Showers in west today and to-
y or tonight in the east;
vbably showers tomorrow.
Y C e
:43 ti
The Kingfish
And Company....
"i® a rer wn+ar rirrr
Official Publication Of The Summer Session
)L. XV No. 32
- - --
Euture Of Music
Camp Menaced By.
Insuficient Funds
Sold Out For
Tenth Tour
Trip To Ford's Greenfield
Village Will Be Made By
One Complete Busload
Prof. Carl J. Coe
Leader Of Group
Tour Is Repetition Of One
Made Last Wednesday;
Total Of 37 Will Go
Princeton Men To
Mourn Today Over
"St. Peter's' Death
PRINCETON, N. J., July 31. - (/P)
-They'll be burying "St. Peter" to-
morrow, and thousands of Princeton
men throughout the world will be
mourning him.
Vital statistics will list his name
as Charles Kirkpatrick, and give his
age as 72, but he was "St. Peter" to
every Princeton man since 1902.
Thirty odd years ago Kirkpatrick
was appointed janitor of the univer-
sity chapel. In those days chapel at-
tendance was compulsory and Kirk-
patrick was entrusted with the duty
of locking the chapel door on late
comers as soon as the chapel bell
stopped tolling.
So they called him "St. Peter," and
for nt hp ha d ntharnm
Two Dollfuss
Slayers Are
Put ToDeath
Vienna Avenges Killing Of
Chancellor As Leaders
Of Plot AreHanged
New Austrian Head
Strikes At Rebels
Jugoslavia Continues To
Worry Over Presence Of
Italian Troops
Relinquish Hope
For Hindenburg;
Germany Alarmed
Annual National Camp Of
High School Musicians
Founded In 1928
Is Training School
Of Young Musicians
Failure Of Individuals To
Donate To Organization
Threatens Future
Unless financial aid is forthcoming
from some source or reorganization,
is possible, the National Music Camp
at Interlochen will pass into history,
at the close of this year. The camp,
which attracts the cream of high
school music talent from the entire
United States is of particular inter-
est to Ann Arbor because this city
is its headquarters and Dr. Joseph E.
Maddy of the University School of
Music is its founder and head.
.When the camp was established, in
1928, 'the plan was commended by
the press and music critics the coun-
try over. It was hailed as a training}
school for the -nation's best youngI
musicians.,.a focal point for the finest
talent that could be assembled from
the 48 states. John Philip Sousa, Wal-
ter Damrosch, Howard Hanson, Fred-
erick Stock, Ossip Gabrilowitsch and
other great conductors served as guest
conductors at various concerts.
At that time the camp's future
seemed assured, and when contribu-f
Hopkins Will Leave On
Visit To Biology Camp
Dr. Louis A. Hopkins, director of
the Summer Session, will leave to-
morrow morning for a trip to the
University biology camp, located
at Douglas Lake. He will also
visit Camp Filibert Roth, forestry
and conservation unit, before re-
turning to Ann Arbor at the latter
part of the Summer Session.
Egyptian Life
Discussed In
B oak Speech
Describes Standards Of
Living Among People Of
Karanis District
The purpose of the University ex-
cavations in Egypt were not to un-
earth great palaces and temples, but
rather to determine prevailing con-
ditions in rural Egypt - their mode
of living, dress, worship, and govern-
ment, according to Prof. A. E. R.
Boak, chairman of the history de-
partment, who spoke yesterday on
"Private Life in Rural Egypt Under
the Greeks and Romans," at a regu-
lar Summer Session lecture.
