgin Mary with Christ Child.
Encircling the Madonna are the words
"Magna Mater Austriae" (Austria's
Great Mother).

Ca rdross Slogan---
A Nip Of Whiskey
In All Our Water
CARDROSS, Dumbartonshire, Scot
land, Aug. 7. - (R) - The Britis
drouth is rapidly making this villag
the most popular spot in Scotland.
There's whiskey in its drinkin
water - and the drinking water i
When the town's water reservoi
went dry from lack of rain, reserve
were brought from other points in the
great casks in which the region
abounds. It abounds in them because
they are used for maturing whiskey
the Scotch variety.
Local temperance organizations
protested against having to drink
water with a distinct highball flavor
but the village authorities answered
that the water is perfectly safe.
Plot Uncovered
To Buy Stolen
Congressional Committee
Told Of Silver Shirts'
Plan By Ex-Marine
LOS ANGELES, Aug. 7.-- (P) -Vir-
gil Hayes, a former marine, told a
coAgressional subcommittee here to-
day that he had been offered money
for stolen government machineguns,
rifles and ammunition by an organi-
zation known as the Silver Shirts.
Hayes testified in connection with
hearings being held by the subcom-
mittee to gather evidence of un-Amer-
ican activities.
His story followed previously pub-
lished reports that the committee had
obtained evidence of Nazi activity by
the San Diego Silver Shirt organiza-
Obtained Membership
Hayes said that as an Intelligence
worker in the Marine Corps he ob-
tained membership in the San Diego
Silver Shirts.
"I was made an instructor," Hayes
testified. "The Silver Shirts were
armed with rifles, pistols and shot-
guns, but mainly Springfield rifles.
bearing a United States government
"I was told the rifles had been
purchased from members of the mili-
tary forces in San Diego.I
"I saw 2,000 rounds of ammunition
and was told there was another 12,-
000 rounds cached in four places near
San Diego. The ammunition, I was
told, had been purchased from Cor-
porals Huddle and Ele'son at the North
[sland Naval Base."
Tells of Offer
Hayes testified that the offer for
uns and ammunition was made by
w. W. Kemp, who was described as
ommander of the San Diego Silver
Shirts. He said that Kemp offered
im $10 for rifles, $50 for machine
uns and $20 a case for ammunition.
Hayes quoted Kemp as saying,
'Anything the Silver Shirts did would
e countenanced by the San Diego
sheriff's Office with the exception of
he undersheriff, who is a Jew."
"The Silver Shirts," Hayes quoted
Kemp as saying, "will not be bothered
when the time comes to act. Firearms
>f both the Sheriff's Office and the
olice department will be turned over
o us. The undersheriff will be liqui-

Davis Speaks
On Curricula
In Education
g Six Trends Outlined By
s Educator Which Indicat
Students To Have
Greater Selection
Colleges Must Cater To The
Individual Rather Than
To Whole, He Says
Curriculum reform throughout the
United States is following certain
clearly defined trends which will ef-
fect a greater individual liberty for
the student in selecting his courses,
Prof. Calvin O. Davis, secretary of
the School of Education, said yester-
day at a conference sponsored by the
education school.
Speaking before an audience com-
posed largely of school teachers and
administrators, he outlined these
trends, six in number, which he con-
sidered important in shaping the
future course of curriculum reform.
Among the more important of these
he listed: one, more offerings; two,
organization of these offerings into
definite curricula, not to exceed four
in number for any one school; and
three, to have fewer prescribed sub-
jects for any individual, but to pro-
vide opportunity for selection of more
subjects than formerly-
Quotes Report
Professor Davis quoted a recent re-
port of the American Council of Edu-
cation, to the effect that "colleges
Prof. O. W. Stephenson of the
School of Education will speak to-
day at the education conference
on the topic, "Educational Re-
sponsibilities in Relation to De-
linquency and Crime."
Professor Stephenson's talk will
begin at 4:10 p.m. in Room 1022,
University High School. All inter-
ested inl the topic are invited, it
has been announced.
can no longer maintain a standard
curriculum for all. They must make a
curriculum for each individual." This,
he said, summarized the trend of the
day, and was equally applicable to the
principles held by high school admin-
"High schools have attempted to
serve two masters - " said Professor
Davis, "the college and the demands
of the practical life." He described the
outcome of the struggle between the
varying demands as an "over-crowded
curriculum and a training that has
not been eminently satisfactory to
either of the two contending groups
of disputants."
Training Can Be Overdone
Professor Davis expressed optimism
over present efforts to reconcile the
contending factions. However, he said,
the worth of the old-time curriculum
to certain classes of students could
not be denied. Mental training, he
added, was the primary purpose of
education, but it was his view that
such training might be overdone.
Minneapolis Settlement
Efforts Are At Standstill
MINNEAPOLIS, July 7. - ()-
Peace negotiations came to a stand-
still in the truck drivers' strike today.
The Rev. Francis Hare and E. H.
Dunnigan, Federal mediators, con-
ferred with Vincent Dunne and Far-
rell Dobbs, strike leaders, but the

