THE MICHIGAN DAILY MIC IGAN DAILY Intellect Vs. Emotion Publication of the Summer Session In e rm. , X j '45 WU 1 Publislied every morning except Monday during the Cn rsit tyearnd. ,Suter Session by the Board in Control of tuent P iubii tion Merbe of the Western Conference Editorial Association and the Big Ten News Service. $zsociated el t es MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for ; epubctl on ,of al news dIspatces credited to it or not othewise credited in this paper and the local pews publshed herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches are reserved. aEntere4 et the Pst OffIce at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second tlass matter. Special rate of postage grapt td by Third Assistant Postmaster-General. Subscription during. ummer by carrier, $1.25; by mail, $1.50. During regular school year by canior, $3.75; by mices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214. Representatives: College Publications Representatives, In"., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Str, t, New York Cy; .80a Boylston 'Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Aenu;, EDITORIAL STAFF Phone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR.............E. JEROME PETTIT ASSISTANT MANAGING EDITOR ....BRACKLEY- SHAW WQMEN'S 'EDITOR...............ELEANOR JOHNSON ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Charles A. Baird,. Clnton B. Con- .ger, Paul J. Elliott, Thmas. E, Groehn, .Thomas H. leere; WGlli'aini .Reed ,ert u. RuWitch. REPORTERS: Barbara Bates, ,C. 'H. Beukma, Frances EngshI,R Harriet Hnt, Katherine Miller, Els e -Pier:.C, Virginia Scott, Edgar H. Eckert, Bernard' '1.rid. BUSINESS STAFF Office Hours: 9-12, 1-5 Phope 2-1214 BUSINESS .MANAGER ........BERNARD 'E. SCHNACKE 4SST. USNESS MANAGER.. W. GRAFTON':SHARP QfJiULATION MANAGER ........CLINTON B. CONGER Michigan Supports President Roosevelt... PPRESIDENT ROOSEVELT should be greatly encouraged in his new deal policies by the returns of the Literary Digest Poll, partial returns of which were reported in ' yesterday morning's Daily. It is interesting to note that regardless of the strong criticism of the President's acts by many newspapers, the people of the 'copntry 'are still strongly behind him, more strongly even than when he was elected, as the poll shows that the "Yes" votes lead the "No" votes by a greater percentage margin than did Roosevelt's lead over Hoover in the presidential election of 1932. November 1932 was the first election in a great many years in which Michigan has gone Demo- cratic but, the sentiment on the campus at' that time was not in accord with that of the remainder of the state. In a poll held immediately before the election by The Daily and the Union, Hoover led Roosevelt by more than two to one. Yet in the Digest poll the results show an exact reversal with the policies of the President being approved by more than a two to one margin. These facts would seem to indicate that many °Michigan students come, 'figuratively, from Mis- souri.' They have to be shown. But once shown that the leadership is progressive, that it is intelli- gently experimental, and that .it is constructive, the students will fall in line. It is not only the students of the country, how- ever, who are reacting to Roosevelt's progressive measures. So far, the results of the poll indicate, the only class of citizens which is definitely op- posed to the reforms initiated by the new regime is the bankers. The clergy, the business men, and physicians are on' the whole a little more timid than the majority of those voting but even they show a slight edge in favor of the Presi- dent. The country seems to be solidly behind the Pres- ident on his aims with the exceptions of the bank- ers, always the strongest of the conservatives. The students at the 14 college and universities polled by the magazines have been nearly unani- mout in their approval, indicating that there is a new progressive spirit among the youth of the country.Perhaps the best summiary of the right- about-face at the University of Michigan and the other institutions polled was made by the Balti- more Sun when it said, "We doubt that the polit- ical' philosophy -of the boys has undergone any .radical change. The difference is, rather, that youth simply cannot resist a man who is con- tinually starting something and who is always willing to take a chance." T ODAY WE ARE in an era of reform. Writers in newspapers, magazines, books, and pamphlets suggest new ways of living; preachers from the pulpits and over the radio tell us what could be the good life; radical and conservative speakers shout their gospels from the platform and from the corner soap-box. Nearly everyone feels that, after all, this hue and cry for change may lead to some end How is reform brought about? Are people moved by their leaders in an intellectual way to abandon the old and unfit to adopt the new and competent? Or do people act with emotion when they discard the unsatisfactory old and adopt the unproven new? The answer is not a simple one; it is neces- sarily complex, for reform is brought to pass through the united action of both emotion and intellect. Without the one the other would be lost, and no desired end would be attained. Whenever reform is brought about, whether through violent or through controlled action, it follows a definite progression of emotional and in- tellectual processes. America, at present, presents a curious mixture of nearly all portions of this reform progression in operation at once. First, in any movement for reform, comes the emotional resentment felt by some group toward an existing situation. They have not yet determined by analysis why some undesirable situation is wrong, but they have an innate feeling that the situation is unjust, unreasonable, or makes for certain ineffi- ciencies. An example would be the farmer who feels that he is not receiving a just