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July 29, 1934 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1934-07-29

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T eW ah 'Slightly warmer in extreme
southern portion today; possibly
showers tomorrow.


Si4tr igait aiIt
Official Publication Of The Summer Session

The Church
And, War..



Dr. Scott To
Present Last
Law Lecture
Speaker Is Chairman Of
Annual Sinmer Session
Parley I kre
Tomorroiv's Speech
Is Fifthi In Series
Will Speak On 'Sanctions
Of International Law';
Lecture Free To Public
Dr. James Brown Scott will speak
on "Sanctions of International Law"
at 8 p.m. tomorrow in Room 1025 An-
gell ;Hall in the final public lecture
of the Summer Session on Teach-
ing International Law series. Meet-
ings of the annual parley will con-
clude Wednesday, July 31.
Dr. Scott is the director of the inter-
national law division of the Carnegie
Endowment for International Peace,
and has, for the past three years,j
been the chairman of the Summer'
Session on Teaching International
During the present meetings of the
parley he has been teaching threes
courses including "The Classics of I
International 'Law Before Grotius,"
"Arbitration," and "International
Court of Justice." Dr. Scott has also
led a group conference on the sub-
ject of "The Case Book Method ofJ
Teaching Intennational Law."
He has also served as a delegate
representing the United States to va-
rious international conferences, not-
ably the Second Hague Peace Con-
ference in 1907, Paris Peace Navyt
Conference in 1919, Arms Conference
in 1921-22, at which he was a tech-
nical adviser, and the Sixth Pan-f
American Congress in 1928 at Ha-t

Stratosphere Balloon Reaches 65,000 Feet, Falls

-Associated Press Photo
This photograph shows the spot from which the stratosphere balloon started its climb near Rapid City,
S. D., a map of the surrounding territory,.and two of the three hardy crew who were forced to jump from the
gondola before it crashed to the ground near Holdrete, Neb.

Churches Give
Proorams For
Servicest oday
Dr. Holmes Will Occupy
Methodist Pulpit; Prof.
Richardson To Speak
"The Higher Habit" will occupy at-k
tention as the sermon theme at 10:45
Sunday at the First Baptist Church
where the Rev. R. Edward Sayles is{
the minister. The guest speaker at
the First Methodist Church is Dr.
Harry M. Holmes of New York. Dr.
$tolmes is field secretar of' the "As-
sociation for International Friend-

Stratospherists Save Lives By
Parachute As Balloon Crashes

26 Ordnance
For Training
Will Be Given Instruction
In Properties Of Metals,
Explosives, Loading
Alfred H. White Is
'Camp' Commander
Michigan, M.IT., Stanford
Only Universities Picked
For Instruction
Twenty-six student officers in the
Ordnance Department of the Army
with rank from Second Lieutenant to
Lieutenant Colonel will meet in Ann
Arbor today for the third training
period to be held here lasting until
Aug. 11.
These men come from Maryland,
Alabama, Georgia, Missouri, Iowa,
Wisconsin, New York, Pennsylvania
and intervening states.
The Ordnance Department of the
Army is charged with the design,
manufacture and distribution of mu-
nitions of war and its reserve offi-
cers should specialize in some branch
of this work. The training of these
reserve officers in their specialized
fields cannot be carried out to ad-
vantage, in the ordinary training
camp and the Ordnance Department
three years ago initiated the prac-
tice of bringing groups of Ordnance
Reserve Officers together at a few of
the universities of the country where
specialized instruction is available.
Michigan Is Chosen
The universities chosen for this
purpose were the University of Mich-
igan, Massachusetts Institute of Tech-
nology, and Leland Stanford Univer-
The group to assemble at Ann Ar-
bor is to be given instruction in the
properties of metals used in artillery
ammunition, in explosives, and in the
loading of artillery ammunition.
The teaching staff of the school WIll.
be made up of reserve officers who
are professors at the University of
Michigan with the addition of Captain
A. B. Custis of the regular army.
The commanding officer will be
Colonel Alfred H. White, Ord.-Res.,
who is professor of chemical engi-
neering here. He was in active service{
for two years during the World War
as lieutenant colonel in the ordnance
department and his work was in thel
field of high explosives. He was chiefs
of the technical section of the nitrate
division under whose direction the
government nitrate plant at Muscle
Shoals was built.
Major C. Upthegrove, Spec.-Res.,
was a captain in the World War. His
(Continued on Page 3)

