T L-En. LH LGAN DA ,LY l14 ladies . M1 Rush Aid To Wounded After Putsch In Vienna To Raise R ents On Rooms Here Ann Arbor Householders Try To Enlarge Their League Enrollment Rates Forced Don Dean's Office Will Drop All Rooms That Boost Prices TooHigh (Continued from Page 1) tion of a few cases and we try to do the same with them. We regret very much that many of the householders are unable to make ends meet due to the low rental rates but it must be remembered that the condition is gen- eral. "There are also many students who are scarcely able to get along and af- ter all I believe it is the first duty of this department of the Dean of Stu- dent's office to take care of the stu- dent and see that he is comfortably housed. It is not our duty to rent the rooms for the householders, although some of the extremists among them seem to have that idea." Dean Wahr stated that it is true that the prices of rooms have been decreasing during the last five years but that rooms at $1.50 are very few in number and are not among the better rooms. The prices for next year, according to figures submitted to the Dean's offices by householders do not show a decrease but are ap- proximately the same as last year. A single room may be rented for any- where between $2 and $5, and double rooms and suites run from $1.50 to $3.50 per man. List Smaller Than In Past Figures secured from the Dean's of- fice show that 145 householders who had rooms on the approved list in 4932-33 did not register for 1933-34. Also, in 1927-28 there were 900 house- holders on the approved list, whereas in 1933-34 there were 726. Dean Wahr said that this decrease was not due to inability of house- holders have been eliminated because they have become undesirable and others because of University building projects such as the Law Quadrangle; it is also to be remembered that many of the larger houses have been made into apartment dwellings and there- fore do not come under the jurisdic- tion of the approved list." Miss Ellen B. Stevenson, Business Manager of University Dormitories, said yesterday that there would be no raise in prices of rooms at any of the women's dormitories and that rents would run between 80 and 95 doljars for the semester. Seek Higher Average Rent At a recent meeting of the land- ladies league, a committee was ap- pointed to study the situation and take any possible steps toward ef- fecting a higher average rent for rooms in the campus sections. Average prices for single rooms per week during the past seven years are as follows: 1927-28, $4.86; 1928-29, $4.81; 1929-30; $4.91; 1930-31, $4.79; 1931-32, $4.70; 1932-33, .$3.36; and 1933-34, $3.13. 'Take It Straight' Bees' Motto, Says Agriculture Dept. WASHINGTON, Aug. 3. - (I) - Bees like to take their nectar straight. That is why they suddenly shift from one kind of blossom to another for no apparent. reason, the department of agriculture has discovered. The more concentrated the nectar is in a blossom, the more likely the bees are to be drawn to it. They do not lilfe nectar that has been diluted by rain or dew. Watching the behavior of bees at a California experiment station, it was found that the insects avoided fruit blossoms of open structure such as apricot and some plums during the time the nectar in them was "wa- tered." The bees visited almond blos- soms at all times, however, becduse their nectar was better protected, It was found that the bees started gathering pollen in the morning from Bartlett pear trees but shifted later to apricot and plum blossoms when the sun had caused evaporation of the dew deposited during the night in these blossoms. Kelley Held For Trial For 'Joke Money' Sale GRAND RAPIDS, Aug. 3.-- (R)- William Kelley, 36 years old, of Chi- cago, was held here Thursday await- ing determinatiorf by the Federal Grand Jury of whether the sale of rubber "joke money" is an indictable offense against the counterfeiting laws. Kelley was arrested in St. Joseph by a secret service agent, Frank Holli- day. who said that he believed there --Associated Press Photo This picture was made in Vienna when Austrian Nazis staged their rece'nt putsch and seized the gov- ernment broadcasting station and the chancellery. After a sharp clash, the Nazis were routed from the broadcasting station. One of the men wounded in the fighting is shown being passed out a window to a waiting ambulance. Relief Workers Not Allowed To Enter Politics State