The Weather ?Scattered shiowers, warmer ni south portion today; tomor- "ow, cloudy. LLI i igai t~t IaiI Editorials Huey Long Is Loose Again ... The New Deal College Student.. Official Publication Of The Summer Session F- XV No. 37 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, AUGUST 7, 1934 PRICE FIVE CENTS C ^PaAWl WR C ABIIWT r "r r, - Westergaard Lectures On Speaker Explains Need Of Laboratory Research In Engineering Grouting' Process Combats Shrinkage, Earthquake Possibilities Considered In Making Of Plans For Dam By THOMAS H. KLEENE The tremendous importance of lab- oratory work, structural engineering,' and mechanics in the construction of what he termed "a great enterprise," the Boulder Dam, was pointed out by Prof. H. M. Westergaard of the Uni- versity of Illinois yesterday afternoon in another of the series of Summer Session lectures. The speaker discussed at length the work which has been done in an effort to insure the absolute safety of the giant dam. One of the most important of the problems which faced the engineers of the dam, according to Professor Wes- tergaard, was shrinkage of the con- crete, which is "due to the heat lib- erated during the chemical processes Masses Blare Under The Glare Of Gen. Huey And Mr. Mayor %r NEW ORLEANS, Aug. 6.-- 1P)- Under the muzzles of machine guns, several hundred Communists and So- cialists, claiming to voice the senti- ments of "the masses," today dem- onstrated against both Sen. Huey P. Long and Mayor T. Semmes Walms- ley. They condemned expenditures of public funds for military display. Their demonstration was held just across the street from city hall, where Mayor Walmsley has installed hun- dreds of heavily-armed police, and from city hall annex, where Senator Long's steel - helmeted N a t i o n a 1 Guardsmen are encamped. At the same time the Long and Walmsley forces came to grips in a courtroom in one of a series of legal attacks. The court took under advisement the question of whether police power in New Orleans shall continue in the hands of the Mayor or be transferred to a public board decreed by the re- cent Long-controlled legislature. , Tomorrow the same court has sum- moned both Senator Long and Adjt.- Gen. Raymond H. Fleming to answer for the calling out of troops in a political fuss. Both Long and Fleming had dropped out of sight today and, -Associated Press Photo SEN. HUEY "KINGFISH" LONG their associates confessed to have no knowledge of their whereabouts. A court order for demobilization of the guard was served on Long sev- eral days ago but Fleming has evaded service, The troops, meantime, have re- mained on duty, garrisoned in the city voting registration office and at Jackson Barracks in the suburbs. t Olson Talks On Child Behavior .At Conference Record Is Set By Fischer When He Drives 354 Yards . heTemperature Rises " Thetemperature of the concrete rises, and ordinarily the heat would be .buried, inside the mass many years before it -could escape," Professor Westergaard explained. To .combat this difficulty, he said, the process of "grouting" was de- vised. The dam is being built with blocks of cement which are approxi- mately 50 feet square so that when the concrete does shrink the cracks will develop along the block joints. "Before the grout, which is a mix- ture of cement and water, can be poured into the cracks," Professor Westerad pinted out, "it is neces- sarf.o tak pt. the ce- nent. This is accomplished y a series of thin pipes running through the blocks, and the temperature is even- tually lowered to about 54 degrees." To complete the process: the grout it pumped into the cracks under pressure. "In order to establish the safety and stability of the dam, it is neces- sary to maintain complete harmony of all forces in all parts of the struc- ture," he said. Earthquakes Considered Professor Westergaard declared that even the possibility of future earthquakes was considered in the making of plans for construction of the dam and it "can stand wob- bling." He pointed out that the only pos- sible way an earthquake could dam- age the dam in the future is "by the formation of a new fault, which is not likely because the structure is being built between two old faults." Professor Westergaard illustrated his lecture with a collection of slides borrowed for the purpose from the Bureau of Information of the De- partment of the Interior. These Slides portrayed the topography of the country and the dam in the various stages of its construction. They also showed the spillway and the cement screens, which were both constructed to further insure the safety and stability of the dam, he said. Fraternity