Von Starhemberg
In Control; Nazis
No Longer Threat


me american institute of interna-
tional Law. He has also served at
various times as the president of the
Institute of International Law, secre-
tary of the American Society of In-
ternational Law, and editor-in-chief
of the American Journal of Interna-
tional Law.
He has written several authorita-
tive works including 5"The Hague
Peace Conference of 1899 and 1907,"
"An International .Court of Justice,"
"Peace Through Justice," and "Rob-
ert Bacon, Life and Letters."
2nd Ann Arbor
Sing To Take
Dean J. B. Edmonson Of
Education School Head
Of Sponsoring Group
The second community sing during
the Summer Session will take place
tonight at 7:30 p.m. on the steps in
front of the General Library. The sing
is being sponsored by the Ann Arbor
Civic Recreational Association, of
which Dean J. B. Edmonson of the
School of Education is chairman.
The program, in addition to the
group singing, includes harp solos
by Miss Ruth Pfohl of the faculty of
the School of Music, and a vocal solo
by Mark W. Bills, baritone, of Fort
Wayne, Ind.
The sing will be opened with two
numbers, "Holy! Holy! Holy! Lord
God Almighty! ," by Heber, with
"Blest Be the Tie that Binds," by
Songs will be accompanied by a
brass quartette composed of members
of the Ann Arbor community band.
Singing will be directed by William
R. Champion.
Following the first two numbers,
Miss Pfohl will present three pieces,
Chopin's "Prelude in C Minor," "Au
Monasterie," by Hasselman," and the
English folk tune, "Londonderry Air."
The general public will then par-
ticipate in singing "We May Not
Climb the Heavenly Steeps." Then
Mr. Bills will sing a solo, as yet to be
The concluding numbers of the sing
will be "Faith of Our Fathers Living
Still," of Faber, and Doane's "Softly
Now the Light of Day."

ship" and will speak upon "The Se-
cret of Unfaltering Faith."
At the First Congregational Church
the minister, the Rev. Ray Allison
Heaps, will speak upon "How Shall
We Think of God?" at the 10:30 a.m.
service. "The Christian Ministry" is
the Rev. Mr. Stellhorn's topic at
Zion Lutheran and at Trinity Luth-
eran Mr. Yoder's theme will be "Ex-
amples, of Great Faith - Abraham."
"The Use of Religion in Keeping a
Sound Mind" is announced by Prof.
Norman B. Richardson, guest preach-
er at the First Presbyterian pulpit,
East Huron Street at Division. The
Rev. Theodore Schmalle will preach
at Bethlehem Evangelical worship at
10:45 a.m. and Mass at St. Joseph's
Church will be celebrated at 8:30,
a.m. and 10:00 a.m. as usual.
The subject "The Function of Re-
ligion in an Age of Power" will be
discussed by an industrial worker,
Benjamin Ramsdell, metallurgist at
the Hoover Steel Ball Co., at 6:30
p.m., at Stalker Hall, and "Religion
In Our Time" at the Unitarian
Church at 7:30 p.m. Though the Rev.
Howard Chapman is conducting a
series of lectures at a Young People's
Training Conference in Kalamazoo
the customary Devotional gathering
will take place at the First Baptist
Church at 6:30 p.m. under student
At 7:30 p.m. Vesper music on the
library steps - Community singing
and Brass Quartette under direction
of William Champion. Vocal solos
by Mark W. Bills, Baritone and Harp
Solos by Miss Ruth Pfohl.