Relief Commission Approves Program For Aid Of Needy Teachers LANSING; Aug. 3. - 1P) - Welfare relief workers in Michigan will not be allowed to take part in politics this year. At a meeting of the state wel- fare relief commission Thursday eve- ning a resolution was passed forbid- ing any employe of a county com- mission to seek a public office. Those who are candidates for offices must resign, it was announced. The commission placed its approv- al of the program for the relief of needy school teachers. Beginning in September approximately 3,000 teach- ers will be given assistance for a period of 10 months. The work relief program to be financed entirely by the FERA, will cost approximately $200,- 000 a month. Incorporation of the Rural Reha- bilitation Credit corporation of Mich- igan, was approved by the commis- sion, its! purpose is to handle all busi- ness transactions arising out of the rural relief program, particularly any loans for the purchase of capital goods for farmers on relief. It will serve also as the agency which will receive any agricultural land taken out of use by the AAA. Dr. William Haber, state relief ad- ministrator, was authorized to deny state and federal funds to any .po- litical subdivisions which fail to make contributions to welfare work, pro- vided that there is evidence of availa- ble funds. The removal of two county admin- istrators was ordered. Stanley Bul- livant, Chippewa county, and Mrs. A. H. Carbeth, of Barry county, were those removed. The commission's August budget of $4,270,000, slightly less than in July, was approved. Police Force Dancers To Wear Pants Again CHICAGO, Aug. 3. - (')- Fan dancers wore pants again today at the World's fair. Declaring "the lid is not off," police squads Wednesday raided five villages and "the bowery," seized gambling wheels in each place, closed an ex- hibition, and on their way out ordered pants placed on Faith Bacon, a fan dancer. Officials said they would not permit abuses of their new liberalized policy, adapted at the insistence of dis- gruntled concessionaires.' Attribute Michig an's Weather To Condition Of Lake Region Big Trai' Abed EAST LANSING, Aug. 3. - R)- What's the reason for Michigan's temperamental weather? This is the question that was put to Otho W. Crawford, assistant to Dewey A. Seeley, U.S. meteorologist at the state's chief weather bureau. And the answer that was forthcoming might have been a blow to all the "stove-league" theorists. Crawford attributed Michigan's summertime weather chiefly to that vast expanse of territory to which one conveniently refers as the "north- west" and to the Great Lakes which virtually surround the Wolverine state. He wasn't asked about snow or ice because it so happens that all the present talk is about heat and drouth. Even Thursday's storm was but a drop in the season's bucket. As the weather man sees it, Mich- igan can normally expect a generous share of rainfall in the summer. The condition is caused mainly by the hot, moisture-laden winds from the south meeting the cool breezes from the northwest. The meeting causes a condensation and presto there is rain. That's the simple explanation fbr general rains. Then there are the local thunder- storms to be accounted for. These freaks of nature are not nearly so common in Michigan as in plain states like Indiana and southern Illi- nois. The Great Lakes were linked by Crawford to a sentinel standing guard against thunder storms. A thunderstorm, meteorologists ex- plain, is caused by the convocational action of the hot and moisture-filled air of the land surface coming into contact with cooler air at vast heights. As the surface air becomes hotter, there is a greater tendency for it to rise. In Michigan, particularly near the lake shores, the cool breezes from the lakes come inland to displace the hot air from the land surface. As a result thunder-showers are not as plentiful here as in other states which do not have great bodies of water. Crawford's explanation, goes a long way toward giving people an idea why Michigan has had such a prolonged drouth this year. It's because there haven't been many of those normal cool storms from the northwest. Parker Returns To Form, Whips Hines' SOUTHAMPTON, N. Y., Aug. 3. - (R) -Young Frankie Parker, 18-year-i old protege of Princeton's tennis coach, Mercer Beasley, is back in form again today, enjoying a revenge that was extremely sweet. Twice whipped by Wilmer