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August 07, 1934 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1934-08-07

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65 Hostesses,
Hosts Guests At
Dinner Dance
Jane Fletcher And Jean
Seeley Plan Party For
Dance Officials
Over 65 men and women attended
the dinner dance given from 7 to .10
p.m. last night in the ballroom of
the League for hosts and hostesses
that have officiated at League dances
during the Summer Session.
Jane Fletcher, '36, and Jean Seeley,
'36, were in charge of arrangements
for the affair. Al Cowan and his band
provided music for dancing between
courses of the dinner and afterwards.
Mrs. Byrl Fox Bacher, Miss Ethel
McCormick, and Miss Edna Hamil
were patrons for the function. This
is the second time a dinner dance of
this sort has been given for League
officials, last summer being the first
Tickets sold for the dance at the
League last Friday night exceeded
600. Charlotte Whitman was the en-
tertainer during the dance. She sang
several songs, including "True." Al
Cowan and his band played for the
Ohio Professor
Predicts Comet
Will Be Visile
Bright Ones Appear Once
In Four Years, He Says;'
Not Dangerous To Earth
DELAWARE, 0., Aug. 6. - () -1
Watching the heavens through the'
huge telescope of Ohio Wesleyan Uni-
versity, Dr. N. T. Bobrovnikoff pre-
dicts another bright comet visible1
either this year or next. The astron-
omer says that "a comet visible to the
naked eye appears on the average
once in four years.
"The last bright comet was observed
in 1931, so we may expect shortly to
see one of these celestial visitors."
He attempts to dispel the illusion
that comets are dangerous to' the
eaith. Many times during the history
of mankind, Dr. Bobrovnikoff asserts,
the earth probably has passed through
the tails of comets.
The atmospheric blanket, he says,
acts as a shield, causing meteors to
burn up or break into millions of
small particles before they strike the
American League
W L Pct.
Detroit ..............65 37 .637
New York .............63 37 .630
Cleveland .............56 45 .554
Boston ...............54 50 .519
Washington..........47 54 .465
St. Louis..............44 53 .454
Philadelphia...........38 59 .392
Chicago ...............36 68 .346
Yesterday's Results
No games scheduled.
Today's Games
St. Louis at Detroit.
New York at Washington.
Cleveland at Chicago.
Boston at Philadelphia.
National League
W L Pct.
New York............66 38 .635

Chicago..............62 40 .608
St. Louis .............58 43 .574
Boston ........ . .......52 52 .500
Brooklyn... , . ........43 57 .430
Pittsburgh .............48 51 .485
Philadelphia ...........43 60 .417
Cincinnati..... ......35 66 .347
Yesterday's Results
No games scheduled.
Today's Games
Brooklyn at New York.
Chicago at Pittsburgh.
St. Louis at Cincinnati.
Philadelphia at Boston.

He Does First-Basing For League Leaders

Death Reveals
Hindenburg As
Greatest Of All
His Figure Looms Above'
The Commanders Who
Defeated Him
(Associated Press Staff Writer)
WASHINGTON, Aug. 6. -On the
walls of General John J. Pershing's
office hangs a dimming enlargement
of a signal corps photograph taken
long ago "over there." It bears no
scrawled autographs to give it specialj
meaning to him, yet it stirs brave
The signal corps caption is "A
Squad of Famous Soldiers." And what
a squad! Bulky "Papa" Joffre, a coun-
try squire to the eye despite his sol-
dierly trappings; Foch, generalissimo
of victory; Haig of England, a bit
stooped; Pershing, erect, youthful by
contrast; bearded Gallian of Belgium;
Albricci of Italy; Hailer of Poland.
Soldiers all, great soldiers, parad-
ing in their hour of victory to ap-
plaud Petain as he received his mar-
shal's baton before the happy people
of Metz, under old walls that still
echoed the thud of retreating German
army boots.
Von Hindenburg's Day
What prophetic eye could then have
discerned in the shadows of time un-
born the figure of another as great
soldier, in enemy uniform, a hero in!
defeat, not victory, which was to tower
in world stature above those of the
That famous squad was long ago
demobilized by death or retirement.
It wasitheir last, their grandest pa-
rade with its setting a symbol of vic-
tory. None was to see military renown
lift him to higher civil honors and
power in the bitter, post-war years, al-
though Pershing dreamed his dreams.
They had had their grim and terrible