Professor Boak confined himself, in
his fully illustrated lecture, to a dis-
cussion of the natural conditions un-
der which the Romans and Greeks in
Condition Critical
Chancellor Hitler Speeds
To Berlin To C onfer
With Cabinet
German President
Failing Gradually
r Reservations for the tenth excur- u l1n(By Associated Press)
sion of the Summpr Session have iT, thin, impressive with his dig- Chief developments in the Austrian
been completely soldr out, according nouncementer" d t hi an- [situation Tuesday:
to an announcement made last night brogue. with a touch of an Irish Two Nazis - the . leader of last
by the office of the Summer Session, to argue with the white-haired, white- week's putsch and the killer of Chan-
One complete busload will make the, mustached keeper-of-the-gate cellor Engelbert Dollfuss - died on
trip today to Ford's Greenfield Vil-mshed the gallows, shouting, the official re-
lage, led by Prof. Carl J. Coe. When "St. Peter" locked the doors port of the execution said, "Heil Hit-'
The tour is the next to last of the no _n __r__den__mer__"
summer's series, and is a repetition of Chancellor Kurt Schuschnigg, of
the trip made last Wednesday. In Lectures W ill Austria, ordereAustrian rebels
addition to the bus, a private car will rounded up and placed in camps at
also make the excursion, bringing the * hard labor, while their property will
total to 37.Be D elivere be confiscated.
At the Village in Dearborn they Their rebellion all but wiped out,
will see an exact reproduction of the By t ,the Nazstunenito bombs
Wirth, Sinlail in some sections of Austria.
central Michigan town of 80 years Jgsai otne ob ore
ago. Around the village green are Jugoslavia continued to be worried
grouped such buildings as the general c . over the presence of Italian troops on
store, the old meetin' house, the red Health Insurance, 'Social'the Austrian border, objecting to uni-
brick schoolhouse, the tin type gal- Planning' Are Subjects lateral action
lery, and even a blacksmith's shop Today's Speeches saidnthatnItaly would welcome aid
In addition there are such exhibits from other countries in preserving
as Edison's Menlo Park Laboratory, Prof Louis Wirth, visiting professor Austrian independence.
hisnirarynd T oe rofhis ear t in sociology from the University of 'The new Austrian Cabinet had not
inventions. There are also exhibits Chicago will deliver a regular Summer yet! officially accepted Firanz von
connected with other famous Amer- Session lecture at 5 p.m. today on "So- Papen as special minister from Ger-
ican scientists, such as Luther Bur- cial Planning Under Capitalism." many.
One of the most interesting fea- Professor Wirth will discuss in his VIENNA, July 31. - Almost six days
tures is the museum which contains lecture the possibility of instituting to the hour after Chancellor Dollfuss
Henry Ford's collection of antiques social planning and will also discuss died, two Nazis accused of implica-
dealing with the histories of . such I alternative programs. He is a grad- tion in killing him were hanged in
things as furniture and transporta- i uate of the University of Chicago and the prison yard today
tion. Much of the material used in has taught there since 1926.. The official account of their 'execu-
the Transportation exhibit at the He studied in Europe on a fellow- tion declared that the Nazis died with
World's Fair came from Mr. Ford's ship from the Social Science Research the shout "Heil Hitler!" on their lips.
collection. Council in 1930. Franz Holzweber, convicted of high
The party will leave from in front + As a special lecture on the Summer treason as the leader of the Putsch
of Angell Hall at 1 p.m., returning to progran, Dr. Natlian Sinai 'fThe di- in which Dollfuss died, alsd' siouted
Ann Arbor shortly after 5:30. vision of hygiene and public health, "I die for Germany!" the official ac-
The final excursion, scheduled for will lecture on "Health Insurance," at count added.
Saturday, was originally to have been 8 p.m. tonight in Natural Science Au- Holzweber was followed on the gal-
a visit to the State Prison at Jackson, ditorium. lows by Otto Planetta, former army
but due to a recent ruling of the ad- Dr. Sinai will discuss the causes staff sergeant, who said he killed
ministration there, no parties are be- leading to the present-day medical Dollfuss without intending to do so
ing shown through the prison. economic problem, showing certain and begged forgiveness in court.
