1934 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE TORER Future Is Not Planned, Says C. F. Kettering Convention Of Rotarians In Detroit Hears Talk By Automotive Director DETROIT, June 26. - (P) - Ro- tarians assembled for their twenty- fifth annual convention here were warned .today by Charles F. Ketter- ing, director of research for General otors corporation, that "it isn't what you don't know, but what you know for sure and which isn't so, that wll get you in trouble." Previously, the delegates had heard Raymond J. Knoeppel, of New York, assert that "Rotary ;started the new deal years ago, and now even the so- phisticates have caught up with us." In.a paper prepared by Charles L. Wheeler, of San Francisco, who was unable to be present, employes were urged to develop leaders among their own associates, through knowledge of the business, rather than leaving leadership to outside unions. Fred W. Gray, president-elect of Rotary in Great Britain and Ireland, had de- clared that "if we adhere to the mo- tive of service, we will be too busy to think about killing and destroy- ing." Research Invaluable -Kettering cited the fact that the Panama Canal was built only after science had conquered the yellow fev- er and malaria bearing mosquitos as proof that research is invaluable, and he warned against planning too far Into the future. 'The motor car industry was not planned," he asserted. "It grew in spite of planning. Anyone who tries something new is going to meet op- position. I can kill off any project by having a committee appointed to consider its feasibility. "I have never seen the time when the auto industry could project plans two years into the future." "We have forgotten how to raise industrial children," he said. "If we raised the human child like we do the industrial child, he would have to get out and earn his living at the age of nine months. Human Energy "If we are just going to operate the world as it is, we need only half the) human energy now being expended. But if we are building for the future,1 that energy is well utilized. "We don't know anything of what is' going on about us today. We sit back with out thumbs in our arm- holes when we consider the radio. Yet we don't know how it is possible tol talk by radio. *As a matter of fact, everything on earth is moved by radio1 energy that comes from the sun, and1 we don't give the sun credit. "One problem worrying me is why I can see through a pane of glass, someone told me once it was because glass is transparent;kwhich shows that the things we think we know, we really know only by definition. ,Jayers' Group Proud Of Good Records Here Returns To Ann Arbo ROSA P4 Ponselle First Attraction On ChoraI Series Program Of Outstanding, Musical CelerItIes Will Be Here In Fall (Continued from Page 1) tal star, will come to Ann Arbor for the first time. Jose Iturbi, Spanish pianist, who more recently has won the acclaim of many as a conductor, will return to Hill Auditorium on Feb. 13. Three years ago he made a striking success in his debut here. Another Ann Ar- bor debut will be made when Arthur Schnabel, famed German pianist, performs in an all-Beethoven pro- gram on March 4. The Cleveland Symphony Orches- tra, under the baton of its new con- ductor, Artur Rodzinski, will make its first Choral Union appearance on March 18 to complete the series. This orchestra during the past few years has come markedly to the front in American orchestral rankings, and has taken a place well deserved among the leading organizations of thie country. Grand Jury:.To Concentrate On Guardian Group DETROIT, June 26. - (P) - The grand jury investigating the collapse of Detroit's two leading banking in- stiutions last year, swung its atten- tion definitely to the Guardian-De- troit Union group, today, when it called for records of receivers and also subpoenaed officers and employes of out-State units of the group. D. C. Schram, Federal receiver for the Guardian National Bank of Com-1 merce, and Wallace J. Groesbeck, State receiver for the Guardian group, holding companies of the more than a score of unit banks, were others subpoenaed, but did not testify today. Groesbeck sent records requested by the inquisitors, and Schram left to an assistant the presentation of informa- tion desired.. Among the out-state witnesses sum- moned today were W. G. Hawley, cashier of the National Bank of Ionia, Charles S. Campbell, president of the First National bank, and Trust Com-, pany of Kalamazoo, and Fred Judd, auditor of the same institution; Rus- sel Frazier, an employe of the Grand Rapids National Bank, and Charles Johnson, an employee of- the First National Savings and Trust Com- pany .of Port Huron. Other witnesses were T. M. Muhl- hern and Harold Schroeder, account- ants on the staff of Guy K. Bard, as- sistant United States attorney-gen- eral presenting the government's case before the jury. HALF SOLES MEN'S -W Leather soles for en and children; hl position soles for with regular r heels. Thursday o BOTH PQR a, Put On While' Wait or Shoj SHOES LENGTHENS ar In Fall For Concert Can Stop War By Advertising, Writer States Br u c e Barton Addresses Students At New Jersey Conference NEWARK, N. J., June 26. - () - Bruce Barton, advertising man, to- day addressed the choosing-a-career conference designed to guide tudent into proper working fields and said of the power of advertising "give us an- nually the cost of only one battle- ship to