Sky Train Car Is Shunted Off At Capital

Labor Leader To Talk
On 'War And Fascism'
Joseph C. Roberts, Detroit worker
and active labor leader, will talk on
"War and Fascism," and attempt an
analysis of their significance from the
standpoint of the working class, at
8 p.m. Wednesday night in the Union.
Roberts has been active in the labor
movement in Chicago, Buffalo, and
Detroit. He will explain the economic
basis of the present war crisis in Aus-
tria, Germany, and Italy.
The meeting is under the auspices
of the Vanguard Club.
Italian Prince Will Test
Swallows' Homing Flight
ROME, Aug. 6. - (P) - Whether
swallows really "homeward fly" is be-
ing investigated here by Prince Fran-
cesco Chigi Della Rovere, ardent or--
Noting that the birds were becom-
ing scarce in this region, he reared 100
of them in incubators at Castelfuano,
a suburb. They have shown great at-
tachment to their homes. *
When cold weather comes. the
prince expects his pets to fly away but
he hopes they will wing their way
back in the springtime.
Homicides in Kentucky increased
from 539 in 1932 to 602 the following
year, and suicides decreased from 302
to 269.

-Associated Press Photo
One of the three mail-carrying gliders which made up the first
"sky-train" is shown as it landed in Washington after a trip from New
York. Other gliders landed in Philadelphia and Baltimore.

-Associated Press Photo
But For Two Reasons Big Hank
Miffht Not Be With Tiger Team

Where To Go






(Associated Press Sports Writer)
DETROIT, August 6. - (P) -There
are only two reasons - albeit big ones
-why big Hank Greenberg is not
playing first base with the New York
Yankees against their rivals for first,
place, the Detroit Tigers, instead of
vice versa,,
The reasons are $9,000, and LouI
Gehrig - not necessarily set downI
here in the order of importance.
The $9,000 was the option plum the
Tigers dropped into Huge Henry's lap
when the six-foot four-inch, 210-
pound slugger was still in high school.
Gehrig, of course, happens to do about
all the first-basing the Yankees need.
Greenberg, whose improvement this
year is high on the mounting list of
"factors in the Tigers' sensational
showing," was a standout high school
athlete at Monroe high school in New
York City for four years.
Respects Lou's Durability'
He played baseball, football, soc-
cer, basketball and track, winning
letters in all five. Before his gradua-
tion New York, Washington and the
Tigers had made offers for his serv-
Henry liked his native New York,
and he liked the Yankees. But he
considered Gehrig's unsurpassed rec-
ord of durability and figured his fu-
ture with the Ruppert Rifles would be
rather remote, to say the least.
The Tigers finally signed him, pay-
ing him $9,000 with the understand-

ing he would enter college to gain
experience. But he couldn't wait and
left with the Bengals for spring
training camp. He was farmed to
Hartford, Conn., and Raleigh, N. C.,
then came back to Detroit, still unable
to get going.
Finds Stride In Texas
Sent to Evansville, Ind., in the
Three-Eye league, he couldn't find
himself. Then with Beaumont in the
Texas league in 1931 he started to
click and hit 39 home runs.
"Oboy!" he recalls, "was I a slugger
against those minor league pitchers-
and was I a sucker for those majors!"
Last year he started badly, then
suddenly began to get straightened
In the current campaign he has
been one of the most dangerous of all
Tiger batsmen with men on the bases.
He is a slashing type of clubber, lin-
ing his drives against the fences in-
stead of lifting them. At first base
he makes a fine target, and his field-
ing has improved steadily.
New York's loss - though it's be
hard to say what the Yankees could
actually do with Henry -has been
the Tigers' gain, and may mean that
first pennent since 1909 for Mickey
Cochrane's hustling Bengals.
Sea anemones, which resemble sen-
sitive flowers, live on fish which they
seize and paralyze with their poison-
ous tentacles.



