THE MICHIGAN DAILY o0 atcd GloU iate rez 1933 NWT..'- wOEAO? 1934 MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of al news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local nes published -ereinAll rights of republication of specil dsatches are reserved.' Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Postmaster-General. Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.25; by mail, $9i5. During regular shoOl year by carrier, $3.75; by mail, $4.25.° Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, Ann AI'bor, Michigan. Phofle: 2-1214-. nepresentatives: College Publications Representatives, Inc., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; @0 Boylston Street Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago. EDITORIAL STAFF Phon 4925 MANAGING EDITOR ...............E. JEROME PETTIT ASSISTANT MANAGING ED.OR ... BRACKLE NSHAW WO4MENV'S EDITOR........ELEANOR JOHNSON ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Charles A. Baird, Clinton B. Con- ger, Paul J. Elliott, 'hormas E Groehn. Thomas H. I(Ielue. Wliam RR;ied, obert S. Ruwtch. REPRTERIS: arbara atesC C H. Beuelna, Donald R. Bird, arRalph Da.hoff, Frances English, Elsie Pierce, Vir- gina Sott, ib4rnar4 H. Fried. USINESS STAFF Office Hour: 9-12 1- Phone 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER.... ..BERNARD E. SCHNACKE °d ST BSINESS MANAE'R . . GRA11TON SARP tI1f(fUATrCIONMA AERA......CLINTON B. CONGER The Church And War.. SINCE THE HECTIC war days of 1914-1918, American clergyinen have made an abrupt reversal of their attitudes to- wards their country and war. During that period of chaos, the majority of the ministers of the gos- pel were extolling the glories of war to the mem- bers of their congregations. 'Men were prevailed upon to die for their God, country and democracy, and thus, a powerful relig- ious appeal was utilized in the inteests of mob- iliiation. Ts e present-day viewpoint of the ministry is crystallized perhaps in a seminar statement made recently by Dr. Harry Emerson Fosdick, pastor of Riverside Baptist church (the "Flockerfeller church") of New York City. He said in part: "General Shernian came nearer the truth than these war glorifiers when he said, 'war is hell'-" "The noblest qualities of human life, which could make earth a heaven, make it, in war, a hell. "Men cannot have Christ and war at the same time. I 'renounce war! "I renounce it because of what it does to our men. I've seen it. I stimulated raiding parties to their murderous tasks. Do you see why I want to make it personal? "I lied to the Unknown Soldier about a possible good consequence of the war. There are times when I don't want to believe in immortality - the times that I want to think that the Unknown Soldier never can realize how fruitless was his effort. The support I have given to war is a deep condemna- tion upon mry soul. "I renounce it, and never again will I be in an- other war." Obviously, this man feels that he has been guilty of a great personal wrong. As a chaplain in France, he knew war in its gruesome reality. In reproaching himself for counselling and exhorting soldiers be- fore they went "over the top on their murderous and suicidal tasks," Dr. Fosdick is very probably ex- pressing the inner sentiments of some of his less courageous brethren. Certainly the ministry will never be able to efface entirely the blotch -of disrepute from its records. Normally, most of these men of the gospel are ardentfy opposed to war. Whether or not they are guilty of uncritical subservience to government propaganda is incidental. The fact remains, how- ever, that the pulpit was used extensively as a point of dissemination for arousing a combative spirit. It seems incredible that the religious which pro- fesses love for all humanity, irrespective of race or creed, should be one of the loudest advocates in favor of that humanity's destruction. Defenders of the church's program point to the government, the press, and the school as incom- parable artists of propaganda. While it is true that these sources of flagrant misrepresentation and misconception sought to imbue the public mind with 4 distorted standard of values, it is also true that such conduct is to be expected of them. Their aims, certainly, were no more justifiable than those of the church, but the latter represents an ideal of righteous and moral good inextricably associated with the name of the Divine. To have a minister urge the male members of his congrega- tion to "sacrifice" themselves for some patriotic and mythical ideal is to breed contempt for an in- stitution which teaches that "thou shalt not kill." Churches which are fighting against disintegra- tion and waves of materialism can