THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, AUG IE MICHIGAN DAILY cAal Publication of the Summer Session : - . f ' + r :L y wi-. Unaiversity because its founder and guiding srp't is Dr. Joseph E. Maddy, professor of public school music in the University School of Music. From an idea which he had wished to see carried out for years, the camp has now grown to an organiza- tion with $400,000 worth of property and 230 stu- dents. The University has come to have a sort of paternal interest in the camp. For those who have visited the camp to hear the concerts played by the student musiciana the loss of the opportunity provided by the camp is much more concrete, for these concerts approach professional calibre although the artists are high school students. To these people, who have seen what it is possible to achieve when the finest high school musicians from the entire country are I 'I Publisned every morning except Monday during the rniversity year and Summer Session by the Board in ontrol of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association nd the Big Ten News Service. '=~ 19 33 NATNAL W'cV1RAEI1934 Sjummer Camp a DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the Summer Session office until 3:30; 11:30 Saturday. Excursion to Jackson Prison: Due to1 be paid by the end of the summer MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Fress is exclusively entitled to the use for republication cf all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches are reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Postmaster-General. : Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.25; by mail, $1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $3.75; by mail, $4.25. Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214. Representatives: College Publications Representatives, Inc., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80 Boylston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago. EDITORIAL STAFF Phone 4925 MAANAGING EDITOR ..........E.. JEROME PETTIT ASSISTANT MANAGING EDITOR ....BRACKLEY SHAW WOMEN'S EDITOR .................ELEANOR JOHNSON ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Charles A. Baird, Clinton B. Con- ger, Paul J. Elliott, Thomas E. Groehn, Thomas H. *Kleene, William R. Reed, Robert S. Ruwitch. REPORTERS: Barbara Bates, C. H. Beukema, Donald R. Bird, Ralph Danhoff, FrancesdEnglish, Elsie Pierce, Vir- ginia Scott, Bernard H. Fried. BUSINESS STAFF Office Hours: 9-12, 1-5 Phone 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER........BERNARD E. SCHNACKE 6SST. BUSINESS MANAGER ......W. GRAFTON SHARP CIRCULATION MANAGER ........CLINTON B. CONGER Polities And Technical Improvement .. . concentrated at one place, the cessation of the work being carried on will be more keenly felt. The depression has jeopardized the existence of the camp just as it has the Metropolitan Opera and the Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra. A great part of the camp's funds came from private, donations and with these donations the camp's debt has been more than half paid off. But the private donations for this purpose have ceased as they have for so many other worthy but not financially independent organizations and for the past season the only income has been from the tuitions of the students - totaling less than enough to take care of the camp's operating ex- penses. The Interlochen organization is now $7,000 short of meeting all its expenses, including interest on the remainder of its debt and, according to Director Maddy, will have to give up the ghost un- less someone who can appreciate the value of the work that is being carried on there agrees to sub- sidize the effort. The depression is not as severe as it was two years ago and it is earnestly to be hoped that Dr. Maddy will be able to find the support necessary to tide the camp over this crucial period.{ Rural School Boards.. . I 1 R iHE SCHOOL IN THE OPEN EDITOR'S NOTE: Following -is the second of the series on summer camps by antauthority on camp organization and maintenance. By HENRY S. CURTIS With a county as full of lakes at Washtenaw,' and a university the size of the University of Vlichigan, the securing of an adequate lakeside location on one of the accessible lakes is strongly suggested. One might be reserved for the facultyI and.another for students. There are undoubtedly teachers in the summer school, who would like to combine a summer vacation with their summer teaching. Such an opportunity should appeal to many of our visiting professors who wish to bring their families with them, and it might be the real determining factor with a group of older summer students with families. Some of these cottages might serve also during the year for week-end cot- tages for groups, like the Outdoor Outing Club, who wish to get out of the city at week ends. There is developing also in connection with our state and National parks a new type of university, a university of the out-of-doors, Yosemite has been the pioneer in