Austria Urges
Other Powers
To Intervene
Italian Army Is Mobilized
By Mussolini; German
Minister Recalled
(Continued from Page 1)
said Fey as he stood on the balcony
of the captured and barricaded gov-
ernment building and talked to Odo
VIENNA, July 25-(')-Martial
law was declared tonight in Vienna
and in at least one province, Styria,
following the killing of Chancellor
Dollfuss by Nazi putchists
ROME, July 25. - (') - War-time
military orders were given tonight by
Premier Mussolini, acting as Minister
'of War, Navy and Aviation, directing
that all military forces in the kingdom
be held in readiness for any eventual-
ity as a result of the Austrian de-
At the same time the government-
inspired press announced Italy's deep-
seated resentment against what it
termed Germany's interference in
Austria and declared the situation ex-
tremely serious.
The army and air force from Padua
north was commanded by the p'emier
to be in momentary readiness to move
across the Austrian frontier.
VIENNA, July 25. - (') - Chancel-
lor Engelbert Dollfuss was shot with-
out warning at the Federal Chancel-
lory at 12:45 p.m. today by Nazis who
entered the place disguised in the
uniforms of a Vienna regiment. He
died immediately.
Dollfuss' body was still in the Chan-
cellory at 9 p.m. when three truck-
loads of Putschists who had held the
Chancellory for several hours left
presumably to be taken to the Ger-
man border in conformity with an
agreement under which they surren-
dered unharmed other members of
the Government whom they had held
The Government members seized
at the time, Dollfuss was shot by the
invaders of the Chancellory included
Emil Fey, former Vice Chancellor.
The agreement was reached after
long negotiations in the course of
which the Heimwehr (Fascist home
guard) had threatened to attack the
Official Speaks
An official who was one of the 150
imprisoned with four Cabinet mem-
bers said that 10 men who entered
Dollfuss' office rounded up the civil
servants and cowed them in a court-
yard where they were forced to hold
up their hands.
They were told that if they tried
to move they would be shot, he said,
and then the higher officials were
locked in rooms and told that they
would be shot if they moved so much
as an eye. This group included the
Federal Press Bureau chief.
The Chancellory Building was
quickly surrounded by soldiers, Heim-
wehr men and police, but fear that
the four cabinet members would be
killed kept them from attacking.
The officials did not know that
Dollfuss was dead until Fey was re-
leased early in the evening.
During the afternoon and evening
the Putschists repeatedly defied the
troops to attck, and the government
issued several ultimatums.
Fey Appears
At 6 p.m., 12 minutes after the
expiration of the first ultimatum
which stated that an attack would
start, Fey appeared upon the bal-
cony between uniformed Putschists,
who presumably were holding revolv-
ers behind him.
"Where is Rintelen?" shouted Fey,
referring to Anton Rintelen, the min-
ister to Rome who is not wholly un-
friendly to the Nazi cause.
"Rintelen is not coming," replied
Odo Neustradeter-Steurmer, minister
of social welfare, who was acting as
spokesman for the government mem-
bers not in custody.
"We have agreed on Rintelen," said
"President Wreacha Miklas has
suspended the government powers of
all persons imprisoned in the Chan-
cellory," Neustradeter-Steurmer re-
plied angrily. "You surrender within
15 minutes or we will attack."
Meanwhile, the Heimwehr men
standing on the square were shouting
defiantly, "woe on you if anything
happens to our Fey.'
At least six men were killed (some
reports placed the number at 10) in
street and other fighting which broke
out following the putsch.
The outbreak went beyond Vienna
and fighting was reported in other
Who-o! What A Lotta Money For One Girl
. . . .
--Associated Press Photo
That's what little Shirley Temple seems to be saying. And why
shouldn't she? Her parents have just reached a compromise with a
Hollywood film producing company and it-is reported she will get $1,250
a week. Only 5 years old, Shirley was receiving $150 weekly for her
film wiork. Then she went on "strike" for $2,500. The company offered
$1,000. Now all; are satisfied and the "strike" is off.
Purvis, Man Who Got Dillinger,
Is Soft-Spoken, High-Strung
Gene Sarazen
Rallies To Win
In P.G.A. Meet
Hagen, Diegel, And Smith
Eliminated As Watrous
BUFFALO, July 25. - (A') - Put-
ting on one of his characteristic Gar-
rison finishes, Gene Sarazen, defend-
ing champion, rallied on the last nine
holes today to defeat young Herman
Barron, of New York, 3 to 2, in a
36-hole first round match for the
Professional Golfers Association.
Ky Laffoon, the young Denver sen-
sation, crushed Horton Smith, of Chi-
cago, 12 and 10, winning by the
widest margin in the history of the
"Lighthorse" Harry Cooper, of Chi-
cago, won by 4 and 2 over the stub-
born opposition furnished by Bill
Mehlhorn, of Louisville. Cooper was
two up at the twenty-seventh and
closed out on Mehlhorn on the thirty-
fourth after two consecutive birdie
Walter Hagen, five times winner
of the P. G. A. crown, was eliminated
by Denny Shute, of Philadelphia, for-
mer British Open champion, 4 and 3.