invest in advertising and we >Y" twill keep the horror, the misery and ? si ><>the futility of war constantly before the eyes and consciences of the world" On the future of the advertising business Barton said, "two disasters might conceivably occur. The social revolution now in progress might reach a point where industry is so regimented, quoted and controlled that there would be very little adver- tising, as in Italy, Austria and Ger- many; or none, as in Russia. "But advertising, essentially, is the art of persuading people to action. There will always be a field for the exercise of this art. "The second danger to advertising is not that it may be destroyed by the state but that it may destroy it- ONSELLE self. A farmer's wife wrote to the - editor of a magazine: 'I still believe in advertising but I don't believe most of your advertisements.' CAMP NEWS "Thousands of intelligent men and women feel the same way. Certain forms of advertising have first sur- BIOLOGICAL STATION prised, then shocked, and finally alienated their confidence. "I would not be completely frank The University of Michigan Bio- if I did not add that the years since logical Station on Douglas Lake in 1929 have been discouraging. Under Cheboygan County opened its 26th the lash of bad business, ideals have season yesterday with the enroll- been abandoned and standards have ment of 78 students, 32 of whom are sunk" women, and 36 men. Some of the "Advertising ought to be a cleaner, students at the camp have not reg- better business in your day," he told istered as yet, and the complete en- the students. rollment is expected to arrive within the next week. Those present were introduced to the camp, its privileges Inernational and limitations, by Dr. George F. La- T Rue, director of the station, in an in- -Lw P-arl1yT formal address on Saturday night. W The mosquitoes, however, needed nol introduction, but, as Dr. William M. Op en I on tl4i t Brace, camp physician, declared in his short health talk at the Saturday night session, they are on the decline (Continued from Page 1) in these parts, and camp residents rect conferences on International expect to be relieved of them soon. Law in International Relations and Professor George E. Nichols of the Territorial Claims in the Arctic and botany department at Yale University Antarctic. and Mrs. Nichols were presented with Professor Hyde will lead confer- as platetd rSatrd ences on Realistic Approach to In- a silver plae at dinner Saurday on ternational Law and Tests for As- the occasion of their 25th weddingtertinalgLPwoandiet ordAs anniversary. Professor and Mrs. cer-taing Proficiency of Students, Nichols have been connected with the while Professor Wilson will discuss station since 1920, when Professor Problem Cases in Teaching Interna- Nichols became a member of the fac- tional Law and the Seminar Method ulty. of Teachig. the The Case Book Method of Teach- on g uheBoo ing International Law willdbe con- Station Friday were Dr. Emory W. sidered in a conference led by Dr. Sink from the Health Service and Scott and Mr. Finch will discuss Gen- .nAnd Mrs. Thomas Mitchell eral Principles of Law recognized by Civilized Nations. The weather has been generally The final part of the program is a cool with rather unwelcome rains, series of public lectures, one of which Florence D..-Muyskens, '37 will be delivered by each of the fac- ulty members. The first, scheduled for ,Monday night, July 2, is to be /Iiiere To Go given by Professor Wilson on Twen- tieth Century International Law. This is to be followed by Professor Reeves' Afternoon address on Hugo Grotius, His Life 2:00 - "Little Miss Marker" with and Times. Shirley Temple at the Michigan Professor Hyde will lecture on The S. Law of the Air as Interpreted by the 2:00- Earl Carroll's "Murder in United States, Mr. Finch on Man- the Vanities" at the Majestic. churia, and Dr. Scott on Sanctions 2:00 - "George White's Scandals" of International Law. at the Wuerth. The lectures are the only part of 4:00 --Same features at the three the program of the conference which theatres. will be open to the general public. 4:10-Conference, "Studying Study Officials' announced that attendance Habits," Clifford Woody, Professor of at both the courses and the group Education. (Room 1022, University conferences will be limited to stu- High School.) dents of the parley. 5:00 - Lecture, "A Study of Skill in Golf," Professor Henry E. Adams. Evening MICHIGAN REPE 7:00-Same features at the three theatres. Sixth Sumi 7:15 - Women's Education Club Garden Party and OrganizationN IN E GK E j Meeting (Michigan League). 7:30 -Men's Education Club Or-June2 o, ganization Meeting (Michigan Un- ion). 