Will Hold Its Annual Gathering Here Members of Phi Sigma Kappa fra- ternity will convene for their twenty- sixth general convention Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday at the Union, which will be the head- quarters for the four-day session. Registration will begin at 8 a.m. tomorrow morning and will be fol- lowed by regional conclaves, opening exercises with a business session, and a beach party. Thursday's program includes a business session, conferences of chap- tradvisers, alumni club secretaries, and chapter delegates, and an out- door party. The schedule for the third day begins with a business session and continues with a journey to Dearborn, and a banquet at 7:30 p.m. The final day's program includes, Popular Methods Include 1. Ratings, Questionnaires, Tests, Observations A three-fold program involving dis- covery, diagnostic study, and treat- ment is necessary for effective work with the behavior problems of chil- dren, Prof. Willard C. Olson yester- day told the audience at the four o'clock lecture series sponsored by the School of Education. As Professor Olson described it, such work is, of necessity, extremely complicated. To discover behavior disorders, he said, the approved tech- niques are such methods as direct observations, ratings, questionnaires, and tests. These, he added, can as- sist in the discovery of the children who are in the most need of special study and treatment. For diagnostic treatment, Professor Olson recommended the case study method, saying that it represented a practicable technique for determining some of the factors involved in the be- havior disorders of a particular child. Prof. Calvin O. Davis, secretary of the School' of Education, will deliver the next of the four o'clock .lectures sponsored by the educa- tion school today. He will speak on the topic "Cur- riqulum Innovations in the High School." Education school officials invite all interested in the subject to attend Professor Davis' talk, which will begin at 4:10 p.m. in Room 1022, University High School. In his discussion of treatment, the speaker emphasized the need for the teacher's directing her efforts toward the causative framework, rather than at the symptoms precipitating the special study. As aids for this work, Professor Olson advised a study of language control, manual guidance, punishment, isolation, and environ- mental management. Of special interest, he said, was the treatment interview, and lie spoke of it as "a technique which warrants wider study and use among teachers. In addition to principles of general procedure which must be used, Pro- fessor Olson said, the teacher must also enlarge her methods by a study of the dynamic psychology involved in specific groups of problems such as anti-social conduct, overactivity, inferiority feelings, escape responses, and many others. Concluding, Professor Olson stressed the responsibilities which the growth of knowledge of .social and emotional development has placed on the pro- gram of teacher-training institutions, and predicted a much greater use of such knowledge in future school pro- grams. Peace Organization Seeking Members The Michigan League Against War and Militarism met at 5 p.m. yester- day in the Union for the purpose of Johnny Fischer, Michigan's former Big Ten and National Collegiate golf champion and a member of the 1934 Walker Cup team, has recorded what is believed to be one of the longest drives off the tee that golf has ever known. Playing in a foursome in an invi- tational club tournament at Cincin- nati recently, he whacked the ball 354 yards on the number one hole - but he took a par four just the same. The ball landed in a valley just 20 yards short of the green. He pitched on with his niblick despite a bad lie, but overran an 11-foot putt. He called the drive the longest of his career. Fischer is now in Ft. Thomas, Ky., his home, where he is preparing for the national amateur tournament in which event he has been low medalist for the past two years, setting a new all-time qualifying record last year. He will return to Michigan next fall to complete his course and will play on the 1935 Wolverine golf team which will defend Big Ten and national titles. Hitler Honors Hindenburg In E Las t Services Urges German People To Follow Patriotic Spirit' Of Dead Chieftain BERLIN, Aug. 6. - (P) - The Ger- man people were called upon today by Chancellor Adolf Hitler to follow the patriotic spirit of Paul von Hinden- burg in death as they followed and idolized the man in life. Speaking at a memorial service before the Reichstag, Herr Hitler de- clared that "honestly and with his whole heart" the