this and now has a considerable faculty. It has nature guides to many different points of interest, a special library and a museum which is growing rapidy. In many of our larger state parks also there are now nature guides and the beginning of a library and a museum. The Museum of Natural History of New York has a branch at Bear Mountain in the Palisades Interstate Park. The Park also contains two other museums and many nature trails and guides. Considering how recent this development is, it is hard to estimate the dimensions to which it may grow. Chautauqua was our original education camp. Today it is housed in permanent buildings, but it probably remains the largest study camp in the world. A few years ago the Chautauqua move- ment promised to spread into every county and hamlet in the United States. It offers lectures, concerts, movies and dramatics. It carries a real popular appeal. Recently we do not hear so much of it, I suppose largely because its program has been taken over by the summer schools and to some extent by the extension departments of the universities. N A RECENT Kansas City muni- cipal election almost the whole ticket of the Pendergast machine was put into office to the tune of four killings, dozens of sluggings and beatings, and widespread intimi- dation of voters. Immediately there appeared in editorial columns everywhere the customary la- mWjt that bossism and machine politics were again disgracing city government and the country gen- eraly. Besides, since bosses have fared badly in New York, Philadelphia, and Pittsburgh in the past year, the Kansas City survival is something to marvel' at. the dominant note in the editorial criticism is a cry for clean-up and reform of the old-fashioned order. But more is needed than a mere moral purg- ing, a mere housecleaning, turning out one set Ofrascals to let in a new lot of men who have iaot had the opportunity to be rascals. The changes needed are changes of a more basic nature. Bosses and political machines do not rise out of nothing more than the base desire for plunder. The boss and his staff are true working gears in the vaster political mechanism of city govern- ment. At first they are often essential to any func- tioning of the political apparatus at all, and as the apparatus ages they tend to become arrogant and often cofTupt because they misconceive themselves as all-important and all powerful. Party machine organization is created to fulfill a real need and exists because it does satisfy the need. Denying that the need exists will advance the cause of honest government but little. The function of the boss and his machine' pust be taken over by a le- gitimate arm of the gdvernment, if the boss and his men are undesirable characters, because they do have a function in a city like Kansas City. Here as in New York and Chicago and Pittsburgh and other great metropolitan centers are thousands who have the right to use the ballot without ade- quate knowledge of how to use it properly. Whether or not they should have it is not a matter for debate. The Kansas City election is a challenge less to reform than to technical improvement. It is ap- parent at a glance that voting methods must be improved - perhaps voting machines and regis- tration and identification by signature are the solution here. Only detailed study will determine. But the need for some of these measures seems obvious. Civil service and the commission form of government might be found suited to the, situation. Perhaps proportional representation would satisfy the great group of uneducated foreign born that is the mainstay of the Pendergast machine. At any rate, the mere displacing of the incumbents with men thought to be morally superior is no solution. Times change, needs change, and if the legal political structure is inadequate, the desired ends will be attained extra-legally, through party ma- chine politics. The sane approach is to look upon continuous progressive reform in government as normal. We would then have fewer house clean- ings, and fewer spasmodic graspings for panacea after exhausted panacea. Mie Camp Deserves Support ... IT WOULD BE a real blow to the University of Michigan as well as to the development oftyoung musicians all over the United States if the National Music Camnp at Interlochen were forced to stop because of lack 'of funds. in the six years that this project has been estab- lished it has become a feature of great importance in the musical world and has attracted wide at- WEBSTER defines education, among other connotations, as "the totality of the qualities acquired through individual in- struction and social training, which further the happiness, efficiency, and capacity for social serv- ice of the educated." It would seem that the ma- jority of our universities and colleges are moving forward with this goal in mind - in short, a liberalt education. Certainly, for the attainment of such ideals, the disinterested observer invariably must point his attention beyond the narrow confines of the small