As a result the tour will be re- aspects of the problem as it affects First Nazis Hanged in Austria
placed by a repetition of the first ex- the public and the professions. Holzweber and Planetta were the
cursion, a day in Detroit, on which He will review the problem of health first Nazis to be hanged in Austria,
tour the group will see the Detroit insurance in European practice and despite numerous acts of terrorism
News building, Belle Isle and down- finally the structure and action of charged against , them before they
town Detroit, the Fisher Building, the Michigan State Medical Society. broke into civil war after the Putsch
radio stations WJR and WWJ, the I He will also present certain details of and the killing of Dollfuss last Wed-
Detroit Public Library, and the De- the solution offered in Michigan. Inesday-
troit Institute of Art. The study in Michigan of the health They were two of the 144 men ar-
In addition, the group will see an insurance problem was made, accord- rested after the raid on the Fed-
exhibit arranged by the General Mo- ing to Dr. Sinai, by a number of mem- eral Chancellery who were refused
tors Research Library, a feature bers of the University faculty, includ- a promised safe transit to Germany
which was not avilable on the earlier j ing representatives from the medical because Dollfuss was killed.Gy
tour. The buses will leave Angell Hall school, the division of public health, New bombing outrages broke out
at 8 a.m., returning at about 6 p.m. the economics department, the geog- as the two went on trial before a
The fare for the round trip is $1.50, raphy 'department, and the statistics court-martial yesterday and as the
and the only other expense will be department. armed revolt in the southern prov-
luncheon, which will be eaten in the As a part of a general study Dr. inces was all but wiped out.
cafeteria of the Fisher Building. Sinai made a trip to Europe to study
Reservations for this trip should be English Health Insurance system last Fourth. C b'w .
made at the office of the Summer January. This study was made to + u'' '
Session before 5 p.m. Friday. check up on a previous study made YD h 'F 71v-I -9-h
Minister Says
Succession Has
tions, plus the tuition payments of the third century lived. He dealt
students permitted the directors of principally with people of the Karanis
the sponsoring organization, the Na- district, stating that they were of.
tioina1,.:jli.. Sckool, :Orchestra CampJ prime importance 'because t h e y
'Association, to pay off large amounts 'formed between 80 and 90 per cent
on the debt in 1930 and 1931, there of the civilization of all Egypt.
appeared to be no question concern- Spe irt of the E gt-
ing te cap's ucces finncia"y. ,peaking first of the housing sit-
ing the camp's success financially. uation in the ancient cities of Egypt,
After 1931 contributions from mdi- Professor Boak said that the houses
viduals became negligible. In the last were arranged in tightly bunched
year they have dropped almost to the I groups with narrow streets intersect-
irreducible minimum. As the conse- ing rudely at right angles. "Most of
quence the camp is relying almost these streets, which by the way are
entirely on tuition payments this year very narrow, the speaker stated,
- not only for its actual operation, "were obstructed by fehces or other
but also for interest payments on the similar barriers."
property and other fixed charges. It is A significant feature of all Greek
running $7,000 further into 'the red 1 sgiiatfaueo l re
this year $ and Roman housing, according to
Dr. Maddy is hopeful that a reor-.Professor Boak, is that every house
ganization can be carried out which I had a corresponding adjacent court.
will permit reduction of the payments "The houses were built of sun-dried
on fixed obligations and will allow the brick with the window frames beingI
camp to continue in operation - sim- made entirely of wood."
ply through tuition monies. If this . The majority of the houses con-
solution cannot be worked out, how- sisted of a basement floor and two
ever, or if aid from some foundation other floors, stated the speaker, and
or philanthropic person or persons is the windows were exceedingly small
(Continued on Page 3) and protected by strips of wood so
as to keep out the intense heat in the
Insull Offers summer and the terrific cold in the
J "The household furniture in that
o Reveal All period was exceedingly simple," Pro-
fessor Boak stated. The reason for
" this was that the people spent most
.In New] ral, of their time out of doors because of
theT climaticconditions and therefore
needed nothing elaborate in the way
Files Nine Page Petition of furniture."
Stating Objections To A The rest of Professor Boak's lecture,
consisted in the showing of various
Trial With 16 Others objects used by the Greeks and Ro-
mans. Pottery, glassware, wooden
CHICAGO, July 31.- (P) -Sam- and pottery toys, types of pens used,
uel Insull was ready to tell all today, and even fly swatters or fly claps as
but despite his assumption of full re- they were known in those days, were
sponsibility for the conduct of cor- shown by Professor Boak.