meeting failed to produce any prog-
ress toward settlement of the 22-
day controversy.



-Associated Press Photo
Gov. O. K. Allen (above) of Louisi-
ana said Senator Huey Long was "sore
at him" because he would not dismiss
the national guards he called out in
the fight between Long and Mayor T.,
Semmes Walmsley of New Orleans.

Battle BetweenI
Becomes Siege
Huey'4 Guardsmen Retain
Registration Books As
Court Action Fails
NEW ORLEANS, July 7. -( PW)-
The Long-Walmsley "war" settled
down to a seige today after court ac-
tion had failed to demobilize Na-
tional Guardsmen called at the re-
quest of Sen. Huey P. Long a week
ago to seize the voters' registration
Long's troopers remained in posses-
sion of the registrar's office with
Mayor' T. Semmes Walmsley's special
policemen holding the fort in the city
hall across the street. The end of the
seige appeared indefinite as court ac-
tion was postponed until next week.
It appeared likely that Long's forces
might hold the book until the Sep-
tember primary election of two mem-
bers of the National House of Repre-
In the last few days there have been
many complaints from Walmsley sup-
porters that they were not allowed to
register and would not be permitted
to vote.
Band To Give
Final Summer
Concert Today
The fifth and final concert of the
summer series by the University
Summer Band will be presented at
7:15 p.m. today on the steps of the
General Library.
The Band will be under the direc-
tion of Prof. Nicholas D. Falcone, al-
though as in past weeks, several stu-
dents will assist.
Featured on tonight's program will
be the traditional songs of the Uni-
versity and a cornet solo, "The South-
ern Cross," by H. L. Clarke, will be
played by Owen Reed. Two of the
Michigan songs will be sung by Edgar
Paul Headley, accompanied by the
The University songs which will be
heard include "Varsity," "I Want to
Go Back to Michigan," "The Victors,"
the "Yellow and Blue," -"College Days"
and the "Friar's Song."
Other numbers to be heard will be
"Pasadena Day," by M. Vessella, the
overture to Schubert's "Rosamunde,"
and the waltz, "Espana," by Wald-

At Outs With Long

Farm Aid
Tells Dakotans He Will
Not Stop Until Problem
Is Solved
Project To Divert
Missouri Planned
Presidential Car Nearing
Minneapolis; Will Stop
To Honor Mayos
ROOSEVELT, Aug. 7. - () - Presi-
dent Roosevelt crossed the seared
plains of the Northwest tonight with a
message of hope that the government
woulddo everything possible to coun-
teract the heretofore unsoluble prob-
lem of drought.
Making no promises, the President
frankly told a dust-laden crowd at
Devil's Lake, N. D., this morning that
he did not know the solution, but
he gave assurance amid cheers and
with feeling:
"I will not give up until I can give
my good service to solving the prob-
lem of North Dakota."
Urge River Diversion
Smiling faces looked hopefully at
the President as he left his special
train there to motor through clouds
of dust about the receding shores of
Devils Lakel Signs pleaded for di-
version of the Missouri river to revive
this lake and region.
"Engineers have not found a place
for a dam to make this possible," he
said. "I have a responsibility. I can't
build a dam unless I have the best
engineering assurance that it is not
only the right thing to do but the safe
thing to do."
But he did promise an early con-
ference to review intensive studies
being made of the project.
The Presidential special neared
Minneapolis, heart of one of the
country's most troublesome strikes,
for a brief stop at midnight. The trair
will proceed during the night to Ro-
chester, Minn., where the President
stops tomorrow to participate in hon-
oring the Mayo brothers, whose na-
tionally-known clinic is establishedi
Rivals Brought Together
Bth Senator Henrik Shipstead,
Farmer-Labor, and Rep. Einar Hol-.
dale, Democrat, both candidates for a
single Minnesota Senate seat this fall,
were on the Presidential special, and
Mr. Roosevelt broke bread with them.
Senator Gerald P. Nye, North Da-
kota Republican, introduced him at
Devils Lake with the declaration, "It
is my pleasure to present one whose
leadership and friendship means so
much to us in the Northwest."
"My friends," the President told
the Devils Lake throng, "I can ear-
nestly say my heart is not happy to-
day, because I am seeing with my own
eyes what I have been reading about
for so long. I have been seeing at first
hand a problem that has perplexed
me and others.
"It is a problem, and I wouldn't try
to fool you by saying I know the solu-
tion we are going to do it."
Remarking with a smile and amid
chuckles that during his auto ride
he had observed the signs, "You Gave
Us Beer, Now Give Us Water," the
President said, "the -beer part was