town or rural areas to these institu- tions of higher learning. A great deal has been said and written about the "little red school house at the end of the lane." Famous men and women of "Who's Who" reputation, as well as the more obscure people of both city and farm, are wont to refer to this tiny institution with either sentimental attach- ment or uncomplimentary derision. The common concensus among theseindividuals seems to be of a nature that regards the country schoolhouse as something that has long since faded into the past along with buggies, board walks, and hoop skirts. To all external appearances, the little red schoolhouse has become a romantic symbol of story and song -the final vestige of the glorious "good old days." In reality, however, the spirit of these miniature centers of education lives on today. All the inefficiencies, inadequacies, and unfortunate conditions which characterized their reign has been inculcated into the one and two-room schools of the present era. There are rural schools throughout Michigan which are but little removed from the inherent weaknesses of the primitive institutions of half a century ago. Single rooms, in which at least eight grades are taught by one instructor, are not un- common. Teachers, receiving in some instances as low as $35 a month, are expected to disseminate first-class information to pupils variously number- ing up to fifty. With but a few minutes to devote to each class, the rural pedagogue is confronted by numerous other problems. Lack of parental co-operation, poor attendance, student disinterest- edness, inferior educational facilities, and unin- telligent and bigoted school boards are only a few of the situations which he must handls with tact and assurance. Many of these teachers are county normal graduates with but a single year { of special training beyond high school. Such conditions as these serve to check effectively any inherent mental-potentialities that the super- ior-endowed youngster might possess. To the child unfortunate enough to be born within the pale of some unprogressive rural area, vocational guid- ance, individual attention, and supervised physical education are forever lost in a maze of en- vironmental complexities. It seems inconceivable that during the recent war more than 400,000 soldiers in the selective draft were discovered who could neither read a newspaper intelligently nor write a letter home. One group alone possessed 40,000 people who were unable to read. Such incredulities as these are, for the most part, traceable to the inadequgte educational advantages of the rural schools. Is it any wonder that one prominent educator, after ten years of investigation, calls the American peo- ple, "a nation of sixth-graders?" The most plausible solution of the rural institu- tion dilemma seems to be the consolidated school. Through the co-operation of several districts, one large unit can be constructed at some centrally- located place with buses and automobiles hauling the children from adjacent points. While this un- duly simplifies the matter, the manifest advan- tages of such an arrangement are the superiority of the teaching force made available by pooling funds, more and varied courses of instruction, and modern conveniences far beyond the reach of the ordinary single-room school. In the intervening years between the present system and the inevi- table introduction of the consolidated school on a large scale, the need of intelligent, unprejudiced school boards becomes imperative. Instead of individuals who can scarcely read and write, attempting to direct the meagre finances and educational policies of a district, boards should cons~istf of formrovteachrs Afof tiact hee v~awr a recent ruling of the State Prison s Commission it has been necessary to cancel the proposed excursion to Jackson Prison. Carl J. Coe, Director of Excursions b Exhibition in Architectural Build- It ing: Etchings by Assistant Professor Valerio, water colors by him and As- sistant Professors Slusser and Cha- pin, and pastels by Fred H. Aldrich.C Open daily from 9:00 to 6:00 except- ing Sunday. The public is cordially I invited. Graduate School: All Graduate School students who expect' to com- plete their work for a degree at the 1 close of the present summer session should call at the office of the Gradu- ate School, 1014 Angell Hall, to check their records and to secure the proper blank to be used in paying the diplo- ma fee. The fee should be paid I not later than Saturday, August- 4. G. Carl Huber Reading Requirement in German for Ph.D. candidates: Candidates in all fields except those of the natural sciences and mathematics must ob- tain the official certification of an adequate reading knowledge of Ger- man by submitting to a written ex- amination given by the German De- partment. For the summer session this exam- ination will be given on Wednesday, August 8, at 2 p.m., in room 203 U.H. Students who intend to take the ex- amination are required to register their names at least one week