old warrior desired peace for his people. This brief reference to the future was the only portion of the, speech which in any way touched upon Herr Hitler's policies as sole ruler of the nation, now that von Hindenburg's hand is stilled. The political discussion, which some had expected Herr Hitler would enter into as a reassurance of the world, was omitted from the speech. "As fate has designated us to con- tinue to lead the Reich, and its peo- ple," Herr Hitler said, "we can only pray to Almighty God that He may vouchsafe success in our labors and struggles for the happiness of the world. "lvay he also give us strength at all times to stake our lives for the freedom of our people and the honor of the German Nation. "May He especially, in His mercy, let us find the right way for secur- ing the boon of peace for our people to shelter it from the misfortune of war, just as the deceased one has ever wanted it, honestly and with his whole heart. "Deputies of the German Reich-E U. S. Appoints Bartlett Head Of Comnmittee University Man Is Named To Aid In Reorganizing Of Botanical Gardens Government Plans To Relocate Them Educator Will Supervise The Inter-Departmental Relations Of Body Prof. Harley H. Bartlett, chairman of the department of botany and di- rector of the University Botanical Gardens, has been appointed chair- man of a sub-committee on Admin- istration and Relations with Other Federal Establishments, under the general Congressional committee on Reorganization of the United States Botanic Gardens in Washington, it was learned here yesterday. The Botanical Gardens were estab- lished nearly 100 years ago in the Mall near the Capitol as a scientific institution for the introduction of for- eign plants. Located On Mall At present it occupies between 10 and 15 acres in the Mall and owns the right of way of the former C. and D. canal into Washington as well as outlying areas used for nurseries and propagating gardens. Questions have arisen as to the fu- ture of the gardens and as to their possible relocation and reorganization on a larger scale. For the purpose of considering these problems a com- mittee was established by a House joint resolution in the last days of the last session of Congress with direc- tions to report in December for con- sideration by the new Congress. In addition to the committee of which Professor Bartlett is chairman, four other sub-committees have been set up.-o Four Committees Set Up , They are: Education and Public Relations, C. Stuart Gager, director of the Brooklyn Botanic Gardens, chairman; Legislation, Representa- tive Keller of Illinois, chairman; Scope and Functions, B. Y. Morrison of the Department of Agriculture, chairman; and Location of Lands, Frederick A. Delano, uncle of Presi- dent Franklin Delano Roosevelt and chairman of the general committee, - The Gardens are at present admin- istered by the same Congressional committee that administers the Li- brary of Congress. The general com- mittee on reorganization of the gar- dens is composed of 20 members, Con- gressmen, representatives of interest- ed federal departments, and repre- sentatives of national botanical and horticultural organizations. Democrat Charges 'Old Dealers' With Lack Of Program CHICAGO, Aug. 6. - (P) - Senator O'Mahoney (Dem., Wyo.) tonight charged that "old dealers" in the Republican party were asking the country to elect a Congress out of harmony with the administration but "without a program to offer" as a sub- stitute for President Roosevelt's re- construction policies. Asserting the G.O.P. leadership "still lacks the courage to choose a definite course," O'Mahoney told a radio audience the Republican Na- tional Committee headed by Henry P. Fletcher was representative of the Herbert Hoover chieftains "repudi- ated in 1932." "If there were any doubt of the substantial virtue of the Roosevelt program," he said, "that doubt would be dispelled by an examination of the admission of the opposition. There is no important critic of the New Deal who does not begin his attack with' qualifying words intended to be an assurance that he does not propose to undo what has actually been ac-' complished. The whole burden of the attack is that Roosevelt has been do- ing the right thing, but somehow or another in the wrong way." Muyskens To Give Final Summer Talk By ELSIE PIERCE "Marco Millions," a play in which Eugene O'Neill attempts to whitewash Marco Polo's reputation as the world's greatest liar, will be the seventh pro- duction of the Michigan Repertory Players. It will open tomorrow night for a four-day run. O'Neill, who has become one of America's foremost playwrights, is