price for his grain; he does not know why, but he feels that he is being cheated. He is told that supply and demand set the price of his grain, that at present there is little demand but great supply, and therefore his grain is not worth as much as it was a few years ago. He might accept this explanation intellectually, but nevertheless he still feels emo- tional resentment; he feels within himself that no operation of economic law, after all, can justly cause the value of his products to fluctuate as wildly as they do. Second, in a reform movement, comes the intel- ligent reasoning of a possible goal to be achieved. The farmer learns that through regulation of the grain market it would be possible to give some de- gree of stability to the price levels of his products. Third, in reform, is a deliberate planning as to methods of carrying on the reform campaign, a campaign both intellectual and emotional. The farmer will pledge his support in an election to the party or candidate that gives promise of correcting his unwanted situation; he will join leagues of reform; he will participate in demon- strations, riots, strikes, attend mass meetings, hoot some leaders, cheer others. Any campaign for any cause must necessarily include a welter of things both emotional and intellectual. Fourth, in reform, is that crisis of the situation in which the affair comes to a head and is de- cided by ballots or bullets. This portion of reform can be interpreted only in the light of attitudes held by interested persons toward the outcome of the crisis, and that is an admixture of emotion and reason. The farmer will cast his ballot for the man whom he believes best, and then sit down to await the outcome. Fifth, in the movement, is the intellectual put- ting of the reform plan into operation through action of the leaders. Emotion, in the form of prejudices and special interest, here interlaces it- self with intellect again, and usually results in the well-known compromises of government. That is the reason why few reforms are ever immediately sweeping in their results, but usually represent old and the new. The farmer would like to see some half-way measure of arbitration between the the grain market placed under severe regulation, and amounts of production; he feels, emotionally, but objects to the regulation of his own methods that is taking away a democratic heritage. And so one sees the difficulty of bringing re- forms to pass. Any change in an existing order represents a long-time action in which an idea must be born of emotion and nurtured on both in- tellect and emotion. The two are inseparable in achieving a final goal. Reform must spring from emotion, for the intellect is too 'easily subdued or rationalized from its intended achievement. At the same time, the stability of the intellect is needed to provide the reform goal, and to keep emotion from running rampant in its efforts to achieve it. The Theatre SIDELIGHTS ON THE REPERTORY PLAYERS JAMES HAGAN, youthful author of the play "One Sunday Afternoon" which resumes showing at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre tonight, was once sued by a former United States ambassador on the charge of plagiarism. The ambassador claimed that Hagan's play was based on one of his stories, "The Avenger." The case was thrown out of court with the judge's cryptic remark - "It gave me a pain." * * * THE REPERTORY PLAYERS have on their payroll, along with four directors, a costume de- signer and business manager, six students who are assisting in the presentation of a 'suicide' sched- ule of nine plays. They are Jay Pozz, assistant business manager; Howard Fettes, electrician; Sarah Pierce, properties; Carl Ellsworth, stage manager, and Mary Pray, publicity. * * * * TRY-OUTS for the Hodges-Percival play "Grumpy," which opens next Wednesday night, were conducted by Frances Compton Monday afternoon and a temporary cast selected. This will be Mr. Compton's first show for The Players. He will not only direct it, but will also appear in the leading role. MANY NEW FACES will undoubtedly be seen in "Grumpy" for it is the first play in which the cast was selected from Summer School play pro- duction classes. The first two shows were made up entirely of members of the winter season group who remained in town during the period following examinations. THE CURTAIN had no sooner descended on "A Hundred Years Old" last night when scenes, props and all were moved out of the way and prepara- tions for tonight's play made. Director Valentine B. Windt held a rehearsal for the Hagan show yesterday afternoon. ScreeRelcin Four stars means extraordinary; three stars very good; two .strs good; one star just another picture; no stars keep away from it. AT THE MICHIGAN "THIRTY-DAY PRINCESS', DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:30 a. m. Saturday. Excursion No. 1: Tour of the Cana- pus: The students will make an in- spection of the General Library, Cle- ments Library, Cook Legal Research Library, Law Quaangle, Michigan Union, Aeronautical Laboratory, and Naval Tank. Those who wish to at- tend should meet on the steps of An- gell Hall, Thursday, June 28. at 2:30 . p.m. There is no charge for this excursion. Niagara Falls Excursion: Students desiring to go on this excursion should leave their names in the office of the Summer Session, Room 1213 Angell Hall, some time this week, if possi- ble. Mixed Chorus: All students inter- ested in choral, singing are invited to join the Summer Session Mixed Cho- rus which will meet every Tuesday evening, from 7 to 8 in Morris Hall, under the direction of David Mat- tern. During the latter part of the Summer Session, the chorus will participate in a number of Twilight Sings. Charles A. Sink Men's Glee Club: The Men's Glee Club will meet for rehearsals in Mor- ris Hall every Thursday evening from 7 to 8 o'clock under the direction of David Mattern. All men interested are invited to enroll