THE MICHIGAN DAILY IE MICHIGAN DAILY cial Publication of the Summer Session Montana, a geology 'camp in Kentucky and an archeology camp in Egypt, beside various other camps that represent researches in different fields. The study camp offers a combination of recre- ation and study, which makes a distinct appeal. Most of these camps are comparatively new, but their tribe is sure to increase from the very nature of the opportunity that they offer on the educa- tional, recreational and practical side. On the educational side these camps offer a study of things, an opportunity to show initiative, make discoveries and find new ways of doing things. To most people it is more interesting to see a tree or an animal or bird than it is to read Campus Opinion TVat-r - ti*hliaha s t I" . da..1..,..,1.4 nlnot heo n -~. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN, Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the Summer Session office until 3:30; 11:30 Saturday. ,.~ ublisned every morning exceptsMonday during the versity year and Summer Session by the Board in atrol of Student Publications. ember of the Western Conference Editorial Association i the Big Ten News Service. ii3_3__ IO ^°_ovw ai 1934 about it or see its picture. The real thing makes" a more vivid impression and is better remembered. It always serves too as a standard to correct the faulty impressions that may have come from reading. On the recreation side the education camp may offer quite as much to the person of wide in- terests as a summer vacation. To all itoffers a free Letters published In this column snouj noRecn strued as expressing the editorial opinion of The Excursion to Jackson Prison: Due to Daily. Anonymous communications will be disregarded.' The names of communicants will, however, be re- a recent ruling of the State Prison; garded as confidential upon request. Contributors Commission it has been necessary to are asked to be brief. confining themselves to less than 500 words if possible. cancel the proposed excursion to PAGE THE OBSERVER! Jackson Prison. Carl J. Coe, Director of Excursions To the Editor: May I ask what has become of the Summer Ob- Excursion to Detroit: In response to server? Surely the two rather pointless and ignor- the demand a second excursion to De- ant attacks made against her essays have not dis- troit will be given Saturday, August couragc her. It was with genuine pleasure that 4. The trip will include a visit to the many of my friends and I read her column in the Detroit News Building, downtown De- ma oingy"Daieyd" and. Irsadthereaolurmgritthattroit, Belle Isle Park, the Fisher Build- mrning"Daily," and it is with real regret that ing. Radio Stations WWJ and WJR, we see it discontinued. The Detroit Institute of Arts, and the' Those light, graceful bits written in the true Public Library. By special arrange- spirit of the familiar essayist constituted one of the ment a special exhibit by the General brighter spots among the many feaures offered by Motors Laboratories will be included. "The Daily." Unintelligent adverse criticism cer- Special buses will leave from in front tainly ought not be permitted to check their publi- of Angell Hall at 8 a.m., returning at cation. It is always much easier to tear down than 6 p.m. Round Trip fare $1.50. Lunch- to build. eon at the Fisher Building Cafeteria -Leon S. Waskiewicz for about 50 cents. 'nW i Carl J. Coe, Director of Excursions REPLY TO MICHIGAN DAME General Motors Proving Ground:, Dear Editor:'Students who took part in the ex- The idea that the Michigan Dames take the place cursion to the General Motors Prov- of the present hostesses makes one wonder if this ing Ground may obtain free copies of particular "Dame" is not lonely herself and in seek- the pictures taken on the trip b~y call- ing self expression is not willing to be helped by ing at 3004 Angell Hall, 10-12 a.m., the already efficient hostesses who are lending August 1. 1 1, .... . , _- . -4 - .-4 Carl J. Coe, Director of Excursions Teacher's Certificate-Comprehen- sive Examination: All candidates ex- pecting to receive a Teacher's Cer- tificate at the close of the summer session are required to pass a com- prehensive professional examination covering the work of the required courses in Education leading to the Certificate. The next examination of this sort will be held on Saturday morning, August 4, in the University High School auditorium at 9 o'clock sharp. Candidates expecting to take this examination should leave their names immediately with the Recorder of the School of Education, 1437 Uni- versity Elementary School. Graduate students taking advanced degrees in August will be exempted from this examination. C. O. Davis, Secretary School of Education Simple Rites Are Held For Movie Actress Film Stars Pay Respect To Marie Dressler At Her Funeral MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS C .rhe Assopiated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for pepublication of all news dispatches credited to itf or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local1 news published herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches are reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, asE second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Postmaster-General. usipti o during sumoer by carrier, $1.25; by mail, *.. ri ng r~guar school year by carrier, $8.9: by mail, $4.25. Osces: Student PUblcations Building, Maynard Street, Anln Arbor, Mchian. Phone: 2-1214.