. . . . . r r.r a. . a.a a., v. to a i./ i1. 1..L 1 hours in any one day.V Sorority And L~ H League House. Board Meets Representatives Have Tea Following Board Meeting At MichiganLeague The Board of Representatives of dormitories, sorority and League houses met at 4:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon, in the Grand Rapids Room of the League building. Following a short meeting, tea was served to nline representatives. Several recommendations were ad- vanced for improvements for next summer which . included separate housing for all graduate women, thus doing away with the difficulty of dif- 2teret hours in the same houses, and dances on both Friday and Saturday tiights as an addition to the social activities which have taken place this summer. During the meeting, the date was set for an all-student, all-faculty Sun- day night supper. It is to take place August 12. The different houses may call in to reserve their tables and tickets, and it is probable that a short entertainment will be provided. The purpose of the supper is to bring all of the students and faculty together for the last time before the summer session ends. Miss Jeannette Perry and Miss Ethel A. McCormick were also pres- ent. Ivy Williamson Marries High School Sweetheart BOWLING GREEN, 0., Aug. 2.- (0P) - Ivan Williamson, captain and end of the University of Michigan football team in 1932, and Miss Beu- lah Steen, a music teacher, were mar- ried here yesterday, the outcome of a romance that began in their high school days. Williamson now is end coach at Yale. TYPEWRITING . IMEOGRAPHING Frwptly and neatly done n our o shop by mtent eerators at =ae ra erat. . D. M O9 R R mIL L, J14 S.~State St.,M Arbor. National Guard Seizes Minneapolis Strike Leaders Tigers Are Fihlting Club, Says Cochrane Detroit Manager Explains Why Team 'Might' Win ' League Pennant r r By EARL J. HILLIGAN 10 5(Associated Press Sports Writer) ,r f DETROIT, Aug. 2. - "They're a fighting, hustling bunch of ball play- ers --that's'the answer!" y Mickey Cochrane, manager of the championship aspiring Detroit Tigers, ? sat in his office at Navin Field, nat- tily attired in a brown sports coat, flannels and sport shoes. His mind was on the approaching afternoon eF game against the Washington Sen- if ators, but in his low-pitched, bash- { ful drawl he was willing to tell why his Tigers "might" win the American league pennant. "They might win," Mickey empha- ;t sized. "It's a close race, and unlike other years there won't be any coast- ">f ing to the end of the stretch because }J .a team gains a lead. But the Tigers . : .} 4:..are playing ball every gam e, fighting :for every game, and that's why we might win that rag." n-Associated Press Photo Cochrane waved a greeting to e National guardsmen occupying Minneapolis during the truck drivers' strike scored a bloodless victory Frank J. Navin, the Tiger owner who r when they seized the headquarters of strike leaders, harassed pickets and arrested more than 20 persons. Among last winter paid $100,000 for him, t those arrested and charged with violating military rule was Vincent Dunne, shown above as he walked down and then went on: an aisle of bayonets before he was incarcerated in a military stockade to await trial. Steady .300-Hitting Infield "Our infield's been hitting, and I p rp Is Tm Into thegame is in no way lessened if per- don't think it will stop hitting be- N S ortsm a sntrsnt I tocance he should lose, cause those four boys are steady, eThe constant emhasis rt sound .300 hitters. Greenberg at first, O xford M en On A thletic Field manship in England certainly su- Gehringer ae t isecond, Rogelle at short t ceeds in making the game more plea- and Owen at third make one the of surable for the loser. It is the game the geto t the injury EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second trackmen have been Eugene Good- that is honored, not the victory. the game today, rid if the injury university athletic customs and tradi- willie of Cornell, W. Poole of Swarth- But with all their sportsmanlike in front. tions written for The- Associated PressmoeJ.ylsoPrneoCW.taiosEgshcolsndo- by John W. Follows, former University more, J. Byles of Princeton, C. w. traditions, English schools and col- "Goslin's leadership has played a of Wisconsin andlater Oxford star Lowry of