THE MICHIGAN DAILY [IGAN DAILY of the Summer Session 4- r spoiled. There is much more credit due to the bit actor who plays his part well than the star who fails in his portrayal of the role. * * * * CHANGING the subject, a member of the play production staff recently offered to write an article in this column on the subject: "Are Actors People?" His conclusion, he said, would be in the negative. All of which is neither here - nor there. * * * * WE WONDER what the "T" in Charles Harrell's middle name stands for. And the "V" in Jim Doll's. Rehearsals are going forward on "Marco Millions"-and there's just one more after that. * * * * THE REVIEW in Thursday's Daily was brief due to the fact that things were breaking in Austria at the time of the show, and the reviewer had more serious things to think about. It almost wasn't written at all. * * * * WHICH BRINGS us to the subject: why a re- view of an amateur show anyway? It's really rather senseless. And when amateurs and professionals appear in the same production, what fair com- parison can be made? -C1 ABu I t I- :.:.._. i M Published every morning except Monday during the University yearrand Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association and the Big Ten News Service. N ooctatc d____at __reso -= 1933 r CNAL ' ..ovnIv 1934 MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. All rights of republication of speal: dispatches are reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Postmaster-General. Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.25; by mail, $1.5 . uring regular school year by carrier, $3.75; by alai, .5 Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2.-1214. Representatives: College Publications Representatives, Inc., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York ity; 80 Boylston Street, Boston;r612 North Michigan Avenue, Ghicago. EDITORIAL STAFF Phone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR ...... ......E. JEROME PETTIT ASSISTANT MANAGING EDITOR ....BRACKLEY SHAW WOMEN'S EDITOR .............ELEANOR JOHNSON ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Charles A. Baird, Clinton B. Con.- * ePaul J. Elliott, Thomas . rohn, Thmas H. leene. William R. Reed, Robert S. Ruwitch. ROPQRTERS: Barbara Bates, C. H. Beukema, Donald R. ir, alph, Eanhoff, FnracesdEnglish, Elsie Pierce, Vir- giasceott, Bernard H.Fried. BUSINESS STAFF Office Hours: 9-12, 1-5 Phone 2-1214 BUSINESS MNAGFR.....BERNARD EW SCHNACE aST SNESS MANAG.ER. WGRATON HALP QIRCULATION MANIGER.......CLINTON B. CONGER Sovet Opportunity.. Sf OVIET RUSSIA, many persons think, is a country in which every- one receives and shares equally. Such, however, isn't the case. In the Soviet Republic laborers are paid !ecording to the amount and quality of their work. just as in the capitalistically controlled countries. The fundamental difference between Russia and other countries, then, is in the' communal owner- ship of means of production by the government, not in an absolute Communistic sharing of the fruits of these productive organs. Recognizing the part played by individual initia- tive in any society and the desire of every ambitious person to "get ahead," the Central Executive Com- mittee has recently decreed that all superior work- ers in every part of the Republic are to receive superior wages, and that inferior or irresponsible workers are no longer to be protected by a mini- mum wage law. The decree states: "If a worker fails through his own fault to fulfill the plan outlined for him, he will be paid according to the quality and quan- tity of work done, with no minimum wage. If the plan is unfulfilled through no fault of his own, he must be paid at least two-thirds of the agreed Wages." Voicing the official government attitude, as em- phasized by Joseph Stalin first in 1931 and again this year, the Moscow Daily News has said: "Lev- eling is the enemy of Socialism. In the village, the collective farm, leveling destroys the stimulus to honest labor. In the factories it acts as a brake on the development of production and the mastery of technique." The newspaper continues with: "The equality which is a Communist ideal does not signify equal division in the realm of personal requirements, but the liquidation of classes, the abolition of all exploitation." Russia's ideal, therefore, is one of equal oppor- tunity for the worker, a democratic system of pro- duction. One cannot yet tell how well the ideal is being carried out, but that uncertainty does not destroy one bit the value of the ideal itself. If the ideal does come to permeate and effec- tuate the workings of that Soviet nation, however, and each worker is seento receivea's he merits, peoples of other countries will certainly demand from their own governments abolition of exploita- tion and equal