8:15 - James Hagan's "One Sun- day Afternoon" by the Michigan Rep- ertory Players, Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Canoeing on the Huron every af- ternoon and evening. AND HEELS WOMEN'S - CHILDREN'S wom- Thursday Only THE MODE cor- men, "t ubberE SL )nly. You p fl AI fl WIflflU~f fticzSdrinnor'c czi rr ... T ... y r s f e e e s S ,l t r T G 1 J t ;i DAILY OFFICIAL T BULLETIN Jt (Continued from Page 2) dents who could not get into the first n section. Please see me at once. A. E. Woodward Russian Travelogue: Very recent movies taken in the Soviet Union, cE presented with a lecture by Mr. si Abrams, under the auspices of the s: Michigan Vanguard Club. Natural g Science ,Auditorium, Thursday, June c 28, at 8 o'clock. b Action of the Administrative Board, A College of Literature, Science, and the f( Arts: The AdministrativesBoard of N this College has voted to deduct four F hours and four honor points from the d total semester record of a student, to t record him with an E grade in Psy- S chology 42, and to suspend him for the first semester of the academic i year 1934-35, because of dishonesty in the written work of the Psychology course. The Board voted to deduct four and six honor points from the total semester record of a student, to place her on probation for the first semes- ter of the academic year 1934-35, and to record her with an E grade in Eng- lish 2 because of plagiarism in that course. The Board voted to deduce four hours and four honor points from the total semester record of a student, to place him on probation for the first semester of the academic year 1934- 35, and to record him with an E grade in Mathematics 7 because of dishon- esty in the final examination inthat course. The Board voted to deduct three hours and three honor points from the total semester record of a stu- dent, to place him on probation for the first semester of the academic year 1934-35, and to record him with an E grade in English 1 because of plagiarism in that course. The Board voted to deduct six hours and six honor points from the total semester record of a student, to place him on probation for the first semes- ter of the academic year 1934-35, and to record him with an E grade in 'Economics 122 because of plagiarism in that course. Summer Band: The Summer Varsi- S ty Band, under the direction of Nicho- Union Membership L Registration Begins Students of the Summer Session will have an opportunity to reg- ister for summer membership in I the Union every day this week at the main dsk in the lobby of the Union. A small number of students have already registered, according to figures available to The Daily last night. Membership cards, entitling the bearers to avail themselves of the privileges of the building for the duration of the semester, are pre- sented to students. It was an- nounced that in order to register for membership students must pre- sent their tuition receipts. Dance Classes To Meet First Time On Thursday Summer social dancing classes, un- der the direction of Miss Ethel Mc- Cormick and Roy Fulton, will meet for the first time at 7:30 p.m. Thurs- day in the League ballroom. There will be classes for beginners and for intermediate dancers. The- lessons are given Tuesday and Thurs- day night at a cost of $1.50 for six lessons. In former years these class- es have been successful, according to Miss McCormick, and it is hoped that they will be equally successful this summer. RTORY PLAYERS ner Season 6,T P LAYS August 15 N COMEDY cNOON per week ...... J LAUNDRY 20 meals.....$3.85 - ___All home-cooked food TUDENT and family laundry. Good You will like it. rain water. Will call for and de- liver. Telephone 4863. 3 IS YOUR HAIR dull, lifeless, scalp itch? Harper Method (men or worn- AUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned. en) will correct, beautify. Vigorous Careful work at low price. 1x massage, hand brushing, stimulat- ing tonic. Real rain water only for FOR RENT shampoos. Phone 4016. RONT SUITE: North, east, west ex- WANTED posure. Continuous hot water. REFINED girl wants care of children Across from Architects' School, 912 day or evenings. Best of references. Monroe. Phone 8741. 12 Call 9793. 9 OPPORTUNITY FOR PLEASANT VACATION for Adults or Families at girls' camp on Lake Charlevoix Either during the camp (now in session) or afterward (post-season, Aug. 25 to Sept. 16) RATES FOR ADULTS: $2.00 PER DAY or $10.00 PER WEEK Family rates on request. References required. Inquire: MRS. G. R. SWAIN, Director Kamp Kairphree, Charlevoix, Michigan y (Continued from Page 1) "Holiday," "The Criminal Code," "The Constant Wife," and "The Three Musketeers." The opening of the third season found the Players firmly established on the Michigan campus. 'Thomas Wood Stevens, who is at present di- recting Shakespearean plays at the Old Globe Theatre in the English Village at the World's Fair, came to Ann Arbor as guest director for the season. "Don Juan," "Camille," "In Roaring Camp," and "Beggar on Horseback" were among the plays produced that year. An innovation was introduced the following year when, for the first time, a stagecraft expert, Alexander Wyckoff, was brought to Ann Arbor for the season. The number of plays produced was increased to eight, and among the succseses of the fourth season were "Once in a Lifetime," "Berkeley Square," and "Paolo and Francesca." Last year the opening of the sea- son was advanced to registration day, and for the first time nine plays were presented, among them, "Hay Fever," "All's Well That Ends Well," "Au- tumn Crocus," and "Uncle Tom's Cabin." The staff has again been enlarged this year, and at present there are five faculty members and eight student assistants working on the plays. Fran- cis Compton is guest conductor, while Frederic O. Crandall and Mr. Windt are the other directors. Mr. Wyckoff has returned to take charge of the staging 'f the productions and Mrs. Wyckoff is designing costumes. Cos- tuming and scenery are being stressed more in this year's season than be- fore. The plays to be produced this year are "One Sunday Afternoon," "A, Hundred Years Old," "Grumpy," "The Field God," "The Cradle Song," 1 t ( t I E I I 4 .F I _A it 111