poration securities, the government
gave a cold reception to his appeal for B n als Split
In a nine-page petition filed with ,
the district court, Insull stated his oWith Cleveland-
objection to being tried with 16 co-j''
defendants on charges of using thej 'e T is
mails to defraud. They ranged from Yankiees In First
a fear that his case would be preju-
diced by fhe admission of evidence
which would not be admissable Before 25,000 Cleveland fans the
against him along to another fear Detroit Tigers slipped into second
that the circumstances surrounding place today, as the Indians out-
his European exile would be preju- slugged them in the first game of a
dicial to the other defendants. doubleheader to win, 9-7, while the
Dwight H. Green, district attorney, Yankees were taking two games from
said the government would oppose the the Red Sox.,
petition. Tommy Bridges outpitched Bob
Promising a "full and frank" dis- Weiland and Lloyd Brown in the sec-
closure of all his business operations, and game to give Detroit a 4-2 vie-
Insull said he was willing to accept tory, but it left the Tigers two per-
full responsibility for his acts and 'centage points behind New York.
those of his associates who acted upon The first game was a see-saw battle
his advice. He 'declared however, that all the way, with Detroit finally suc-
MINNEAPOLIS, July 31. - W)-
A physician today amputated the tip
of the little finger of the left hand of
Francis (Pug) Lund, All-American
halfback at the University of Minne-
two years ago.
Dr. Sinai has been for five years
on the research staff of the Commit-
tee on the Costs of Medical Care. He
is also consultant in dental economy
for the American College of Dentists,
and is the director of research for the
Michigan State Medical Society.
MacFadden's 'Double Door' To
Be Given By Repertory Players
By ALTON BRIMMER ily and servants, and finds delight in
(Repertory Players Production Staff) making Caroline cringe, and in break-
It is with a great deal of pride and ing down Rip's attempts to be his
pleasure that the Michigan Repertory own master.
Players will present "Double Door," A on mar.
the most talked of drama New York Ann Darrow, a nurse who has saved
he s o ae of drama ew Rip's life by her efficient attention,
audiences have seen in the past fewbeo sthmanbjcofVtri'
years, for the Players are the only becomes the main object of Victoria's
non-professional group who have wrath and revenging plot when she
been allowed the great privilege of marries Rip after his recovery. It is
presenting this play. t l in Victoria's plot to oust Anne, played
In this tightly and cunningly built by Laurine Hager, from the family of
melodrama of new note, which of- the socially elite Van Brets that the
fers the playgoer something new and play has its greatest moments of thrill
stimulating, character interest is one and suspense.
of keynote importance. The "Vanity The other members of the cast in-
Fair" review of the play states that elude Jay Pozz as Dr.'Sully; John Lee
"the mental workings of each char- Doll as Mortimer Neff, the family
acter is subtly and consistently un- lawyer; Charles Orr as Mr. Chase; L.
folded, allowing the onlooker to fol- Wayne Smith as Mr. Lambert, the
low without undue strain -- yet hold- detective; and Hattie Bell Ross as
ing him transfixed and hypnotized to Avery, Paul Sultzbach as Telson,
the last curtain." Leone Lee as Louise, and Josh Roach
By Band ' Be
Given Tonight'
Student Conductors Will
Again Be Featured In
'Pop' Program
The fourth concert of the summer
series presented by the University
Summer Band will be given tonight
at 7:15 p.m. on the steps in front of
the General Library.
The concert this evening will take
the form of a regular "pop" concert
by virtue of the numbers chosen for
Following the practice that was es-
tablished last week, Prof. Nicholas D.
Falcone, director of the Band, has
chosen a number of students to con-
duct the band in its program.
The concert will open with the pop-
ular march by John Philip Sousa, en-
titled "Manhattan Beach." This num-
ber will be followed by the overture
to Rossini's opera, "Barber of Se-
ville." Elton G. Sawyer will be seen
here as conductor.
Clark Brody, Jr., will direct the
band in its third number, "Prelude,"
by Jean Beghon, following which
Charles E. Gilbert will lead the or-
ganization in the first movement of
Haydn's "Military Symphony."
The second half of the program wlil
---oite ress Photo i
Adult Teaching
D is cus ed By
Dr. C. A. Fisher
Says That Universities Will
Direct Attention More In;
T is Line
It is probable that state univer-
sities, through their extension divi-
sions, will give more attention in the
near future to the needs of the adults
in the state not resident at the uni-
versity, Dr. C. A. Fisher, assistant di-'
rector of the University Extension Di-
vision, indicated yesterday while
speaking in the four o'clock lecture!
series of the School of, Education.