The second former P. G. A. cham-
pion to fall was Leo Diegel, of Phila-
delphia, who was conquered by Fay
Coleman, of Culver City, Calif., 4
and 2.,
Paul Runyan, of White Plains, N.
Y., heavy money winner of the win-
ter season, trounced Johnny Farrell,
of Short Hills, N. J., former National
open titleholder, 8 and 6.
Al Watrous, of Detroit, remained:
the only Michigan survivor of first-
round matches as Leo Fraser, Sagi-
naw, bowed to Craig Wood, Holly-
wood, N. J.
Watrous defeated Frank Ball, of
Haines Falls, N. Y., 8 and 7.
Flays Cabinet Member
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LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. x
take individual interest in the laun-
dry problems of our customers
Girls' silks, wools and fine fabrics
guaranteed. Men's shirts our spe-
cialty. Call for and deliver. Phone
5594. 607 E. Hoover. 3x
LADY WANTS to make auto trip to
San Francisco with reliable party.
Box 8H.
suits. Will pay 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 dol-
lars. Phone Ann Arbor 4306. Chi-
cago Buyers. Temporary office, 200
North Main. 2x
FURNISHED apartment with private
bath and shower. Also large double.
Hot and cold running water and
shower. Dial 8544. 422 E. Washing-
ton. 4T
Farley Scored
As 'Spoilsman',
By Vandenberg
Criticizes Postmaster For
'Crawling Into Tammany
SOUTH HAVEN, July 25. -(P) -
Listing again what he regarded as the
good as well as the bad features of the
"new deal" United States Senator Ar-
thur H. Vandenberg, addressing a
fourth congressional district rally
here today, said "The curse of both
is the aggravated trend toward po-
litical spoilsmanship."
This trend, he said, "takes the pub-
lic service and the taxpayer for a
vicious ride."
Senator Vandenberg again criti-
cized Postmaster General Farley. He
urged the postmaster general to "get
out of his mixed functions before the
conscience of the nation forces him
"We are told," said Senator Van-
denberg, "that Mr. Farley served an
ultimatum on Tammany -'you sur-
render to us or you get no jobs.' So
Tammany surrendered to Washington
for the first time since the Civil
War. So, too, Tammany will get the
plunder. This is the exact opposite of
the order of business under two pre-
vious Democratic presidents. Neither
Wilson nor Cleveland crawled under
the Tammany wig-wamn."
WASHINGTON, July 25.-(A1) -
A soft-spoken, slight young south-
erner of 31 who studied to be a law-
yer but later turned to criminal in-
vestigation is the man who ended the
bandit career of America's public
enemy No. 1 -- John Dillinger.
Melvin H. Purvis, Chicago agent
[for the department of justice, has
made good his promise to his Chief,
J. Edgar Hoover, director of the bu-
reau of criminal investigation, that
he wouldn't rest until the Indiana
desperado was-brought to justice.
Purvis had come within an eye-
lash of capturing Dillinger once be-
fore. He engineered the spectacular
raid last April on the Little Bohemia
lodge at Spider Lake, Wis., in which
Dillinger and his gang shot their
way to freedom leaving the body of
Carter Baum, a federal agent, in
their wake.
Left Sick Bed
Purvis got up from his sick bed to
go after Dillinger in Chicago. The
day before he had undergone a severe
operation on his nose, but when the
tip came that Dillinger was to attend
a movie on Chicago's north side,
against the advice of friends he went
to the scene personally to direct the
He had sworn that he would be in
on the "kill," and he was. Subjected
to bitter criticism by certain mid-
western newspapers after the escape
of Dillinger at the Little Bohemia
inn, Purvis offered to resign from the
service. Director Hoover refused to
accept his resignation, however, and
gave him a vote of confidence.
Reputed Fearless
Frail-looking in appearance, Pur-
vis is five feet, eight inches tall,
weighs 130 pounds and is single. He
is a native of Timmonsville, S. C.,
and a graduate of the University of
South Carolina.
Since joining the bureau of in-
vestigation he has had assignments in
Washington, Chicago, Birmingham,
and Oklahoma City. He has earned
the reputation of being absolutely
fearless where underworld figures are
He first attracted national atten-
tion as the man who directed the cap-
Jordan Hall To Have
Third Faculty Dinner
Jordan Hall is having the third
faculty dinner in the series that has
been planned for the summer session
social activities tonight.
Faculty members who will be pres-
ent are Prof. and Mrs. James W.
Glovers, Miss Mabel E. Rugen, Prof.
and Mrs. Stuart A. Courtis, Prof.,
and Mrs. Dwight L. Dumond, Prof.
and Mrs. Roy W. Cowden, Prof. and
Mrs. Howard M. Ehrmann, Prof. and
Mrs. Verner W. Crane, Prof. and Mrs.
Dean B. McLaughlin, Prof. and Mrs.