opportunity for individual initiative to operate through socially planned channels. The Theatre REPERTORY SIDELIGHTS DIRECTOR VALENTINE B. WINDT conducts his rehearsals with the efficiency of an executive. He has a secretary with him at all times to take down notes which include criticism of the acting, costumes, scenery, lighting, and properties. At the end of each scene he gathers all the members that take part in any way whatsoever on the stage, and with the aid of these notes, goes over every little detail minutely, making suggestions for improve- ment. If the scene has gone badly he never hesi- tates to go over the whole thing. * * * * . REHEARSALS are planned out in advance so as to waste as little time as possible. Scenes which require the work of only two or three players are usually rehearsed in private until dress rehearsal tirrie. Schedules are worked out and followed re- ligiously. The whole cast very seldom meets at the same time until a day or two before the show opens. Then things are hurried as much as pos- sible. a * * * MICHIGAN REVIEW "THE CIRCUS CLOWN" . Happy Howard ..........Joe E. Brown Alice ....................... Patricia Ellis Bebe ..................Dorothy Burgess Jack.................. Donald Dilloway Dickie................Ronnie Crosby Joe E. Brown's latest, "The -Circus Clown," is probably the year's prize concoction of rural wit and rank horseplay. With less plot than either "Elmer the Great" or "Son of a Sailor," "The Circus Clown" rests solely on the merits of its gags, comic situations, and Joe's rather cavernous ijouth. Since the plot of the story amounts to about nil, the play must be judged by its laughs per second, which are surprisingly many. Joe Brown is, of course, the center of the usual gags, ridings, and flattery th.t have characterized too many of his productions. It is rather the things that are done, to him in the show than what he does that gives it what interest there is. Patricia Ellis turns in what is perhaps the star performance of the entire cast. She is, without any training, a really good amateur trapeze artist under the big top. Joe has actually had circus experience, but Patricia is of the theatrical aristocracy and is a surprise as a sawdust trouper. Her other acts consist mainly in attempting to hide her affection for Joe and in taking care of little Dickie. Mention should be made here of the perform- ance of Ronnie Crosby, a son of the ring. As the youngster in "Registered Nurse" and "East Lynne" he was comparable to the young baby stars that are never heard of again. But in "The Circus Clown" he shows some real expression and ability that may bring along another Jackie Cooper to the screen. If you're depressed, morose, or feeling a bit nasty Joey Brown's clowning is good medicine. For short features the Michigan shows an in- teresting travel talk of Africa, a good news reel, and an excellent Tone. Detective film with Vera Van. For comedy there is one of those newly-mar- ried pie-throwing affairs, appropriately called a Pepper Pot Production. -D.R.B. Campus Opinion Letters published in this column should not be con- strued as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous communications will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be re- garded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, confining themselves to less than 500 words if possible. A COMPLAINT TO STUDENTS To the Editor: As happens every'semester when course 35 gets under way, our lessons last term included the defi- nitions fundamental to the subject of Physics. In class one day I asked, as I always do, for the definition of the dyne. The young man named to answer did not know the definition, and, after he had made several futile attempts to construct one, I told him that so far he had failed. Willing to justify himself, he replied that he was doing his best. I did not answer this remark, but I thought, as I have thought many times in similar circum- stances, that the statement about doing his best was irrelevant, out of place, impudent, and dis- graceful if true. It was irrelevant because he was not asked to work a problem or frame a proof, and there is only one thing to be done with these definitions, and that is what must be done with the vocabulary in any new language. They must be learned. Does it require a boy's best to commit to memory these basic definitions, one or two per day? If it does, the shameful fact should not be confessed in public. Phis personal appeal, which I do not believe could represent the truth, had no proper place in reci- tation and was therefore simply impudence. I did not say so however. Experience with heads of departments and assistant deans has made a coward of me when the opportunity for a sharp reply offers itself, and my native hue of