Hines, unranked player from Columbia, S.C., in both the Crescent-Hamilton and the Seabright singles play, Parker, rated 8th nationally, came back yes- terday in the quarter-finals of the 44th annual Meadow Brook invitation play to crush his tormentor 6-0, 6-0, 6-2 to gain the semi-finals. The Canadian northwest provinces ordinarily can be depended upon for lower temperatures than Michigan and other nearby states. The reverse, however, has often been true this summer. The result has been a marked deficiency in Michigan rain- fall the last three months. The weather bureau's scientific explanation for rainfall conditions in Michigan discounts most theories with regard to artificial methods of controlling rain. Crawford will tell you with a smile he doesn't know anything about the influence of radio, electricity and fires on precipitation. In this state, the responsible causes are the lakes and the northwest in- fluence. Crawford appeared to give more credence to the theory about fire thandmost others but added that it would have to be "a very big" fire for appreciable results. The theory behind the fire cause, of course, is that the land air is warmed by the flames with results similar to local thunderstorms. Europe Slow In Marching To Recovery Seems To Have Missed The Prosperity Trend Of The Siummer Of 1932 NEW YORK, Aug. 3. - (P) - Eu- rope appears to be stumbling, on the road to economic recovery. Recovery set in for most coun- tries, according to League of Nations statistics, in the summer of 1932, and for several, continued well into this year of statistics of industrial pro- duction 'in, England and Germany showed striking gains during the ear- lier months of the year. England, however, has currently entered a moderate lull, and has been dis- concerted by an increase in unem- ployment. Current statistics from Germany are lacking, but the coun- try's business appears to have been seriously disturbed by the exchange crisis, and lack of funds to purchase raw materials. The gold bloc countries seem to have entered a new phase of defla- tion. Business has been slackening in France almost steadily since last summer, and Italy finds herself in the throes of an exchange problem, resulting from a persistent excess of imports recently. That the entire situation has been aggravated by the political crises in Austria and Germany, there seems little doubt.. The depression hit France late, and save for a minor upturn last sum- mer, she has shown virtually no im- provement. Banditry, Famine, Piracy, Comprise China's Problems By MORRIS J. HARRIS SHANGHAI, Aug. 3. -- (/P) - China probably has more troubles in its kit-bag than any other country of the world. Some - banditry and "squeeze," or graft, for example - date back a thousand years. It may take another thousand years or more to remove them. But time means little in this ageless country. Among the country's other major problems are the opium evil, civil war, militarism, piracy, Japanese ag- gression, ignorance and poverty among the people, the prevalence of leprosy and other diseases, annual floods and famines and the inability of the Chinese race to form a single government with authority over the whole country. One In Three Smokes Opium It is estimated that one person in three among China's four hundred and fifty million people smokes opium. Among the people, the evil is so deep-rooted that its extermination is regarded as almost hopeles. Opium is such a staple commodity that the soldiers are often paid in it instead of in money. Banditry has existed in China since time immemorial. All over the coun- try are modern "Robin Hoods" and their bands of marauders, who live by robbing, kidnaping and terroriz- ing. No one knows how and when they will be suppressed. Piracy On Increase Piracy, for centuries the scourge of China coast shipping, appears to be increasing in the China seas. Dur- ing recent years the blood-thirsty brigands have confined themselves gradually to the South China coast, but lately their depredations have increased in daring and extent. The whole China coa t, shippers feel, is now subject to p acy. The solution is not clear. "Squeeze," a method of gouging money in the form of "presents," commissions or percentages, is widely practised. It is said that few offi- cial or private contracts or business deals are made without somebody getting "squeeze" out of it. German Ambassador To U. S. Returns To Post