Fred S. Dunhams, Prof. and Mrs.
Arthur S. Aiton, Prof. and Mrs. Lowell
E. Carr, and Dr. and Mrs. Warren
E. Forsythe.
ture of Verne Sankey, the kidnaper
of Charles Boettcher II, Denver busi-
ness man, whose family paid $60,000
for his ransom. Sankey was captured
in Chicago and was returned to Sioux
Falls, S. D., where he hanged him-
self in his cell.
A few days. later Purvis caught
Gordon Alcorn, also implicated in
the Boettcher kidnaping as well as
in the abduction of Haskell Bohn of
St. Paul.
High strung and nervous, Purvis is
the type who never relaxes vigilance
until he has captured his man. Vir-
tually night and day for the past four
months he has pitted his wits against
those of Dillinger and his cohorts.
During a recent visit to headquar-
ters here he declared to friends that
he' would never give up the search
for Dillinger and expressed the con-
viction that eventually the law would
win out.
May Use Half
Year Licenses
UntilSept. 1
Auto Windshield Permits
Legal Through August,
Fitzgerald Announces
LANSING, July 25. - Automobile
half-year license permits may be used
until Sept. 1 and all unlicensed- cars
may be registered at the half-year
rate August 1, according to an an-
nouncement by Secretary of State
Frank D. Fitzgerald.
This announcement was made af-
securing the approval of a majority
of the members of the State legis-
lature. The legislature approved of
both plans to provide tax relief for the
Because many thousands of own-
ers have shown that they cannot se-
cure 1934 license plates by August 1,
the new ruling, it is said, will mean
added revenue to the State in per-
mitting the uninterrupted use of
thousands of motor vehicles. The
ruling will give relief to 400,000 mo-
torists now using windshield per-
The value of this tax reduction and
tax relief to the car owner is shown
by the fact that more than 100,000.
more motor vehicles are licensed for
use this year than in 1933 and also by
the increase in gasoline tax revenue
which, it is estimated, will be $1,600,-
000 more in 1934 than in 1933.
RAPID CITY, S. D., July 25.--(A')
- Start of the National Geographic
U. S. Army stratosphere balloon flight
was postponed today for at least an-
other 24 hours, when weather maps
continued to.show unfavorable con-
Detroit ..............57
New York ...........55
Cleveland ............50
Boston ..............49
St. Louis............40
Washington .........43
Philadelphia .........35
Chicago .............31
Yesterday's Results
Boston 9, Detroit 7.
New York 5, St. Louis 4.
Cleveland 8, Philadelphia 3.
Chicago 4, Washington 0.
Games Today
Boston at Detroit.
New York at St. Louis.
Philadelphia at Cleveland.
Washington at Chicago.
REDMOND, Ore., July 25. - A rat-
tlesnake measuring five andone-half
feet in length and eight inches in
circumference was killed by James
Teater on a ranch near Post., Ore.
The large snake had 20 rattles.
New York ......
Chicago ........
St. Louis .......
Boston .........
Pittsburgh ......
Brooklyn ......
Philadelphia ...
Yesterday's Results
Boston 2-7, Cincinnati 1-3.
St. Louis-New York, wet grounds.
Chicago-Brooklyn, wet grounds.
Pittsburgh-Philadelphia, wet
Games Today
St. Louis at New York.
Chicago at Brooklyn.
Cincinnati at Boston.
Pittsburgh at Philadelphia.
City Golf Summaries
Seeley d. Goldman, 7-6.
Weid d. Adams, 9-7.
Lovelace d. Young, 3-2.
Prince d. Russell, 4-3.
Prieskhorn d. Hull, 1 up, 19 holes.
Menefee d. Sinelli, 7-6.
Lane d. Sharfman, 1 up.
Paup d. Stoll, 2-1.
Walterhouse d. Gustine, 6-5.
Edwards d. Ervin, default.
Burnham d. Walsh, 1 up, 19 holes.
Duncanson d. Carver, 7-6.
Lynch d. Sackett, 1 up, 19 holes.
Malloy d. Anderson, 6-4.
Conklin d. Neff, 2-1.
Markham d. Hand, 5-4.
While pasteurization of milk is on
the increase in England, there is a
notable division of opinion in Great
Britain even among doctors as to the
relative merits of pasteurized and
untreated milk.
Do you have typing to be done,
or do you want typing to do?
Or, have you lost anything
In any case, your best medium
is The Michigan Daily
Classified Column
(Short term charge advertisements accepted)
Place your ad now and your-.
Olson Decrees Military
Control In Minneapolis
MINNEAPOLIS, July 25. -(P) -
Gov. Floyd B. Olson today decreed
military rule of Minneapolis effective
tomorrow noon unless disputing fac-
tions in the truck drivers' strike set-
tled their difference immediately.
Some 4,000 National Guardsmen,
now in Minneapolis, were prepared
to carry out the governor's edict. They
BOO KS - Midsummer Diversion
For Your Vacation We Are Offering
oft A -.