Dr. Fisher, who was speaking on
"Adult Education through the Univer-
sity Extension Division," discussed the
early history of this division, and its
development into its present wide-
spread field.
It was founded, he said, 22 years
ago when Dr. Harry Burns Hutchins,
then President of the University,
called Dr. W. D. Henderson to assist
him in looking after requests that
were coming in for lecturers from the,
Prof. M. L. Byrn of the School
of Education will discuss "The
Place of Industrial Arts iri'a Pro-
gressive Curriculum" at the nextR
of the four o'clock lecture series
of the Education school today.
Professor Byrn will speak at
4:10 p.m. in Room 1022, Univer-
sity High School.
University to speak before various lay
and professional groups throughout:
the state. For those 22-years Dr. Hen-
derson has continued as director of
the bureau.
. In his discussion of the work done
by the division, Dr. Fisher empha-
sized the lectures which are given by
faculty members, saying that this
formed the beginning of the Exten-
sion Division. A total of 655 lectures
was given in Michigan last year, he
said, to an estimated audience of 150,-
The speaker next discussed the ex-
tension classes undertaken by the bu-
beau. Four types of classes are given
BERLIN, July 31. - (M)--President
Paul von Hindenburg, sturdy idol of
the German pedple, was under the
constant care of physicians today,
and the public was warned by an of-
ficial of his palace here that it may
'fear the worst.'
Medical bulletins from the bed-
side of the 86-year-old field marshal
in Neudeck, his East Prussian estate,
were not greatly alarming in tone,
but the fact that formal bulletins
are coming frequently, the palace o-
ficial pointed out, "indicates that his
condition must be regarded as criti-
Tonight, however, the Official Ger-
man News Agency said that no bul-
letins would be issued during the
night, as the President's condition
was somewhat improved.
Make No Prediction
The physicians made-no predictions
as to how much longer the rugged
constitution of the old soldier can
hold out against a bladder ailment
and a prostate gland trouble, together
with other complications of age.
For weeks Von Hindenburg has not
been in the best of health, but im-
provement has followed each alarim-
ing report.
Previously, however, such bulletins
as those issued today did not appear;
neither was there the widespread
alarm among the people.
The Nation, which Von Hinden-
burg led in the World War and which
he guided during troubled days, later
learned with extreme sorrow and
earnest hope that four famous phy-
sicians are attending the "Grand Old
Prayers were said in every Ger-
man community that he might be
spared to exert his conservative in-
fluence further in the present diffi-
cult times.
Fears Well-Founded
The first official communique from
Neudeck showed that serious appre-
hensions were well founded.
"In view of the advanced age of the
Field Marshall," it said, "serious ap-
prehension is well founded.- Physi-
cians in charge are all present in
Neudeck. A continuous bulletin serv-
ice will be maintained."
Later bulletins stated that the Pres-
ident had breakfast "outside his bed."
"He showed a complete undertsand-
ing of what was going on about him,"
one continued. "After returning to
'bed he fell into a quiet sleep. His
pulse was strong, although numerical-
ly higher."
A later bulletin, issued at 5:15 p.m.,
"There is no change in the Presi-
dent's condition, at least no deterio-
ration. He took a little nourishment
at noon. No fever. Pulse Satisfac-
Hitler Goes To Berlin
Chancellor Hitler, in whose hands
the death of the President might
place more power or who might find
his problem greater, hurried to Ber-
lin from Bavaria, where he had been
in conferences.
The Propaganda Ministry today or-
dered the German press not to spec-
ulate on the successor of Von Hin-
denburg in the event of his death, in-
forming journalists that "all that has
been taken care of."
Hitler ordered all members of the
Cabinet, most of whom have been on
vacation, to return to Berlin and be
ready for a meeting of the Cabinet
tomorrow night.
Telephone operators at the Chan-
cellery were busy for several hours
trying to locate the ministers, most
of whom were in some secluded cor-
ner of the country.
Rudolf Hess, minister without port-
folio, was the first to arrive, reaching