BERLIN, Aug. 3. -- P) -Dr. Hans Luther, German ambassador to the United States, departed for Wash- ington today, aboard the Europa, to resume his post. His departure set at rest persistent rumors that he would be supplanted as ambassador by a Nazi party mem- ber. The foreign office explained his that Dr. Luther had completed his regular summer vacation on schedule and that his return was a routine matter. -Associated Press Photo A sudden attack of pleurisy sent Manager Walter Johnson (above) of the Cleveland Indians to a hospital and placed the command of the team in the hands of Willie Kamm, third baseman. * * - ,Johnson, Suffering From Pleurisy, To Be Out Two Weeps CLEVELAND, Aug. 3. - () -Man- ager Walter Johnson, of the Cleve- land Indians, rested easily at Lake- side Hospital today, resigned to being out of uniform for two weeks. Dr. M. H. Castle, Indians' physi- cian, said the "Big Train's" condi- tion was not serious and that rest and treatment would cure him of his pleu- risy. Johnson spent a comfortable night, hospital attaches reported, and slept late this morning. The big pilot was stricken yester- day. Willie Kamm, third baseman, is manager "pro temn," on Johnson's orders, and directed the team today against the St. Louis Browns here. Professor Says Disease Weakens As It 'Travels' SEATTLE, Aug. 3. - () - Points distant from one in which there is an- epidemic of infantile paralysis have little reason to fear a spread of the disease, says Dr. W. Alfred Buice, professor of bacteriology and hygiene of Washington State college. It is a peculiarityof the disease, he said, that it loses virulence as it trav- els from its point of origin. Fuehrer May Have Eye On Emperorship An Historical Parallel Of E nip e r or Napoleon Is Guide For Action (Continued from Page 1) an editorial, "and public affairs is denied to us Jews in present-day Ger- many, but at a time when the whole German people mourn at von Hinden- burg's bier, we deem it our duty to say we German Jews share the same feeling." All Classes Pay Tribute Commoners, nobility and royalty paid their last private tribute today to von Hindenburg as he lay in state in his manor house at Neudeck. On the white coverlet, above which only the head and arms were visible, lay a bullet which pierced von Hin- denburg's hand in a battle in 1866. A soldier later gave it to him, saying, "I burned my fingers on this; it was too hot." Near by lay the old general's Bible, swords, his uniform and other be- loved objects. The former Crown Prince, Fried- rich Wilhelm, was one of the early visitors, appearing as representative of the family which one ruled Ger- many. Von Paper spent 45 minutes in the death chanber. Many others from high position and low went to the room, and news correspondents were also given an opportunity to view the body. It was stated reliably that the pro- cession to Tannenberg, where a Na- tional funeral will be held Tuesday, will start from Neudeck at midnight Monday. The march will be one of wnusual pomp and military display for 60 miles. Undecided On Burial Plot Whether the Tannenberg Memo- rial, erected to commemorate von Hindenburg's famous victory over the Russian army, will be his final rest- ing place, as planned by the govern- ment, remained undecided. The. family indicated today that burial would be in the family plot on the Neudeck estate, probably to be followed later by the building of a mausoleum in the park there. Von Hindenburg once pointed out the spot in Neudeck where he wished to be buried. Should the family yield at last to the government and the people and allow the body to remain at Tannen- berg, there would be a parallel to the burial of Frederick the Great, who 'wished to be buried on his favorite estate, but instead was laid to rest in Garrison Church at Pottsdani, next to his father, whom he never loved, and who had been harsh if not cruel to him. ri peciaClly Priced for Saturday Here's a grand opportunity to get your in-between Coat for early Fall. A few ,are fur trimmed, there are dark shades, untrimmed travel tweeds and un- trimmed plain colors. We have divided them into four groups for your convenience. Group 0One Group Two Group Three Values to $49.75 Values - $35.00 Values to $29,U Values to $19,95. $1700 $13.00 $11.00 $7.00 _ : ,. ,.,. a I sA 3 BOOKS - BARGAINS Additions daily to our Bargain Table of -11 REFERE NCE BOOKS S U ITS RONE GROUP OF$500 BROKEN SIZES 11 I I IN I I I