trace at least a part of their trou'bles to their distinctly anti-social position during war-time. Since the admirable ideals of Christianity and the grim trade of the war lord, Mars, can never be wholly reconciled, the existing contradictions will become increasingly ap- parent to the American people as the aftermath of the World War fades before the approach of an- other world struggle, With another war imminent, the one saving sarily be presented. It might be pointed out thatc "our side and the wrong side" is seldom if ever a true picture of the situation. The church must be ready to meet crises in national affairs with a littlec more reason and a little less emotion.a Screen Reflections1 Four stars means extraordinary; three stars very rood: two starsmgood; one star gust another picture; no stars keep away from it. MAJESTIC REVIEW "SHOOT THE WORKS" Nickey Nelson .............. Jack Oakie Joe Davis ....................Ben Bernie Lily Raquel .............. Dorothy Dell Jackie .................... Arline Judge The Countess .......... Alison Skipworth Sailor Burke ............. Roscoe Karns Larry Hale ............William Frawley Axel Hanrattay .............. Lew Cody For lively, clean, witty fun and musical rendi- tions par excellence, Paramount's musical comedy "Shoot the Works" has few equals and fewer bet- ters. Adopted from the Broadway play "The Great Magoo" by Ben Hecht and Gene Fowler, Director Wessley Ruggles has combined a good cast and a top-rate orchestra into a highly entertaining cin- ema. The plot revolves around the efforts of a group of 42nd Street side-show people to gain a bit of fame and fortune. The Nickey Nelson Enterprises consist of a dazed flagpole sitter, Sailor Burke, and a slightly-used, stuffed sea monster. When the gods that take care of show people turn from them, the troupe breaks up, and Joe Davis accepts a job for his band to play in a Chinese cafe, with Lily Raquel as vocalist. But Lily is in love with Nickey and sticks with him in his earnest, but stupid ideas for a bigger and better Enterprise Company. Finally Davis, Lily, and the band land a radio job and she breaks with Nickey. Then she takes up with a radio executive, with Nickey always in the back of her mind. Only the Countess has stuck by Nickey - now in a flea circus in the Bronx. By a convenient coin- cidence, Nickey visits Joe's club, finds Lily engaged to the executive, and then does some rash things that are funny to the audience but serious to Nickey. Finally Nickey is given a break by Joe and the eggs are all sunny-side-up. Jack Orakie furnishes most of the comic inter- ludes. He is much better here than in his serious role in "Murder At The Vanities," while Arline Judge, as the pretty little thing, and Alison Skip- worth, as the Countess, are superbly cast. Dorothy Dell's wonderful work is an appropriate tribute to an appealing actress, made somewhat tragic by her recent untimely death. Lew Cody, now also deceased, is very well cast. Ben Bernie and the "lads" dominate much of the show, doing the now popular numbers "With My Eyes Wide Open," "Take A Lesson From the Lark," "A Bowl of Chop-Suey and You-ey," "Do I Love You" and others. His unaffected "Yowsah" and "Youse guys and youse gals" and his natural appeal give the picture a final polish that makes it gen- uine entertainment. -D.R.B. row. , our efforts to recommend to our client the topics in which Americans were interested. In view of Mr. Lee's known interest and activity on behalf of peace, spreading. over many years, it is a little ridiculous to link him with any activity that would lead to war. Very truly yours, T. J. Ross. c Ivy Lee and T. J. Ross i Fifteen Broad StreetC New York, N.Y. CONCERNING "THE NEW WAY" - Continued1 To The Editor: As a substitute for the present system of privater ownership, the New Way would introduce a system of government-owned industry. This raises two rather thorny problems. First, has our experience shown that enterprises undertaken by elected of-z ficials has been particularly successful? And, sec- ondly, if governmental inefficiency might be par-1 tially solved by persuading capable men to run for office, have we enough confidence in the political acumen of the electorate to suppose they will elect them? Of course, it is not unthinkable that such questions might be someday answered in the af- firmative, but is it true today? It can hardly be disputed that society does owe to everyone the chance to make a living, yet the New Way's interpretation of this obligation ap- pears rather free. To give a person a chance implies fitting him with the means, or tools, to do some- thing, such as providing him with as full an edu- cation as he can assimilate, and offering