< Representatives: College Publications Representatives,y Ic, 40L East :Thirty-Forth Street, New York City; 6o Boylston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago.- EDITORIAL sTAFFy Phone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR..............E. JEROME PETTIT ASSISTANT MANAGING EDITOR ....BRACKLEY SHAW WOMEN'S EDITOR .............ELEANOR JOHNSON ASSOCIATE EDITOS: Charles A. Baird, Clinton B. Con- ger, Paul J. Elliott, Thomas E. Groehn, Thomas H.1 jK eene.Wiliam R. Reed, Robert S. Ruwitch.. $ ¢IPORES: Barbara Bates, C. . Beukema, Donald R. Bird,Rph Danhrad, Francesd English, Elsie Pierce, Vir- BUSINESS STAFF; Office Hours: 9-12, 1-5 Phone 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER........BERNARD E. SCHNACKE Q$$ST. BUSINESS MANAGER. W. GRAFTON SHARP CJi$,ULATION MANAGER ...... ..CLINTON B. CONGER The Kingfsh And Company .. . I N MINNEAPOLIS the governor of Minnesota sends the national guard td preserve the peace and welfare of that pros- perous city - and the prosperous citizens protest violen tly. OK ,Down in fertile Louisiana the governor, 0. K. Allen, sends the national troops into the capital city, New Orleans, with instructions to go into the capital building and confiscate the lists of regis- tered voters therein. Why? In Louisiana everyone is discontented with the state of politics. Governor Allen is under the thumb of United States Senator and former Governor Huey Long, who is liked no better in his home state than in Michigan or in the Senate chambers. Therefore it looks too much as if Senor Long were headed for disastrous defeat in the next election in his state. The "Kingfish" Long machine, while not as well organized as New York's Tammany, nevertheless gets what it aims at - or rather what: Mr. Long wants. And it seems that the blustering politician is out to win or die. What.Long will do with the lists the soldiers took is somewhat in the dark, but it is assumed that he and his stooges will conveniently discover that a big miajority of pro-Huey voters have registered. Gov- ernor Allen defends the action on the grounds that foul play was suspected in the process of reg- istering and it was his duty to inspect the books. Whatever is done to the lists, the Long outfit controls the state courts in Louisiana to the ex- tent that the Governor will have little trouble maintaining his stand. Undoubtedly Senator Long and Governor Allen will return to their offices in the fall elections, even though the people of Louis- iana are against them. In Minnesota the state courts will take action to dispell Governor Olson's troops from Minneapolis. In Louisiana the voting lists will be doctored by the political bosses and returned to the files, with a minimum of publicity. But will the people tolerate it? Will the love of freedom submit to this political demagoguery? Or will the Huey Longs be properly ousted and punished for their rotten methods of public graft? ummer Camp s THE SCHOOL IN THE OPEN EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first of a series of articles dealing with University sum- mer camps. Mr. Curts has made an extensive survey and study of camp organization and maintenance. By HENRY S. CURTIS Our conventional conception of an education has always been that it consisted in sitting down in a class room with a book before you, while the teacher sat or stood at a desk in the front of the room. Carried to the nth degree with a recep- tive mind this sort of an education produces a' pedant. There has always been an education of an- other sort going on, an education that came from an actual contact with things and experiences. This sort of education may have been narrow in its range, but it was intensely practical and ready to use. It has always been the main standby of the man of affairs. The education camp does not provide for any great variety of experiences but it deals mainly with things rather than books, and usually calls for the continuous modification of activities ac- cording to the facts discovered. While it will not in itself produce a man of affairs, it is away from the bookworm type. All camps are more or less educational camps or should be. Most of our larger work camps now life, largely in the open air and sunshine, and' the companionship of others who are like minded. Often there is a chance for hunting, fishing, canoe- ing, horseback riding; and nearly always a great, deal of hiking. If there is no fear of impending examinations, and actual study hours are not too long, what better vacation could anyone wish? On the practical side, in forestry, engineering, and surveying, the work amounts almost to an apprenticeship, and puts the student down before the real problems such as he must deal with later. Nearly all educational camps involve a consid- erable travel in order to get to them, as will be noted in the case of the University of Michigan. Many of them are essentially travel camps. Thus] the geology camp of the University of California moves from place to place all through the summer seldom remaining in any one place for more than a week. The