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August 03, 1934 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1934-08-03

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tion of the Summer Session


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ned every morning except Monday during the
ty yeardand Summer Session by the Board in
of Student Publications.
er of the Western Conference Editorial Association
3ig Ten News Service.
, ociited ( lutg te rsr.
,E 1933 r Aio.oiATED RES934

reputedly far-removed in time from the atrocities,
of barbarism. Civilization has made some mag-
nificent contributions to the various epochs in the
march towards improvement in society, but the
long parade of cultures in world history leave us
with an utter sense of dismay at the cruelty and
stupidity of mankind. It seems unbelievable that
the majority of people are gullible enough to sub-
ject themselves to crushing debts for the express
purpose of paying for past and present war ma-
chines. The vivid lessons of history invariably pass
for naught when the false ideals of nationalism
sweep across continents and seas.
Both Germany and Japan have demonstrated
the inherent impotency of the League of Nations
when a crisis threatens. A system of International
Police has been suggested by some writers as a kind
of panacea in enforcing universal order, but the
cost of financing groups from the various nations
would be prohibitive. A more serious difficulty,
develops, however, in getting the important powers
to co-operate. When incidental squabbles over
armaments and tariffs divide Europe into hostile
camps, the liklihood of obtaining concerted action
seems remote. It is also doubtful whether or not
the International Police could qiell the power am-
bitions of a determined and desperate nation
such as Germany or Japan.
The use of force as a measure of keeping
peace is always open to question. The chances of
permanent tranquility must necessarily rest with
the economic and political motives of the leaders
in power and with the great organs of public opin-
ion, the newspaper and radio. Until these instru-
ments of control can be made more socially con-
scious, it seems reasonable to assume that strife
and bloodshed will continue indefinitely.'

The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dspatchs, credited to it-
or not otherwise creditedIn this paper and the local
newspublised herein.A l Arrights of republication of
special dispatches are reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third Assistant Postmaster-General.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.25; by mail,
$1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $3.75; by
mpail; $.25ti
Offlces: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
Representatives: College Publications Representatives,
- Inc; 40 East Thrty-Fourth-Street, New York City; 80
Boylston Street, Boston;612 North Michigan Avenue,
Phone 4925
ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Charles A. Baird, Clinton B. Con-
ger, Paul J. Elliott, Thomas E. Groehn, Thomas H.
Klteene WilliaRrrI. Reed. RobertS. Ruwtch
REPORTERS: Barbara Bates, . H Bukema, Donald n.
Bird, Ralph Danhoff, Frances English, Elsie Pierce, Vir-
ginia Scott, Bernard H. Fried.
Office Hours: 9-12, 1-5 Phone 2-1214
The European
E UROPE, the battle-field of the uni-
verse, once again prepares its lands
for war. With the eachoes from the detonations
of the big guns of the World War barely Bushed,
and with the scars and mutilations of this con-
flict only beginning to heal, this great incubator
of modern civilization writhes and twists in the
throes of feverish anticipation of another chaos.
Is it any wonder that the goddess of peace turns
r rrowfully away, while the war lord, Mars, stamps
ruthlessly over the accumulated contributions of a
score of centuries?
Evidence of the long-feared rearmament race is
found in the strengthening of the naval and land
forces of virtually all the major powers, including
the United States and Japan. Fear, jealousy, dis-
trust, revenge, intense nationalism - all serve as
glowing coals under the cauldron of seething and
inimical interests.
With the 1870 humiliation still rankling among
her populace, France, along with her allies, sought
to crush Germany beyond rejuvenation with cer-
tain of the clauses of the Versailles treaty. She
has remained incredibly suspicious of her northern
neighbor since 1870, and doubly so since 1918.
Thus, each Nazi demonstration or display of
military power throws her into a mood of doubt
and apprehension. Germany, under the domineer-
ing reins of Herr Hitler, has slowly begun the
laborious process of unification. With the idea
in mind of retrieving her former place among
world powers, it seems entirely conceivable that
Germany's intensive program of nationalistic and
"economic self-sufficiency" is directed primarily
against France. Successful revenge in this instance,
would be doubly sweet for the Hitlerites. Not only
would they achieve retribution for what they con-
sider the inequitable terms of the Versailles Treaty
but also they would repay in full the attitude of
superiority and overbearing iinflexibility adopted
by the French.
Continued disagreement on armament ratios, in
addition toavarious opposing commercial interests,
have created a tension in the relations between
the two countries that monthly seems to grow
more strained. Figures quoted from a recent Asso-
ciated Press dispatch reveal that during the last
three years France has increased her fighting
force by 65,000 men. She has accomplished this
by hiring civilians to execute the tasks formerly
allotted to soldiers. Through a lengthening of the
period of conscript service, she may raise the-
figure to 125,000. France has an active army of
624,213 men f'or her 48,000,000 population. Count-
ing her entire army and'reserves, she boasts an
aggregate of 6,952,213 men, or a percentage of
144.83 for every 1000 population. Germany, sup-
posedly, has only 100,000 men in her active army
and reserve force. While this means but 1.54 per
thousand people for her entire population of 64,-
'776,000, her open rebellion against treaty restric-
tions has boosted her potential strength consider-
ably beyond this figure. Thus, the Nazis have in-
creased their army and navy budget for 1934 from
$268,000,000 to approximately $358,000,000 and her
aviation budget from $28,000,000 to $84,000,000. In
addition, about $100,000,000 has been allotted to
the Nazi storm troops. It will require but the