him, at the start, an opportunity to work. But why then remove the necessity'of his making good use of these tools by guaranteeing him his employment and providing for his security whether he deserves it or not? There seems to be a rather great differ- ence between giving someone a chance for living, and giving him that living itself. Can it possibly be assumed by the New Way that the worker will turn in as good a performance when he is sub- sidized as when his own future is at stake? And if we suppose, as we certainly may, that under the proposed scheme there will be many who fall far short of paying. their way, by whom is the deficiency to be made up? By the govern- ment from profits accumulated by a "capitalistic" procedure from the operations of industry, or by taxing the rest of the people? And in the latter event, is it likely that the more thrifty element will submit willingly to donating from their in- come for the support of their slothful brethren? The fact that they would probably not hardly im- plies a lack of charity, for on countless occasions, Americans have contributed to those who cannot help themselves; but will they contribute to those who will not? With the aims of the New Way concerning the abolition of war, we indeed agree, yet we are curious about the kind of reforms "which touch people in their lives, not in their habits." Is there a difference, or are we just unusually dull? In summary, the New Way appears to be based. on a double-headed program: (1) the prevention of accumulation of profits, and (2) the substitution of a socialistic regime and program for the present system. As to the first point, we endeavored to show yesterday that accumulation seems to be the indispensable prerequisite to stability, in the short run, and to progress in the long run. As to Social- ism, we have raised certain questions as to its prac- ticality, and expressed some doubts as to the effect of its subsidizing programs for guaranteed em- ployment and security. In disagreeing in these respects with the New Way, however, we would in no wise be under- stood to be blissfully content with all aspects of the existing state of affairs. And it is only fair, after the foregoing blasts, to lay a few of our own ideas in the open. As was suggested yesterday, the chief bone of contention seemed to be excess profits; possibly the attacks of the New Way were simply aimed against those accumulations above and beyond those which we have maintained necessary for stability and progress. If this latter be the case, rather than condemn all profits and risk the evils of a bureaucracy, why not increase either income or inheritance taxes, or both, so that accumu- lation beyond the requirements mentioned above might be discouraged? Taxes so collected might be applied toward increasing educational facilities, setting up mutual insurance companies, or found- ing other agencies which would help the sincere worker help himself. Reforming is indeed a romantic pursuit, and it is heartily agreed that the inequalities of modern society present a worthy object for our endeavors. But we wonder whether the impulse for the better must not come from the intelligence and idealism of the individual rather than the dictates of a superimposed, artificial "system"? -R. C. Overton. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all tiembers of the University. Copy received at the Summer Session office until 3:30; 11:30 Saturday. I k Francis D. Curtis, Professor of Sec- ondary Education and of the Teach- ng of Science, will speak at the Edu- cation Conference Monday, July 30, at 4:00 p.m. in Room 1022, University High School. His subject will be "Ad- vantages and Shortcomings of the Unit Plan of Teaching." The Men's Education Club will meet Monday at 7:30 p.m. in the Michigan Union. The Women's Educa,ion Club will meet Monday evening, July 30, at 7:15 p.m. in the Alumnae Room of the Michigan League. Dr. Eich will be the speaker.I Second Community Sing will be held tonight at 7:00 p.m. on the Uni- versity of Michigan Library steps. This sing will be 'sponsored by the Civic Recreation Committee. The program is' as follows: Hymns - ac- companiment by Brass Quartette from the Ann Arbor Community Band; Special Music - Harp Solos, Miss Ruth Pfohl, Harpist and In- structor in the School of Music; Vocal Solos -Mr. Mark W. Bills, Baritone, of Fort Wayne, Ind. Dr. Harry N. Holmes of New York, Field Secretary for the World Alli- ance for International Friendship Through the Churches, and national- ly known speaker, will preach at 10:45 at the First Methodist Episco- pal' Church, State and Washington streets, on "The Secret of Unfaltering Faith." University Bureau of Appointments & Occupational