resolution, which my students of former years may remember, is sicklied over with a pale cast of consideration. Nor would I recall the matter, not important nor uncommon in itself, in The Daily now, if it did not seem to me significant in the problem of teaching today. Science is cumulative. Newton himself built on the work of his predecessors: "'I have stood on giant shoulders,' said the king of thought." He did not have to repeat the work of Archimedes nor the work of Kepler and Galileo. But he had to study that work and learn its results. To learn it, to get the benefit of it without doing it, this was to stand nn -iant shouilders. Unless we are content to learn Scree Reflections Four stars means extraordinary; three stars very good; two stars good; one star just another picture; no stars keep away from it. neglect the memory, which, it seems to me, must, since we all have it, and in childhood most of all, have been given us for some purpose or other. A system of public education may encourage, may cultivate, and must also inform. There are many things more worth remembering than telephone numbers. Coleridge said of'one of his teachers that he had a good knowledge of Latin, and of the human mind he knew this, that it had a faculty called memory which could be reached through the application of birchen rods. We have come a long way from the principles of this excellent man. And practical, skilled stenographers were unable to record Coler- idge's deliberate talk, because his sentences, per- fect in grammar and structure were so unique, so unexpected, and so original. -W. W. Sleator. JITNEYS ON SUNDAY To the Editor: Where is there another town of the size of Ann Arbor that shuts its transportation system down on Sunday does not at the moment come to mind. The inconvenience to Ann Arbor's guests and other persons who desire to attend church services on Sunday is great. Moreover, the wish to hear the eminent ministers in their pulpits on Sundays, a desire visitors to Ann Arbor had definitely. in their thought, like sitting under the instruction of eminent members of Michigan's faculty before coming here, is dis- appointed. Many persons, without doubt, will go away at the close of the present summer term, wondering what's come over the leaders in University, in Churches, and in the town at large, almost pon- dering the matter of the loyalty of the community, that includes, University and members of churches, to the great programs of churches. One thing is certain; that is, men and women who came to Ann Arbor, leaving the old bus at home, as some have done, are not being found in the Sunday services, for the obvious reason that they are too far distant to walk these sweltering July days. No doubt, there are other persons without the old bus, either at home or in Ann Arbor, that not only sit tight at .home at church time on Sundays, but, also, sit tight at times on that day, when they would go about this beautiful town were there a transportation system that would transfer them from car to car. To be in Ann Arbor on Sunday is to be bottled up tight, entirely too tight, and that is the one day when the busy summer school man or woman would travel by jitney to all sections that the little Fords reach. Said a well-known business man when the mat- ter was suggested, "That's true, isn't it; I never thought of it that way. Tied up at home. No jitneys." And he admitted, he had heard that there are no jitneys on holidays, either. He looked thoughtful, then this, "Fine name it gives us." Cer- tainly. Fine for real estate values. Another business man, same connection, used language too much to the point to print, deplor- ing the unwillingness of this community to pat- ronize a local transportation system, whatever the inference, or however much it imputes the good name of its civic intentions. Whichever way one looks at it, there is a measurable lack of civic something in Ann Arbor. This suggestion is made; could some arrange- ment for a trip or two by the jitneys at church time and again, when church services are over, not be made. Of course, Mr. Editor, it is most unusual to find a public utility with a franchise that givs it permit to operate only on the days and times when the picking is rich, and shut down at will when receipts are less velvety. Many enterprises might prefer to do similarly, stores, for example, that could bunch business into certain well-known shopping hours when the public does the larger part of its shopping. How about a few Sunday trips by Ann Arbor's jitneys? -M.J.P. Washington Off The Record - A By SIGRID ARNE PAT HURLEY, who was secretary of war in president Hoover's cabinet, has returned from a visit to his home town in Oklahoma with a story on himself which he tells with much glee. The town turned out to honor "the