New Deal Has A Full House - Or Maybe Three

Yet beyond the Rhine, even then,
Paul von Hindenburg, older than the
oldest of the victor squad, was begin-
ning a new march along paths strange
to his soldierly steps toward a niche
in world history all his own, impelled
by that great-hearted love of coun-
try which is. a soldier's lode-star.
Love Of Fatherland
Von Hindenburg had known earned
and honored retirement while the vic-
tors were still juniors, before the blar-
ing war trumpets of 1914 brought him
back to duty, to public service that
death alone would end, to a long life-
time of ever-increasing responsibili-
ties. For another double decade that
ponderous, martial figure, that stern
face, were to be worked into the very
fabric of world history, in war and
in peace,*as it came from the loom of j
the hurrying years.
Revered, worshipped by his coun-
tr:men, honored hy soldiers and
statesmen alike among the conquer-
ors, acclaimed 'by the world as a sol-
dier of peace as well as war, a vital
personal force around whose bier were
to gather dark forebodings as to what
new disaster for mankind the death
of his one man might mean - it is
a gripping story, that of Paul von
Hindenburg. It has no fellow in all
the lore of the World war and its
And what made him what he was,
what history will write him down for,
was love of his German fatherland.
That is his fitting epitaph.
Operation May Aid
Pug Lund's Playing
MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. 6.- (P) -Re-
covering from the shock of the first
news that Francis "Pug" Lund, all-
America halfback, had lost a finger by
amputation, Minnesota football fans
glow inthe assurance that loss of the
digit actually may help Lund's play-
ing. N
Gopher followers have been jittery
in the assumption that prospects for
the Maroon and Gold's greatest sea-
son were "too good to be true." It has
become an axiom at Minnesota that
"something always happens" to blast
rosy prospects.
But the home folks have the state-
ment of Dr. Myron Henry, bone spe-
cialist, that Lund will . be a better
football player than ever. The dur-
able Pug, he revealed, had been handi-
capped throughout his collegiate ca-
reed by stiffness in the small finger
of his left hand.
The digit was broken when Lund
was in high school. It became stiff,
and several times each season was in-
jured or dislocated. So by recommen-
dation of Dr. Henry, Lund readily
agreed to having the tip amputated.

2:00- Michigan Theatre,L"Stdm-
boul Quest" with Myrna Loy and
George Brent.
200- Majestic Theatre, "Harold
Teen" with Hal LeRoy.
2:00 - Wuerth Theatre, "Viva Vil-
la" with Wallace Beery.
4:00 - Same features at the three
4:10 -Conference, "Curriculum In-i
novations in the High Schools," Cal-
vin O. Davis, Professor in Secondary
Education. (Room 1022, University
High School).
5:00 - Lecture, "Cave Canem or
the Meaning of Meaning," Associatej
Professor John H. Muyskens.
7:00 -Same features at the three
Canoeing on the Huron every after-
noon and evening.
Dancing at the Blue Lantern Ball-
room, Island Lake.
Treating fruit shipped in refrigera-
tor cars with carbon dioxide helps
prevent loss from rots.
The longshoremen's strike on the
west coast caused a shortage of meat
in Alaska.

WANTED: Passengers to
after summer session.
V8. Call at 8717.

New Ford

- E



Phone 2-1214. Place advertisements with
Classified Advertising Department.
The classified columns close at five
o'clock previous to day of insertion.
Box Numbers may be secured at no
extra charge.
Cash in Advance-11c per reading line
(on basis of five average words to
line) for one or two insertions.
loc per reading line for three or
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Minimum three lines per insertion.
By Contract, per line-2 lines daily, one
4 lines E.O.D., 2 months. 8c
2 lines daily, college year ...7c
4 lines E.O.D., college year . .7c
100 lines used as desired ....9c.
300 lines usedas desired ... 8c
1,000 lines used as desired ... .7c
2,000 lines used as desired ...6c
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TelephoneaRate-15c per reading line
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WANTED: An inexpensive, medium-
sized trunk. Call 9642. 61
WANTED: Girl student wants pas-
sage to California after Summer
School. Will pay. Phone 5534. 62
WANTED: Young couple wants ride
to Chicago after summer session.
Will share expenses. Dial 9061.
suits. Will pay 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 dol'
lars. Phone Ann Arbor 4300. Chi-
cago Buyers. Temporary office, 200
North Main. 2x
take individual interest in the laun-
dry problems of our customers.
Girls' silks, wools and fine fabrics
guaranteed.* Men's shirs our spe-
cialty. Call for and deliver. Phone
5594. 607 E. Hoover. 3x
LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. 1x
LOST: Pi Delta Theta pin in or near
Women's League Bldg. Finder
please address Norma Green, Wom-
en's League. 64

' y s
,; . j
Y.- F
1 t .



Italian Baby Disproves
Psychological Theory
PAVIA, Italy, Aug. 6. - (AP) -Trag-
edy has convinced the bereaved par-
ents of two-year-old Alberto Gandini
di Guido that modern child psychol-
ogy methods are not infallible.
The child fell into a small reservoir
several months ago and was rescued
after a bad fright. Neighbors with
modern ideas counselled the parents
to let the baby's experience teach its
own lesson.
In the next couple of months he
fell in four more times, showing
marked terror after each rescue.
Just about the time the di Guidos
had decided to resort to less modern
precautionary methods the baby fell
in again and was drowned.
LONDON (') - British brewing is
nn the increase ,official figures show-j

-Associated Press Photo
This village is New Deal, the nation's newest community. It has
sprung up at the site of the Fort Peck dam in Montana. The dam to
be built across the Missouri river a.t this point is a public works project,
and is to be second in size only to Boulder Dam.







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