Information: The Bureau has received announcements of the following Civil Service Exam- inations: United States Civil Service: Com- munity workers in Indian Service, $1,620 to $3,800. Meteorologists, Weather Bureau $2,600 to $3,800. Detroit Civil Service Commission: Elevator Inspector, $2,640; Hospita Superintendent, $6,500. Residence in Detroit required). Announcements are on file at the office, 201 Mason Hall. Graduate School: All Graduate School students who expect to com- plete their work for a degree at the close of the present summer session should call at the office of the Gradu- ate School, 1014 Angell Hall, to check their records and to secure the proper blank to be used in paying the diplo- ma fee. The fee should be paid not later than Saturday,dAugust 4. G. Carl Huber Michigan Dames: There will be a pichic followed by a marshmallow roast for Michigan Dames and their husbands and families on Monday, July 30, at the Island. General get- together will be at 5:30 p.m. at the Island. Please bring sandwiches and beverage for your own family and one main dish, either salad, hot vege- table or dessert, to contribute to the general pot-luck. If you have no means of transportation, be at the North U entrance to the Michigan League between 5:00 and 5:30 and there will be cars to take you to the Island. For any other information, call Mrs. Pettengill, 5745. All mar- ried students, and married internes at the University Hospital, and their families are cordially invited. Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church: Services of worship today are: 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion; 11:00 a.m. Kindergarten; 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer and Sermon by the Reverend Henry Lewis, "The Problem of How to Face Death." Stalker Hall: Today at 9:30-Semi- nar on Applied Christianity. Today at 3:30 p.m.-The Inter- national Student Forum. Dr. Francis Onderdonk will leada discussion on "The Import of Recent Events in Austria." All welcome. Today at 6:00 - Supper and Social period. Today at 6:30 -Devotional Serv- ice incorporating a talk and forum on "The Function of Religion in An Age of Power As Seen By An Indus- trial Worker." Speaker will be Ben- jamin Ramsdell, Metallurgist at Hoo- ver Steel Ball Co. All welcome. Presbyterian Student Appointments 10:45 Morning Worship. Theme, "Religion and a Sound Mind." Dr. Norman E. Richardson. 6:00 Social Hour and Supper at the Church House. Methodists invited. 6:30 United meeting with the Meth- odists. "Religion in an Age of Pow- er," as seen by an Industrial Worker. Mr. B. J. Ramsdel. 1 First Baptist Church, Sunday, 10:00 Student Group meets in west alcove of Church auditorium, Mr. Chapman, leader. 10:45 Mr. Sayles will preach on "The Higher Habits." 7:30 Student group meets for dis- cussion in church parlors. Congregational Church: At 10:45, the minister, Rev. Allison Ray Heaps, Speech Students: Francis Comp- ton, guest director of the Michigan Repertory Players, will act several of his famous roles from Shakespeare at the student-faculty luncheon of the Department of Speech and Gen- eral Linguistics to be held at the Michigan Union Tuesday, July 31, at 12:10 p.m. Faculty Concert Series: The fifth concert of the summer session will be given Tuesday evening, July 31, in Hill Auditorium, at 8:30 o'clock. Was- sily Besekirsky, violinist; Palmer Christian, organist; Joseph Brinkman and Dalies Frantz, pianists, will par- ticipate in an interesting program to which the general public is cordially invited to attend. Turina, El Poema de una Sanluquena, for violin and piano - Ante el espejo - La cancion del lunar - Alucinaciones - Profes- sors Besekirsky and Brinkman: Liszt, Sonata in B minor - Lento Assai - Allegro Energico - Andante Sostenu- to - Allegro Energico (to be played without pause) Dalies Frantz: Sow- erby, Passacaglia (Symphony in G); Ibbotson, Through the Mist (MS) ; DeLamarter, Suite: "A Chinese Gar- den" (MS); Sinding-Christian, Nor- wegian Rhapsody; Palmer Christian. Charles A. Sink Michigan Repertory Players: "Dou- ble Door," the recent Broadway suc- cess, will be presented this week at the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre. The play will open on Wednesday night and continue through Saturday. Res- ervations may be made by calling 6300. Unitarian Church: On Sunday, July 29th, at 10:45 a.m., Rev. Walton E. Cole, of Toledo, will speak on, "Our (Continued on Page 3) LAUGHTON & WOODRUFF oan "Teir Music ,g ..Admission 400 at hnio1110an'" Mlst BeautulSummer Ballroom will speak on "How Shall We Think of God?", being the third address in the summer series on "Religion and Life." Professor Arthur Hackett of the School of Music will