Eighth Play
Of Summer To
Open Tonight
Eugene O'Neill's "Marco Millions,"
will be the eighth play to be pre-
sented by the Michigan Repertory
Players, and will open tonight at the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre for a
four-day run.
The part of Marco Polo as a young
man in Act I will be played by God-
dard Light, while Frances Compton,
guest director, will portray the part
of Marco Polo in Acts II and III.
James Doll and George Totten will
play the parts of the Polo brothers,
Marco's father and uncle. Frederic O.
Crandall will be Kublai, the Great
Khan, and the part of Kukachin, his
granddaughter, will be played by
Mary Pray. William Halstead has the


Archduke Otto Leaves For Italy;
Rumor Marriage With Princess

New Yo
St. Lou:

irk ...........67 38
i. .............62 41
is ............59 44
..............53 52
gh..........49 51
,n...........43 58
lphia........43 61
Lati...........36 67


Hitler Delivers Eulogy Over Bier
Of Hindenburg As Reich Mourns,

BRUSSELS, Aug. 7. - (AP) - Arch-
duke Otto, claimant to the Austrian
throne, left today for Italy, and those
who profess to know say that he will
press his suit for the hand of 19-year-
old Princess Maria of that country.
They say also that as he seeks to
marry the youngest daughter of King
Victor Emmanuel the question of
eventual restoration of the Haps-
burg dynasty possibly is in the back of
his mind.
Persons who claim to be well in-
formed declare that political nego-
tiations accompanying the expected
betrothal are in the hands of the
Archduke Anton, husband of Ruman-

Otto arrived unexpectedly tonight
at Wenduyne-On-Sea, and members
of his entourage declined to say where
he was bound.
Reliable sources, however, said that
he was still on his way to Italy.
Political circles speculated as to
whether Dollfuss' projected talk with
Premier Mussolini at Riccione, pre-
vented by a Putschist's bullet, was
not to have included some discussion
of the Premier's views of an engage-
ment between Otto and Princess Ma-
That the present trip is for matri-
monial rather than political purposes'
was indicated as members of his staff

Yesterday's Results
New York 6, Brooklyn 4.
Pittsburgh 4, Chicago 1.
Boston 3, Philadelphia 1.
St. Louis 2-2, Cincinnati 0-9.
Gamnes Today
Brooklyn at New York.
Chicago at Pittsburgh.
St. Louis at Cincinnati.
Philadelphia at Boston.

TANNENBERG, Germany, Aug. 7.
- (P) -In a tower room of the Na-
tional Shrine erected in memory of
his greatest military victory, the body
of President Paul von Hindenburg
rests tonight while thousands of his
fellow countrymen waited patiently in
flickering torchlight for a glimpse of
his coffin.
Chancellor Hitler delivered the eul-
ogy at the final rites, which were brief
and simple as the Field Marshal had
wished and were conducted on the
very spot where 20 years' ago he
stopped the Russian invasion.
After the coffin had been brought
here from the Neudeck estate along

Reichspresident, beginning with his
first battle in the war of 1879.
Music followed Hitler's eulogy, Bee-
thoven's "Eroica," "The Song of the
Good Comrade," "Deutschland Ueber
Alles" and the Nazi "Horst Wessel
Then salutes were fired, and finally
the coffin was carried up into the
tower of the great monument.
Tonight in slow procession through
the tower room began the pilgrimage
to the shrine, which will continue for
Humble peasants stood in line for
hours with well-dressed business men.

Detroit ..............66
New York ...........64
Cleveland ............56
Boston .............54
Washington .........48
St. Louis ............44



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