boy whc made good," and Governor "Alfalfa Bill" Murray was there to open the speech-making. He dwelt on the fine qualities of the honoi guest, he described in glowing terms his appear- ance, he vowed the state so loved Pat it would give him anything - and then Murray stopped to grin. "That is," he ended, "Pat Hurley can have anything in Oklahoma except her votes." When President Roosevelt returns he will have tc decide whether he wants a new dog -or several Since his pet, "Winks," died a few days ago, the White House has been swamped with offers of new pets. One, a dainty little Pekingese, actually has ar- rived - without warning. The man in Washington whom outsiders fine hardest to reach by phone after office hours ii J. Edgar Hoover, the nation's "Sleuth No. 1," chiel of investigation for the justice department. Hi: number seems to be a secret known only to him- self, his investigators, and the attorney general Relief Administrator Harry Hopkins has s "silent" number, but he has to have it changec every two weeks in order to get some sleep. SENATOR DILL of Washington, who has an- nounced he will not seek re-election, started a., a school-boy to announce he was going to Con- gress. One day he lacked 25 cents necessary to attenc a picnic. His teacher heard of it. "I'll lend it to you," she said, "if you'll pay m back the day you make your first speech ir Congress." Satuurday. Faculty Concert Series: The fifth concert of the summer session will be given this evening in Hill Auditorium, at 8:30 o'clock. Wassily Besekirsky, violinist; Palmer Christian, organ- ist; Joseph Brinkman and Dalies Frantz, pianists, will participate in an interesting program to which the general public is cordially invited to attend. Turina, El. Poema de une Sanluquena., for violin and piano - Ante el espejo - La cancion del lu- nar-Alucinaciones-Professors Bese- kirsky and Brinkman; Liszt, Sonata in B minor - Lento Assai - Allegro Energico - Andante Sostenuto - Al- legro Energico (to be played without pause) Dalies Frantz; Sowerby, Pas- sacaglia (Symphony in G); Ibbotson, Through the Mist (MS); DeLamarter, Suite: "A Chinese Garden" (MS); Sinding-Christian, Norwegian Rhap- sody; Palmer Christian. Charles A. Sink Graduate School: All Graduate School students who expect to com- plete their work for a degree at the close of the present summer session should call at the office of the Gradu- ate School, 1014 Angell Hall, to check their records and to secure the proper blank to be used in paying the diplo- ma fee. The . fee should be paid not later than Saturday, August 4. G. Carl Huber Speech Students: Francis Comp- ton, guest director of the Michigan Repertory Players, will act several of his famous roles from Shakespeare at the student-faculty luncheon of: the Department of Speech and Gen- eral Linguistics to be held at the Michigan Union at 12:10 p.m. today. Excursion to Greenfield Village: The second excursion to Greenfield Village will be given on Wednesday afternoon, August 1. Buses will leave promptly at 1 o'clock from in front of Angell Hall. Tickets should be se- cured in Room 1213 Angell Hall be- fore 5 o'clock today. Michigan League Against War and Militarism: Reverend Edward T. Ramsdell, recently returned from Germany, willsaddress the Michigen League Against War and Militarism, at the Michigan Union, this evening at 8 p.m. Reading Requirements in German for Ph.D. Candidates: Candidates in all fields except those of the natural sciences and mathematics must ob- tain the official certification of an adequate reading knowledge of Ger- man by submitting to a written ex- amination given by a Committee of the Department of German. Excursion to Jackson Prison: Due to a recent ruling of the State Prison Commission it has been necessary to cancel the proposed excursion to Jackson Prison. Carl J. Coe, Director of Excursions Excursion to Detroit: In response to the demand a second excursion to De- troit will be given Saturday, August 4. The trip will include a visit to the Detroit News Building, downtown De- troit, Belle Isle Park, the Fisher Build- ing, Radio Stations WWJ and WJR, The Detroit Institute of Arts, and the Public Library. By special arrange- ment a special exhibit by the General Motors Laboratories will be included. Special buses will leave from in front of Angell Hall at 8 a.m., returning at 6 p.m. Round Trip fare $1.50. Lunch- eon at the Fisher Building Cafeteria for about 50 cents.I Carl J. Coe, Director of Excursions General Motors Proving Ground: Students who took part in the ex- cursion to the General Motors Prov- ing Ground may obtain free copies of the pictures taken on the trip by call- ing at 3004 Angell Hall, 10-12 a.m., July 31 and August 1. Carl J. Coe, Director of Excursions Exhibition in Architectural Build- ing: Etchings by Assistant