the son of James O'Neill, a noted char- acter actor. Though sent to Princeton for his education, he was expelled at the end of his freshman year for throwing a beer bottle through Pres- ident Woodrow Wilson's house. At this time he was not considering writing as a profession, and after sev- eral makeshift jobs, he shipped as an able-bodied seaman on a cattle steamer bound for Buenos Aires. He quit his job there, and was stranded in South America until he finally was able to work his way back to America where he worked for six months with a vaudeville company of his father's. His first venture into the field of writing was on the staff of a New Lon- don, Conn., paper, where he wrote a daily column. When he seriously de- cided to begin to write plays, he went back to school and studied under Prof. George P. Baker, of Yale University. Among O'Neill's best-known plays, written over a period of 20 years, are "Strange Interlude," which was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for 1927, "Emperor Jones," "Lazarus Laughed," "Anna Christie," "Desire Under the Elms," "The Great God Brown," and his latest play, "Ah, Wilderness." "Marco Millions," which the Reper- tory Players are presenting, was given in 1928 by the Theatre Guild. George Jean Nathan, theatrical critic, has characterized it as "the sourest and most magnificent poke in the jaw that American business and the American business man have ever got." The play consists of 10 scenes, which take Marco Polo from youth to early middle age and finally to success as a mercenary trader. It is a satire on the character of the hard-headed Oc- cidental business man, laid against a background of Thirteenth Century oriental civilization. Marco Millions' Whitewashes Reputation Of Greatest Liar S10 Missing, 8 Dead In Orienal cviliztion Fights 'Leggers -Associated Press Photo SEC. HENRY MORGENTHAU Morgenthau To Elimin ate Illicit Traffic Or Quit Promises Bootleggers A Fight To Finish; 1,300 New Aides Named WASHINGTON, Aug. 6. -- (A') - Secretary Morgenthau today an- nounced the supervisory personnel of the Alcohol Tax Unit's 15 new dis- tricts, telling reporters that if the bootleggers "licked" him in the war on illicit liquor he was willing to go home. Thirteen hundred enforcement in- vestigators, all of whom were already civil service employees, Morgenthau said, have been named for work in the various districts after careful check- ing by the intelligence unit of the In- ternal Revenue bureau. "I will not leave a stone unturned to suppress the manufacturers of non- tax paid liquor," he said, adding that the tax unit's total personnel of 3,291 would be eventually increased to 5,000. The campaign to collect more liquor taxes is headed by Arthur J. Mellott, deputy commissioner of internal reve- nue. Await View Of President On Liberal Groups WASHINGTON, Aug. 6. - UP) - A definite indication as to how far President Roosevelt will go to hold liberal groups on both major parties is looked for by some observers here from his speech at Green Bay, Wis., Thursday. There is considerable uneasiness among Democrats and Republicans alike over the possibility that the chief executive might advance a broad program that will tend to absorb Re- publican independents and other lib- erals into the "New Deal" Democratic party. They pointed, in this connec- tion, to statements by Mr. Roosevelt since his return to continental United States, particularly with reference to electrical power and further plans of the "New Deal." MineBlast Seventy Escape And Two Are Taken Alive From VirginiaShaft Poisonous Fumes Menace To Others Hope Is Faint As Rescue Parties Pump Air Into BlockedPassage DERBY, Va., Aug. 6. -(P)-- Hope for seven to ten men still missing in the No. 3 mine of the Stonage Coke and Coal Co. here faded late today after rescue workers had brought out two men alive and eight dead. When efforts to locate the en- tombed men had been unsuccessful, those directing the work feared that the missing miners had little chance of surviving. An explosion that oc- curred at 7 a.m. today had torn the diggings and sent noxious gases seep- ing through the underground pas- sageways. Between 70, and 80 men working in other sections of the mine escaped through an abandoned entry. Progress toward the entombed men was slow because of the necessity of forcing in fresh air and expelling poisonous monoxide fumes before res- cue parties could advance. The two living and eight dead men were found in a main corridor about 400 feet from the mine entrance. The men still missing were working in a gallery approximately 1,000 feet from this point. It was believed that the