Washington, J. P. Scott of leges do not produce more sports- great part in the team's success. The track mty.He has areceivnded crnelr Wyoming, . K. Kurtz of Yale, N. P. men and gentlemen than do those Goose is a natural, winning type of University. eharcivdspecial per-Goeisantrlwnigtyef mission from the Amateur Athletic Hallowell and Oscar Sutermeister of in American. ball player, fighting to win all the union of the United states to write HarvaprdyerndightrngstStannwoodthf Un, of t U S t w Harvard and Charles Stanwood of At least half the true sportsmen time. He's been an inspiration to the Bowdoin. I met in Oxford were Americans. Eng- other boys on the club. I. The Art Of Sportsmanship What of that mysterious noble land has its Jerry Cornes, New Zeal- "I expect Lynwood 'Schoolboy' Both sport and sportsmanship are quality so persistently attributed to and has its Jack Lovelock, but Okla- Rowe to win 20 games for us. His heritages of Englishmen. Ever since the English? An Englishman, we are homa has its Savoi Lottinville, the success this year has been another rsomeoneasaid that the battle of Wa- told, is always a sportsman. boxing blue, Utah has its James Gib- reason why we are up in the stand- 5terloo was won on the playing fields of The Orthodox Phrase son, oarsman, and Ohio has its Cates ings. Owen's improvement is another Eton, the nation has been "in train- .-Tdeoreaccura sa -merry Cates, who burst into laugh- reason and I believe he will make one ng.t E w ld s t o ter in the middle of a hurdle race "be- of the greatest third basemen in the The Tommies at Aldershot are that an Englishman is taught from cause it seemed so ludicrous not be league - if he isn't already." given footballs instead of rifles and toddling days to practice the "art of be last." r s track meets instead .of parades. sportsmanship." One need not be Cochrane Is The Answer Schoolboys and college men alike a sportsman to practice that art, any Cochrane thinks the lively "rab- regard their aftern db's sport as i-more than an actor need be intoxi- bit ball" is hurting the game. evitable as afternoon tea cated to play the part of a drunkard. het V G oThat kmd of ball makes it easier Lectures at Oxford are over for the The star player of the opposing forwith a powerhouse attack. But I don't day at 1 o'clock. Everyone lunches side has pulled a muscle and is un- fnthink it's hurt us any mre than it lightly and immediately afterward able to play. dons his sports togs and joins the "So sorry, old man," you murmur, 2:00 -Michigan Theatre, "Smar- has benefitted our game." general exodus. From 2 to 3 the looking doleful. But your spirit is ty," with Joan Blondel and Warren Mickey doesn't care to talk about streets of Oxford are buzzing with dancing a jig as your hopes of win- William. his own part in the Tigers' success- then in brightly striped jerseys and ning brighten.2:00 - Majestic Theatre, "Heat ful season. But his teammates will tell blue shorts or blazers and fitnnels;sid eya r rhen. Lightning" with Lyle Talbot and Ann anyone - on the slightest provoca- blu shrt orblaer adfnel, Again - you have won your game Dvorak. tion - that it has been Cochrane's running, bicycling or bus-riding out or your race. Your late opponent, 2:00 Wuerth Theatre, two fea- ire and dash on the field and his to the playng fields. Between 4 and secretly disgruntled but wreathed in ts " ' 5 they straggle back again, cheery, smiles, warmly congratulates you: .tures, You re Telling Me" with W. tire, ad rady or hei tea a C.Fields and Joan Marsh and "Come tired, and ready for their tea. , I "Very lucky," you answer modestly, On Marines" with Richard Arlen. Many Americans Win Laurels "Everything seemed to click today."nBASEM ENT . S H V American students at Oxford heart- Everthnsedtc liktoay."Evening ily approve of its sporting traditions Players and watchers alike are 8:30 - Eizabeth McFadden's and each year contrive to carry off pleased, for both you and your oppo-< "Double Door" by the Michigan Rep- their share of athletic honors. In the nent have voiced the orthodox phrases ertory Players, Lydia Mendelssohn last two decades such athletes as -have practiced the art of sports- Theatre. Norman Tabor, the miler, Eddie Ea- manship Sportsmanship is the our- Canoeing on the Huron every after- gan, Olympic boxer, and W. P Mellen, tesy of the