Professor Valerio, water colors by him and As- sistant Professors Slusser and Cha- pin, and pastels by Fred H. Aldrich. Open daily from 9:00 to 6:00 except- ing Sunday. The public is cordially invited. Michigan Repertory Players: "Dou- ble Door," the recent Broadway suc- cess, will be presented this week at the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre. The play will open on Wednesday night and continue through Saturday. Res- ervations may be. made by calling 6300. Munitions Ban Not . Applied To Bolivia WASHINGTON, July 27. - (')- The State Department announced to- day that about $1,200,000 worth of war munitions purchased by Bolivia prior to May 28 had been excepted from the terms of the Presidential proclamation of that date which banned shipnAnt of arms and muni- tions to Paraguary and Bolivia. All other uncompleted contracts 1 -- Not Allowed To Make Any Campaign Speeches, Or To Wear Party Buttons WASHINGTON, July 28. - VP) - The Home Owners Loan corporation is cracking down on political maneuver- ing by employes and officers. A new order warns members of the staff throughout the country not to do any campaign speech-making. They cannot hold any but minor po- litical office. Even wearing buttons of either party is prohibited. The order came at a time when campaign fever is burning high and in the face of reports that some cor- poration employes and officers were taking major parts in political activ- ities, even to the extent of using cor- poration offices for headquarters. Preston Delano, general manager, said in the order: "The home owners loan corporation is a non-partisan, non-political or- ganization, and its officers and em- ployes are expected to so conduct themselves that no criticism can be directed against them or the corpora- tion on the grounds of political activ- ity." Of special note is a provision that no officer or employe may give out lists of employes, those seeking loans, or recipients of loans. It was said authoritatively that such lists have been sought for po- litical purposes. No candidate foi office, nor holder of such office, may work for the cor- poration, except in very minor cases. entered into prior to May 28 for mu- nitions, totaling in value about $2,- 075,000, were held by the Department to lie within the terms of the Presi- dential ban. The State Department, in announc- ing its answer today to the Bolivian note of June 19, listed the $1,200,000 worth of munitions as having been contracted for on good faith prior to May 28, and declared "in view of these facts it was considered that it would * be inequitable to include the sales of * the arms and munitions referred to above under the prohibitions of the resolution of Congress and, therefore, they have been excepted Btherefrom.' FdA Bob Poihtical Figh a ,4 w 7-- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN H OLC Officials Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all me bers of the Will Not Enter iTnrinrsitip ovr eceiveda~t. the Summer Session office until 3:30: 11:30 W l o n e Sa e nu LAUGHTON & WOODRUFF S FT I at..Admission 40at michigan'; NEWPORT BEACHC" TRUNKS PERMISSIBLE Portage Lake 14 miles from town K.1 . . / I 1' ol mmul I SOCIAL DANCING Toe, tap, acrobatics. ATTEND A UfAi ATTEND raught daily. Terrace COOL MATINEES. MICI GAN . . .COOL MATINEES Garden Studio. wuerth' BROWN Theatre Bldg. Ph. 9695 JOE E BROWN in ~ 4 Open evenings. "T HE CIRCUS CLOWN" A Great Laugh Show For Everyone - . . . .. MAJESTIC . . . . . . . . . Daily Matinee 25c Nights & Sundays, Balcony 25c, Main Floor 35c When a dame like this snares a man- Some wife has fallen down on her job! SUPPER WORLD"411 with WARREN WILLIAM GINGER ROGERS MARY ASTOR Oo rtunitiesMatinees 15c ..:.. .WUE.RTH . . .... Nights First Time in Ann Arbor - ZANE GREY'S Red ae"T HU ND E RING HE R D"' For YOU! A Paramount Picture The Market Place of a T H I S WEEK thousand needs, and of THE NEW BROADWAY SUCCESS opportunities for home L E and business... U1-U Whether you want tof find a lost kitten, sell an automobile, buy a The Melodrama That Won the Applause of New York house, borrow money AS REVIEWED.BY THE PRESS: or trade a banjo for a "It forces an audience to lose its detachment, to become a part of it, and, out of sheer nervousness, to applaud its hero and hate its villian rifle, otr Classified Ad ... makes you writhe and twist in. suspense." JOHN MASON BROWN, Post Columns will help you. "Here at last is the season's first sure-fire entertainment." JOHN ANDERSON, Journal "After the starvation fare of the past two months, 'Double Door' is the sort of husk a hungry man should seize... audience shivered and sighed with the most wholesome enjoyment." BROOKS ATKINSON, Times M ic h ig a nWednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday August 1, 2, 3, & 4