explosion occurred in this vicinity. Music School Presents Last Of Programs Professor H a n n s Pick's Chamber M u si c Class Will PlayTonight Members of the class in chamber music, under Professor Hanns Pick of the School of Music, will present the final concert of the summer series at 8:30 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium. The class numbers 21 and all will unite their talents in presenting the concluding program of the short ses- sion.' The program will be opened with the "Prelude for the Concerto Grosso," for piano and strings. Following this will be presented Ravel's "Allegro Mod erato from the String Quartet;" Cae- sar Franekt's "Maestror," the' "allgro movement from the piano quintet; Lekeu's "Adagio for fourteen indi- vidual strings"; and the recitative and aria, 'Mein Herze schwimm in Blut," of J. S. Bach. The final portion of the concert in- cludes Schubert's "Andante-allegro from the octet for clarinet-allegro from the octet for clarinet, horn, bas- soon, two violins, viola, 'cello, and bass;" and Brahm's "Gipsy Rondo from the piano quartet in G minor." Shower Baths Ordered For Hungry Rebels Communists Refuse To Eat Until Bail Is Accepted But TheyWill Bathe SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 6. - (P) - Turning up their noses today at the new meals in the County Jail-corned beef hash, bread, and coffee --31 as- serted Communists took shower baths instead of lunch today. They were in the third day of a hunger strike because the Municipal Court had refused to reduce their bail of $1,000 each on vagrancy charges. Each vowed to go without food until released or until bond is reduced. At first they said they wouldn't even take baths but Acting Chief of Police James Boland scowled when he learned this. "There will be plenty of towels at bath time," he commented tersely, "and they will use them too." While the chief was contemplating means to force the hunger strikers to clean up, they suddenly had a change of mind and shouted loudly for tow- els. "What, no bath towels?" they cho- rused. "There are not enough tow- els so we can bathe. Imagine only 15 towels for 31 of us!" Boland, however, said there were 50 towels available and the prisoners could take as many showers as de- sired. "We offered them the menu today, but they refused," he said. "When they refused to eat, of course the cook did not prepare the food, because we don't want to waste it. Nazi War On Colleges U *rtc T1 U hi.i1llU V ;" 1 -U IA Q Plunge Through Water The workers who escaped had to walk 2,000 feet under a low roof and plunge through water three feet deep in places. Theiidentified dead are: Ralph Burchill, general mine foreman; Clyde Ward, Charlie Milam, foreman; Alex Payne, drill runner; Jessie Doyle, motorman; Clarence Reed, brake- man; Lafayette Blondell, miner, and Charlie Reece, pumper. A body at first identified as that of Ben Jinkins later was identified under another name. Jinkins was missing. Those brought out alive were Law- rence Flenner and Walter Bayless. It was feared that those still in the mine might be badly burned or mutilated by the explosion and that identification would be difficult. Relatives and fellow workers of the dead or missing men were almost sto- ical in the face of the worst calamity in the Virginia mining field in recent years. Many Rescuers Volunteer Fifty men gathered at the mouth of the drift, all eager to do anything possible. More than could be used answered the call for experienced gas men to join the rescue party. Women and children gathered on parches and in yards, quietly awal ing the news they feared to hear. Two men, Fred Sloan and Henry Bowers, were outside and just' in front of the drift mouth when the ex- plosion occurred. They were blown 75 to 100 feet but escaped injury. Sloan had a pocketfull of dyna- mite caps and a cache of powder, but these almost miraculously escaped be- ing exploded. Bramer Tucker fell under influence of the deadly gas while in the mine, but was picked up by Homer Ruther- ford, motorman, and carried to safe- ty through the low passage. All-Campus Supper To Be Held Sunday Night Reservations for the all-campus Sunday night supper to be given at 5:45 Sunday night on the front lawn of the League may be made at the main desk at the League, in the Undergraduate Office, with Miss Ethel McCormick or Jane letcher. The price of the tickets is 35 cents. Entertainment is being planned for the supper. Jane Fletcher has charge of general arrangements, assisted by the entire social com- mittee of the League. This supper is for all students and faculty members on campus and is to be regarded as an infor-