Department of geology of Oberlin Col- lege takes a different location each summer;, one summer it may be in the Rockies, the next in the Adirondacks and the third in Europe. Prof. Jones of Oberlin was accustomed for many years to take his class in ornithology across to the. Pacific Coast each summer. They bought new autos of the cheaper varieties for each five stu- dents, and traveled acoss the country in a leis- urely manner, studying birds, animals and other objects of scientific interest as they went. They carried tents, cooked their own meals, and camped out at night, largely in the -school yards. On arriv- ing at the coast, they sold their autos, usually for more than they paid for them (they were practi- cally driving them through for the companies) and returned by train, their summer of travel and study cost them little if any more than a summer spent at the summer school. Princeton is sending its class in geology over the Canadian railroads this summer in a special pull- man car that belongs to the university. This car will be the home of the group during the trip and will furnish them board and lodgings. The University of Wichita offers the most ambi- tious program in this field in what it calls the University of the Omnibus, as it takes its entire summer school of about twelve hundred on an ex- tended tour through the mountains and national parks each summer having special stops of its own, where lectures are conducted. A number of colleges in the hot section of the southwest conduct a summer camp of quite a dif- ferent sort. They move their entire school into the mountains for the summer. Probably nearly all the summer schools of Texas, New Mexico and Arizona would profit by this method. There have also been a number of university trips which have taken a body of students around the world, though these trips in general have prob- ably represented more travel than study. It would appear, however, that very little has been done or attempt made to reach the groups for whom study camps and travel camps are best suited. The great mass of our population do not get ideas easily from the printed page, while they absorb and remember easily impressions of things they see. It would look as though the study camp and the travel camp offered a tremendous oppor- tunity to our extension departments to give a practical education to our general population who may have had comparatively little academic education, but who are intelligent and interested in the world about them. I should guess that there are thousands of farmers who would like to spend two weeks in the forest somewhere in studying trees, that there are other thousands of our citizens who would like to spend a few weeks studying birds and animals and mountains under a real educa- tional leader. . There are developing also in connection with our various universities and colleges summer o vacation colonies of. quite a different sort. Thus some years ago Oberlin College bought a con- siderable area on Lake Erie, which it resold tc members of its faculty at cost. This is about 2( miles from Oberlin on a good road. It is of especia: advantage to the teachers in the summer school, as it enables them to keep their families at the shore and drive back and forth to their work. Certair of the faculty, who have no children in school occupy their lakeside cottages from early May tc October. Columbia had a similar colony at Ossi- ning. The University of Wisconsin has a student col- ony on its lake and a regular ferry which takes students back and forth to and from the University Dr. Nathan Sinai, of the Division of Hygiene and Public Health, will give a public lecture on "Health Insur- ance" tonight at 8:00 p.m. in the Nat- ural Science Auditorium. Michigan Repertory Players: "Dou- ble Door," the recent Broadway suc- cess, will be presented this week at 111e Ck yuiA-vieV-----o- aare.l,-n every effort to help the students but wants to gain recognition by her change in methods? Miss McCormick has always proved herself equal 1 to her duty as a charming, gracious hostess and surrounds herself with assistants she has chosen because they are well-balanced and blessed with grace and understanding. One who has eyes to see and a mind that is open will take into consideration the fact that the Sum- mer School student is more mature and set in his ways and very often hampered by an inferiority complex, and you just try to socialize one who craves these contacts, yet fears even with the splen- did help now being given to go after the thing they want most. Why not try to lend your support by less crit- icism? Go to the dances yourself and support the' hostesses by encouraging these students to dance with you. A gracious smile and friendly manner, will do more to help them socialize than a constant demand for change and criticism of the present system. -A Bystander. Screen Reflections Four stars means extraordinary; three stars very tgood; two stars good; one star just another picture; no stars keep away from it. AT THE MICHIGAN I ** "UPPER WORLD" Alex. Stream .......... Warren William Mrs. Stream..............Mary Astor Lily Linda............... Ginger Rogers Oscar..................Andy Devine ____ the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre. The Exhibition in