be the solo- ist with James Pfohl at the organ. ii.! SWIM at NEWPORT BEACH, TRUNKS PERMISSIBLE Portage Lake 14 miles from town Broiled T-Bone Steak 19c 'The Taver~n Cafeteria Campus Opinion Letters published in this column should not be con- strued as expres ing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous communications will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be re- garded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, confining themselves to less than 500' words if possible. A LETTER FROM T. J. ROSS To The Editor: One of your readers has sent us a copy of the editorial "Ivy Lee - Propagandist," -appearing in your issue of July 13th. Since Mr. Lee's testimony before the McCormack Committee gave a very clear explanation of the nature of our work on behalf of the I. G. Farbenindustrie, we have not issued any further statement; but your editorial is so complete a mis-interpretation of that work, that I am writing you this brief letter for clarifica- tion. You are apparently under the impression that our work for the I. G. Farbenindustrie was to "jus- tify and popularize the building up of Germany's army and navy to the citizens of other nations" with the idea of developing a market for the man- ufacture of munitions. Nothing could be further from the truth. The function of our work was to advise our client on the general question of pro- moting a better understanding between the United States and Germany. As to the nature of this ad- vice, I quote from Mr. Lee's testimony before the McCormack Committee as follows: "In the first place I have told them (the I.G. Farbenindustrie) that they could never in the world get the American people reconciled to their treatment of the Jews; that that was just foreign to the American mentality and could never be justified in the American opinion, and there was no use trying. "In the second place, anything that savored of Nazi propaganda in this country was a mis- take and ought not to be undertaken. Our people regard it as meddling with American affairs; and it was bad business. "That the only way really to get Germany understood with any accuracy - and it might not even then be in a manner that would se- cure American sympathy, but would at least be productive of accuracy - would be if they would establish closer relationships, more au- thoritative relationships with the American press correspondents located in Germany; and that in addition to that, they should see to it that the authoritative utterances of responsible Germans interpreting German policy should be given the widest possible publicity in Ger- many with the American correspondents, and in case of very significant documents, that they should distribute them in this country, from Germany, always over an authoritative statement as to where it came from." In this connection we informed our client that one of the topics which Americans frequently discussed and in connection with which they want- -N- Terrace Garden Dancing Studio Instructions in al11 forms. Classical, social, { udancing. Ph. 9695. i \I Wuerth Theatre Bldg. ATTEND M IATTEND COOL MATINEES. . . . * . . . .COOL MATINEES JOE E. BROWN in THE CIRCUS CLOWN" A Great Laugh Show For Everyone -c - . . MAJESTIC . . . . . . . . . . Daily Matinee 25c Nights & Sundays, Balcony 25c, Main Floor 35c "YOWSAH - - ! It's the Mosta of the Besta" The Old Maestro and All the Lads and Lassies - BEN BERNIE with JACK OAKIE, Dorothy Dell; Arlene Judge, Alison Skipworth, Roscoe Karns Matinees 15c ..W U E RT H. Nights 25c Fi est Time in Ann Arbor - ZANE GREY'S "THUNERINGHERD A Paramount Picture t Y Washington Off The Record F EUGENE VIDAL had been a shoemaker his children, contrary to the old saw, would have had shoes. He heads the aviation division of the depart- ment of commerce and he flies his own plane. Mrs. Vidal even knows the sound of his plane in the air. She is summering about a hundred miles from Washington. When Vidal goes to visit he circles his plane over their cottage, and then heads for the airport. By the time he has his plane parked, and his goggles off, Mrs. Vidal is driving up in her car in answer to his air signal. The summer heat brought an unprecedented problem to one Washington hotel. One of its guests is a famous French nobleman. One night he gave up battling the heat in his expensive apartment, slipped a bathrobe over his gray, silk pajamas and went down to the lobby where he curled up on a soft and went to sleep. "Well you see," explained the desk clerk to the late-comers-home who protested the informality, The Advantageous Results of Classified Advertising have been proven Cash Rates 11c a Line The Michigan Daily Maynard Street Read The DAILY CLASSIFIED ADS