HOLDRETE, Neb., July 28. - (A')-
A trio of daring Army aviators, their
exploration of the stratosphere cut
short at approximately 65,000 feet by
a damaged balloon ended. a perilous
descent successfull on a prairie near
this small town late today.
The three courageous airmen saved
themselves by leaping overboard as
the mammoth craft, its three-acre
{ bag ripped end to end and flutter-
ing in the wind, and its gondola
Four Lectures
Scheduled For
Comng Week
Rufus, Karpinski, Wirth,
Boak Listed In Summer
Session Series
Prof. W. Carl Rufus of the astron-
omy department will speak on "An
Analysis of Starlight" at a regular
Summer Session lecture at 5 p.m. to-
morrow in Natural 'Science Auditor-
Professor Rufus is a member of the
American Astronomy Society, His-
tory of Science Society, Michigan
Academy of Science, and the Korea
British Asiatic Society:
He has conducted research in the
field of stellar spectroscopy, and he
established the place of the class R
stars in evolutionary sequence. He
has also contributed a number of ar-
ticles to current publications on as-
tronomy and Asiatic subjects.
The lecture will be fully illustrated.
At 5 p.m. Tuesday Prof. Arthur E.
Boak, chairman of the history de-
partment, will give a lecture on "Pri-
vate Life In Rural Egypt under the
Greeks and Romans.'
"Social Planning Under Capital-
ism' will be the subject of Prof. Louis
Wirth of the University of Chicago,
who will lecture at 5 p.m. Wednesday
in Natural Science Auditorium.
The final lecture of this week will
be given by Prof. Louis C. Karpinski
of the mathematics department who
will speak on "Mathematical Experi-
ences with the Levant."

swaying, plummetted toward the
earth from one mile up.
The floated to earth in their para-
chutes and were unscathed.
The wreckage crashed to the ground
at 5 p.m. C.S.T., 12 miles northwest
of here.
Five thousand persons swarmed to
the scene. Ropes were strung to hold
them back while the three sky voy-
agers seized axes and pryed into the
gondola to see if their precious sci-
entific instruments had been dam-
aged. Reports were current that most
of them, together with the thin al-
loy sphere, -had been smashed.. The -
body of the cubicle was noticeably
For ten hours and 50 minutes the
intrepid trio had been alone, but
since 2:25, when ugly rips appeared
on the upper side of the envelope,
they had busied themselves with at-
tempting to land their cargo of prec-
ious scientific instruments safely.
Major William E. Kepner, pilot on
the adventure, telephoned his wife
at Rapid City, S. D., where the flight
began at 6:45 a.m. to inform her
that neither he nor his colleagues,
Capt. Albert W. Stephens and Capt.
O. A. Anderson, were hurt.
(By Associated Press)
Within five hours after taking off,
the stratosphere balloon Explorer Sat-
urday reached the coveted goal of the
stratospheric atmosphere. It was 40,-
000 feet above sea level at 1:04 p.m.
Eastern Standard Time.
The swift ascent of the huge bag
in the ,flight sponsored by the Na-
tional Geographic Society and the
Army, came after it had leveled off
at 14,000 feet after an auspicious as-
(Continued on Page 4)
Fifth, Faculty
Concert To Be
Given Tuesday
Will Feature Besekirsky,'
Brinkman, Frantz, And
Palmer Christian ;
The fifth faculty concert of the
Summer Session series will be given
Tuesday at 8:30 p.m. in Hill Audito-
rium. Featured performers will be Jo-
seph Brinkman, pianist, Dalies
Frantz, pianist, Wassily Besekirsky,
violinist, and Palmer Christian, or-
The concert will ba opened with a
suite for violin an.1 piano by the
Spanish composer, Turina, titled "El
Poema de una Sanluquenna." Profes-
sors Besekirsky and Brinkman will
present this murber for the first time
to an Ann Arbor audience.
In the second part of the program,
one of the masterpieces in pianoforte
literature; the "Sonate in B minor,"
by Franz Liszt will be presented by
Dalies Frantz. This work, along with
the Brahms "F minor Sonata," an
the Schumann "Fantasy," is one of
the most striking 'examples of the
great romantic school of composers
which includes also Chonin and Schu-