Architectural Build- play will open .on Wednesday night ing: Etchings by Assistant Professor and continue through Saturday. Res-, Valerio, water colors by him and As- ervations may be made by calling sistant Professors Slusser and Cha- 6300. pin, and pastels by Fred H. Aldrich. T Open daily from 9:00 to 6:00 except- The examination in 'French and ing Sunday. The public is cordially German for the M.A. in English will invited. be given in Room 2225 A.H. on Friday, _August 10 .at 1:0 nm_ s ryF J { e 1 1 1 7 E 1 "Upperworld" is not strikingly new from the standpoint of plot, but it combines good humor, casting, and camera work in such a way that it will entertain the not-too-critical theatre-goer in a very satisfactory manner for 50 minutes. It is the story of a railroad magnate (Alex. Stream) whose wife is so interested in society that she has no time for thought of her husband. Stream, excusing himself on grounds of loneliness, has an "affair" with a burlesque star (Lily Linda) whose life he has saved. He shoots her boss in self- defense at the same time that the boss, a burlesque owner, kills Lily in an attempt to shoot Stream. Through the medium of fingerprints, Stream is brought to trial for the murder but is acquitted, and the picture ends happily with Mrs. Stream realizing the error of her ways and promising to give up the high society life. By way of criicism, the whole plot is rendered weak as to structure because it is based on an improbability. It is difficult to believe that a man, who is of ordinary intelligence, assuming that Stream is such, would not take the elementary pre- caution of removing finger-prints from the gun' with which he shot the villain. Overlooking this, however, the entire cast is ex- tremely well-chosen. Warren William turns in what is, we think, one of the best performances of a long career, but husky-voiced Andy Devine almost steals the show in the role of his chauffeur. The management of the Majestic adds another scalp to their already heavily-laden belt with this latest group of short subjects, which includes a repeat of last week's newsreel. The feature picture was worth three stars, but the added attractions detract considerably, hence the two-star rating. -T.H.K. SCREEN LIFE IN HOLLYWOOD By HUBBARD KEAVY HOLLYWOOD - Hollwood's increasingly active independent producers are staking a lot on the exhibitors' cancellation clause in block-booking, contracts. This clause, a provision of the NRA code, al- lows a theatre man to cancel, without cause, 10 percent of the pictures he buys sight unseen and. an additional five per cent on the grounds of "salaciousness." Opinion in some quarters is that producers will render subtly ineffective the clause by making more pictures than heretofore - some majors al- ready have inferred they will increase their out- put - and by releasing cheap foreign-made pic- tures as part of their program. Block-booking, which came in for a lot of dis- cussion at the code hearings, is the buying of all of a company's pictures a year in advance. An ex- hibitor cannot go into the open market and buy only those pictures he believes will make money] for him. N.Thhas to biu al l ofWarners~' or all of Para- Graduate 'School: All Graduate School students who expect to com- plete their work for a degree at the close of the present summer session should call at the office of the Gradu- ate School, 1014 Angell Hall, to check their records and to secure the proper blank to be used in paying the diplo- ma fee. The fee should be paid not later than Saturday, August 4. G. Carl Huber Reading Requirement in German for Ph.D. candidates: Candidates in all fields except those of the natural sciences and mathematics must ob- tain the official certification of an adequate reading knowledge of Ger- man by submitting to a written ex- amination given by the German De- partment. For the summer session this exam- ination will be given on Wednesday, August 8, at 2 p.m., in room 203 U.H. Students who intend to take the ex- amination are required to register their names at least one week before the date of the examination at the office of the German Department, Room 204 U.H., where detailed in- formation with regard to examina- tion requirements will be given. The Fourth Concert of the summer series given by the University Sum- mer Band will be presented at 7:15 p.m. this evening on the front steps of the General Library. The student conductors under the supervision of Prof. Nicholas D. Fal- cone, bandmaster, have selected num- bers for a typical "pop concert." The program is as follows: March "Manhattan Beach" '.. . ...............John Phillip Sousa Overture "Barber of Seville" ............... G. Rossini (Directed by Elton G. Sawyer) "Prelude"............Jean Beghon (Directed by Clark Brody, Jr.) "Military Symphony" First Movement ......... Joseph Haydn (Directed by Charles E. Gil bert) Selections from "Blossom Time" .........Schubert-Romberg ( L. H. Phillips) March of The Toys from "Babes in Toyland"................. Herbert (Directed by H. J. Reinhold) "Finlandia"............ Jean Sibelius Op. 26, No. 7 (Directed by Alfred A. Hart) "Yellow and the Blue" TYPEWjRITING MIMEOGRAPHINTG V e a y A ydon e our om shop 'y c etent D .at 9 R R L L 4 S. Stete St.,Ann Arbor. LADIES' N IT E W H IT MOR E LAKE PAVILION Every Wednesday Ladies Admitted FREE from 9 to10 o'clock. DANCING Every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday M. L. Byrn, Assistant Professor of Vocational Education, will speak at the Education Conference today at 4:10 p.m. in Room 1022, University High School. His subject will be "The Place of Industrial Arts in a Progres- sive Curriculum." The Phi Delta Kappa initiation will be held at 4:30 today. The banquet will be, at 6:00 p.m. in the Michigan Union. The finals of the Men's Education Club baseball series will be played Thursday, August 2, at 4:00 p.m. ir South Ferry Field. Mabel E. Rugen, Assistant Profes- sor of Physical Education for Wom- en, will speak at the Education Con- ference Thursday, August 2, at 4:1 p.m., in Room 1022, University High School. Her subject will be "ThE Health Program of the University High School." Vanguard Club: Dr. Clarence L Meader, professor of Latin, Sanskrit and General Linguistics will addresi the Vanguard club, on the subjec of "Russian Literature and its Socia Background," at the Michigan Union this evening at 8 p.m. Dr. Meader i fully informed with the whole de velopment of Russian literature, anc gives a course in that subject. Southern Club picnic on Thursday August 2, at Portage Lake. Free trans portation will be leaving from in fron of Angell Hall from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m Tickets may be obtained from Georg M. Smith, 201 Chemistry Building Tickets may. also be obtained afte arriving at Portage Lake for 50 cents The picnic dinner will be served a 6:30 p.m. Charles T. Hughes, President Vermont marble, considered one o the most beautiful American buildin stones, is almost pure carbonate c lime. r-lusuou 1V, at, 1.0V val GLENDALE, Calif., July 31.- UP)- The final scene in the life drama of filmdom's "ugly duckling" was re- corded here today. Funeral services as simple as the life she followed were said for Marie Pressler before a small gathering. Film stars and waitresses, camera- men and executives, as well as friends from outside the business where she made her great success late in life gathered at the Wee Kirk o' the Hea- ther, in Forest Lawn cemetery here to pay their massed respects to the screen star. In the cubicle of the church were only the closest friends of the actress. They included James and Mamie Cox, colored servants of the actress, May Robson, a veteran trouper, Nor- ma Shearer, Frances Marion, once a protege of Miss Dressler, and other close friends who knew her affec- tionately as the "ugly duckling." . Fewer than a hundred others, in- cluding Polly Moran, Jean Hersholt, and Lionel Barrymore, who had work- ed in pictures with Miss Dressler, were in the chapel proper. A hundred chairs had been placed outside the church, but none was oc- cupied. A loudspeaker carried to the outside the voice of the Rev. Neal Dodd, Epis- copalian minister who read the serv- ices, and of Jeanette MacDonald, con- cert and screen-star, who sang, "Face to Face" and "Abide With Me." Outside the gates of the cemetery waited some of Marie's fans - not more than 300, mostly women and children. Britons Down Am ericans In Davis Cup Play WIMBLEDON, England, July 31. - - (/P) - Another gallant charge by the - United States tennis forces for pos- - session of the Davis Cup surged and 0 died today on the impregnable defense h thrown up by Great Britain's stal- e wart defenders, Frederick John Perry y and Henry Wilfred (Bunny) Austin. With the British leading, two matches to one, and needing only one more for victory, Francis Xavier Shields, the big ranking American s star, stormed at Perry for four mag- t nificent sets but was beaten back, a 6-4, 4-6, 6-2, 15-13. , With. the cup safely Britain's for s another year, Austin then defeated - Sidney B. Wood, Jr., 6-4, 6-0, 6-8, 6-3, d to keep intact his record of victories against Americans in Davis Cup play since 1931. i- t 1. e 'r s. tt 3f g of i ..D NC * 40c Social Plan Only 40c LADIES' NIGHT Every Wednesday Ladies admittdd FREE Eddie BOb naynd Their Musi -Dareiog cvery night excest Mon. ..Amsin40o at : ch gan' OPENING TONIGHT. THE NEW BROADWAY SUCCESS 'Duble Door', The Melodrama That Won the Applause of New York Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday August 1, 2, 3, & 4 Lydia MENDELSSOHN Thealre Admissions: 75c,;50c, and 35c Phone 6300 Musical Events PROGRAM FOR BAND CONCERT The program for the concert by the Summer Band to be given at 7:15 tonight on the steps of the general library follows. Mr. Falcone will be in charge of the band, with five student directors as- sisting him. March "Manhattan Beach," John Philip Sousa Overture "Barber of Seville" ... .G., Rossini (Directed by Elton G. Sawyer) "Prelude" .................... Jean Beghon (Directed by Clark Brody Jr.) "Military Symphony" 1st Mov. .Joseph Haydn (Directed by Charles E. Gilbert) ATTENDM AICIGAN ATTEND COOL MATINEES. . . . ICH N. . . .COOL MATINEES ENDS TONIGHT JOE E. BROWN in "THE CIRCUS CLOWN" TOMORROW c JOAN BLON DELL "SMARTY WARREN WILLIAM .. . . . . . . . . . . M AJESTIC . . . . . . . . . Daily Matinee 25c Nights & Sundays, Balcony 25c, Main Floor 35c ENDS TONIGHT When a dame like this snares a man- Some wife has fallen down on her job! e UPPER WOR LD" WARREN WILLIAM GINGER ROGERS MARY ASTOR