before the date of the examination at the office of the German Department, Room 204 U.H., where detailed in- formation with regard to examina- tion requirements will be given. Teacher's Certificate-Comprehen- sive Examination: All candidates ex- pecting to receive a Teacher's Cer- tificate at the close of the summer session are required to pass a com- prehensive professional examination covering the work of the required courses in Education leading to the Certificate. The next examination of this sort will be held on Saturday morning, August 4, in the University High School auditorium at 9 o'clock sharp. Candidates expecting to take this examination should leave their names immediately with the Recorder of the School of Education, 1437 Uni- versity Elementary School. Graduate students taking advanced degrees in August will be exempted from this 1examination. C. O. Davis, Secretary - School of Education f Candidates for the Teacher's Cer- tificate: A tentative list of candidates to be recommended for the Teacher's fCertificate at the end of the summer s session has been posted on the bul- letin board in Room 1431 University , Elementary School. Any student whose name does not appear on this o list and who wishes to be so listed a should report this fact at once to the e Recorder of the School of Education, - Room 1437 U.E.S. d Blanks for the payment of the cer- - tificate fee may be secured in the of- n fie of the Recorder. This fee must TY PE W R I TIN G The Theatre "DOUBLE DOOR" IN REVIEW By Braekley Shaw The "double door" is the opening to a secret, sound-proof room. That is not telling anything because the audience is informed of that fac fairly early in the play and it sets the mood for the remainder of the story. This melodrama is a play of suspense, and the excitement is ex- pertly worked up to such a pitch that if any of the succeeding audiences can repress audible gasps at least twice Suring the play, they are better than those who saw it last night. The story deals with the decayed remnants of the Van Bret family whose men have been leader: since the Dutch first colonized Manhattan Island The principal characters are Victoria Van Bret an aging spinster with a fanatical, almost relig- ious, reference for the Van Bret traditions, whc rules the household with an iron hand; Rip Var Bret, Victoria's half-brother, seeking to escape from Victoria's evil influence by marrying a wom- an whom Vctoria considers below his caste; and Anne Darrow, Rip's wife who comes under Vic toria's malign influence for as long as she car stand it and then decides to have a breakdown Other important characters are Caroline Van Bret whose spirit has long ago been completely broker by Victoria; Mortimer Neff, the family lawyer and Dr. John Sully, a friend of Rip's and Anne' who represents the normal human being. Here are the elements for a first-class thriller melodrama and the author has not wasted her opportunities. The suspense starts building from the moment that the happy situation of the bridi and bridegroom is disclosed to the audience - and keeps on building until the final curtan. Sarah Pierce in the character of Victoria is clos to perfect. It is a type of role she portrays ex- tremely well and here she outdoes herself so tha anyone who can resist cordially despising her i less than human. Frank Funk in the part of Rip Van Bret main tains his reputation as an excellent actor for al most any kind of characterization. Laurine Haga' as Anne Darrow is also good although she seem to be somewht at a loss as to what to do witt I her hands and her arm gestures are stiff - slightly detracting from her work. Honorable mention should also go to Ruti Flood as Caroline Van Bret, Joy Pozz as Dr. Sully and Hattie Bell Ross as Avery, the housekeeper This is one of the better thrillers and if yot like thrillers by all means go, but if you can' stand suspense then stay away, for this play i made of it. , L1 n ; is r r e I ;e t s s h h r, r., u 't is MIMEOG, I"! RAPAA NG .~ruty eandneatly dne fl our ovn shop by conpetent o eatos amwderate rutes: . ~_.. ; S* + teSt., Abore Campus Opinion Letters published in this column should not be con- strued as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous communications will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be re- garded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief confining themselves to less than 500 words if possible. To the Editor: Your very spacious cigarette ad in this morning's Daily suggests the following to me as a Campus Opinion : Thou too, oh Michigan Daily, must accept the filthy lucre of the greedy tobacco trust? Better for to make it an even $35 at the reckoning window of ATTEND ATTEND COOL MATINEES. . . MICH I. . .COOL MATINEES JOAN BLONDELL "SMARTY WARREN WILLIAM Also Comedy -- Sportlight -- Oddity -- News . ~ ~ ~ AJ S I ............-...'' ' ' ** Daily Matinee 25c Nights & Sundays, Balcony 25c, Main Floor 35c ALINE McMAHON -- ANN DVORAK -- FRANK McHUGH in Warner Bros. Dramatic " Heat Lidhining