Marie Dressler Is
Dead At Age Of 62
SANTA BARBARA, Cal., July 28.
- (P)>- Marie Dressler, veteran ac-
tress of the stage and screen, died
today. She was 62 years old.
Miss Dressler succumbed to a long
affliction with cancer, heart trouble,
and uremia.
Death came at 3:25 p.m. for the
self-styled "ugly duckling' who be-
ame a swan of laughter during a
career replete with both hardships
and glory. Under care of two phy-
sicians and several nurses, she died
at the C. K. G. Billings estate to
which she went from Hollywood three
months ago because of a physical
Hope for recovery was abandoned
three weeks ago, despite a store of
vitality that surprised her physicians.
Miss Dressler learned two years
ago she had an incurable ailment, but
took a course of treatments that en-
abled her tfo make two more pictures
at Metro-Godwyn-Mayer studio, Cul-
ver City, by working only a few hours
daily. Finally, she was forced to seek
a long rest.
Soon after Miss Dressler's life was
despaired of, her condition became so
critical that her physician, Dr. Nu-
zum, expressed his belief that she
would not live through the night.
She rallied, however, and though her
death was expected for momentarily
for days thereafter, it finally became
apparent she might live several weeks.
Woody Malloy
Wins His Third
Ct iyGif Ttle
Beats Carol Lovelace 8-7
In 36-Hole Final Match
Of Annual Tournament
Woody Malloy won his third city
golf title yesterday on the University
Course, defeating Carol Lovelace, 8
and 7' in the 36-hole final match of
the eighth annual tournament.
Malloy was in no difficulty during
the entire match, taking the lead on,
the second hole with a five to Love-
lace's six after they had halved the
first with par fives.
The Michigan Varsity star was
slightly shaky on the first nine, card-;
ing a 40 while Lovelace was taking a
43, but came back on the home nine
of the morning round to take a sub-
par 35 to Lovelace's 37, to finish the
morning round four up.
The match was ended on the 11th{
green on the afternoon round when
Malloy sank a 30-foot putt for a birdie
four as Lovelace was taking an ortho-
dox five.
Malloy lost four holes in the entire'
match, and all of them were on the'
morning -round. On the afternoon7
round Malloy was one over par as the
match ended, cardingvhis birdie on
the 11th and going over par on two
Malloy had the advantage off the?
tee throughout the match, but gained
his realadvantage with deadly ap-
proaches to the pin. Lovelace was
putting brilliantly, but his putts were
all long as a result of shaky iron
play and failed to offset the pitches'
which kept Malloy ahead. '
The victory climaxed a brilliant
season of competitive play for Malloy.
Coming back after having been de-
feated in the defense of his city title
last year by Cal Markham, who went
(Continued on Pae 3)