Thursday night. Charles A. Sink School of Music Orchestra: The Student Symphony Orchestra will re- hearse daily except Friday from 2 to 3; in Morris Hall, under the leader- ship of ;David Mattern. Competent students from all divisions of the University are eligible for member- ship. Charles A. Sink Social Dancing: The beginning and intermediate classes in social dancing !1 I1 Sylvia Sidney and Cary Grant are cast together in "Thirty-Day Princess," appearing at the Mich- igan today, for the first time since they appeared in "Madame Butterfly." If the pairing of these two stars, who are both popular with local au- diences, proves as successful in the former show as it did in the latter, good entertainment should result.j Off hand the plot of the show appears rather trite, for it makes use of the old gag of the girl successfully parading as a princess. We've seen this worked out so much that we wonder if we can stand it again. But there is one'encouraging note. It was adapted from Clarence Budington Kel-j land's magazine novel, and if too many fancy changes haven't been attempted, a new slant should be brought on the Cinderella act. Mr. Kel- land makes a habit of writing pretty fair copy and we hope "Thirty-Day Princess" is no exception. Featured in the supporting cast are Edward Ar- nold, Vince Barnett, Lucien Littlefield, Henry Stephenson and Edgar Norton, which indicates absolutely nothing. The film, produced by B. P. Schulbert and di- rected by Marion Gering; is a comedy of events that occur when an American girl (an out-of-work actress - Miss Sidney, of course) is called upon to enact the role of a European princess who has fallen ill, that she may impress America and secure a big bankers' loan for the princess' coun- try. The screen play is by Preston Sturges, Broad-, way playwright, and Frank Partos. Adaption and dialogue are by Sam Hellman and Edwin Mayer. The picture tells of Gresham, big international banker, -who visits the little country, and sees a big opportunity for floating a loan in the Amer- ican market. The moment he gets a glimpse of the princess Catterina, nicknamed "Zizzi," he knows the loan is sure to go over if the Princess will come to America on a good-will tour to im- press the Americans. With Gresham she arrives in New York. The press is enthusiastic (oh, dear), with the exception of one newspaper, owned by Porter Madison who to expose it in his publication (better). sees through Gresham's scheme, and decides To add to Gresham's troubles, the princess falls ill - and in order to put over the loan, he decides to seek a double. Detectives are told that the princess has disappeared and set out to find her. They bring in Nancy Lane, a struggling actress, who jumps at the chance to earn some money. So capably does she play the role, that everyone is fooled (they always are). Even the publisher (Cary Grant), intrigued by her charm, falls completely in love with her. But Nancy Lane faces the problem of telling Madison the truth at the end of the thirty-day pe- riod. How this problem is worked out furnishes the ending to the comedy. AT THE MAJESTIC "LOOKING FOR TROUBLE" A glimpse behind the scenes of Telephonedom is offered in "Looking for Trouble," the fast-mov- ing and romantic story of adventure which is the feature film attraction at the Majestic Theatre beginning today. The story combines comedy, romance and ad- venture, all centered around two "trouble shoot- ers,"' 'the official title for the intrepid linesmen who brave blizzards, fire, storms and floods in order that man's communication with his fellow man - SPT 802 Packard St. Open 11 A.M. til 11:30 P.M. 3 BEAUTIFUL DINING ROOMS featuring SODAS, SANDWICHES, SALADS, COLD LUNCHES and HOT MEALS LUNCHEON 11:30 to 1:45 - 25c, 30c, 35c DINNER 5:15 to 7:45 NN35c, 40c, 45c "YOU'LL BE SURPRISED" John C. Fischer - A Trig ,t, , Campus Opinion Letters published in this column should not be con- strued as expressing the editorial opinion i The DAtil. Anonymous communications will'be disregarded-. The names of communicants will,, however,' be 're- garded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief. confining themselves to les than 500 words if possible. IT'S A SWELL TOWN IF YOUR LEGS HOLD OUT To the Editor: I'm a newcomer to Ann Arbor - and am fast becoming very, very tired and discouraged. My mental and physical condition probably wouldn't be so bad if I'd come to this town solely for intel- lectual pursuit - but I didn't. You see I spend nine months of the year dealing out education to a flock of youngsters in a small town, and I came here with the idea of combining recreation and study. This is my vacation. .But so far I've .done little but walk, walk and walk some more. ' It wouldn't be bad, I suppose, if I had a car -~ but I haven't. And matters might be improved if I changed my rooming house (I live on Olivia). Every, morning and afternoon I walk seven blocks to and from class. Then I find if I want to play golf I have to walk (1) approximately a mile to the University Golf course, or (2) nearly a mile to the municipal course. If I have the urge to go swimming -out-of-doors I must go (1) 12 miles to Whitmore Lake, or (2) 20 ai I '. u -W N-1 rrr MAINSRET 01 *' ~e, = - 7 ;C ,.1 F 41 AoqL s TIS HARDLY PROBABLE that many students of the Summer Ses- sion or even of the regular term knew or even heard of John C. Fischer, local hardware mer- chant who died .Monday morning, but a great many of them have been affected by him. For 49 years Mr. Fischer was in this business in Ann Arbor and was also a civic leader. It is only fitting that The Daily should pay a tribute to this man who honestly and faithfully served so many gen- erations of students. A convincing testimonial to the integral part that he played in the civic and business life of Ann Arbor lies in the fact that he was the first man elected to the presidency of the Ann Arbor. Chamber of Commerce and was twice re-elected. ua .