tiniest spark to enflame this hotbed of mutual hate
and fear.

Summer Cawmp
1. The Arboretum, 90 acres, thirty belonging
to the city, 60 to University. Near Geddes Street
Entrance about thirty varieties of crab apples and
150 varieties of lilacs bloom in May. Look cut over
valley. Path to the left to Peony Gardens, 350
varieties, bloom in June. Descend to the Huron and,
up on either side to foot bridge and golf course.
Note the many groups of trees growing together,
squatters cabins.
2. Saginaw Forest, out Liberty street by Killin's
Gravel pit to entrance, three and a half miles.
Note time of planting and growth of different
varieties of trees, cabin and lake, a game preserve,
many birds.
3. Cascade Glen, Huron River Drive west to about
half mile beyond bridge for Highway 23 to the left
up the glen to the top. There are many varieties
of flowers, peach orchards to the left, to the
right through the woods are peony gardens,
yuccas. There is a fine view from the hill above
the river.
4. The Dogwoods. Cross the river to north side
at the Broadway Dam; follow footpath to Highway
23, cross the bridge to the south side, climb the
hill by the boy scout cabin and up over the ridge.
5. Honey Creek, west up Huron River Drive
about two miles up the Creek, up creek to country
road and return, a great variety of birds and flow-
ers, about five miles.
6. The Grade Trail. Up Huron Drive to Rifle
Range, follow grade along the River, great variety
of trees, fine views from the cliff above, a good
place for picnicing, back by country road about
ten miles.
7. Edison Recreation Club. Down Geddes Ave.
to Geddes Bridge and dam; the Detroit Edison
Recreation Club is for women employees, private,
tobogan slide and swimming pool. On the cliff, is a
club house and lodge, apple and cherry orchards
are just beyond, about four miles.
Screen Reflections
Four stars means extraordinary; three stars very
good; two stars good; one star just anothertpicture;
no stars keep away from it.

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the Summer Session office until 3:30; 11:30

And Reform.. .