Nazi Members Continue
Battling In Provinces,
But To No Avail
Italian Troops Are
Awaiting Outcome
Foreign Governments No
Longer Fear A General
European War
(Copyright, 1934, by the Associated Press)
VIENNA, July 28. - (R) - Sporadic
fighting continued in several outlying
provinces of Austria today, notably
Carinthia and Styria, but the day
upon which Engelbert Dollfuss was
buried was also the day the Austrian
government could, consider itself in
control of the situation.
It was intimated that 700 had been
killed in the four days of bitter fight-
ing to wrest Austria from the Nazis.
As the slain Chancellor was buried
after an impressive funeral service,
rifles and machine guns -and in
some cases artillery -in the hands
of loyal troops were steadily sup-
pressing the last of the Nazi rebels.
A state of general nervousness. ex-
isted both in government circle and
among the populace, however, mak-
ing possible such tragic events as
shootings at Praz in which three
persons were killed and a woman was
Troopers Nervous
This shooting appeared as the re-
sult of nervousness on the part of the
troopers. They started firing after a
guard had shot a boy on a bicycle who
failed to halt upon command.
The people in Austria were so pan-
icky that even an automobile back
fireJ or tire bl oout threw them Infto'
Developments in the Austrian sit-
Prince von Starhemberg's govern-
ment, appeared to be slowly gaining
control of the Nazi rebellion although
bitter fighting continued between
Nazis and loyal troopers.
Austria buried its slain chancellor
Dolifuss amid ceremonies of state in
a' temporary grave near historic
Schoenbrunn Park, while grief-
stricken thousands looked on. There
were no new disorders.
Italy, with fresh troops in striking
distance of the border, and 48,000
fighting men poised to enter Austria if
necessary, was watchfully waiting the
outcome of events. No troops were
known to have crossed the border.
War Scare Fades
The war scare visibly faded in Lon-
don as government officials left
Whitehall for the week-end express-
ing confidence in the government of
Prince von Starhemberg.
The Hapsburg monarchist element
was reported active in Vienna. They
wished to place Archduke Otto on the
throne. The notion met with insistent
objections from all neighboring quar-
ters. Italy's attitude is flatly against
restoration. To France Hapsburg rule
recalled centuries of past opposition to
French influence in Europe.
Police, raiding the home of Herr
Maier, director of the State School of
Applied Arts in Carinthia, declared
that they had found an incriminating
letter from the Nazi Prince Bernhard
von Sachsen-Meiningen, who was
once jailed by the late Chancellor
Dollfuss, but later escaped.
The police also said that they had
discovered in the school a secret ra-
dio station from which Nazi revolu-
(Continued on Page 3)
Niagara Falls
Have Busy Day

NIAGARA FALLS, July 28. (Special
to The Daily) -Prof.-Emeritus Wil-
liam H. Hobbs and the party of 34
University students which he is con-
ducting on the annual excursion here
completed the second day of their
tour as planned, with a morning trip
to Goat Island, an afternoon explora-
tion of the side of the gorge, and
with everyone free to do as he chose
for the evening

Detroit ..............58 35
New York ............ 57 35
Cleveland ............51 41
Boston.............51 45
St. Louis .............41 46
Washington .........44 51
Philadelphia .........36 54
Chicago .............32 62


Yesterday's Results
Detroit 11, Chicago 1.
Cleveland 10-2, St. Louis 8-3.
Boston 6-1, Washington 3-2.
New York 3-2, Philadelphia 4-1.

New York ...........59
St. Louis.............54
Pittsburgh ...........43
Boston ..............46
Brooklyn ............40
Cincinnati ... ....31



Dbe Door' Next Attraction
Planned By Repertory Players

Director Of Biological Station
Issues Invitation To Visitors

(Repertory Players Production Staff)
The Michigan Repertory Players
are most fortunate in being able to
present "Double Door" as their sev-
enth play of the season, for the rights
of production have been strictly with-
held, and the Players are the only,
non-professionals who have beenI
given permission to present this pop-
ular Broadway success.
"Double Door" was first publicly
performed on August 16, 1933, at
Southampton, Long Island. The trial
run met with such encouraging ac-

living room of a mansion on Fifth
Avenue in New York City. The set-
ting is a replica of a room in the,
famous Wendel mansion, long the
residence of Miss Ella Virginia von
E. Wendel, the eccentric spinster and
last of the Wendel family to occupy
the house. The Wendel mansion has
again been brought before the pub-
lic eye when the property, appraised
at over four million dollars, was
leased recently and the work of de-
molishing the old mansion was start-
The Players are confident that their
audiences will find "Double Door" an

(Director, of the Biological Station)
The University of Michigan Bio-
logical Station cordially invites the
public to its annual Visitors' Day on
Sunday afternoon, August 5, 1934,
from 2 to 5 p.m., E.S.T. There will
be educational exhibits of plants and
animals of northern Michigan and
displays of class work and investiga-
tions in progress.

The Biological Station is now hold-
ing its 26th consecutive session, hav-
ing been established on Douglas Lake
in 1909, as a part of the University
Summer Session. It was the aim of
its founders to provide training of a
sort which could not be had at col-
leges and universities during the reg-
ular session and to give opportunity
to investigate the plants and animals
of a part of the State not ustially vis-
ited h ysientists .From the first. the

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