game. noon and evening. stroke of the '23 crew, -have been More Pleasant For Loser Dancing at the Blue Lantern Ball- prominent. But a true sportsman genuinely re- room, Island Lake. In recent years Americans have be- trets seeing an opponent weakened. Dancing at the Whitmore Lake Pa- come still more. active. Among the He likes to win, but his pleasure in vilion, Whitmore Lake. BOOKS-for Reference A T _ frr 11 _ e_[ Ye 1 r. A Large TYable of Books on various subjects of interest All- to al departments. Don't miss these bargains! the Voluene H R IUNIVERSITY BROWN, 316 STATE STREET OR BLACK aL witS ATIN Accent for Fall - - -Th gool ?c:.at t3 a tun - a nem i4 Perfect for the "go-to- college" miss. With the Buit-in Jacket it's tailored- Steel Arch -- ) without it, it has "above Combination Lasts *-ron Split Inner Sapes ering - - They Should Do the table interest.' 0 8-Iron Back Outer Sole e Resents Italy's Stand Announce Wedding Of Todd, Skidmore Announcement of the marriage of Mildred Todd and Hobart Skidmore, both of whom were members of re- cent University graduating classes, has been made. The ceremony took place June 17. Miss Todd was a member of the Chi Omega Sorority and was well- known for her work in campus dra- matics, having played with Robert Henderson on several occasions dur- ing the Spigng Dramatic Season. She is now appearing in the Broadway Revue "New Faces," with Alan Hand- ley who is still another University > graduate. Mr. Skidmore was a member of the Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity. He was also interested in dramatics and was well-known for his activities in that field while on campus. -Associated Press Photo Informed circles in Belgrade, Jugo- slavia, said the government of King _ - Alexander I (above) resents the stand F ' Cl taken by Italy in playing a lone hand C in guaranteeing the independence of Austria. Indian Skeletons To Be Begins Tomorrow! Classified At Kentucky All Spring and Summer LEXINGTON, Ky., August 2. - ()and Early Fall - Anthropologists at the University Dresses '- Suits of Kentucky have been assigned the Sweaters -- Skirts task of studying and classifying 500 skeletons of primitive people found and Hosiery in Alabaha and Tennessee. at The bones were excavated under DRASTIC REDUCTIONS supervision of Professor W. S. Webb, Sheer Suits, Print Suits, Printed Dresses with plain coats, darker head of the university's department crepes all ideal for early Fall wear, of anthropology and archeology, and and a few ight pastel suits. were shipped here in 187 boxes. Sizes 14 to 24; 1 More than a year will be required $8.95 -- $14.75 for properly assembling and studying the skeletons, many of which have White pastel and stripe tubsilks, I printed crepes and a few larger been identified as *the remains of size voiles - at Cherokee Indians who died 500 years $500 ago. THREE GROUPS leadership in the dressing room that Cottons sizes 14 to 44 have been the real reasons behind the C n ie $375 Tigers' rise to a place in the baseball $1.75 $. $ . sun after years in the shadows of the Splendid choice of all dresses second division.. from size 20 to 42. Detroit's 1934 club has put color SKIRTS at $2.00 and life, drama and thrill and punch SWEATERS $1.00 and $2.00 in the game here, and Cochrane, fans 1OSIERY 55c, 75c, $1.00 and players agree, is largely respon- sible. Here's what Joe Cronin, manager pThe of the Washington Senators, said ELIZABETH DILLON about Mickey after the all-star game: ~S O "Cochrane has the real spirit. Be- GOW HOP fore the all-star game started he, 605yEast Wiiam said to me, 'Do you want me to go Just a Block from Campus out to the bull-pen and warm up the pitchers?' Mind You, Mickey is a fel- " low-manager and his club was in first place, but on that day he was asking me for orders - and the man who subjects himself to orders is the type of man who can give them. I think he is a great leader besides being the greatest catcher in the game today." E, DEPARTMENT NEW FALL .te new Fall modes... w leathers .. . new immings. . at this thrilling price... Already - - they're a Proven Success, These Swank "Side- Rol" FELTS! I ere will be a rush tcr t"!' :d looking styles... coming he very first off the season s a most unusual oppor- ity to save ... all brand w styles in black or brownl w S 49 Easy To Wear - - and Flatt off I