Excursion No. 11. -A Day in De-
troit: In response to the demand a
second excursion to Detroit will be
given Saturday, August 4. The trip
will include a visit to the Detroit
News Building, downtown Detroit,
Belle Isle Park, the Fisher Building,
Radio Stations WWJ and WJR, the
Detroit Institute of Arts, and the
Public Library. By special arrange-
ment a special exhibit by the General1
Motors Laboratories will be included.
Special buses will leave from in front
of Angell Hall at 8:00 a.m., return-
ing at 6:00 p.m. . Round trip fare
$1.50. Luncheon at the Fisher Build-
ing Cafeteria for about 50 cents.
Carl J. Coe,
Director of Excursions
Graduate School: All Graduate
School students who expect to com-
plete their work for a degree at the
close of the present summer session
should call at the office of the Gradu-
ate School, 1014 Angell Hall, to check
their records and to secure the proper
blank to be used in paying the diplo-
ma fee. The fee should be paid
not later than Saturday, August 4.
G. Carl Huber
Exhibition in Architectural Build-
ing: Etchings by Assistant Professor
Valerio, water colors by him and As-
sistant Professors Slusser and Cha-
pin, and pastels by Fred H. Aldrich.
Open daily from 9:00 to 6:00 except-
ing Sunday. The public is cordially
Candidates for the Teacher's Cer-
tificate: A tentative list of candidates
to be recommended for the Teacher's
Certificate at the.end of the summer
session has been posted on the bul-
letin board in Room 1431 University
Elementary School. Any student
whose name does not appear on this
list and who wishes to be so listed
should report this fact at once to the
Recorder of the School of Education,
Room 1437 U.E.S.
Blanks for the payment of the cer.
tificate fee may be secured in the of-
fice of the Recorder. This fee must
be paid by the end of the summer
C. O. Davis, Secretary
August Seniors, All Schools and
Colleges: Students who expect to
complete work for a degree at the
close of the Summer Session, must
pay the diploma fee before August 17.
Call for the diploma fee blank at the
Recorder's Office of the school in
which registered.
The examination in French and
German for the M.A. in English will
egivenin Room 2225 A.H. today at
30 p.m.

an oppressed or dissatisfied people,
has echoed and reverberated time and again
through the ages. Whether it be the high-handed
policies of a Caesar or Nero, or the impractical
supervision of a Czar Nicholas or Hoover, the in-
evitable reaction has persisted. Rarely does an
undercurrent of opposition to an existing set of
conditions remain long in abeyance. Sooner or
later the smouldering fires of dissension are fanned
into flames of active revolt and chaos results. The
French Revolution and the rise of the proletariat
in Russia form classical examples of a powerful
craving for change out of which reform ensued.
In considering reform, the question invariably
arises as to the part intelligence plays or does not
play in achieving a change for the better. If we
were to examine the Russian situation during the
Great War and immediately afterwards, we would
find that the great Rusian peasantry seethed and
boiled with the seeds of revolt. Entangled in a
great European struggle which it could not quite
understand, and with starvation growing increas-
ingly imminent, it manifested its discontent in the
second of the great movements of the revolution.
Such an uprising as this received its impetus from
strong emotion crystallized into action by the
leadership of the so-called intellectuals. Spurred
to drastic action by conditions that affected direct-
ly their physical well-being, the Inasses needed
only the spark of leadership to kindle their pent-
up feelings into open rebellion.
It is at this point of crisis, this period of ebul-
lient unrest that intelligence enters the picture.
Without intelligence revolution in itself becomes
mere chaos. It is change, to be sure, but change
alone' is not reform. The history of millions of
years of evolution may be either progi'essive or
retrogressive. When we speak of reform, we have in
mind something which involves at once an altera-
tion in a prevailing situation or set of conditions
with a conscious effort at improvement. To initiate
any program of successful reform, a carefully
thought-out program of advancement must be
readily accessible for substitution. Opposition
founded on pure emotion seldom takes the time
to reason out a suitable plan to institute in place
of the deposed status quo. Its action tends to be
purely destructive.
In our own country, the grievances of labor
against capital flare into conflict almost daily,
as witness the current Minneapolis affair. We see
on all sides a crying need of social and political
reform. The general body of workers in the United
States will probably not rise up as a mass unit
against capitalism, unless it becomes deprived of
the bare economies of life. If the predicament
should ever appear where the masses of the country
are confronted by bbth hunger and lack of necessi-
ties, history may repeat itself.
The plight of the American worker, however, is
not quite analogous to the position of the Russian
peasant. Where Russia has suffered centuries of
crushing oppression, America has experienced only
intermittent periods of discontent. Our profit-
economy system has instilled in every laborer's
mind the hope of ultimately becoming a capitalist
himself, while formerly in Russia, the iron confines
of a caste system made elevation up the social
ladder a practical impossibility. England has a
scheme of preserving order, which, while peculiar,
has proved effective. She quells open opposition
almost ruthlessly, and then, after a certain length
of time has elapsed, institutes the reform grad-
ually through legislative enactment.
The traditional attitude of the American cit-
izenry works against a bloody revolution. Rather+
it would proceed a little more cautiously. In
either case, the relationship between intelligence
and reform remains constant. Without the long-
range view of conscious planning, revolution de-
generates into a short-range view of change for the
sake of change. It is conceivable that in the future
all our legislation will take on the character of
reform. With the ever-growing body of intelli-
gentsia in this country, we may hope to see change'
which is calculated to bring to humanity, social,'
political, and economic betterment.

Reading Requirement in German
for Ph.D. candidates: Candidates in
all fields except those of the natural
sciences and mathematics must ob-
tain the official certification of an
adequate reading knowledge of Ger-
man by submitting to a written ex-
amination given by the German De-
For the summer session this exam-
ination will be given on Wednesday,
August 8, at 2 p.m., in room 203-U.H.
Students who intend to take the ex-
amination are required to register
their names at least one week before
the date of the examination at the
office of the German Department,
Room 204 U.H., where detailed in-
formation with regard to examina-
tion requirements will be given.
Teacher's Certificate-Comprehen-
sive Examination: All candidates ex-
pecting to' receive a Teacher's Cer-
tificate at the close of the summer
session are required to pass a com-
prehensive professional examination
covering the work of the required'
courses in Education leading to the
Certificate. The next examination of
this sort will be held on Saturday
morning, August 4, in the University
High School auditorium at 9 o'clock
sharp. Candidates expecting to take
this examination should leave their
names immediately with the Recorder
of the School of Education, 1437 Uni-
versity Elementary School. Graduate
students taking advanced degrees in
August will be exempted from this
C. O. Davis, Secretary
School of Education
This group of hosteses will work
Friday, August 3. Please report
promptly at 8:45 on the second floor
of the Michigan League:
Phyllis Bruin
Kay Russell
Frances Thornton
Margaret Sievers
Wilma Clisbe
Mary Ellen Hall
Barbara Nelson
Marion Demaree
Elva Pascoe
Margaret Burke
Sue Calcutt
Marie Heid
Margaret Robb
Lucille Benz
Charlotte Johnson
Marion Wiggin
Delta Glass
Adele Shukwit
Sophie Stolarski
Peg Conklin
Maxine Sheppard
Lucille Poor
Ethel McCormick
SW IM at
Portage Lake 14 miles from town

Men who are acting as officials at
the Friday night dance please report
promptly at 8:45 on the second floor
of the Michigan League.
Bob Calver
Richard Edmondson
John Streit
Joe Roper
Bill Langden
George Burke
Paul Kissinger
Bob Fox
Garry Bunting
Bob Babcock
Chuck Niessen
Hugh Johnson
Ethel McCormick
University High School Demonstra-
tion Assembly: The fourth demon-
stration assembly of the University
High School summer session will be
presented this morning at 8:0'0 o'clock
in the University High School audi-
torium. The program is in charge of
the industrial arts classes under the
direction of Mr. Byrn. A series of
talks telling the history of Portland
cement, its manufacture, and its uses
will besgiven by meihbers of the class
and illustrated by slides. There will
also be a one-reel moving picture
showing the manufacture of this ce-
ment. All summer session students
who are inteyested are cordially in-
vited to attend the assembly.
Health Work Is
Discussed By
Mabel E. Rugen
Not only does the health program
at University High School aim to im-
prove the general welfare of the stu-
dents there, it also serves as a "prov-
ing ground' for working procedures
and techniques which "will aid other
schools in the state in planning their
health programs."
Thus did Dr. Mabel E. Rugen of the
physical education department de-
scribe the health work at University
High School in a speech yesterday
before an audience of the fourio'clock
lecture series, sponsored by the School
of Education.
With an audhience .composed largely
of school teachers and administra-
tors, Dr. Rugen listed certain prin-
ciples which she styled "essential to
the development of a satisfactory
school health program." She gave 20
of these, and also offered an equal
number of procedures which have
been to put these "principles" into



Vicki . .............Joan Blondell
Tony .................. Warren William
Vernon.........Edward Everett Horton
Anita ..................... Claire Dodd
George................Frank McHugh
The title "Smarty" is most misleading in thisf
movie. The story is. an attempt on comedy over
the whims of seductive little Joan Blondell as
Vicki, Tony's wife. She falls for the effervescent
Vernon, who is just a floating acquaintance, and
then leaves Tony when he slaps her - joining
Vernon as a loving wife. But Vernon does not
interest her enough so she gets him to slap her
and runs back to Tony.
That's the story - a feeble attempt to empha-
size the cave-man in Warren William and the
Cleopatra in Joan Blondell. Warren William's
acting is far below "Gold Diggers of 1933" or
"Upperworld," mainly because his, role made him
into a weak-willed male, swayed by silly feminine
charms - which would never do for the real War-
ren William Joan Blondell, the gushing, painted
sorceress, is even worse than in "Havana Widows."
It appears that Claire Dodd and Frank Mc-
Hugh are around - just to be around. McHugh's
humor is below par and Edward Everett Horton
makes a not-so-convincing ass. It remains for
Claire Dodd to save the dignity of the perform-
ance, and she rises to the point very well. Al-
though she is cast as a spectator, she gives an
exhibition of what a good actress can do to add
a note of distinction to an otherwise hopeless
show. Since "Foodlight Parade" and "Ex-Lady"
she has been resting, but it is earnestly hoped that
her comeback will exclude any more "Smarties"
and that she will be recognized by the film moguls
as good material.
The Michigan's short subjects incude a mediocre
Broadway Brevity operetta, with Jane Froman
proving conclusively that she should stick to
radio. Some of this two-star rating must be shared
by an excellent Rice Sportlight and marvelous
photography in a nature short . --D.R.B.


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Olga .................. Aline MacMahon
Myra .....................Ann Dvorak
His Accomplice ............:Lyle Talbot
Chauffeur ...............Frank McHugh
"Heat Lightning" is apparently little more than
stop-gap material for a Thursday-Friday stay at
the Majestic: The cast, billed as "all-star" to cloak
the fact that there is no star (although Aline
MacMahon was heralded as appearing in her first
starring role) is given a weakly plotted drama to
work with and nothing is added to the value of
the whole by a standout Coca-Cola advertisement
and a lame ending.
Aided and abetted, or perhaps you prefer hin-
dered, by typical performances of seven actors and
actresses who have been knocking on the door of
stardom for some time past, "Heat Lightning"
manages to be mildly entertaining throughout its
portrayal of the adventures of two gunmen (Tal-
bot and Foster) who barge into a desert gas-sta-
tion "manned" by the Misses MacMahon and
Foster is revealed as a former play-around pal
of Miss MacMahon's in the wide-open days of
Oklahoma's past; Miss Dvorak is her impetuous
younger sister who is tormented by the drabness
of performing a man's work on the desert and not
being allowed to attend the town dance with a
pool-hall tout who later on spends the night with
her in old-fashioned melodrama style. Myra and
Jerry do likewise. From there in to the home

The Market Place of a
thousand needs, and of
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Whether you want to
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Russia has not been idle in the period of the
Soviet rule. During the last two years, she has in-
creased her armies from 562,000 to approximately
678,000. This excess in strength has been shifted
to the East where the sons of Nipon chaff rest-
lessly at the confines of their island empire. Cap-
tain Elbridge Colby, writing in Current History,
estimates that the Soviet army and reserves num-
ber 16,004,000 men or a ratio of 96.58 per 1,000



Canned salmon is listed among the items that
are going up in price on account of the drouth.
Things must .be getting so dry along the Pacific




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